#freddy carters horse show
kazscrows · 1 year
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bl00d-and-r0se5 · 1 year
freddy carters horse show should come back in honor of shadow and bone season 2 next week me thinks
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fangirlfreak08 · 2 years
Freddy carter, probably: If I had a nickel for every time I played a character who could pick locks, has been arrested and called their girlfriend a investment I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened twice
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creapysummer · 2 years
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Hi!! Just here to see if you could write pin x f! reader (doesn’t rlly need to be f!) where is the scene where he passes out from being sick, but the other way around and it’s the reader instead. And like maybe the reader is super loved by the town and they’re concerned, but specially pin cause they’re dating. Totally ok if not!
Thanks i’m advance!
Fallen Low : Pin Hawthorne x Reader
Description: 6.6k wc, reader is Pin’s girlfriend and during her audition she passes out. Pin and the town rally to make her feel better.
Warnings: mention of hospitals, doctors, fainting, blood sugar complications, minor injury concerns, and related. But overall fluffy!
Notes: y/h/n = your horse’s name
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“He’ll be here y/n, just relax,” Zoe reassured, rubbing Y/N’s upper back.
Y/N nodded but regretted it as her vision blurred even more. She took several desperate breaths as a tingling feeling set into her muscles.
“Even if not, you have to go out there, it’s your turn,” Mia remarked, gently pushing Y/N closer to Y/H/N.
Y/N closed her eyes as she tried to get her body to stop whatever it was doing.
It was like she didn’t have control over it; everything felt overwhelming and chaotic.
Her limbs felt tingly and heavy despite the spinning in her head making her otherwise feel as if she were loose and floating.
She could barely see through the fuzzy coating her brain was claiming was before her eyes.
Something was wrong, really wrong.
But, y/n was so confused and fatigued that she couldn’t place what it was.
She felt as if she was forgetting something, but couldn’t figure out what.
Y/N had gone over her routine countless times in the last 24 hours.
Mia was sure to check Y/N’s uniform for any imperfections.
The others had all offered her their encouragement prior to taking their seats in the arena.
Well, everyone but her boyfriend Pin.
That’s what she figured was causing this.
Pin was always there for her.
Or he had been.
But she hadn’t seen him today.
She knew he had work to do, and they’d had a disagreement yesterday afternoon.
But she assumed he would still be here.
He told her he would be.
Yet, he hadn’t shown.
Several of their friends had gone off to find him, trying to reassure Y/N that her boyfriend would never intentionally miss this.
While she was anxious and disappointed he wasn’t there to help, it was more than that.
The couple was always good at keeping each other level headed and ensuring they took care of themselves, even when things were difficult or important.
Perhaps if he were here she’d be able to pinpoint what was causing this feeling.
She was fairly certain she’d had enough water today; something Pin always got on her about.
Y/N couldn’t recall how much she drank, but Jade had brought her a water when these symptoms first set in.
Besides, she was used to anxiety; this was more than that.
“What she means to say is, you’ll do great, you have us here for you!” Susie smiled, resting a hand on Y/N’s arm as she took her place next to Y/H/N.
“Thank you, I’m just…” Y/N whispered breathily, feeling lightheaded, “whew… okay, we’ve got t-this, huh Y/H/N?”.
Gaby and Zoe cheered and nodded, pointing towards the arena.
Y/N mounted Y/H/N in a very atypically shaky manner.
Becky ran in, her hair covered in dirt and leaves, glancing up at Y/N and giving her a thumbs up as she caught her breath.
Pin was here?
Y/N felt her anxiety lower, but her symptoms remained.
She forced a grateful smile, but Jade, who Y/N hadn’t seen enter behind Becky, gave her a questioning look.
“Are you okay?” Jade questioned her friend, rubbing the muzzle of Y/H/N.
“Y-yeah, I think I’m just…” y/n mumbled, gripping the reins in her hands tighter.
“Pin is here, that’s what you wanted. Now, get on with it,” Mia huffed in annoyance.
Susie chastised Mia for that statement, reminding her of her own nerves moments ago.
Meanwhile, Y/N tried to focus on the friendly comments from the others.
But, she was having a hard time even hearing what was being said, let alone processing that information.
Y/n believed she mumbled a ‘thank you’ before signaling for her horse to start making their way to the arena.
Y/n instantly regretted the movement.
The even and rhythmic bumping of y/h/n’s trot that was always a relief, was now making her feel even less focused.
She wasn’t even aware she’d made it to the main center of the arena until she heard her name being announced.
Y/n moved her heavy eyes left, seeing what she believed to be a blurry Pin.
