#finally had a kaeya dream
{ Kaeya x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Waking up with Kaeya.
{ Warnings } None
{ Notes } I've been sitting on this idea for so long. It's actually based on a dream I had, except I wrote it to be a bit more interesting.
{ Word Count } 587
The soft sound of bird song and sunlight streaming through your windows greeted you as you woke up feeling a bit more weighed down than when you had gone to sleep. Kaeya was lying on his front between your legs, dozing peacefully with his head on your stomach. Last night you had gone to bed alone, but it seemed that Kaeya had come in and climbed into bed with you sometime during the night, or perhaps early morning. You had offered your place to him whenever he was out late and didn’t want to walk all the way to the Favonius Headquarters and over time it became closer to simply being you two living together.
The Cavalry Captain must have been exhausted last night, it looked like he hadn’t changed into pajamas, only taking off his cape and corset. Even his accessories were still on and his hair remained tied back, albeit much looser than you imagined it had been when he crawled into bed. Usually, you’d scold him for sleeping in his pointy accessories, but he’d not gotten much sleep as of late and must have been exhausted. It made you wonder when the last time he slept like this was.
Careful to avoid waking him up, you reached down to coax the tie out of his hair. Once the tie was out you continued to pet his hair, content to spend the morning like this. It wasn’t often Kaeya got the opportunity to sleep in and give you moments like this, so you were intent on cherishing the moment. Listening to his soft breathing while you stroke his silky hair is almost enough to lull you back to sleep until you feel him shift on top of you, letting out a sigh as he begins to wake up.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” he greets with the remnants of sleep still clear in his voice, looking up at you with his pretty lilac eye as you try not to think too much about his morning voice. He reaches back behind his head, untying his eyepatch and tossing it onto the bedside table while grumbling about how irritated his eye felt after sleeping in it through the night. Earlier on in your relationship, he would swap the leather patch for a cloth one to sleep when the two of you spent the night together, but somewhere down the line, he started simply going without one more and more often when it was just the two of you.
“Good morning, do you want breakfast?” you ask, “I could make something for us, or we could grab something from Good Hunter if you prefer.”
Kaeya turns his head and presses a kiss against your stomach in response, and there’s no hiding the way your heart flutters in response to the gesture. He seems all too aware of the effect it has on you, given the way he smirks up at you as he rests his head back down once again.
“Let’s stay like this a while longer,” he says finally, “Then we can go get brunch at Good Hunter.”
“Okay,” you agree easily because you find yourself wanting to stay like this too. Even if he plans to stay like this for a long while, you did notice that he said brunch. But it didn’t seem so bad to have extra time to hold Kaeya like this, stroking his hair while he began to tell you the heavily embellished tale of how chasing Treasure Hoarders kept him out so late.
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
🎄⛄ @shouga-nai​​ wants to play ! // ( semi - plotted starter / kaeya ! ) 
SHE’S SEEN THE PIRATE WHO HAD AN ODDLY PRINCELY AIR ABOUT HIM before; he sometimes wanders the cobbled streets of Mondstadt alongside other Knights, keeping a watchful and protective eye on the city’s innocent civilians and ensuring that any alarming matter would be dealt with accordingly, and that there was never any need to worry with the safety they guaranteed inside the city walls.
He was not one, however, who gave those gentle warnings to her when it appeared that she was just on the cusp of wandering too far ( it seems the Knights had been informed of her accidental tendencies ). Instead, he could be found in all the important places: the Knights of Favonius headquarters, the library that is found within, and sometimes inside the Cathedral. 
The last place is where Ari often caught a glimpse of the figure that she had imagined a magical, mysterious life for, for it was her HOME. She’d peer around the columns and watch him with a set of eyes most curious, though she lacked the proper courage to approach him just yet. One reason for this is because Ari had been lectured many a time before about not interrupting adults and their conversations, for ‘ important things ‘ are happening then, and they must not be distracted during. 
The next and only other reason was that she was without a proper gift for the assumed royal. 
But today was the day that it would all change, for the Pirate Prince stands alone, as no matron nor sister has approached him with their important questions just yet. Ari held the precious Calla Lily carefully by its delicate stem and kept it hidden behind her back. So the brave little soul took a deep breath and appeared from around the same column that she had hid behind and wondered every time before, and approached him slowly. Her footsteps were light, but the Cathedral was so grand that they echoed through it. Thankfully, a spook was not the sort of surprise that she intended to give today. 
Ari slowly walked until there were only two paces left between them; then she stopped, and her tiny free hand reached up to gently tug on the Pirate Prince’s sleeve.
“ he … hello …” Ari greeted softly. If he would turn to her and bless her with his attention, he would be met with the sweetest set of innocent green eyes and the warmest smile that a little face could wear. On her tiptoes she rose, nearly stumbling forward ( for maintaining balance was a tricky thing for Ari; a skill she has yet to master ), and she offered the Calla Lily to him. 
“ fff … for you! ” 
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“ mi … mmm— mr. Pirate likes ca … la … lalla - cillies, please … ?” 
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bluexiao · 1 year
#why do i love you so
—alternative title: in death and dreams, i shall love you still | where they dream of you even after you’re gone | a request
CHARACTERS. Al-Haitham, Ayato, Cyno, Diluc, Ei, Kaeya, Kazuha, Shenhe, Wanderer, Xiao; gn! Reader (has mentions of a few characters such as Qiqi on Xiao’s and Diluc on Kaeya’s) 
THEMES. major character death (reader); pure angst; hurt/no comfort; bring tissues; mentions of sleepwalking (on Kazuha’s); there is only one fluff here (i think)… find whose is it…
NOTES. i promise not to hold back on this one. 
P.S. if you wanna know why xiao’s hurts the most, you’re free to guess ;))
P.P.S. i teared up a bit after writing cyno’s :))
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┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
“Y/n… is that you?” 
XIAO feels his knees weakening and his breath staggering. It couldn’t be… you’re-
He flinches almost in an instant as you finally raise your head, yet instead of meeting your ever-joyous eyes and bright smile that can rival the sun… there you were, glaring at him as if you were throwing daggers his way, a scowl curled on your face–Xiao was far too frozen in shock to realize the dark aura emitting around your body. 
“You! It’s you!” even your voice didn’t sound like you. 
But he didn’t notice. “Y/n…?” 
“Xiao!” you screeched, and he shivers, “I called for you! Where were you?! Where were you, Xiao?!!” 
“You killed me! It was because of you!” 
“Y/n!” he sits upright, barely noticing the presence around him, catching his breath with eyes stricken wide. What-… A dream? 
“Nightmare?” a voice calls out beside him and he whips his head instantly, finding that familiar little girl peering her gaze at him, “Qiqi… carried you here… again…” 
He looks away, almost embarrassed–well… he is embarrassed. 
He could remember it all. Could remember how your voice called for him that day and how he ignored it for a moment… and for that moment that he spent drowning out in alcohol—one decision that he still questioned this very day… it was just an instance that so happened to have been that day.
How could he do that? 
How could he do that to you? 
“Here,” the child suddenly catches his attention as she reaches to give him a cloth.. a… handkerchief? He takes it with a confused look but soon realizes… 
That a few tears had already escaped his sullen golden eyes. 
“I…” he looks at the handkerchief and remembers your face—your voice that would sometimes say “It’s alright to cry, Xiao… I’m here for you. Always.” 
His chest tightens up and more tears stream down his face, the Conqueror of Demons is barely able to stop them anymore even if he tried to. 
“What am I to do, Y/n…” he mutters, then pursues his lips. You’re not here anymore… he wanted to say. 
At least, not how he needs you to be. 
But then… maybe this was a sign… a sign for his impending demise, not just to repay his debt and sins… but to fulfill his greed to meet you again. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
Even when he had become a WANDERER, some nightmares of his from before had not vanished. 
Especially those with you in it. 
“You’re just a dream. You’re not real.” 
His word stings, even as he was in his dream self. For a moment, he didn’t know why he had spoken such things, but when he met your eyes, he soon realizes why. 
“What do you mean, Kuni?” his imaginary heart would’ve clenched at the tone of your voice, “I am real.” 
“No you’re not,” his dream self could barely hold his tongue, he notices. But that was not all. 
You were the same. Real or not, you were the same as you were before–a sparkling being that was too innocent for the world, too innocent to be tainted by the Wanderer who was once The Balladeer. 
He sighs and looks away, unable to stand the glare of your brightness. Yet he flinches so suddenly when your hands reach out to his cheeks. 
Just like how you used to do so. 
He internally grimaces at how he leans into your familiar warmth and finds his eyes drawn to yours. He’s not doing this again. You are long gone, you’re not real-
The sound and familiar touch on his lips catch his attention. “What the-?” 
You giggled, still holding on to his face and leaning so close. 
“So? Was that real or was that not?”
There was a tug in his chest and if he focused on it longer… was there… a beat-
“A heart?” he whispers, mouth coming ajar at the thought. 
This… is this real? 
“Hm? Of course, you have a heart, Kuni.” He looks at you with wide eyes–he was sure you had uttered those words before… but for an entirely different reason and context. 
But… who is he to care now? 
In this world where he has a heart, and he has you. 
Who is he to care whether it is real or not? 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
SHENHE, ever since she was little, can see ghosts. 
Over time, she had learned to ignore them–each and every one of them. 
When she had seen you one night, however, she forgot. 
She forgot that she can see ghosts and that you would not be here in front of her without being one. 
“Y/n?” she reaches out to you, but her hands… slipped right through. 
You flashed her a smile before vanishing into thin air, and just as you had faded away, she feels herself gasping for air. She sits up straight and looks around, only to register the realness of her encounter with you–it was all a dream. A nightmare. Or is it really? How can she ever see you as a nightmare? 
“Y/n again?” a voice calls out from behind, and she did not have to look to recognize Cloud Retainer’s voice. 
Shehnhe looks below, where she could see her reflection in the water beneath her, nodding her head. 
“One’s mind is only left troubled when something is left unaccomplished,” Cloud Retainer’s words sink through her skin as Shenhe finds herself looking back at the Adeptus, “perhaps you may find yourself some time to visit an old… friend. What do you say?” 
Friend. Shenhe could only ponder over the word in her mind. 
Has she ever… treated you as a friend? 
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KAZUHA smiles to himself as he inhales the breeze, then breathes out. 
“Today… is a lovely day, isn’t it, dove?” 
He talks, particularly to no one, standing on the highest point of the ship. If anyone else had seen him, they would’ve yelled at him to be careful. But now, only one voice echoes in his mind. 
“You think so too, dove?” he responds to the wind that passed by him. 
But despite this… he felt… out of breath. 
“Kazuha! Breathe! Kazuha!” 
The voices and calls brought him back to reality, his eyes soon meeting the worried gazes of his fellow sailors and-
“What were you thinking?! Climbing the-” Beidou stops herself and exhales deeply, calming herself before once again looking at him with a serious pair of eyes, “You were… sleepwalking, Kazuha. Again.” 
“Ah…” he’s looking down and noticing the necklace on his palms, Beidou’s eyes also dropping to the trinket, heaving out another sigh. 
“I know they’re… I know that day is drawing near. So… I want you to rest back at Liyue in the meantime. Do you hear me? We can’t have you falling off like…” 
She trails off, and even without her telling the words, he knew. He knew the name, knew the circumstance, knew the meaning that you held in his heart, and on this necklace he now holds dear. 
“Thank you…” his voice comes out hoarse, but the message was sent, nonetheless. 
So, with the necklace resting close to his heart, he sets off on his own right after Beidou and the others docked with Liyue. And if anyone else had seen him, they would always see him with flowers in his hand and walking the same path every single day. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
KAEYA had endured far too many looks and glances sent his way ever since that day. 
“Are you not going to wake him up?” Charles turns over to the man’s brother, who now looks over at Kaeya’s form with disdain and pity lingering in his eyes. 
They watch as the man trembles in his sleep, and when Diluc could barely take it anymore, he soon could not help but shake the man awake, which immediately startles Kaeya with a whisper of “Y/n!” slipping out of his mouth. 
The name makes everyone who had heard him flinch–ah, that name. That name that he had barely uttered or talked about or reacted towards, now spilling out like an avalanche all because-
“Y/n’s… not here, Kaeya.” 
The words may have been harsh–oh, of course, it was, it almost felt like he had been washed over by cold water, buckets and buckets of it, filled with ice cubes. Kaeya could only take them in, as well as cherish the dream he just had… no matter how it leaves a sense of distaste inside of him, as you were now long gone, never coming back, never showing him your pretty smile, or never letting him hear you say his name again. 
“Thanks… for waking me up.” 
If his brother hadn’t, he would’ve wanted to stay in that dream forever. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
“EI! Look! A bird!” your voice calls her out, a beautiful echo inside her plane. 
Wait… why is she here? 
The realization dawns upon her but her meeting your eyes soon made her thoughts fade away—you were smiling brightly at her, a small blue bird on your hand as you caress it gently with your other hand’s finger. 
