funhaversclub · 6 months
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Not too long ago I started the SubReddit r/aquamouse and it's grown quite a bit. Nothing crazy but... enough lol. I like to call us who collect Aqua Mouses, Aqua Cats! (makes sense no?)
SO because we've grown a bit I thought why not make a mascot? Above is my idea of the Aqua Cat! The generic Aqua Mouse has a mechanism pattern under it's buttons so I used that and made it like a Tabby's forehead design. It's butt is the Aqua part with a little dead mouse floaty. The tail end is a USB! (also the cat pictured is my cat Murphy) The colors aren't set I just based it off that one specific Aqua Mouse. Ide love to design more cats based on different Aqua Mouses and different cats!
Maybe not perfect yet but pretty neat!
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gravelblock · 7 years
funhaversclub replied to your photo
i feel like I don’t know what this game is but I really am starting to love it.
I don’t know what this game is either :^) I’m just making it up as I go(bad way to make a game don’t do this). Also thank you!
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sunsetfinch · 7 years
nutmegslushin replied to your photo: funhaversclub: One thing they messed up was not...
it was a fake tattoo that was like 15 years ago
a temporary tattoo that he got from those capsule toy machines
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funhaversclub · 1 year
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Level 1-1 in the Mario Movie?
This was such a great detail in the Mario Bros. movie! The middle section doesn’t really seem to follow level 1-1 but the beginning and the end are amazing! Not to mention when they go into the sewer...
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“dada dada dada...”
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funhaversclub · 9 months
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the TRUE Pikmin 3
Playing Pikmin 4 had me thinking about Pikmin timelines...
This was my idea for a Pikmin 3:
The galactic government gets word of the discovery of Pikmin and the profit made from the planet explored... and steps in...
The new game's explorer joins Olimar to protect the Pikmin planet from their new enemy...
(for the record I came up with this plot before realizing it is the basis of so many stories... )
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funhaversclub · 9 months
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So immediately after posting my little shpeal about Mameda no Bakeru, I did another google search and found this... Looks as if my cast predictions might be wrong?
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funhaversclub · 9 months
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Go for it! Mameda no Bakeru!
Okay so bad news is... this isn't a Goemon game. Good news? This is the god damn spiritual successor to it!
A tanuki boy named Bakeru, disguised as a human, uses taiko (drumming) actions to defeat a festival army wreaking havoc throughout a fantasy version of Japan!
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Mameda no Bakeru is made by the company Good-Feel... The company of Etsunobu Ebisu, who directed and produced a ton of Goemon games when he was at Konami.
...and that's about all I know.
As far as comparisons to Goemon go? Obviously the look and design of the enemies and worlds. All the thick Japanese lore. As far as a cast goes, I think we might have 4 main characters? (but I'll admit I'm stretching)
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Bakeru (Goemon) Small bowl head girl (Ebisumaru) the pink character with the fairy wings (Yae) wood robot looking into the sunset (Sasuke) Like I said... probably stretching.
It also looks like we have Impact style bosses! The tea kettle you fly around in transforms into a giant robot!
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Although we're not in the cockpit this time around, we still get to have giant robot fights!
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Goemon references aside, it appears that Mameda gets several powers!
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The abilty to Shrink! Power Armor! Dumpling Popgun! and Grappling Fishing Rods!
Special mention to using REAL pixels...
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Despite the screen static effect you can see they drew everything out in real pixels before implementing them into the game... I know I may sound crazy here to celebrate this, but it's pretty rare to see pixels properly used in modern games.
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This game might never come out outside of Japan BUT it's okay! The switch doesn't have a region lock! Which means if you don't live in Japan, you can still buy this game and play it in your switch!
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funhaversclub · 10 months
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Super Mario Brothers in Theatre?
I don't care what anyone says this movie is great. It's so bizarre and fun and weird. They took the source material and absolutely turned it upside down. From the very beginning explaining how the meteor that killed the dinosaurs split our reality into two different universes... We evolved from apes when the dinosaurs died, but they evolved from dinosaurs when dinosaurs survived?! WHAT? Its Super Mario?! The intro of the Goombas and Koopas looking like absolute nightmares. Not to mention the set designs and practical effects. The brothers intro in Brooklyn is heartwarming. There's so much you can hate about this movie, but even more you can love. I know people think I'm nuts but I will die on this hill! 
