#genetictraitor ; 006.
geneticpawn · 4 years
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     “  just  like  old  times,  huh ?  ”    nate grinned, the lethal kind, the sharp as wolf’s teeth kind, a reminder of what always lurked beneath the surface kind. nate had never been the best that manticore had to offer, but he had always been a good soldier. good and consistent and even now, with manticore long since burned to the ground, whenever he held a gun, whenever he did a job, that same efficiency that he had applied to manticore, peeked out and bared it’s sharpened teeth to the world.
conflict was where nate thrived. he enjoyed the luxuries, enjoyed the peace and the quiet and the leisure that came with a life outside of manticore but it was always only a visit. inevitably, nate found his way back to conflict. whether it was knocking heads for the neighborhood gangs, or being hired as a bodyguard for some local bigwig, nate was rarely far from trouble. it was however, rare that he find himself side-by-side with selene, neck deep in that trouble but it was familiar, and nate would have been lying if he had said that he didn’t miss it.
    nate glanced over his shoulder and from out behind his cover for a fraction of a second to clock the sector patrol, dark gaze raising to the drone hovering above them.    “  i’ll  take  out  the  drone,  you  go  around  the  left  and  flank  ‘em !  ”  //  @genetictraitor  ♡’d  for  starter
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