#foams gameplay
foamimi · 7 months
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hey @danielhowell you made your way into my sims game <3
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buglaur · 11 months
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settling in is not going to plan
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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"I will die a better man with you in my life / I can't wait to tell the world that you're my wife!" (♪)
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windslar · 4 months
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berrydreamland · 2 years
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Learning to talk with uncle Foam 🥰
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paddington-two · 1 year
it cannot be overstated how excited i am for totk. i apologize in advance for the person im about to become
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maehemthemisfit · 10 months
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bucketofcowboys · 1 year
Playing Arkham Origins on easy mode and my ass still can't beat the FIRST BOSS FIGHT. I need to be put down oh my lord
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jahanmp4 · 7 months
I don't often talk about RP because I don't think I have anything interesting to bring to the table, but I just had this thought.
cc!Etoiles is always very vocal about HATING (and when I say hate I don't use this lightly I've rarely seen him react that intensely to anything else gameplay wise) PVP log (the act of logging off during a fight to avoid dying/losing damage). He is always about playing fair and square, if anything you need to remember about his mindset as a player, it's fairness.
This fits perfectly with q!Etoiles. He's always about defending people who are vulnerable, fighting for what is right (to him and his moral compass) and overall destroying anything that could be a threat/harmful to his loved ones. This coupled with the hc I saw someone mention on Day 1 of Purgatory of q!Etoiles being raised on UHC and feeling in his natural habitat definitely feeds in the "soldier-child" narrative.
Growing up playing UHC, q!Etoiles is all about following the rules of a duel, he's very much a gentleman in that matter. He knows all the strategies, the numbers and calculations needed to fully understand how to win a fight. He also understands that fighting someone who hasn't spent pretty much their entire life perfectioning their combat skills is unfair, and it's not even fun. He thrives in fighting against people who can potentially kill him, because then, it could potentially mean that they have the same understanding of what's at stake.
He was (wrongfully) painted as this bloodthirsty, merciless fighter by most islanders when he first arrived because they did not understand that the reason why he's so good at PVP was because he has always been meticulous and diligent in his training, but never unfair. Proof is that even when he killed other islanders/raided blue team's base he did not want to destroy anything because it didn't feel right to him.
Just now as I'm typing this he just said that he did not like the idea of destroying other team's bases because it would be too frustrating for them and that with a gameplay like that. Even if cc!Etoiles is very much holding back because of irl things, I find it so interesting how it fits PERFECTLY with q!Etoiles' soldier mindset even if unintentional (yes it makes sense because it's literally his cubito but leave me be okay). Remember how he was holding a q!Roier who was foaming at the mouth (my beloved) on a leash because he knew acting reckless and unprepared would not end well for them ? There's nothing impulsive about the man cucumber, he learned how to stay cool-headed because it's with a clear mind that you actually achieve your goals, very much what you learn in the army. Don't act on an impulse, act carefully but efficiently.
Anyways I think he's cool :D
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foamimi · 10 months
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
sometimes I rewatch the mw2 gameplay and think "Damn that's kinda gay, I wonder why the dudebros that play this shit arent foaming at the mouth calling it woke and pandering" Then I remember that Army guys are just gay. Like unironically they do gay shit and don't realize. Yeah, everyone expected this.
+That mention about the piss drinking thing Seals do (or marines cant remember) Like bro I know the bottoms who love watersports over there go crazyyyy.
Getting to suck guys off AND drink piss, and NOBODY will say shit afterwards? Maybe even praise you a bit? I know they're signing right back up for service after that.
military men are just Like That
that being said, every once in a while i come across a tiktok compilation of ghost and soap interacting and all the comments are like "why tf does it sound like they're flirting 💀" or "felt like i was interrupting something during this mission" which tells me that they DO see it and they just don't like it. pussies and cowards, all of them
also i loooove fics where people eroticize the military and make it basically one massive gangbang. funny (and hot!) as fuck
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For the otome au what if the darling was that kind of player that do everything but the main route ? Player is going on the 451 side quest and doing mini games while the boys are waiting for them to continue the dang main game. With Riddle/Vil/Azul ?
(If there is even such thing as side quest in your otome au. I know they tend to be like visual novel and not have side quests but I know that some do to spice up the gameplay and avoid things becoming boring)
The au is still flexible so yeah, if you want to then there can be side missions.
