nvrlcnds · 2 months
closed starter: @gctawaygirl muse: dominik weber, 40, paramdeic, bisexual. plot via wishlist: (x)
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Raising twins as a single father was not easy, to say the least. Their fifth birthday was coming up and he had no idea what he was doing and it was stressing him out. Trying to make both his son and daughter happy with a combined theme was a lot harder than he thought it could be. The only person he could think of who knew his children better than he did, was their nanny. She had been working for him for a while now. He knew it was temporary as she was in school wanting to become a teacher, he just hoped her send-off day wasn't soon. They had yet to have that conversation with the kids. The twins had never taken to someone so fast. They adored her and he could admit to himself that he did too but there was a voice in his head telling him to not even go there. They had a fairly large age gap and he was certain that the younger woman would never see him that way. Now he was waiting for her arrival so he could (hopefully) ask for her help with the party, the twins off happily in their playroom.
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lustsfuls · 5 months
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ALESSANDRO EYED THE WOMAN WITH interest, amused by her defiance. even with him owning her, she still had the audacity to be stubborn. ❝make you? need i remind you that you're in my territory. i could make you. i could also ask others to do it for me,❞ he retorted. as much as he enjoyed how she was acting out, he had to put her in her place and remind her of who was in charge. ❝your poor father licked my boots just to spare you, so don't force my hand to let all that effort go to waste.❞ he clenched his jaw. ❝i'll ask again, and there won't be a third time. come closer, and while you're at it, take off all your clothes.❞
alessandro & allegra || continued from (x) || @gctawaygirl
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euphoriclusts · 4 months
closed starter for @gctawaygirl (continued from here)
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her reaction doesn't surprise him, despite the time that had passed them both by - he still liked to think he had a good grasp on exactly who scarlett was. amusement fills his expression, a glint in his eye that harbours every ounce of mischief he inhibits. "make me," he murmurs predictably, biting into his bottom lip as he offers her a dark gaze. "yeah, right now. who knows when i'll get the chance to again. you might disappear into the night and i'm not willing to take that chance."
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starter for @gctawaygirl for liking this post / inspo muse: charlotte "charlie" beckett / for any muse that suits - romantic or platonic
"They really just make up whatever rumours they want, don't they?" The actress sighed quietly, dropping her phone onto the bed beside her and letting her head fall back onto her pillows, huffing. Charlie toyed with the blanket sprawled across her lap, scowling up at the roof for a moment before her she shifted, brown eyes falling onto their gaze.
"You don't believe those rumours, right?"
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adorcble · 6 months
she screamed in glee as she threw her arms around the other. "you got in." she began, looking up at him with bright eyes. "teddy! you got in." vic repeated, trying to grab his attention. "i told you, i knew you could do it - all you needed was someone to believe in you."
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fadinglights · 16 days
continued from here, @gctawaygirl
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he  is  pleasantly  surprised  when  camille  calls  out  his  name  with  such  palpable  excitement  —  at  least  she  still  remembers  his  name,  meaning  that  he's  not  the  only  one  still  carrying  the  memories  of  that  night  a  long  time  ago.  he  wonders  if  it's  only  a  chance  encounter  or  if  she  does  indeed  remember  where  he  works.  "how  are  you?  you  look  great."  he  begins,  his  smile  both  friendly  and  curious  as  he  observes  her  speechless  state.  "which  drink  do  you  feel  like  having  today?  we've  got  a  good  selection  of  cakes  today,  too."  he  introduces,  his  gaze  drifting  to  the  glass  display  next  to  the  cashier.
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vntagetee · 5 months
hi, all! i wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for sticking with me this year. i didn't think that i would come back to the rpc due to negative experiences on my old multimuse blog, but i've thoroughly enjoyed myself this time around. and that's because of all of you amazing, patient, kind, talented people !! i genuinely love everyone on my dash. you're all wonderful writers with interesting muses and i love creating with you. if we haven't gotten to write with each other yet, like one of my starter calls or better yet reach out to me to plot something !! have a safe new year.
