#first is only funny if you font know eel names
offsale · 2 years
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purplesurveys · 6 years
What’s your favorite nail polish that you own? I don’t use nail polish. I move my hands around too much and anything I put on my nails would get chipped in an instant. What’s your favorite play by Shakespeare? I never enjoyed taking up Shakespeare in high school. I guess I was most engaged when we studied Macbeth, though. That or Hamlet. What’s your favorite recipe that takes less than 15 minutes to prepare? Homemade pizza. We were taught how to do it in preschool–hotdogs, mayo, ketchup, cheese on white bread then pop it in the oven toaster. I haven’t had it in like a decade just because I’ve never had time to make them, but it’s the best thing that takes less than ten minutes. It’s such a preschool recipe but since I had it so many times as a kid, it’s comfort food to me. What is the smallest thing that made you embarrassed or anxious? Ordering in restaurants, asking for help at a store, talking on the phone, asking questions, people looking at me. Anything can make me anxious really, so long as I’m thrust in the spotlight. You’ve just written the most annoying computer virus ever made. What does it do?  I used to have the world’s most annoying virus on my ancient laptop. It used to type down random Vietnamese texts on its own. Like I could be watching a YouTube video and it would make a group of Viet words show up on the search bar. If I had to wish something on my worst enemy it would be that.
Did you ever attend a wedding that was a complete disaster? Fortunately no. Filipino weddings aren’t as dramatic as the horror stories I’ve heard in other countries. What is something that you were surprised you were able to do?  Dunno. Keeping a magna cum laude standing to this day is one of them though. What movie surprised you with how good it was? Wonder Woman. I never go to see blockbusters, much less superhero films. That one was a pleasant surprise. Is there anything you’re stressed out about? Yes, but I’m on Tumblr right now to de-stress so don’t remind me. Satan decides to make a new Hell for the lesser sinners where everything is mildly inconvenient. What would you expect to find there?  Ads. Lots and lots of annoying, unskippable ads. Think the Fifteen Million Merits episode of Black Mirror. Which persistent myth/misconception annoys you the most?  Can’t seem to think of any now... What’s the last video you watched on YouTube? I think it was a snippet from The Return of Superman, the Korean show with dads taking care of their kids. Do you have any extensions on your web browser? No, I don’t download third-party programs onto my Mac now since I want to keep it as clean as possible. What is the most bullshit sounding true fact that you know? The fact that mammoths were still alive when people were building up the pyramids. That or people before the 1800′s had no idea what dinosaurs were. If you were to create your own candle scent, what would it be? I don’t know. Cookie dough? I’m sure that’s been made already. Have you ever bought food online? I always have my food delivered online because I could never call them up. Are there any foods that you avoid eating? Yes. Any kind of fruit. What Oreo flavor is your favorite?  Just the regular ones. What G-rated joke always cracks you up? They’re all in Filipino so nobody would understand anyway. If you won free food and drinks for a lifetime to a restaurant of your choice, which restaurant would you choose? Vikings. It’s this huuuuge buffet restaurant so I would always have a variety of choices. What comedic sound effect would completely ruin sex? All I could think of is Mario screaming “YAHOO!” so that. Do you think they should have made a sequel to Nightmare Before Christmas where they explored the other holidays?  I’ve never seen that movie so I don’t know if it would be a good idea or not to extend it. But I know I wouldn’t want, say, Love Actually to be turned into a Halloween or a New Year’s movie, that’s for sure. What is your favorite holiday?  Halloween even though it isn’t a holiday. Do you ever make playlists? Yeah, for certain moods. I have a playlist for when I drive my car with Gab in the middle of the night and a playlist for when I’m sad, to name a couple. Do you think you could create an entirely new font?  No. I’m so not creative. Sour gummy worms or plain gummy worms? Errr I guess sour. I’ve never had a gummy anything that tasted plain. What songs have you been listening to a lot lately? Dua Lipa’s Homecoming is SOOOOO good. It’s a breath of fresh air from New Rules, which is becoming overplayed to an extent that I don’t particularly enjoy. What was something that looked easy but turned out to be hard?  Being an adult.  Ever been in a talent show? How many times? What did you do? No, because I have no talent that I could at least show off to an audience. :/ Ever try out for the talent show and not make it? Did you cry? Well not a talent show, but I did try out for the school newspaper. I got through the first cut, but not in the final one. I did cry; it had been my dream to be in that paper since I was in fourth grade (they only accept high school students.) I never tried out for it again and instead became part of the editorial board for the yearbook when I was a senior. When that was happening, the paper was begging me to pick them and work for them...too bad. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever cried about? Nothing. That’s the stupidest thing I had ever cried about–I literally cried over nothing. Do you like peanut butter?: LOVE IT. Put it on/in my pancakes, my cookies, my cakes, my cupcakes, my chocolate bars, and on my kare-kare. Peanut butter is life. What about marshmallows?: I fucking hate marshmallows. How do you roast your marshmallows?  I don’t even eat them. Do you eat s’mores?:  Sometimes. That’s really the only time I get to enjoy marshmallows. What’s the best brand of chocolate?  Reese’s, Twix, and Maltesers. Do you own a disco ball, or know anyone who does? No. Gabie sure deserves one, though. She’s stuck in the 70′s. Own a lava lamp? I don’t but I did want one when I was like 14. Own any sort of glow-in-the-dark room accessory? No. I have glow in the dark sticks and bracelets that I got from concerts, but they’ve long faded by now haha. Ever faked an orgasm?: Never. If I couldn’t have one I’ll just let my girlfriend know and snuggle instead? Done something illegal to your car?:  No. The car wasn’t bought under my name, so if I did anything stupid it’ll be my dad who answers to that and I don’t want him to kill me. Own some type of work out machine? My mom owns one but I have no idea what it does. Ever pooped a weird color besides brown, green, or orange?: No. Are you quickly getting grossed out?  Not at all. Think a drum player for a band is hot?: I don’t find them hot, but I always found anyone who could play drums cool. Do you tend to like male or female bands better? I like bands with music I could listen to better. What scars on your body do you have? One near my eye and another on my pinky toe. Ever did something sexual in public? Sure. Do you like the taste of squid or eel?  Yep, we live on seafood down here. Ever date anybody in middle school?: I didn’t. No joke, as a grade schooler, I thought I wasn’t supposed to develop romantic feelings for anybody until I was at least 25. I just thought it was an adult thing. What was your first date like? I’ve never been on a getting-to-know-someone date...my ‘first date’ was literally the first date I had with Gab, since I went straight to asking her to be my girlfriend and never really courted her hahahaha. It was beautiful. We went to a museum and had a nice Italian dinner and had a sleepover in my house where we played video games (well she did) and had pizza delivered. It was the purest thing. What about your WORST date? Ugh. That Shakey’s date was THE WORST. It was our last date before we broke up and also my last resort to get through to her, after I realized that she was distancing herself. Everything was my treat and it was because her birthday was coming up...I felt like shit when I learned it wasn’t going to fix anything anymore. Share a really embarrassing moment?  Driving out of the gas station and nearly entering the highway when I didn’t even wait for my change :(( The gas attendant had to run after my car, since I was basically driving away from around ₱400. That’s a week’s worth of lunches, and it would have sucked if I was able enter the highway immediately. Did you like to get dirty when you were little? Nah. My mom hated it and wanted me to stay clean, so it got passed on to me. Do you find the show Family Guy absolutely hilarious?:  There are some scenes that are funny but ultimately, it’s not my humor. Most jokes just fly over my head since they’re too political or too pop culture-y for me to recognize them. Own anything that has to do with dragons or unicorns? I don’t think so. Believe in mermaids/mermen?:  Nope. What piercings do you have/want?: None anymore. What tattoos do you have/want?:  Also none anymore. Hate needles. Which is cooler - pink or purple?: Pink.
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waftr · 4 years
It is an absolute truth that the internet is made up of thousands and millions of websites and other online properties that impart some information to its visitors. However, there are some weirdoes, who put up websites that are utterly useless and random. But, if you may ask, why exactly I am writing about the most useless websites in 2020? Probably, I am that one weirdo off a lot of writers on the internet. These are good websites to waste your time and I’ve written other ways also for you like Downloading free movies, Playing free games online, Downloading music for free and more.
29 Most Useless Websites in 2020
What is that common factor that attracts all of us to these random and useless websites? Probably, it’s best to ignore these factors and look into the light hearted-ness escape they offer us each and every single time we visit them. Here is my list of 29 useless websites that you must visit.
1. ZoomQuilt – #1 Useless Website
Just look!
Is traveling your passion? Quench your thirst for traveling on ZoomQuilt. It has nothing but awesomely created images of places which zooms in one after another – ideal for ones who are zoned out. Creepy is the word for some of the zoom in scenes. And I can’t say this as a useless website but a good website to try out to waste time.
Go to Zoom Quilt
2. Koalasto Thermax – #2 Useless Website
Swipe the circles!
