#from bbtr
eventuallyaugust · 11 months
matchmaker ep. 1: bonnie & clyde in action
now playing... taylor swift - cruel summer
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hyunseol steps into view and smiles at the camera before speaking up. "love happens in the most unexpecting way possible. so unexpected you'll find yourself wondering how you ended up in that situation or how that event even came to be. love is never an easy concept for us to comprehend because it just happens."
karina joins the other idol and stands beside the 5'11 foot idol, leaning her head against the latter's shoulder and intertwining her hand with the latter before she smiles. "but not every question that we could think from the top of our heads need an answer because love could be the only answer why we feel the flutter in our stomach or we end up looking forward to meeting our special someone every day. it works mysteriously, but it makes sense."
the camera turns on and hyunseol's eyes comes into view, a huge smile forming on her lips while waving at the camera. "helloo. good morning, everyone~"
her manager, yongsun giggles at the sight of the idol. txt's oldest member looks like a kid being at an aquarium for the first time, eager to look at the fishes swimming inside.
"ready for your first date?"
hyunseol nods as she tears her eyes away from the camera to look at her manager, unable to keep a smile off her face. "yeah, i'm ready and excited. i just hope i won't get clumsy in front of her. my heart won't be able to move on if i did mess up in front of a beautiful woman."
caption: the bane of seol's existence: women
"i'm sure you won't mess up." yongsun steps on the brake in front of the stoplights flashing red and turns to the idol while removing her hand from the steering wheel. she then holds the idol's face in her hand and smiles at hyunseol like a mother reassuring her child. "besides, you can just rizz her up so you won't feel embarrassed."
caption: manager yongsun is aware of seol's rizz 🫣
hyunseol chuckles and moves away from yongsun's hand, playfully grimacing. "i don't think i can even use something such as my rizz to her, unnie."
"just... no, i won't. oh, look, we arrived." once the car stopped, hyunseol immediately hops out of the vehicle without letting her manager say anything, knowing the latter will continue to tease her.
a cameraman immediately catches her arrival and the idol subtly nods at the staff as a greeting. she then walks in the café, the agreed place for the date and the bells by the door announces her arrival inside.
meanwhile, karina snaps out of her thoughts the same time she heard the bells going off and looks up from her fingers, her heart jumping into her throat. the tall idol stops walking as their eyes meet for a few minutes before they share a warm smile with karina's shoulders relaxing and hyunseol chuckling as her eyes disappear from her cheeks.
caption: they? are? so? cute? is it bad if i call them my parents? 🥹🥹
once hyunseol arrives in front of the booth karina is seated, she immediately smiles at karina with undeniable shyness present in her voice. "hi."
"hello." karina then snaps out of her trance and licks her lips, looking up at hyunseol with an infectious smile. "please take a seat."
"i hope i didn't make you wait." hyunseol gulps as she sits across the sm idol and hangs her head low.
karina immediately shakes her head, her thighs accidentally moving the table that startled both of them before she blushed and placed her hands on the surface, taking a mental note not to move the table. "n-no, you actually didn't make me wait. i just arrived after you, so there's no need to apologize."
"oh... okay." the idols look away as they both blush with awkwardness rising in the air.
caption: they're so awkward with one another and it makes me smile for some reason
the idols keep looking around the café, hyper aware of the uncomfortable silence in both of them. they have no idea how to start a conversation, falling to their thoughts until a voice snaps them back to reality.
hyunseol blinks as she then turns and sees a man in a white polo with a name tag in front of their table. bobby, the nametag reads.
caption: they're so gay, your honor.
"oh, uhm, h-hi. sorry, what did you say?" hyunseol looks up at the waiter with a apologetic look.
"it's okay, miss." the waiter smiles. "may i ask what you two will have from the menu?"
suddenly, the producer comes into view and talks to the waiter before the clip goes fast forward, showing hyunseol shaking her head disapprovingly and clicking her tongue while karina shakes her head with a sigh.
caption: what's happened?? who made my parents upset?
hyunseol then watches the producer walk away, the latter heading to the manager office before she leans closer to karina and lowers her voice into a whisper, her eyes on the lookout for the producer.
"hey, what's up?", karina whispers back as she also looks around, her heartbeat going to overdrive at hyunseol's sudden action.
"i think this date will not go well." hyunseol sighs. "what do you think?"
"i have no hopes for this, to be honest. unless..." the 5'11 foot idol turns her attention to the sm idol, waiting for the latter to finish her sentence before karina meets hyunseol's awaiting eyes and blushes while looking away when a devilish thought flashes in her mind.
karina moves away and the bighit idol looks at her with curiosity before clearing her throat. "as i was saying, i have no hopes for this date, unless we go out and do a real date ourselves."
hyunseol raises a brow as she smirks, looking over karina. "perhaps are you suggesting that we ditch the production team here and film our own date?
"because if you did", the txt member whispers, still smirking at the sm idol. "then i'm totally on-board with the idea, you rebel."
karina shrugs while pouting. "but i don't know how we would pull that off. i'm only the thinker, not the doer in these types of mischief. normally, i would just chicken out of this."
hyunseol smirks even wider, chuckling in a low voice. "good thing i'm your date, then. we're the perfect pair since you're the thinker and i'm the doer. we're gonna be like bonnie and clyde, but the less evil version."
"how are we less evil than those two when we're planning to ditch them here?" karina looks at the bighit idol with a raised brow with a hint of teasing in her voice.
hyunseol holds up two fingers while saying, "first of all, we aren't committing any kind of robbery anywhere as far as i know. second, we're a good team... although i admit now that i did pick a bad duo."
the tall idol scratches her nape and looks away, awkwardly chuckling. "okay, fine. that was—"
"that was kinda cute", karina interrupts the bighit idol and smiles at hyunseol who looked at her in disbelief. "you know, thinking of a duo name for us doing some mischief although you did choose a bad name."
hyunseol grows silent while trying not to smile and hangs her low to hide the smile she couldn't seem to resist doing from the camera.
caption: is— is she smiling? and blushing? from karina?! i mean, i would too if karina called me cute, but still?!
karina giggles at the reaction she received while looking away and feels blood rushing to her cheeks, knowing she just made the oh hyunseol of txt speechless. the legendary smooth talker among 4th gen idols.
caption: kudos for the production team in getting these two together. they just made me feel more single than ever, sigh.
hyunseol clears her throat and looks to the manager's office, noticing that the producer hasn't come back yet before turning her attention on karina. "should we do it now? gong pd-nim might come back sooner or later."
karina points to the camera strapped into a small tripod, looking at the taller idol. "we only have one camera. do you think it will be enough to film our date?"
hyunseol shakes her head, frowning. "no, we need one more and—" her eyes then widen in realization and looks at karina with a knowing smile. "wait, i think i saw one when i came in the café earlier. hang on, wait for me here."
karina nods and watches as hyunseol immediately looks around the place before she hops out of their booth and dashes to the front door. the sm idol offers herself to be the lookout while hyunseol gets herself busy on untangling the camera that somehow gets itself on the mess with the decoration vines of the establishment.
the sm idol doesn't know why but being the lookout while hyunseol does the dirty work (it's only fair to call whatever the bighit idol is bad considering they will ditch the production team) gets her so excited and jumpy. being an artist under sm entertainment restricts her to have fun, but starring in various reality shows like this makes her feel alive.
it makes her feel human again; having emotions, feeling that adrenaline rush, that feeling when your cheeks start to hurt from smiling so much, etc. it's been a while since she felt that and feeling those feelings again with hyunseol makes it more fun, exciting, and intimate considering they are on a date.
thump-thump, thump-thump
but despite them ditching the whole production, karina will look forward to their own date and to the day ahead of them (she feels herself blushing once she realized that she will be left alone with hyunseol, the girl she somehow feels happy to be with).
"hey, are you ready?" karina snaps out of her trance and meets the bighit idol's eyes nervously. hyunseol then tilts her head when she noticed something about the latter that she couldn't quite identify. "are you okay? is this too extreme? we could stop this whole ordeal if—"
"no!" karina immediately covers her mouth with her hand when she realized she slightly raises her voice. "i-i mean, there's no need for that. it's okay and we need this time for ourselves.
"we need to do our own date without anyone else, just... us", the sm idol mutters as her hand finds the taller idol's arm, her fingers absentmindedly trailing down hyunseol's skin. the bighit idol can feel goosebumps rising on her arm and slowly feels it getting warm. their eyes meet one another as neither from the pair dares to move, silence ensuing between them for a moment.
thump-thump, thump-thump
caption: why... why am i smiling?
hyunseol blinks and clears her throat, moving away as the warmth from karina's hand leaves her arm while karina snaps out of her bubble and removes her hand after realizing what she was doing to the latter. "o-okay, w-we need to go, come on. we're all set."
once the pair gets ahold of their plan and hyunseol made sure the coast is clear with no production staffs in sight, the bighit idol signals the sm idol to follow her. the pair is running to the front door when the manager's office door opens and the producer catches them in the act, screaming while pointing at them, "hey, stop right there!"
hyunseol and karina meets each other's eyes with the biggest smirks ever known to mankind over their faces before the taller idol offers her hand to the the sm idol and the latter doesn't hesitate to hold hyunseol's hand, both of them bursting out of the café.
the cameras they're holding catches the smiles on their faces as they run out of the establishment with the cameraman and the producer on their heels. they could hear the "hey, stop!" from behind, but they ignore it as the wind meets their faces. the adrenaline rush flowing in their veins and bodies keeps them running away while not bothering to look back.
hyunseol keeps a tight grip on karina's hand and shouts through the wind as she throws the latter a look, "hey, do you trust me?!"
"i thought that was already given the moment i hold your hand and run away with you!", karina answers as she clutches the camera in her other hand, still smiling so wide.
the txt member then smiles wider and tightens her hold on her camera while shouting back, "just making sure! now, come on, follow me! i know how we can lose them!"
hyunseol turns her attention forward and karina looks at the 5'11 foot idol, her eyes focused on the huge smile plastered on the taller idol's face. the sm idol tears her eyes away from the bighit idol and looks forward, letting the latter lead her somewhere. somewhere with hyunseol.
caption: i don't know who's more happy: hyunseol or karina but what i'm sure of? they're so gay, you can see it in their eyes
the clip then gets cut to the next scene, showing the pair in an alley as they try to catch their breaths, leaning against the concrete wall.
hyunseol manages to ask with her eyes closed as she gasps for air, "are... you okay?"
"... yeah", is the only word karina to say between her breaths before turning to the tall idol. she then grabs a handkerchief from her pocket and grabs a fistful of hyunseol's clothes, gently dragging her down to her height.
"i'm sorry, but you have something on your face. let me just...", karina apologizes and wipes the sweat trailing down the txt member's face. hyunseol becomes stiff and remains unmoving, her eyes falling on the aespa member's face. she could swear feel the 5'6 foot idol's breath against her lips and manage to push all the accumulating thoughts out of her mind.
"there, all good."
karina then notices silence from the tall idol and tilts her head, whispering with her face subconsciously leaning closer to the latter. "are you okay?"
"y-yeah, e-everything's good."
caption: liar, everything's not exactly okay. karina just made you blush for the nth time, seol.
hyunseol clears her throat and steers her head away, more blood rushing to her cheeks as she grows aware the lacking distance between their faces. karina blinks and looks down at her hand to find it still gripping the 5'11 foot idol's mint green sweater vest before she looks up at hyunseol to see the color red decorating latter's face and ears.
the aespa member immediately lets the fabric go and steps backward, looking away flustered.
caption: them being awkward? check. gay? 10000% check.
after a few minutes of regaining their composure, hyunseol clears her throat and straightens her sweater vest while speaking up, "now that we lost them, let's start this date. shall we?"
"where should we go?"
"well, let's eat lunch first. we haven't eaten anything ever since we left the café", the txt member suggests while looking at karina. "what do you want to eat in this moment?"
"could it be anything?", the sm idol looks up at hyunseol who flashed her a smile and a wink, placing a hand on karina's shoulder.
"oh, it could be anything, princess. tteokbokki, bibimbap, kimchi, anything you want." hyunseol's smile fades for a moment and realizes something. "wait, hey."
"i just want to ask if you're... okay with me calling you petnames?" hyunseol waits for karina's reaction before she adds with a hint of stutter in her voice, "because i could stop using petnames to you if you are not okay with it and just settle on calling you by your name—"
"no." a pause ensues before the sm idol pushes hyunseol against the concrete wall, startling the latter. karina grabs hyunseol's chin as she looks right into the latter's widened eyes her action taking the txt member by surprise. "don't, just... just keep using the pet names. it's more than okay for you to use them. okay, baby?"
caption: baby? baby? baby?!
hyunseol hangs her head low as her heartbeats overtake her sense of hearing and if she wasn't a tomato earlier, she is now sure she's one by how she's blushing right now.
caption: hyunseol.exe just stopped working. recalibration needed.
"o-okay." karina smiles and kisses hyunseol's cheek, earning a small shriek from the tall idol. the latter's reaction makes karina's smile grow bigger before she lets the txt member's face go and intertwines her hand with the bighit idol's slightly bigger hand, the hand feeling warm in her hold.
karina looks down at their hands and tilts her head before she shakes her head and throws hyunseol a look, flashing the latter a smile. "ready to go, babe?"
hyunseol decides to nod, not trusting her voice at the moment while she avoids looking at karina with her ears still looking red.
caption: yoo jimin, the only woman who can rizz seol back
"anyways!", the bighit idol exclaims as she turns away from the sm idol, her camera unknowingly catching her taking a deep breath while fighting off a smile on her lips. "come on, let's borrow a friend's car or something to go to my friend's resto. i don't want to keep you starving, that will be the not-so-seol of me if i did."
"perhaps do you know someone we can borrow their car?"
hyunseol chuckles. "oh, baby, you're forgetting you're talking to the nation's best friend. i can borrow a car for us to use, just say anything and i'll do it blindly."
karina looks up at hyunseol with a tilt of her head, a smirk playing over her lips. "anything?"
the taller idol looks down and sees the glint present in the other idol's eyes, raising a brow at the latter. "and with that look of yours, what are you insinuating, miss yu?"
"hm...", karina hums as she leans closer to hyunseol, standing on her tiptoes to get on the taller idol's level with her arms on the latter's shoulders. the bighit idol keeps her ground while smirking as she decides not to move away, keeping her eyes trained right into the shorter idol's.
the 5'6 foot idol then turns away and moves her arms away, the sm idol's camera catching their interaction. "it's nothing, now come on, miss oh. we better get lunch."
"you knew her?!"
hyunseol laughs at karina's reaction upon meeting her said friend. the sm idol has her jaws hanging wide open as she blinks, her mind cannot wrap her head around the fact that taller idol has one of the the famous restaurant owners in korea for a friend.
for. a. friend.
caption: and what do we expect for the nation's best friend??
"i just lent her some money and her business surprisingly became successful. i don't know how, but it did." hyunseol sets her camera on the table towards her, giving her a full view of herself before helping karina with the latter's camera.
"yes, and now, seol here is the co-owner of this establishment."
the bighit idol whines and pouts as she shakes her head, looking up at her friend. "no, no, i'm not! don't say something like that! this resto has only one owner and it's you—"
"don't listen to her, karina-ssi. she is the restaurant's co-owner, but she only agreed under one condition. it is a good thing it's an easy request because i would really like to show my gratitude for her help."
unbeknownst to the camera, hyunseol sends her friend a pointed panicked look and a small shake of her head before recomposing herself when karina looked at her.
"but anyways!" the owner claps with a smile and pulls out a notepad and a pen from her back pockets. "what will you guys have for lunch?"
hyunseol then grabs the menu board from her friend's hand and examines the contents while karina leans closer to the taller idol, looking at the foods displayed that might spark her interest.
"hm...", the bighit idol hums and throws karina a look. "what food should we order?"
the sm idol turns her head and meets hyunseol's eyes before her gaze goes back to the menu board. "i don't know..."
"well, we could pick separate cuisines like i'll take the bibimbap and you'll take whatever dish you like best or something along those lines. or maybe we could share one?? i don't really know what you prefer, so i need your opinions on this." the taller idol gazes upon the board and trails a finger on the surface, making karina look at it and follow its movement before blinking when she realized what she was doing.
"what's your best-selling foods in the menu?", karina asks as she looks at the owner, laying her chin on hyunseol's shoulder.
"most of our regular customers order tteokbokki, bulgogi, japchae, and jajangmyeon."
the two idols look at one another and turn their attention back to the owner with matching smiles. "could we get all of that please?"
caption: oh, i know they are gonna eat well in this ep.
"okay, please wait for your orders." the owner immediately excuses herself while the pair bows to her before she leaves the couple alone in their table.
karina moves away and playfully smacks the bighit idol's arm. "i still cannot believe you personally know her. did you know that it took me and my group days to get a reservation here while it took you seconds?"
hyunseol shrugs while smirking. "perks of being the first investor of this place, i guess. besides, i gave her a call that we'll drop by. that's why it took me seconds to enter this place."
karina nods and turns her attention around the place before something catches her eye. hyunseol looks at the sm idol after a few minutes of silence and follows her line of sight to see the shorter idol looking at the unique design of their booth's interior that she couldn't help but to admit now holds so much memory.
"do you like the design?"
"yeah, i don't know how to describe it, but it looks good." after a few minutes without a reply, karina then looks at the taller idol to see her drawing on the table with her finger and leans closer to the latter, tucking her chin on hyunseol's shoulder. "what are you doing?"
the latter doesn't respond and continues, making karina focus on whatever hyunseol is doing to pass time. after a few seconds, she realizes that the taller idol is writing something and starts smiling after she finally understand what the bighit idol was writing before she looks at the camera and looks back at the table, her smile getting impossibly wider.
caption: what are they doing that got karina smiling??
you're so pretty, hyunseol writes on the surface as she smiles, not bothering to look at karina to know the latter's reaction. you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen.
caption: ayo, let us on the fun too. i wanna know what you guys are smiling for :((
karina finally looks up from the table, her cheeks flushed a warm pink. she stares at hyunseol's side profile for a moment before looking away. "you shouldn't say such things," she mutters softly.
hyunseol grins and reaches out to take the shorter idol's hand in her own. "i can't help it," she says softly, her voice full of admiration for the ever-so-beautiful woman. "you're just too beautiful." she brings karina's hand up to her lips and presses a gentle kiss against it.
karina blushes even more deeply, but she can't help the small smile that appears on her face. she looks into hyunseol's eyes and squeezes the latter's hand tight in hers.
