#firt gen rights
poridge · 2 years
Irish Americans are funny because they'll be like "oh you're 50% Irish haha I'm more Irish than you." Excuse me? Do you have an Irish Father? An Irishman for a father? I didn't think so. Don't talk to me. You're too removed from the culture to understand its pains and joys.
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mothmags · 6 months
Hi more Nashi next gen stuff because I'm supposed to be sleeping, but i simply can not
Headcannon Time!
Mainly her jewelry and spirits
part 2
Ok jewelry time!
I said this in the tags of my first nashi post, but she likes jewelry. anything gold and shiny that catches her eye.
I like to think she gets it from natsu's dragon instincts to hoard shiny stuff but we simply cannot deny that lucy is a child of the rich and (probably) lovveeessss jewelry especially high quality jewelry (me too girl)
natsu gets her little trinkets and size changing weapons that she can wear/make into jewelry when he takes long jobs
Lilly mentions in an ep that size changing weapons are hard to come by, but since they are very handy, i think they would become more popular by the time nashi hits double digits
she's made a hobby of it and stores all the stuff he gifts her that she's not currently using in a jewelry box he gave her when she was ten
the rest of her jewelry is either in storage (other less sentimental jewelry boxes) or stuff she literally never takes off / is just on her desk for easy access
She rotates most of her daily stuff every month or so to match the season but has a few staples (mainly her facial jewelry)
Most of her jewelry is gifts when the rest of the guild catches on that she likes it
it becomes her signature gift to receive from people
Odessa did her pircings - with supervision of course (this is a lie they very much did it with a safety pin in the guildhall bathroom while both sets of parents were on jobs)
Laxus caught them doing this but said nothing because he thought their parents' reaction would be funny
he was right
Natsu lost his shit and tried to fight gajeel while lucy panicked, hard
I think levy and gajeel would just be like "again????"
gajeel would find it amusing
eventually, it became a right of passage for the kids of fairy tail to get pierced by the redfox kids (more on them in another post maybe)
Now for the fun part! her spirits!
Her only gold key is leo (for now, im still debating on her second one-if she gets one at all), and he's like a big brother to her. He would be the first one called / volunteer to babysit if no one else could if natsu and lucy weren't going on a job.
they very much so have an older brother and little sister dynamic. they tease each other a lot and make a conscious effort to inconvenience the other
He watched her grow up just like the rest of lucys sprints, so him firting with her would be super weird
might be a little ooc since he seems to flirt with everyone once they are over the age of 16 but im retconing that for all of the children of his friends for obvious reasons
he flirts with almost anyone else he finds tho - still very much a ladies man
Lucy gave her his key after a nasty job that almost got nashi killed.
"mags why is lucy giving nashi one of her strongest spirits?"
im glad you asked
When nashi came back beaten, brused, unconscious, and having to use Wendys healing as a life support, natsu and lucy got super scared.
Leo was the first who offered to become her spirit - to dedicate himself to her safety at any cost
Virgo was the second with Capricorn following
After a long debate with herself and Natsu, they decided leo would be the best fit because leo is closer to nashi than the rest of the spirits are.
even if it means nerfing lucy a bit
she's one of the most powerful celestial wizards ever at this point, so she needs it fr (you have 10 gold keys girl, its time to share with the class).
Nashi has 7ish silver keys
Horologium, Polaris, Nikora, and the rest would be OCs mainly because i think making them would be fun
She has a tan and maroon striped Nikora that she calls Jupiter since one of his red stripes gets thick at one point on his side
Jupiter was her first key and was a gift from her parents for her 10th birthday
when she was 12, she gave him a little blue scarf so he could match her, and he's worn it ever since
That's enough for now. lol i have a few more things that i want to go over, but that's for another post
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Being the First to go to College
So you've decided to go to college! Congrats, that's wonderful to hear. We all know how big of a decision this can be for immigrant famililes. College is the money maker. The path that ensures success, stability, and increased wealth for the family. Right? And much pressure is often placed on the chosen one. This person now carries the fears, hopes, and dreams of their family members. But there are always two sides to the story! Those who have never been to college will always talk about it highly. It's what I like to call "the Grass is Greener" phenomenon. But for the person who is actually choosing to walk this path, there is much to learn in a short amount of time in order to ensure that much anticipated success. Here are a some tips and tricks that can make that stroll through campus a little easier on the knees!
1)College is a business.This means that anyone the university can charge you they will. Food, textbooks, student ID's, parking, transportation, university commodities, all come with a fee. Nothing is free unless you have been awarded a full scholarship. And if that's your case, be prepared to work your ass off and stay focused.
2)You will be exposed to many things for the first time. Don't be afraid to ask questions or speak with the professor after class. Especially when it comes to English class, Math and the Sciences. Though children of immigrants are stereo- typically kick ass at all the hard subjects, we all know that it cannot happen without atleast breaking a sweat.