“Come on! You can pet him too!” you whispered, audible enough yet gentle enough for the creature not to fly away.
She could not help but follow your voice, her eyes focused on yours–could it be? Had she been dreaming all this time and you… 
“Oh no… it flew away…” you frown but soon grin once again when you met her eyes, “Why? Why are you looking at me like that? Missed me?” 
She wakes up, her body jolting. Before she could even look around and call out your name, another voice comes. 
“Ei, you should wake up.” 
She turns around and sees a familiar face, a familiar friend. But not you. 
Ei looks away and down to her hands, where a little blue bird had landed on her palm, looking up at her with curiosity, even as she raises a finger to softly caress its head. 
“In my dreams…” she mutters, “I can only see them in my dreams.” 
The bluebird had flown away, Ei’s eyes following the creature’s figure as it does so until she couldn’t anymore. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
DILUC rises from his bed, sweat on his face and trickling on his neck, his brilliant red hair sticking to his pale skin, chest panting for air as his eyes wildly search for his surroundings–in hopes of you, but you were not there. 
Neither standing next to the window where you’d usually look up at the stars, the light of the moon on your beautiful face. Nor on the seat next to the bed, where you’d usually sit whenever he was injured, tending to his wounds or looking after him. Nor right beside him on the bed, where you’d whisper sweet nothings next to his ear, urging him to sleep after a nightmare. 
But now, you were a part of it–precisely… that day. 
Diluc had always been haunted by nightmares. 
But never could he have ever imagined them to be with you, and when life had stolen you away from him and your dreams. 
Oh, how he wished he could take himself back in time and never get involved with you to whisk you away from danger, but he knew to himself that he couldn’t take back all the precious memories he had with you. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
The General Mahamatra CYNO has and always has been a name that is widely feared by those who had heard of him. 
This name, however, served no purpose to him, especially that day. 
“Y/n… what are you…” he trails off as he feels your touch on his warm cheeks—“Shhh,” you say, smiling gently at him, the stars right behind you as he lay on the desert sand. 
“Sleep, love… I’m here.” you whisper to him, just like when you would tell secrets right next to his ears, or when you’d tell a joke that you needed his approval of. Your other hand caressing his hair, his scalp tingling upon the gentle massage of your fingers.
“Y/n…” he reaches out to touch your face, just as you were touching his, his head still lain on your lap. 
“I miss you.” 
He says, but despite this, Cyno knows. Of course, he knew. 
You weren’t there anymore. And this was just a figment of you in his dreams… oh how he wish to stay, but… the world was waiting for him. 
You smiled as if reading his mind. 
“Go on, love… I shall be waiting for you right here.” 
You said those words, just like how you did that day, when he left you all alone in your abode and when you got attacked by those Mercenaries taking revenge on the General Mahamatra, only to take it out on his spouse. 
He smiles, a tear unknowingly falling down one of his eyes, “I know you will.”  
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
“Would you care for a dance, my dear?” 
AYATO’s eyes glance up at yours through the mirror as you started to discard the comb on your hand to the dresser like you usually would right after combing his hair, offering your now free hand to his with a bright smile. 
And he, like any other time, reaches for your hand and turns around to face you. He slots one hand holding yours and one on your waist, and pulls you in to sway with him, his feet moving in synch with yours as he stares into your eyes, almost as if he was competing whether who would break the eye contact first. 
Just like that, the world around him zeroes into you and you only, with the silent music playing in his mind and making him move along the rhythm, as gentle and ever so graceful, like swans finding each other amidst the flock and the waters. 
Yet every music comes to an end, and every dance does, no matter if there was any music or none. 
One second, he was looking right through your orbs, and now, he could only see his own blue eyes, staring right back at the broken mirror right in front of him, the crack tracing right through his face and right through the tear that escaped his eyes. 
In an instant, the reality slips back into him and his body deflates, still looking right through his eyes, losing its life all over again. 
His eyes flicker open, and for once, he breathes out a sigh of relief. 
You still looked better, even in his dreams. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘
The table shook as AL-HAITHAM was startled awake, hazy eyes met with others as they turn to his form on the far side of the hall, soon looking away once they had realized they had been caught staring. Once his gaze clears up, he was able to recognize why and how he had gotten to where he was at the moment, yet before he can fully shake off the sleepiness, his mind drifts off to the dream that he just had:
“Haitham, love, don’t you think you should sleep?”
“Sleep well, love, you shouldn’t tire yourself much.” 
He felt his chest tighten up, his teeth gnawing on the inside of his lip unconsciously. 
How could a dream feel so… real? He questioned, despite not having anyone to answer. 
He could still remember the warmth of your hand skimming through his silver hair, pads massaging his scalp every chance they got. Could still remember how his nose had gotten a small whiff of your perfume mixed with your natural scent, how your voice sounded, soothed him as you had whispered right next to his ear, all clear as the light of the day. 
“Y/n,” he mumbles your name as he looks down at the book right in front of him. Oh, how you detest it when he overworks himself, especially when he had no need to. He remains in his seat as he lets your voice echo in his mind over and over, hands now formed into fists as the pressure in his chest becomes heavier by the second. 
In a matter of seconds, he was dragging himself out of the Akademiya and back to his home. 
Back to the same home where he gets dreams of you as well.
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p.s. listening to celine dion songs helped me finish this lmao
comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♡
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shanieveh · 11 months
no matter what he does, he can never deny that you were the greatest love of his life
KAMISATO AYATO who scarcely shows real emotion, who puts on a facade of masks and fake gestures was now charming his new bride to gain her favour. He can describe his new bride with just one word. Perfect. Unlike you, who messily eats the sweets that he stole from the tea house, or laughs crazily when you tease him so. The life he now lives was one from paintings and models, standards and perfection. But it was all fake, a charade, and only in the nights in the place where you said your goodbye, can the cowardly man finally put off his mask and reveal what he truly was. A lie.
SCARAMOUCHE who did everything to have a heart, even if it meant to discard you, to never see you ever again. And now he did, but the feeling of emptiness had never been so obvious. He was now a God, just what he wanted, but he no longer can be with you even if that's what he needed. To be with a person that actually cared, that never abandoned him. Not when he was the one who left, and he always denied that he was the reason why you're gone. That you were the reason his heart now restored, had never felt this empty. But deep down he knew, that a life with you was better than this.
KAEYA who spends all his time in the tavern, doing everything to erase the pain, to escape reality. His once carefree and seemingly sly like nature was now reduced to tatters who hoped that everything that has happened was only a dream. You didn't leave him, but you did. Who wouldn't leave a loser, a coward and inferior to his brother? He couldn't even face his past nor future, he couldn't even be the man you deserve. It was so clear as to why you left, but you never knew how he would risk all for you. His identity, his titles, his very life. You didn't know how he will leave it all behind, just to see your smile again. Just for you to break his heart again.
DILUC was someone that everybody knew, and everybody was scared of.. But when you gave him that look of fear, that look of judgment, he can't help but be jealous of the ordinary townsfolk that just run up to you and be with you. But sometimes he believed it was right to scare you off. To make you think that he didn't love you. At the very least you won't be tied into the danger that comes with being with him. Even if every corner of his mansion was filled with your memories, he will survive this pain. The pain of seeing you so happy with another man, and the consequence of knowing that the both of you can never be together.
KAVEH who made you his muse. His very existence was dedicated for you. His dreams, his passions, his love it was all for you. And now he orders two ice creams, remembering how you weren't there to eat the other once. Making a portrait for the wedding you both will never have. Maybe just like last time, it was all his fault. Maybe his fate lies in always being alone, in being a failure to everyone he loves. To always say the wrong words, and doing the wrong things. And he will act like nothing happened, that nothing bad was there. Because he doesn't deserve to grieve when it is his own undoing.
ALHAITHAM believed that dreams are never real, that they are just a gist of imagination by childish youngsters. But being with you finally made him realize the beauty of it all, and losing you made him see how it can make him crazy. Seeing you there, but never touch nor feel. Loving you from afar, but never up close or near. He stands as a lone man, that had his life all planned out, who knows what he wants to do and don't. But he never planned to love you, but he did, he never planned to lose you. Easy they come, easy they go a wise man said but never added how hard it is to let go.
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ayaboba · 1 year
eternally yours.
summary: when did they finally realise you were the one?
characters: alhaitham, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, zhongli.
notes: messy thoughts combined into drabbles, them being obsessed, mentions of jealousy, gn! reader, maybe weird formatting.
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al haitham
It took Alhaitham a while. Not to fall for you, but to realise, to come to his senses, that he had feelings for you. Unexplainable, strange feelings. Feelings that softened his eyes, warmed his cheeks, and stunned his genius mind to oblivion. Was this denial? Denying how much he wanted to freely love you?It struck him, so painfully obvious, that he was his barricade. He, who convinced himself over and over again over endless sleepless nights that this lingering emotion would eventually ebb away. But it never did. 
As he watches your sleeping form in his arms, he realises that all those sleepless nights were truly worth it.
Diluc should not have been this affected by your presence. You weren’t even doing anything wrong, sitting on a seat in angel’s share, minding your business. Yet, his eyes strayed to your silhouette every few moments. A few sneaky stolen glances from the counter. What were you even doing here, all by yourself? It was slightly agitating—how distracting you were. But what threw his irritation over the limit was the moment Kaeya waltzed in. Not just that, taking a seat next to you. Wait, was he… jealous?
Kaeya knew there was something different about you the very first time he laid eyes on you. At first, he couldn’t fathom why—not that he tried very hard to. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling—quite the contrary, actually. Nevertheless, why you seemed so intriguing was something he was determined and slightly desperate to understand.
Not long after, it wasn’t just pure curiosity anymore. Longing—a lot of it. The days you didn’t bless him with your greetings felt empty and wasted. He found himself looking for you at any available chance. He really fell hard, didn’t he? 
kaedehara kazuha
Kazuha had heard of you quite a few times throughout his travels. From the conversations he overheard and the rumours that wormed their way onto the crux, you seemed to be someone that everyone liked. Soon, you, someone he hadn’t even met, had inundated his usually serene thoughts. Now, his mind was hazy and completely clouded with thoughts revolving around you. 
Then he finally met you.
And he was completely charmed.
Zhongli is a wise man. He’s undergone millennia of human interactions. Their emotions, weaknesses, hopes, and dreams—he knows all about them. And it never ceases to surprise him. each individual, so different yet the same. He finds it all fascinating, so much that he often gets winded up in these complex thoughts. although, sometimes, he finds some who shine brighter than others. Their radiance lighting up the atmosphere, so divine and entrancing. 
You were one of those rarities. the brightest one of them all, the one that managed to get him, well, obsessed.
It was not an overpowering obsession; it was an urge to know everything about you. Memorising the little things you liked or disliked, your habits—he knows it all.
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satoruxx · 9 months
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✧ PAIRING: diluc ragnvindr x reader | 1.2k words
✧ SUMMARY: fluff, lots of domesticity, established relationship, clingy diluc, clingy reader, lots of clinginess overall, this is way too cheesy, an absurd amount of sweetness really, but anyways domestic mornings !!
✧ RHEYA'S NOTE: this is my entry for the summer santa event hosted by @solarisfortuneia and i got assigned to @pvbbyb0y !! i’m so sorry it’s late but i’m really hoping you enjoy this hehe :D i had a lot of fun writing it (diluc my beloved mwah)
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despite wielding a pyro vision, diluc ragnvindr runs cold in the mornings.
you'll probably tell him he's absurd, clinging to him for warmth whenever you can, but he knows in his gut that it's true. he's usually warm, except for the early dawns, when he's roused from sleep and even the slightest shift of his skin against the sheets makes him shiver.
he used to hate the mornings for this exact reason. he hated being pulled from the comforting warmth of his dreams only to realize that there was nothing but cold and emptiness in the bed he slept in. he hated the feeling of ripping the sheets away from his body, hated the feeling of goosebumps rising over his flesh, hated the feeling of his bare feet touching the cold wood of the manor's floors. he hated it all.
he tells you as much one morning, when you're still hazy with sleep and slow to process his words.
"isn't it strange that those with pyro visions aren't always warm?" he asks quietly, voice thick with sleep as he speaks out into the silence. you attempt to crack an eye open, but the sunlight filtering in through the curtains makes you flinch, and you opt for burying your face into his arm instead.
when you answer, your voice is muffled against his skin. "what are you talking about?"
he sighs, quietly, so that he doesn't break the peace. he's been scared of doing that lately. "i'm always cold in the mornings..."
there's a silence that lingers in the air before you're snorting out a laugh, shaking your head. "no you aren't."
diluc sits up a little, so that his back can rest against one of the pillows. the sheets slide down his body a little, and he almost hisses as the cool air hits his skin. he eyes your disheveled hair, confusion evident in his tone. "yes i am." he replies simply.
you finally pick your head up to glare at him critically, unlatching yourself from his arm. "you're ridiculous, no you are not." you say, groggily adjusting yourself so that you can rest your face against his chest and drape your arm over his waist. "you run so warm all the time. it's the most pleasant thing ever."
he pauses, looking down at you with interest, his calloused palms coming up to thread through your hair like it's routine. "oh? what do you mean by that?"