"i'd tell the whole world about your beauty," the taller idol murmurs as she tucks a loose hair strand back into karina's ear with her other hand, "but i have a feeling they already knew about it."
caption: now i can see the vision why seol is part of the rizz gods of txt, but i'm still upset on what seol is writing on the table
karina's gaze lingers on hyunseol's features, taking in each one with admiration. her voice softens as she speaks her next words, “you’re not too bad yourself, you know. in fact, i think you might be the most beautiful person i’ve ever met.” she watches for the taller idol's reaction, feeling suddenly embarrassed but unable to look away.
hyunseol's jaw slightly drops and her cheeks flush pink as the compliment echoes in her ears. she opens her mouth, a faint whisper escaping from her lips, "really?" her heart races and butterflies fill her stomach while a warmth spreads through her chest.
karina nods, her eyes shining with sincerity. "really," she confirms, and leans forward to press a soft kiss to hyunseol's cheek, making the latter blush at the sudden action. "but it's not just your physical beauty, you know. it's your heart, too. the way you care for others and the passion you put into everything you do like what you did for the owner of this restaurant. that's what makes you truly beautiful."
hyunseol feels her face flush as she listens to the smaller idol's heartfelt words. her heart races in her chest and her breathing becomes shallow, as if the intensity of the moment had stolen the air from her lungs. she opens her mouth to speak but no sound comes out; it took a few moments before she could force any syllables out.
finally, she manages to whisper as her mind goes back to several memories from the past, “you’re too kind. i’m not sure i deserve all of that.”
caption: nooo, you deserve those kind and appreciative words, seol. please don't think otherwise :((
karina's face softens, and her eyes glistens with emotion as she lifts her hand to hyunseol's cheek, her fingers trailing the soft skin. her thumb slowly caresses a gentle line along the latter's cheekbone. "you deserve all of it and more," she says quietly. a wistful smile lights up her features as she looks at the taller idol who became silent. "you're an amazing person, hyunseol, and i'm so grateful that i've met you."
caption: my cheeks are hurting so much from smiling, but i'll happily go through this pain for them no matter how it already hurts
the waiter glides through the restaurant, the clinking of plates and cutlery coming from the kitchen following him like a symphony. his heart feels heavy as he approaches the couple, deeply engrossed in their conversation. he could tell they were in the midst of an intimate exchange; the look in their eyes – a deep, passionate gaze – tells him this. he pauses for a moment, regretting that he had to interrupt them before he clears his throat, making his presence known. the couple looks up, embarrassed. they know what was coming, but they didn't care. not a little bit.
the waiter smiles, but he could not help but feel a little guilty. he had seen the couple’s orders come through the kitchen window and he knew he had to deliver it. he puts on a brave face and announces, “your orders are ready.”
caption: aww, even the waiter can see their chemistry
the couple shares a look, a slight smile of understanding, before the waiter places the dishes on the table. the aroma of the food fills the air and brings the couple back to reality.
"thank you." the waiter bows and takes the trays with him before giving the couple the privacy they need.
"let's eat!" the couple then grabs the two chopsticks and both split it before they start eating, ready to satiate their hunger. a comfortable silence ensues between them as they all look at each dish on their table, their mouths filled with food.
while chewing, hyunseol throws karina a look and immediately puts her chopsticks down before she leans closer to the latter and gently cradles the sm idol's face in her other hand, karina's cheeks filled with food.
the shorter idol slightly flinches and blinks in surprise before meeting hyunseol's eyes. the latter smiles apologetically. "eyes on me, princess. you have something on your cheek. let me get it for you, hang on."
hyunseol wipes the stain which was the soybean paste from the jajangmyeon with her thumb and smiles at the other idol. "there all good." she then leans away as she licks the stain off her finger, oblivious to the stare karina is throwing before the latter snaps out of her reverie and goes back to eating with flushed cheeks.
caption: seol will never let karina breathe, i fear
"thanks for stopping by the resto." the couple nods as the bighit idol smiles at her friend, patting the latter three times on the back.
"you're always welcome, i'm happy to drop by, but sadly, karina and i need to go."
"of course, and oh, here is my car key." hyunseol's friend hands out a car key belonging to a car the bighit idol is familiar with and they meet each other's eyes for a moment with smiles on their faces.
"i promised to bring your car back without a scratch."
the restaurant owner nods, although she already knows that hyunseol is a great driver. "you two better stay safe, okay?"
the 5'11 foot idol salutes and playfully winks. "will do, madam! thanks for lending me your car!"
"you're welcome, and i just want to say before you go, you guys look good together." karina and hyunseol immediately throw each other a glance before looking back at the bighit idol's friend, one with a shy look and the other with a smirk. "but i bet you guys already know it. anyways, i need to go. see you guys soon again, bye!"
caption: seol's friend really said gay rights !!
"anddd... that's my friend. what do you think?"
"she's so sweet. now i know why you're friends with her." hyunseol nods and opens the passenger seat door out for karina.
"yeah, she's sweet. no wonder her business became successful. she deserved that success."
"come on in, princess", the bighit idol smirks and slightly leans against the door. "we are going to the spend the rest of the day on something. i'm not sure what it is, but i'm sure we'll figure it out."
as soon as karina enters the car, hyunseol shuts the door and rushes to the driver's seat before she hops in, her camera in hand. "are we going to use my camera or yours in the car?"
"let's use yours." after a few minutes of setting her camera up, hyunseol nods and realizes something as she turns to karina and they meet each other's eyes, receiving a raised brow from the sm idol. "yes?"
"let me just..." the bighit idol reaches for the karina's seatbelt, leaning closer to the latter. the shorter idol's camera catches the lack of distance between their faces as their eyes meet, hyunseol wiggling her eyebrows teasingly. "oh, hi there."
caption: and if i wish i was there to make them kiss, then what?
once hyunseol finally fastened the sm idol's seatbelt, she turns away with a smirk after seeing the color pink invade the latter's face and inserts the car key in the key hole, revving the engine. karina then turns her camera off as she then places the device on her lap, blushing.
"let's go."
the camera catches karina sighing in relief as she places a hand over her chest, leaning her head against the window. she looks outside the car as they pass several tall buildings and other cars in the road.
"is there a place you want to go?", hyunseol asks.
several seconds in the silence before an idea stumbles in karina's mind as her body instinctively shoots up while shouting, "oh, i know where we could go!" that surprised hyunseol who lost her attention on driving being worried for the woman beside her.
the car slightly swerves on the road before hyunseol immediately gains focus in her surroundings as her hands grow a tight grip on the steering wheel and her feet expertly step on the clutch and brake to avoid having a collision with the other cars. quietness rises between the pair as they try their best not to break it knowing they almost ended up in an accident while maintaining their gaze to the road ahead of them.
"i'm sorry...", karina finally mutters under her breath after several minutes of an excruciating silence and hyunseol notices guilt laced in the shorter idol's voice. "i didn't mean to surprise you, i'm sorry."
"hey, it's okay—"
karina whines. "no, it's not. stop saying things like that. we could've died, and—!"
"but we didn't. we're still alive and breathing. that's what matters, right?", hyunseol cuts karina off with a warm tone as she keeps her eyes on the road.
the txt member is aware that it is indeed karina's fault, but the latter doesn't need to know that. she will never admit something like that to the woman beside her. no, never, over her dead body. she won't do no such thing, especially now that she sees the sm idol is beating herself up with that fact.
"but nothing. admit it, there's nothing to be sorry for. something like that happens, okay?"
the sm idol looks at the taller idol with narrowed eyes, crossing her arms. "you're not going to let me win this argument, are you?"
"depends", the bighit idols responds as she glances at karina with a smirk before she looks back on the road. "are you going to keep arguing with me?"
"i don't know if it'll be just a waste of time or not."
"oh, princess", hyunseol remarks with a teasing tone. "it is indeed a waste of time. when you're in a relationship with me, don't waste your time worrying about such trivial things especially when you know it's not needed. you only need to waste your loving me because you got me, i got you, and we got each other, always."
the taller idol then throws karina a look and sees the latter in a state of spacing out before turning her gaze back to the road as a hint of fear starts accumulating in her chest. "are you okay?? did i say too much? i can take everything i said back if—"
"no, it's okay. i'm fine."
"... are you sure? i didn't go overboard with my teasing, right?" karina senses a hint of guilt laced in hyunseol's voice. she doesn't know how to feel about that fact because she is doubting herself if she either sensed it or just assumed that the bighit idol is feeling guilty.
"yes, i'm sure and thank you." pause. "i'm just worried that we could've died if you weren't skilled enough for us to avoid getting into an accident. if only i didn't surprise you, then..."
karina hangs her head low as she plays with her fingers and falls to her thoughts, a pout forming on her lips.
hyunseol immediately pulls over to the side of the road and karina turns to the former, both surprised and confused about the stunt the taller idol pulled.
"what? what's wrong?"
caption: i'm asking the same thing, girl
"hey— wait, can i have consent to hold your hand first?"
caption: baby bear, you didn't ask her consent earlier, so why now? but still, when she asks for consent 😍 >>>
"uhm, sure."
"okay, thank you." hyunseol envelops her slightly bigger hands around karina's smaller one and meets the latter's eyes, hers filling up with warmth the shorter idol couldn't identify. "please stop blaming yourself about what happened. we were both unaware of what's going to happen, that's why it happened."
"okay, let's put it like this." the txt member takes a deep breath and drops the most outrageous statement known to the aespa member that had the latter looking at her as if she had committed the dumbest thing in the world (which hyunseol did for karina). "it's my fault, not yours. my mind wasn't on alert when you—"
"but you're the one driving the car... so why should it be your fault?"
"just because." hyunseol then reaches out to tuck a loose strand over karina's ear, careful not to linger a touch on the latter's skin, particularly her face. "so if you keep blaming yourself for what happened, then might as well blame myself too."
"but it's not your fault..."
"whatever you're feeling right now is what i'm feeling whenever you say it's your fault when i told you it's okay. we could just put this situation behind us so we could move on from this and—"
knock, knock, knock
the couple jumps, startled and turns to the hyunseol's side of the car where the sound came from to see a female police officer waiting outside.
caption: uh-oh??
the pair immediately shares a look and gulps before the txt member rolls down the window and flashes the police officer a smile.
"hello there! may i ask what seems the problem we have, officer?" hyunseol's eyes slightly widen at the familiar policewoman and immediately recomposes herself, remembering that the camera in the car is recording.
the officer tilts her head and raises a brow once she saw hyunseol, but immediately goes back to professional mode when she noticed karina beside the bighit idol and a camera where a dash cam should be.
"miss oh, is there a problem here? you're aware that pulling over to the side means something's wrong, right?"
hyunseol nods, feeling a bit embarrassed. "um, yes. yes, you're right."
"but may i ask what it is?"
karina immediately speaks up with a nervous smile over her face as the policewoman and hyunseol turn to look at her. "sorry, ma'am, but it's my fault. i was feeling nervous about going on a date with hyunseol here, and uhm, i kind of panicked. she noticed me panicking, so she pulled over and helped me calm down. sorry if we got you worried."
the sm idol bows her head. "rest assured that i-it won't happen again."
hyunseol and the police officer share a quick look as if the idol told the latter using her eyes before they both look away. hyunseol holds karina's hand to ease the sm idol's nerves as she moves her hands on her lap and signs something without the camera catching her unusual action and raising any suspicion from karina, making the policewoman's attention fall on the moving hand.
the police officer then looks away and states, "it's okay, miss yu. thank you for telling me what had happened, i understand it now. don't worry, both of you aren't in trouble. i'll be going now, and also, miss yu."
karina nervously looks up and meets the policewoman's eyes. "y-yes?"
"you're a lucky girl to have hyunseol."
caption: it takes a matchz supporter to know another one
"uhm... t-thank you."
"you're welcome, i'll go now. good luck on your date." the bighit idol and the cop share a look with a small nod before the latter walks away as the sm idol sighs in relief, leaning against the passenger seat with her hand over her chest.
hyunseol immediately throws karina a look and turns her whole body, facing the sm idol with a worried expression over her face. "are you okay? that officer didn't scare you too much, right?"
caption: when she's worried for her future gf first than herself>>>
"n-no, but she just surprised me." the txt member sighs in relief and nods, smiling at karina who met the taller idol's eyes. "but what about you?"
hyunseol tilts her head, confused. "what about me, princess?"
"are you okay?"
the bighit idol's smile becomes wider, a bit genuine than flirty. "just seeing you okay makes me feel okay, so yes. i'm okay, rina. you don't need to ask, but i still appreciate your effort doing so. thank you."
the taller idol then boops the shorter idol's nose with her finger and gently pats the latter's head, still having a wide smile over her lips. hyunseol is moving her hand away when karina got ahold of her wrist and halted her movements. surprised, the bighit idol looks at karina and blinks in stunned silence before she asks, "yes?"
"hold my hand."
caption: when she's becoming to be bold from her future gf>>>
hyunseol jerks her head back in, clearly taken aback before a smile breaks out on her lips and her shoulders relax as she chuckles. "okay, you scared me for a bit there."
"it's okay, princess, but hang on." hyunseol then revs the engine and turns to karina expectantly with a shit-eating grin on her face, holding her right hand out. "and your hand, madam."
the sm idol playfully rolls her eyes and holds the taller idol's hand, intertwining their hands together while the bighit idol's grin grows wider. "there you go, it wasn't so hard, right?"
karina shrugs as she tries not to smile. hyunseol then asks, "so where do you want to go?"
"hey. hey, are you okay?"
"y-yeah i-i'm good", hyunseol stutters as she tries to give karina a thumbs up and her hand trembles while her other hand has a tight grip on the metal pole, trying not to look down past the cable car.
"i don't think so. your face is getting paler than earlier", the aespa member comments as she cradles the taller idol's face in her hands, her fingers caressing the latter's cheeks. she then sees the panic in the bighit idol's eyes and grows worried. "hey, hey. deep breaths. take deep breaths for me, seol."
karina holds hyunseol's face in place when the latter tried to look outside of the cable car and softly talks, "eyes on me, baby. eyes on me, don't you dare look away. are you afraid of heights?"
"y-yes, i-i'm sorry. i'm not usually like this, so a-afraid." the txt member hangs her head low.
the aespa member then lifts hyunseol's chin and looks at the latter in the eye with a warm smile tugging her lips. "hey, it's okay. no need to be ashamed of having a phobia. don't worry, okay? just hang on, we'll be at the top soon."
the bighit idol frowns and karina apologetically smiles at the former. "i'm sorry for mentioning it, but i'm here. you can lean on me for the mean time, okay?"
caption: i'd want nothing more than to see my independent girl rina caring for her gf
"okay, we're here. i got you, baby."
caption: there's already so much b bombs dropping even when they're still not together, but i'm not even complaining
"when you said you want to go here, i never expected my phobia kicking in and got myself holding onto you."
karina giggles. "there's nothing to be afraid of holding onto me, but i can see why you're so into treating me good. it makes me feel satisfied."
"of course, why do you think my love language is acts of service?"
suddenly, a bird flies by while chirping and karina immediately moves her head, burying her face against hyunseol's arm. alerted, the txt member miraculously gains strength in her body and protectively wraps an arm around the aespa member's figure as she looks around.
she then looks down to the sm idol as she whispers, her camera catching the interaction between the idols. "hey, what's wrong?"
"... birds." hyunseol then looks around and finds several birds around which makes her gulp before looking back down. "are they everywhere?"
"yeah, kinda."
"why did they just decide to come bothering us right now?", karina mutters with a hint of disdain and hyunseol hears it, but she doesn't know if the mics attached in their clothes had caught the sm idol's mumble.
the txt member worriedly asks, "do you want to get away?"
karina looks up and meets hyunseol's eyes. "but what about the entrance fee we paid for? isn't it a waste for us to pay for it and just leave without even several minutes us being on the top?"
"if you're worried about our money, i can just pay you back—"
"do you not want to be here with me? is that what you're aiming for?"
"what— no. why are you even thinking like that?"
"i have a feeling you're hinting you want to leave...", karina mumbles as she looks away with a pout.
caption: i don't know what's the drama here, but i'm curious on what seol's approach will be here
hyunseol bites her lips and sighs before answering. "look, i'm sorry if i talked as if i don't want to be here with you. that wasn't my intention and it's not also your fault for thinking that way, but please, don't force yourself to be here with me when you know you'll just be uncomfortable.
"i just don't want to end this date with you being uncomfortable. i rather waste my money than be a bad date to anyone, especially when i know and can feel you're getting uncomfortable right now."
karina looks up and their eyes meet while the aespa member has a small smirk over her lips. "are you always this smooth of a talker with everyone you meet?"
hyunseol jerks her head back, blinking and throws the camera a quick look, her eyes slightly widening before she looks back at karina with a nervous smile. "... kinda, why?"
the aespa member tilts her head, raising a brow. "so i'm not the only one you've charmed, huh?"
caption: oohhh, karina calling out seol's player side out 👀
"are... are you accusing me of being a player?"
the tall idol playfully rolls her eyes and lays her head as she slightly tightens her arm around the latter's waist, towering over karina. "don't worry about the other girls, princess. i only use this smoothness around you because believe me, you're the only one for me."
"oh, really?"
"yep, you're the only one who could take my breath and make my heart race." hyunseol winks. "now, come on. let me treat you to some ice cream."
"thank you for today. being with you for almost one day has been fun."
"you're welcome, always here to bring you nothing but the best, my princess. you deserved this kind of date and several good things more."
the pair had stopped in front of a few blocks away from the aespa's dorm and decided to just go on foot on the rest of to not leak the girl group's dorm address while having their hands intertwined. they are talking about the various wild activities they did (although they didn't do much) to fill the silence between them.
"although we didn't get to spend much time together", hyunseol states as she pouts. "crazy birds... and heights have to ruin our namsan tower date."
karina giggles as she sees the growing pout over the taller idol's lips and shakes her head while she looks away. "yeah, but today's date still wasn't so bad. i mean, i'm with you, so any date with you is basically a great date."
caption: *jaws drops*
hyunseol automatically halts and karina looks back with a tilt of her head as the former narrows her eyes at the latter, a small smirk over her lips. "what? why are you looking like that? is there something on my face?"
"no, just beauty. and what was that?"
"what was what?" karina furrows her eyebrows together and sends her camera a look, hoping to make her confusion known before she looks back at hyunseol.
caption: don't look at me like that, madam. i'm sorry, but you are on your own here
"'i mean, i'm with you, so any date with you is basically a great date.' really? why are we switching sides?" a quick flash of realization passes over the aespa member's face before she laughs out loud while a smile appears on the txt member's face, her eyes trained on the sm idol. "i can't believe you, yu jimin. are you learning to be a smooth talker? 'cause let me say, you're one quick learner."
"i mean...", karina trails off as she leans closer and meets the taller idol's eyes, her fingers of her free hand slowly trailing the latter's arm with a smirk. "for you? i would. i mean, i'd rather want to be a top performing student in the smooth talking department than letting you get the upper hand every time we had a date. i'm ready to learn new things if it means surprising you."
caption: i don't know if i want to be seol or karina at this moment
hyunseol chuckles as she hangs her head low. "okay, okay. stand down, lover girl. stand down. no need to be so close—"
"aw, is your heart beating up so fast right now?" karina leans her face closer to hyunseol's face who instinctively looked away, her ears going red. "aw, why are you so shy now? you weren't like this earlier, baby."
the bighit idol chokes on her saliva and pulls her hand back away from karina's, covering her face with her now freed hand as she adjusts her hold on the camera who was catching the moment of the txt's reaction.
caption: ayo, karina successfully making seol blush?!
hyunseol removes her hand from her face and the camera catches the growing scarlet color in the taller idol's face.
