#from hereditary progressive nerve deafness with the onset commencing when I was seventeen years old
1-1-s1ay-2-2 ยท 1 year
a smokin' Sunday with me...anybody wanna chill? #stonercreed #freetheweed #chillwithme #Sundayvibes #weekendvibes 18+ 21+
A little birdy told me
Baby, you are no good
I didn't even need to see your manly manlihood
Baby, you were a dream...morphed into a nightmare
Like a fantasy burstin' at the seams
A missile exploding in air
Shake it, break it, lose what you will
But don't you tell me I was more than a thrill
Tired of your lies and looking at your face
Like the boogie man
Monster is your name
I'm over it
Cause I'm over you
I'm over it
Cause baby, we're through
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One thing I loved about Cali was how weed was legal and normalized and you could smoke in public without being treated like a criminal for practicing your God-given right of having dominion over the plants on Earth (personal usage of them is your dominion) and they had shops where you could buy the primo stuff for a fair, commercialized price, and there were people smokin' at the beach and walkin' down the street. It was nice, indeed! #legalize #nationwide #free #the #weed #commercialize #thegreen
In downtown Denver, CO...you could smell it in the air. It was like living a real, live dream come true!!! lmfeo Denver was by far the most weed-friendly city we visited during our road~tripping travels.
You didn't have to fear smoking there. You could smell it in the hotel lobby or the elevator. People didn't mind the smell like they do in other places. That was the cool vibe about Denver...it's like people knew to expect to see and smell weed there and they had absolutely zero qualms with it. #gocolorado #godenver #gobroncos
Funny enough though, the south-eastern region of the USA, Appalachia, and the east coast is the area of the USA where the weed~vibe is the least friendly and acceptable. That is entirely surprising to me because it's a region of North America that is incredibly furtile and perfect for growing...weed. It's kinda behind the times in the Bible Belt and they kinda needta get witha program.
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