ladymalchav · 1 year
Driving around Clearwater with my mom I saw a store called The Great Giftsby. It had baby clothes in the window.
My mom did not find this as funny as I did.
0 notes
chenkbunthal · 5 years
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Sudah lama gak otak-atik ginian 😁 Open order aaahhh ~ . . Yang bingung nyari kado mending dikadoin ini aja, daripada dikadoin sama yang gak pasti 😂😂 Cocok loh buat gift anniv, graduation, wedding dll. . Yang mau tanya2 silahkan cek bio yaa. Boleh tanya tanya sepuasnya. Asal jangan tanya gimana caranya kurus ✌😄 . . #logoface #logosby #vectorwajah #vectorface #vectorgift #gradasi #gradasiwarna #gradasiwajah #gradient #facegradient #gradientcolors #giftanniv #giftbirthday #giftwedding #giftgraduation #giftlogoface #giftvectorface #giftart #giftsurprise #giftsby #giftmurah #giftmurahsby #sbyart #giftsurabaya (di chenk.art) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxezjzkFDKG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=eaxnud48o7km
0 notes
shokoraa · 2 years
Doorstep Gifts
Doorstep Gifts
By: dc-kyun
Summary: This was the fourth time Shinichi found a criminal drooling on his doorstep and he's not happy about it. -KaiShin-
Status: Complete
Words: 14,489  Chapters: 5/5  Language: English  
Fandom: Detective Conan/Case Closed
Rating: Fiction T
Category: Gen, M/M
Characters: Kaito K., Shinichi K./Conan E.
Relationship: Kaito K., Shinichi K./Conan E.
Additional Tag: Romance/Hurt/Comfort
3 notes · View notes
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All Our Hidden Gifts
By Caroline O’Donoghue.
Cover art by Lisa Sterle.
10 notes · View notes
Analog Science Fiction Science Fact is the oldest surviving Science Fiction magazine. As Analog's  (then Astounding's) editor,   John W. Campbell ushered and nourished the  Golden Age of Science  Fiction. Campbell insisted on science in Science Fiction.  Today, Analog still  contains hard science stories and has a regular Science Fact feature. I had not read Analog in years, and am absolutely thrilled with my first issue in far too long. In a world where I feel I would be better off without a television, It's refreshing to find drama and suspense that does not reek of violence, and comedy and humor that is not redolent with obscenity/profanity. At a time when the Discovery Channel has reached new lows in pseudo science, it is encouraging to read science popularizations that are actually based in science. The underlying motif to this issue is doing the right thing. In Buddhist terms-- Right Action. Of course, reasonable beings may disagree as to what Right Action might be in a given situation. And sometimes one learns after the fact that one's action was not the best choice after all.
Rejiggering the Thingamajig by
Eric James Stone
is a
wonderful story
about doing what's right. Never thought I'd read a story where a Buddhist T. rex was the protagonist. Bokeerk is a wonderful character, and her companion for her mission, a sentient gun, is a delight. The gun reminded me of the talking bullets in
Who framed Roger Rabbit
or Yosemite Sam. To get home to her children's imminent hatching, she must follow the Eightfold path. Neptune�s TreasureBy Richard A. Lovett is an AI story.   Floyd has an AI living in his head name of Brittney. Reminiscent of the movie
All of Me
, only set in
space and without Steve Martin and Lilly Tomlin. Floyd and Brittney have serious personal/autonomy issues. The science of the story is wonderful-- mass drivers and recovery vessels. And space bicycles as well. Also spracht Strattman
Thus Spake the Aliens
by H. G. Stratmann is a story about saving the world, complete with large red Doomsday-cutoff-switch-button. These aliens are in the same business as Clarke's
with a more up close and personal approach. And they are quite implacable about weeding if the need arises. To say the story is rich in allusions to other works would be a vast understatement. The connection between the title of the story and of Richard Strauss's song, widely acclaimed for its use in
, could not be an accident.
