#flaming ink and george can switch whenever they please
melvinpsychoteddy · 1 month
cu crew pt2
@dib-thing-wannabe ehehe.... guess who's in this part? i made him super flirty because why not :]
explanation for the differences between dib and my au is in the tags!
"So you want us to leave our 2 cats outside just for this boy you're inviting over? Well... I don't know, George." George's mom sighed.
"Please, ma! I need this! I really wanna impress him, and he's allergic!"
"Oh, allergic you say? Well, I'll just go wander with them, okay hun?" She caves in, softly smiling.
"YES! Thanks mom, you're the best ever!" George's day is lit up, his mom taking the 2 cats outside, perfect timing as Melvin arrives.
"Hey George..." he says, seeming a little tense. "A-are your cats here? I really don't wanna--"
"They're outside, don't worry!" he smiles.
After about 30 minutes, George's storytelling turned into flirting. Melvin was secretly loving it. He was being praised and spoiled with kisses all over, his face completely red by now.
What George wanted was to make him feel so good he wouldn't be able to talk correctly. He needed confidence. Then... an idea came to mind.
"Hey, honey--" Melvin gasped quietly. Did he just call him that? "Have I told you about Flaming Ink and Polar Painter?"
Melvin giggles. Well, it was fun while it lasted. "Yes, multiple times, why?"
"I told you about how Flaming Ink has amazing charm, right?"
"U-uhm, yeah?"
"I gotta show you something, then."
"Alright, George, what's the surprise?" Melvin hums, covering his eyes.
"Oh, it's nothing... and I'm Flaming Ink, pretty stranger." Oh god, his voice was deeper. Melvin felt chills go up his spine.
"W-wow..." Melvin gulps. "Can I open my eyes now, uhm... Flaming Ink?"
"Of course."
Little did Flaming Ink know, Harold was watching them. Well, actually, Polar Painter was. "Bleh. He's being flirty." he huffs. "He has to make a move already, I think Melvin's getting cold."
Back to them, Flaming Ink smiled, Melvin's eyes widening because, oh my god, George was picking him up like a princess. "O-oh! Uhm, thank you for holding me, Flaming Ink!" he blushes. Flaming smiles.
"Always." He says. "I think you're the prettiest stranger I've ever had to rescue, stranger. What's your name?" he comments, still not putting Melvin down.
"Oh, my name's Melvin," he giggles, somehow being embarrassed by his name. "I-it's not a very pretty name, and I don't think I'm as pretty as you're making me out to be, dear hero."
"Nonsense! You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen!" Flaming Ink scoffs. "Say, you wanna know what I do with pretty things, Melvin?"
"What do you do with them?" he says, a bit nervous.
"I take them all for myself." he whispers in his ear, before picking him up, Polar getting out of the bush.
"H-hey!?" Melvin blushes, Flaming Ink running off to god knows where with him. He tries to wriggle out of his grasp but god is Flaming strong.
Flaming groans. Polar's always here to ruin his fun. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!? THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU!"
"LET HIM GO!!" Polar runs faster, Flaming speeding up more.
"HE'S MINE! I GOT TO HIM FIRST, YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS!" Flaming yells back, turning in an unexpected place and managing to lose Polar.
Melvin's in awe. Why? Well, first of all, his speed was basically inhuman so of course Polar wouldn't be able to keep up well, secondly, the fact that he's doing all this for him. He might be a little evil, Melvin isn't sure yet, but Melvin kind of likes it, and third of all, that was amazing.
Flaming pants as they stay in an alleyway, to take a breather, but he's still holding Melvin tightly. "You can let me go now, you know?" Melvin hugs him, something new for Flaming Ink.
"Mmn... no," Flaming really doesn't want to let go, he's clingy and this boy is beautiful, so why should he let go? He could lose him. "You're so pretty..." Flaming whispers in his ear again and hugs him tighter, his voice kind of tired and raspy now, making Melvin even more flustered and tense.
"Y-your voice..." he squeaks. "It sounds different."
"Oh," Flaming says casually. "It gets like that when I'm tired. Do... you like it like this?"
"I guess you could say that?" Melvin laughs, but goes fully silent as Flaming stares at him, then Melvin realizes that he's still hugging him. "You can let go now."
"But there's someone trying to take you from me..." Flaming hisses. "We should hide."
"Oh, uh-" Melvin's already getting picked up again, Flaming back with his speed, running off toward the school. "FLAMING!?"
"The school's full at this hour!"
"No matter! We can just hide somewhere else, then! Any ideas?"
"Uhm, well--" Melvin can't finish his sentence as Flaming is tackled by Polar, Melvin rolling on the ground for a little bit, vision blurry for a couple seconds and glasses somehow perfectly fine.
"GOT YOU! Stop trying to kidnap people!" Polar says, before getting up and helping Melvin. Flaming's eyes widen as he thinks that Polar's trying to take the ginger away from him.
"P-Polar look behind you," Melvin advises, Flaming behind Polar, ready to punch him.
"H-huh? WH--" Polar is interrupted by a sharp punch to the face, his nose broken and bleeding. "WHAT THE HELL, MAN!?" Polar yells at Flaming, on the ground, Melvin in shock at how he managed to break Harold's nose in just one punch, and also that he's making people bleed over him.
"Leave," Flaming growls at him. "He's mine."
"I don't want him!" Polar huffs. "I want you to quit taking people against their will! Did he ever say yes to anything you did!?"
"Not verbally, but I just know that he wants this!" Flaming remarks, pushing Polar. "Now, do you want me to break some other bones, or are we clear?" he hisses.
"...Fine." Polar sighs, having to cave in. "But don't hurt anyone else."
"Mhm. I've only got my eyes on the prize, don't worry." he looks back at Melvin, who's slightly trembling in fear for Harold's health and also because he's realizing that, hey, I did just get kidnapped, didn't I?
Polar knew he was lying when he said he wouldn't come back with help. But for now... he'd let Flaming have his fun.
As Polar left, Flaming stuck out his hand for Melvin to hold, wiping the blood off his glove. "You wanna go to that treehouse over there?"
"Uhm... okay!"
hope you guys ejoyed! sorry for how long it is, i wanted to cram a lot into this part :)
the next part will probably be just as long lol
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