#from around february to may of this year my to be read list was neverending bc so many fics had been recommended to me
littlespoonevan · 2 years
#is it just me or is ao3 engagement waaaaaaay down at the moment???#i just went back through like the last 10 pages of the buddie tag to stuff i'd missed to my marked for later#*to add#and there was only a handful of fics with over 500 kudos#there was only ONE that had over a thousand#(**i shou say these were all complete fics)#and i've noticed it with the last three fics i've posted too#and it's weird bc i would say the amount of notes on the tumblr posts for my fics are still p much the same as before#and likewise i haven't see much of a difference with comments#but kudos have pretty much halved in comparison#and look i know i can't complain i'm very lucky with the response i generally get for my fics#and obviously sometimes you can just write stuff that people don't vibe with#so that could ofc be the reason too#but like i said the tag in general is the same#most of the fics i scrolled past had an average of 300-400 kudos and i went back 12 days#and i know stats aren't everything etc etc write for the love of it whatever#but also it just feels very Not Normal for this fandom#my first ever buddie fic got 400 kudos in one night and i wasn't even IN the fandom#from around february to may of this year my to be read list was neverending bc so many fics had been recommended to me#all of which were around the 1000 mark (or at the very least were over 500)#and i feel like you kind of expect the dip in engagement during hiatus times bc people step back from fandom a little#but i can't ever remember it being like this during a time when the show was actually airing#idk it's just strange and i can't pinpoint the reason???#is it because they haven't had much interaction on the show so far this season so people are maybe staying out of the tag????#bc tumblr has been quite quiet too#or is everyone just like. very busy rn askdjfhas#tbd
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