I recently had the HONOR to see this movie in a packed theatre for it's 30th anniversary put on by "Dumpster Racoon". The mixed reactions only made this movie I've seen 100 times since I was a kid even better... the gasps when the twin towers turned into Koopa towers... awesome. Hahaha.
Anthony Olivira hosted the event (He's the one dressed as Bowser) He runs ''Dumpster Racoon'' and he hosts a queer film series that does screenings at the Revue Cinema every month.
Before the movie started I walked into a full blown Mario Kart Tournament in this vantage theatre. Between the concessions line up and general fans the theatre was alive with all sorts of dressed up Nintendo characters.
As the crowd settled, the costume contest started. Specific... and non specific costumes walked across the stage. The winner was rated on crowd reactions. Despite the great costumes, nerdism prevailed. The winner... was non other than...
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...a random NPC from Mario is Missing on the SNES!!! If that doesn't tell you, you have an audience filled with diehards nerds I don't know what does?
Perry and I talked about going in costume. It never happened but I was thinking...
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After that was the drag show! A sexy Piranha Plant sang songs and slowly found her way out of her warp pipe. Hahahaha. When everyone was nice and settled into weirdness with a side of Mario Brothers... the lights lowered... the movie started...
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funhaversclub · 1 year
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NES classic "DUCK & COVER"
This was a one night game design. NES era style game. I'll probably never do anything with this so I figured I'd share it.
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funhaversclub · 1 year
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Glug, Glug, Glug, Glug...
I quickly photoshopped this when the first round of promo images from the Mario Brothers movie came out. It’s rough, but as soon as I saw the brothers in Brooklyn with their plumber van all I could think of was the 90′s Mario Bros. movie.
PS: if you’ve never seen 1993′s Super Mario Bros. PLEASE treat yourself and watch the most bizarre adaption of a video game you’ll ever see...
...my “Blu-ray” copy just arrived...
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PS: On July 22 Perry and I are seeing this Mario Bros. in a packed theatre. I can’t wait and hopefully I’ll have some footage to share. You best believe Ima be rocking Luigi’s flaming yin yang shirt and hat.
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funhaversclub · 1 year
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Super Mario Bros. Z’s Mecha Mario in 3D!
So if you haven't seen it, go and watch the Super Mario Bros. Z series RIGHT NOW! I don’t think it ever got it’s true ending but it is amazing! Amazing story, amazing sprite animation. It is really something.
Today I discovered someone made a 3D animation of an intro for the series... which then led me to discover that it was actually based on the original creator’s intro which I had never seen!!!! It is fucking amazing! the animation... THE MUSIC!!! please go check it out!
Here’s the original intro by the series creator Mark Haynes AKA Alvin the Earthworm:
Here’s the 3D remake by NooB:
That 3D animation is unbelievable... please go check out everything I’ve mentioned above you will not be sorry.
Here’s the original sprite assets for Mecha Mario for Alvin:
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funhaversclub · 10 months
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No one will ever replace ah-you!
If you haven't already seen... the man, the myth, the legend, Charles Martinet, the voice of Super Mario himself... has... retired.
Thank you Mr. Martinet for blowing my mind when I started playing Super Mario 64 Christmas morning! hahaha. Up until then, Super Mario was nothing but a pixelated plumber.
It's not a dark day yet! Based on the the press release above it seems like Martinet will still be traveling around and possibly appearing in Comicons or other events? "sharing the joy!"
Going forward the thing I really care about when it comes to Nintendo voices is that they treat them with as much respect as Martinet did. It's not just about imitating that familiar voice... it's about bringing the same level of originality to the table and not trying to re-create a classic.
I guess the Mario Wonder trailer featured a NEW Mario voice actor. We will see how the franchise goes moving forward. I'm sure it will be fine. Voice actors in no way make video game play BUT it certainly makes a memorable character!
