feralwetcat · 27 days
Fable: f*ck you my child is completely fine
Icarus, holding their newest bird friend on their finger, giving them head pats: hehehehehe birb go tweet tweet
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feralwetcat · 28 days
"so theres this go-"
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feralwetcat · 25 days
I wanna talk about how i think Ari would feel after what happened to Momboo? I wanna talk about how she'd mourn knowing she didn't get to say goodbye:(
Tw: grief, discussions of death
In my mind, Ari grieves in a lot of different ways, she has a pink tulip in a pot that she waters everyday and takes care of, she tries to hold the ones they care for closer, even more than before, i think they'd also message Momboo on comms with little updates sometimes as a way to grieve, its been hard but shes been doing really well i think, having some experience with stuff like this, with the loss of her whole realm i think its something they're used to, but the fact that she didn't get to say goodbye probably hits really hard
On the bit where they message momboo, its not big things, just stuff like "we had a meeting today, i think it went pretty well?" Or "i missed you today, but i saw Bruin! Well Jamie- they go by Bruin now" stuff like that
In purgatory i like to think the dead can watch their loved ones, so Momboo watches and sees all the messages, sees how much her friends and family are hurt but still going
Anyways im gonna go cry👍
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feralwetcat · 26 days
Give me random fable characters to add to a canvas of different silly little dudes, im starting canvas w different fable characters and dunno who to draw first
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