#genjuu yokai
hyxie1 · 11 months
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Finally finished this thing. Four of the genjuu yokai from YW4.
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silent-dragon · 1 year
Characters Taken (This list will be updated as I know who is taken/claimed)
Toadal Dude,Leggy,Arachnus,Enerfly and Enefly,Hyakki-hime/Damona ,Kuroi/Dark Yokai Watch,Lady Longneck,Drizzelda,Inari
I will reblog and add ocs to main post once I see them up. Please tag me when you do!
Also evolutions/fusions that are different I count as separate so feel free.
All the Nyan types that look like Jibanyan are free too and if want can make them related to Jiro as cousins as i hc he has alot of cousins.
Links to character lists of entire series for easy access
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Okay, well, it hasn’t been confirmed that Shadowside is coming back, but I wanted to talk about possible foreshadowing/ways that the show could continue.
AKA: I miss this show and I want it to come back so I’m analyzing things that could be interesting plot points.
PLEASE NOTE: This is entirely speculation and for fun. Nothing official has come out saying the show is continuing/coming back at the time this was written.
Well, first off there’s things brought up in the movie Forever Friends (which, if you haven’t seen it, I recommend you check out.) that I think could be pretty interesting to see in the show.
1. Suu-san:
One of these things is this picture during the credits:
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From the looks of it, it’s Susanoo’s ark. Which makes sense, considering Akinori is his great-great-grandson. Here’s what the ark looks like for reference:
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He didn’t bring it up while they were fighting Soranaki, so maybe it was given to him after the incident. Or maybe they couldn’t use it for some reason.
They could use it for a plot point where the kids summon Suu-san, or if it was blocked, they could find a way to summon him. It might be nice to see Suu-san reunite with Genbu and Byakko.
2. Ashura:
Something that was really interesting was that Ashura was working for Soranaki, and his defeat is what lets Douketsu get the Ashura Gouenmaru.
What I want to know is how did Soranaki get Ashura, and/or why Ashura would work for him anyway. Was it against his will or did Ashura do it consciously?
I like that they answered how Douketsu got the sword, but it just gave me more questions. Now that Touma has the Ashura Gouenmaru, they could find out about him working for Soranaki and try to find answers as to why.
(You know... if they continue the series...)
There’s also Yamata no Orochi, which might be an interesting topic too.
3. The Arihoshi family having the Yokai Watch
Alright, so in the movie it is established that before the watch was sealed away between Space-Time by Grandpa Enma, the Arihoshi family and Tsukuyomi were protecting it.
How did they get it? How long have they been protecting the watch?
Kine, Tae’s grandmother, had never met anyone who could use the Yokai Watch, so it’s probably been a long time since they first got it.
It’s possible that before Whisper got sealed away, he gave the watch to the Arihoshi family for safekeeping, since they’re magic users, and Tsukuyomi is their spirit guardian.
They also had Suu-san’s sword, but since Suusanoo is Tsukuyomi’s brother in their legend, it’s possible that she gave it to them for safekeeping.
Of course this is just speculation, but speaking of Tsukuyomi...
4. Tsukuyomi
She could show up again, maybe to give more insight into her relationship with the Arihoshi’s and maybe the Arihoshi family as a whole.
Tsukuyomi could also help explain how the Arihoshi family got the watch in the first place. Especially since she was so desperate to protect it that she inspirited a member of the Arihoshi to do it herself and attacked everyone in her path.
There’s something here that could be expanded upon in interesting ways.
5. The Himeno family
We know Ayame has magic, and is a descendant of a powerful sorcerer, but was her family once like Akinori’s? Did they actively practice magic at one point, and if that’s the case, why did they stop?
Did they have a guardian, like how the Arihoshi’s have Tsukuyomi, at one point? If so, are they still around, or if they did have a guardian but don’t anymore, what happened to them?
Ayame’s family hasn’t been really explored all that much, aside from a shot of the back of her parent’s heads and Akinori’s grandma talking about her ancestor.
At this point, Ayame herself doesn’t have much to do anymore, now that the Jorogumo plot is over, aside from make Akinori a hopeless loverboy.
It’s an opportunity to flesh out Ayame’s character more, and expand on the lore of the Yokai Watch world.