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BLOGS THAT I LOVE : @shefatales, @escapedfromthevoiid, @anunkindncss, @heroexxs, @killing1snature, @dynastymuses, @fcntcies, @thesoulbound, @evilbastardface, @evildollface, @fuckingbiblical, @brknmnds, @k4ndall, @godresembled, @hothippiechick, @realmoffantasysworld, @fxcdboys, @carp3diems, @lavenderrpages, @bchemianrhapscdy, @finalslay, @cosmoteer, @anthrcpophagi, @protectxthem, @uncxntrxllable, @magikborn, @magikldreams, @iworryalotdarling, @nightvow, @thewxnderer, @whyscserious, @chlorinesiren, @sxlcst, @m0bhit, @fullintenticns, @thecavclry, @kook1ng, @homicidalqueeen, @maskedspector, @hcrde, @havensprings, @kookstationed, @try2prcve, @mischiefandnightmares, @goddamnmuses, @bloodbullied, @revcriess
BLOGS THAT I LOVE (AND WANT TO WRITE WITH MORE) : legends-and-savages, dogtccth, taleswritten, mccntower, spinxeret, jetaiimee, spicecbinet, multi-royalty, jmencken, denydefeat, ofsketchs, royaltyearned, aquamanandfriends, protagcnists, chaoticjoke, cardigaen, aconites, merveiilles, surgcns, sugarspicesins, menofmarvelx, v1ctimplagued, neonombre, maximummuses, goxinsane, thechiyonosakenyc, penniesxdimes, murkyhazed, polarnoid, illicitdream, batisms, dcwsonscreek, codename-val, musesofhororr, realmyths, ofyearnings, grcveyacd, multivcrsity, gctawaygirl, mindsbroke, legeandary, handfulxfhearts, maimedaffair, scarsmasked, sorrowsick, sheldoney
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frxgmcnts · 5 months
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With 2023 coming to an end I thought I'll bring this back, as I know the year hadn't been the best for a lot of people for a lot of reasons, myself included. The more reason to leave some love to all of you amazing people on my dash and everyone who has followed me through out the year. Of course, not everything was bad. I have met some wonderful new people and I hope to get to know more of you in the new year. So, celebrate today or keep it as comfy for you as you like. May 2024 treat you well and I'll see you on the other side! For everyone who's already made it to the new year, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I hope you all know that I adore and appreciate you a lot. That I'm immensely grateful to have you all in my life. I love every single ic thread and ship we have created thus far as well as talking to you ooc, no matter how consistently or not it may has happened. I know, a huge part of it is on me and that I haven't made it very easy this year, but nonetheless you have stayed with me. Some of you for several years now and some of you not that long, yet whichever it is I'm looking forward to a fresh new year with all of you by my side and hopefully many more years to come! Thank you and I love you lots! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
@lcstinfantasy / theolderhenderson / juniperthompson ; @dozenrozez; @r3dblccd; @doubtsndemons, @r4chelamber / havensprings; @carp3diems / hcllchesters / dcwsonscreek; @snnydcys / greatcstarcher / n0prom1ses / antiqsvchotic; @brknghrts / alwayslcyal; @shadowrealmofmuses; @anomalouss; @entangledmuses; @lungsandlips
@litearra; @acourtcfmuses; @redemptivexheroics; @unhlnged / byronlc; @dcrkfcngs; @nanlanmo; @insidi0sum; @anunkindncss; @storiesofthenight; @aesthetiicvibes; @heroexxs; @sunstriked; @brknmnds; @codename-val; @multi-royalty; @myriaed; @callmekie; @briillicnt; @midnightcruizin; @etherealsinners; @luposcainus; @royaltyearned; @chaosnclm; @norvstforthvwickvd; @foughtfate; @cheapxseats; @apurekindness; @samcarepeter; @killing1snature; @dialsdrnk; @aquamanandfriends; @gctawaygirl; @hothippiechick; @sakurapizza
I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did than dumblr definitely hid you in my follow list, but know it wasn't intentionally and that this post includes you too!
