shariwaa · 11 months
“Optimizing Websites for Voice Search: The Future of SEO”
As technology advances, the way we interact with the internet is rapidly changing. Voice search has emerged as a popular and convenient way for users to find information and perform online tasks. With the increasing use of voice-enabled devices like smartphones, smart speakers, and virtual assistants, optimizing websites for voice search has become a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). In this blog, we will explore the importance of voice search optimization and how it shapes the future of SEO. Let’s delve in!
1. The Rise of Voice Search
Voice search has witnessed significant growth in recent years, thanks to the widespread adoption of voice-activated devices and personal assistants. Users now prefer the ease of speaking their queries instead of typing them. The convenience and hands-free nature of voice search make it particularly popular among mobile users and those multitasking in their daily activities. As a result, businesses need to adapt their SEO strategies to accommodate this shift in user behavior.
2. Natural Language and Conversational Queries
Voice search is characterized by natural language and conversational queries. When users perform voice searches, they tend to use complete sentences or questions rather than typing fragmented keywords. Optimizing for voice search involves understanding and incorporating these conversational phrases and long-tail keywords in website content. By addressing user queries directly and naturally, websites can improve their chances of appearing in voice search results.
3. Featured Snippets and Position Zero
Voice search often relies on featured snippets to provide direct answers to user queries. Featured snippets, also known as position zero, are brief, information-rich snippets that appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). To optimize for voice search, businesses should focus on creating content that is concise, informative, and structured in a way that it can be easily pulled for featured snippets. By securing position zero, websites can significantly increase their visibility in voice search results.
4. Mobile-Friendly and Fast-loading Websites
Voice search is closely tied to mobile devices, as users often perform voice searches on their smartphones. Therefore, having a mobile-friendly and responsive website is crucial for voice search optimization. Websites that are not optimized for mobile devices may receive lower rankings in voice search results. Additionally, fast-loading websites are preferred in voice search, as users expect quick and accurate responses to their queries.
5. Local SEO and Voice Search
A substantial portion of voice searches is location-based, with users seeking local businesses, services, or information. Optimizing for local SEO is essential to capture these voice search opportunities. Businesses should ensure that their name, address, and phone number (NAP) information is accurate and consistent across various online directories and platforms. Furthermore, focusing on location-based keywords and creating content relevant to local audiences can improve rankings in voice search results.
6. Voice Commerce and Transactions
Voice search is not limited to informational queries; it also extends to voice commerce, where users make purchases or perform transactions using voice commands. As voice commerce gains traction, businesses should explore opportunities to optimize their websites for voice-driven transactions. Implementing secure payment gateways, voice-driven shopping carts, and personalized voice shopping experiences can enhance the user’s journey and drive conversion rates.
In conclusion, voice search optimization is a critical aspect of modern SEO. Embracing natural language, understanding user intent, securing featured snippets, focusing on mobile-friendliness, leveraging local SEO, and exploring voice commerce are all key strategies for optimizing websites for voice search. By staying ahead of the curve and partnering with Shariwaa, the experts in SEO and website optimization, businesses can thrive in the voice-first era.
Ready to optimize your website for voice search and future-proof your SEO strategy? Contact Shariwaa to discover how our team of SEO specialists can help you stay ahead in the voice search landscape.
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qodeify · 3 years
SEO and Its Future: 5 Predictions About the Future of SEO
Know about SEO and top 5 predictions about the future of SEO. More than 500 digital marketing experts took a survey and gave an idea about what is going to work in SEO in the upcoming few years and how the industry is going to behave.
Read More: SEO and Its Future
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ntknowledgenow · 4 years
The Future Of SEO in Digital World
An incredible dominant part of web clients relies upon web crawlers to search for data. The web is a colossal wellspring of data and information. Arranging data on the web is a goliath task. Website streamlining looks to attempt and achieve this. There is a consistent increment in the number of web clients with an ever-increasing number of individuals getting to it with their work areas, PCs and cell phones.
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As the traffic increments so do the requirement for increasingly more data. This offers to ascend to the requirement for guiding traffic to the correct data and making data effectively available to clients. Here is the place the requirement for Search Engine Optimization appears. 
