tacitusauxilium · 1 year
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@foolisharcanum​ sent:  ❛  you have nothing to worry about.  ❜
 🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑰𝑿 𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. // accepting
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Fuuka had a hint of fear and worry in her eyes as she looked at the pan, and then back to Minako, and then back to the pan. “B-but...” Fuuka gulped and held the pan up, showing that the handle was about to fall off and the insides of the pan had charred food stuck to it. She began to wave it around in a panic. “THIS WAS SHINJIRO-SENPAI’S FAVORITE PAN!” Fuuka screamed, in a hush tone, as she feared he was nearby--always assuming the worse. 
“I’ve tried for half an hour to scrape the food off AND THEN THE HANDLE--” Fuuka gasped as the handle was barely hanging on and began to lay it on the counter in fear of the whole pan coming apart and hitting her or Minako. “--is falling off--please please please please please help me fix this! I don’t want to get on his bad side--him brooding randomly is unnverving!”
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papillionsoul · 1 year
the new set of recruits! pt 2 | pt 1
@thuganomxcs (yusuke) | @foolisharcanum (minako) @domina-noctisim (ai) | @feudalfell (kagome)
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make sure to claim your coupons by the GUARDIAN's desk!
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gwenivere · 1 year
          ❝                        IT'S NOT LIKE I TRY TO BE DIFFERENT .     ❞          she curled her finger around the golden crescent moon that dangled around her neck .   her thoughts were suffocating   /   thundering against the walls of her mind …   but her heart knew the truth .         ❝     it's just that i am different .   that's all there is to it .     ❞
@foolisharcanum          ›         liked this for a starter !
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demechtive · 1 year
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"You don't own me, pipsqueak."
He doesn't get it.
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catsdisco · 1 year
Shinji: I’m your senpai, I got your back
Minako: does something stupid
Shinji: I’m going to commit murder on purpose.
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valorxdrive · 1 year
' hey, hey, hey sora watch this ' she then proceeds to do a backflip.
As any true friend would in situations like this, Sora was a friend that ensured the other was never only.
For Minako could long since do a backflip, hundreds of them actually, so what exactly made this one any different?
Maybe.. a Birthday backflip? It does sound a touch more special if thought of that way!
"Here, how about I add my own special spin on this too. Liiiiike THIS." Gathering the arcane powers from the primal beyond, he'd invest himself in a very particular energy. His feet would leave the earth, his body would begin to ascend, levitating as if the wails of angels were happily making a chorus for this very height they'd begin to take.
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Thus. A T-Posing Sora would join the Backflipping Minako.
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iptosi · 1 year
@foolisharcanum sent: she has him corned ! shoved into the wall by walking up to him alone, her face flush in annoyance. arm jutting out, finger pointed toward adonys off to the side no doubt clueless as to why the fool is so irritable. looking up at junpei as if she was about to smack him ! her voice loud, no doubt what words leave her cause their fellows to either groan or laugh. "junpei why the hell did he just say ' l plus ratio ' to me he doesn't even know what it means !"
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“Whooooa, HEY, I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!” Hands shot up instantly, a pathetic way of defending himself and keeping some sort of space behind her—though when she expressed what she was so angry about, he couldn’t help but snicker.
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If Adonys was gonna be in school, he had to know how teenagers their age talked! It was key to the android fitting in, right? Still he played innocent—“Hey, who said it was me who taught him that anyway!? He coulda heard it from someone else in school, y’know?”
“Junpei-san…correct me if I’m wrong, but this doesn’t seem very…’poggers’.”
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There was a snicker that left Junpei—he was trying hard not to laugh—but got he felt like Minako was about to murder him on sight. Worth it, though.
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sentofight · 1 year
jocks amirite | @foolisharcanum
"Shoes ..." Akihiko leaned down to make sure his shoes were all tied up and ready for his usual evening jog. Kuromaru was not in the mood to go out so it was him alone. Not that he minded but it was FUN to have a partner. Hearing hurried footsteps coming down, he looked at the staircase to find the young leader all dressed up in sportswear coming down the stairs. "You're not going to Tartarus, are you?" he was not notified of that. They better not go behind his back. (Just because he got a little bit careless that one time does not mean he is left behind.)
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"Hm? Jogging? You, too? I see. I was about to head out myself. Would you like to tag along? Unless you have your own plan of workout."
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
use a real naginata stupid<3
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Oh dear, there goes his feelings and ego. 'Utterly' being dashed and trashed by the saccharine notes of someone desiring to make some chaos. Why was this neck of the woods always so fighty?