If she’d been able to see clearly, she would’ve seen the concern in Pin’s eyes; and the way his father, Ted, was holding him back from rushing over to her.
As the judges asked what y/n and y/h/n would be doing for their audition, she opened her mouth but nothing came out.
Pin shot a look over at Marcus, who had already turned to look over at Pin.
Neither one had seen her like this before.
“Miss Y/L/N?” One of the judges called out, the question echoing in Y/N’s head.
Squeezing her eyes shut, Y/N forced the words out of her lips.
Only, unbeknownst to her, the words weren’t audible or intelligible enough for anyone to be able to comprehend.
Pin removed his father’s hand from his chest as Ted had continued to hold him back from rushing towards the course.
Pin stepped closer to the barrier, his face etched in fear and confusion.
Y/N pleaded with herself to stop panicking, needing the spinning and shakiness to stop.
In an attempt to steady herself so she wouldn’t fall off, y/n squeezed y/h/n slightly with her calves.
But it was enough for Y/H/N to take it as a sign to begin.
As Y/H/N took off, the audience fell silent.
Y/N however could hear every faint sound echoing loudly in her mind, her vision now gone, brain only visualizing a blank space with static and pulsing sounds reverberating inside.
Pin yelled for someone to stop Y/H/N the second he saw Y/N’s eyes close, body starting to go limp.
It took Marcus a moment to realize she wasn’t closing her eyes of her own volition, rather she’d passed out.
Marcus rushed into the ring, right behind Pin.
But they weren’t fast enough, as y/h/n had understandably attempted to continue the routine and therefore leapt upwards to jump over a bar.
Y/h/n would have stopped earlier but y/N’s body had slouched forward some, which helped her stay on.
Pin shouted as he watched y/N’s feet slip out from the stirrups as her body went completely limp and she fell off of y/h/n mid-jump.
The whole fainting incident lasted less than one minute, but Pin saw it in slow motion.
Y/N’s eyes opened just as her body slammed into the ground.
Marcus rushed to guide y/h/n back to the stables while Pin dropped to his knees beside her.
“Hey, hey,” Pin panicked, his eyes scanning her for an explanation.
She blinked slowly at him, confused as to how she ended up in this position.
“No, don’t” he said, holding her down so she couldn’t sit up, “we need to figure out if you’ve hurt your spine first”.
She squinted slightly, wiggling her arms and fingers in hopes of fixing the numbness and tingling sensation in them.
“Do you remember your name?” Pin questioned, staring intently at her.
“Y-y/n” she answered, her confusion as to why she was being asked was evident.
Pin relaxed a little as he brushed some fair from her face.
“Why am I on the ground?” She whispered, gazing into his eyes.
Pin stroked her cheek, fingertips unclipping her chin strap as he held her head in his hands, “You passed out”.
She stared at him in confusion as she tried to understand what he was saying to her.
“Y/n, love, what happened? Did you feel something before it happened?” Pin questioned, slowly moving his hands as he checked the nerves in her neck and upper back.
Y/n let out shaky breaths as she tried to respond without crying.
She wasn’t even sure why she was wanting to cry, but she just knew she felt horrible.
“Shhh okay, don’t talk yet, it’s okay” Pin promised, “we’ll figure it out, you’re going to be okay..”
Y/n slowly moved one of her shaky hands to grab Pin’s arm as more people started crowding them.
Pin gave her a sympathetic smile despite his concern and kept checking her nerves.
“I - I don’t feel good” she let out weakly, “Pi-Pin, something… something’s… wr-wrong. Some-“.
He nodded rapidly, moving his hands to her face “I know babe, I know. I’ve got you. We’re going to help figure this out, I promise”.
Y/n attempted to squeeze his arm, but it felt more like a tap due to her frail muscles.
Pin looked up at his father, who nodded and pointed to his phone to signal he’d already begun calling for help.
Pin turned back to y/n and caressed her check, “do you want to try sitting up?”
She whispered a pathetic yes and dizzily began to lean forward.
He quickly supported her back, helping her to sit up.
“What are you feeling, y/n/n?” He asked, holding her up.
She squeezed her eyes shut with a small groan , “I’m -re-really dizzy, like… ver-verti-“.
“Vertigo?” Pin offered.
“Yeah” she whimpered, eyes watering.
Pin frowned, arching his body around hers so he could still hold her up in a sitting position but could look into her eyes.
“Y/n/n sweetheart, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay” he soothed, his eyes checking her pupils for any signs of a concussion.
“It doesn’t…, I’m not…it doesn’t feel- it’s not…right… I’ve never-“ she mumbled incoherently.