Site improvement utilizes order to assist sites with including in query items. At the point when you type a catchphrase and quest for it on any web search tool, you get a rundown of connections to sites that can have potential solutions to your inquiries. You will in general snap on that connection which shows up first accepting that since it was the first to be highlighted it would contain the most extreme data.
Utilizing this mental propensity of clients, sites control Search Engines with the end goal that their sites include on the highest point of the record. Presently since all sites are contending with one another to catch the eye of the client, every one of them utilizes SEO in Future in digital world as a 'compelling showcasing instrument' which a few people decided to Search Engine Manipulation. As the challenge gets fiercer, the requirement for Optimizing Search Engines additionally develops alongside it. So we can securely say that SEO's are setting down deep roots. 
Website improvement has more to it than simply deceiving the web crawler. Today website admins feel the requirement for building the sites so that it gets higher putting in SERP of its related watchword. Paid arrangements are such an expensive undertaking, that an ever-increasing number of sites are going for natural enhancement.
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Website optimization specialists will get the opportunity to make a lot from this rising pattern. Web-based life Optimization is another developing pattern. You get different destinations to advance your connections and the other way around. Online networking sites are immensely well known among clients. Website design enhancement looks to make increasingly more of this.
The Social Media Optimization of your webpage improves your site's positioning. Data and its availability are the eventual fate of the World Wide Web. Your site ought to have the option to create an increasingly accessible and interface commendable substance. Search engine optimization has a future here also. Again your sites ought to agree to Web Standards to show up in greatest query items and furthermore top the ordering outline.
What's more, in conclusion, the most significant thing is important data and substance. After every one of those controls and deceiving for pulling in guests what you need the most is important data for their query item. All things considered, data is the thing that they are searching for. 
With web crawlers remembering sound and video information for their ordering, the ubiquity of these is relentlessly developing. With the development in the notoriety of Search Engines and expanding rivalry among website admins, latest SEO truly has an extraordinary future ahead.
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shrikantdadhich · 5 years
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SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
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SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
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Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
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SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
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Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
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SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
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Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
0 notes
SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
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Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
0 notes
SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
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Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
0 notes
SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
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Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
0 notes
SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
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Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
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Future of SEO:Determining the Real Purpose of Unnatural Outbound Link Penalties
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Seeing Google intent on introducing changes, SEOs could only do one thing: adapt to the change while correctly predicting the short-term as well as the long term impact of that change. Recently, it was about ‘unnatural / irrelevant outbound links attracting penalties impacting the sites. And many SEOs responded something from do nothing to nofollow all the outbound links, which doesn’t go with the advice of Google's John Mueller. He suggested to nofollow only those links that direct to a sales page, product, or social media page. This blog is an attempt to initiate a discussion on what the impact of the step by Google could really be. Why to think along this line? Because Google engineers are not launching Penguin; negative SEO making it challenging for Google to pinpoint or penalize those sites for not including strategies they themselves have not implemented; Penguin severely yet temporarily thrashed the link-building markets. So how the webmaster would respond? Possibly in the following 3 ways: Do nothing. If your website keeps on performing as before (in terms of traffic, visibility, ranking, etc.), why should the webmaster consider doing anything about the penalty over the outbound links on your site?Even selling links won’t harm you if not the info is not made public. Performcleanupon the site- innocent or guilty. If the website wants to stay in Google’s good book, it would try to perform cleansing on the site to remove any suspicious links that might have caused the penalty and then file a reconsideration request to Google. Obviously work will be much more for the sites that have participates in link schemes but they would know exactly which outbound links might have landed them in penalty. After cleansing, submit