#flaim rambles
flaim-ita · 5 months
So Toku is always hilarious to talk about but Geats has to be one of my favorites bc one sec I’m thinking about the thematic core of Geats being rooted in the dehumanization of the entertainment industry and how Geats successfully balanced fan expectations with fans who genuinely care and the pull of both executive influences and fan influences and the next moment I’m like “okay so in the among us round—”
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harmogandivas · 11 months
Waiting for symphogear live 2022 to be subbed and for me to download the bluray torents so I can cry again
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flaim-ita · 11 months
It’s weird being a Toku fan in the middle of the american entertainment strike bc like. Luckily I run no risk of my favorite shows being paused or canceled. But also I am very aware it would be very good if the Japanese entertainment industry got its own major overhaul.
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flaim-ita · 5 months
Geats ot4 is so much comedy bc Keiwa and Michinaga have the most Just Some Guy styles and their boyfriend and girlfriend are STYLISH INFLUENCERS but like Ace and Neon definitely go back and forth on forcibly providing them with new clothes due to the fact that Kekera and Beroba dressed their Oshis up for their evil eras. Cut to Keiwa and Michinaga in the ugliest fucking rental suits at a party and Ace just instantly breaking and taking them shopping.
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flaim-ita · 5 months
Every time I watch Kabuto I get a little more deranged like ohhhhhh the Worms can be possessed by the spirits of their own faces this is known this is a death sentence to a Worm one way or another. Worms as evolution with a loss of humanity. Worms as aliens but as ghosts they can’t come back wrong if they were never truly the original except there are times when they are one in the same and each time the dichotomy kills them. Now This Is Kamen Rider.
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flaim-ita · 6 months
This isn’t to forgive what Keiwa and Michinaga did bc they were both fully aware they did something bad, at least after the fact, but I find it interesting how differently their supporters abuse them.
I hesitated to use the word but it’s really what it is. Kekera and Beroba see them as basically toys.
Like Michinaga is aware he is being used. They’re using each other for their own ends, but he justifies it all to himself - he knows Beroba is a creep and calls her out on it. His expression is blank as she crafts the persona of Buffa the Jyamashin for him - she dresses him up like a doll, and he stays that way even as Jyamashin because as long as he rampages, he’s in the end acting without care for his own desire and suffering to help stop the whole game, while hurting others. He’s still hers until Ace’s new world and even still the color is stripped from him. He knows it’s a bad situation but he’s trapped without a better option. He has never seen a good side to Beroba.
In comparison we have Keiwa, who’s yelled at by Kekera from day one but just apologizes, tries to work harder. He trusts Kekera, unfortunately. Kekera fully intends to groom him, and he somewhat succeeds. Keiwa doesn’t realize Kekera is making him worse. Refuses to see it until it’s laid bare in front of him. The one person he can never forgive is Kekera, but he thanks Kekera for his help, too.
And it’s funny bc the one who was trapped saw it as a choice he made but the one who had every choice made only the worst ones and justified it to himself. But neither of them got free until Ace offered his hand. Because Kekera saw Keiwa as his perfect hero, and Beroba crooned and giggled as she aimed for Michinaga to be her monster that destroyed itself, and all it took was Ace going “is that really what you want? Let me help you” to free them.
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flaim-ita · 4 months
Hey remember “Keiwa is allowed to cause the apocalypse and enslaved a woman because no one went to check up on him 🥺🥺 at home after his sister died🥺🥺🥺”
Hey remember how Keiwa told Ace to his fucking face that the reason he did it was bc Ace didn’t keep his dying and enslaved mother alive to atone for what she was forced to do?
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flaim-ita · 1 year
There’s something to be said about how good Takahashi is at Isolating his Rider Protags
Emu doesn’t Really have anyone he Trusts other than Poppy, and we really see that come to a head in the 30s, during the various Parado Things
Then in Zero-One all these things happen Around Aruto, even Because of Aruto, but Aruto just has Izu, sometimes Jin, and a half baked dream.
And now we have Ace, who is Purposely isolating himself, but part of that is that his stakes are so far removed from reality, and he would prefer the other characters can still follow their own paths, even when those paths are things like “murder” and “victim blame my mom”
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flaim-ita · 3 days
Okay but Michinaga’s final form weapon being a giant claw shield????
It’s large and it’s unwieldy and it’s dangerous and it’s violent but not for a moment does Michinaga not have control of it. He can only use something like this BECAUSE of how much control he has. It is his base form extended, not something new. Because what he is good at, he knows and he’s mastered.