Pin nodded, understanding that even if she had a concussion, that wasn’t what she was predominately experiencing.
He knew it didn’t explain her fainting suddenly.
But, given her hard fall, he wanted to make sure she didn’t get a concussion as a result.
“Okay love, that’s okay, you’re okay,” he rambled, “Here, head down towards your lap, yeah?”
She silently obeyed as he guided her to arch her back until her head was lowered, helping the blood flow easier.
“Is she okay?” Someone asked.
“Does she look okay Maddie?” Someone else responded.
Y/n squeezed her boyfriend’s free hand as she tried to mentally silence all the voices talking about her.
Pin’s eyes finally left y/n when Marcus began asking people to step back and stop recording.
His eyes turned from worried to silently furious as he noticed how crowded it had gotten.
He felt guilty knowing the crowd and voices he now picked up on likely made her vertigo worse and yet he was just now seeing it.
His mind had been so focused on helping her and seeing if she was physically okay that he hadn’t even noticed or heard the spectators.
His father sighed and tried to give Pin a look to signal for him to calm down, but to no avail.
Pin squeezed y/N’s hand once before briefly diverting his attention.
He glanced over Marcus and their friends who were trying to shield her so she could have space and privacy.
“Marcus!” Pin shouted over his shoulder in frustration; feeling slightly guilty for yelling.
“I know, working on it mate” Marcus responded as he increased his attempts to push the crowd of spectators back.
Pin took a stiff deep breath as he worked to keep his frustrations in check.
Once Marcus was able to get a few people to start moving away, more followed suit.
Pin sighed in relief before looking back at his girl.
“Hey, hey, head down, love” he said, frowning when he saw she’d looked up and over towards where he’d been staring.
She hummed in agreement as she slowly lowered her head back to her lap, trying to grip his arm to relieve the weird feeling in her fingers.
“I’m here darling, medics are on the way, just stay with me…, can you do that?” Pin asked, rubbing her back softly.
“Yes” she said, her right hand palming the ground as she tried to get rid of the sensation still lingering on that side.
Soon, Ted noticed his son’s concern over what she was doing and joined her other side. “You’re alright kiddo, just keep breathing,” he encouraged shyly as he held her right hand.
She let out a sigh of relief now that she had something to grip in order to make the feeling return to her fingers, ceasing the tingling sensation.
Pin gave his father a thankful nod over y/N’s back as he tried to think of causes. “How much water have you had?” he asked, looking towards their friends.
“She said she had some throughout the day, and I made sure she got a bottle when she started feeling off,” Jade informed him.
“You’ve been feeling off? For how long?” Pin asked, concern lacing his voice.
“J-just a.. bi-bit” she answered, wiggling her toes in an attempt to return feeling to them as well.
“Do you want a pillow?” Susie asked, seeing how y/n was craning her neck.
“Where are you going to find a pillow?” Mia responded.
“I don’t know, I-“ Susie argued but stopped when Pin abruptly stood.
Their friends watched in confusion as he stripped off his jacket.
He folded it up into a pile and placed it on her lap, adding some support below her head.
“Thank you P-Pin” she softly spoke, voice muffled by his jacket.
He nodded, “‘Course love. Shouldn’t be much longer okay?”
He looked over at his father who merely nodded and pointed towards the side door.
The medics had finally arrived.
Pin sighed in relief as he waved them over.
Marcus jogged to meet them and explain what they knew so far.
“Love, they’re here. Everything’s going to be fine,” Pin promised, squeezing her hand.
“Alright miss y/l/n, I hear you’ve lost consciousness?” One of the medics asked.
Y/n merely hummed in agreement as she felt a small bead of sweat roll down her forehead towards her nose.
“Keeping your head down was the right step to help, but I’m going to need to see your face now, okay?” The medic asked.
Y/n slowly lifted her head, Pin helping hold her neck steady.
He unintentionally let out a sigh of relief at how much better she already looked.
“She’s got color back in her face,” Becky said happily.
Y/n glanced at Pin, who merely smiled softly at her and nodded.
“Has this ever happened to you before?” The medic wondered.
“No, I- … oh… wow I’m sorry babe…” y/n said looking at her lap, “I didn’t realize I was sweating so much”.
Pin shook his head, not bothered in the slightest by the dark spot on his jacket, “I don’t care about the jacket darling, you’re okay”.
She gave him a half smile before looking back at the medical staff.
“This hasn’t happened?” The medic repeated.
“Not like this, I’ve… I’ve gotten some of it before but not this bad” she tried to explain, still foggy, “never fainted. Did I really faint?”
“You did love. I’m not sure why though” Pin informed her, his fear still running through his voice.