The key to the story is a problem that is not often addressed, or more to the point-- it's largely ignored. There is a dead line for establishment of a real presence in space-- the point at which we exhaust cheap, abundant sources of energy. Somewhere before we reach that point is the point where a struggle ensues for control of those energy sources that remain. Whether or not civilization survives that struggle will have little impact on  what happens next. No alternative, renewable source will be able to fill the gap that will be left with the depletion of fossil fuels. Nuclear power will remain expensive, dangerous, and will only postpone the collapse. Fusion will remain as elusive as a will-o'-the-wisp for some time. We have gigatons of Hydrogen, but fusion's most
promising process
relies  not on Hydrogen but Lithium. Even if a Lithium-to-Tritium  plant started working tomorrow, we have no way of foreseeing the consequences of eliminating any particular element from the biosphere and would need to work with highly radioactive Tritium.  
Unless Stratman's aliens show up soon to terraform Mars and Venus, and  hand us the keys to the secrets of the Universe, tough times are ahead of us. We will have to use less energy per person or reduce the number of people using energy. We would eventually return to subsistence farming with limited manufacturing powered by wind and solar power-- essentially back to the 17th century. Perhaps the answer to the
Fermi-Hart paradox
 is that no civilization has been able to solve the energy crisis and overcome the energy gap. (It takes a huge amount of energy to go from planet to planet. Witness the huge fuel tanks of the Saturn V's needed to send
to the moon.) Even if one used  
the Orion nuclear pulse drive
to establish a local system space program, the unavailability of cheap, abundant energy would make it difficult to maintain the necessary level of technology. Once nuclear fuel became the mainstay of the economy, space exploration could be sacrificed as having a lower priority than meeting needs back home. Perhaps we are not the first civilization to see the stars not quite in our grasp and then to watch them slip away forever.  The Possession of Paavo Deshin
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
has a profile in this issue of Analog. I'm impressed by the thoroughness of her stories. Rusch builds her characters in a believable and sympathetic manner that leaves me yearning for more.
is one of her
Retrieval Artist
� stories. Retrieval artists are bounty hunters in a convoluted universe, and  Miles Flint is among the very best. Paavo was adopted after his birth parents fled to evade some outstanding alein warrants. But his birth parents have made sure they can keep in touch, naturally.  
Paavo's birth parents are Disappeareds-- essentially outlaws in the old sense of the word. Flint is hired by not one but two clients to locate the birth parents. His adoptive parents are well to do, powerful, and tainted by underworld connections. And they adore Paavo as if he were born to them. Maybe more so.  Rusch make quite plain her view on the subject of birth parents that re-enter a child's life wreaking havoc as they assert their rights. She equates them with terrorists, while Paavo's adoptive father is in his eyes, regardless of how others see him, the ideal and epitome of fatherhood.
(Uncle Orson review of the Retrieval Artist stories.)
Shame by  
Mike Resnick
Lezli Robyn
is a fairly straight forward example of what not to do. Given the colonists's mindset and attitude toward Satan, their actions should not have been unexpected. Perhaps that's the real shame of the story-- that as atrocious as the colonists's appear to the author and to his moral authority figure, given human nature they were unsurprising.
Simple Giftsby
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
is a story about the stereotypically greedy corporation out to profit on the simplicity's and naivety of the primitive, non tech natives. What could be more innocuous than a race that closely resembles (in appearance) the
Who's of Whoville
. The ethnologist and linguist sent to learn about the alien's language and culture implore the company to slow down on making a deal with the aliens and are disregarded as obstructionists. The outcome is inevitable, but the suspense building makes it all worthwhile. On Rickety Thistlewaite by  
Michael F. Flynn
is about the prison that is public service. Making oneself indispensable can be very rewarding and satisfying. Then it becomes an obligation not taken lightly by those who depend on you. As Harry Mudd exclaims to the
command team in
I, Mudd
. . . . A War of StarsDavid L. Clements writes a crisp and interesting story about questioning values and making choices. The concept of intelligence housed in celestial bodies-- the cores of planets and stars-- is reminiscent of
Rogue Star
in the
Star Child Trilogy
by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson. I would have hoped though that anyone advanced enough to use stars as weapons would also be advanced enough to not do so. Perhaps I'm just excessively naive.  
Copyleft of my material
Essentially, my work is Creative Commons Attribution-Required, Share Alike.
