#gameplay wise I still prefer Hollow Realization
nachtvale101 · 4 months
Got around to finishing the main campaign for SAO Lycoris, and goddamn, I take back all the downbad thoughts I've had about Hersyrian up until that point LMAO (well mostly, he is still quite pretty)
Philia, Premiere, and Itsuki will always take up my top 3 favorite gameverse characters, but if there was ever a contender to threaten one of their spots, it'd be her. She is so <33333
Anyway now I'm making my way through the extra post game content before I start the DLCs. The first apostle quest has reignited my once dead Kirisinon heart fr
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Also Yujikiri
Decent chunk of fuel to be found in Lycoris. In the gameverse in general tbh xD, and I will eat it up every single time
I love them <33
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thebindingofpillo · 2 years
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Always together, NEVER apart.
Went to Rome last weekend and came back with massive brainrot. So behold! More OCs! And an impromptu Roman History lesson, I hope you’re ready because BOY am I.
So, to keep it short, Romulus and Remus were the mythical twins that founded Rome. I’m not gonna go super into detail in their backstory, bc it’s very heavy and pretty long, so the tl; dr: Romulus and Remus were both nephews of a powerful king, and fated to build a great city. But they couldn’t both be kings, so Romulus killed Remus, after a dispute where Remus disrespected him and the city he was in the process of building. So now Romulus is king, but at what cost?
Both the twins are made of marble because flesh is too boring I guess. My first idea was to make them both bronze statues but then I realized that bronze was more of a Greek material. Romans greatly preferred marble, and imported large quantities of it from various parts of the Empire. Anyway, their situation is pretty interesting, since Romulus is the only one who could be considered “sentient” in a way, but we’re getting there. Now for the closeups!
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Fun fact: cipollino marble is also known as onion stone, so if you call him onion boy, I will support it. He’s a very passive person, okay with mostly anything, even something extremely dangerous. Doesn’t really care about things like making friends or talking with people, but while he may not look for the company of others, he still enjoys a good chat from time to time. Extremely polite, unless you give him a reason not to be. He’s very protective of his twin brother, to an obsessive degree, and deeply regrets killing him. He knows he cannot erase what he has done, so he views his situation in the Basement as a sort of punishment. He’s forever cursed to drag his undead brother everywhere, as a reminder of his act.
He wears a toga praetexta, a type of toga with a red trim, usually associated with rulers, and power. Velato capite (or capite velato) literally means covered head, and it was a style of wearing the toga associated with high priests. In ancient Rome, the emperor is the highest priest of all (pontifex maximus) and while Romulus was a king, not an emperor (important difference!) I felt it was still appropriate. The crown is a sun crown (or radiate crown).
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And now the him! I’m very proud of the marble effects on Remus. Anyway. He wears a toga atra, a type of dark grey (or brown) toga usually worn in periods of mourning (since he’s dead... maybe it was more appropriate the other way around but I still think it fits).
As I mentioned before, Remus is not entirely “sentient” or at least does not appear to be. He’s little more than a hollow shell in the shape of a person. He does not speak or move on his own, but can still walk and move his only arm (usually prompted by Romulus). With that being said, some believe Remus might actually talk with his brother. It’s not unusual to find Romulus deep into a one-sided conversation with his silent brother, or for Romulus to speak for him (”Remus doesn’t really like you” “Remus saw a shop over there” etc.). Nobody knows how the two communicate, or if they actually do. Some believe Remus has telepathic abilities, most think it’s just Romulus’s delusions.
Anyway, I think we’re done here! I really don’t know what else to say, except that I have no idea how they would work gameplay wise, I just wanted to do something related to Roman mythology and then one thing led to another, and now we’re here. Feel free to ask about these two! It might actually help me work out their personalities more. I would love to hear what you think of them.
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EOR Shinjuku Singularity: Section 13~Section 16
Leaving the last two chapter for that final boss fight... At least one day to complete as much main quest by AP, helps... In good way since free quest with SQs are coming... I’m still not that ready to face the gimmicks in it OTL Here we go, let’s continue from the last howl heard in Section 12!