“Oh” she whispered, staring straight ahead, trying to make sense of it all.
“When this has happened before, albeit not to this level, what was the cause, do you know?” The man asked.
Y/n didn’t even hesitate as she answered, her voice showing she was clearly still in a haze, “my blood sugar.”
Pin froze, her blood sugar?
How long had that been an issue?
And why wasn’t he aware?
He could’ve helped.
The medic looked up at him for an explanation, and Pin felt even worse.
How did he not know this about his girlfriend?
What if she hadn’t woken and he couldn’t tell the medics how to help her?
“Do you have diabetes?” The medic asked.
“No” she said, blinking as she tried to focus back on the moment.
“Let’s test her levels” another medic suggested, getting out his pack.
“I have a gluc- a test thing” she supplied, unable to think clearly enough to form the word she wanted, “in my bag”.
Pin was even more confused.
How long had it been acting up that she had to carry a meter on her?
And why hadn’t she told him?
Maybe if he hadn’t fought with her the other day, she would have told him.
“That’s alright we have one here” the medic responded, reaching for her hand.
Pin’s father let go of her right hand so Pin didn’t have to release his hold on y/n.
As one of the medics cleansed her finger tip, the other continued to ask clarifying questions.
“You’re not diabetic? So what type of blood sugar issues is it?” The second medic questioned.
“Hypogly-“ she mumbled, groaning as she pulled her hand from both Pin and the medic as she began to hold her head, “hypoglce-“
“Hypoglycemia,” Pin cut in, concluding her attempted statement.
“Is it starting again?” Pin asked, holding her head still.
“I.. I'm just still dizzy,” she whispered.
The first medic medic interrupted and instructed, “Let’s lay her down, she’s less likely to pass out again if she’s horizontal.”
Pin frantically helped lower her to her back, then onto her side.
The first medic grabbed her hand and initiated a finger prick.
Pin shut his eyes tightly as he waited for the meter to beep that her results were back.
It was only a few seconds, but he felt them drag on and on.
“Bloody hell,” One of the medics huffed, dropping the meter and reaching back into his bag.
Pin squeezed y/n’s hand in his as the medic drew a bright orange case from his bag, withdrawing a needle and vial from inside.
“This will help for now, but you’ll feel a pinch,” he said as he dispensed the dose before leaning over her arm.
The medic inserted the needle and administered the medicine as the other checked her vitals again.
“Let’s head out, she's good to transport now” the man said.
Y/n squeezed Pin’s hand tightly.
“I’m not leaving you, I’m here y/n, I promise” he swore, squeezing it back.
“We’ll check in with you guys soon,” Mia stated.
“Yeah, good luck,” Jade added.
“Keep us updated “ Becky pleaded.
Pin’s father found his son pacing the halls of the hospital.
“What is it?” He asked.
Pin shook his head, looking up to see his father had arrived.
There was only room for one person in the transport, so Ted followed behind in his personal vehicle.
“They’re still running tests,” Pin mumbled.
“Okay, son, she’s alright” his father tried.
“She- she could’ve! She-” he panicked, running his hand through his hair, “why…? Why wouldn’t she tell me?”.
His father sighed, “I don’t know Pin. Sometimes people keep things private for reasons that aren’t related to us.”
Pin scoffed and shook his head as he continued his pacing. “I should’ve known, if I’d have known-“ he argued.
“Pin, even if you had, you couldn’t have stopped this” his father consoled.
“I might’ve if I was there. But I wasn’t.” he scolded himself, “I was too upset that she’d been focusing so hard on this that I didn’t even see what it was doing to her! Not to mention if I had shown up earlier today I could’ve made sure she was eating and drinking and-“.
“Pin, we don’t know that that had anything to do with it”.Ted tried.
Pin shook his head, “I ca-I can’t lose her”.
His father saw the well of tears in his son's eyes and frowned.
Ted squeezed his son’s shoulder, “I know Pin. But you won’t. She’s just on the other side of that door, she will be okay”.
Pin nodded slowly, aggressively scrubbing his hands across his face, “it was really low… I… she looked so so sick, even after she came to.”
Ted stepped closer, pulling his son to his chest. “She’s going to be fine. You both will. She’s going to need you though, so try to stay calm”.
Pin let his tears roll down his face as he nodded, “You’re right”.
“Pin?” Y/n’s tiny voice croaked out as her eyes landed on her boyfriend seated beside her.
Pin sucked in a breath of air as his lips curled into a small smile, “hey love”.
“Ar-were you crying?” She asked, her hand squeezing his.
He gave her a soft smile and nodded, “I jus-… I was worried”.