"i mean," you stress with a sigh. "that you're so warm and so comfortable and it makes me feel clingy."
you say all of this with a grumpy pout, and diluc can already tell your only goal right now is to go back to sleep. the thought makes him bite back a grin, because it's almost funny how you can say these sweet things with such an exasperated expression. he doesn't really have an answer to give back, and instead he smiles to himself, fingers coming down to drift over the skin of your arm.
there's another comfortable silence between the two of you and diluc's thoughts travel through his head slowly, lazily.
"i hate the cold, you know?" he muses, gaze trained on the folds of his bedsheets with disinterest.
"is this another horribly concealed jab at captain kaeya?"
he laughs despite himself, shaking his head even though you can't see him with your eyes closed. "no, this isn't about kaeya. i just don't like how the cold makes me feel." he answers as his laughs die down, fingers still tracing patterns over your skin. "especially in the morning, when i have to get out of bed."
"why's that?"
he pauses, smiling to himself and leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of your head. "because you're warm, and when i get out of bed i can't hold you, so it makes me cold."
a tired giggle escapes your lips, and you shake your head against his chest playfully. "i hope you know that was extremely cheesy, diluc."
he shrugs, choosing to keep the rest of his thoughts to himself. one day, he'll find a way to explain it to you properly. how cold he's gotten used to feeling in an empty bed and how he always believed that cold would remain with him, lonely and isolating and oh so frigid. he'll find a way to tell you that he now hates getting out of bed because he can't bring himself to let go of your addicting warmth, in all of its loving and welcoming glory. he'll somehow find a way to let you know that it's almost torture for him to rip himself away from your embrace every single day.
but for now, he'll keep those thoughts to himself.
he moves to get up, and immediately your eyes shoot open, grip tightening. he laughs quietly, as though this doesn't occur every morning. "you know i have to get up, my love."
"you don't." you say simply, tugging his hand ever so slightly. "you could just stay."
his shoulders drop, a helpless smile on his face as he reaches over to smooth down your hair.
“and who would take care of the manor?” he asks, tilting his head as a few strands of fiery red hair fall across his eyes.
"adelinde runs the place better than you do."
"oh, she does." diluc chuckles, pressing his lips to your temple. "but that doesn't mean i don't have to attend to my duties too."
the look you give him is criminally endearing, and his sigh comes out more indulgent than anything else, powerless in front of you. he moves to get back into bed, and you make yourself comfortable against him again.
he doesn't even have it in him to be angry, instead just letting his fingers stroke your hair and lull you back into that sweet sense of security you claim to feel in his arms.
and all diluc ragnvindr can do in that moment is smile to himself, feeling slightly helpless but oh so warm and fuzzy.
he waits until he's sure you've fallen asleep again to finally get up, the telltale sign of your breathing getting slower so familiar to him it makes his stomach flip. your words echo in his head, and a smile tugs at his lips as he forces himself to turn away from you and get himself ready for the day. truthfully, if you opened your eyes again and asked him to stay, he'd get back into bed with you in a heartbeat. because you look so warm all cuddled up in his sheets like that, lips parted and hair mussed like it's the most natural thing in the world.
and archons above he was starting to feel cold all over again.
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Danced With You Once Upon A Dream 🌠
Headcannons of Genshin boys seeing you in a ball gown and asking you to dance.
Ft: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Childe, Thoma, Ayato, and Alhaitham
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Tags: Fem!Reader, crushes everywhere, jealousy, fluff, PG, GOOD VIBES ONLY, i chose a lot of smug men please spare me, no beta we die like men Notes: I JUST REALLY WANTED TO MATCH PRETTY BOYS TO PRETTY DRESSES! SUE ME! (Another repost!)
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Diluc is a known hermit. After his father's death, it was a rare sight to see him at any large social event. He preferred to keep it that way, but tonight's banquet is an exception. The masked vigilante accepted the invitation for an opportunity to eavesdrop on a fatui officer in attendance. Unfortunately, his person of interest appeared to be a complete no-show. The whole night was already a total bust.
Perhaps if he left right then, he could still do a patrol around Mondstadt before dawn. It was the enjoyable option compared to being approached again by another person seeking his attention. Idle chit-chat was never something he enjoyed much anyway and he was in no mood to talk business.   
Diluc contemplated his exit strategy that would avoid being stopped by anyone. An eruption of chatter drew everyone's attention to the main doors. There was a late arrival being announced. It was nice timing, he would just need to slip out during the commotion. How odd for one guest to kick up this much of a fuss... Diluc's curious gaze followed up to the large entry doors and inevitably fixated onto the beautiful figure, onto you. 
His plans to leave vanished with each step you descended down the grand staircase. Your flowing dress moved in such an entrancing way that he could swear you plucked it straight out of fairy tale. Diluc has been so busy with the winery and his investigations... he couldn’t remember the last time he had talked to you. Perhaps he should stay a little longer, if only just to catch up at least.
The red haired man was utterly enchanted by your movements. It explained why he was drawn in like a magnet, moving as if under your spell. He strode smoothly through the crowd to meet you at the foot of the stairs. His hand extended to guide you down the last couple steps, down to earth, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. When you finally glance up from your hands to meet Diluc's gaze, adoration is already clear across his features.
"Y/N" He greeted you, bowing to place a small peck on the back of your hand. "Its lovely to see you tonight." Diluc spoke slow and earnestly, as if channeling every ounce of his princely charm into that sentiment. You felt like butter melting into his warmth, becoming pliant in his hands. “May I?” Diluc gestured forward, asking if he could accompany you in. 
The presence of the elusive owner of Dawn Winery did little to quell the whispers and eyes on you. Now awoken from your dreamy haze, you became aware of just how much attention you've managed to garner. You looked yourself over. Had there been a stain that you missed? Were you not on theme? How embarrassing... Your panic was interrupted by Diluc's fond chuckle. It almost annoyed you how amused he seemed by your antics.
“There’s no need to worry. They’re staring because they can't bare to look away. You are simply captivating.” Diluc stated as if it were an obvious fact. “If you are still feeling nervous, how about a dance to get your mind off it?” 
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Kaeya spent most of the ball like a fly on the wall, listening in on conversations here and there. To his dismay, there was nothing interesting happening tonight. The juciest thing he managed so far were the two Fatui delegates discussing their distaste of the liquor served. “Honestly! Can’t they provide anything stronger? It’s practically disrespect to serve-” A pause. “Hmm... well at least there’s plenty of eye candy to eat up.” The man changed topics in favor of discussing the newest arrival to his comrade.
From his vantage point, Kaeya discreetly surveyed the crowd. His sweep abruptly stopped when he spotted you in such an elegant gown. “My, my don’t you clean up well.” The captain chuckled quietly to himself. He smirked slyly down at you and thought of a couple ways to make you be the one to approach him.
His plans changed rapidly when he noticed how swarmed you were. You hadn’t even taken five steps before multiple men stopped you, a half circle was already beginning to form. Confusion and an awkward politeness were loud and clear on your features yet no one took the hint. 
The look of the situation bubbled up something in the pit of Kaeya's stomach. He would sooner cut off his silver tongue before ever calling it jealousy. It was accompanied by a feeling of annoyance. Do those men not have eyes? Couldn’t they see they were making you uncomfortable? They don’t even have the decency to let you greet your friends first before bombarding you.
He simply could not let this stand. As a knight, he is upheld to a code of chivalry after all. It was easy to weave his way through the other guests to get to you. “My dear Y/N, you made it!” Kaeya addressed you, loud enough to make a couple of the men turn to look. Without hesitation, he took the opening to wedge himself between the half turned bodies.
He made the maneuver look easy, like he had done this exact thing a million times over. The Calvary Caption smoothly took your hand in his and gazed into your eyes like there wasn’t a dozen people staring. He flash of a small smirk, with a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it glint in his eye before, he continuing his theatrics.
“You look simply heavenly.” Kaeya said in a sickeningly sweet tone, playing it up slightly for listening ears. “Now that you’ve arrived, you can do me the honors of bestowing me your first dance of the night. You did promise it to me after all.” 
You caught on quickly, nodding in agreement. That's all it took for Kaeya to lead you out of the corner you were trapped in and into the rest of the festivities. Once you both were out of earshot, you quietly thanked him. 
“There’s no need, Y/N. Those men were being simply unmannerly.” He laughed, a smug look creeping back onto his face. “Although, it would also be quite rude to make a liar out of me. So how about that dance?”  
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Zhongli was familiar to with the formal banquets held on the Pearl Gallery. He did not always attend, but when he felt the desire to people watch the consultant accepted the invitation. The harbor is a beautiful heart of Liyue and the its people are the blood that pumps through her veins. To the being who laid its foundation, Rex Lapis viewed it like art to see the continued flow of life unfold before him.
He participated as the role an average guest. Someone may strike up a conversation now and again, in response he would chat idly about nothing at all. The visitor would then move on to their next conversation and Zhongli was perfectly content sipping his drink and taking in the evolving atmosphere.
The next shift in energy accompanied your arrival and his ember eyes watched the scene change before him once again. The former archon was fascinated by the buzz that rippled outward from where you stood. When you approached, people excitedly began chatting, smiling, and laughing. Knowing you well, he could tell you were radiating delight effortlessly, even while just greeting other guests. He no longer observed the gathering as a whole, his gaze instead followed the intricate detailing leading up your bodice. It was entrancing to watch each graceful step while you made your way around the ship’s deck.
Zhongli contemplated the notion of approaching you. Doing so would actively shift the trajectory of the evening. Taking your time for himself disrupts the organic flow of art he admired just moments prior. Would that be fair to you? You, who was someone he respected and admired. You, who looked so divine that it demanded all of his attention in that very moment. You, who Morax would willingly give all of it to.
The answer to his dilemma came simply while watching your eyes meet. Zhongli no longer felt content with his self assigned role of bystander. He had a deep desire to partake. Thus, the stubborn rock uprooted himself. 
“Hello again Y/N, you look blindingly radiant tonight.” Zhongli approached you with a graceful bow The lightest kiss is placed upon the back of your hand like a whisper. Your glowing smile and warm greeting prompts yet another decision. “It would be heavenly if you allowed me your company tonight. Would you care for a dance?”
The old archon had already inserted himself into this occasion's flow, it would be foolish not enjoy it in full. 
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Jealousy. Jealousy. Jealousy. You were his guest after all. 
Tartaglia invited you, along with a few others, to a ball thrown by the Snezhnayan embassy. You weren't EXACTLY asked to be his date. Heck, the redhead even emphasized that you were invited as a good friend. But nonetheless, an honored guest of a Fatui Harbinger should be assumed off-limits. It shouldn't matter how stunning you look. Those men lingering around you will just need to be reminded. Politely of course.... 
Childe insisted on your attendance, even going as far as offering to buy you any dress you wanted for the occasion. You were still unsure, since you were aware of how bad the Fatui's reputation had tanked in Liyue recently. During back and forth with him, you jokingly pointed at an outrageously expensive dress in a shop display. There is no way, even someone with money, would drop that much on such a frivolous dress. It was double your rent for archon’s sake. 
Inevitably, when the dress was delivered on your step, you had to sit down to keep from falling over. You begged him to return it. There’s no way you could accept such an outragous gift. HE WAS BEING UNREASONABLE PLEASE! Like always, Tartaglia only laughed at you and teased how great you'll look in it.
The redhead didn’t expect just how great that was.
Some last minute Fatui conflicts allowed you to arrive before him. The party was in full swing and lively as ever. Guests were having enthusiastic discussions sometimes in a tongue you didn’t quite understand. It wasn’t long before you were pulled into a conversation, and then another. 
You already had five drinks lined up waiting for you by the time Childe arrived to the event. The fiery exchanges died down and a few peeled off rub elbows with the harbinger. Unfortunately, you were not able to go greet your friend. Three men blocked your path, insisting you finish your drink so you could dance with them. Any declination was laughed at and brushed over.
“Ah, you must be hard of hearing. My lovely guest here doesn’t wish to dance with you.” The polite words held a chilling edge to them. The men turned to face the instigator with puffed chests and annoyed glares. The Eleventh Fatui Harbringer stood behind them, a malicious smile staring directly back at them. Blood drained from the frozen men's faces and one by one they excused themselves with their tails tucked between their legs. 
“Now this isn’t fair.” Tartaglia sighed, his features relaxing now that is attention was on you. “You weren’t supposed to look this amazing in that dress Y/N.” He teased while also taking your hand and guiding you into a spin. “I may have to buy you a few more, so that I can see you like this more often.” You relaxed when you heard his playful tone return. You tell him to quit it while lightly slapping his shoulder. “Hm? I’ll stop if you agree to dance with me. How about it beautiful?”