reconsideration request with appropriate message. In both the scenarios, Google’s cause is served. In the first case, link developmentis fraught with suspicion: is the outbound link valuable or carries risk even with Mozrank. In the second case, Google would know about the nofollowed/removed links and keep a track of the offenders. Being able to control the sites taking part in link schemes will serve Google in bettering the algorithm in pinpointing manipulation of link profile.The data collected from guilty sites would help Penguin to penalize other guilty sites with full confidence, even issuing manual actions. What purpose of Google does the unnatural outbound links penaltyserve? Inducing ‘fear’ (of getting penalized) in legit webmasters to sell/place links. Adding confusion as well as devaluation of link scheming if the spamming webmasters continue to do for what they were penalized. Making webmasters afraid of buying /exchanging links for the fear of getting scammed and even overridden by the legitimate websites. Bettering the Penguin algorithm and readying it for real-time implementation. Once Google used to lower the PR of the link-selling websites, now it cannot be known. And while going after outbound links, knowing the value of the acquired link has become even more difficult. Usual link building strategies are not going to reward webmasters now as the search marketing landscape continues to evolve, forcing brands to undertake solid, well-thought online marketing strategies. And the best of it begins with our old buddy, story-driven blog writing; it’s slow but worth all the efforts over the due course of time. Thus as SEOs, you are to think about what future strategies based on predicting the intent of Google’s action and not just react out of shock at what Google choses to do to make websites undertake practices to legitimately get the attention of their target audience. So focus must be on… Building only those links that provide value; meaning they should be relevant as well as goes with the source page content. Content that has the link directing to the destination page which must also be relevant to the source page as well, sans commercial keywords which could cue towards it being an unnatural link. Identifying those clients that work on building relationships with their customers to turn them into brand advocates. Let us what you think of the ideas shared in this blog! Read the full article
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SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
0 notes
SEO Tips And Tricks To Grow A Website From Zero To Hero to Be In The Future in 2018
Search Engines Optimization (SEO) can play an important part in making increased exposure of a blog and ensuring a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERP) as a mark of good traffic. Here we are discussing some SEO tips to boost traffic and conversion. All bloggers and webmasters are aware that SEO techniques are constantly changing and they need to update fast with the latest techniques. Beyond the basic operations, SEO engineers are also called upon to use comprehensive analytics to gauge demographic information and glean other vital metrics concerning visitors who have interacted with a website. Such a broad analysis will expose the paths users take in completing a sale, as far as E-commerce sites are concerned. It will also bare the keyword used for search before making purchasing decisions. For executing an effective SEO strategy, good knowledge of On-page SEO and Off-page SEO is essential in ensuring high ranks for targeted keywords in the SERPs. Double Your Traffic with Latest SEO tactics
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                             picture credit According to renowned web and digital marketing expert Neil Patel, SEO is crucial in lifting traffic and brand awareness. The bulk traffic of a website comes from search queries. The stats by HubSpot put that traffic volume to be 80 percent stressing that SEO is indispensable for websites. But SEO calls for a lot of research and experimentation. This is because algorithms of Google undergo regular updates. Staying tuned to the latest buzz is more important. On a day, Google conducts over 3.5 billion searches. In the United States alone there are close to 80 percent people using the web to research products and services prior to buying. Once a website start ranking in the first pages of Google SERP, there is a guarantee that visibility is assured. It also reassures good traffic, more conversions, business and higher revenue. But appearing on the first page of the search results is a hard work as 75 percent of users will never want to see the second page! This calls for working out an SEO action plan in concert with an exhaustive SEO guide. Huge Close Rate from SERPs It is estimated that the first three organic search results of a SERP will carry 60 percent of all traffic from a web search. The close rate of leads coming from a search is a huge 14 percent, compared to 1.7 percent from print or direct mail advertising. Surefire SEO Tactics            
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                                     picture credit There are so many advanced SEO tricks to increase search traffic. But getting more visitors is the only way to convert more people into customers. Other conversion optimization tools accompanying traffic are a clear lead capture form, a sales page, and descriptive product pages. Some curative steps for any website in getting better traffic will have these steps. SEO Audit of the website Learn what users want Make SEO optimized landing pages Make website mobile-friendly Grow traffic with infographics Optimize content for RankBrain Link to external sites of high Domain Authority Use competitors’ SEO keywords Revise old articles to bring more organic traffic Use AdWords copy in on-page SEO Play up multiple keywords in SEO page titles Regularly updated old content Have content of words up to 2000 Post valuable content on social media Advanced SEO internal deep linking Offer link juice to lower ranked pages SEO Audit of the website: W a website audit is