She frowned and sighed, “I’m sorry”.
Pin shook his head, “I just needed to hear your voice and see those eyes.. you’re alright?”
Y/n smiled and nodded slowly, reaching out her free hand to stroke his sharp jawline, “I’m safe, and healthy again, I’m okay”.
He let out a breath of relief and held her hand against his face, kissing her palm, “Good”.
“I really am sorry baby, I-…” she sighed, sitting up.
Pin stood, moving closer to her head, “don’t overdo it, please”.
“I won’t. I just wanna sit up though” she promised, smiling at her boyfriend as he adjusted the hospital bed to allow her to do so.
Once she was sitting, Pin sat back down beside her, not letting go of her hand.
“I didn’t know I was going to pass out,” she whispered, looking at the IV tube in the back of her hand.
Pin sighed softly, stroking her hand with his thumb, “It hasn’t happened before?”
Y/n shook her head and gave him a small frown.
“But you have had blood sugar problems before?” he questioned.
Y/n sighed and nodded, “I get hypoglycemic crashes randomly. It’s not because of diabetes or anything. It’s just how my body is”.
Pin bit his lip as he listened to her explain, his mind running through any possibly relevant medical information he knew.
“Do you know why you have these crashes?” He asked.
“Not really. Hormones impact it of course, so does stress. But, stress increases one’s blood sugar so I shouldn’t even have had a hypoglycemic crash today” she groaned.
“Is that why you pushed through it?” Pin wondered.
“Maybe? I don’t know. I think by the time I noticed it was happening it was too late; I was already foggy and confused. I think the stress just made my confusion worse when I thought of other reasons for my symptoms” she told him.
Pin hummed and stared into her eyes as he tucked her hair behind her ear, “I should’ve been there”.
“Pin-” she sighed.
He shook his head, “If I had, you’d have less possible explanations to blame, and we could’ve figured this out together-”.
“Pin Hawthorne, stop. You were there when I needed you to be,” she said softly.
“No I wasn’t. I was selfish and jealous that you’d been spending time with Marcus. I know it was for training, but I still got jealous and we fought. I shouldn’t have let my insecurities impact us-” he rambled.
Y/n interrupted, “That’s not how this works, love. We talk about these things, we don’t let them simmer. Okay? You have nothing to worry about with Marcus; I’m in love with you and only you, Pin. Jealous or not, I was prioritizing my audition over everything else far too much. I’m sorry, but we’re okay now. Right?” She asked, blinking at him.
He nodded rapidly, “of course. We already were, I was just stubborn”.
She chuckled and smirked, “nothing new.”
Pin laughed and shook his head, “You’re not mad I wasn’t there? ‘Cause I am. Sick or not, I wish I’d been there”.
She squeezed his hand, “You will be next time. I’m just glad you are here now and that you were there when it happened”.
Pin nodded, leaning closer to lay his head on her shoulder as he took a deep breath, “I am too”.
“I’m sorry you had to see it, I’m sure it wasn’t … enjoyable. But, I was so scared, Pin. I-I…I… I’d never felt like that before and-“ she sniffled, resting her forehead on his head, “it was a lot. I didn’t know what to do. But as soon as I saw you it was like it didn’t even matter. Despite all the chaos in my head, I knew I would be okay, because you were there”.
Pin tilted his head back to look up at her, eyes watery as he gave her a smile, “I will always be there. Why haven’t you mentioned this before?”
“I had it under control… or I thought I did,” she whispered.
“You told me I couldn’t hide things just because they might dampen the mood, I need the same from you, y/n/n” Pin requested.
“Okay” she agreed.
“Next time, if you feel it dropping at all, you call me okay?” Pin asked, thumb running across her bottom lip.
“Alright, I’m sorry” y/n told him.
He shook his head softly, thumb still playing with her delicate lips, “We’re okay. You’re okay. That’s all that matters.”
She hummed and pulled him back down to her, lips pressed to the crown of his head as he hugged her.
“How are you feeling now y/n?” Ted asked as he entered her hospital room.
She smiled softly up at him before looking over at her boyfriend, “I’m good, thank you sir.”
Pin shook his head, a small smirk on his lips, “You don’t need to keep calling him sir.”
Ted laughed softly, “He’s right. Regardless, I’m glad to see you both doing better.”
Y/n hummed, squeezing Pin’s hand lovingly.
Pin smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, pleased it was no longer clammy. “Any news from the doctors?” he asked, looking over at his father.
“Did they say when I could leave?” Y/n followed up, hoping it was soon.
Pin glanced at her and shook his head faintly in amusement before turning back to Ted.