"hey, come back~!" karina loops her arm with the bighit idol and looks up to see the latter's face and ears in the color red. "is this what you have to see whenever you charmed other girls?"
"aww, but you're so cute while blushing." karina pouts and smirks wider before kissing hyunseol's cheek that earned herself a small yelp from the latter. "okay, i'll stop now."
the sm idol looks around and halts her steps, stopping the bighit idol too. "okay, this is my stop."
hyunseol nods, still recovering from the short idol's bold actions and the sm idol pouts at the silent response. "baby, please. no goodbye kiss—?"
the txt member cuts karina off by kissing the shorter idol's forehead and both cheeks in one swift motion, leaving the aespa member's mind to short circuit.
the taller idol smirks and pulls her arm away to caress karina's cheek. "you may be learning to take me off guard, but always remember that i am still and will always be the original smooth talker between us. you're not going to take my job so easily, jagiya."
caption: seol proving that no one can outrizz her
the sm idol blinks and looks up at the taller idol only to receive a wink from the latter. karina immediately looks away as her eyes look everywhere but not hyunseol's eyes, making the bighit idol chuckle. "aw, she's shy now, but okay, fine i'll stop."
hyunseol let out one chuckle before she moves her hand away and kisses the top of karina's head. "this marks as the end of our first date. it's pretty eventful although we didn't exactly have a time to enjoy the impromptu namsan tower date, but after that small competition we had a few minutes ago, ditching the whole production is worth it. right?"
karina only nods, still not over the fact that hyunseol threw her off by doing the surprising actions of giving her forehead and cheek kisses before she manages to mutter in an audible whisper. "yeah, everything was fun even though i don't know if we could count it as a full date."
"a date is date as long as we enjoyed ourselves. did you enjoy it, though?"
karina looks at hyunseol in her peripheral view before looking away immediately while trying not to remember the wordless compliments she received back in the restaurant. "if the huge smiles i gave you earlier weren't obvious, then yes. i did enjoy being with you."
"i enjoy it so much i want a second date."
hyunseol smirks. "oh really? if i agree to have a second date—"
karina jerks her head back and raises a brow. "agree? baby, you have nothing to say about this. we are going on a second date no matter what you say"
caption: i love me some leader-type of women 😍💞
the txt member smirks wider. "oh, not even going to let me say anything?"
"never. we are going to that second date. end of discussion."
the taller idol immediately hangs her hands up in surrender and backsteps when karina takes a few steps toward her. "okay, ma'am. we are going to that second date, i hear you."
"be careful on your way home, okay?"
hyunseol sarcastically says as she fakes gasps and a mocking tone can be heard in her voice, "when she's so sweet— ack!"
the txt member throws karina an accusatory look while trying not to laugh. "why did you pinch me?"
"you were mocking me."
hyunseol immediately pulls the sm idol into an embrace and gently places her chin on karina's head, softly humming for a few minutes before she speaks up, "okay, i'm sorry. that was not cool of me, so i'll never do that again, but yes, i'll be careful driving back to my friend's and on my way home."
"see you on the next date, okay?"
the bighit idol then nods with a smile. "rest assured that i'll be there."
"okay...", karina trails off she swiftly pulls hyunseol down by her sweater vest and lands a kiss on the latter's cheek before she runs off, hurry present in her heels.
the txt member blinks as she watches the aespa member walk away before she looks at the camera as if her eyes were asking, did you guys see that shit?
"wow." hyunseol gulps before she chuckles and stuffs her hands inside the pockets of her pants. "she really got the guts, i must say."
confusion overtakes her face when she felt something in her pocket before she gently pulls it out and sees a small piece of paper in her hand, showing it to the camera. she then unfolds it and reads what was written in it before she slowly starts smiling.
caption: why are you smiling for??? karina isn't here anymore, seol
hyunseol then looks at the camera and covers her mouth with her hand, trying not to cheer loudly. "ayo, she gave me her number!! we're going home successfully, let's go!"
hyunseol then looks at the camera with the biggest grin and bids goodbye, "i'll go home now, everyone. look out for the next episode! bye, bye!" she then proceeds to cover the camera lens as she winks.
a/n: this is so long, smh bcs the last time i checked, this is over 9.2k words and counting and the ending is kinda rushed, so yeah 😬😬 also, no proofread
taglist (open!!): @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @mightymyo , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @asp-no
112 notes · View notes
dailytechnologynews · 5 years
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nVidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Meta Review: ~1560 benchmarks compiled from 18 launch reviews
It's an overview & average of 18 launch reviews for the GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (with appr. 1560 single benchmarks).
Only counted average frame rates at the Full HD (1080p) resolution.
There are many launch reviews who's using factory overclocked cards for the GeForce GTX 1660 Ti and the Radeon RX 590. All following values with an asterisk (*) comes from factory overclocked cards.
There are even reviews out there who forget to mention the use of factory overclocked cards in their benchmark diagrams (means triple check everything to be sure).
For the average of all reviews the factory overclocked cards was normalized to the reference clocks (more on the performance effect of factory overclocked cards for the GeForce GTX 1660 Ti here).
The average performance is weighted in favor of these reviews using reference clocks.
Power drawn is the average of measurements for the graphics card only.
Retailers prices taken from Geizhals Germany on March 1 (best prices, available for a minimum of 2 different cards).
Conclusion #1: The GeForce GTX 1660 Ti is (on average) +33.7% faster than the GeForce GTX 1060 6GB.
Conclusion #2: The GeForce GTX 1660 Ti is (on average) not perfectly on the same performance as the GeForce GTX 1070. But the GeForce GTX 1070 is just +2.0% faster, so it's virtually even.
Conclusion #3: The Radeon RX Vega 56 is (on average) still +8.6% faster at Full HD and gain more difference at higher resolutions.
Conclusion #4: The GeForce RTX 2060 is (on average) still +17.2% faster. This difference can't compensated with overclocking, because the GeForce GTX 1660 Ti isn't an outstanding overclocker (+10% performance on overclocking).
Conclusion #5: Despite the fact that the Radeon RX 580 8GB was slightly slower at their launch than the GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, newer benchmark results points to an even performance or a minimal advantage for the AMD card.
. Tests 580-8G 590 Vega56 1060-6G 1660Ti 1070 1070Ti 2060 AnandTech (9) 72.3% 79.2% 105.1% 73.6% 100% 99.3% - 115.9% BBTR (40) - 84.8%* - 77.3%* 100%* 100.7% - - Bit-Tech (6) 76.6% 83.7%* 111.4% 75.1%* 100% 109.1%* 109.4% 117.9% ComputerBase (19) 72.8% 79.4% 106.5% 72.7% 100% 101.7% - 115.6% Golem (7) - 81.2%* 106.4% 75.1% 100%* - - 116.5% Guru3D (11) 77.1% 84.6%* 110.5% 72.1% 100% 100.5% 114.3% 114.2% HWL (10) 82.0%* 88.7%* 109.2% 80.3% 100%* 105.1% - 112.4% KitGuru (6) 79.3% 87.6%* 110.8% 74.3% 100%* 98.6% 109.5% 112.0% Lab501 (9) - 79.9%* 103.0% 78.0%* 100%* 97.1% 109.5% 109.4% LeComptoir (20) 77.4%* 85.3%* 107.0% 73.4% 100%* 99.9% 113.8% 119.7% PCGH (10) 72.5% 78.8% 103.6% 72.8% 100% 100.9% 115.4% 118.8% PCPer (7) - 79.1%* - 73.8% 100%* 100.5% 110.3% 113.1% PCLab (12) 74.8% 83.6%* - 77.4% 100%* 104.8% 118.4% 121.3% PCWorld (9) 76.8%* 83.3%* 106.5% 75.4%* 100%* 97.3% - 111.2% SweClockers (10) 75.0% 83.4%* 112.6% 76.7% 100% 105.2% 118.8% 118.4% TechPowerUp (21) 72.3% 80.7% 106.1% 73.0% 100% 100.0% 114.3% 118.3% Tom's HW (12) - 84.1%* 109.0% 75.9% 100%* 102.8% 115.1% 114.4% WASD (14) - 85.5%* 108.2% 78.9%* 100%* 98.9% 112.1% 114.7% Average 75.4% 82.2% 108.6% 74.8% 100% 102.0% 114.9% 117.2% Power Drawn 187W 215W 223W 114W 117W 147W 174W 160W Memory 8GB 8GB 8GB 6GB 6GB 8GB 8GB 6GB List Price $229 $279 $399 $249 $279 $379 $449 $349 Retailers €170 €240 €300 €200 €270 €320 €430 €340
Source: 3DCenter.org
2 notes · View notes
eventuallyaugust · 11 months
matchmaker ep. 2: the chaos within us
now playing... clean bandit - rather be (feat. jess glynne)
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hyunseol is running away from karina who was chasing her with an apple pie on her hand in a huge grass field. she stops for a moment to catch her breath while maintaining a good distance away from the shorter idol, pointing a finger at the latter. "don't you dare throw that pie to me, rina."
"and what if i do dare?", karina challenges as she smirks with a tilt of her head before she starts chasing hyunseol who immediately dashed away to avoid a cruel fate from the sm idol.
just then, karina's voiceover starts playing as the video of the two idols running in the background, both still having fun. "love gives us that rush of excitement whenever we're around our special someone. often times, it'll be the only reason why we smile so much our cheeks start to hurt or why there is a sudden urge to let out a scream just to let out that overflowing unexplainable happiness filling your chest."
then hyunseol's voiceover plays as the two idols who were previously running away from each other are now laying on the grass with the pie smudged on their faces and some pieces fall on their clothes while they share laughter on the conversation they're having without a care on the mess on their clothes. "love motivates us to enter a relationship due to all the experiences other people have and that pushes us to wish for something like that, but that shouldn't be the reason. it should never be. we should only enter a relationship because we love the person, not the idea of them doing romantic things for us."
"because if you do, then that's not love anymore and you're not loving them for them", the voiceover of both idols then harmonize as hyunseol wipes the piece of pie away from the corner of karina's lips. they share a smile, their eyes disappearing from their cheeks as the bighit idol cups the aespa member's face in her hands.
the camera turns on and shows karina immediately leaning forward. her eyebrows wiggle as she has a smile forming over her lips before she giggles and waves at the camera. "helloo, helloo, everyone~"
her manager, wheein throws the idol a quick look and focuses back on the road while she smiles at the sight of the idol. "rina-yah, i didn't get to ask this the last time, but how was your first date with hyunseol?"
the sm idol leans against her seat and throws her manager a look before she falls in her thoughts as several moments of her and hyunseol flash in her mind. a smile then appears over her face and her eyes meet the camera before she looks away and looks at her manager, still smiling.
caption: i'd say it was good date, manager unnie. if karina's smile wasn't obvious enough
"it was good, unnie. i had so much fun with her, so i'm really looking forward to this second date."
"good." the manager nods and steps on the brake before turning to the idol with a smile. "here we are, good luck on your date."
caption: i'm surprised manager wheein didn't tease karina like manager yongsun did to hyunseol in the 1st ep
karina nods and bids her manager goodbye with a hug before she hops out of the car and waves the latter off as wheein drives away. she then turns to the huge establishment behind her.
a cameraman then catches her arrival and karina winks at the camera that shakes after, making the sm idol giggle. the idol then looks around and spots hyunseol's tall figure amidst the huge crowd that formed around her and the production team.
the aespa member immediately makes a beeline towards them and when the txt member spots her, she receives a wide smile from the taller idol before she sees the bighit idol approaching her while announcing, "please make way for my girlfriend, thank you very much."
caption: seol already making her claim on karina and it's making me swoon
"why are you telling them i'm your girlfriend? you haven't popped the question to me yet." karina tilts her head as she looks up to hyunseol with a raised brow while the latter looks down at her with the most teasing smirk the sm idol has ever seen. "wipe that smirk off your face, your charms will not work for me."
hyunseol gently bumps into karina and playfully rolls her eyes while not even trying to fight off a smile. "bold of you to assume i'm using my charms to you right now."
"aren't your name oh hyunseol?"
the bighit idol throws the sm idol a look, blinking. "yeah, what about it, princess?"
"then you wouldn't be oh hyunseol without your famous charm." the crowd around the couple let out out a bunch of "oh's" and their synced reaction make hyunseol laugh. "see? even the crowd knows."
"okay, my bad, princess, but you should know that this so-called charm of mine is only for you."
"matchz for life!"
the couple looks where the shout came from and sees someone holding a huge sign that contains an edited picture of karina and hyunseol in a mirror selca. if anyone will look at the picture, they will think that the picture is real because like the bighit idol, she blinks several times and thinks if she already took a selca with karina or not.
hyunseol squints and examines the picture before smirking and pointing at the sign. "you guys are insane for editing me and karina together, but i must say, that picture looks good. you almost had me fool, man."
the crowd cheers, the couple basking in the attention before karina wraps an arm around the taller idol and looks up at the latter as she surprises hyunseol by saying, "why can we just give them a picture together so they don't have to break a sweat editing us together?"
the bighit idol looks down and smiles as she gently boops karina's nose. "sure. i'm a-okay with anything you want, babe."
the crowd squeals and hyunseol's eyes widen at the sudden loudness before she laughs it off and wraps an arm around karina's shoulders that earned louder squeals from earlier. the sm idol knows what the former is doing and immediately lays her head on the taller idol's arm, gaining another wave of screams from the audience.
the couple looks at one another and laughs while looking away before hyunseol wipes a tear away with a big smile and gently lays her head against karina. "you guys are so down bad for us interacting, huh?"
immediately, they receive a loud "yes" and the taller idol nods as she kisses the crown of karina's head, another cue for screams before she faces the crowd. "we will drop some pictures, but it will probably be posted after the matchmaker ends. can you guys still hold onto some edited pics of me and karina?"
"hell yeah!" "we're willing to wait for the pictures!"
hyunseol throws the camera a quick look with slightly widened eyes due to the fans' profanity before smiling it off. "alright, thank you for being a good sport, everyone!"
[some explanations will be provided in the behind-the-scenes (which will not be posted until every matchmaker ep is finished)]
hyunseol and karina share a look before turning to the producer with a matching nervous smile. the bighit idol starts the conversation while scratching her nape. "heyyy, gong pd-nim."
"what's up?", karina continues while nervously chuckling.
"everything that has happened is my fault, pd-nim, and... and—", hyunseol immediately starts off, giving karina no time to think about the words she needs to say.
the sm idol whips her head at the taller idol in disbelief and says, "what— no! it's my fault!" before she turns the producer and approaches him while pointing at herself. "i suggested the idea, so it's should be my fault, not hyunseol's. it's mine."
hyunseol looks down at karina with a shake of her head. "but i'm the one who urged you to do it, so it is—"
caption: karina and hyunseol are both really going head-to-head on who's more greenflag than the other
"settle down, you two. whatever you guys did on the first day is excused, so now it's okay. we're okay." the producer waves his hands dismissively with a smile. "all of you guys caught great footages, although i don't highly advise you two on ditching us again. next time, just tell me if you guys want to be left alone. i'm sure the production team and i can improvise if you just told us, you know?"
caption: gong pd-nim really said matchz privileges ‼️
"... really?", karina asks. hyunseol throws sm idol a look and smiles at the camera before raising her eyebrows in a brief manner.
caption: why are you looking at us like that, hyunseol?? are you planning something again that we are totally on-board??
"yes, now let's start today's date, shall we?" the two idols nod as their hands immediately find each other and they look around the area, seeing different rides to go to and games to play.
"so where should we go first?", the couple asks in unison as they look at one another and realizes their unintentional synchronization, making both of them giggle.
caption: they're so in sync with one another their brains are thinking of the same things
"okay, okay, you first. what ride or game should we try first? i'm down with anything." karina starts to look around as she falls in deep thoughts, weighing her options before she looks at hyunseol and the latter's smile widens even more. "yes, princess?"
"i want to try that one." hyunseol squints to the direction where the aespa member last looked and sees the milk bottle pyramid booth before looking back at karina with a nod while smiling.
"sure thing, princess. lead the way." the crowd around them gives them a way and the couple bows, thanking the people as the audience surrounds them but still gives the space the idols need.
"come in, everyone! knock them all over and win a prize your heart desires!", the barker exclaims with the wide smile on his lips before he notices karina and hyunseol approaching and motions them to his booth. "would you like to try?"
karina immediately steps forward as hyunseol follows behind, eyeing the milk bottles in silence. the sm idol pays for five softballs and the bighit idol immediately steps forward with a smile while saying, "hey, let me carry those balls so you can concentrate on winning, princess."
the aespa member gives the balls to hyunseol without hesitation, not thinking too much about the request since the word gentlewoman always has been the txt member's middle name. the camera pans to karina holding one softball and hyunseol steps away a bit to examine the balls in her hold.
the bighit idol casually holds three balls with one arm while she weighs one softball in her other hand, looking very deep in thoughts. she then blinks, shakes her head slightly, and looks away as she subtly glares at the barker behind the camera.
the bighit idol steps forward and stands beside karina who turned to her and grabbed another softball, throwing it but failed to reach the stacked bottles. the sm idol pouts and grabs another ball before throwing it and hitting a bottle but none of them fall as hyunseol's stare on the bottles hardens.
in frustration, karina grabs the remaining balls and starts to throw it without a care as hyunseol averts her eyes to look at the shorter idol, seeing the frown forming over the latter's face. the bighit idol immediately wraps an arm around karina's waist and successfully catches the latter's attention, seeing a pout on the aespa's lips.
hyunseol smiles as she gently pokes the 5'6 foot idol's cheek, tilting her head. "aw, my baby is frustrated?"
karina's pout deepens as she nods and the txt member smiles wider, softly squishing the shorter idol's cheeks while baby-talking to the former. "aww, do you want me to win you a prize?"
caption: an amusement park date isn't complete if one doesn't try to win their gf a stuffed toy
"yes, please." the txt member nods and turns to the barker, handing him money with a clenched jaw and a small glare.
"one game, please." the taller idol sees the barker gulp and smirks slightly as she removes her arm from karina's waist and grabs the balls from the man. in one swift motion, she throws the softballs with the bottles getting hit with each throw as a scowl starts to form on the aespa member's face, getting suspicious with each second passing by.
"hey, those bottles should be downed by now since hyunseol always hit them, but why are they still standing?"
"it's because the game is rigged." the sm idol throws her partner a look and sees the latter's eyes trained on the barker. "it's either the softball is too light to throw or the bottles are filled with lead or something along those lines, so no matter hard someone tries to throw the balls or hit the bottles, no win is guaranteed."
"h-how did you—"
hyunseol immediately cuts the man off with a sharp glare. "it's not my first time playing your milk bottle pyramid game, mister. and also, this isn't the first time you get called out for it. some former customers of yours did this years ago and you got humiliated that your booth remained vacant, so i'm surprised to see you here again."
karina starts off, "it's still unfair to treat your customers like this, you know—"
the barker glares at karina and snarls. "don't talk to me as if—"
"maybe that's why fate hasn't been so kind to you. you have been treating people with unfairly and unkindly, so you received the same treatment. also, don't disrespect my girl right here. she's just pointing out the wrong things you've done since you decided to neglect it", hyunseol states as she keeps a small staring contest with the barker.
caption: people fr be needing to change because what is this behavior, sir??
hyunseol then turns to karina with a soft smile and offers her arm to the latter. "come on, babe. let's just find another game to play."
the couple immediately walks away with matching shakes of their heads and before any of the pair could say anything, hyunseol feels a strong force coming their way with her guts warning her and immediately grabs ahold of karina's elbow before accidentally pulling the latter and making the aespa member fall in her arms.
the txt member plays it off by smiling down at karina and winking, maintaining her cool. "sorry for that, princess. i thought i saw a bug in your hair, but it seems like i'm wrong, so i'm sorry."