Not sure what the developer was thinking while putting up this random website, but, hats off to his thoughts. When you open the portal you will come across a big random circle and upon moving your cursor or swipe on it, the circle breaks into 4 smaller circles. You can go on and on breaking circles into 4 and next 4 and so on. What really surprised me was the final design of the whole scheme of things. If you are an artist, you might definitely want to try this.
Go to Koalasto Thermax
Although classifying this website as a useless might be rude, but I am putting it on this list solely for you to try it.
3. Bored Button – #3 Useless Website
Click on the Button!
Do not expect much, except for a button that takes you to different activities when clicked on the red button. I just hope you don’t get bored, clicking the bored button.
Go to Bored Button
4. Eel Slap – #4 Useless Website
Swipe to Slap!
Have you ever tried slapping someone with an eel, yes the same eel that sparks with electricity? You will find an image of a person and you can keep slapping with an eel as long as you want. For some it might come out as a stress buster, but, I found it to be awfully useless.
Go to Eel Slap
If you do not have anything else to do and your time is as useless as this website, do check it out.
5. Paper Toilet – #5 Useless Website
Swipe the Papers!
Keep rolling the toilet paper as long as you want. Next time you run out of toilet paper, do pull out your phone and start rolling until your wife passes a roll for you and thats why this website ranks in Top 10 of our Useless websites.
Go to Paper Toilet
6. Most Exclusive Website
This random website will make you special for it allows only one visitor at any point in time for 60 seconds. You get a ticket when you are done. It also displays no of people waiting to get on the website and how much time people have wasted waiting to get on it.
Go to Exclusive Websites
7. Tholman Texter
This one is interesting indeed. On the screen select from text styles, fonts, and size and randomly move your cursor. See the magic unwinding.
Go to Tholman Texter
8. That’s The Finger
Tilt your Phone!
Give that middle finger that you always wanted to. Move your cursor up to offend someone and down to pull up your index finger. Probably, whatever you do on this website, it is you who is going to get offended. Check it out.
Go to thats the finger
9. Staggering Beauty
This is one of my favorites for sure. On this useless website, you will find what looks like a rod-shaped jelly or blubber that follows the mouse pointer. It might look normal for some, but the game starts when you shake your mouse pointer vigorously. Try doing it once; you will see what is waiting for you. Whether you call it a useless weird website or not, but, it definitely blew my mind.
Go to Staggering Beauty
10. I Look Like Barack Obama
Here comes the 10th useless website by a random guy, who feels he looks like Barack Obama, compares himself with the former president. Images of both juxtaposed for comparison. Thank god for Michelle chose the actual one.
Go to I look like Obama
11. R33B
A crazy large eyed frog thinks it can hypnotize you with its eyes and some random background haunting score. Do visit to check if you are lame enough to be hypnotized by this amphibious being.
Go to Hypnotoad
12. EndLess Horse
If scrolling up and down on a website is your favorite past time, a must check out. You will find a horse with infinitely long legs, which grows as you scroll down and down.
Go to Endless Horse
13. Patience is Virtue
As expected, you will be made to wait for eternity on this random and really useless website. Hint: It’s a buffering icon that hates to load the website for you.
Go to Patience is Virtue
14. Falling Falling
A series of colored screens falling endlessly with a score which for me seemed like a plane about to crash, but actually, never do. Wish I could tell you the intent behind this useless portal, but definitely, the creator was falling into the abyss.
Go to Falling Falling
15. Zombo
On this weird and creepy website, you will hear a thick voice, with a 70’s techno music in the background narrating the importance of being on zombo.com. With a couple of random circles, it can get annoying for some. Funny is the word for it!
Go to Zombo
16. Heman Sings
A must watch for all fans of this 80’s hero character – Heman. If you have never seen a superhero singing in a high pitch voice, while dancing utterly stupid moves, visit these guys.
Go to Heman sings
17. Chicken on the Raft
This website definitely qualifies to be a useless one. You will notice an image of a chicken on a raft and a timer saying for how long the chicken has been on the raft it. Interestingly, the background music is a real party song, which you must play next time when you are a couple of beers down with your friends.
Go to Chicken on the Raft
18. Corn Dog
Weird this random website might seem, but you are assured of witnessing a corndog on another corndog on a plate with some mustard dipping. Check it out at your own risk for I am not going to promise usefulness on this website for sure.
Go to Corn Dog
19. OMG Laser Guns Pew Pew Pew
Oh man! Playing with laser guns, collecting nuts and shooting the guy with weird hair (you know whom I am talking about) can be fun. You as a squirrel with a laser gun, just Pew Pew Pew to get some points on your side.