“Yes, they will be in soon. And no, they didn’t say when,” Ted answered, sitting down in the chair at the opposite side of the room.
It was then that y/n saw the crowded countertop.
She raised an eyebrow in confusion, “What is all of that?”
Pin chuckled, “You had a lot of us worried, people wanted to share their support.”
Ted nodded, “There’s more at the castle, too. Pin suggested we start moving the new deliveries there so it would be easier when you are cleared to leave”.
Y/n smiled, nodding as she turned to look at Pin who was biting his lip.
“Honey, why the castle?” She questioned knowingly.
Pin blushed and rubbed his neck, “It’s away from everyone, and Arthur will be there to help me take care of you.”
Y/n smiled softly, reaching out to cup his face, “That’s not necessary, handsome. Very sweet, but not necessary”.
Pin pouted slightly, “I know it is probably overkill, but I’d really appreciate it if you would stay at the castle with me for a few days my love.”
Y/n leaned to the side, pressing a tender kiss to his lips, his hand finding her hair.
“I will, you know I’d follow you anywhere, I just don’t want you thinking I need that, or that life. I’m not with you because you have a castle or a butler, I don’t need that” she reiterated, peering into his eyes.
“I just need you, Pin” she confessed, tracing shapes on his cheek, “I don’t need a duke. I need my moody horse boy.”
Pin blushed deeply, delicately pulling her face back to his, his lips pressing against hers, “you have me, my darling. But, you are resting in the castle, it’s much warmer and safer”.
She giggled and kissed his nose before laying back against the hospital bed.
Ted smiled to himself as he watched his lovesick son and his son’s equally lovesick girlfriend comfort each other.
“So, in sum, your blood sugar was dangerously low,” the doctor explained, “but, it was a whirlwind of events that caused you to faint. While the blood sugar eventually would have done it had it not increased, you experienced what we call a vasovagal response”.
Pin pursed his lips as he closed his eyes, making y/n confused.
She squeezed his hand, holding it to her chest.
“Essentially, your heart rate and blood pressure dropped too suddenly. This is often caused by stress” the doctor added.
Y/n then understood why Pin was acting the way he was at the explanation.
“Pin, it’s not your fault,-“ y/n softly spoke.
Before he could argue, the doctor agreed, “Given the details surrounding the event, I must agree. While impossible to determine precisely the trigger, things like standing for too long, heat exhaustion, overworking or straining your muscles, dehydration, etcetera, can cause responses like this.”
“See, “ she argued.
Pin huffed slightly, still feeling as if he were slightly to blame; he could’ve prevented most of those factors.
“Now, take those factors and add in malnutrition and/or low blood sugar, such as you had, and it is easy to see how this happened,” the doctor said.
“What do we do from here?” Pin asked, staring intently at the man.
The doctor set his notepad to hand Pin a pamphlet, “Miss y/l/n must maintain healthy levels of blood sugar as much as possible and limit the factors we discussed. She’ll be just fine, but her body needs to rest for a day or two in order to bounce back. Should you feel faint again, lie down promptly to avoid losing consciousness again. Other than that, it’s unlikely to happen again if the factors are mitigated,” he assured.
“Thank you sir,” y/n said.
“Yes, thank you. Is there anything else we should know? She’ll be staying with us for the next few days at least” Ted informed.
Pin held up the pamphlet in his hand as a response to his father.
“That handout will discuss hypoglycemia management and treatment, should it drop again. Other than that, just ensure she rests, and it’ll be over soon,” the doctor answered.
“We should update your emergency contact while you wait for your discharge forms” the nurse instructed as she disconnected y/n’s IV line.
“Oh yeah, probably” y/n laughed, looking over at Pin.
“I called your mum, but it went to voicemail. I can try again” Pin said softly.
Y/n shook her head, “She’s probably still asleep.”
Her mother had returned to America after the summer but allowed y/n to remain.
Zoe’s mum had offered to check in on y/n and watch over her, even offering her a place to stay.
After much debate, y/n’s mom let her stay with them.
However after Gaby moved in, things became tense in the house between Zoe and Gaby; making y/n feel uncomfortable.
As such, she’d been staying at her late aunt’s house; the house her mother had traveled to the area to make arrangements with upon the passing of y/N’s aunt.
That’s how y/n ended up meeting everyone at Bright Fields, having joined her mother that summer.
They settled on keeping the house as it was important to her aunt and her mother found it a distant connection to her recently lost sister.
Y/n had begun to repair, with Pin’s help, the house upon leaving Zoe’s.
By now it was completely functional and safe, but that didn’t mean her mother would be pleased to learn of the change in her residency.