But more importantly it is a SHIELD. It’s not just an offensive weapon. In a movie about showing and saying that he is not the same, that the Jyamato are only evil if they choose it and everyone has a heart, this twisted power builds not on his theme of undead but of invincible. This was a power made to defend.
Michinaga doesn’t have to be a force of destruction anymore, but he is no less powerful for it.
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flaim-ita · 11 months
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Oh literally fuck off forever Keiwa. He doesn't have control of his powers and he's still doing more good than you. Imagine if he had chosen revenge like you did! the world would have ended already! He has lived every day for his mother and unlike you he MOVED FORWARD FOR HER
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flaim-ita · 1 year
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they are soooo mentally ill. even tho Buffa hasn't changed lol
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flaim-ita · 8 months
Keiwa is Kagami in that he is by the book and he means well and every bit of his energy says in another show he could be the hero, but he does not enter with the STRENGTH to match, overtaken by someone strong but strange (and dedicated to a path based on the family he lost young). Keiwa is Kagami in that the universe seems to have it out to get him but he finds a way to push on anyways and that strength gains him the respect and power he needs. Keiwa is Kagami in that it takes him to time to extricate himself from a system that doesn’t truly work because he’s helping people however he can. Keiwa is Kagami in that he loves his sibling dearly and he works as hard as he can and he is so very human. But so very good.
Keiwa is Kiba in that he is so very human, too. Keiwa is Kiba in that he tries to do good but he must convince himself that he is right, and does he even really know what that means? Keiwa is Kiba in that things get more complicated and he refuses to see it because if he does it all falls apart so it’s easier to listen to what he is told and believe he is right and it doesn’t MATTER the details people are DYING this is to SAVE PEOPLE! Keiwa is Kiba in that too much faith was put into him and there is darkness and ignorance in his heart and he tries anyways but it will never be enough. Keiwa is Kiba in that no one sees how human he is until it’s too late.
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flaim-ita · 7 months
Something I haven’t seen anyone talk about is HOW Neon interacts with her parents during times she lost her spark.
Neon’s wish is genuine love. Her wish never really changed because she genuinely knows what she is about - it’s part of why Ace adores her is they both completely understand who they are. His goal is his mother and that is his defining force, and hers is genuine love.
Neon when she loses her spark sticks to beige and brown. It’s the same style of dress, just stuffier. More obviously rich, and closer to how Irumi dresses. Neon Kurama is not intent to be her parents’ doll, and that is the source of her wish for genuine love. By comparison, she is content without her spark. Her bodyguards are with her (meaning she CAN leave the house with them! …So long as she acquiesces to her mother’s requests. But she wants to be genuinely free!) and she’s happily going shopping and doing the itinerary her parents likely set for her. She’s uncomfortable, but she still goes to the arranged marriage meetings. She is light and above it all but ultimately empty.
(Another note is she switches to more muted purples and pinks post Akari reveal)
Compare that to the scene where she shops with her mother in Genesis. She’s giggling and shoving at her. She’s in bright colors. She’s ALIVE and knows her mother is looking at HER. Not a doll, and not Akari.
“I love you” feels like a chain on my heart
But I know that isn’t what love is
Because Kurama Neon knows. Her core wish is just for people to see her as real. It’s why she’s a streamer, so someone can see the brightness in her, but it’s also why viewers like Sara don’t register how bad off she really is. (“She’s a beautiful rich girl but she wants to run away from it all and live a normal life, ignore her being kidnapped back home as a legal adult each stream”)
But that is what love is. It’s when people SEE YOU. Neon is a fake girl who sells a cutesy version of her own personal hell online and all she wants is someone to say. I see you. You’re real. Please be a part of my life.
And mean it
Something like Kyuun’s speech, or when Sara found out she was a fake girl and planned to quit streaming and said “okay, if that makes you happy”, or when Kousei came to save her, and Irumi knew the truth and didn’t try to drag her home but RUSHED TO HUG HER, and Ace used his power just to give her a chance to choose and to fight again.
And you know what’s beautiful? Everyone who saw it, who saw her flaws and her incredible self… chose her.
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flaim-ita · 10 months
Ace’s final form as god being fucking. Star of the Star of the Stars.
Geats was chosen by the DGP. So was the God of Creation.
But the Star of the Star of the Stars was his.
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flaim-ita · 6 months
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flaim-ita · 8 months
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