#ft. hell hound
u-jin · 4 years
when: november 13, 2180; chaos swarms onward. where: a back alleyway with little light -- perhaps a man finds himself there on purpose. who: @lockekatirci​
Welcome to Wonderland -- the other end of the rabbit hole, fallen so far underground that there is no longer any visible light when looking up, neck craned and eyes squinted; the stars do not come here, they don’t shine over this cursed land. There stands the Mad Hatter, more darkness than man, more blood than organs, gorged on nightmare fuel and open veins. He walks the streets searching and devouring, fingers running harshly over exposed brick and cement as he seeps through the city like a dense oil, fingernails cracking and bleeding, slamming metal and tensed triggers. Nothing feels better than the hunting, than the searching, the sadomasochistic process of self destruction and ruination -- first he descends, splitting open in the process, then he swallows the enemy whole; skin, bones, and all. 
He finds excitement, indulgence, in the horror vibrating throughout the city, the sound of teeth scraping the ground and clattering elbows and knees, the sounds of fear and no sign of reprieve. The world is rung dark and loud, the crying echoes of both the sirens and the citizens, Ujin’s teeth sunk tightly into the taste of blood and chaos. He doesn’t find that he’s particularly worried about the Night Monster, fear not a sensation he experiences anymore but instead only the thrill of thickened veins and headrushes; exhilaration. 
Then, of course, he sees him. 
He sees him because he always does when he’s off alone, when he finds himself scouring these parts of the streets -- his own personal ghost, his stalker. The air around them always seems to shift and move as if it can’t get far enough away, and the darkness hugs close, devours the two men as if starving, as if they stand to be the only meal in all the city, even with lights blown out, shadows searing hot across the entirety of the pavement beneath their feet. 
Ujin’s eyes don’t need to adjust to see him anymore, he can always spot him at a first glance as if adapted to him, as if his gaze sought him out everywhere, always searching -- a horrible thought, one he would spit out like poison, one he drowned with his favorite thoughts of what it will feel like when he finally digs his blade into the other man’s skin, when he carves out letters and numbers and fractions of his being. 
It’s a feeling only akin to hatred, to anger, that boils deeply into his chest, leaves molten lava and burn scars in it’s path. He wants to kill him so badly, wants to be the one to shred the man to pieces, to tear limb from limb,
‘ So why, ‘ one must think, ‘ isn’t he dead yet? ‘
‘ He dies on my terms. ‘ A response like a snapping of teeth, eyes caught narrow, tongue red and bleeding in his mouth, fingernails digging crescents into the palms of his hands, lips draw back as if a growl, ‘ He dies when I say so. ‘
“ It’s not you I’m looking for, is it? “ He says, eyes trailing darkly over the shadowed figure. His tone rings conversational, almost a sigh, something mocking deeply buried, “ If it is I’ll have to cut you to pieces sooner than planned. “ He sounds disappointed, but perhaps not for the right reasons. His voice is deep and honeyed, thoughtful, his eyes hooded and narrowed, trailing down his counterpart before meeting back at his face. 
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“ You’d think you’d be better at hide and seek than this. Haven’t you heard? “ It’s sarcastic, almost playful, a complete turn around in his tone of voice, his smile like that of a shark, elongated and terrible in the dim light, teeth almost glowing in it, gloating and broken with a noise like a rasp, almost a laugh, “ We have a monster on the loose. “
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u-jin · 4 years
status: headcanon ft. @lockekatirci  situation: first meetings location: somewhere near market zero time: hour unknown, the streets are swept black, even the late crowds have quieted TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, blood, mutilation, gore
It’s like an animal bent over prey, a darkened image of a not-quite man bent over a not-quite corpse, a carving knife in one hand, fingers stained red and face sprayed, blood dripping from the ends of his hair as he works in the back alley of an abandoned pub. This, he thinks, is art. He reels back and slices down again, a horrible tearing sound, a dull thud. He leaves his knife protruding for a moment, bare hands reaching into a gaping crevice, past bone, past the squishy, slippery texture of human insides, seemingly searching for something, a growl of frustration. He pulls back again, the cold air freezing the wet texture of his skin, and is stopped by a feeling like ice, a slow prickle running up his back, a sensation familiar to one thing -- someone is watching him.
Then he looks up, red up to his elbows as he draws the knife out of the body's ribcage, the air moving and transforming, a face somewhere in the darkness. He stands slowly, making the shadows writhe and shift around him, the light cascading into the dark, his own person being revealed like a feral dog, eyes wide and face beautiful in it’s stoicism, it’s in freedom from hunger in the one moment after hunting, covered in blood and chunks of flesh. He finds him, a being more wraith than man, appearing as if conjured. The knife hangs loosely in Ujin’s hand, curious and open, he takes several steps towards the shadowed figure, face cast like the undead in the way the darkness hangs over his eyes. He pushes light closer, plays with his own mind in the form of illusions, the slow, clandestine drip, drip, drip of scarlet falling past his arms to the concrete, a mutilated corpse lying motionless in the background.
He’s curious, treacherous, he creates the illusions and yet he isn’t sure if he conjured it himself, sanity sometimes slipping in his ache for blood, his draw to the macabre, then the light reveals a face and he realizes that it cannot be a creation of his own because he doesn’t make beautiful things. He draws closer, eyes narrowed, knife heavy in his fingertips, something in the back of his mind saying that he must take this one too, that he has to reap every last creature he sees, he has to devour, consume. He can’t stand the sight of something that appears so clean despite the way the blackness clings to him, something untouched despite the intensity in his stare, but there is no fear, not exactly, instead something that looks as starving as he is, and Ujin wants nothing more than to slice him open and chew on his bones.