Go to Omg Lazer Gun
20. Map Crunch
Choose any location on the planet and visit the place as if you are there. Navigate across the streets and check out places. Why waste your money on flights and hotels when you can have fun on your screen! Duh!
Go to Map Crunch
21. The World’s Worst Website Ever
I so wish I had not visited this. Not really sure what is happening here. If you are that guy who feels homesick when there is too much order, make sure you have enough bandwidth to visit this portal.
Go to Worst Website ever
22. Is My Computer On?
Know if your computer is on. I am mind blown by the accuracy of the answer made available. It’s 100% accurate all the time.
Go to Is My Computer ON
23. OMFG Dogs
Cheap techno music with a variety of happy dogs running towards you is the name of the game. Not sure if you have stolen something from them.
Go to OMFG Dogs
24. TryPap
Create a password and let the algorithm comment on it. It cannot get weirder than this. Some comments can ache your stomach.
Go to Try PAP
25. Grandpa No Clothes
Ever saw Grandpa without clothes? This is your last chance. Don’t look at me, go ahead and lose your appetite. this is 18+ and the worst ever useless website.
Go to Grandpa No Clothes
26. Much Better Than This
Can you kiss like this? Or better.
Go to Much Better than this
27. Pixels Fighting
A laboratory with two colored bacteria teams fighting with each other. Sorry to say this, but there are no winners here.
Go to Pixels Fighting
28. bacon sizzling
Go here to see jaw opening bacon sizzling in a pan, I can see this for hours :O this is the best useless and pointless website you have ever seen.
Go to Bacon Sizzling
29. BeesBeesBees
Reminds me of that scene from ‘The Mummy’ where you have moths all around the city. Same here as well, instead of months its bees everywhere. Location changed too! This time it’s Oprah Show.
Go to Bees Bees
Except for one or two, most of these random websites can be categorized as useless for we would not lose much without them. However, internet on the verge of getting a lot less interesting each passing day, with these useless websites our fight against being simple and monotonous. Show us your best useless websites to try this 2020 in comments.
The post Top 29 Most Useless Websites in the world [2020] appeared first on Waftr.com.
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waftr · 6 years
29 Most Useless Websites
It is an absolute truth that the internet is made up of thousands and millions of websites and other online properties that impart some information to its visitors. However, there are some weirdoes, who put up websites that are utterly useless and random. But, if you may ask, why exactly I am writing about the most useless websites?  Probably, I am that one weirdo off a lot of writers on the internet. Although useless websites they might seem, they constantly succeed to drag our attention towards them. They make sure every second of our time on these random & useless websites are imprinted in our minds eternally.
What is that common factor that attracts all of us to these random and useless websites? Probably, it’s best to ignore these factors and look into the light hearted-ness escape they offer us each and every single time we visit them.
Here is my list of 29 useless websites that you must visit. Why 29? It’s for you to guess I suppose.
1. Staggering Beauty
This is one of my favorites for sure. On this useless website, you will find what looks like a rod-shaped jelly or blubber that follows the mouse pointer. It might look normal for some, but the game starts when you shake your mouse pointer vigorously. Try doing it once; you will see what is waiting for you. Whether you call it a useless weird website or not, but, it definitely blew my mind.
2. Koalasto Thermax 
Not sure what the developer was thinking while putting up this random website, but, hats off to his thoughts. When you open the portal you will come across a big random circle and upon moving your cursor on it, the circle breaks into 4 smaller circles. You can go on and on breaking circles into 4 and next 4 and so on. What really surprised me was the final design of the whole scheme of things. If you are an artist, you might definitely want to try this.
Although classifying this website as a useless might be rude, but I am putting it on this list solely for you to try it.
3. Chicken on the Raft 
This website definitely qualifies to be a useless one. You will notice an image of a chicken on a raft and a timer saying for how long the chicken has been on the raft it. Interestingly, the background music is a real party song, which you must play next time when you are a couple of beers down with your friends.
4. Corn Dog
Weird this random website might seem, but you are assured of witnessing a corndog on another corndog on a plate with some mustard dipping. Check it out at your own risk for I am not going to promise usefulness on this website for sure.
5. Eel Slap
Have you ever tried slapping someone with an eel, yes the same eel that sparks with electricity? You will find an image of a person and you can keep slapping with an eel as long as you want. For some it might come out as a stress buster, but, I found it to be awfully useless.
If you do not have anything else to do and your time is as useless as this website, do check it out.