6. Akinori’s parents
We’ve seen all the main character’s parents, except for Akinori’s (and Tae’s, but I’ll get to that). Where are they?
Are they dead? Are they not involved in his life?
Maybe it’s a traditional thing where the oldest in the family teaches the kids magic. Tae was with her grandmother with no parents there either, so it’s possible.
I want to see them address it in the show, or at all, because I genuinely want to see what the deal is.
At least Akinori has Mitsue, Whisper, Micchi and Junior as family.
7. The Genjuu/Mythical Beast King
The Genjuu King was mentioned by Suzaku, and was the one who took away his Suzaku Sotenzan because he called him ‘Cute Little King‘ by mistake, but he’s never shown.
Considering the reason he got so mad was because he was called ‘Cute Little King‘, he’s probably something that’s not very intimidating and is insecure.
It wouldn’t be too far fetched to have the group go to see the Genjuu King, especially with Akinori having the Animasu. It’s also a chance to get more into what’s up with the Kenbumajin, since they’re literally Genjuu given human forms.
It has the potential for an interesting plot point.
8. Shutendoji
So, at the end of Shadowside, Shutendoji doesn’t really have anything to do right now. He followed Shien, then started trying to find Shuka, but now he doesn’t have anyone.
Well, except for the Yokai Detective Agency.
I want to see what they do with him. Is he going to still be a villain, looking for a boss to help take over the Yokai World, or is he going to become like a weird frienemy?
He kind of already went with the latter near the end of the series, but he just left and we didn’t see him go back to the agency at the end. I doubt he’ll leave the agency alone, so I want to see where they take the character.
9. Whisper’s Past
Of course I’d mention this, Whisper’s my favorite character, but it’s still a good plot point that I’m disappointed they didn’t mention before. Though, it does make sense when looking back at it.
The closest we get is his speech to Sebas in ep28, which is more of a vague reference to what we know, if you already know what happened.
Maybe it could be like Jibanyan’s past episode in the Shadowside series, where it’s a brief recap surrounded by plot. Maybe they could give us something new, kind of like Usuta, (maybe explain what’s up with him, that would be great too).
A good idea would be, as I’ve mentioned in the past, the kids going to the museum for whatever reason, and pass an exhibit about the Sengoku/Mitsunari where Whisper gets sad and reminisces for a moment.
(Could be a Micchi, Whisper and Junior episode, maybe? An episode focused on these three would be great on its own, honestly, I love their dynamic.)
10. Keita
It would be great for the anime to address Keita having the watch, more than the how they’ve been doing with vague nods to it. I want them to do it differently than they did in the manga, though. (From what I saw, he gets his a watch, which I don’t want. I just want them to address it and go.)
Maybe it’s just the kids finding out about it, either by chance or a slip of Whisper’s tongue, and wanting to find out more.
It makes sense that Natsume and Keisuke, especially Natsume, would want to know more about it.
Jibanyan doesn’t remember his time with Keita, and he could try to get answers from Whisper, or he remebers and that’s how the kids find out. Regardless, Jibanyan should be a part of it, in my opinion.
11. Inaho/Haily Anne and Usapyon
I just want them to address where Inaho and Usapyon went.
It could even tie in with the kids learning Keita had the Yokai Watch before Natsume and Keisuke. Whisper could mention that someone else had a Yokai Watch and ran a detective agency, so this perks the kids’ interest (especially Akinori’s) and they try to find her.
But, as much as I’d love at least a cameo of them, they don’t even have to show them. Just a mention of where they ended up.
(Shoehorning in that my headcanon is that they ended up working with Diana Gately and are now studying the Gates of Whimsy as a way for space/multidimensional travel.)
12. New Yokai
There are a bunch of new yokai and new designs for old yokai introduced in YKW4, so possibly just a bunch of cases focused on these yokai.
There can also be some that we haven’t seen before.
Personally, I want to see more yokai like Jorogumo. Like, yokai that are scary-looking, shamelessly evil, can’t be redeemed, and have to be put down. That’s my jam.
So those were my ideas for plot points that Shadowside could go over if it ever comes back.
If there’s anything you want to expand upon, add, or correct, feel free to do so!
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