The shadows are domain to the beasts and the butchers, and the man appears well at home, he steps closer, eyes molten gold and tinged velvet, narrowed and curious. Who are you? What can you do for me? How he loathes pretty things, hates those that mirror himself, delicate features and dark dispositions, is it possible to be this empty? This angry? He sears molten lava, mouth spitting ash, the ground rumbling with the tightening suture of an oncoming storm, a building intensity in the locked stare of two monsters, two unholy creatures, one caught feasting in his right and the other a watcher, an onlooker, an uninvited guest.
His head turns carefully to the side, his mouth opens his mouth as if to speak, reaches out as if to touch when behind him there’s a clatter, and he turns, paranoid and sharp. He sees a rat scurry from beneath a heap of trash and just as quickly he turns back, greeted with only the image of a brick wall and, for a moment, he appears thoughtful. Eventually his tongue clicks behind his teeth, as if this occurrence was nothing strange, as if performing for an audience of one. He still feels the presence nearby, but worse things have burdened him, far worse has happened, and he turns back around, head cocked and smile returning, wild and wrathful. Another monster in his midst, one he does not recognize, one he’s surely meant to hunt. The features linger, transparent, almost crystalline, not solid or definable but just as vivid.
He’ll be back, he decides, before drawing his knife up and returning to his art project.
Through static darkness; suspended in the shadows like an invisible fly on the wall; obscured by all living creatures, Locke almost becomes the dead in the way existence no longer stands tangible. Only the nearly inaudible breaths whisper his presence in amongst the night and he’s simply watching. It’s not clear how much time has passed, but in the veil, there’s a weightlessness that keeps time as an illusion; a figment of reality that no longer cares for such trivial cogs in a clock. Not even the metal hands under the steel of Katirci’s watch can attract his attention when such a display of vehemence captures his admiration. A sickening snap echoes; evidence of tendons tearing from tissue, an explosion of liquid bursts from the hacking of meat where silver carves deep, splits open the disfigured animation like a fountain and allows arteries to spurt red and paint the streets in colour. Like a mosquito that pierces with the same necessity to thrive; saps life; energy from a being, a strange obsession with needing to inch closer starts crawling under Locke’s skin. It’s as though that craving for a knife to cut open his own flesh overpowers reasoning; he wants to be in the place of the canvas currently being maimed to forge a new entity. It evokes a memory, the harsh sound of bones cracking a small boy’s shoulder blade in youth; a wail that’s fast silenced when another comes down and drives deep the venom that in elder years swarms the man’s veins like a parasite; a poison that builds him to something beyond becoming ruination.
He’s the god of the night and deities like to be seen; worshipped and offered sacrifices as favoured by most sentients; Lokman as a divinity is an image formed entirely of delusion, though, diluted by his own deep rooted belief he is greater than his own beasts.
Because he stares in awe at the one before him; sees everything in the hues of the man – if he could be called such a thing, the frenzied ghoul that appears to be the reaper of offerings; such a beautiful thing that Katirci’s own false illusion of playing silent spectator falters and he steps out to meet the other; as if only to see his face close up, marvel in the features that are blessed with the sangria that peppers warm skin, melts down perfected features; a jaw that even belonging to something with ferocity; untamed in the actions of the blade he holds can only belong to something of primal nature. Would you take my hand if I wiped red from your face, if only to see deeper? A madman’s misconception, because he already sees it all.
And above that, the stranger sees him. A kind of outlandish stare that’s a myriad of perplexion and the hunger behind the man’s eyes; matches Locke’s own if only by a single shade, so he believes. There’s no shift of eyes to the knife in the other’s hand, knowing that Locke’s own is sheathed in the rear of trousers; a personal measure, opposed to that of protection. For a moment, both men are still, admiring each other and any third eye could assume a standoff, but it’s nothing of the kind; there’s only a drawn need to the grisly and Lokman’s lip ticks in one corner, not as a taunt, but as an unorthodox manner of greeting. It might have been as prominent as firing a bullet, the only shift that begins the shift of the two that’s evident past the two heaving chests that indicate they’re alive.
An abrupt clatter of tin resonates, tears the other’s gaze away, offers Lokman opportunity to disappear; create a new diversion in the beams of black that shape inconsistent waves between the pub’s alleyway. He’s become a ghost again; once more opportunist, stealthy in becoming absent to the other who’s own speed is admirable. But it’s never quite fast enough, he can see the momentary flicker where lowlights project amber street lights over the features of the stranger. It could easily be a dream manifested from hauntings; memories that plague Locke’s head from years prior. But it’s far too real, he can sense it like a false sixth sense that is all in his mind, the need to still capture a streak of red on his own fingertips if only to become closer to the man; so Lokman can be seen by him as Katirci plays witness to his misdeeds.
Then, like it never happened, the brief encounter of two monsters in the dark, the other begins hacking at the mutilated mass, unhinged and ignorant perhaps to any ghosts gracing him. It seems so pitiful to be disheartened, that Locke’s not accustomed anymore to feeling forgotten so swiftly in situations with such merciless intentions. The stranger’s got something better in the dead in front of him. A demon in the rear of Locke’s head, coaxing lies; truths? Into him like sweet pumps of that delicious poisonous venom he’s drowned in.
The briefest emotion, unrecognised – entirely unfamiliar; so fast to fleet from his body like a powerful force uses him as a conduit to another world for just a split second. More so that it’s such an old feeling, he’s forgotten what it’s like; rejection; being unknown once more to the person he’s spent perhaps hours staring at in the mists for the other man to only see him for seconds.
Unlike the stranger who’s hijacked his thoughts; all rationality – if there ever was any, Lokman does not forget such a moment and there’s no denying the bloodied face that he’s memorised isn’t the last painted picture he’ll leave with; a promise. He’ll be the ghost that haunts the man.
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