"it's okay—"
"ack!" both idols turn to look and let out a gasp, seeing one of the two cameraman being hit by the glass from the broken camera lens. hyunseol assesses the situation as she asks in worry, "what's happened?"
dong pd-nim states with a grim expression, "a tennis ball hit the camera lens and they shattered. we lost one camera to use, but that's the least of our problems now. our cameraman needs medical attention quickly." he then takes the broken camera away from the cameraman and hyunseol immediately crouches in front of the staff, closely examining his face and his hands that were both bleeding out from the small lenses. "how is he, hyunseol?"
"he needs to get rushed to the hospital immediately. i'm not sure if there are still broken lenses on his face, or worse, his eyes." hyunseol then meets the producer's eyes with a nod and throws her manager a look. "call an ambulance, unnie. let's not take a chance when it comes to his well-being."
the txt member then looks around the area and meets several concerned passersby looking over the injured staff before her eyes catch a man smirking at her and immediately turn away when she caught a camera towards her, fear and worry both accumulating her chest. she clenches her hand into a fist, trying not to show the worry on her face but she didn't know if she succeeded.
an ambulance immediately arrives and takes the injured staff before the clip gets cut to hyunseol looking at the area where the cameraman once stood with a clenched jaw. the bighit idol looks away and looks over the shorter idol, seeing the unreadable expression over the latter's face.
"i hope he's okay...", karina mutters in a whisper, still shocked at the quick turn of the events. the bighit idol looks away and looks over the shorter idol and sees the unreadable expression over the latter's face. hyunseol notices her behavior, approaching the short idol before the aespa member then senses the taller idol's presence beside her and looks up at the latter. "yes, seol?"
"he's going to be fine, okay? he's in the hospital now, let's just offer a prayer and support for his recovery." karina nods, her eyes spotting a small spot of blood on the concrete and she doesn't know if hyunseol also spots the dried ichor on the ground or not. "penny for your thoughts?"
karina suddenly looks up at hyunseol who jerked her head back, getting surprised by the former and tilts her head at the latter. "wait... a tennis ball shattered the camera lens, right?"
"yeah?", the txt member answers, her eyes darting between her and the camera without any thought in her mind.
"and that cameraman was filming me, right?" hyunseol nods and sees karina's eyes meeting hers in realization with the former still pretending not to know for the sake of her past to remain six feet under the ground, where it should be. "then... that tennis ball was for me, but the cameraman got hit instead because you pulled me away from where i was standing."
caption: whoever throw that ball needs to get arrested asap because what do you have against my precious rina??
"what?", hyunseol asks in disbelief while chuckling as she shoots the producer a quick look, her eyes lowkey asking for help from the latter before immediately looking back to karina like nothing happened. "i was just missing your warmth against my arms, but i didn't think something like this will happen. it must be some kind of accident, you know. i just saw—"
"then how can—"
gong pd-nim immediately separates the couple with his hands on their shoulders, tension hanging in the air between the two. "settle down, lovebirds. i'm sure it's an accident, because if it isn't, then i'll sue whoever did it. i just lost one of my best cameramen and an expensive equipment. i won't let that slide, but since there'll be no one who will admit who did it, then i have no choice but to just forgive and move forward."
"okay, maybe you're right", karina says in defeat as she pouts. hyunseol sees a forming frown on the woman's face as guilt starts to shape inside her chest and immediately looks around for anything that could cheer the sm idol up before spotting something and running away. karina's pouts deepens at the taller idol's sudden absence and out of nowhere, she hears the bighit idol shout, "hey, rina-yah!"
the aespa member turns her head to see hyunseol walking up to her with the biggest smile on her face while holding up two cotton candies, one is color blue and the other is pink. "what do you want?"
"but what about you?", karina asks, perplexed.
hyunseol stands firm, holding out the cotton candies. "but you choose first."
"pretty please?", hyunseol asks while pouting and using her infamous puppy eyes along with her baby voice which she usually uses to huening kai but desperate times call for desperate measures (she isn't the type of person to be desperate but at this moment? she's ready to pull any string she has to console and comfort and distract karina). "could you pretty please pick first, my gorgeous wonderful beautiful pretty princess?"
caption: seol really using everything at her disposal to make karina cave in
"fine. hm... i can't choose", karina states with a small pout and meets hyunseol's eyes, looking up at her innocently. "maybe i can just choose your lips over these two, right? bet your lips taste better than these cotton candies."
the bighit idol smirks with a shake of her head and immediately holds the cotton candies away from her face with a snicker. "i mean, if you'd like to, i can just let you taste my lips to prove your hypothesis, because the question is..."
she leans closer to the sm idol with her height towering over the latter, her warm breath ghosting over the aespa member's lips. "do you think you can handle the taste of my lips against your own?"
caption: ayo, i think it's our time to go and hit that fast forward button because who am i to deny our parents who are in need of some alone time, am i right? 😉😏
they then both throw the camera knowing looks with matching smirks plastered over their faces before they look back at one another, their eyes staring right each other. karina immediately lands a kiss on hyunseol's cheek before the latter could even step away and the taller idol freezes, her mind malfunctioning for a moment. the bighit idol turns her head away with a blush adorning her face as she uses the cotton candies to hide the forming smile on her lips, her eyes darting everywhere but never meeting karina's.
the aespa member giggles and takes the pink cotton candy from the txt member, taking a small bite of the sweet treat. hanging her head low, hyunseol takes a small bite of her blue cotton candy as she tries not to look at the camera and the shorter idol, thinking that her heart might not be able to handle the bubbling emotion settling in the pit of her stomach.
"let me have a taste, baby", karina whispers as she pouts when hyunseol decided it's safe to look at the sm idol before the latter looked away in panic, the color red starting to paint her ears and her cheeks.
caption: what's going on?! why is seol getting flustered instead of karina??
"pretty please?" with a blank expression (trying to contain her raging heartbeats inside her chest), hyunseol takes a small pinch of her cotton candy and holds the sweet treat out to karina's lips, her eyes trained on the latter. the aespa member takes the cotton candy in her mouth and meets her eyes, flashing the latter a mischievous smirk. before the taller idol could take her hand away, she feels something damp against her fingers and her eyes widen, instinctively taking several steps away from the sm idol while throwing her a bewildered look.
the txt member feels her face grow warmer, warmer than her whole body. she now wonders if she has more blood on her face than flowing to the rest of her body considering her feet and arms feel a bit numb now. hyunseol catches the camera focused on her and immediately hangs her head low, trying not to look back at it. karina keeps her eyes trained on the bighit idol and giggles, approaching the latter.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i was just trying to see if you're going to be flustered by that, but now i have my answer", karina apologizes. "i'm sorry, baby. you can do it to me too if you want. i won't be mad at you."
hyunseol throws karina a questioning look, her voice cracking a bit. "what do you mean you want to see if i'm going to be flustered by that?! you're a woman, karina and you should know what a woman can do to me!"
karina blinks, muttering, "what?"
"what do you mean what? have you been looking at yourself in front of the mirror lately? because don't tell me you aren't aware of the effect pretty and wonderful girls like you on me. i can forgive you for being devious but for being oblivious? girl, there's no cure for that." the bighit idol then stops talking as she observes the aespa member to see a blush forming on her face before she smirks at the latter. "aw, is karina getting flustered because i called her pretty?"
"s-shut up."
"make me." suddenly, karina smacks her partially-eaten cotton candy against hyunseol's lips and the latter flinches in surprise. they meet each other's eyes with silence reigning between them for a moment before they burst out in laughter as they turn away from one another, their loud laughs filling up the previous silence. the aespa member lays her hands against her cheeks, feeling the warmth radiating from the soft skin. "i-i'm sorry, i don't know what came over me and it wasn't my intention to do that to you. i'm sorry, i'm sorry."
caption: if i had friends like this two, i feel like there'll be no dull times with them around
the taller idol gently pats the other idol's head. "it's okay, rina. it's okay. it was funny, don't worry. if i only knew that you're so fun to be around beforehand, i'd talk to you sooner than we did."
karina could feel her heart melt a little. "really?"
"yeah, funny, outgoing, has a sense of humor that i can get along with, and many more. i hope you can see that you're all of those things. only fools would not notice things like that and i'm glad i'm not a fool because it's a shame not to know someone like you."
karina smiles, ignoring how hard her heart pounds against her chest. "thank you, i never realized i was all of those things until now."
hyunseol smiles back and looks around, noticing several people watching them with phones directed at them. "well, i'm glad i made you realize some things because anyone is fortunate to have someone considerate and attentive like you. always remember that, okay?"
karina nods as she smiles wider and looks down to see the txt member interlocking the latter's fingers with hers before she looks up to meet the taller idol's warm gaze and feels her face grow warm. "come on, rina. let's continue our date."
caption: matchz, the mother ship of every kpop ship ever to exist
"okay, let's go." the aespa member then spots a shooting game and gently drags the bighit idol to the booth. hyunseol gulps at the sight of the booth when the camera moves away from her face with her hand subconsciously squeezing karina's soft one.
the sm idol throws the the txt member a look to see the underlying panic in the latter's eyes with her face getting pale and worriedly asks, "are you okay?"
"y-yeah, just a bit."
"do you not like the shooting game?"
"well, it's... complicated. it's not the game. it's more like the guns themselves. i don't find those things likeable, even it's just a toy. i'll stop now, sorry about that", the taller idol mutters as she looks away and bites her lip.
"no." hyunseol whips her head toward the shorter idol and finds the latter looking at her with such warmth she wonders how she's not melting in the concrete ground right now. "it's okay, seol. i'm glad that you told me about that. let's just find another game to play, okay?"
"are you—"
"sure?" the bighit idol nods and karina smiles, pressing her palm against the taller idol's soft cheek. "i'm sure of everything when it comes to you. it's a game, so choosing between you and that game, i'll choose you because i got nothing to lose from that game, but...
"on the other hand, everything about you matters. i will always choose you over silly amusement park games. you matter most to me out of the people or games around us. do you understand, seol?" the bighit idol nods again, but this time, she's smiling so wide she could feel her cheeks starting to hurt doing so. "i need words, baby.
the txt member giggles with a nod, "i understand, princess."
"good, keep that up. i'm princess only to you. not rina, karina, or jimin. just princess."
"all right, princess. i'll never do that mistake again, pardon me." hyunseol gives their intertwined hands a squeeze before she lets karina drag her to the basketball booth, her eyes falling on their hands. soon they arrive in front of the booth as the taller idol scrutinizes the six balls and basketball ring that has been nailed on the wall taller than her.
"one game, please." hyunseol snaps out of her observation and looks at karina the same the latter looks at her, making both of then wince in surprise before they share a small smile. the aespa member then grabs a ball and holds it out to the bighit idol with a slightly wider smile. "win me a plushie, please baby?"
the txt member gently grabs the ball from karina and says, "sure thing, princess." the taller idol shoots the ball into the hoop, a small smirk forming over her face when she heard the aespa member gasp and mutter, "that's so cool." she grabs one ball to another, each throw winning a point with no time to waste until she had none left. the booth handler then claps the bighit idol and grabs two matching penguin plushies hanging from the ceiling of his booth before giving it to them.
"uhm..." karina and hyunseol share a look before their eyes avert to the plushies, uncertainty laced in their voices. both of them couldn't gain the courage to tell the man since the moral and child in them are fighting what to say.
the barker notices and flashes them a smile with a small shake of his head. "it's okay, you can have two plushies. it's my way to say to say you guys look together. also, you two remind me of my wife and i, two different persons yet there's so much similarities between us."
"if you don't mind me asking, how long have you guys been together?", hyunseol politely asks and she grabs the plushies from the man with a bow, giving one to karina who started petting her plushie on the head. the couple keeps their attention on the man talk, seeing the expression over his face.
the man answers with the smile, "18 years and we're still happy, just like the first time we fell in love with one another. we're aware that everything takes time, and of course, the fights. those aren't inevitable when it comes to relationships."
"another question, what advice can you give us if there's a fight between a couple?", karina asks, still brushing her fingers against her plushie's soft fabric.
"well...", the man trails off as his gaze falls on hyunseol before averting to karina with his smile growing wider as if he knows something the couple doesn't, but the taller idol shrugs it off as she adjusts her hold on her plushie. "there will be always an argument no matter how long you have been together, so learning how to communicate is a must between the two parties. it may sound simple to others, but some find it hard to tell their feelings to their partner and that's where the problem grows bigger. you don't need to use big words to convey your emotions; you just need to be honest."
caption: he knows what's up with matchz, HE SEES WHAT WE SEE
hyunseol nods while karina throws the former a glance before looking back at the man to see him smiling at her. the sm idol gulps and the man bows while saying. "i need to tend the other customers now, but i hope you guys have fun with whatever the amusement park can offer to you.
"of course, of course. thank you for the plushies." the couple bows in exact ninety-degree.
the man waves his hand dismissively. "no, don't thank me. you two deserve those plushies."
"okay, bye-bye, mister!", hyunseol exclaims as she uses her penguin plushie's hand to wave and karina copies the gesture, a big smile on her lips before the man waves back, matching their smiles. "he's such a cool man, right?"
"yeah", is the aespa member's only response as she feels her heart race, remembering that the man saw something between her and the txt member. she then starts to look around the place to distract herself before she feels an arm snake around her waist and turns to the side, meeting hyunseol's eyes.
"let's ride the ferris wheel."
karina immediately grows worried. "are you sure—"
"yes, now come on, princess. i want to see the view from the top."
"how come you aren't as pale as you were from our namsan tower date?"
hyunseol plays with her plushie as she answers, "i'm not entirely afraid of the heights. what i'm afraid of is the sudden urges of me jumping from a high place. i might not be able to contain myself and jump, but in this, i'm not afraid since we're inside a passenger pod."
"that makes sense." karina then throws the taller idol the same time the latter looks at her, making the aespa member look away with pink dusting her cheeks. hyunseol keeps her eyes on the shorter idol and giggles at the reaction.
"do you need something, princess?"
"w-well...", the sm idol's voice weakens as her fingers find her plushie's arms to play with, refusing to make any eye-contact with the taller idol. "i just want to ask what you think of the man and what he said earlier."
"what he said about couple fight, right?" karina nods. "well, first of all, he reminds me of my grandfather. they're so chill and unbothered, but you can see that he cares for his family, especially the way his face looks when he said that they've been married for 18 years. if you ask me, i want to have that kind of future with someone."
karina's ears perk at hyunseol's last statement and looks at the latter', seeing a smile on the bighit idol's lips. "really?"
"yeah, it might be a long time for me to settle down, but i look forward to that kind of life for my older version of myself because i witnessed the life my grandfather has with his wife, so it made me imagine myself living that kind of life."
"do..." hyunseol averts her eyes from the view outside of the passenger cabin to karina who has still her eyes focused on playing with the plushie on the latter's lap. "do you already have someone in your mind to spend your life with?"
the txt member opens her mouth but no words come out and slowly closing them, her eyes darting away from karina's figure before throwing the camera a quick look and looking back to the shorter idol.
caption: why did air turn so serious all of a sudden?
"well, at this moment, maybe. it's still uncertain, but maybe soon i can confirm my feelings. for now, my answer is maybe. sorry if i can't give you a precise answer."
karina nods and responds, "that's okay, i understand. i'm sorry i asked you something so absurd and invasive."
the txt member looks down and reaches out to karina's hand, intertwining her hand with the latter as she sees the latter's fingers twitch in surprise before they relax as they curl against her hand, making a small smile appear on hyunseol's lips.
"it's okay, princess. it's water under the bridge. don't worry, your question made me think in a good way. i just... didn't worry about getting in a relationship immediately because i'm too focused on living my life, you know. i mean, i can see myself getting together with someone, but not right away."
caption: you better ask karina out, seol or i will
the txt member then raises their intertwined hands and places a kiss on the back of karina's hand, the latter blushing at the taller idol's soft lips. "w-what was that for?"
"nothing, i just wanted to do that since this morning and well, i only got the courage to do so." hyunseol meets the shorter idol's eyes and softly smiles, seeing the red hue decorate the latter's face. "sorry being so random at times, but i just want to let you know that i'm grateful that i get to spend time with you out of all people. i'll try my best to be fun and enjoyable to be with for you."
karina harshly shakes her head as she places their intertwined hands against her chest, disregarding the hard and rigorous beating of her heart with a hope that the taller idol doesn't feel her heartbeat. "you don't need to do that, i will always enjoy your presence no matter what. you don't even need to do any effort. just you being you is enough for me, seol."
hyunseol lets out a small giggle and looks down, still smiling. "thanks, you have no idea what you just said mean to me. i'm happy that you're enjoying yourself in this date and i appreciate your effort of telling me."
"you're welcome, you deserve to know that you're not the only one who's thankful in this situation. you're worth of everything, seol. i hope you can see that."
"i can see what you mean, thank you."
"uhm..." the couple stops for a moment and turns to see the ferris wheel operator looking at them knowingly with a smirk on his lips before the pair blushes and immediately lets each other's hands go, looking away at the same time. "i didn't want to pop your bubble, but it's time to go, lovebirds."
"a-ah, y-yes, of course." hyunseol motions the exit to karina, her face and her ears still feeling warm. "you first, princess."
the aespa member then stands and hops out of the compartment, hanging her head low to hide her flustered face before the txt member follows suit, not even trying not hide the big smile on her face. hyunseol looks around and immediately stands beside karina once she spotted the strange man earlier several meters away from them.
despite the lack of space between them, karina doesn't turn her head and instinctively reaches out to hold the txt member's hand as the latter gently tightens her hold when they both noticed the forming crowd heading their way.
"please give us space, everyone", hyunseol announces, sounding her voice as stern as possible while discreetly keeping an eye for the strange man. "thank you for the ones who are listening."
"ahhhh, you guys look so good together!"
"yes, yes we are. thank you for noticing." the txt member regards the fan with a nod, making the latter squeal in excitement before the audience follows when karina landed a kiss on the taller idol's cheek. "looks like my princess right here also agrees."
"of course, i agree. i'm pretty and you're gorgeous. only blind people wouldn't see our chemistry", karina states as she reaches out and trails her fingers along hyunseol's face before they stop to the latter's jaw, gently pulling the taller idol closer to her. "you're so pretty it makes me stare."
the txt member then leans a bit closer, the tip of their noses touching as hyunseol smiles, noticing how the karina remains her gaze glued to the taller idol's eyes. "not even a reaction, really?"
karina tilts her head and hyunseol follows, making the former slightly raise a brow. "well, you're oh hyunseol. that's expected coming from you, if i say so myself."
the bighit idol then playfully rolls her eyes still smiling. "of course, it's expected. it seems like i already made a name for myself."
