justfreefalling · 6 months
who: Sabryna & Keegan @losemorals where: Keegan and Amar's Apartment where Sabryna always overstays her welcome
Another late night of hanging out with her best friend from games and fun, meant another night she spent crashing on the couch in the living room. This was her home away from home. One place, that Sabryna had made herself well at home. To the point she has bought her own mug that she snuck into their kitchen so she wouldn't make accidently drink from Amar's. Sabryna was an early riser for sure. If the sun is awake, she is awake.
Even to the point, where she would be up to encounter the mailman. So being the extra helpful guest that she was, she happily sorted out Keegan and Amar's mail. She froze noticing two identical letters, both grand and elegant. Now she knew it was a federal offence to open someone's mail, she rushes quickly, tripping on her feet in her hastiness. But this was a matter of fiction to reality. "Keegan! Keegan! Omg, you have to open this!" Sabryna was a lost for works as she held the letter up in all it's glory,"It looks like it can be....can't it?" Her words were vague but her bestie would get it the gist of what she meant.
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donewithflare · 6 months
[ ☎ ] my muse calls yours in tears. [ keegan → zaya; when they were teenagers. ]
The cordless phone buzzed loudly on hook echoing loudly through the Dolma apartment. Zaya rushed to the phone in hopes not to miss it, her parents yet to invest in a phone with a decent called ID as it was too pricy. "I'll get it mom!" Zaya yelled at the top of her lungs as her room spread through their tiny Brooklyn Apartment. She picked up the large beige, answering the polite way her parents had taught her too. "Hello Dolma residence, who may I ask is calling?" With no reply, half expecting it to be some dumb cold call, she was about to hang up the phone. When she heard some wet, snotty sniffling over the phone. A sound she was pretty familiar with.
A cocky smirk appeared on her lips, knowing this would be fun. She slide on the kitchen counter, getting herself comfy and ready to chew out her favorite person. "Oh for fucksakes Dweeb,what did you do?" Only to be followed by more sniffling, she tucks her legs together on the counter,"Who's ass am I beating up now for you? Cause I still haven't fully recovered from the last beatdown." She smiled softly looking at her bloodied and bruised arms that Keegan had delicately bandaged with extra care after her last fight. Zaya smiles softly at how careful he was. His hands were meant for healing. Her hands only destruction. A perfect balance between the two. "You know you really gotta stop getting into fights defending my ass. Doesn't really matter to me what other people think of me." Only you though. Zaya laughs in hopes to lighten the mood. Yet he keeps on crying.
Her grip on the phone tightens, as she jumps of the counter, ready to bounce into action. "Okay who's fucking ass am I going to need to beat?" Zaya already cracking her knocks and stretching out,"I can last a few rounds. Bring the first aid kit, this other asshole is not gonna know what hit them!" Yet there is still him weeping on the phone. No usual protests or warnings for her to be careful. None of him taking the blame and saying it was his fault. This was not what her Keegan was like.
She leans against the wall, pushing the phone closer to ear like how close she would want him to be if he were here right this moment. "Keegs..."her tone softens desperate to get some coherent words out of him,"Please...please tell me what's wrong. You're making me worried. Come on, it's me..." her tone is sincere, full of care. She finds her free hand clinging tightly to her chest where her heart is meant to be. Although, she wouldn't admit it out loud...Keegan played a pretty important part of heart.
Hearing him cry was killing her. "Speak to me or I'm coming over!" Zaya was almost ready to hang up the phone and make her way over to his to comfort him. But then there as an inaudible mumbling from his send. "Woah, say that again this time more slowly and clearer!" Again he talks fast. It was time to pull out the big guns,"Five seconds to tell me properly or else, I'm telling your mom." And with those words he sung like a Canary.
"The Fuck Keegs ...you are crying because you don't have a freaking prom date. Proms are lame anyway," Zaya commented chewing hard on the inside of her cheek. "Who did you ask...you know for reasons....no I'm not going to be making a hitlist with all the bitches who said now to you ass wipe." Which was a very blatant lie. Only she was allowed to kick his ass. Or make him cry. "Listen Keegs," she sighed, "Anyone would be lucky to go to the prom with you." She pauses, "Fuck it, if you don't have a date then I'll be your date, okay?"
The words slip out before she could think. A long pause between them follows. He isn't crying anymore. Zaya, however, wonders if she had crossed a line between them. The very fine line between love and hate. Maybe she shouldn't have said a thing. The silence breaks by a female voice on the other end of the phone.
"So will you got to prom with him then?"
Zaya is taken back by the other voice on the phone. Her tone quickly switches to a polite with undertones of I'm going to kill you later Keegan, in it. "Oh, Mrs Jeong, hi there, Keegan didn't mention you were also in this call."
"So will you, Zaya?" her voice filled with hope for her little boy.
"Sure...yes I will go to the prom with Keegan," Zaya feels her cheeks blush as she smiles. She can hear the two of them whispering and high fiving over the other side of the phone. "But do you mind if I walk to Keegan alone for a moment.?" There is more whispering on the other side as he is trying to dismiss his mom away for them to have a moment alone.
When the line was left for the two of them, there was another brief pause."So does this count as me asking you out or your mom ask me out for you dweeb?" She pauses,"You know you didn't have to ask...I kind figured we would end up going together anyway. You can be suck a fucking idiot sometimes." Zaya continues to carelessly laugh "Promise me, you'll never change Keegs?"
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donewithflare · 7 months
the day we meet again
who: zaya & keegan @losemorals where: cerbrus corb lobby when: 2018 flashback
A cold chill tingled down her spine, as she looked up at the towering Cerberus Corp entrance. Months of blood, sweat and tears had led up to this moment, yet all she could hear was her heart pounding in her throat. She swallowed hard, reminding herself the sacred oath she swore to herself during those strenuous nights. The moment she crosses the threshold, she can put to bed the life of Zaya Dolma and putting on her mask of Agent Flare, the one who was going to make history.
Picking her Agent name had been a rather simple process, it held everything that she wanted to embody; a quick flash that captured everyone's attention. She was here to make history, here to show everyone had to get shit done and how she was going to be number one around her. Anything lower would not cut it, after all that she had worked for. She took her first step forward
Agent Flare had entered the building.
With a purposeful stride, Agent Flare enters the room with an air of confidence that demands instant attentions. Her shoulders squared as she her head held high, displaying an effortless grace in each step. Confidence emulated from her like a palpable force, as gazes of everyone feel on her as she passed by. Whispers began to call louder, expected when a new face was on the scene but soon enough she would have them whispering about her utter brilliance. Briefly, a small smile crept on her face only to quickly wipe it away to hold a blank expression on her face, longing to keep everyone guessing what she was all about.
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Nothing was going to ruin her immaculate entrance. Or so she thought....
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