3)Be ready to be exposed to sex, and lots of it. Humans are sexual creatures, especially around the time of college. Many young adults are on their own for the first time. And for many, that means being able to have sex whenever and how ever. Do not be afraid and do not be alarmed. This is only a natural part of human deevelopment. If you truly think this will be a problem for you, consider same sex private schools or Bible study. Not trying to be an ass, just trying to prepare you. And even with those alternatives, there aren't any guarantees that you won't be exposed to same sex dating. Your best bet is to work on opening yourself to different people and different belief systems. If you want to be accepted for who you are, you will have to learn to accept other for who they are.
4)Alongside sex, there will be alcohol and drugs. You have every right to say no and walk along. However, I have yet to meet a single person who has made it into their senior year without dabbling into atleast one substance. For those who have been extremely sheltered, I strongly suggest doing as much research as possible and paying a visit to your local health clinic before attending university. It's important to know about what kind of substances are out there ars well as the effects they can have on your development. Also, don't be afraid to ask all those embarassing sex questions you've been keeping to yourself. It's better to be safe than sorry.
5)Be ready to feel lonely from time to time. Extremely lonely. You will get homesick. Especially in your first year, regardless of whether you dorm or commute. Combat this by joining clubs. This is the quickest way to meet new people and get acquainted with your new campus, provinding with a sense of hominess and familairity.
6)Learn MLA and APA format. This is the required format used for all major assignemnts and your grade will be heavily impaired if you don't have atleast some of it down. The most important habits to develop are the aility to create a concise header and proper use of in text citations. If you aren't sure what this means, google, google, google!
7)This could have easily been number one, but have an idea of what you want to do and make sure it comes from your heart! As First Gens, are parents have most likely influenced decisions regarding our career paths. Damn near every immigrant wants a Doctor, Engineer, and Business Man/Woman as a child. But we have to be mindful that our parents are looking out for our pockets more than our happiness. In reality, happiness will be the very thing to fill your pockets. Now, I am not saying to throw all your money away by sticking to general studies. In fact, it is better to have a concnetration than to stick to liberal arts. However, if art is your passion, don't be afraid to walk down that road. LCombat that critical inner parent voice in your head and follow our heart. If it's what you truly want for yourself, your passion will sure as hell give you the ammunition to become successful.
8)If you aren't sure of what you want, DO NOT START COLLEGE YET. As glamourous as college may seem, it's expensive as hell. And the $3,000 interest you'll end up paying because you decided to choose a minor your last semester of senior year will bite you in the ass when you're finally ready to pay back those student loans. Do not rush it. Take some time to learn who you are, which is an all around essential task for Firts Gens. Work, party, play, create, mess up a little bit. Take some time to get an honest understanding of your likes and dislikes, and once you feel like you've established some true direction, go 'head and sign up for those first few courses!
9)Be prepared to grow apart from your family. Especially for those who are very close and extremely dependent on your parents, college will mature you in ways you would never expect. Being alone, and learning how to wake up on your own, get to class on your own, and stay warm, well fed, and well groomed on your own will give you your first taste of adulthood. At this time, you may realize that you don't need mommy and daddy to be there with you through every step anymore. Do not feel guilty. This is a very normal step of human development and you are entitled to your own growth. At the same time, always check in and remind your family and remind them that you love them. This is likely a difficult time for them and a simple check in can work wonders in making this a smoother transition for everyone.
10)Grades aren't that important anymore. Yes, making the dean's list will certainly be something to brag about on your resume. But you will also be competing against thousands of your classmates with the same reputaiton or better. The quicker you learn to understand it's not what you know, it's who you know, the more successful you'll be. Get acquainted with professors. Get involved in extra curriculars. Try to get in contact with the Dean. Go to networking events. The more contacts you have come graduation, the more likely you'll be able to confide in one of them for post gradaution guidance/employment. Please remember not to be fake, pushy, or superifcial in making these contacts. We all could use some help, but no one likes to help an entitled piece of shit. Be realxed, be yourself, and learn to communicate your truth honestly and effectively. Don't be afraid to use your First Gen status. This will only make people more interested in helping you.
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timbo-drake · 7 years
Hey there! I’m starting to make imagines and accept requests but first I need to clarify some things.
1. I am going to make imagines o The Marauders Era, The Golden Trio Era and Fantastic Beasts. I dont feel like doing Next Gen right now.
2. Now I am on vacations so thats why I decided to start, because I have lots of free time.
3. I make ANY character you want women or men doesnt matter who it is. 
4. My firts lenguage isnt english so if I make mistakes please tell me and I’ll correct them. Be patient
5.  Constructive Critisism is accepted! 
Hope you enjoy my imagines!
Feel free to request!
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upcominginfo-blog · 7 years
Razer Phone Pro and Cons with Some Overview
Razer Phone Pro and Cons with Some Overview
Razer Phone Pro and Cons: Top Pro and Cons The Razer Phone is the Razer’s First Smartphone, Mainly Razer well known for his high-performance Gaming Laptops, Apart from this Razer is Comming in Smartphone market also that’s why they launched a Smartphone Razer Phone with Some High-Performance Specifications. So Razer Phone Comes with a 5.7-inch IGZO LCD 120Hz Display with the Resolution of (1440 x…
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