"hm... i think...", karina mumbles and throws the camera a look before she looks back at hyunseol as she moves her eyes, motioning her to look at the camera.
the txt member obeys and winks the camera with a smirk before pulling karina close to her using her free hand. "i think it's time to end this. do you think so, princess?"
"hm... yeah, it's time..."
the taller idol motions for the cameraman to move forward and announces, "this is the end, guys. bye, stay tuned for the next episode—"
karina thinks of an idea and pulls hyunseol by her shirt down to her face, but before their lips could ever get closer, the bighit idol covers the camera lens with her hand.
a/n: i feel like this is a downgrade from the 1st ep, but anyways, ep. 3 is next 😍💞💕
bbtr & matchmaker taglist (open!!): @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @mightymyo , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @asp-no , @kimsgayness
88 notes · View notes
eventuallyaugust · 1 year
bound by the rules masterlist smau
pairing/s: lesserafim huh yunjin x txt's sixth member! gp! oc x aespa yoo jimin
summary: txt's oldest member, oh hyunseol just want a peaceful life after pandemic with her members, but it seems like fate wants to shake things up.
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tags... crack, fluff; angst; hurt(?); suggestive/smut (not all time); kinda slow burn (not the do i like her slow burn, but those longer than a min touches and longing gazes kind of slow burn); no beta we die like men; love at first sight; friends to lovers
warning/s... love triangle; angst; too many things going on; an ungodly amount of time skips; suggestive/smut themes; dark jokes; toxic staffs and management; scandals; dark themes & graphic content: strong language, bullying (affectionately); multiple mentions of alcohol and its consumption; many more to be added
setting... story will start in 2022
featuring... txt, lesserafim, aespa, itzy (mostly ryujin), ive (mostly annyeongz), choi yena, skz bangchan, nct jaehyun, g-idle yuqi, enhypen heeseung, some bts members, and many more that often pops up in just one of the chapters.
status... CONTINUING (surprisingly)
profiles. bighit's baby giants, too pretty to be ais, not-so-fearless with bugs, the seven avengers
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chapters (number of chapters & some titles still unidentified)
⭐ - fav chap
01 | happy birthday to you⭐
02 | new bestie unlocked
03 | birth month twinnie (half written)
04 | pretty elevator girl (kinda half written)
05 | tagged along
06 | birthday money
07 | meeting for what?! (mostly written)
09 | minjeong's research
10 | lee fcking soo-man (written) ⭐
11 | give me your bets
12 | field day (pt.1)⭐
13 | the claw machine⭐
14 | party party yeah
15 | alexa, play drama by txt (written)⭐
16 | she is like dramama ramama
17 | #prayforheeseung
18 | gay panic-ese⭐
19 | txt's first 2022 vlive (written)⭐
20 | lord me when⭐
21 | be careful what you wish for (written) ⭐
22 | something bad just happened ⭐
23 | perfect friends ⭐
24 | matchz? it's a matchz! ⭐
bonus... matchmaker episodes
25 | 0 7 . 3 0
26 | seol & umji?? seolji?
27 | haters gonna hate
28 | wee-woo 🚨🚨
29 | a house of cards (written)
30 | us against the world
31 | through the cracks
32 | without the foundation
bbtr plot timeline
taglist: @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @kimsgayness , @jeindall777 , @notodayeli , @mah4u
misc hyunseol - kprofile | articles | spotify playlist | youtube compilations | fem idols crushing on her | matchz playlist | oddz playlist
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a/n: seol can be interpreted as the reader or whole other person. it was supposed to be y/n, not seol but i find it hard to imagine if i pair yunjin and karina to someone i can't imagine, so that's where seol is born.
disclaimer all images and pictures used in this story are not all mine. they belong to their rightful owners and i therefore give credits to their edits. since this is a smau, all of the happenings and events within are made up and the product of my imagination. any similarity to real-life occurrences or individuals, whether alive or deceased, is entirely coincidental. SEPARATE FICTION FROM REALITY.
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@ eventuallyaugust 2024 | navi
553 notes · View notes
eventuallyaugust · 1 year
10. lee fcking soo-man (written)
note: bbtr lore??
warning/s: lee soo man (i think that's it)
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hyunseol shoves her phone in her pocket and adjusts herself on her seat with bang si-hyuk on her right side, raking her fingers through her hair. why did i even suggest having a meeting like this?
"it's going to be okay, seol. mr. park and i are here to back you up on whatever you picked, okay?", bang pd-nim softly whispers, looking at the and the idol throws the ceo a look to find him giving her a thumbs-up.
hyunseol nods shyly and looks away, her worries somewhat reduced to a minimum. her manager, yongsun stands protectively behind her seat whose hand she felt on her shoulder, a gesture to show the latter's support to her before she feels the older woman remove it.
the idol hangs her head low, unable to fight off a smile from appearing on her lips. a few knocks are then heard as hyunseol's head shoots up, looking at the door.
the ceo's office door then opens with a big hit staff leading a man in a business suit, lee soo-man and one man wearing a button-down shirt and pants who hyunseol guessed is the show's producer. behind them are two women, one is the idol hyunseol will be working with, yoo jimin or mononymously known as aespa's karina while the other is...
hyunseol tries her best not to throw her manager a look once she meets the second woman's eyes. the other woman who entered is one of yongsun's best friends and the big hit idol often sees the latter in some of the pictures her manager posted in her personal instagram.
jung wheein. that's her name. age 27
hyunseol then diverts her gaze from the other woman to the idol and catches the latter staring back at her. the pair hold each other's gazes for two second, unblinking before the two idols look away with their eyes darting around the room, hoping the embarrassment running hot in their veins vanish.
little did they know wheein and yongsun saw their small interaction and now are smirking at each other before recomposing themselves, noting to ask the idols about it for a later time. the three newly-arrived people take their seats across hyunseol and bang si-hyuk, a whip of professional air rising in the room.
"good morning, mr. park." sm's ceo, mr. lee slightly bows to hybe's ceo who returned the gesture, hyunseol not knowing how to act in the suffocating professional tension in the room.
it's already hard enough being around hybe's ceo. so imagine alone being in a room with the latter and another ceo of another entertainment who is apart of the big 3 companies in the industry. the urge to break the tension is too tempting, but the thought of her image getting tarnished holds her back. for all she knows her actions might affect her group and her members and she doesn't want that to happen, so being her best behavior will have to work until the end of this meeting.
"good morning to you too. mr. lee." park jiwon starts off, his palms against the smooth surface of the wooden table. he meets soo-man's eyes, a polite smile on his lips. "thank you for lending us your time for today."
soo-man bows a bit, his smile getting wider. "the pleasure's all mine. i'm honored to have this meeting with you. shall we get down to business?"
please, god. let me survive this meeting in peace, hyunseol prays to herself as she lays her hands on her lap, keeping herself from playing with her fingers.
"i believe that's all we need to discuss for today, mr. lee." jiwon states as he places his pen down on the notepad, a smile directed at his fellow ceo. "again, thank you for giving us your time for today. i appreciate your effort in attending this meeting."
the producer who entered the room with lee soo-man and later introduced himself as gong daejung left the room with a bow, not wanting to be in the same room with the two ceos any longer.
"it's an honor to be here. and i forgot to say this earlier, but i must say what a great space you have here, mr. park." the other ceo looks around the spacious area, a pleased smile over his lips.
"thank you, mr. lee. the felicitations should be dedicated to hyunseol right here. she decorated the room with mr. bang's permission." the said idol flinches upon the mention of her name with her head shooting up before she nods as she hangs her head low, heat covering her cheeks.
mr. park wears a proud smile, his eyes falling on the 5'11 foot idol. "i'm honored to have her in hybe's creative team. her contribution will forever be unforgettable and our company will continue thriving through her and the other idols."
"it seems like you have a high regard for ms. oh here." mr. lee observes, his eyes flicking over the tall idol who tries her best to hold the ceo's gaze. good thing she had a practice of holding a staring contest with her cousin, sehun who is one of the intimidating people she knows.
si-hyuk holds himself back from shooting soo-man a raised brow when he sensed something from the latter's tone. mr. park also notices the strange tone, but decides not to bring it up to avoid making a scene. yongsun holds herself back from clenching her fists, her eyes trained on the 70-year-old man.
"it's already obvious on how much we spoil her from postponing a fansign event to attend her niece's graduation. in hybe, we let our idols attend their personal matters and do their own things because they are still human beings who have feelings despite working as idols."
soo-man hums, his calculating eyes trained on the big hit idol and drops the most insane question known to humankind, or at least, to hybe representatives. "are there times you think your idols are getting a bit too spoiled?"
si-hyuk, jiwon, and yongsun freeze at the question as hyunseol blinks, trying to process if she heard those words right. si-hyuk immediately narrows his eyes at the other ceo, slightly tilting his head as he clasps his fingers together.
jiwon adjusts himself on his swivel chair with his elbows on the armrests, looking the other ceo up and down with venom in his eyes. yongsun's expression hardens with a click of her tongue as she takes one step forward, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
soo-man notices the way the air inside the room immediately changes into some thick and heavy, or in karina's perspective, deadly and lethal. the 5'6 foot idol watches as jiwon, si-hyuk, and yongsun look at the ceo of sm entertainment in disdain with hyunseol's shoulders falling, her eyes slowly losing its natural glow.
karina tries her best not to throw the ceo beside her a glare, considering she might put her group in a grave position if she did so. what the fuck this man is even saying? why does he always feel the need to comment on things, especially other companies' business?
why can't he just mind his own business? it's not even that hard to do, wheein, on the other hand, thinks to herself as she throws soo-man a questioning look with her nose scrunched up before meeting her best friend's eyes, seeing the latter in state of glaring the ceo.
"pardon?", jiwon asks as he keeps himself calm, knowing that making a scene will be an unbecoming of him as the ceo of a prestigious company.
"what am i saying is, i've been noticing that your idols are getting too spoiled for their own good. it's just... they look like they are so dependent on you and i want to ask what you think about that." soo-man leans against his seat, using his hands to support his statement. he immediately notices the change in the big hit idol's demeanor and the other three's behavior, knowing his words have hit a nerve.
he's referring to hyunseol, jiwon thinks to himself and his eyes dart towards the 50-year old producer beside the 5'11 foot idol. he could see the latter's eyes fill with something explosive and holds himself back from diffusing the fight, knowing very well his efforts of doing so are futile. this meeting won't end in good terms.
si-hyuk calmly stands up and catches the attention of everyone in the room, his eyes looking down at soo-man in disgust and hatred. hyunseol grabs the producer's coat back, making the latter look back at the idol.
the idol shakes her head while mouthing 'no', telling the older man to not start a fight and an amused smirk appears on soo-man's lips, enjoying the interaction.
si-hyuk's once hatred-filled eyes soften for a moment while looking down at the idol before it hardens once again, looking away with his eyes meeting soo-man. "no, hyunseol. i had enough of people acting like my artists, especially those from big hit don't work hard. it's getting annoying when people discredit their efforts and hard work, especially yours."
bang si-hyuk is a man of his words and once he makes a decision, he always sticks to it. hyunseol reluctantly lets the coat go with a small pout and chews the inside of her cheeks, her hands on her lap while keeping a close range with the producer just in case the fight escalates into a physical one.
si-hyuk starts off, glaring at soo-man who is looking amused to the scene in front of him. "there are no such things as too spoiled in hybe, especially in my previous company, big hit. in case you aren't aware, txt doesn't have any privilege when they debuted despite being in the same company as bts. just like their seniors, they worked hard to rise and join the other idols in the top, especially hyunseol right here.
"she worked hard to write and compose songs for herself, her group, and her fans. it took them a lot of times for their potential to be recognized by the public and most importantly, don't speak on how we treat our artists. for all the people working under hybe labels know, that's how idols should be treated, respected, and managed unlike how you do it back at sm entertainment. you're from that company, of course you won't understand hybe's inner workings."
soo-man adjusts himself on his seat, his aura changing as if he's challenging the 50-year-old man to continue speaking.
"we treat each member in our groups fairly, unlike—"
from there, hyunseol decides that her ears have heard enough of the conversation as she then stands up and grabs the producer's shoulders, holding him back. "that's enough, bang pd-nim. he's just trying to rile you up, don't give in to what he wants to hear you say about him."
"no, hyunseol—"
"no, sit down, bang pd-nim." the authoritative and firmness present in the idol's voice and as she looks down, towering over the producer. she then massages the latter's shoulders, talking like a child coaxing their parent to change their mind. "stop and sit down. don't let your day be ruined by him, don't stoop down to his level 'cause we all know it's worthless to do so."
karina looks up and keeps her eyes focused on the other idol's facial expression, noticing the way the 5'11 foot idol clench her jaws and purses her lips together. she starts to stare at the big hit idol and wheein notices it, taking a mental note to talk it with her best friend.
"and, mr. lee", hyunseol tears her eyes away from the producer and looks down at the 70-year-old ceo with cold eyes, taking one slow step forward to him. her height casts a shadow over the man with the help of the fluorescent light shining behind her. "mind your words and tone around hybe producers, staffs, and artists, especially me. if i were you, i'd listen to me."
lee soo-man let out a snicker with a shake of her head, finding the words thrown at him ridiculous. "oh, really?"
the reaction from the man is expected, making a smirk forms over hyunseol's lips. she chuckles like a maniac as she looks at her manager, pointing to the 70-year-old man with a shake of her head. "can you believe this, yongsun unnie? he even got the guts to react like that, as if..."
she takes another step forward, her height seeming more threatening to the ceo than before.
yongsun and si-hyuk immediately throw each other a look, both approaching the tall idol and grabbing ahold of both of the latter's arms. the trio from sm entertainment notice the pair's actions and raise their brows, confused.
"hyunseol, don't—" / "seol, stop—"
"no, why should i?" the tone in the txt member's voice shifts into something karina is familiar yet couldn't identify. karina notices how si-hyuk and the idol's manager have a tight hold on hyunseol's arms. "you're not the only one who is angry, you know, pd-nim. if that question was directed to me, i normally wouldn't care and just shrug at it, but for mr. lee to include my members along with the other hybe artists who put their efforts of making a name for themselves in the industry, i wouldn't let that pass. over my dead body."
"i'm not afraid of you, ms. oh."
hyunseol's smirk gets wider as if it was possible, showing off her white teeth as her eyes focus on the ceo, a different glint in her eyes. "oh, you should be, mr. lee. afterall..."
the idol's voice drops into a whisper, deep and menacing as she slightly crouches down to his eye level, her smirk still on her lips. "... i know who you are and the past you keep trying to bury away from existence, especially the charges that you avoided for the past years. i've known all of them, lee soo-man. and believe me, i can leak that information at my will."
"h-how did you know that? who told you that?!" color drains from the ceo's face, his smirk getting wiped away from his lips.
a deep chuckle escapes the idol as she is pulled backwards by si-hyuk and yongsun, not even bothering to resist the pair. "oh, that? you're forgetting i'm nation's best friend, mr. lee. that title is true in the music industry and the political side. let me just say that it pays to have connections like i have. and believe me, ms. yoo and her manager right here don't want to know all the heinous crimes you committed. it'll take me this whole afternoon to explain what you did."
"so you're threatening me? you know i could sue you for defamation, right?" an angered expression appears on the ceo's face as he stands up, failing to scare the tall idol.
"you're digging your own grave, mr. lee." hyunseol warns.
"you're also forgetting i have the money to control this narrative, ms. oh." soo-man counters, hiding the panic rumbling in his chest.
"i would like to see you try, mr. lee. especially when i have a strong evidence on my side. right, yongsun unnie?" on cue, yongsun shows her phone to the ceo as her phone screen shows an ongoing voice recording, karina and wheein guessing that the recording starts after the producer had left.
karina, wheein, and soo-man stares at the screen in shock before 5'6 foot idol looks at hyunseol's face, seeing a huge smirk on the latter's lips. like an anime where the detective finally revealing the culprit to the public.
"h-how-?" soo-man throws jiwon and si-hyuk a look and sees them looking everything but surprised at the recording. as if they have been expecting the idol pulling a move like that.
"you see, we are prepared, mr. lee, especially on a meeting like this. we are aware that there are times something will take an unexpected turn and i've grown to take a recording of everyone i meet. if they pass my judgment, i get to delete the recording and move on." the idol takes another step, si-hyuk and yongsun failing to hold the txt member back. she looks down at the ceo with a manic smile plastered on her lips. "but since you didn't pass it, i won't delete it."
"now", hyunseol throws jiwon a look. "can i dismiss mr. lee now, mr. park? there's nothing left to discuss with him, anyways."
"do the honors, hyunseol." the ceo slightly bows at her, a pleased smile over his lips.
the idol looks back at soo-man and motions the door to him, a teasing smile over her lips. "this meeting is dismissed, mr. lee. you can now leave."
"why am i the only one getting dismissed? i'm not the only one who's not from here."
in instant, hyunseol's voice changes from her usually high-pitched one into a deep almost rumbling one. "because i said so. or are you forgetting i have something against you, mr. lee?"
grumbling, the 70-year-old man heads for the office door and walks out but without slamming the door behind him, airing his annoyance to the hallway.
"that went well." si-hyuk sarcastically comments after a few minutes of silence and hyunseol snickers, leaning against her seat. "that also means i need to go. if you'll excuse me, i have places to be. i have still some songs to review."
"anddd i'll make a visit to the cafeteria. i'm in a need of some snacks after that meeting." jiwon speaks up as he stands up, stretching his body a bit. he then approaches hyunseol and pats her head with a smile. "good job earlier. if i was in your position, i would probably be swinging my hand to his face to shut him up. i'm proud of what you did. i'll walk with mr. bang here."
the producer and the ceo then start walking up to the door and walk out of the room, leaving the two idols and managers inside.
"you really weren't lying when you said he was balding, wheein unnie." hyunseol breaks the silence with with a giggle as yongsun joins her, taking si-hyuk's previous seat.
wheein chuckles and shakes her head, approaching the 5'11 foot idol. "i told you, seol-ah. he's getting closer and closer to wearing a wig."
"if he wasn't such a grumpy pants and a dick, i'd feel sorry for him." hyunseol chuckles with wheein, making karina blink in surprise and throw her manager a raised brow.
the latter catches the look and realizes what sm idol is thinking. "oh, right. karina, this is hyunseol, txt's oldest. seol-ah, this is jimin, one of the aespa members i manage."
"hello, jimin-ssi. nice to meet you and i'm sorry about meeting likes this. usually, i'm not like that with everyone, but it seems like mr. lee wants to be an exception." the txt member gives the aespa leader a short bow while smiling.
the latter slightly flinches as she immediately stands up and shyly returns the gesture but with a ninety bow. hyunseol is her senior from the same company bts debuted in and karina needs to show her respect for the woman, so why not start with a bow?
karina then straightens herself and meets her manager's eyes, confused. "how did you guys know each other?"
the txt member points to her manager. "oh, i met wheein unnie through yongsun unnie. they became best friends in high school and up until now, their friendship is still going strong."
