#fun hc i like to imagine about mizuki is that they go on the thispersondoesntexist website and transform themselves into one of them
cross-armageddon · 10 months
One more PJO x PRSK post before hiatus
Like I mentioned before - I'm going away for a few days and I won't have access to my tablet, so no doodling anything. I will be able to reply to asks, although it might take some time. I will also schedule a post about Prima Vista, so you know I'm still alive
I will be back doing silly stuff afterwards!!
Niigo (1/2)
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(a friend of mine started praising that I put mi🅱️uki and kanada together, but in reality i just simply had an idea for both of them, good my friend's happy tho)
I did already mention some Kanade shenanigans, like the fact she regularly goes out of the camp to visit her human dad. She makes a huge sacrifice going out, with her sensitivity making her light-headed all the time, but hey, that's why she always has someone to accompany her.
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She can fight a little, but yeah, it's pretty difficult for her. Instead she works with people higher rank than her during nighttime. It's either simple watch patrol or she practices tending to wounds. A LOT of campers dislike being admitted to her, because... Well, being tended to by a child of a god of death isn't a good sign, despite Kanade being the cutest awkward creature ever created on this planet and actually being pretty decent in patching up wounds. Her gemstone searching powers aren't really much of importance to her - if she ever uses that, it's mostly for negotiations (she's not affected by a curse like Hazel) or for distraction (the classic "throw a coin" situation, but it's eith literally any shiny rock ever).
If you want to ask how she wasn't exploited for that power - the gems don't appear next to her for no reason, she summons them willingly. Simply saying, nobody knew about it, not even her, that is until she found out.
Now, Mizuki.
What did I mean by transformation powers?
Mizuki is naturally talented with making costumes and applying makeup, to the point that they can easily appear as someone else.
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Makeup they apply can easily make the optical illusion of having a different face, nose or even eye shape. They can either create a whole fake identity on the spot or imitate someone else, which is a pretty scary ability, but quite fitting. They can get perceived as a whole different person based of their appearance at the moment.
They can pretend to be anyone, but they definitely prefer to imitate girls more often (self explanatory). Appearing as Ena is a pretty successful prank on the real Ena (also Akito, but he quickly figures it out, since Mizuki can't speak when imitating someone - their voice doesn't change).
Also I already mentioned it, but imagine the Aphrodite claim going like this
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Aphrodite trans beam (/hj, the closet may be glass, but Mizuki hasnt actually came out YET. On another hand, I like the idea of Aphrodite affirming her children's gender identities while claiming them as hers.)
Also, Mizuki was probably one of the first ones from the cast to get admitted to their respective camp. So yeah, no way of anyone else really knowing, besides the ones who canonically know, like Rui.
Now, a very interesting thing I designed for them - their needle cushion they have on their wrist.
Mizuki can fight with a normal weapon, but those "sewing" needles (not actually for sewing) are their secondary secret weapon.
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From the cushion's backside, there's an opening where they can put any liquid inside. After closing it, they can wear the cushion on their wrist and push the needles into it to let them soak in whatever liquid is inside. It could be centaur blood, it could be something to paralyze someone overtime, whatever non-lethal thing - or actual deadly poison. Although the last one is only for real battles and never for practice, wouldn't wanna accidentally kill a campmate.
The needles work against monsters AND demigods, so that's fun! Don't fuck with Mizuki!
Anyways that was all for the post, I'm gonna be back in a few days, but I will post the next Prima Vista event story in the middle of my vacations okay bye
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