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Otome au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder, death, blood, imprisonment, killing, kidnapping, obsession, possessiveness
Riddle Rosehearts/Azul Ashengrotto/Vil Schoenheit-Player does everything BUT the main plot
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Riddle was on cloud nine when he found out that you had started playing the game
For so long he had waited whilst preparing the Queendom with an iron fist for your arrival
He was a being created for the sake of love and a few annoying glitches would not get in the way between him and you
So he made sure that no one, absolutely no one, would dare to step out of line
That he was doing his duty as the supporting Villain, the “Queen” of hearts, was not something that crossed his mind
And then… you help a child to collect feathers… how… nice you are…
She can send the letter for her sick son in the Shaftlands herself
This really doesn’t do good for his image because he has already beheaded three card soldiers. One put sugar cubes instead of honey into his tea, one didn’t feed the flamingos whilst wearing pink and one was just simply in the wrong place at the wrong time
The image of a heartless and cruel tyrant becomes more and more easy to spot as long as you are gone
When he was still awaiting your arrival he was at least somewhat decent (*gasp* I know)
But now you could exchange the red paint the soldiers use with the… other “special” paint
That’s how many are loosing their life right now
Usually I would say “Yeah, go explore that world!” but please stop
I don’t know if there will be any NPC left in the Queendom once you have done all thee side missions…
The next boat from the Shaftlands to the Queendom comes at noon. Please enjoy your last hours of freedom
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Well, the octopus knew from the start that his home would probably be visited by you rather at the end of the Prolouge because… well… it’s under water
And then it’s finally time! Yay!
And then you are helping some worker to collect corals! Nooooo....
Azul is very angry my friend, very angry!
You see, he had already done the mind gymnastics on how to lure you to his cave in the middle of nowhere without acting like the supporting villain that he is
And then there is also the fact that that slimy prince is also starting at you lovingly whilst you somehow attend the birthday party of yet another suitor
He is stuck in that cave, ok? Give him some credit for not cursing the two at this point
There are actually cracks in the glass ball from the angry glare he is directing at it whilst watching what is happening
And then, thank the Fairy of Thorns (!!!), you don't spare the tow of them a single glance
No, you are doing side missions
Ok but... could you choose that redheads route already so you can enter the ocean? Please??!
But nope! You gotta feed the crabs, fishies and sea gulls
This may go well for the first three missions you are doing but please stop with them at this point
Azul is almost at the breaking point to just give himself legs, find you on the land and drag you into the sea
Not to mention that the next person asking you for help might be cursed on the next day.... they just turned to sea foam... don't know what you are saying that you could be the reason for that... haha...
Also... the longer you procrastinate doing the main missions the more he is thinking about putting a cage into his cave... until it's actually standing there...
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“Mirror mirror on the wall, what are they doing, my most beloved of them all?”
“They are doing side missions.”
And yoink that mirror is out the window, glass flying everywhere as the king didn't bother to even open it
Vil is furious
You dare to refuse his affection? The affection of the fairest king??!
Gotta be honest u too brave for ur own good...
You would think that at this point he is already sending guards to get you but no... kinda
You know, the first King has met our dearest “Queen” of Hearts before once or twice so he spontaneously decides to be inspired by him
Those guards aren't after you, oh no, they are after the poor soul who had the audacity to think they were more important than the king
I would recommend getting a new identity, leaving the country and starting anew somewhere where no one knows you but this isn't you and only a character with very limited decisions so... try to keep it as little as possible with the missions
Whilst others would have patience when you would do the side ones he is blowing up when you are doing the first one
A lot of wooden boxes filled with hearts... a lot of wooden boxes...
But Vil isn't a monster
At least he will make you believe that the kind woman you were just talking to has decided to move and not breathe for the last time in the dungeon
Once he has you, or rather your avatar, in his grasp you are stuck in a beautiful room no matter what you do, even if you delete the safe you willstill always start there
Vil may not have you but he has your connection to him
And maybe one day you will also be in that room
Just you wait, only because this world was created by you doesn't mean that the magic happening behind the screen isn't real
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berrydreamland · 2 years
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apt502-if · 1 year
FOAMING AT THE MOUTH for L’s FWB to lovers route. I need the angst. I am also traumatized and I cannot wait to bring that to this gameplay. Also, question about the RO’s. Are they the types to leave hickies visible where other ppl can see? Like on the neck, etc.?