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Section 13
Minutes or even hours before the Gudas and crew hear that unexpected howling... Inside the league HQ, Other James warning yet encouraging the Rider of Shinjuku to never stop hating humans, but warned about the power of the Phantom Spirit he was about to fuse into him
After that a narration of the Rider of Shinjuku’s thoughts of his own hatred to humanity... And... The sadness in missing his hometown...
Regardless, back at the crew, Rider arrived yet unseen in naked eye before them. Guda could tell yet they can’t see them. It borrowed one of our Siegfried’s item to make himself invisible?! That explains the boss gimmick fight later...
Removing the invisibility, Rider now showed their appearance before them. Sherlock finally able to deduce the headless rider above Lobo, Hessian! Or the title of a german mercenary... To a particular one that’s known for Halloween tale, guess his lore from the Sleepy Hollow was summoned from there...
Lastly, looks like by their hatred of sorts, Hessian Lobo turned from Rider into Avenger class Servant! Time to for an all-out defense while protecting the Gudas, their target, from being killed!
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Unlike JP’s... Euryale is equipped with the ignore invincibility + 50% NP charge at the start. At least this round before the next is slightly better... Nearly about to die from Lobo’s attack along with Merlin that constantly got crit too OTL
But HP break with coming crit fest is not fucking fun!
Plot wise, Lobo’s fangs nearly chomped off Gudas’s head off if it weren’t for James’s warning! Despite it retreated for gameplay, the battle is still hellish with Lobo’s hatred in wanting to kill Gudas in particular.
Wait, can’t we just retreat first to think of another strategy?! Wait Jeanne? Oh come on, for now here you’re honest?! For hell’s sake, don’t act all tough when the Gudas are worried about you!
Forced to retreat leaving Jeanne Alter and Hessian Lobo... Her fires unleashed set like a ring so Lobo can’t escape. While attacking Lobo, Jeanne revealed how similar they are due to their burning hatred inside them, turning them into mindless killing machine for life...
As though hitting his wound spot about his wife... Lobo bite right at her heart. The second bite, Jeanne ensure her Noble Phantasm will trap him here longer. One last bite, Jeanne Alter lose her conscious. Her thoughts reminiscence her own existence as Jeanne’s counterfeit from birth and about Gudas... 
Inside the roost, a meeting began in forming a new plan to beat Lobo. A phantom spirit now a level comparable to a Demonic Beast in Babylonia. More further history about wolves in America explained by Sherlock, Gudas felt sympathy for Lobo’s suffering
Artoria Alter explains and revealed her conversation with Jeanne Alter about the latter’s existence and the meaning of all Avenger-class Servants’s vengeance. Sherlock then suggest a similar plan in which how Lobo was trapped when Blanca’s dead body was used to lure him out---
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If you got Avenger of Shinjuku before starting this Singularity, his True Name and Noble Phantasm will finally be revealed: Hessian Lobo
Section 14
Meanwhile, Lobo roaming around in the streets eating and killing every humans he could find. He narrated in his thought how it felt good when he first ate a human, thinking about his pack, his family and his beloved wife died by human’s hands...
His first impression of Hessian who worked with him, though he initially didn’t like a human companion but ended up didn’t mind his presence. Killing humans in hoping it would relieve his homesick to go back to his land... Yet, he forgotten by the time he kept killing
Now in the highway, Artoria and Gudas ready their plan to lure Lobo out. Flashback with WHY CAVALL II WAS USED AS BAIT... I agree that he lost his sanity by now with all the killing to avenge against humans. I agree with Artoria more, I still do not agree with using Cavall II as bait!
Fou? Or Fou now communicates with Cavall II as translator... Shouldn’t they get Enkidu to do this? And... That’s how he agreed to help?!