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Thoma knew his way around a party. With so many connections to maintain, he fluttered from guest to guest like the social butterfly he was. When the Kamisatos throw a banquet, he’s usually busy with everything that goes on behind of the scenes. As a show of appreciation, Thoma was told to simply enjoy himself tonight. He was sure to take advantage of such an opportunity. The blond even invited you. Since he had no obligations, he could be the one showing you a good time for once. 
It was comical how obvious his double-take was when you arrive. The boy's green eyes sparkled and his mouth hung slightly ajar in awe. He catches himself, remembering his manners. Surely, it couldn't be proper to gawk at your friend so openly. 
Some habits die hard. The Kamisato Clan’s resident housekeeper is the first to greet you and guide you in. “Y/N you look....! Hah, I don't even know how to describe how beautiful you look. I'm utterly speechless." Thoma's charming smile was blinding when he looked at you. For someone rendered speechless, he didn't stop there. "That dress is perfect on you and the color just make your eyes... wow.”
You are showered in compliments. How he is doing it with a straight face? Thoma tone was so earnest and genuinely delighted to behold you, but each word made your face burn in embarrassment. You had to insist that he to stop to prevent your incoming heart attack.
“Ah, sorry Y/N. I must have gotten carried away.” He chuckled, only then finally showing an inkling of bashfulness. “Here, allow me to show you around, I have some people I’d love you to meet.” 
Thoma offered his arm and guided you around the festivities, while also subtly showing you off to everyone and anyone. Like two peas in a pod, you laughed and talked while you mingled around. Anyone who didn’t know better would think you were a fresh couple struck with puppy love. But in Thoma's oblivious mind, he saw himself as only your attendant for the evening. He was simply there to ensure you’re a great time. He was happy with this.
The blond noticed your eyes drift over to the dance floor. It's then that he toed a line of where a servant should stay. It would be selfish for him to take you from the party and be the one to dance the night away with you. Sure, he wanted to..... he really wanted to. Would that be ok? Well... what was life without risks? If this was not proper, he'd happily accept whatever consequences.
“Y/N, would you like to dance with me? It would hands down make me the luckiest guy here.”
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Ayato was bored of the banquet too soon after it begun. As Yashiro Commissioner, he hardly had a moment of peace. There was a multitude of important people in attendance and out of courtesy he exchanged pleasantries and discussed light politics. His lines were well rehearsed, polite and non-confrontational on any one matter. 
 He didn’t know you were on the guest list until your arrival. It didn't go unnoticed how you dress style and color pallet correlated perfectly with the Kamisato Clan's traditional attire. He deduced that Ayaka must of had a hand in both of those happenstances.
As if confirming Ayato's suspicions, Ayaka was the first to greet you. He watched the two of you excitedly talk amongst yourselves. She gestured toward your dress with a not-so-subtle two thumbs up from her. There was a growing chatter amongst the the guests. In less than five minutes you managed to become the center of talk. Not just anyone was warranted to wear Kamisato colors to their events, and so extravagantly at that too. Even with Ayaka’s clear public approval, people will imagine drama where there is none. 
Ayato had to admit, he couldn't tare his eyes from you. The clan head he was speaking to, continued going on and on about business dealings. Meanwhile in the commissioner's head, he began to map out how to speed run through the rest of the interactions he was obligated to have tonight. If he played his cards just right, he may have a moment to chat with you. If time allowed, he may even be able to squeeze in a single dance.
 Ayaka inevitably was pulled away to attend to her other duties, but she encouraged you to feel free to mingle and have fun. Once she left, the eyes on you and the quiet murmurs became much more apparent. 
Ayato noticed your previous excitement shift into anxiety. Left like this, you would be eaten alive by these ruthless socialites. You might even leave before he had a chance to make his way to you. This definitely won’t do. Ayato politely excused himself from the mind numbing pleasantries and briskly made his way across the banquet hall. Others who approached him received a similar kind but firm dismissal.
“These kinds of people always find something to gossip about, trust me.” You jumped, not expecting the sudden company. Least of all, you weren't expecting the head of the Kamisatio Clan to be the one to approach you. You look around at all the prying eyes and quickly compose yourself. You deeply bow to the man in front of you and state your name and status as a formal greeting. It felt strange since you were both so well acquainted as good friends. It was better to be safe than sorry in your opinion. You waited to be greeted back in a similar manner so that you could be released from your bow.... but there was only silence.
“Hah! There’s no need for that Y/N. You shouldn't feel the need to speak so formally to me for their sake.” Ayato's hand was slightly covering his mouth to stifle a few stray chuckles. You stood up properly and frowned at your friend in more embarrassment. Ayato sighed, amused, and leaned down to meet your eye level. “Really, there's no need for that. Besides, with how exquisite you look tonight, I should be the one honored.” The commissioner took a knee and placed a princely kiss upon your knuckles. Voices began to erupt around you two.
“Hm... Since everyone is going to be gossiping anyway, how about we give them something to talk about?” Ayato asked smoothly, his hand already leading you toward dance floor by the small of your back. 
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Alhaitham was only there because he was FORMALLY WARNED that he would be reprimanded if he missed another mandatory Akademiya event. 
The scribe was the definition of a party pooper. He sat in the corner with the best lighting and cracked open the book he had brought along. (This is the equivalent to being forced to go to an office Christmas party for this guy.) Any attempts to talk to him were either ignored or efficiently rudely turned away. 
The book became front once he finished it twice over. Alhaitham knew he should have brought a spare. To pass the time, he turned off his noise cancelling headphones and waited. People tended to say more when they thought you weren't listening. To his dismay... some conversations were just not worth listening to. The scribe became so bored he actually began his third re-read at some point. 
“Is it even allowed to wear something so....... adverse to an Akedemiya function? That has to be some sort of dress code violation.” Two scholars whispered to one another just within earshot. Ah, finally something interesting. 
Alhaitham spared a discreet glance from behind his book to the controversy of the hour. It was you... how unexpected. And how you were dressed, also unexpected. A quick glace had become more akin to appreciation. You stood defiantly confident in your body conforming emerald gown, meanwhile scholars were bending over backwards to avoid getting close at all costs. As if being associated with you would also get them a violation too.
The scribe shut his book since he had become interested enough in the situation to give his full attention. He had an idea what this was all about but this was definitely not the outcome he would have bet on. 
You had mentioned your annoyance with the Akedemiya’s dress code to him. You even submitted a few applications for an appeal. A couple even got approved through him before ultimately being rejected by the grand sage. It made no sense! Why were you being dress code on the exact shade of green you wore? Or that your attire had to be floor length? For archon’s sake you were even told your comfortable shoes were too dirty to be acceptable. And you definitely showed them. Alhaitham didn't bother hiding the way he eyed you over. And recalling the rules and regulation.... there’s technically nothing wrong with your outfit. Although, you were guaranteed to get an earful tomorrow by the sages. He decided with that alone that congratulations were in order.
“I must say, this a wonderfully scandalous way to prove your point.” Alhaitham mused while approaching you. You rolled your eyes at his comment and both relief and stress washed over your person. While thankful for some sort of company tonight, your antisocial colleague was the last person you expected to run into here. You greeted him stiffly while preparing yourself for the endless teasing sure to follow. Alhaitham had just enough respect for your efforts to hold his tongue for now. He instead held out his hand in an invitation, the hint of a smirk emerging across his features.
“You know, dancing is technically only 'frowned upon' at these kind of events. Care to piss off a few more old men?”
You guys were about to be in so much trouble...
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<A/N: Another repost from my old blog!!! I love this one! The only things I changes were made for the better I think. I really gotta stop writing these at like 3Am and calling it a day. SOME OF THESE WERE SO CONFUSING BEFORE EDITING IT. Anyway thanks for the follows and likes I'mma keep on trucking these out. This was was particularly long so the rest should be faster. "should">
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maopll · 4 months
Merry (early) Christmas! May I request Kaeya, Childe, Ayato, Neuvillette, and Wriothesley finding their s/o, who gets cold easily, wearing their jacket/coat?
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Warm me up
# genshin impact !
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⌗:, a/n: sorry for being away for a MONTH i was so stressed out from school... T-T and I AGAIN did add a lil bit spice for wrio. I can't stop myself.
⌗:, pairings: kaeya, childe, ayato, neuvillette & wriothesley w/ gn!reader
⌗:, extra: happy late Christmas I couldn't finish it because I was worn out </3
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ KAEYA ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Its a little secret that none knows about. The coat he wears and what you wear on cold wintry days are his as well. It's quite noticeable but according to him, "Nobody's gonna know!". He goes crazy whenever he sees you wear his big coat. It makes you look so cozy...and soft...like a warm fireplace in winter morning which always have a welcoming feel to them.
The trip to Dragonspine was, as usual, extremely cold. The fire that Kaeya made from the dry firewood wasn't enough to keep you warm. "You want me to make the fire more big? I can find some more dry wood for you" He asked voice laced with concern. You knew that no matter how big the fire or enormous layers of cloth, you won't be able to keep yourself warm...unless Kaeya offers you his comfortably warm chest...and hands too.
As if able to understand your gaze since your shivering form really gave it away, he walked up and sat behind you. He wrapped his arm around your body gently and said, "Lay on me. It'll help you keep warm" you relaxed your body and brought your knees closer to yourself and making yourself feel at home. You heaved a sigh of relief as if you've finally been able to stop the piercing cold wind from affecting you any further. "Thank you Kaeya" he smiled at you, "As long as you're comfortable". He sealed the conversation with a kiss upon your forehead.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ CHILDE ꒱ ˎˊ˗
He has been born and brought up in Snezhnaya. A nation with only snowy landscape all around. Naturally he was quite well adjusted himself to the cold atmosphere of any place that you visit. While he should be having big long coats in such a dry and chilly climate, he refuses to wear it because, "You can't get this cold anywhere else! it's a test of courage!".
You had a cup of hot chocolate on your hand as you flipped through the pages of the book. The big bear blanket and the brightly lit fireplace did make you warm but not enough. You shivered "Brr...its really cold if only he was at home..." during the coldest of days you ache for his comforting presence and his big warm arms enveloping your body as you two cuddle in the plush couch often times drifting off to sleep unknowingly. You missed him so much that you quickly sprinted towards his closet and grabbed the biggest jacket of his. You scurried inside the multiple blankets and drew his big fluffy jacket around you. His familiar scent filled your senses. He smelled like the ocean, no matter how faint the scent was, it was refreshing.
....the door of the room opened, and the wooden floor dreaked beneath his boot-like-shoes. "Babe?" he quietly asked, hoping to receive an answer, but as soon as he was about to go find you, he saw you laying comfortably on your stomach with his big jacket enveloping you as you softly snored. He felt himself falling for you adorable antics all over again. He slowly picked you up in his arms and carried you to bed. He murmered, "Sweet dreams, sweetheart..." with a kiss.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ AYATO ꒱ ˎˊ˗
The ocean breeze can get quite chilly right? With the layers of clothes you had on you, the coat was barely enough to even keep the piercing cold win from making you whole body numb. Sure, you acted impulsively and decided to sit down near the railing. You started off into the vast ocean. Ayato wasn't here most of the time and your time of respite to soothe your heart from missing him. "He's taking care of matters....he will come back soon..." you mumbled and hugged your knees close.
You felt an already warm blanket being draped around your figure from the back. Looking at the delicate fabric and the seam's design you turned your head back a little too quickly. There he was...the one who you waited so long for...He chuckled softly seeing your bewildered face. "You'll catch a cold if you sit here in the cold like this with barely enough layers dearest" He kept his hand on your shoulder blades gently. "Ayato...I thought you'll come..." "Let's say I did a few little things here and there which allowed me to spend some more time."
You smiled at him sweetly and got down from thr railing. You intertwined your hands with his and with a peck on his cheek, " I missed you so much..."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ NEUVILLETTE ꒱ ˎˊ˗
"Not done yeeetttt?...." you slumped on the couch as you waited even longer for him.
With a chuckle, he said, "It's almost done... just a little bit longer, dear." Then soon he went to work and correct the piles of paperwork. He has been avoiding them for quite a while now, and it had to be done one day. He may be the cold and formal Iudex of Fontaine, but even he loses the grip on his stoic personality whenever he's with you.
The evenings are quite cold in Fontaine, and he saw how you tried to warm up your arms. You didn't want to disturb him since his pending work's deadline was tomorrow in the afternoon.
While you were busy staring into space, he wrapped his coat around you. "Hm? Suddenly?"
"I saw how you were trying to warm yourself up and I apologise. I can't be the one to warm you up but I hope my coat suffices?" He said chuckling, a hint of blush on his fair cheeks. You grinned from ear to ear, "It's quite enough Neuvi, thanks for caring about me so much" you cupped his cheeks gently with your hands.
