#gatekeeper: so...[checks list] ...aha! death knight!
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this is peak sitcom material what the fuck intsys. i can’t stop laughing there’s so many things that make me wheeze i can’t list all of them
the fact that the gatekeeper needs a goddamn list to keep track of the absurd variety of heroes we’ve accumulated over the years
this list is of zero help when three out of the four in this motley crew refuse to give out their actual names
there are gods in this lineup. all in a row, waiting for this one good boi to let them in the gates.
the self-declared embodiment of flame is there. we murdered him. death herself is also there. we also murdered her.
actually we’ve pretty much personally murdered most of this lineup, they’re horrible villains. hooligans, all of them. why is naga here. why are you hanging out with these bastards, naga.
gatekeeper just being rendered silent in the presence of all of these. he’s already told off loli manaketes and pot-wearing villagers for trying to enter the gates when they’re clearly not supposed to be there, but at this point he’s just been fully smacked in the face with the lengths of the ridiculousness we can summon. he’s just one good gatekeeping boi. barring entrance to these monstrosities.
also he fought one-on-one with thorr in the forging bonds main story before this. this boy just sitting here, facing gods on the regular, every day. this is his new normal now.
gakekeeper managing to keep his chipper attitude all throughout this time.
anyways god bless this one single scene for making my entire day, thanks intsys
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