Back at the present, Lobo is coming! Trusting to Artoria, the Gudas ride off with her as Lobo chased after them... Demonic trap doesn’t work or rather he bite it right off to chase them! Neither does the second trap with another bite to the dust!
Clinging harder to ensure they’re fine, the final trap... Sherlock, now! Putting Cavall II out in the middle, Lobo reacted and stopped! This time did it work..? We did it! We finally trapped him inside for good! Now, to bring peace to the unrested soul...!
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I’ll defintiely need to work more on Proto Cu for his stats, getting a harder time to deal damage while keeping Merlin and him alive... His HP break part that was annoying was buff removal. But thank god all through the fights, his insta-death never worked here OTL 
Maybe should brought Siegfried since George been spamming NP here to turn him into a dragon, but welp, ST NP preferred for this single boss fight.
While fighting Lobo, his magical energy is weakened enough that he can’t escape anymore! But before Artoria could deal the finishing blow... The Hessian got down and protected his Wolf partner!
Using this chance with Sherlock stopping Artoria Alter, Lobo bite his own leg and left with body covered in fatal wounds. Hessian disappeared back into the throne of heroes, leaving Lobo to find his peace alone...
Lobo in the streets, already know Cavall II isn’t Blanca wondered why he stopped the moment he saw him. He even wondered Hessian whom he treated as a tool of why he protected him and give time to escape. In his last thought as he collasped... Lobo yearns to go back home or the home he has is Shinjuku by the time he realized... His last howl echoed to the sky, seeing Cavall II’s faint appearance before losing consciousness...
Section 15
Another narration that’s from Other James... Inside the League HQ, Emiya Alter reported that Lobo was gone. Emiya Alter decided to prepare an Ambush before the Gudas’s arrival to stop their plans. He left to the streets with his Hornet ordering to have the Gudas to meet their end
Inside the roost, Cavall II praised by Artoria Alter for doing a better job than Gudas... Don’t blame Sherlock, blame your author for making your prime on your old age!
All 3 League members defeated... Leaving Emiya Alter and Other James also time running out before the meteor destroyed the earth. Emiya Alter standing guard outside the barrel, the main problem before wondering how the meteor is coming into earth
To break the formation of Emiya’s plan... We bring our favorite Suicide NP Arash into this! Via his insane flying rock in Camelot... CAN WE NOT DO THAT AGAIN?! Thanks to James and Da Vinci’s invention in creating that flyer... Time for a single-targeted fight onto Emiya Alter!
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Our backup Machine doll came too to fight against the 200 that cannot be killed for gameplay unless command seal + SQ is needed! The Gudas left with Artoria Alter by the smoke bomb into the gun barrel tower.
James and Emiya Alter fought for a while before letting him go to find the Other James... Though Emiya Alter questioned if he’s the real one instead of the clone.... He eventually give chase to them once leaving the Hornets to deal with the machine dolls
Section 16
Inside the lower floor of the tower, definitely got tons of machine dolls, hornets and chimera coming at us! The first wave at us 3 Hornet, 2 Machine doll and 1 Chimera!
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Cleared! Da Vinci reported with a Servant behind us... Emiya Alter?! Crap, now we got to--?! He’s not chasing after us? Nevermind, follow Mash’s order and contnue towards the second wave of Shadow Rama aka Macbeth! Damn it, I really hope you’re really alive before we can save you, Shakespeare!
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Macbeth down! Now 3 King Lear up next at our ass!
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With them down, Da Vinci explained the difference between Shakespeare and Hans personality. Thank you for the explanation Da Vinci, good stalling time for 3 Hornets + 2 Berserker Chimeras to kill us!!
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Good grief... Now that we’re about to reach to the final boss, time for 3 round of consecutive fights against them!
I’ll admit after seeing Cu Proto’s fight for Lobo... I’m not confident my Lancers can fight James... The final two chapters are a bitch, I’m not rushing so much so there’s that with Command Seals... I’ll stop here and continue once I finish my last mission for CCC!
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