"I love you" you said as you touched his forehead with yours. A sign of the utmost affection for one who is the Hydro Dragon Sovereign.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ WRIOTHESLEY ꒱ ˎˊ˗
"Sigh... I know it's cold, but that's no reason for you to stay under the covers... it's 9 pm, now how long do you plan to do it?"
Concern lacing his voice as he saw how you tried your best to warm up your feet with whatever you could find. "It's too cold and I can't keep bothering you for so long, you've got work to do" you tried to sound as if you were alright but in reality, fighting the cold was really taking out all your strength from you.
"Wait—" you felt the covers being lifted from your head. He swiftly carried you on his arms and ploped you on the plush couch. Upon inspecting your surroundings, you saw how he had prepared everything from A to Z... there was a warm tea, leg warmers and special fur on the couch, which was especially sold during winter and the fireplace. "Wriothesley? You prepared all this for me?" You spoke bewildered.
"Yes. All the things that will keep my beloved warm and happy while I'm unfortunately working, " he spoke gently, holding your hands. "Wow...looks like I won the lottery when I received a boyfriend," you said while ruffling his soft hair.
"It's good thank you... but" you smirked maybe something other than this can keep me more warm?" "What are you imply?— Oh...I see" he chuckled on realising your intention.
He slithered his hands on your thighs and seductively said, "I don't mind that warm treat on such a cold day"
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kaeyas-beloved · 2 years
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Characters: Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Kazuha, Xiao (separate)
Genre: Fluff + Scenarios
Summary: Snippets of the Genshin men with their pride and joys <3
CW: afab!reader + pregnancy + birth mention but no pronouns or descriptions for these present, spoilers for Childe’s real name, Xiao has a daughter, Childe has twins (boy and girl), Kaeya and Kazuha have a son, unspecified for Diluc, unspecified nightmare in Childe’s, petnames towards reader (darling -> Kaeya, my dove -> Kazuha), some self-doubt in Kaeya's and Xiao's, I don’t think Diluc’s is that good and Childe’s may appear rushed in one part but meh
a/n: I have the cutest ideas that make me the softest. I just hope I was able to get across that cuteness here <3
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“Papa…” At the poking and shaking against his back, Childe sleepily blinks his eyes open. The room is dark, moonlight painting the walls a faint blue-white colour. Tilting his chin down the male catches a look at the top of your head, face nuzzled into his chest with his arms wrapped around you securely.
Again, small hands try to gain his attention, "P-papa...please."
There's a sudden surge of urgency that tightens his chest, the watery call of his name throwing him into protective mode. Slowly, as to not disturb you, Childe pulls his arms from you before turning over. The moment ocean-blue eyes meet teary ones of the same colour he's up and out of bed, kneeling in front of his children.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he rushes, worry clear in everything he is and does - from his eyes to his voice and even to the way his hands fuss over the twins, one palm cupping each of their heads as he tries to soothe them. Though, when all that answers him is continued sniffles, Ajax's concern only grows. Left with the last course he can take, the male pulls the two into a hug, pouring every ounce of love and warmth he can into it. Quiet whispers of 'you're okay' and 'I'm here' fill the air, uncaring of the tears that stain his shirt.
Never before has he felt so useless as his children continue to shake and sob in his hold. What else is there for him to do? What would take away their tears? Archons he’d do anything to make sure they don’t cry like they are now, like their world is ending.
Instinctively Ajax’s embrace tightens, and somewhere along the line he began gently swaying the two, pressing comforting kisses to their foreheads.
Finally, after what felt like a heartbreaking eternity, their cries begin to fade. He waits a moment before trying again, "can you tell me what's wrong now? Why are you two crying?" Though he fears their answer the male bats them down, hoping to be the one they can fall back on.
His daughter hiccups, wiping at her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt, "W-We had a nightmare. Y-you-!" His eyes widen, hearing enough to grasp the situation. His shoulders slump just a little, glad that it’s not the worst of the worst that could’ve happened.
"Hey now, shhh, it’s alright. Nothing will happen to me or you or to anyone else, okay?" Ajax is quick to cut her off, seeing her start to choke on her sobs again. Never does he want them to think he or you would leave in any form, something he truly believes won’t happen any time soon.
His little girl nods, face planting back into his shoulder with another fresh wave of tears. He makes sure to pull his son back in as well, rubbing his hands up and down their backs. He smiles, even if they can’t see it, "Papa's got you, okay? I promise, and you know me, I never break my promises."
The three spend a little while more in their comforting hug before Ajax pulls back, effortlessly picking them both up and setting them down on the bed. "You two can sleep with us tonight. We'll keep the scary dreams away. And, as a treat, I'll make your favourites for breakfast tomorrow. Sound good?"
Though he has to shush his children's cheers in fear of waking you, he wouldn't have it any other way. It's a sign that they're feeling better after all. And as he pulls the blanket over the three of them, grateful that his kids are feeling better while wrapping his arms back around you all, Ajax thanks the gods and you for the tiny family he's been blessed with to love, protect and be loved by, intending to forever keep you all safe.
The silence within the winery was not something new to its inhabitants and workers. Well, before the newest addition to the Ragnvindr family it was the norm at least. Now, such peace is a welcome blessing. So, when you returned one evening to a dead quiet home, your curiosity quickly peaked. Even when the baby wasn't making noise there was always at least some finite noise - the crackle of a fire, the almost silent footfalls of the winery's workers, the scribble of a pen. None of that could be heard though, and it was no later than six in the evening.
Toeing off your shoes, you take care to remain quiet. Your first thought is to check the living room. Ever since the birth of your child, Diluc could be found with the little one all over the house. It would be surprising to not see the two together in all honesty. One of the areas that's frequented more than the others is the main lounge space, the wide open section the perfect place for playtime.
Or, perhaps, it’s also the perfect place for nap time.
There, leaning back against the couch was the man himself, mop of red hair released from its usual confines and splaying everywhere. The male's ability to fall asleep even upright never fails to surprise you (you find this usually happens when he wants to rest his eyes for 'just a moment'). Before him lay a stack of papers, the smallest you've ever seen, pen laying unattended not too far. Though, above all other observations, the main eye catcher is the way your two most precious people are sleeping.
Your child, strapped safely in their carrying pouch (originally a gag gift from Kaeya, though proven very useful for when Diluc wants to work and spend time with his little one) has their head resting on their father's chest, cheek smooshed and mouth slightly parted. Diluc remains protective even while asleep, a hand placed securely against your child's back, keeping them close. What was important though was how at peace they were and who were you to ruin this calmness?
So, you take a seat on the matching chair, quietly waving Adelinde over and asking for something to drink before picking up a book. Really though, with how cute they are, you're sure you'll be focusing on the two redheads more than the novel.
When you presented the idea of going into town, Kaeya couldn't help but grow nervous. Shouldn't you rest more? You'd been extremely tired lately and on top of that the baby had been even more of a handful the last few days.
“Darling, I can go get groceries for us,” your husband offers, adjusting his son in his arms. There’s a smile on your face as you glance up from putting on your shoes. Joy blossoms in your heart at the sight of the man you love holding the product of your shared love. What makes the image all the more heartwarming is how alike your son is to his father.
Cooing his name, you straighten up, waking until you’re right in front of the pair, “I’ll be okay, I promise. Some fresh air would do me some good. Besides, it’s not like I’m going very far. I’ll be back in a couple hours, max.” For once at a loss on what to say, Kaeya reluctantly lets you go, now left alone with just his son for company.
He hates to admit it, even to you, but truth be told the male hasn’t the faintest clue what to do. Taking care of Klee or Bennett is one thing, but his own? The mere fact changes everything.
After lingering awhile longer at the door, Kaeya breathes in, turning to walk into the living room. "It seems it's just you and me now little guy." He smiles, gently bouncing the tiny human in his arms. Kaeya's shoulders relax just a little when he gets a happy giggle in response.
He's got this.
. . .
He does not got this.
After taking a seat on the ground Kaeya had spotted a picture book discarded across the room. Figuring that you must have been entertaining the little one with it the male grabs it, deciding that it would be a good start. All his confidence went down the drain though when he couldn't pull a single reaction from his carbon-copy son. Page after page, the boy would just stare at the pictures, not a thought behind his tiny eyes. Kaeya swears to the Archons above that at one point his kid even looked up at him once, a face that could only be read as 'what are you doing?' painted on it.
Sighing, Kaeya stares down at the picture in the book. For a while he just maintains eye contact with the woodland rabbit, cartoonish and with a carrot sticking out of its mouth. He thinks it's rather cute, something babies would definitely like. So why isn't his reacting?
"Almost done," he mumbles, slipping his eyes shut and flipping the page, turning the book back around for his son to see. The male already knows the one line printing in the book, ready to recite it and receive nothing in response.
He's interrupted before he even starts.
Kaeya's eyes fly open, locking on the little human sitting in front of him. There, clear as day, is his son, hand stuck in his mouth but with an undeniable smile plastered on his face. He does a double take, gaze flicking between his son and the picture in the book. "Do you like the snowflake, little one?" Again, louder this time, is a confirming coo, hand slipping from his toothless mouth to clap. Like he understood what his father was asking.
It's a shame you weren't there to see the brightest, most genuine smile Kaeya's ever had. Now, whenever he says 'snowflake' the little baby instantly smiles.
"Please... please..." you're close to tears at this point, a broken record of pleas falling from your lips. Nothing seems to work, feeding, changing, walking around, nothing will settle the poor little fussy baby of yours. You’re so close to giving up, about to settle into the chair within the nursery and just hope the little one tires himself out when approaching footsteps catch your attention.
Stepping through the doorway, that familiar head of white with a sole streak of red appears, an all too knowing smile on his face. "Good evening, my dove. Having some trouble?" Silently you nod, passing the little one over to him when asked nonverbally. "That's no good. I can't have my two favourite people crying, now can I?"
Calm as ever, Kazuha walks towards the crib, eyes never leaving the glossy red ones of his baby. Even as he sets his son down, his cries growing louder at the loss of his parent's warmth, Kazuha never loses that pleasant smile of his. The faint clank of the wooden mobile catches his attention, an idea coming to mind.
"Hush little one, look," he mutters. All at once you can feel the spring breeze coming through the window pick up, the vision clipped to Kazuha's shoulder blade lighting up. With the wind came the brightly coloured leaves Inazuma offers, the colours dancing around in a way much like when the male jumped high into the air, nature his aid.
Eyes closed in concentration, the gust swirls around the room before settling to the area around the crib and mobile. A shift occurs, and it's like the tiny wind becomes a being of its own, playful as it nudges against the hanging wood carvings. It appeared surprised at first, the sensations foreign. It tried again, and again another clank sounded, this time exciting the tiny wind. By now the baby's cries have stopped, tiny red eyes staring up, mouth agape. Leaves fall from the cluster as the elemental energy floats down, now face to face with the little one. It gently brushed against the child's face, something like rubbing noses together. But that's all it took; it was all giggles and clapping from there, and you, you finally got to relax, sinking into the chair more.
A tired smile spreads on your face, the sight of your bundle of joy happy heartwarming. That, and the smile on your husband's face doesn't go unnoticed by you either. Even with his eyes remaining shut, the sounds of delight alone are music to his ears, spurring him to continue his magic trick.
Long after you retire for the night, finally gaining the much needed rest you deserve, the yaksha continues to stand guard. Gold eyes shift from the open balcony to where the little one rests, any noise or shift in the air unable to go unnoticed under his watch. He keeps his distance from the crib, fearing his karmic debt will harm the tiny baby you two created. Yet the moment Xiao's keen ears pick up the slightest whine, the beginning of his child's cries piercing the silence of night, it's like some other force far more powerfully takes control.
In a blur of green Xiao's beside his daughter, hands already reaching in to pick her up like he's seen you do many times before. There’s a rush of emotion coursing through his veins - his first desire is to let you sleep more, you’ve done a lot and he just wants to share the workload between the two of you. Secondly, there’s this ache that rings in his chest, it only hurts more and more the longer his child wails. Her cries are different from the piercing screams of babies in town. Instead of wincing and growing irritated, Xiao worriedly stares down at the bundle in his arms, wondering how to soothe her.
“It’s alright, I got you,” he whispers. There’s a tiny part of him that feels stupid for saying that, the phrase foreign on his tongue and unfitting of his usual character. You’ve said it before though and it worked, so the greater whole of him pushes past the self-served embarrassment.
However, as his daughter refuses to settle Xiao feels the hope he had that he had this dwindle. He begins to run through all the tricks he's seen you do and in his flurry of thoughts, his eyes dart to you. By some miracle you still managed to remain asleep, blankets draped up to your gently rising and falling shoulders.
You would've calmed her by now... he thinks, deflating further. Just as he's about to give up and wake you, accept that he's just not fit for the job as a dad, an idea finds its way into his thoughts.
Mixed in with the silence of the night and the tiny cries of his child, faintly the melody of Xiao humming can be heard. It takes a couple beats but the tune catches the tiny baby's attention, her sobs dying down into happy giggles and gurgles. Relief fills him as he unconsciously smiles softly, rocking his arms as he begins to walk around the room. His feet, with a mind of their own, take the two to the balcony, a gentle breeze ruffling his hair.