"and probably because you're the nation's best friend, seol-ah. that's why you easily clicked with wheein."
"probably." hyunseol shrugs at her manager's statement.
"wait, what about the things you said to mr. lee? is it true?", wheein asks as she turns to the bighit idol.
"a bit yeah?"
"what do you mean a bit?" the sm idol's manager asks and karina gets curious, looking over the 5'11 foot idol.
"well, actually, he had only three charges against him. only two of them are minor offenses, but the third? that's a major offense, but i got a feeling he must be thinking about his nightly activities."
"nightly activities?", karina and wheein both repeat.
"drugs, dui, and gambling." hyunseol holds up three fingers.
"and how did you know that? it's always a mystery on how you always know these kind of things." wheein tilts her head.
"my title, nation's best friend precedes me, wheein unnie. it also helps me that i used to be involved in the law enforcement."
"law enforcement?", wheein asks, furrowing her brows and hyunseol nods. "i thought you want to be a chef?"
the txt member only smiles at the 27-year-old woman, mystery lingering on the gesture. "that'll be another story for another time, unnie. for now, let's go out! i'm starving."
"all right." yongsun grabs hyunseol's hand and tries pulling to the txt member to her feet and the latter giggles, seeing how hard the older woman is pulling her.
wheein then turns to jimin, tilting her head. "do you want to join us, rina-ah?"
"i-if it's okay to tag along with you, then sure", karina shyly answers, trying not to be enthusiastic about the invitation.
"it's okay!" wheein and karina turn their head to hyunseol who is now back to her beaming façade, currently standing beside her manager. "besides, this is a great bonding time before filming the show. but if you don't want to, then it's fine, I understand."
"no! no, i mean. i'll join you guys. it's been a while since i went out and you're right. we could also use this time to get used to being with each other." karina stands up and momentarily meets hyunseol's eyes before immediately looking away with a heat coating her cheeks.
"okay, let's go!"
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taglist (open!!): @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat
masterlist | previous | next
113 notes · View notes
eventuallyaugust · 1 year
bbtr misc. female idols who got a crush on txt seol
note: just pretend that you're viewing this piece in 2023, just like hyunseol's kprofile. i gave proofreading this.
warning/s: a bit angst in some parts if u guys squint
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itzy — choi jisu (최지수) ⸻ early 2020 - present
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first meeting
when lia first met hyunseol, she'll say it was something unexpected, like really unexpected.
her encounter with the txt member happened when the latter bumped into her who was heading to a restroom at a music award show.
pretty unexpected, right?
when they bumped into each other, poor surprised lia lost her balance but good thing hyunseol is here to save the day (good thing too because lia tries to avoid any interaction with her slightly strict stylist)
but enough of that because there's something else that needs our attention right now, like how did hyunseol here break lia's fall?
things you need to know: an arm wrapping around a waist
lia didn't realize hyunseol's hand placement at first since she is too busy looking at the latter's face and too stunned at what had happened.
but when she did, oh boy, she felt blood rushing to her cheeks and the area where hyunseol's hand landed became warm even though she had a fabric of clothing that separated her skin and the bighit idol's hand.
hyunseol profusely apologized to her, thinking that she embarrassed the itzy member without any slightest hint that the blush on lia's face isn't from embarrassment but from something else.
lia is so flustered that she couldn't bear to say why she is blushing, too flustered to think of anything else but how close her face was to the other idol earlier, how warm hyunseol's hand was against her side, and the scent that was coming from the tall idol.
lavender and jasmine, two scents she didn't imagine would smell good together in someone until now.
the two stood in the hallway in an awkward silence before hyunseol's manager came strutting towards them with that motherly tone of hers.
"there you are, seol. i've been looking for you, come on. you guys are up next for the performance."
with a final bow, the bighit idol let her manager dragged her away without saying anything, leaving lia standing in the hallway before a hand fell on her shoulders.
the stranger got startled when lia flinches before the latter turned her head and saw one of her members, yeji staring at her skeptically.
"are you okay?", yeji asks her, concerned.
lia stutters out an answer as she places a hand over her chest, hoping that small action would calm the raging storm in her heart.
start of interest
lia immediately get interested on hyunseol the moment they parted ways on their first meeting.
her curiosity on hyunseol started with a research on the tall idol, like who she was, how long she has been a trainee, etc.
when she found out that hyunseol used to be a jyp trainee, she somehow started regretting not signing up in jyp earlier and often gets thoughts like what if i had met seol earlier?, what if i had become friends with seol if i had signed up with jyp immediately?, etc.
she was so curious on who hyunseol is she even started watching those txt (un)helpful guide videos in youtube, because apparently, moas considered hyunseol as the most charismatic member in txt.
one video led to another various more and now, she started watching the group's mvs and immediately understands why hyunseol has a huge fanbase coming from various other kpop groups.
everything about hyunseol are insane, especially her vocals, her dancing skills, her confidence, and her visuals as if she was made by the greek goddess of love and beauty herself. a living and breathing of perfection.
her curiosity led her into getting caught by ryujin who had a knowing look over her face and she immediately felt guilty after like a child guilty of hiding their mother's most precious broken vase.
but surprisingly, ryujin just told her that she was expecting lia getting interested on her best friend and a "you weren't totally good at hiding your interest on seol, you know."
okay, lia probably is not good at keeping everything in the low when she realized that she starts to listen more on hyunseol-related stories ryujin shared whenever they eat together (probably her members realized it too and that thought just made her more embarrassed than before)
ryujin chuckled when she saw lia blushing furiously before patting her member's shoulder. "it's okay, unnie. there's nothing wrong with liking seol. you know i won't mind that and besides, you're not the only one who's crushing on her."
and that was the moment lia's world stops for a moment.
fromis_9 — lee chaeyoung (이채영) ⸻ early 2021 - present
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first meeting
when chaeyoung first met hyunseol, it was after bighit change to hybe and acquire various companies to become one. she could remember it clearly as if it just happened yesterday.
it was a normal day for fromis_9 as a hybe staff gives them a tour around the huge building and talking about the company's rules and regulations when jiheon, who was standing beside her, suddenly let out a small squeal and started to hit her arm.
she looked at the maknae and the latter could only point at the front double doors to see bang si-hyuk, a female manager, and six tall figures walking inside.
she had heard of the six-membered group from jiheon, the moa resident of fromis_9 and mostly, the maknae always talks about oh hyunseol, her bias and bighit's wildcard.
fromis_9 was in front of the lobby when the well-known chaotic group passed them and bowed to them while hyunseol met jiheon's eyes and approached the latter before she smiled widely when the latter let out a squeal and pulled her into a hug.
"nice to see you again, fangirl. how have you been?"
"ahhh, unnie!!! it's nice to see you again, too."
the rest of fromis_9 looked at the pair in stunned silence and when they look at the txt, they saw the members looking at their oldest and jiheon with wide smiles plastered on their faces.
"you know each other?"
hyunseol looked at chaeyoung, the one who asked and smiled at her while nodding before she gently patted jiheon's head and met chaeyoung's eyes again. "yeah, i met heonie through yujin. your maknae was pretty excited and shocked when she learned that i'm friends with yujinie."
the rest of fromis_9 looked at hyunseol with their mouths forming into 'o' and laughed at their maknae's reaction while chaeyoung remained her eyes on hyunseol with a dazed look over her face. mainly, her eyes were focused on the latter's lips and how it stretched into the brightest smile she ever seen (with jiheon being in second).
"txt, come on! bang pd-nim is waiting!"
"we'll be there!", txt loudly replied back and bowed to the nine girls with hyunseol smiling at chaeyoung last as she finally pulled away from jiheon's hug before the six-membered group ran off to their manager.
chaeyoung was left looking at hyunseol's face until txt disappeared behind the elevator doors and snapped out of her trance, hoping her members didn't notice her odd behavior.
jiheon, who noticed her unnie's actions, smirked and looked away with a shake of her head.
start of interest
chaeyoung didn't exactly know when and how she starts to get interested on hyunseol, but once she heard jiheon blasting some txt songs in their dorm, she knew she'll end up thinking about the txt member more than once.
she doesn't know how to ask jiheon about hyunseol without getting suspicious, but when she gave up to her curiosity, she asked jiheon and the latter surprisingly answered all of her questions like who hyunseol was, what her favorite foods are, etc.
the maknae was so receptive in answering her questions chaeyoung was starting get suspicious of jiheon and confronted the latter about her behavior one day.
"you're interested on seol unnie, so i'm just helping your interest on her grow even more."
"s-so you knew? ever since?"
"yeah, and don't worry, i didn't tell unnie about your... sudden interest on her. i'm evil, but not that evil."
but those words alone didn't convince chaeyoung and that drove her in asking the maknae. "why are you helping me when you already knew that i'm interested on seol?"
"why not?", jiheon retaliates with a smirk. "besides you're attracted to tall people, right? unnie, i told you that seol unnie is tall tall. she's like 5'11 foot, unnie."
chaeyoung could only blink at the maknae's words with her lips slightly apart. "oh, also unnie." she looks at jiheon and sees the latter looking at her in a serious matter.
"don't fall for seol unnie too hard. you're not the only idol who is interested on her."
ive — kim gaeul (김가을) ⸻ late 2021 - present
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first meeting
(be warned: slight angst)
when gaeul first met hyunseol, it happened when she caught yujin and wonyoung sneaking out of the dorm at the late of the night after a hectic schedule.
when the two got caught, yujin answered with a pleading voice, "wonyoung and i needed to meet someone. please, unnie, let us go."
"can i tag along with you guys? just to make sure you two will come back home safe."
yujin and wonyoung looked at each other for a moment and shrugged before gaeul changed her clothes.
after hitching a taxi, gaeul couldn't help but wonder who the person yujin and wonyoung were trying to go to this late
when gaeul decides to ask who this person is, yujin just answers with a nonchalant shrug, "you'll meet her when we get there" while wonyoung tried her best not to fully break down right there and then.
due to her members' odd behavior, gaeul didn't bother to ask again and has fallen so deep in her thoughts she didn't realize the taxi had already stopped if it weren't for yujin who pulled her out of her thoughts.
when they stepped out of the vehicle, gaeul realized they are in front of an apartment building before wonyoung walked inside first, hurry present in her steps and yujin led gaeul inside.
gaeul then saw someone waiting by the lobby, talking to the receptionist and to her surprise, yujin and wonyoung immediately ran to that stranger, pulling the latter in their arms.
seol, who was the stranger, got startled and turned to the two tallest members of ive, worry plastered on her face when she heard sniffles from them.
gaeul accidentally caught seol's eyes and the latter bowed at her before the former immediately looked away with a blush, her heartbeat consuming her sense of hearing before she chastised herself for even reacting that way and gently pinched herself.
"come on, let's take this in my apartment", seol says as she keeps an eye outside the building for unsuspecting sasaengs lurking in the shadows.
after a painfully 1 minute in the elevator, the txt member led the three ive members inside her apartment and to her living room before grabbing some tissues and water bottles with a few snacks in the kitchen.
"here, some water, tissues, and snacks. now tell me what's happened."
gaeul took the single seat across her members while keeping her attention on the older girl while seol took a seat between yujin and wonyoung who immediately clung on the txt member.
she saw how seol kept her attention on yujin who was crying on the latter's shoulder while letting out the problems ive is experiencing under the media's cruel hand as wonyoung buried her head against seol's arm, tears adorning her cheeks.
and soon, gaeul found herself crying along with yujin and wonyoung when the topic reached to the most sensitive ones like how the netizens made liz uncomfortable wearing the clothes she likes, how leeseo was mocked by some fans when she was doing her thanksgiving speech, etc.
but through it all, gaeul always sees seol listening to yujin's rants and vents with undivided attention and open ears.
seeing seol being so caring to her members, attentive to whatever topic they are talking about, and somehow being good at making her members smile made gaeul's heart flutter.
she doesn't know why or how but hearing the short laughters seol and her members share amidst of the sensitive topics, gaeul couldn't help but to view seol in the different light considering she knew there are only a certain group of idols in the industry that could be trusted.
after that small session, seol's phone rang and the bighit idol immediately answered the call before standing up and walking away, leaving the three ive members talk to themselves in the living room.
"so gaeul unnie, what do you think of seol unnie?"
gaeul threw yujin a look and saw a hint of mischief on the way the leader is looking at her, narrowing her eyes at the latter. "why are you looking at me like that?"
"looking at you like what?"
"like you want to start something i don't approve of."
yujin snickers. "wwhhaattt? i do not. you're just jumping into conclusions."
gaeul gets silent while rolling her eyes.
she then looked around and examined every furniture present in the room before she looked at the picture frame beside the tv and spotted seol with a kid seated on her shoulders.
meanwhile, yujin and wonyoung are talking about their oldest while keeping their eyes on the latter, seeing how distracted gaeul is.
after the phone call, seol immediately barged inside and put her phone inside her sweatpants pocket as gaeul noticed a hint of daze in the way the txt member looks at her members but she didn't ponder on that thought any longer.
"hello, sorry. that was my manager. she was asking something, but anyways— why are you looking at me like that, yujin?"
"is it our time to go?", yujin asks.
"go? at this hour? god no, you girls will stay at my guest rooms. i won't let you girls leave, especially now that you know crime rates are high around this time." seol shook her head, the trio only noticing spare clothes in her hands. "now, go change your clothes. the clothes you two left behind days ago are in the closets."
once yujin and wonyoung left to change their clothes, seol turned to gaeul and gave the clothes to the '02 liner with a smile. "here's some spare clothes, gaeul-ssi. i hope you have a good night's sleep tonight."
"why are you doing this?" gaeul's eyes immediately widened when she realized she talks her thought out loud and covered her mouth with a gasp before grabbing the clothes. "uhm, s-sorry, s-sunbaenim. you can just leave that question unanswered, i'll just—"
"it was the right thing to do, gaeul-ssi." the ive member looked at seol to see the latter looking at her with a solemn expression.
"besides, you girls deserve some kindness, not to mention the whole world. we may not be fully acquianted with one another, but i hope you are aware of how much yujin and wonyoung kept saying how proud they are to have members like you, even they don't know if you guys aren't exactly the the type of people to have deep conversation with or not."
seol looked away with a sigh and shook her head. "it's unfair and unfortunate for your group to be targeted by such unkind and mean people in your debut. you girls just want to achieve your dreams and besides you aren't doing anything bad, so..."
"why should they hate your group?"
seol's question kept gaeul up at night thinking as she spent the night looking up at the ceiling filled with glow-in-the-dark stars.
start of interest
gaeul's interest on seol didn't start growing until it was the last week of december 2021 after hyunseol had given six-membered group delievered foods in christmas with a printed note, "hello, ive! merry christmas! i hope you guys have a good day ahead of this special day. i wish i could bring these boxes myself, but i was needed at a short notice in the company. the first box contain your favorite foods while the second contains my gifts for you. merry christmas again 🫶 sincerely, azrael"
at first, the ive members didn't know who this azrael person is and almost called their manager if not for yujin and wonyoung explaining to them that azrael is hyunseol's english name and the bighit idol always used that name for deliveries.
why?, the question gaeul kept asking to herself. why is she so... helpful? caring? kind? pretty? funny? smart? understanding? open-minded? and more positive qualities that somehow describe how perfect she is??
being a curious person herself, she decided to watch some videos about hyunseol and her group that either could be from the group's official account or the fans while she hid in the comfort of her room.
her curiosity and interest not only led her to watching txt's mvs but also the behind-the-scenes, the group's variety show 'to do', and some music awards performances. it eventually led her eyes being glued to her phone screen more often and her members may or may not have noticed her sudden interest on her phone.
as the leader of her group, yujin noticed that gaeul started binge-watching something but whenever she approaches the latter, the oldest always puts her down as if she's afraid to accidentally spilled a secret.
one day, when ive took a break from practicing, yujin saw gaeul wiping her sweat off her face while facing the mirror in the room and immediately approached the latter before dragging the '02 liner out of the room, "gaeul unnie and i will bring some snacks, we'll be right back!"
due to the quick turn of events, poor gaeul didn't get a say in the impromptu hang out. all she could do is follow the leader out before she gets confused when latter asks, "so why are you suddenly being interested on your phone? i've been noticing how much you kept smiling to yourself while watching something in your phone."
i could lie to her and save myself from embarrassment, gaeul thought to herself. or i could say the truth and get this feeling over with.
yujin, sensing the hesitation, immediately added, "if you aren't ready to tell me yet, it's fine. i totally—"
"no, it's okay. i'll say it." gaeul took a deep breath. "it's because seol unnie. i was watching txt's variety show, to do the other day and i was trying not to laugh because i don't want to draw attention to myself while watching."
yujin scratches her nape, trying not to smile and avoiding gaeul's eyes. "well, you kinda failed because you did draw attention to yourself the other day to the point the members kept asking me what you were watching that got you smiling so wide."
gaeul's face fell. oh shit.
gfriend (former) & viviz — jung eunbi (정은비) ⸻ early 2022 - unknown
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first meeting
when eunha first met seol, it was around viviz' comeback for their mini album, beam of prism. she doesn't know why but she could still remember the way how seol laughed at wonyoung's joke when her group entered the interview room (idk what it's called where mcs interview idols just like jangkku interviewed the idols).
the moment the three idols walked in the room, eunha immediately met seol's eyes and saw how the latter's eyes brighten at the sight of her. the bighit idol and jangkku immediately bowed at the three idols while greeting them.
sinb immediately smiled at the sight of the 5'11 foot idol while umji ran to the bighit idol and pulled seol in a hug while the latter let out a loud "umji unnie!"
her two members are close with the txt member ever since their gfriend days and she could always hear umji talking about the bighit idol to their leader, sowon even in the maknae's sleep.
hearing so many stories of seol from umji made eunha grow curious, but she never get the chance to meet the idol herself considering in the industry, hyunseol is known to be everywhere and anywhere. it is only a matter of luck to meet the idol herself.
but eunha didn't expect to see seol hanging out in interview room with the two new mcs out of all places. it's just too... random place to be in.
hyunseol and umji then pulled away from the hug before the latter smacked the arms of the tall girl, earning a groan from the txt member.
"ow, what was that for, unnie?"
"that's for telling me that you won't make it, and this." umji then grabbed ahold of hyunseol's t-shirt and pulled the latter down to her height before kissing the latter's cheek. "is for coming anyways. thank you, seol."
"y-yeah, a-anytime", hyunseol stuttered while blushing. "but unnie, you should know that i was going to tell you that i'll come."
"then why didn't you?" hyunseol could only look at sinb and the latter jerked her head back before her eyes fell on umji.
"so it was you all along?!"
hyunseol took several steps away from the scene and stood beside eunha who suddenly got nervous at the bighit idol's presence beside her.
why? it's because hyunseol was so tall beside her and she admits that the 5'11 foot idol is so prettier up close.
eunha doesn't know if hyunseol being pretttier up close is because of the latter's dimples making an appearance, the way the txt member's eyes disappear in her cheeks whenever she laughs, or maybe the way the bighit idol carries herself with confidence.
like she owns the place (and eunha's heart and the viviz member doesn't know it yet)
but whatever it is, eunha could only feel her heart starts having a rampage inside her chest while her thoughts became about the txt's oldest member.
start of interest
eunha's curiosity on seol didn't get bigger not until she got a birthday gift from her and a bunch of teasing from her fellow viviz and former gfriend members.
