#floyd is just. getting more and more Concern about branchs childhood the more he learns about lola
razzle-zazzle · 3 months
I bet Lola scares the shit out of branch's brothers, like purposely snapping her head 180 at them and just generally being a menace, the only reason they're not already dead is because branch still cares about them.
Initially I thought that Lola wouldn't know about the brothers, but now I realize it's very likely Branch could have brought them up when he was little. Either way, she kinda forgor that little detail, so when she comes to visit and Branch casually mentions his brothers are there? She's so surprised she forgets to crack her neck when snapping her head around to look at Branch.
And yeah, she scares 'em. But not particularly because they left Branch behind; she pulls similar shit on everyone! Girl's gotta have her fun somehow!
What's really funny is the brothers hearing Branch refer to anyone as "Mom" what with how their birth mother was out of the picture before Branch's egg hatched. Lola is very smug (ecstatic) about being called Mom. This does not help the situation.
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