No longer in a state of despair, bright yellow eyes much like her father's gaze up at the star-littered sky, wonder in her expression. Maybe he does have the capability to be a dad.
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @kaeyaloml // @x-zho // @mariposa666haruka // @psycho-nightrose // @kaerui-kaisen // @hoshikechi // @genshin-impact-writings // @stage-lucida
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alk4li · 5 days
cyno, thoma, neuvilette, alhaitham, diluc, kaeya
what type of relationships you have with the genshin men? a serious relationship, situationship, fwb etc.
a/n: i rewrote this sm times cus i wasnt happy with how it turned out
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✧ ok i see him as such an amazing lover tbh
✧ would want to become a dad bc he thinks dad jokes are the next step towardsa higher level of comedic excellency
✧ tighnari begs you not to let this man have a child
✧ but despite knowing his job could endanger you, he trusts in your ability to protect yourself
✧ would randomly buy you trinkets that remind him of you bc hes usually away for so long
✧ he keeps a little box of momentos that he snagged from dates with you. it consists of things like tickets from events you both went to and seashells from the time you both went to the beach.
✧ will not shut up about invocation tcg
✧ almost went insane when you jokingly told him you didn't want to play invocation tcg with him
✧ when you do silly things he joins you without question
you laid down your living room floor with your hands outstretched towards the ceiling. you shut your eyes as you soaked in the feeling of the ceiling fan gently blowing wind. you heard a pair of footsteps approaching, eventually stopping next to you. you pry your eyes open to see cyno looming over you. "what are you doing?" he asked, gesturing to your limp figure. you prop yourself up on your elbows and stared back at cyno, "i wanted to feel like a leaf." you replied. cyno stared at you for a moment, before walking towards the windows. he reels the curtains back and shoves the window panels open, allowing a gush of wind in. intrigued, you stand up and watched as cyno began making his way back to you. "what are you doing?" you question cyno who was standing behind you now. cyno reaches under your arms and swiftly lifts you up, earning a shriek from you. "pretending that i'm a tree."
✧ probably a little busy for a relationship but tries to make it work
✧ i feel like befriending the melusines is a easy way into his heart lol
✧ you had a small interaction with neuvilette one day, probably bumping into him and he helped you onto your feet
✧ the melusines saw this and their minds started PLOTTING
✧ they bothered you and neuvilette every hour of the day for 2 months straight about a 'blind date'
✧ when you both finally agreed (the melusines lied to both of you that the other had agreed to get you to agree) you almost passed out when you realised who he was
✧ it worked out though, because now you're in his kitchen throwing apples at his head
✧ he gives out amazing advice too
✧ ah, what a man
standing at the entrance of the cafe, the melusines snicker and giggle. they nudge your calves, signalling you to enter. hesitantly, you step foot into the quiet cafe. you looked around, trying to find the guy the melusines have been trying to set you up with for the past 2 months. you nervously searched, looking for a man who was sitting by himself. when your eyes landed on a secluded seat by the windows, you almost fainted. with languid footsteps, you walked towards neuvilette, who had noticed you when you walked in. neuvilette stood and pulled out your seat, "have a seat," you gave him a small smile as he settled back in next to you. "i remember you, i bumped into you a few months back," neuvilette said, eyebrows raised in amusement. that's when an epiphany hit the both of you, "oh." he mumbled. "that's why the melusines kept pestering me," you giggled, taking note of a few colourful animal ears poking out from the nearby window. "well, let's at least entertain their wishes for a little." neuvilette nods at your request, flipping open the menu.
✧ 10/10 lover boy
✧ he wants a established relationship
✧ when he first confessed he was a MESS
✧ dreams of settling down with kids in inazuma with his lover.
✧ i feel like he would appreciate scenic dates more than dinners and shopping dates.
✧ he wants children in the future
✧ he gets insecure about not being good enough for his s/o
✧ but he tries his best to build a future w you!
the streets of inazuma were lively and full of colour, the evening sun settling in the background. your footsteps blended in seamlessly with thoma's, with your hand laid comfortably in his callous palms. "ow-" a quiet voice rang behind you and thoma. shuffling is heard as you turn to see a child laying face down on the concrete pavement. releasing your hold on thoma, you stepped closer to the boy. soft hazel eyes looked back at your own, glistening in the light. a smile etched itself onto your face as you extend a hand towards the boy, he hesitantly takes it as you gently lift him onto his feet. "are you okay?" you ask. the boy shyly nods, a wince escapes his lips just as quickly. glancing down at his limped foot, a small gash on his knee starts bleeding. with swift movements, you grab a napkin to gently dab at his wound. spectating from behind was an awestruck thoma, something felt so comforting about the interaction. without a silver of doubt and unequivocally, "she is the one."
✧ this is a hill i will forever die on
✧ he's so rational.. would make a pros and cons list about dating
✧ definitely tells you "sorry, i love you but this will never work. you need someone who can be there for you."
✧ he thinks that with his work and your life, it would clash and create conflict
✧ whenever you argue about
✧ everyone has no idea what is going on, tighnari and cyno thinks he's dumb and kaveh thinks you're dumb
✧ kaveh doesn't understand why you stay with a prick like alhaitham
✧ he truly likes you but his heart will forever lie in his love for his study and craft.
✧ he wouldn't tell you to wait for him because he's calculated the optimal time for dating and it's undefined
✧ sadly, he will never have enough time for another lover
alhaitham's embrace flushed against your weary skin. his room sat too silent yet too loud. the only sound you heard was the gentle beating of althaitham's heavy heart. his hands cradles your own, "i don't understand why you keep distancing yourself," a raspy whisper falls from your lips. alhatham instinctively draws your body closer to his own, his face moves towards the valley of your neck. feathery light touches grazes your forearm. "this was what i was worried about. you would be unhappy with how absent i am," the words hang coarsely in the air, cold to the touch but burning in your heart. you breathed in sharply. “this is why a relationship would be a bad idea.”
anger rose in your throat, “that's different. you're absent now because you're choosing to avoid me. you’re being selfish.” breaking free from his embrace, you turn and pin your fiery eyes against his emerald ones. however, he could only reply with a solemn look, “the probability this will turn out well is zero,” he replied. alhaitham knows how probability works, it can never truly be zero, but it can also never be ensured that this would turn out well. alhaitham is just a man that wouldn't take that risk.
✧ this man has no time for lovers (and way too traumatised)
✧ but does the occasional fancy date
✧ the type to leave you hanging for 3 business days
✧ makes it up to you by buying flowers after realising his mistake
✧ all in all he doesnt see this as a long term thing, so dont get too disappointed
✧ but he also can't take the feeling of losing you because he can't stomach the idea of losing someone he loves
✧ it's a hot and cold goose chase
✧ you'll be a happy for a week then he ghosts you for another week
curling in the comfort of your couch, you sulkily wolf down a bag of snacks. it has been officially 72 hours since the last time you heard back from diluc. the red headed man had disappeared without a word three days ago. after a night out, with a promise to pick you up the next day. it has been well over the decided time, and diluc is once again, a no show! a loud knock is heard against your door, there's a silent pause before another loud bang was heard. you pull your weight and drag yourself to the door. in front, diluc stood, a rare display of panic in his eyes, a bouquet of flowers clumsily clasped between his arm. you slant against the door frame, disappointed eyes stare back at his. "im so sorry, i just got so caught up on works and," he uncharacteristically fumbles over his words, guilt eats away at him as he eyes your sunken and tired eyes. you nod, looking at your feet. "i figured," there's a moment of ghostly silence. diluc hesitantly reaches forward, lightly resting his palm on your shoulder, testing the waters. when you don't push him away, firm arms wrap around your head, pulling you into his chest. a chaste kiss on your forehead, diluc gently rubs your back, "i'll make it up. i promise."
✧ bsfr this man is too traumatised for love but would chase the adrenaline of it
✧ he doesn't want something a hassling as a situationship, no strings attached!
✧ he's still really cordial with you tho, treats you well
✧ buthonestly.. don’t get too attached or expect much, mans has been through the wringer of life
✧ lisa suspects something going on between you two but has no evidence to prove it
✧ amber just thinks you both are secretly dating
the feeling of kaeya’s rough arms clinging to your abdomen shakes you awake, suddenly realising that you’re wound up in his bed. again. the movement makes the male beside you stir, he groggily props himself up on his elbows, rubbing his temples, “morning, y/n. slept well?” a grin spreads across his face as he grabs and pulls you back onto the mattress. “great, actually. dreamt about monstadt without kaeya alberich,” you joke. kaeya rolled his eyes, gently punching your shoulder. “how awfully boring, who would accompany you to insufferable events then?” kaeya teases, poking at your sides. despite how domestic it all felt, deep down you both knew that by 12pm, these memories would slip into another void along with the other many escapades.
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honeykaes · 2 years
—𝐛𝐨𝐲, 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬?
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✦ pervy roommate headcanons w/ diluc, kaeya, ayato and heizou
✦ warning: smut, 18+ content, minors do not interact
✦ disclaimer: afab!reader with no set pronouns, everything is consensual, modern au!, reader is a tease (diluc), panty sniffing (diluc), masturbation (diluc), impact play (kaeya), creampie (kaeya, heizou), doggystyle (kaeya), brat!reader (ayato), fingering (ayato), toys (ayato), bondage (ayato), ahegao (ayato), humiliation (ayato and heizou), riding (heizou), implied blowjob (heizou), watching porn (heizou), unedited
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Diluc had an obvious attraction to you and you absolutely loved it. His cheeks would always flush red, as he put his hand balled into a fist close to his lips clearing his lips and anxiety as you crept closer to him. The two of you have been living together for the past year, and the redhead felt like he was losing himself.
He would often lie awake at night wishing instead of the wall separating the two of your rooms, you joined him into his bed—as you laid beneath him, with that sparkling gleam in your eye as his fingers twitched before caressing your cheek and he’d finally take those lips forever plaguing his mind.
So as you left the bathroom, a towel wrapped around your form and hair dripping down and cascading the visible skin you graced him with, he sighed heading to the shared bathroom where your scent overwhelmed the small room. An audible gasp left his lips as he bent down, grabbing the thin fabric of your underwear that was splayed down on the tile floor. Gulping, to soothe his throat darting his lips out to lubricate his once-dried lips, he couldn’t help pressing the fabric against his face—huffing the scent of your slick, still gleaming on the fabric. 
A low moan vibrated through his throat as he turned the faucet to the shower off, quickly disrobing his day close letting them drop to the floor, one by one. As he got into the porcelain tub, he couldn’t help huffing your underwear once more—cock twitching to life. His large palm took hold of himself, squeezing himself hard with a gasp as the hot, pressured water shot out at him.
Despite the fabric becoming wet from the water, he couldn’t help it pressed to his face, parting his mouth open to get some kind of taste from you as he continuously fisted his cock. His moans reverberated across the shower, jerking his cock tightly in his palm faster and faster. As his thumb pressed against a prominent vein on the base of his cock—his lower stomach churned and tensed as ropes of cum shot out staining the wall of the shower. 
Heavy breaths escaped him as he slowly fell from his high, letting the water completely splay vermillion hair. As his cheeks burned in shame. He couldn’t help tossing the wet fabric with the rest of his clothes trying to come up with some excuse if you asked. He knew this was a test you gave him, and he completely fell for it.
Yet, his scarlet eyes couldn’t see your grinning face pressed against the shower door.
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Kaeya is going to be the complete death of you. The cunning smile he gives whenever you return home, eyes narrowing in as if he can finally play with his favorite toy. The whispers and low voices he’d grace you with, leaning into close leaving you wishing he would close the gap and press his plush lips against your skin. Or, how his fingers, touched you so tenderly as if fairies themselves were pressing against you and almost satisfying every needy feeling you had for him. You were completely down for the tease, but obliviously, you didn’t realize he was as well.
As Kaeya’s eyes fluttered open, he could only sigh feeling the strain of his cock against his joggers. His mind had been riddled with dreams of you lately, completely enticed by the various times he would take you over and over again—and yet, he lack the direct words to tell you how enamored he was for you. As he sighed once more cupping his bulge and sucking a breath in, feeling his cock pulsate—delighted by the attention. 
Taking a deep breath, the longing frown on his face slowly curled into a smile smelling the various spices wafting through the crack of his door. Grabbing an eyepatch and fashioning it against his blinded, muted lavender eye, he waltzed over, seeing you focused on the stove of the kitchen mixing whatever meal you were preparing.
His eyes wandered down, settling down on the curve of your ass—accentuated by the shorts you were wearing to try to beat the heat of the late summer atmosphere. He just couldn’t help himself as if tempted by seeing the globe of your ass. He found himself behind you, hands settling snugly on your waist as he press the hard, covered bulge against the softness of your ass.