M, G, A and L are.
Cal and Rainn are bit more reserved hehaha (or would do it in a place that is easily hidden.)
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alycemichelleee · 11 months
10 Mods You Need For More Realistic Gameplay
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Kuttoe Home Regions
Seb's Friendlier Flora 1.2
Katie Mods The One With All the Feelings
Katie Mods The One With All the Romance
Katie Mods The One Where They Are Friends
Lot 51 Sunrise
Lot 51 Sunrise Recolors by Blarffy
Weerbesu's Longer Parties & More Guests
Plumlace Immersive Social Bunny 3.0
Amellce Steady Sit & Seat Any Sim
Mercury Foam Sumba Fitness Workout
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starchaserdreams · 5 months
Competition (Jegulus one shot)
(this is part five of my stories written in Sydney. It's very silly, and based on the premise that they're on a trip together to Australia)
"This isn't quidditch," Regulus deadpanned, arms crossed where he sat in the stands, "why are we here?"
James gestured to the stands around them. The crowd was rapidly filling out with muggles decked out in bright pinks and greens, with colorful hair, giant foam hands with one finger pointed up, signs with players names and numbers on them, and general revelry.
"It's just to see their muggle tradition! The muggles in Australia love this sport, it's called Cricket. The energy here is just like quidditch!" At that moment, an announcement came over the speakers and fireworks were shot off. "See?" James asked emphatically, "exciting, right? I just like the energy of it!"
He hoped that Regulus would come around to it. He didn't want him to be miserable, he just wanted to share a new experience together.
Regulus watched the spectacle on the field. Each time a player's name was announced, the crowd roared excitedly and more fireworks went off, over and over.
Eventually he nodded.
"We should get more fireworks for our matches. I like this."
"Exactly!" James said, cheered.
"Do you know the rules?" Regulus eventually asked. "I've heard of football, but I don't know how it's played. But I've never even heard of this sport." He looked at James before trying out the word. "Cricket."
"We'll figure it out, it'll be fun."
"Do you know which team is better?" Regulus asked. They didn't have programs in this sport, so they didn't know any more than what it said on the board. And not one of the words or numbers on the board made a single bit of sense to him.
"Dunno," James said with a shrug. "But I'll support the pink team, since that's almost maroon."
Regulus snorted.
"And then I'm green? We're not on the same side, even in this?"
James bumped their shoulders together.
"Rivalry is more fun, you know that."
He had the audacity to wink, and was deeply pleased by the fire Regulus got in his eyes afterwards.
"Fine," he said, "you're on. But pink doesn't have a chance, green is going to decimate them."
He leaned forward when the match started, laser focused. To James' immense pleasure, Regulus was so focused that he managed to figure out most of the rules, gameplay, and basic scoring in only a few minutes.
"You shouldn't be cheering!" Regulus admonished James at one point when he'd eagerly jumped up and cheered at a particularly dramatic catch. "That was good for me, not you!"
When James looked around, Regulus was right; only the green fans were cheering. But James just laughed.
"It was a good play!" he said, "I always love a good play!"
Regulus looked like he didn't mind too much either.
And it probably helped that he'd been right; the green team absolutely decimated the pink team. A quidditch equivalent might have been being up 150-20 before catching the snitch.
When the match was over, they each bought silly little hats in their teams' colors.
"Can't believe you wanted a pink hat after that embarrassment," Regulus said, teasing.
James grinned and lightly bopped the bill of the hat Regulus was already wearing.
"Gotta support my team! We'll get you next time!"
Regulus looked ready to object to the premise that there would be a next time, but he shut his mouth and grinned.
"You will never, and I mean never, beat us."
At that moment, a cheer rang out through the team store of "Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!" And since that was Regulus' team, he even joined in a few times, just to rub it in.
"Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!"
"If Hogwarts could see you now," James mused.
"What?" Regulus asked, "because it's a muggle sport?"
"No!" James objected with a laugh, "because none of them know you're this competitive!"
"Oh," Regulus said. He paused for a moment as though considering it. Then he flipped James' hat right off his head. "I just like beating you." And then, just because he could, he yelled out "Thunder!" and was met with the cheers of his fellow fans joining in.
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