Nor did it mean Pin wanted her to be sleeping somewhere alone after today.
Even before today's events, Pin worried about her living alone as they were all still fairly young.
He tried to arrange for y/n to room at Holloway, since she’d declined to move in with Pin and his father, but she’d rejected that idea, saying Callum made her uncomfortable.
It had only been a few weeks, and she assured Pin and Ted that Zoe and Gaby would sort things out soon and she would then return to their home.
Pin nodded at his girlfriend, rubbing her hand.
“I see here that the last time you were in was nearly a year ago, in the summer…, and I show your mum is listed as the emergency contact. Is that still correct?” The nurse asked.
“Uh no, that wouldn’t be very useful,” y/n admitted with a small laugh.
The nurse nodded, “Okay, who would you like as a primary emergency contact?”.
Y/n stared at Pin, who blushed and smiled softly.
“Is there an age restriction or any other rule?” Y/n questioned.
“Yes and no. You can have whomever, but you will need an adult to agree with the discharge plans,” the nurse explained.
She glanced over at Ted.
Ted nodded kindly, “Of course. You can list me, or I have Maggie’s number if you want to put her.”
Pin smiled at his father over y/N’s shoulder in appreciation.
“Thank you, s-Ted” y/n chuckled, “I’ll put Pin and you down, then”.
Pin blushed and kissed her hand, honored to be chosen.
Ted nodded and helped the nurse update the contact information.
“You didn’t need to do that love,” Pin whispered, playing with her hair.
“I know, but I trust you two the most. And I want you there if something were to happen. I’d need you” she shyly admitted.
Pin chuckled softly, tilting her head up so he could place a tender kiss on her lips.
“I know it’s been a lot today,” Pin whispered as he guided her to the main bedroom of his castle, “and I don’t want you to feel like this is me pressuring you into staying here, or like I see it as moving in or anything, I just need to kno-“ he said, opening the bedroom door.
“Pin, babe,” she smiled, bracing his bicep, “it’s okay. I don’t feel pressured. And I’m glad to know I have you here with me”.
Pin blushed and nodded, grabbing her hand as he pulled her inside.
“Pin” y/n giggled trying to grab his hand as he continued to fluff her pillows.
“Pin, Pin, honey, hey, come here,” she said, pulling at his wrist, “sit down.”
Pin complied, sitting next to y/n and brushing hair from her forehead, “What is it, sweetheart?”
“I think you’ve poked and prodded those pillows enough, just come lay down with me, hmm?” She asked.
Pin smiled and blushed, “In a moment darling, I need to grab a few things.”
Y/n pouted but nodded, letting Pin tuck her back under the blankets before he excused himself.
“Is that Elvis I hear?” Y/n asked, looking across the room at the window as Pin entered.
“Elvis and y/h/n, yes” pin answered, setting a tray on the bedside table.
“Is (s)he okay?” Y/n pondered, “I didn’t even think to check on him/her, (s)he's pro-“.
Pin shushed her kindly, “Darling, don’t fret. Y/h/n is perfectly fine. Tomorrow morning we can walk out and see him/her, let him/her know you’re okay too”.
Y/n hummed and smiled over at him as she looked away from the window.
“What’s all of that?” She questioned, eyes scanning the variety of items he’d brought in.
“Arthur made some tea, he’s much better at it than I am,” Pin chuckled shyly, “but I also got you some water and these lollies should help if your levels drop.”
Y/n smiled and nodded, “That sounds perfect thank you, handsome.”
Pin blushed, “My dad went to get some more test strips to check your levels since your kit was running low, and Arthur is working on dinner.”
She grabbed his hand, “Thank you for managing all of that. Now, your highness, please join your girlfriend as she’s in need of cuddles.”
Pin blushed and gave her a soft glare, “Don’t call me that.”
She chuckled and rolled her eyes, “Fine, but I do need cuddles.”
Pin grinned and slid in next to her, “Anything for you.”
“Please miss y/l/n, stop thanking me,” Arthur requested as he cleared her and Pin’s plates from the dinner he’d brought them.
Y/n bit her lip and nodded, snuggling into Pins arms as the butler left.
“How are you feeling y/n?” Pin asked, looking down at her as she rested against his chest.
“Sleepy, but in a good way,” she explained as she saw Pin begin to panic.
“Are you wanting to sleep?” he wondered.
She nodded, sinking down under the covers more.
“Did you want to change first?” he asked, pointing towards the closet where Arthur had hung the clothes Ted picked up from her house earlier.
She shook her head with a yawn, but then paused, “Wait, a sweater sounds nice.”