You couldn’t help but gasp, your body tensing up as you tried to turn around to confront him but Kaeya merely chuckled at your meekness, one hand darting to the dials of the stovetop to turn it off. His lips leaned in brushing against the tender skin on the nape of your nape, whispering how cruel you were for never noticing his lingering eyes always on you and wishing you were his, how many nights he stood away fisting his cock at the thought of you, how many times he wanted to dismiss and ridicule the stupid Tinder dates you’d go on when he can satisfy and entertain you instead.
And ask he asked you if you felt the same, a timid yes caused his smirk to evolve to a grin. He couldn’t help bending you down, slowly pulling down the shorts that captivated him in the first place, hand smacking down watching the ripples move across the skin. His fingers drifted down, easily finding your clit, chuckling at the strings of slick already beginning to drool out of you. His visible eyes focused on the way his fingers were completely covered in the translucent, sweet substance dribbling out of you. He could help bring his fingers to his mouth, lapping it up with a loud moan freeing his agitated cock trembling and desperate to be inside of you. 
Pressing the brown tip, siping it across your wet slit, and nudging it against the sensitive nub, before completely sheathing inside of you. Hearing your soft moans dancing in a song with his made it so hard for him to slowly bottom out, but he was patient—feeling your velvety walls clench down and massage his length. As he thrust inside of you, he pressed his lips against the arch of your back, feeling you trembling and grabbing tightly against the hard counter of the kitchen—heavy balls smacking against your ass with such fervor as his fingers kept meticulously swirling against your clit. 
Jaw clenching tight, he couldn’t help but bury his cock deep inside as he spilled his cum inside of you, as you soon followed him as he savagely continually toying with the bundle of nerves. He laughed as he steadily pulled out, watching globs of his cum ooze out of you and onto your thighs and the tile floor. 
Why don’t you join him in his bedroom? You owe him dinner after all, and he will greedily take anything you offer.
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You and Ayato had a battle in this apartment always every day you would see him. It wasn’t hostile, or prone to any arguments. There was a silent battle on which one of you would confess first to one another. You both knew attraction, both physical and emotional was there, yet you two did not want to yield and tell the other thus a strategy game always played out in the shared space.
You were shocked as you arrived home from work, seeing Ayato lounging on your bed, scrolling on his phone with a bored expression. As soon as lilac eyes met yours, mischief shined in them as a smirk crept onto his pale face. As you questioned why he was in your room, he explained that he was looking for the spare keys you told him were in your bedside drawers he could retrieve as his sister and childhood friend would be arriving in town next week. What you didn’t expect was him to pick up your dildo in his grasp, turning it on in your horror—eyes locked onto the phallic item buzzing in his large palm. 
You forgot to tell him it was in the right bedside drawer, not the left. The confidence you once had against him threatened to slip away inside of you; however, you simply crossed your arms flashing a shaky smile explaining you were an adult with needs, and he couldn’t shame you for that. Hearing your counter, Ayato chuckled, nodding in acceptance before grabbing your hand, both of you falling onto your plush bed. 
Leaning close to your ear, he told you if you managed to cum on the dildo without beginning his cock was the one inside of you he’d finally admit defeat and properly confess to you. Tempted with the offer, you accepted. As you disrobed, his eyes greedily took in your nude form for the first time. Your hot cheeks, snatched the toy away from his grasp, slowly parting your legs open as he watched your entrance pucker and tremble in anticipation, pressing the on button.
A gasp escaped your lips watching Ayato slowly take his tie off, wrapping it around one of your wrists to the bedside, the other held by his strong grip. As you demanded what he was doing, he simply said he had to make things harder for you, he already heard your whispery voice call out his name through the thin walls before; he would get you to admit how much you lusted for him one way or another.
You yelped feeling him press the toy against your clit as your lip shook, trying to resist the urge to call out his name. His long fingers pressed against your folds, calmly spreading you out wider so he could get a better look at you. You were so focused on the pleasure shooting throughout your body that you failed to see his mouth absolutely watering as he stared at your dribbling cunt. 
His finger finally dipped inside of you, slowly sliding in and out as you struggled and ground your clit even harder against the vibrating dildo he held at your clit. The sound of your wet cunt taking his digits echoed throughout the room to Ayato’s delight, feeling your walls cave down once he finally twisted and curled them to the spongy top that caused your back to arch.
He continuously beckoned you to call out his name, as tears welted up in your eyes trying so hard not to until your body churned too much. You couldn’t fight anymore, Ayato had won this chess battle as your body vigorously shook in pleasure, mouth agape as you babbled out his name over and over again. With a smile, Ayato's fingers slipped out of you before pressing themselves on your lips, urging you to open them so you could taste him. He laughed as you finally obediently followed his silent command, leaning in to press his lips against your cheek, in case any tears managed to escape and fall down. 
He had finally won this war, as his cock painfully pressed against his slacks.
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Heizou tried his best to hide his admiration for you, but he couldn’t help himself at times. Sometimes it would be so painstakingly obvious that you had a crush on him. Your eyes would always wander to his shirtless form whenever he finished working out at the local gym, or eyes wandering down to his crotch whenever you two watched a movie together—debating on whether you wanted to sit on his lap or wonder what it would be like with his cock in your mouth.
That’s why, when he was assisting with your computer malfunctioning, he snorted pulling up old tabs of porn you previously watched. It seemed you forgot to clear your history before you decided to ask him for his assistance. Almost in pure sadistic pride, he couldn’t help but pull up video after video, watching you mortifyingly cover your face in embarrassment hearing the moans of the couples behind the screen. Heizou only whistled in interest, before leaning into your ear—hot breath making the hairs on your neck rise up asking if you imagined he was the one doing all these sinful things to you.
He slowly maneuvered you to sit down on his crotch, you could feel his half-harden cock press against your backside in glee. His hands pulled apart your legs, slowly removing the pants. You heard his laughter in your ear as his hands went over to pitch your oh-so-sensitive clit, feeling the wetness protruding out of your underwear. You really were a pervert, but it was alright—he was too, he told you. You could hear the fabric of your underwear begin to tear as he tugged on it before the not ripped pair finally fell down onto the ground.
Heizou raised your hips up, freeing his cock now at attention and pulsating in anticipation, watching the strings of your slick stick to your upper thighs, he murmured you needed to give him a good show and enjoy yourself just as the videos you were watching—it’ll be his payment for helping you with your computer after all. With a shaky sigh, you slowly lined yourself up to his cock, sinking yourself down and hearing his grunts as you finally fully took him inside. Blunt nails buried themselves into your hips as you move your hips up and down, covering your face with your hands. 
A half-lidded olive-eyed gaze watched your chest move with your motions, chuckling at the utter humiliation you had yourself in. Unsatisfied with how slow you were, Heizou thrust up with fervor, causing you to yelp out his name to his delight. He grabbed your wrists, to see your embarrassed expression decorated on your face, pressing your own hand on your hips with his own tightly securing them. 
He wanted to hear you call out his name over and over again, finally, own up to the dirty fantasies he’s had of you for so long. He’s addicted, feeling your insides flutter down trying to milk every drop of his cum inside of you. As his body tensed, his eyes shut tight cock twitching as warm cum spewed from him, spreading deep inside of him. A lazy smile appeared on his lips as he slowly lifted you up, watching the cum glide down onto his lower stomach and cock. 
Heizou could only point down as you slowly got on his knees, pointing back to his softening cock, glistening with your slick. 
Would he ever admit to you that his own laptop was filled with videos of couples that reminded him of you and him? Of course not. Would he ever admit how desperate he was to finally slip his cock inside of you? Yeah right. He’s just happy you managed to slip up before the detective and now, he’s going to play out every position and thought he’s ever had of you tonight.
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cythena · 2 months
celebrity!fav getting a crush on foreign idol!reader is so cute to me.
celebrity!fav is a fellow musician, actor, athlete or whatever. either way he so popular globally but mainly japan.
celebrity!fav finds or gets shown some song by an artist overseas and it's in his head for weeks. it's such a catchy song it draws him into the entire album and eventually you're entire discography. so he spends weeks learning about you and stalking your socials. it's not like he's unfamiliar with your name but he's never found your music to suit his usual taste.
celebrity!fav stalks your socials accidentally, very pleased to see you follow him on your main. he follows you on an alternate account for everything. his official page keeps its following to a minimum and it would be embarrassing to be caught. he likes all your pictures, especially your relaxed selfies. he lies in his bed admiring your beauty before he has to get out for his own day.
celebrity!fav is absolutely estatic when scrolling on twitter and sees your announcement: a world tour. so he excitedly scrolls through dates and cities. in three months from now you'd spend almost an entire week in japan performing at three of its largest venues. he could attend every single one and afford its premium packages. you'd first arrive in tokyo, then osaka, then finish in nagoya.
celebrity!fav is calling his manager to clear his schedule for that week with no exceptions. you had his full attention for that time. he didn't wanna worry about a photoshoot, rehearsal, practice or whatever. whatever it was could wait until he returned. he didn't care that his manager immediately protested when had he hung up the phone.
celebrity!fav arrives to night one of your tokyo shows. unfortunately, he wasn't as close as he would like to be but he was still seeing you live. he purchased seats a little high but close enough to see your pretty face. he sat in an aisle with one security member next to him (only because his manager was insistent on bringing one). as the concert keeps nearing its start, he decides to post a picture of the stage with a favorite song.
celebrity!fav who gets put on the jumbotron between songs. he mentally curses for being noticed but really doesn't mind. he waves to the audience but hopes to keep it brief. he finds it amusing how they searched for him and successfully found him so he humors it. the big screen flashes the word "dance!!" so he stands and laughs it off. when he sits, it finally switches to a different audience member.
celebrity!fav gets a notification from instagram during intermission to see you liked his story and his heart drops. he grins and goes to follow you back. he opens a video from you of him dancing to your song captioned "so good! you should be my backup dancer!" he responds faster than he thought his fingers could even move. replying, "alongside you is a true dream."
celebrity!fav who spends the rest of intermission silently losing his shit because he's actually flirting with you. before you tell him you're going back onstage, you ask him if he's free tomorrow. it's your first time in tokyo after all so you'd love a guide.
personally imagined as...
satoru gojo (this whole thing was satoru coded), yuuji itadori, aoi todo, toge inumaki
kaedehara kazuha, tartaglia, wriothesley, kaveh, arataki itto, kaeya, thoma
kyojuro rengoku, giyuu tomioka, zenitsu agatsuma, genya shinazugawa
meguru bachira, yoichi isagi, hyoma chigiri, rin itoshi, seishiro nagi
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levi-supreme · 1 month
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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shanieveh · 1 year
im in love... with someone—ALBEDO, xiao, childe, venti, baizhu
Everytime you glance at each other is a beautiful moment. He was a majestic being. You knew he wouldn't love you back, but every conversation, moments with him at your side are enough. You wouldn't want to ruin what you both already had for the selfishness in your heart.
You see him at night, busy with tasks, wondering how you can fit at his life. They were full of passion, doing their duty, busy with it as their work fills their life. Maybe it was best admiring from afar. But when they see you deep in the night, eyes on him. A gentle sigh of glee can be seen from his lips.
Maybe you do have a chance..
who's in love... with someone—cyno, TIGHNARI, kaeya, ayato
When he first spoke of his tiny crush, your heart came crashing to the floor. Now you help him arrange love letters, practice confessions. And in those practices, you hear those flowery words, one might think that are from poems and books, but you can't seem to shake the bitter feeling all of this weren't meant for you.
Both of them were beautiful, they deserve each other. You were just an empty shell compared to him. He was smart, he was diligent, he was perfect. And now you saw your greatest love in the aisle, waiting for someone that will never be you.
that someone will never be me—alhaitham, scaramouche, diluc, PANTALONE, dainslief
He never cared about you. You remember every scenario and all he did was spare a cold glance. Why did you expect... how can you expect. He was someone from another world, unlike an utter hopeless romantic. You can't confess when you already know the answer. He won't choose you, he'll always choose his own.
That did not make himself selfish, that made him strong. He had enough of hopes, and just like that he had enough of you. You were a fleeting fantasy, he was making reality. He was already going through too much, you can't add that. Not when there is no possibility he'll even know you past your name.
that someone is finally me—itto, THOMA, kaveh, heizou, kazuha
He loves you. He LOVES you. Your heart beating at his confession, your long time crush, also shares the same butterflies, the same rosy cheeks when one draws near, the same flower garden with bees and rainbows when both of you are alone. They share the same feelings as you. And as an impromtu kiss was made, in the pale moonlight. You know all is right in this chaotic world.
He who gives you love letters, he who imagines every moment to be with you until his last breath. Who will love you and you back it. It was a fairytale, your life is a dream with him. And as he kissed you in the forehead you slept, knowing that a new tomorrow will come with you by his side.
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ikaroux · 1 year
How are they with their pregnant companion? Tighnari
Synopsis: Pregnant, your husband/partner is over the moon. But how would he take care of you during pregnancy?