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barkskins · 5 months
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thank you so much to all of you angels for interacting with me over the last few months, partners new and old. i adore all of our partnerships and i can't wait to see what we come up next ! — @brckensociety , @hclysins , @luriddaze , @lcnelyday , @writtenwillow , @spectraled , @musemuseum , @perfectstcrm , @heroexxs , @missmvrder , @cardigaen , @atrickrtreat , @storiesfromthegrave , @foughtfate , @sakurapizza , @thursdaygrl , @julybloom . and thank you to my lovely mutuals that i would love, love to interact with over the next year. i'll make an effort to reply to opens and help your wish lists come true <3 — @anna-lalaland , @gctawaygirl , @introvrt , @heartbloomed , @dcymcres , @moonvvrites , @brighteds , @citrusfield , @desirespeaks , @silkchvffon , @stakesraised , @malboraslihan , @moonrvier , @horrorphase , @literarybaby , @intodusts , @aconites , @cariiad .
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cxnsiglixrx · 2 months
Closed Starter
Cont from here // @gctawaygirl
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Claudius sucked the inside of his cheek. The Roman did not expect to see the redhead again. Years before, before they were at the position they were in now, she was his lover. Claudius had loved her dearly, but when everything ended he did not allow himself to properly grieve her absence in his life. Claudius even intended to marry her, but he was a servant at the time. More important things were being set in place, and they took up all the room in his brain and heart.
Now she was before him again, surely facing death at his hand.
"I do have my orders." The order was capture and kill. Simple as that. But now, everything was complicated. Claudius sighed. The dark haired man remained on his chair. "Get up. Sit on the chair." He ordered. "I did not know you were married to Maximus..."
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noiranamnesis · 2 months
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tagged by: @retrograderesemblance
tagging: @scinglives, @gctawaygirl, @cursedvessels, @ofginjxints, and anyone else I missed!
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lustsfuls · 5 months
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ISAAC WATCHED IN AMUSEMENT, DELIGHTED by the view. he could almost see her ass through that short sparkly dress. exactly how he liked it. ❝i definitely love it.❞ grinning, he pretended to contemplate over her question. ❝there are definitely a lot of positions i'd want you in, but we can start with you on all fours, showing off more of that ass.❞
isaac & violet || continued from (x) || @gctawaygirl
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euphoriclusts · 5 months
for @gctawaygirl ( continued from here )
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the touch is welcomed and he has no qualms in conveying that very fact. so much so, that he's naturally pouting once it comes to an end. "oh, maybe...you're asking the wrong person," he snorts over the concept. he knew very little about botox himself, though he hardly judged anyone else who had it. "i always thought it like...hindered your ability to smile, but maybe you look naturally happy 'cause your eyebrows are high and everything..."
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takeurpickindie · 5 months
reply for @gctawaygirl from here
liberty looked at zara and she too missed being out in public with her, even though that terrified her as well. "babe, i... do we really need to have this discussion right now?" she wondered as her mind was still preoccupied with having to leave soon. she couldn't be late, her father would be so angry. "i know that you want more, and i do too. i really do. let's... can we... just postpone this conversation?" she wondered, not really sure whether she wanted to ever finish this conversation. she wasn't sure she could give zara what she deserved, she was terrified of her life imploding...
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adorcble · 6 months
her hands fiddled with the loose thread in her dress, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she listened to the going ons of the castle around her - rowena grew tired of listening to the other founders arguing about their houses. "honestly - do you ever grow tired of your own voices?" her tone snappy and annoyed.
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fadinglights · 5 months
continued from here, @gctawaygirl
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“their  loss,  really.”  jongin  loves  nothing  more  than  to  pleasure  his  partners  in  bed  and  going  down  on  them  is  by  far  one  of  his  favourite  ways  to  do  it.  he  shouldn’t  have  offered  to  help  given  that  they  are  friends  and  nothing  more,  but  the  alcohol  has  gotten  to  him  and  now  he  cannot  help  but  wonder  how  she’d  taste  on  his  tongue.  “i  mean,  if  you  ever  wanted  to  find  out  how  it  feels…”  he  raises  his  own  glass,  shrugging.  “i’d  be  happy  to  help.” 
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