#ganon using you to passively keep tabs on the one sword that can kill him
thirstforhelmets · 1 year
Ganondorf x F!Reader: After your life! I’m -not- your wife AU
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Ganondorf: How many times does this make it, Assassin? Four losses?
F!reader: *Beat up and nearly unconscious on the ground* 
F!Reader/Assassin/Future!Wife: *Has barely enough strength to flip him the bird before fully collapsing in exhaustion*
Ganondorf: *Smirks before eyeing the stolen Master Sword embedded in the ground nearby* 
Ganondorf: You’re lucky your tenacity for humiliation has kept that sword out of the whelp’s hands for this long.
Ganondorf: *Kneels down next to your head* 
Ganondorf: Expect me to visit your village next month.
Assassin: Urgh...
Ganondorf: I’ll be staying in your room the whole time as well.
Assassin: Fuck you, Gaan...
Ganondorf: *pauses for a moment*
Ganondorf: Our daughter still likes blue, right?
Assassin: *deep sighs*
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