Scratch that, just not Inazuma, there was no shortage of such all over Teyvat at large.
"And.. I take it that this is part of your bonding experiences?"There's a droll note to his tone, clearly offering the sparks of challenge to anything he has to say. "The right to expression also dips in the realm of weapon expertise."
"Maybe you should give more armaments a try."
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crossxskulled · 1 year
' uhm, back in my day we didn't floss, we sang the badger song '
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Ryuji is listening, oh he's listening.
"What kinda cult ass stuff--" There's a moment of pause as this boomer proceeds to hold pride over these relics of the past. What in the hell did any of these things have to do with each other!? Badgers?? Mushrooms?? Snakes??
Maybe the furry thing just ate the other too, the whole 'GG EZ' type of way.
The blonde's face remaining furrowed on these alien concepts caused him to shoot a dry stare towards Minako.
"Look man."
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"If we're talking about net bangers in terms of songs? There's only one I remember from the stone ages here. So let's get that runner up showin!"
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
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@foolisharcanum​ sent: “ rough night, huh ? i know that feeling. here, help yourself; the coffee is fresh, and the waffles are pretty damn good today, if i do say so myself ! “  ( fuuka visiting minako at work tho c: )
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“Is it that obvious I wasn’t sleeping well?” Fuuka asked, sitting across from Minako and eyeing the plate of food in front of her and the coffee off the side. She had been up, tweaking Aigis’ software and fixing up loose ends on her body--she even looked at the same screwdriver for five minutes, realizing it was the wrong one. And Aigis just stood there and didn’t even tell Fuuka she had the wrong one. Though, Fuuka licked her lips as the stack of waffles looked so mouthwatering to her.
She rubbed her eyes again, making herself a cup of coffee--pouring a generous amount of milk and a little bit of sugar--and mixing it with a spoon as she looked over at Minako. “You didn’t have to do this for me--I know you are already busy as is.” 
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Fuuka took a sip to taste-test her coffee, frowning, and adding another scoop of sugar and mixing it once more. “At least Akihiko-san is treating you well? You sound so peppy--...” Fuuka sipped again and nodded, relieved that the cup of coffee was better the second time around. “--what I’d do for a good back rub or foot massage.”
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papillionsoul · 1 year
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persona verse: starter call! | @foolisharcanum liked for a starter!
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" ARISATO-SAN!" Yuuki practically waiting to pounce at the other when the bell rang. Stalking the hallways as if she was in a SECRET MISSION. "the arcade has a double ticket promo right now!" Fired up and ready to go, Yuuki pumps her fist upward. "this is our chance to get the GIGA-JACK FROST PLUSHIE!"
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psychcdelica · 1 year
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@foolisharcanum asked: ’ I appreciate your advice, but I can’t turn back now. ‘ / for mitsuru ! La chant de Roma.
Of course, at the end of the day, Mitsuru is only a navigator - she can only advise on the best course of action. She and Akihiko agreed, Minako was the best to lead the investigations into Tartarus, with him out of commission due to his injuries, and Mitsuru left behind to monitor their progress.
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"I'm sure it doesn't need to be said, but please be careful in there." She works to fix the frequency on her bike, and Penthesilea works its hardest to provide the required information on the shadows in question. It's mediocre, and half of the information she wished she could bring to the battle.
"It is imperative that you do not overwork yourselves," after all, it could welcome missteps, and she wouldn't be able to come to their aid. "I trust you Arisato."
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demechtive · 1 year
@foolisharcanum: maybe if u were nice & got her a card she will ram u into a shadow next full moon like we are playing crazy taxi smh
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"I'm not a friggin' bumper car, Arisato..."
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catsdisco · 1 year
Me: posts a meme
Farllee: hacks open my ask box with an axe
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valorxdrive · 1 year
" hey man, how many wuck burgers you think you can eat in like thirty minutes before you explode ?"
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"Not many at all.." He's not even going to bother hiding that fact!
If anything, this idea of eating until he explodes... it fundamentally clashes with his newly established ideals. All of that good food running the risk of just being launched down the hatch, not letting the tongue pay due diligence of appreciating any household flavor this joint may have!
"I like to some time! Good taste is about as important as the filling factor itself! Don't 'cha think?"
If anything, at least his stomach readily agrees. Though, its particular agreement stem from the fact that it doesn't want to threaten that idea of bursting.
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