crucial in assessing what all SEO tips and tricks need to be applied if there is a lag in search traffic, ranks, and sales. All SEO companies offer this service but if it is done DIY, a lot of money will be saved. In general terms, auditing is a systematic examination for looking into the current position to make smarter decisions to go ahead in the future. Google search will also throw up similar niche blogs with link building opportunities. Blog Commenting Blog commenting is the oldest link building technique for off page SEO. You can easily build high-quality backlinks through blog commenting and finding similar blogs is not so tough. The following format will help. Keyword “comment here” (e.g. SEO tips “comment here”) Keyword “submit comment” Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot” Keyword “Post a Comment” Keyword “leave a comment” Keyword “Powered by WordPress” Keyword “add comment” Using third-party tools also help in tracing niche blogs with the following URLs. http://linksearching.com http://dropmylink.com http://botw.org Brian Dean’s Traffic Boost Tips                    In this analysis of latest SEO technique that hikes traffic and conversions, the views of Brian Dean as the CEO of Backlinko is very pertinent. Backlinko is a case study in the science of attracting huge traffic. It turned two years in 2018 and the site surpassed the goal of targeted 30,000 visitors a month. In reality, it got a traffic growth that is humungous at 85,000 to 90,000 a month. In his view on the current trends in SEO, Dean says it is a throwback to the best practices in the past. Google’s Penguin updates of April 2012 targeted link spam and wiped out millions of sites marking the search giant’s war against blackhat SEO that was thriving on spurious links. Before Penguin, thousands of site owners used black hat SEO to get huge ROI. Google figured this out and kicked out falsely-acquired search rankings and sites saw rankings nose diving. Old Formula for Quality Traffic       
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                        picture credit In the past, the right formula for quality traffic was building a great site, writing content around targeted keywords, using email outreach to yield backlinks to the site. Dean says this is demanded even today. Barring the short interval that let some manipulative people cheat the system via link spamming things are going back to the good old days. A lot of VC money is coming into AdWords, notes Brian.  But he warns Adwords as a quick fix for big traffic while SEO still undoubtedly the horse for a long haul marathon. While SEO scales with people, Pay Per Click scales with a budget and they are totally different things. SEO for Long-Term Benefit            
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                             picture credit Pay Per Click is like throwing something into a fire. Once the throw stops, the fire dies out. But in SEO, the benefit stays longer and dividends will last for many years. In building quality traffic to a quality piece of content, Brian’s rule of thumb is spending 20 percent of the time in writing the content and devoting 80 percent time in promoting it. So, on an average, he spends two hours in writing and 8 hours in the promotion. But for a more competitive keyword, the promotion may still go up. A priority area for Brian is sending at least 250 emails for each post that he publishes in addition to the stock email list. He admits a lot of hard work in it plus tricks to scale up. Using BuzzSumo a few keywords related to niche pieces of content are searched to know what content has done well in social media and he will trace the shares. Sorting those Twitter shares and the names of people who shared a piece of content similar to the one to be promoted will do rest of the work. An assistant can trace out the email IDs and send them to people with a simple email text, “Hey, I noticed you shared , I have .” The email list that he built over six months boosted the traffic. Now he is taking 200 e mails a day. Parallel to the email outreach for new content, Brian did upgraded content on his site for making a bonus piece of content related to the blog post he has attached. Readers could receive that bonus piece free for exchanging their email address. Google Ranking Criteria Blog            
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                         picture credit Dean’s most popular blog post was on Google ranking criteria that had email conversion rate of 0.4 percent. After the content upgrade, it went up to 5.5 percent. He also leveraged skyscraper technique. “Before I this I really struggled with content marketing,” he notes. The ingredients of this technique have three main steps Discover content in a niche already performed well Use the base of a well-performed content and improvise it Promote it with outreach to people who shared the content Backlinks created a post called Google’s 200 Ranking Factors. Before penning this post, Brian studied posts speculating 200 factors but no one compiled all 200 most and stopped at 120-150. So reworked the content better by writing all 200 including speculative items and reached out to people who had early shared blogs that contained 120-150 factors. Brian’s post earned 250 quality backlinks and generated 15,000 unique visits a month on its own. That made him so popular that he was invited as a speaker at a big conference in London. Brian says getting quality traffic need not be a grind as in a timetable of publishing every Thursday to get high traction. “I think you can completely transform your rankings, your business, and be perceived as an expert with one post.” SEO Trends Outlook In Brian’s outlook SEO will not change much in the next 12 months. He insists there were no big changes in the last 12 months and link spamming is gone. The Hummingbird update was not so drastic and Penguin update was a refresh of the existing one. Dean says the promotion of the content will be the key and it makes a huge difference on the ground when combined with SEO. Read the full article
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