"happy birthday, eunha unnie! umji unnie told me the other day your birthday is getting close and well, i want to give you a gift even though we aren't close and acquianted with one another. i hope you have a great day today and i also hope you enjoy my gift. from azrael."
umji could only squeal in excitement once eunha told her friends who gave the gift and what gift was. it was a korean cookbook and a blank notebook to which has another note stuffed between the blank pages. "while you cook various foods, i hope you could make recipes that could satisfy your tastebuds, make you reminisce the past, and make you inspired to do more. use this notebook for the ideas you make because i know you'll do great now and forever, eunha unnie."
"eunha unnie, you received a gift from hyunseol, ahhh!! azrael is her english name if you're wondering." umji then shook her head and sighed with a hint of smile on her face. "but wow, i didn't expect her to go through with it."
"what do you mean?", yerin asks and soon the other five women looked at the youngest, intrigued.
"well, you see, unnies. i dragged hyunseol with me when i was shopping for my birthday gift to eunha unnie the other day since i don't know what to get for eunha unnie."
"then?", sowon asks, clearly interested on the maknae's storytelling.
"well, you know that we're close, right? to the point i shared some random trivias about you guys and everything that happened to us, right?"
yuju answers, "yeah, what about it?"
umji scratches her nape. "well... i told hyunseol from before that eunha unnie likes to cook. although i expected this to happen, i'm still surprised that hyunseol still remembers that info and decides to buy eunha unnie a cookbook and this blank notebook."
"when did you tell her that eunha unnie likes to cook?", sinb inquiries, narrowing her eyes.
"uh... two years ago?" umji looked at her unnies in confusion.
"and hyunseol still remembers that even though it's been two years?!"
eunha could feel herself blush as she held the txt's member's gift close to her chest, unable to join the chaos her six friends were in.
iz*one (former) and actress — kim minju (김민주) ⸻ early 2020 - present
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first meeting
when minju first met hyunseol, it was when she decided to sneak out of the dorm at night. too late in the night that she could get scolded by eunbi, but she couldn't care less.
normally, she goes to the place she frequented, a karaoke bar, but with everything that is happening in her mind and the stress coming from the group schedule, she decided to ditch the bar and let her feet led somewhere new.
and that's why she ended up standing in front of a park that had a kid's playground and some benches around the area that overlooks a riveed.
she was walking towards the nearest bench by the river when she felt a presence nearby and when she was about to run away, a hand with a handkerchief immediately got ahold of her mouth.
tears soon build up in her eyes and fear immediately consumed her as she tried to break free, but a strong scent invaded her sense of smell as she slowly started to feel dizzy.
seconds later, minju could breathe again as she felt the strong grip on her vanishes and tried to catch her balance, but her knees gave up on her.
then a strange thing happened.
another arm had caught her and before she could slap the stranger with the force remaining in her body, she heard a voice that stop her.
"it's okay, minju-ssi. you're safe, i'm here. this bastard won't bother you anymore."
she doesn't know what happened next, but all she could remember was that she fainted.
when she woke up from the terrifying night before, minju finds herself in a bedroom and immediately gets alarmed because the only thought in her mind that time was where the fuck am i?
she looked around the room in panic and found some picture frames settled on the nightstand. once she laid her eyes on the pictures, she slowly recovered from her panic.
oh, so i'm in hyunseol's bedroom, yena unnie's best friend. it kinda looks... like her.
suddenly, the bedroom door opened and showed the txt member holding a bed food tray. the two stared each other for a moment before hyunseol smiled, making minju gulp at the sudden increase of the pace her heart took inside her chest.
"hey, you're finally awake. i was getting worried that you got too affected by what had happened last night."
the bighit idol walked in and placed the tray on the desk table nearby before she sat on the end of the bed and looked at minju solemnly.
"i'm sorry you had to go through the feeling of almost getting kidnapped yesterday." minju looked away and hyunseol immediately regretted saying those words as she stood up and walked up to the food tray, her back facing minju. "sorry."
"what's happened to the suspect?"
"i called the cops on him and threw him behind bars."
"how?" hyunseol could only smile and immediately recomposed herself.
"don't worry about your pretty little head on that. come on, you need to eat breakfast after that ordeal."
hyunseol carefully set the bed food tray on the bed, mindful not to get clumsy in front of minju. once she finished, she placed the silver utensils on the side.
"i don't know what food you usually eat at breakfast, so i hope you like blueberry pancakes and greek yogurt."
"i..." minju didn't know why she feels her heart beats against her ears, but just seeing the '99 liner's effort of preparing breakfast and seeing how nervous hyunseol is if she likes pancakes or not makes a small smile appear on her lips.
"i like it."
hyunseol smiled and nodded while having her eyes trained on her desk table, the feeling of blood rushing to her cheeks getting to her.
"oh okay, that's good to hear. i'll go now so you can enjoy the silence. i hope you enjoy the food, minju-ssi."
but before hyunseol could take a step, minju already stopped her.
"please stay, i could need a friend right now."
starts of interest
minju wasn't supposed to get interest on any idol because she knew it could lead to some kind of scandal and didn't want to bring that kind of damage to her group.
but whenever she hears her fellow member, yena talking about the bighit idol whether it may be because of her unconditional kindness, undeniable charisma, or her outrageous height (yena's exact wording), she couldn't help but remember the time hyunseol took care of her and became true to her words when she asked the bighit idol not to tell anything to yena.
(until now, yena doesn't know the almost kidnapping)
she tried to not to acknowledge the rampaging emotions happening in the deep pits of her stomach whenever she hears hyunseol's name, but whenever she does, her heart pounds with each breath she takes.
she wants to tell the others about the strange feeling she got ever since she and hyunseol talked, but how could she even talk to them without mentioning the part she almost get kidnapped?
sure, eunbi would scold her about that but that's the least of her problems because she's more concerned for mentioning the word, crush.
knowing her members, they would get excited over the fact that she got a possible crush and hyunseol getting known as minju's crush in iz*one is something she isn't ready for.
but she needs to take some risks every now and then and taking risks is what she'll do.
"uh, everyone. i've gathered all of you today to tell you something."
"it sounds pretty serious when you're nervous, minju-ah", chaeyeon voices out her concern while the iz*one members took their seats on the couch and on the carpeted floor.
"i just want to hear your opinions on this because it has been bothering me and makes me feel confused, so please i hope you take this seriously."
the rest of iz*one members look at one another, muttering things minju couldn't understand before they returned their attention on the '01 liner.
"it's okay, minju-ah. you can tell us anything." eunbi's soft motherly voice toned down the anxiety minju felt in her nerves before the latter took a deep breath.
"okay, i think i like hyunseol unnie."
"hyunseol unnie? from txt?" yena immediately stood up on the floor and looked at her member in surprise. "when did you meet her?"
"last week."
looks like she needs to tell them the whole story by how confused they are right now. take another deep breath, minju. you can do this.
"okay, you see. i met hyunseol unnie when i almost got kidnapped last week, but it's okay—"
"what do you mean it's okay?! you almost got kidnapped last week!"
minju retorts back at eunbi, "but it's okay, unnie! i'm okay now! hyunseol unnie saved me—"
"she saved you?", yena repeats before she starts smirking at the younger girl. "she saved you, huh? did we hear that right?"
minju blushed with a sigh. oh boy, she could feel the wave of teasing coming from the girls.
twice — chou tzuyu (周子瑜) ⸻ late 2019 - present
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first meeting
when tzuyu first met hyunseol, it happened at the mma 2019 when nayeon decided to bring newly befriended idols to the twice waiting room with everyone's permission.
the other twice members were resting in the room when nayeon suddenly barged inside with a wide smile on her face.
"hello, everyone!"
"what do you have on your sleeve now, nayeon?", the leader asked the oldest.
"remember my request to bring two friends in the waiting room?"
"yeah, who is it?"
"you'll see." nayeon smirked at momo before she walked up to the door and talked to a pair behind it.
"okay, are you guys ready?"
"go ahead", jeongyeon says, eager present in her voice.
"okay, come on in!"
the door then was pushed open and two tall figures came out, bowing to the jyp group. when the latter finally lifted their head, tzuyu was not disappointed to know the identities of the two strangers are.
kang taehyun and oh hyunseol of tomorrow x together, bighit's newest group and bts' juniors. tzuyu also had heard about the two members especially the various titles several netizens had given the txt's oldest in the span of several months after their debut.
bighit's wildcard, txt's solace, and nation's best friend.
seeing the 5'11 foot idol in front of her somehow made sense why seol was given those titles, although tzuyu feels that two of these titles contradict one another.
in bighit's wildcard, mystery is present around the tall physique of the bighit idol. one look from seol could give tzuyu the shivers she would feel whenever she felt an unsettling sensation in her body.
also, tzuyu had heard from various idols that seol was known to be the hidden ace of bighit, but she doesn't know if those statements held some truth in them.
in txt's solace, tzuyu had seen several videos containing hyunseol and her unconditional love for her members from cooking them food, gifting them expensive yet meaningful gifts, and being the best older sister the other txt members could have.
while the title, nation's best friend is a bit self-explanatory considering the various friendships hyunseol has formed with a variety of idols from different companies.
tzuyu couldn't grasp the question how hyunseol managed to befriend idols from almost all of the groups whether it may be a girlgroup or boygroup, but all she knows is that she feels a bit jealous on the fact that hyunseol could easily make friends without getting involved in dating rumors.
"hello, twice sunbaenim. it's an honor to meet you." taehyun tried to hide behind hyunseol, getting flustered and the latter took notice of it, stepping forward.
meanwhile nayeon looked at her members proud. "see? i told you guys i would eventually befriend her."
hyunseol nodded and smirked at twice's oldest member. "yeah, nayeon unnie was so determined to be friends she even dragged us on the way here."
the '95 liner blushed and pouted. "hey, i told you to not tell them that!"
"you didn't exactly make me swear on txt, nayeon unnie. besides, you were so adamant on befriending me i simply couldn't resist telling them that", hyunseol teased.
the twice members laughed at nayeon who was now smacking hyunseol's arm with the latter letting the older girl do whatever she wants.
"also, i agreed to befriend her because taehyun and i want to give you our albums. we hope we aren't interrupting something when we came in."
jihyo then smiled and stood up. "no, no. you aren't interrupting something. we are actually expecting you since nayeon and jeongyeon had a bet against each other on who you would befriend first."
hyunseol blinked and tilted her head at twice's second oldest. "you... were trying to befriend me earlier?"
jeongyeon blushed and nodded while the rest of twice members noticed the reaction of the second oldest and jihyo turned to hyunseol, confused. "may i ask what happened?"
the txt's oldest member turned red and cleared her throat. "she asked me if i can hang out with her and get drunk after the awards show."
tzuyu has never seen jihyo turn her head so fast until now and doesn't know if she'll laugh at jeongyeon or feel bad. "what did you just say to hyunseol?!"
"i'm sorry! she was in the legal age already, so i thought of inviting her to drink!"
hyunseol speaks once the chaos temporarily stopped, "uhm... i would accept your invitation, jeongyeon unnie, but i don't think the company would allow me. that's why i rejected your offer, sorry."
"so... you're willing to get drunk?"
hyunseol and taehyun shared a look before the former answered whike scratching her nape, "yes, but i never get drunk, momo unnie."
"eh? are you sure?"
"seol noona...", twice then turned their attention on taehyun who suddently got nervous. "has a high alcohol tolerance."
"when did you find out about that one?"
hyunseol and taehyun shared a look once again before the oldest of txt avoided the nine women's eyes.
"when g-idle had a bet against me that i will get drunk first before all of them."
"so who won?"
"of course hyunseol did. that's why she found out she had a high alcohol tolerance."
"so if you—"
the waiting room door then opened and showed txt's manager, yongsun before she bowed to the 3rd gen idol group. "hello, twice. i hope you don't mind me fetching seol and taehyun. the award show is about to start."
"oh, of course we don't mind. we need to get going, anyways." jihyo bowed at txt's manager before she turned towards the two txt members. "thank you for the albums. you can just give them to tzuyu here."
hyunseol then approached twice's maknae and gave txt's album while bowing at the latter. due to her sudden nervousness, the txt's oldest member accidentally touched the other idol's hand.
the 5'11 foot idol blushed and immediately stepped away when tzuyu had grabbed the album from her. this is so embarrassing.
the two txt members and their manager gave their final bow to the girl group before they walked out.
once the trio left, jihyo threw the maknae a look and her eyes widened when she saw the hint of pink invading the latter's cheeks.
start of interest
tzuyu doesn't know if she should let her interest drove her into finding more about seol, but hearing so many txt songs on her way to the agreed rendezvous on the day she will hang out with shuhua doesn't help her decision-making.
she thinks it was god's sign to tell her to give in and she isn't usually the religious type of people, but she doesn't know if she could give it a shot or not because what could she lose in a simple curiosity?
taking the seat in front of her friend in the café, tzuyu couldn't help but sigh and her action caught shuhua's attention.
"are you okay? did you guys have a rough week at practice?"
"i wish it was from the practice, but no."
shuhua looked at her taiwanese friend and tilted her head. "is it a crush problem?"
tzuyu could only nod in embarrassment and shuhua's jaws drop. talking about crushes is normal between them, but tzuyu's crushes? that's rare, considering tzuyu herself finds it hard to get interested on people.
"so... what's wrong?"
"i don't know if i'm just curious about her or have a crush."
her. shuhua pondered. tzuyu might like a another female idol.
"first of all, who is it?", shuhua asks before she takes a bite off her blueberry crêpe.
"oh hyunseol."
shuhua immediately choked on her food and tzuyu went to her aid, giving the g-idle member a drink. once shuhua finally got to breathe, she croaked as she looked at her friend with wide eyes. "oh hyunseol? really, her?"
"yeah. what seems the problem?"
"i'm surprised that you have a crush, but having a crush on oh fucking hyunseol? that's expected."
shuhua ran her hands over her face and breathed out, the pain from getting choked is slowly decreasing. "i know you don't care about what netizens think, but i also hope you know what you're getting into."
tzuyu's eyebrows creased together. what does she mean by that?
shuhua added, "other than being known as nation's best friend, she is also has the reputation as being nation's heartbreaker by the netizens who hate on txt for fun."
"how? how did she become a heartbreaker?" tzuyu then took a sip of her coffee.
"because netizens think hyunseol intentionally make friends with every group to flirt with one member and break their hearts after."
"but what do you think? yuqi sunbae is friends with hyunseol unnie, right?" tzuyu took three bites of her chocolate cake.
"my advice? go for it." tzuyu's head shot up in surprise, her mouth filled with cake. "what? just because netizens think of hyunseol that way doesn't mean i believe their words. besides, i've already met seol unnie and believe me when i say that netizens are just jealous of her and her friendships with various idols.
"but it's still your choice, you know if you wanna pursue your feelings or not."
tzuyu finished her cake as she finally decided before she speaks up, "i have a question."
"ask away."
"is there any chance that you'll like seol too?"
shuhua smirks, raising a brow. "aww, are you jealous i might take her away?"
shuhua's teasing made tzuyu blush like a madman and smack her friend's arm. "n-no, i-i'm just curious."
"sure, ms. curious." shuhua took a sip of her drink and chuckled before looking at the tall girl with a serious expression.
"if i'm not so stupidly in love with soojin? i would." shuhua cleared her throat, blushing as she looked away. "like hyunseol, i mean. but luckily, i already have soojin with me, so there's no need for me to join the chaos of being attracted with seol."
tzuyu then fell in silence after that.
is it really a curse to like seol?
red velvet — kim yerim (김예림) ⸻ late 2019 - present
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first meeting
when yeri first met seol, it was when the latter accidentally got lost in the asia artist awards backstage. red velvet members saw her looking around the hallway frantically and irene decided to lend a hand as the leader of her group.
"oh, shit!" hyunseol jumped as she felt cold fingers wrapped themselves around her right arm. she turned around to see the five red velvet members and her eyes widened when she realized what she said.
"oh, i'm sorry, sunbaes. it wasn't me, it was azrael. i'm sorry, i'm sorry." the txt member bowed profusely and the sm idols chuckled, making hyunseol's ears turn red.
"azrael, huh? i heard that you're one of the english speakers of your group." wendy starts a conversation in english.
hyunseol's eyes slightly widen with familiarity and nodded. "yeah, i am. nice to meet you and your group, wendy unnie. i hope you didn't mind me swearing in front of you."
wendy chuckled and patted hyunseol's arm. "we don't mind. besides, we curse too, you know. just not around irene unnie, though."
hyunseol's lips twisted into a pout and wendy chuckled again. "but don't worry, she won't mind now considering we did scare you. anyways, what's wrong? we kept seeing you looking around the place."
"yeah, you look like a lost puppy looking around."
"a cute puppy", yeri mutters and joy's eyes rose in mischief, trying not to smirk.
but it seems that the txt's oldest member hadn't heard yeri's words and hung her head low. "i've lost my members in the sudden surge of crowd and now, i'm trying to find them, but it's been unsuccessful so far."
"did you know where your waiting room is?", irene asks, her motherly instincts coming out for a moment.
"no, unnie. my manager was leading us to our waiting room when i lost them."
"aww, don't worry, i'm sure we can help you find them", seulgi consoled as she patted the tall idol's arm, smiling.
hyunseol scratched her cheek. "uhm, i'm not worried about getting lost. it's more like getting worried for my members—"
"seol noona, where are you?!"
the loud voices of yeonjun and huening kai cut hyunseol off as it boomed through the hallway, startling all idols and staffs present in the area including red velvet.
"anddd that's what i'm talking about." hyunseol then sighed and turned to the 3rd gen group with an apologetic look. "sorry, my members tend to panic or feel edgy whenever they realized i wasn't with them or they lost me."
"separation anxiety?", joy asked.
"no, it's just the fear of leaving me behind, especially the maknae. huening kai grew protective of his older members." hyunseol ran a hand through her hair and threw her wristwatch a look, her eyes widening a little bit.
"anyways, i need to go. i'll see you around, sunbaes." hyunseol bade goodbye before she shouted, her hands around her mouth. "yeonjun, huening kai!"
"seol noona?! wave your hands so we can see you!"
hyunseol then did what she was told and turned back to the five sm idols, giving them a wave before she turned around again and walked away.
"w-who was that?" yeri finally got her voice back after being so speechless in front of the tall stranger.
"it's txt seol, nation's best friend and nation's heartbreaker."
start of interest
yeri is aware of her sudden interest on txt's oldest member (she found out that seol is the oldest when she stumbled upon the group's official website) after hearing the title the idol earned in the span of several months after debut from seulgi.
and through nayeon, the idol she is currently hanging out with, yeri's interest on seol has been amplified. especially after the twice member's story with hyunseol's birthday gift for another twice member, jihyo.