Pin nodded and promptly raised from the bed, heading to grab the sweater.
“Better?” he asked as she sipped on some tea, her hands now covered by the sweater material.
“Much” she sighed as she set the tea back down, a smile on her lips.
Pin grinned, pleased she was doing better.
“Good, now it’s time for you to rest,” Pin said, pulling the blanket up to her chest.
“Aren’t you staying in here with me?” she asked quietly.
Pin blushed and rubbed his neck.
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted- yeah, of course.” He smiled.
She beamed and snuggled back into him as he laid beside her, “My moody horse boy.”
“Nope,” Pin laughed, shaking his head.
Y/n frowned. “Why not?”
“We said relaxing and low stress activities, love,” he reminded her.
She nodded, “I could read for a bit, but I didn’t think to have Ted grab my book when he stopped by my house”.
Pin hummed and kissed the top of her head.
“I can check the castle’s library, or there are plenty of letters addressed to you that you could read.” He offered.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “Really?”
Pin nodded and laughed, “I told you, the whole town was concerned. They started sending them to the stables where my father picked them up. Want to see them?”
She nodded and pulled the blanket into her lap as she adjusted her posture.
“These are so sweet” y/n whispered, holding yet another kind letter up for her boyfriend to read.
Pin smiled as he quickly read the note, his attention more on y/N’s happiness than the letter itself.
“They love you, “ he said, rubbing her arms.
She shook her head shyly, “I didn’t even finish my audition.”
Pin kissed her ear, “Doesn’t matter. They know how talented you are. And more importantly, they know that you have a huge heart.”
Y/n blinked up at him through her eyelashes, “Thank you, Pin”.
He hummed, kissing her nose, “I know you’re disappointed with the outcome, but I’m sure you’ll get it next year. What’s important to me - and the town, clearly - is that you’re okay”.
She turned in his arms, moving until she was straddling him.
“I am Pin, and it’s because of you. I'm sorry I worried you so much, but I appreciate you taking care of me” y/n whispered.
The next day the couple went on a short ride around the castle’s yard.
She’d barely tied y/h/n to the post when she felt arms around her.
Y/n smiled to herself and turned around, wrapping hers around Pin in response.
“Hey what’s wrong?” she asked, seeing the glassy look in Pin’s eyes.
He shook his head with a dorky smile of his lips, “I love you, you know that?”.
Y/n giggled, pulling him in for a kiss “Yes Pin, of course I know that. It’s be impossible not to,” she said as they parted, “I love you too”.
“No more close calls okay? My heart can’t take anything else happening to you,” he said seriously.
“Ditto,” she stated, pulling him back in for another kiss.
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Pin Hawthorne Navigation/Masterlist
Freddy Carter Navigation/Masterlist
Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
Main Navigation/Masterlist (All my works)
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177 notes · View notes
agir1ukn0w · 3 months
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a wild Freddy Carter spotted in the background of Masters of the Air
15 notes · View notes
icouldbeaduck · 1 year
even if shadow and bone gets canceled, we’ll always have freddy’s horse show
76 notes · View notes
bartonbones · 1 year
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pin hawthorne getting lead poisoned to death moodboard aesthetic
58 notes · View notes
pixi-stixx · 1 year
Guys I watched Freddy's horse show, and it's actually really good??? I'm obsessed, pin is everything
71 notes · View notes
kazscrows · 1 year
Remember how after season one of Shadow and Bone we were all so Freddy Carter deprived that we binged all of Free Rein…. or was that just me?
241 notes · View notes
jegulusofwesper · 5 months
“six of crows man just made me cry” - my sister watching the end of free rein season 1
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beani-ed · 1 year
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this has fucked with my sanity how do you draw front facing horses
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creapysummer · 2 years
Every day I get closer to caving in and watching Freddys horse show.
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avengers-rule103 · 1 year
listen, i know free rein trended a bit after the first season of shadow and bone came out so i'm sure i'm not the first one to notice the absolutely WILD similarities between pin and kaz right??? there was a line in the first season about picking locks since before he was born, in this season after the horse theif incident his grandfather (who's a duke, who would've guessed? not me) was decended from smugglers and their money came from a dodgy place, so he's technically still a criminal... and he's also bought brightfields... and raven, for zoe, and as they're talking about it he literally says "consider it an investment" I'M LOSING MY FUCKING MIND. 😂😂
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belle-keys · 1 year
it’s all fun and games until you remember that freddy met his whole wife on the set of horse show
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The free rein to shadow and bone pipeline is real
I watched freddy’s horse show in middle school and when I saw the shadow and bone trailer I was like omg it’s the horse guy🤩
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