Style: Cute, fluffy, female reader.
Bonus NSFW (18+) I remind minors to avoid reading this kind of content.
Alert: May contain story spoilers for some characters.
Characters: Tighnari.
Note: I wanted to do Capitano and Kaveh at the same time as Tighnari, but having had the flu this week, I unfortunately didn't have the strength to move forward. I still wanted to get something out for the holidays. I hope to have time to do Capitano and Kaveh for the new year. I really enjoyed writing this for Tighnari, I got very attached to the character, especially from my other fic "Before the Sun and Moon." (I unfortunately didn't have time to translate the last few chapters into English). I hope you'll like it!
Part 1 Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Xiao, Venti, Albedo, Kazuha, Childe.
Part 2 Scaramouche, Dainsleif, Thomas.
Part 3 Dottore, Pantalone, Alhaitham
Part 4 Cyno, Ayato
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"Tighnari, which color do you prefer?"
Tighnari was working on a poison remedy for foresters when you walked in with a pair of clothes in hand, one fir green and the other indigo. "Um… Indigo, I'd say." And once he had given his opinion, he returned to his research, not catching your insistent gaze on him. After a few seconds of your lover remaining focused on what he was doing, you noticed that his body froze, ears and tail erect while his eyes were as round as an owl's. The clothes you brought him were far too small for an adult… Tighnari turned back to you, his eyes darting between what you held in your hands and your face. The gentle smile you offered him and then your nod propelled him into a daydream. You were pregnant, he had been waiting for this moment for months! The fox man rushed to you, lifting you off the ground to trap you in a warm, loving embrace. He was finally going to build a family with you, his beloved. He was the one who brought up the idea of a baby, the enthusiasm and warmth of his words making you melt for him more and more. Before he met you, he was once a distant and solitary man, preferring to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the academy, and the plots. It was in his genes, he was made that way. But with you, everything was different. He loved you more than anything else and the day he asked you to be the mother of his child was the most beautiful proof of love he could offer you, not to mention his marriage proposal…
Tighnari would only tell close friends about your pregnancy, so Cyno will be the first to know. Although he feels a great affection for Collei, he will prefer to wait a little before telling her that he will be a father in a few months. He knows that she is quite emotional and awkward, so it was better to bring it up gently.
You both chose to stay in Gandharva, the atmosphere being more peaceful than in the city of Sumeru. It will be Tighnari who will take care of you during the whole pregnancy. Nevertheless, he will not hesitate to ask for advice from colleagues when his knowledge reaches its limit.
Tighnari will do his best to be by your side as often as possible during the first months of your pregnancy, wishing to support you during the first trimester which was the hardest for a pregnant woman to bear. He knows that his presence reassures you and calms your anxieties as a mother-to-be and Tighnari is well aware that this child must be expected by two.
Your husband will always be behind you when you feel ill, gently stroking your back if you are vomiting, or applying an herbal balm to your temples to soothe your headaches. He will stay by your side when you sleep, rocking you tenderly, his soft eyes admiring your face. Maybe you dreamed it, but you could swear you heard him whispering words of love in your ear…
Unfortunately for you, your sleep will often be disturbed during the first weeks. Tighnari, having a very developed hearing, will wake up at the slightest noise you make. Seeing that your eyes are wide open, the man will whisper a few soft words to you, his hand tenderly caressing your face to numb your senses before wrapping you in the warmth of his arms. He will only fall back asleep once he feels your steady breathing against his skin, indicating that you have fallen into a peaceful torpor.
Tighnari has made a habit of letting you stroke his ears and tail when you're stressed, even if he's in the middle of his work. He knows that this soothes and comforts you. He'll usually wrap his arm around your hips and pull you closer to him, resting his head against your belly.  Anyone in Teyvat could tell you were the most adorable couple they had ever seen.
Being a forestry brigadier, Tighnari is sometimes forced to be away in the forest for days at a time. You both hate being away from each other, and even more so now that you are pregnant. Fortunately for him, you get along well with Cyno, who will always offer to take some time to visit you and check on you. "I want your child to call me uncle Cyno." He will say with a serious look to Tighnari as a token of thanks. The fox man will look at him blankly, ears lowered as Cyno nonchalantly raises his thumb in the air before joining you. "Ah?!" Was all that Tighnari found to say, his friend being already too far away to hear him (or pretended not to hear him…).
It is after a long week of absence that Tighnari realized the volume that your belly took. Slightly rounded, hardly visible to those who were not paying attention. For your husband, however, it was obvious and he found it beautiful… Seeing you, the one he cherished most in the world, going about your business as your child grew inside you. He couldn't help but look at you in silence, his eyes full of love and tenderness.
You were in the early stages of your second trimester, and your belly had taken on a shape that made Tighnari blush with joy. How many times did he feel like he was being slapped in the face by the evidence of your pregnancy? He couldn't stop looking at your belly, let alone touch it. So in those moments, you'd invite him to join you on the couch or bed, making yourself comfortable before inviting him to rest his head on your belly, stroking his hair as he savored the moment. "Tighnari, I'm sure our little boy will look just like you." The man laughed against you, gently making the baby react against his cheek. "Why do you think it will be a boy?" "I saw him in a dream." Tighnari looked up at you, clearly amused. "Oh, then it will be a girl." Your eyes opened wide, further amusing your husband. "You have a 50/50 chance of cheating on you my love, so my money is on a little girl. Besides, how many mothers have been wrong in their dreams of their unborn child?" You grunted, frustrated by your husband's words. He reassured you, however, whispering that no matter what sex the baby was or who it looked like, he would love and cherish it as his greatest treasure.
Your outings into town were always in pairs. Tighnari would stay by your side, affectionately holding your hand as he nonchalantly strolled the streets of Gandharva. Your belly was now perfectly visible to everyone, prompting locals who knew you well to approach you. Tighnari's colleagues and friends even dared to ask you to touch your belly, despite your husband's reluctance… He begged the Rani Kusanali to help him when he felt the impatience rising in him at the sight of all these people touching you without fear in front of him… Your husband has become particularly good at finding any excuse to keep you away from the crowd…
When you reach your seventh month of pregnancy, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to rest, especially when the baby seems to be living its best life in your belly. Although fun for those who touched your belly, it was unfortunately something that made your daily life more exhausting. The pain in your back intensified with the fatigue and stress of the approaching birth… When you felt exhausted, you looked for your husband who was your lifeline when you felt like you were drowning in uncertainty and doubt… Tighnari would listen to you calmly before taking you to a quiet place to sit on him, his hands and lips taking over his words to soothe you.
As you approached your ninth month of pregnancy, you felt unable to move because your belly was so round and heavy. Exhaustion was showing on your face and the pain in your back was becoming unbearable. Tighnari had become the one thing in your life that made you feel safe, cherished and loved. You relied entirely on him… As you were nearing the end of your pregnancy, Tighnari took a few weeks off to devote all his time to you. When he wasn't busy with household chores, your husband would sit on the bed next to you, chatting quietly with you while keeping his head and hands on your belly, enjoying your caresses in his hair. He cherished his moments of intimacy with you, basking in your caresses as he felt his child playing in your belly. He had told you so many times since you were together, but by the seven archons, he loved you more than anything in the world. Tighnari has never felt happier…
Tighnari will be an extremely gentle father, never raising his voice at his child, believing that education should not be about obedience, but about self-respect. He loves the contact with his baby, looking for every possible excuse to hold him. Having already had Collei under his wing, he will be very pedagogical with his little one, loving to answer his questions and teach him new things.
NSFW Bonus:
It was not easy to imagine that Tighnari was the kind of man who sought physical contact, he who was always known as a solitary man, preferring to hole up in his office or go off into the forest on his research and patrols. Yet he was the first to come to you and claim you, loving and savoring every part of you with a consuming passion. You had never felt so loved and wanted as you did with him…
Seeing your body change with pregnancy, you were afraid that it would turn him off and that he would pull away from you while your sexual desires only intensified. Your fears were unfounded, and while Tighnari avoided touching you for the first few weeks of the pregnancy, preferring to give you time to recover from the nausea and exhaustion that your first few hectic nights had caused, once he felt your intense gaze on him, he knew he could once again indulge his need to touch you.
He was always the first to make contact, approaching you from behind like a fox looking for its prey and wrapping you in his loving arms as his lips sought the softness of your skin. His hands always lingered on your belly before slowly moving up to your aching chest, massaging it languidly as you felt his canines nibble tenderly at your neck. He always had loving, passionate words to whisper to you before he started anything, telling you how beautiful and desirable he thought you were with his baby in your belly. He knew that you were afraid that you wouldn't be desirable anymore, that the stretch marks would appear more and more as your belly grew… Or even that the thought of making love to a pregnant woman might scare him away from you. But you were beautiful in every way, pregnant or not, Tighnari needed to feel you against him, your warm skin, your moans and the melodious whisper of his name when he made you feel especially good…
The sex was always passionate and languid, and while you liked to hold him, Tighnari had a preference for taking you doggy style. Although it was easier for you and for him with your increasingly rounded belly, it was a habit he'd picked up long before you got pregnant. He was always gentle with you, only getting carried away when he felt your orgasm approaching. His lips were never far from your skin as his ears strained, the pleasure he felt inside you making him dizzy. He was always careful not to crush you, constantly keeping a protective hand on your stomach.
As soon as he felt you tighten around his member, Tighnari would slow down to savor the feel of your tight walls, before straightening up behind you, grabbing your hips to lift you a bit off the mattress you were lying on. He would seek release as soon as you calmed down, flipping you onto your back before penetrating you again. The quick movement of his hips made you moan and Tighnari crushed his lips to yours to swallow the vibrations of pleasure from your throat. And as he felt his orgasm pouring into you, one of his hands grabbed yours, tangling your fingers together as the pleasure overwhelmed him, his moans swallowed by your passionate kiss… Archon, he loved you so much it was painful. His forehead resting tenderly against yours, Tighnari closed his eyes, thinking of how happy he was to be starting a family with the only woman he'd ever loved…
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ivyluvsyouu · 3 months
love how pretty your blog is!! Had the cutest idea with Venti, Kaeya, and character you wish for hcs. Imagine finding them at a party really tired from drinking and partying haha. And just being there for them. Taking them home, making them eat something and drink water, giving them pain medicine. Just love knowing how these boys would react to being kindly taken care of <3 Hope you have a nice day :))
𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊, 𝑲𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒂, 𝑲𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒉𝒂
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He had been at the tavern all night and around 11pm you finally decided to go and get him. He was drunkenly playing his lyre in the tavern and when he saw you, he lit up "Y/nnn!!! come here let me play you a song~!!" He said slurring his words. "No Venti, it's time to go home" you said sternly. His smile dropped "Noo I don't wannaaa~!!" he protested but after a bit of back and forth he finally agreed to go home.
Once you got home, he got into something to sleep in, and you make him some dinner and got him some water and brought it to him in bed. You laid next to him, and he laid on your shoulder as he ate his food. He was starting to sober up by now and after he finished his food, he looked up at you. "Thank you, y/n" he said as he moved his head from your shoulder to your lap. He fell asleep and slept the rest of the night on your lap.
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You were at a party with Kaeya and the rest of the knights. You weren't sober but you could tell that Kaeya was overdoing it and he had way too much to drink. You said goodbye to Jean and went over to Kaeya. "Babe, I think we should go" you said placing your hand on his shoulder. He nodded and didn't protest, He felt like shit after drinking so much so he was ready to go home too. You got him some water as soon as you both got home. He drank his glass of water as he got comfortable in bed. "Y/nn come here~" he said opening his arms for you. Once you got in bed, he immediately wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your chest. You massaged his scalp softly and just laid there with him for a little while in silence. You then looked up and saw that he had already fallen asleep. You smiled and closed your eyes and fell asleep as well.
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You had already gone to bed in Kazuha's quarters in the crux. It was Beidou's birthday, and you had been celebrating with the rest of the crew but around 10pm you got tired, and you kissed Kazuha softly. "I'm going to go to bed, don't stay out here too late, okay?" You said softly. "Goodnight, my love, I'll be to bed in an hour or so, sweet dreams darling" he said. However, an hour later he told the rest of the crew he should head to bed and the crew convinced him to stay a bit longer.
He stumbled into his quarters where you were sleeping around 1am. He drunkenly changed his clothes into something to sleep in, trying to be as quiet as he could so he wouldn't wake you. But when he got into bed you woke up and saw him getting into bed. "Kazuha what time is it?" you asked as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. "I don't know..." He said drunkenly. You could tell in his voice how drunk he was. You got up and got him some water.
As he drank his water you sat on the bed next to him and just talked to him for a little while. Once he was done with his water he laid down on your lap and shut his eyes and sighed in comfort as he felt you massaging his scalp. You got a hairbrush off the dresser and brushed his hair softly. "Night y/n... love you.." He said as he dozed off in your lap. "I love you too, Kazuha"
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒎 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈! 𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕!<𝟑
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