"jihyo was so happy that hyunseol remembered her birthday and got her a bunch of clothes as a gift, especially the ones that are good for the skin."
nayeon sighed and placed her chin on her hand. "jihyo's so lucky to receive a gift like that." the twice member then looked at yeri to see the latter deep in her thoughts while staring at now-lukewarm coffee before gently nudging the younger girl.
"are you okay? you're spacing out. what's on your mind?"
"hyunseol." nayeon jerked her head back at the quick response.
"hyunseol? why is she on your mind? did something happen to you two?"
"no, i'm curious about her." yeri then threw the twice member a look. "seulgi unnie referred hyunseol as the nation's best friend and nation's heartbreaker. i'm curious how she got both of those titles when they're contradicting one another."
"oh, that." nayeon suddenly got quiet for a moment and sighed before speaking up again. "the nation's heartbreaker isn't true, though. male fans of various girl groups gave that title to her because they are jealous of her and what she is capable of, knowing their idols are at seol's disposal."
"those fans are aware of their idols' crush on seol?"
"some idols talked about it in vlive while some kept it secret. those obsessive male fans are jealous of seol because she has the confidence and freedom to talk their idols while they don't."
"is all of that true?"
nayeon shook her head as she sipped her coffee before she put the cup down and speaks, "god no, but it was the observation between me and jihyo had after tzuyu started liking seol."
yeri looked at nayeon stunned and when the latter noticed her behavior, nayeon just raised a brow back. "what? you think everyone is immune to seol's charm?"
"i just didn't think—"
"think that tzuyu will like seol?" yeri nodded. "most idols call it seol's curse, you know."
seol's curse?
"it was called seol's curse because seol has so many admirers she'll have a hard time dealing with them." nayeon finished her cake with two bites and wiped her mouth with a napkin while yeri looked down at her hands.
"you know, jihyo and i felt bad for her because apparently, she didn't want to get involved in this mess and despite the chaos happening in seol's life, she could still keep a smile on her lips."
"but..." yeri then looked up and met nayeon's eyes trained on her. "there's nothing wrong with liking seol, especially if you're not doing anything bad. as long as you still respect her as a human being who has feelings, then you can still continue being infatuated with her."
nayeon then placed her hand over yeri and smiled at the younger girl. "i know what you've heard of seol and please believe me when i say what the netizens kept saying negative things about seol isn't true."
nayeon gently squeezed yeri's hand. "seol is an innocent person and she didn't mean to make almost every female idol to fall in love with her, so please..."
"don't let the opinions of others change your view of her because you'll miss the real story."
"i-i won't, nayeon unnie. i-i promise."
who are you really, oh hyunseol? and why are you so mysterious?
female idols who almost got a crush or stopped having a crush on seol
kang hyewon - almost; reason: already have fallen in love with eunbi
kim chaewon - stopped; reason: claims seol being bad for her heart (her exact words: she's too much of a green flag)
cho miyeon - stopped; reason: doesn't want to be rejected by seol by the time she'll confess
seo soojin - almost; reason: already in love with shuhua
kim jiwon (liz) - almost; reason: wants no drama in the group
lee joowon (jooe) - stopped; reason: afraid of the scandals
taglist (open!!): @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz, @mxrning-star ,
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eventuallyaugust · 2 months
bbtr plot timeline
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everything happened in bbtr (both private and public)*
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• chapter 1-24 took place (yes, all of that is just in january)
• matchmaker was filmed for the remaining weeks of the month
• matchmaker eps were released two days apart (1st ep was released on 5 and ep 5 ended on 14; valentine's day)
• the show garnered all of attention locally and globally, making the pair getting shipped together more often
• several matchz photoshoots happened to promote the show, including attending some variety shows together as a pair
• seol blowing a party for sakura and moas have a field day when seol posted an ig story being in sakura's bday party, showing off her tattoos
• fans trended yunjin and seol in several various social media platforms due to a photoshopped photo of them together (the original was a photo of oddz with sakura and eunchae between the pair)
• bighit started to tease moas about a potential seol solo album with a teaser photo of a burning car
• seol joined in the fun by posting several pics of her being in the studio
• kmoas caught seol and umji shopping together in public, making a dating rumor spark between them which was later denied by bighit and bpm entertainment
• lesserafim debut date
• reports of txt seol caught outside lesserafim's debut show cheering on the girls
• seol threw a debut party for the girls in private
• on the first day of the month, seol posted several pics of her and some pride flags before ending her post with a pic of her showing off a pride pin, causing a sort of backlash from the homophobes
• yunjin posted for the pride month and it caused a minor inconvenience for them because of the fans shipping them together
• bighit started releasing photo teasers for seol's solo debut
• something happened to seol and bighit announces her hiatus from the group on the last day of the month
• seol's hiatus announcement on the last day of the first week
• seol's supposed solo debut release was postponed
• a sudden hate train on seol started on the third week from different fandoms while seol is on hiatus
• bighit instantly announced that there will be an action for the people making malicious comments and posts to seol
• hybe caterers was filmed with seventeen, le sserafim, fromis_9, txt without seol, and several other idols.
• seol's hate train continued until the first week of the month because of txt
• two txt members got into a heated argument in the dorm one day,
• two txt members started acting cold one another, making the fans notice the odd behavior between the two
• there was a noticeable drought of replies from txt in weverse
• moaville has been in the shambles without seol
• seol finished recovering but decided going against her initial decision of announcing her return
• txt made up from the fight and celebrated yeonjun's birthday
• good boy gone bad photo teasers were released on the third week and fans were both upset and disappointed that seol wasn't on the teasers
• following the gbgb photo teaser releases, a sudden hate train on seol manifested in several social media platforms, saying seol won't fit into the concept since it'll be all boys
• bighit surprised everyone by posting gbgb photo teasers of seol, including the group photo teasers she was edited out of for surprise purposes
• multiple fandoms were surprised and shock at the sudden change in seol's appearance
• good boy gone bad was released on oct 1st
• noticing several changes in seol with eyebrow piercing and new tattoos, moas claimed that seol's entering 23 year old curse along with yeonjun, and they loved everything about the mv and the visuals, glad that seol isn't in hiatus anymore
• an anonymous source revealed the reason why seol has undergone in a hiatus, making her name trend so much txt needed an extra layer of security in public
• following the unprecedented leak of the reason of her hiatus, another hate train manifested
• gbgb promotions was cancelled on the third week of the month due to the threats seol was receiving
• everything was quiet in this month with minimal responses in weverse from soobin and yeonjun, but not the other members
• no selca, no halloween costumes, nothing
• seol never got to debut for her solo album up to this month
• seol "came home" by posting a few selcas of her wearing a christmas pajamas and santa hat, greeting her fans a merry christmas
• seol released a cover of a christmas song: rockin’ around the christmas tree by brenda lee
• bighit released a statement of seol's departure from the group and company on the last day of the year
2023 (will be doing a separate post)
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*note: i am very aware that gbgb was released on may, but i will change the release date for plot purposes ONLY and nothing more
*another note: i might write some to explain on some events on what had truly happened each month & this is not proofread.
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eventuallyaugust · 3 months
i know this sounds insane but i’ve been looking for this specific fanfic and i think you might have wrote it but im unsure. it was basically like a txt x 6th member reader getting into a fight pre debut or debut era, and i remember taehyun being especially confrontational and basically reader storms out and some girl (i forgot who) met with her outside
sorry if that wasn’t you 😭😭
that's an oddly specific fanfic, but yes, i wrote that one (refer to this one). it was bbtr (bound by the rules: written ver), but i changed that into a smau that was later discontinued (because of the recent events). also, yeji was the girl reader/oc met outside
below the cut was the fight between txt and reader anon was talking about & taehyun being confrontational back when bbtr was still written (without the yeji scene)
beomgyu and taehyun peak their heads out of their room, seeing hyunseol stride past them with yeonjun and soobin following behind before seeing the oldest stop at the door of huening kai's room.
"noona, please. don't do it. huening kai doesn't want you to know that he's been crying." beomgyu and taehyun hear from soobin and throw each other a look before walking out of their rooms to see concern painting the leader's face.
"no, we've been waiting for too long, soobin. it's time to address this. it's clear that huening kai is hurting, okay?"
"then why did you wait until now before taking action?"
the three oldest turn their heads to see taehyun crossing his arms while tilting his head. the second youngest look at the oldest intensely. "you could've just take action weeks ago, but no, you waited."
beomgyu keeps his mouth shut and takes a step back from the scene, the tension being too overwhelming for him to handle.
hyunseol returns taehyun's gaze with the same intensity, yeonjun and soobin ready to put themseves between the oldest and second youngest just in case a heated argument erupts. "because huening kai made me promise that i won't question any of his actions, no matter how bizarre they are. i respected his decision until now, but his behavior became more worrying, okay?"
"and you just noticed now?"
the corner of the oldest member's lips twitch and soobin takes that as a sign to break the pair apart. "okay, noona. let's—"
"what do you mean 'i just noticed now'?"
hyunseol takes a few strides towards, each step feeling a bit heavier than it should be. being the same height with the oldest, yeonjun blocks taehyun from her fellow towerz member and shakes his head while looking directly at hyunseol's eyes.
"i mean, huening kai is becoming worse than he was before. i'm surprised you just noticed this now. i wonder if you're still the same hyunseol noona we met."
soobin keeps his guard up and blocks hyunseol's path, his hands over her shoulders, still respectful of the oldest.
"what's that supposed to mean, kang?"
yeonjun turns to face taehyun and shakes his head with his widened eyes before mouthing 'don't respond'. he sighs and rolls his eyes when the second youngest shook his and did the opposite of what he wants.
"it means i'm calling you oblivious, dense, and—"
"say that to my face, taehyun."
"noona!" soobin frowns at the yelling as he desperately tries to keep the oldest away from getting to taehyun. "please, stop. don't make this worse."
"you take back, kang taehyun.", hyunseol menacingly warns.
"what if i don't?", taehyun nonchalantly retorts back as yeonjun shakes his head disapprovingly.
"taehyun, stop.", soobin authoritatively warns as he still keeps hyunseol away from him, unable to think of ways to dissipate the tension in the hallway. the second youngest scoffs, rolling his eyes and turns away before walking back to his room.
"you know what? fine." taehyun stops walking. "if you're so knowledgeable with this, try to fix this mess yourself. i'm out."
hyunseol gently throws soobin's hands away from her shoulders and walks out of the hallway and to the front door. soobin's eyes widen when he realizes what's happening and immediately tries to convince hyunseol to not leave. unfortunately, the oldest member's decision is firm and unrelenting.
poor soobin, trying so hard to keep a bond with his members.
beomgyu, taehyun, and yeonjun watch the interaction with leader and the oldest. they can see the cold wall surrounding hyunseol as soobin tries his best fixing the mess between his two members. but he doesn't know he's only human. he could only do so little for the people he leads. he can't do everything for them or he'll get tired doing so.
"sorry, soobin, but i need to go. i need some fresh air."
the leader's shoulders fall as the words dawn on him. defeated, soobin nods as his eyes fall on the floor. "o-okay, noona. take care and be careful."
hyunseol gently pats his shoulder since she can't pat his head and grabs her coat from the rack before opening the door and plunging into the darkness of the outside. the sound of the front door closing fully wake the three members up and look at one another with one thought in mind; we messed up.
taehyun falls in his thoughts as he covers his face with his hands. oh, man. i just argued with noona and made her leave. what am i going to do to make it up to her?
meanwhile, kai sits on his bed and starts crying again upon hearing the conversation on the other side of his bedroom door. i'm sorry, i'm sorry, everyone. i made you guys worry and argue with one another. if i only wasn't feeling stupid about everything, then this wouldn't happen.
hyunseol is walking onto the pavement as she stuffs her hands into the pockets of her coat. i'm so stupid. i shouldn't reacted like that. if i just take a step back and assess the argument and not let my emotions drive me, i wouldn't be out here walking, instead i would be talking everything out.
she ruffles her hair in annoyance before huffing out, the cold air making her breath visible in front of her. she arrives at a nearby park and finds an empty bench before taking a seat.
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eventuallyaugust · 3 months
so i have risen from the dead (exams, school activities, hw, etc) to ask if you guys still want bbtr to continue with karina in it or not??? bcs i'm going to be respectful to karina's relationship with her man and i hope they're happy together (im serious, not joking)
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eventuallyaugust · 11 months
losing my mind over all these revelations
sure, this stuff is kinda irrelevant in bbtr anyways since it revolves around matchz and oddz, but i won't include something here that is included in the bbtr's plot
i'm just gonna dump this info rn. it's ryujin (as u guys alr know). as we know, seol is a former jyp trainee, right? (refer to seol's kprofile in the bbtr masterlist)
ryuseol met and became friends even before they meet bangchan and become the hermes line in jype. being trainees mean they are chances of training together and getting closer, so there is also a high possibility that feelings will be involved and it unfortunarely happened to be romantic ones
but neither seol or ryujin made a move on the other since they both have the mindset of "i don't want to ruin our friendship with her" or "i doubt she likes me back because have you seen the way she looks at this person?? or that person??" something like that (pretty dumb but from their pov?? its kinda valid when u guys think about it)
due to them finally realizing that they fell for each other without them knowing and getting confused with everything, they both distance from each other to think everything since it's getting a bit overwhelming for both of them.
but something happened to seol and her finding about something that ties with her past in the middle of the processing her feelings that resulted her to leaving jyp and moving to bighit, so imagine what ryujin felt when she found that out through bangchan.
you know what's worse? ryujin finally accepted her feelings and was already ready to confess, but by the time ryujin came to her senses, seol changed her numbers and deleted all of her socmed accs without leaving any note, letter, nothing :((
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
small sneak peak of bbtr chapter 21 (not the final scene - still in editing)
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"are you okay there, yunjin?"
"k-kinda?" hyunseol furrows her brows together at the reluctant response from the american before standing from her swivel chair. she notices the latter avoiding her eyes which is unlike what yunjin was earlier. flirty, attentive, and confident. her sudden change of behavior confuses the bighit idol even more.
what's gotten into her?, hyunseol thinks to herself and decides to grab the door handle and open it. but except this time, it doesn't open.
hyunseol blinks and tries again, but to no avail. surely the door is sealed shut. with yunjin. undoubtedly one of the pretty girls the txt member ever met in the industry.
oh fuck.
"please tell me you're doing what i'm thinking you're doing."
"and what are you thinking?"
"trap those two in seol's studio?"
"how are we even going to do that without getting it opened from the inside?"
the other chuckles, a mischievous smirk appearing over their lips. "leave that part to me."
(hm, who do u think those people talking in the last part? here u go, 🐨 anon)
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
glad to see i was correct 🤭 i guessed ryujin mostly bc of that one part in lia’s section of the list of idols that like seol:
[but surprisingly, ryujin just told her that she was expecting lia getting interested on her best friend
she starts to listen more on hyunseol-related stories ryujin shared whenever they eat together
"it's okay, unnie. there's nothing wrong with liking seol. you know i won't mind that and besides, you're not the only one who's crushing on her."]
makes it seem like ryujin mentions seol a good amount of times, and usually someone does that when they’re interested or crushing (that’s a slight inference bc i also do that a lot)
also please just tell your parents so you can get proper medical attention, pls be safe!!
bro, would u believe me that i have ryujin in mind for the friends-to-almost-lovers arc but i didn't realize that i wrote that section for lia's part in the list bcs tbh?? all i could remember from the moment is that "lia must know she isn't only one" & also ryujin telling that "you're not the only who's crushing on her" is unintentional, so my brain is functioning on a diff level
my memory is somehow getting weak when it comes to writing. and also, it's okay for doing inference bcs tbh, i kinda find you cute (?) being so engrossed and being all detective with the slightest details in the bbtr universe
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
i think a collab song would be more ideal for oddz, considering it's yj's (and prolly seol's too) love language. or like a jamming session date thing, singing and strumming on their guitars. LIKE THAT ONE POST FROM YUNJIN where she was on a picnic,, oh god. 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
me to yunjin just simply existing in bbtr:
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
does anyone would want some seol lore??
bcs bbtr could take on two paths: the happy lovey dovey path that just revolves the pairings or the drama-filled path that revolves from seol's past like how was she involved in law enforcement, something like that
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eventuallyaugust · 3 months
ok, so to compensate from discontinuing bbtr, should i make some sort of a plot timeline from 2022 to 2024 (with karina and later removing her from the pairings)??? because i have so much plan for it but of course, i want to respect girlie karina first before i write my ideas
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
also! ive been meaning to ask, what tips would u give to ppl who wants to begin writing a story? cus i alr have an idea and a draft (?) all these ideas in my head but i cant seem to put into actual words 🧍‍♀️
- 🐨
hello ! so, apparently august saw this ask before she went to school and sent me a long message to relay the info here. i'll just paste it here and add some thoughts august said to me. (august also said you might be viewed some tips as complicated, but to her, it works for some reason??)
august's tips to people who wants to begin writing their story
(august said that she doesn't know if this tip would really help you but she included this just in case) if you are the organized type of person, make an outline of your story before writing, but if not, you just could write your story and make plans along the writing process (august said this is how she started bbtr: without planning or anything)
in writing a story, there's nothing such as too wordy, too short, too long, etc. it's your story, it's your choice on long you want it to be.
write for yourself. i know you want your work to be read by others, but i want to let you know that you shouldn't feel pressured to write your work if you don't have the energy or motivation to do it.
take breaks. this is important too, august said because your story will feel like a burden to you and you will be most likely be burned out if you force yourself writing.
if you feel like your story is lacking, you can turn to someone you know who can help you. there's nothing wrong with seeking opinions of others to improve your writing.
(august said this is just her personal opinion & feel free to ignore this if u want) if you have a sudden burst of idea on writing a certain scene for your characters, try to write it down because there's no assurance that this idea will come back to you as strong as it did before.
if you need to write what others called as "filler chapters" like just characters doing something together such as baking, having fun, etc, do it. it may not seen as very important to the plot line, but it helps the readers gain pov of the bond between the characters
feel free to jump back in the characters' past when writing a story. there are various reason why some writers do this: first, it could help the readers gain a perspective of your character. second, writers may or may not unsure what to write next so they dwell on the characters' past.
(again, this is august's personal opinion) when writing a character, you should list all the details you want your character to have such as this person likes coffee, or blueberry pies, something like that because you could use that advantage to easily remember your character by (and either make your readers cry or not).
when it comes to grammar, feel free to use websites for it if you need to. there's nothing if you're a bit of a grammar stickler. (august prefers not to mention any website tho, but she said any website will do)
(august's personal opinion, 50/50 not advisable bcs august said it might affect the way you would see your character. it kinda makes sense ig?) in writing scenes that you want your readers to feel certain emotions or you want to write angst, you need to immense yourself in the story, as if you are the character experiencing the sad story. this is only applicable if you really want your story to be super angst.
when it comes to writing a chapter, it may seem hard to form what you actually had in mind, but you don't need to rush it. there's nothing wrong if some words repeat. you just need to describe the scene in your head and envision it happening. or you could refer to no. 11, immense yourself into the story (but again, do it with caution)
that's all she wrote, but she said that she'll try to add some once she's back. feel free to send asks about anything or maybe i could talk about august' minju smau (don't worry, i have permission to share bits of it from gus) !
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