(PS: if you're wondering what Martinet is holding in that picture with me... it is the signed copy of the 2nd and 3rd game he ever voiced as Mario... the first being the Super Mario pinball machine! You can check out the post here)
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funhaversclub · 1 year
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Super OddBird?
Friends of mine own a pizza place and have a few arcade machines in there. Years ago I built a tabletop “arcade” and haven't done anything with it...
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I figured I’d donate it to them... But I couldn’t just let them have any normal game! I waned to give them something special! Before the pizza place they started their bar OddBird so I wanted to make a video game for that. After pulling my hair out trying to program a game from scratch I decided to just take Super Mario World and make the characters look like a sketch I had done for them:
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The old title screen and first level rough layout:
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I Have most of the Small Mario sprites done. In Super OddBird you start as a little chick!
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Ideally Mario and Luigi will look something like this. (These were from the custom game before I kiboshed that)
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(sorry for the potato quality gif)
Remaking the Logo was a bit nutty...
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...Hopefully I’ll finish this sooner than later. In the meantime if you’re in the area defiantly check out their establishments. 
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PS: If you bring your own eggs and ask for a “Low Key Triggered” you’ll receive one of the best eggs benedict I’ve ever tasted... But that’s a secret... So good I had to sketch it.
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PS2: I almost forgot... I also painted one of their washrooms with this neat animal theme!
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funhaversclub · 1 year
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My Marvel Origin Story!
This was the product of being very bored one weekend. Figured I’d share it with yall. The actual story is I ordered an infinity gauntlet off amazon and when it arrived it was not what I had ordered and cheap as fuck so one night I chopped it up and made that monstrosity. Then made this comic! My movie comes out 2030. Co-stars robot Chris Pratt. yeah... the future is wild. 
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funhaversclub · 1 year
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Say hello to Ghost Cat!
So we’ve decided to rebrand a bit here at the Fun Havers Club. Our new mascot is this little blue cat... GHOST CAT! 
In college there would be weird occurrences where dishes would fall off the kitchen counter or objects would shift positions on desks and/or shelves. I don’t really believe in the paranormal but things were happening that I didn’t really have an answer for. To dismiss all discussions of “ghosts” or anything of that nature we would just say “oh, that’s just ghost cat” and leave it at that. Over time anyone who came through our apartment grew to know and love Ghost Cat and treat it as just a pet. It became kind of the mascot of our apartment... and now the mascot of the Fun Havers Club! 
The image above is our new header but the sprites below are the original Ghost Cat sprites I made in college. 
...as you're reading this, if you feel a warm brush against your leg or a random sound in the other room, don’t worry. It’s just Ghost Cat.
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funhaversclub · 2 years
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My family of Aqua Mice! :)
Sooooo this isn’t really video game related at all but it is a little collection I hold very dear. I even created the sub reddit for me and fellow collectors! hahaha.
I dont know the official name for the mouse. Ive read a lot of Aqua Mouse. Also Floaty Mouse, Floater Mouse? I just always knew them as Liquid Mouses but it seems they are more likely Aqua Mouses.
(Hello if you've come here from a Liquid Mouse sub that is no longer used lol)
I'm pretty sure most Aqua Mouses were manufactured from the same place. They all share the same build. The buttons are usually, but not always, a color of slightly transparent plastic. You can usually see a bit more of the mouse under that. The middle is another color with a logo. The liquid is colored with a custom floaty or floaties inside.
You can't really find Aqua Mouses anywhere except random ones on Ebay and a few others sprinkled throughout buy and sell sites like Kijiji. Good news is you CAN buy more and it's going to be one that you've made custom! Bad news is you'll have to buy about 1000 of them. Mass production sites like Alibaba & Premo-promos can fill these orders but for a niche collectable it's not really a cheap or smart move.
Not all the mouses fall under Aqua brand. There are others that have different builds. Care bear, Hello Kitty and a few smaller manufacturers. Most of the ones I've seen floating around though seem to fit the Aqua branding.
(Or... what do we call ourselves? AquaCats?)
I’ll be the first to admit that it is a very very WEIRD thing to collect but what can I say? I like what I like :)
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