6. Most Exclusive Website 
This random website will make you special for it allows only one visitor at any point in time for 60 seconds. You get a ticket when you are done. It also displays no of people waiting to get on the website and how much time people have wasted waiting to get on it.
7. Paper Toilet 
Keep rolling the toilet paper as long as you want. Next time you run out of toilet paper, do pull out your phone and start rolling until your wife passes a roll for you and thats why this website ranks in Top 10 of our Useless websites.
8. That’s The Finger
Give that middle finger that you always wanted to. Move your cursor up to offend someone and down to pull up your index finger. Probably, whatever you do on this website, it is you who is going to get offended. Check it out.
9. ZoomQuilt 
Is traveling your passion? Quench your thirst for traveling on ZoomQuilt. It has nothing but awesomely created images of places which zooms in one after another – ideal for ones who are zoned out. Creepy is the word for some of the zoom in scenes.
10. I Look Like Barack Obama 
Here comes the 10th useless website by a random guy, who feels he looks like Barack Obama, compares himself with the former president. Images of both juxtaposed for comparison. Thank god for Michelle chose the actual one.
11. R33B 
A crazy large eyed frog thinks it can hypnotize you with its eyes and some random background haunting score. Do visit to check if you are lame enough to be hypnotized by this amphibious being.
12. EndLess Horse
If scrolling up and down on a website is your favorite past time, a must check out. You will find a horse with infinitely long legs, which grows as you scroll down and down.
13. Patience is Virtue
As expected, you will be made to wait for eternity on this random and really useless website. Hint: It’s a buffering icon that hates to load the website for you.
14. Falling Falling
A series of colored screens falling endlessly with a score which for me seemed like a plane about to crash, but actually, never do. Wish I could tell you the intent behind this useless portal, but definitely, the creator was falling into the abyss.
15. Zombo
On this weird and creepy website, you will hear a thick voice, with a 70’s techno music in the background narrating the importance of being on zombo.com. With a couple of random circles, it can get annoying for some. Funny is the word for it!
16. Heman Sings 
A must watch for all fans of this 80’s hero character – Heman. If you have never seen a superhero singing in a high pitch voice, while dancing utterly stupid moves, visit these guys.
17. Bored Button
Do not expect much, except for a button that takes you to different activities when clicked on the red button. I just hope you don’t get bored, clicking the bored button.
18. Tholman Texter
This one is interesting indeed. On the screen select from text styles, fonts, and size and randomly move your cursor. See the magic unwinding.
19. OMG Laser Guns Pew Pew Pew
Oh man! Playing with laser guns, collecting nuts and shooting the guy with weird hair (you know whom I am talking about) can be fun. You as a squirrel with a laser gun, just Pew Pew Pew to get some points on your side.
20. Map Crunch
Choose any location on the planet and visit the place as if you are there. Navigate across the streets and check out places. Why waste you money on flights and hotels when you can have fun on your screen! Duh!
21. The World’s Worst Website Ever
I so wish I had not visited this. Not really sure what is happening here. If you are that guy who feels homesick when there is too much order, make sure you have enough bandwidth to visit this portal.
22. Is My Computer On?
Know if your computer is on. I am mind blown by the accuracy of the answer made available. It’s 100% accurate all the time.
23. OMFG Dogs
Cheap techno music with a variety of happy dogs running towards you is the name of the game. Not sure if you have stolen something from them.
24. TryPap 
Create a password and let the algorithm comment on it. It cannot get weirder than this. Some comments can ache your stomach.
25. Grandpa No Clothes
Ever saw Grandpa without clothes? This is your last chance. Don’t look at me, go ahead and lose your appetite. this is 18+ and the worst ever useless website.
26. Much Better Than This 
Can you kiss like this? Or better.
27. Pixels Fighting
A laboratory with two colored bacteria teams fighting with each other. Sorry to say this, but there are no winners here.
28. bacon sizzling
Go here to see jaw opening bacon sizzling in a pan, I can see this for hours :O this is the best useless and pointless website you have ever seen.
29. BeesBeesBees
Reminds me of that scene from ‘The Mummy’ where you have moths all around the city. Same here as well, instead of months its bees everywhere. Location changed too! This time it’s Oprah Show.
Except for one or two, most of these random websites can be categorized as useless for we would not lose much without them. However, internet on the verge of getting a lot less interesting each passing day, with these useless websites our fight against being simple and monotonous.
Show us your best useless website in comments.
The post Top 29 Useless Websites on the Internet that Actually Exist appeared first on Waftr.com.
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