Adapted from their  Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license summary--
You may Share-- copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format  Adapt--  remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. I cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Attribution--  You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that I endorse  you or your use. No additional restrictions-- You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
Providing a link to my source document should suffice in attributing me. Where any condition(s) I place conflicts with the
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, my condition(s) shall prevail.
Copyright  of material that is not mineImages used in reviews are from
ISFDB unless otherwise indicated and are copyrighted unless otherwise indicated.
Copyrighted images are presented here under fair use. You would need to contact the copyright holder to use them. They are not covered by my creative commons licensing.
Coverart from ISFDB for Analog 2010 Jan-Feb
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rauthschild · 3 years
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Trump Says “Not Just Yet” While Watching Biden Give China Stolen Election Gifts
By: Sorcha Faal, 
A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today viewing with disgust how the leftist American media, big tech and socialist Democrats have “teamed up” in what is being called “The Great Suckup” to protect their leader Joe Biden, notes that this mass propaganda operation is needed because of the articles now emerging like “Trump’s Exit Approval Rating Higher than Biden’s Entrance Approval Rating”—an article pointing out such troubling facts like: “When President Trump took office in 2017, his first job approval rating in this same poll was 56 percent, which is eight points higher than His Fraudulency’s 48 percent...Hell, even Barry Obama entered office with a 67 percent approval rating back in ’09...The more you look at these numbers, the worse they are for Biden...When President Trump entered office, his disapproval rating was 44 percent…Biden’s disapproval rating is 45 percent”—and then states: “His Fraudulency is nowhere near as popular as the fake national media and heir failing echo chamber would have us believe, and the media no longer have any power when it comes to shaping or swaying public opinion”.
Sees it being true that these malign forces protecting socialist leader Biden “no longer have any power”, as best evidenced by the most-viewed clip on the official The White House channel on YouTube of a 31-minute video of Biden’s inauguration that has 11,000 thumbs up compared to over 53,000 thumbs down—and in response to now sees articles appearing like “No Dissent Tolerated: Biden White House Channel Disables Comments on All Videos, Scrubs Thousands of Comments”.
Events occurring at the same time socialist leader Biden blocked a key oil pipeline from being completed—the result of which will see the United States having to import more oil from Russia and Venezuela—after which Biden gave Russia a further gift by his agreeing to extend the New Start nuclear treaty for another 5-years—the main beneficiary of, however, is Communist China, as unlike President Donald Trump, who demanded they be put under this treaty’s restrictions on the number of nuclear weapons allowed, Biden has now given them permission to build as many of these weapons they want to—a gift justly earned by Communist China for them helping to steal the election from President Trump by unleashing the coronavirus on America—that Biden’s now added to by his rescinding Trump’s order banning Communist Chinese involvement in the US power grid.  
A wholesale sellout of America to Communist China just joined by the US Senate announcing that the impeachment trail of President Trump is set to begin on 9 February—a sham impeachment trial its now being reported about: “Only five or six Republican senators at the most seem likely to vote for impeachment, far fewer than the number needed”—and whose sheer lunacy is being pointed out by famed Georgetown University constitutional scholar Professor Jonathan Turley, who states the fact that the US Constitution doesn’t even allow the impeachment of a private citizen to throw them from an office they don't even hold, and sees him warning: “A Republican Congress could retroactively impeache Barack Obama or retry Bill Clinton…They could insist that there is no escaping impeachment by merely leaving office”.
And while contemplating this lunacy, this transcript shows Security Council Members shifting their attention to a document prepared for them by the Ministry of Defense (MoD)—a document first noting that 7,000 heavily armed US combat troops have just been ordered to stay in Washington D.C. until mid-March—then sees it confirming the bizarre discovery made by independent American defense experts that President Trump has been evacuated from Florida by the US military, as confirmed by the lifting of the flight restrictions put in place around the homes of all ex-presidents—and further notes that in the past few hours, President Trump released the first comment he’s made since leaving office cryptically telling the American people: “We’ll Do Something, But Not Just Yet”.
Though most interesting to note about President Trump’s “Not Just Yet” cryptic statement, it comes in the shadow of the news that socialist leader Kamala Harris has taken up residence in the Blair House across from the White House instead of in the vice president mansion because of supposed “repair issues”—today sees the Federal Register listing none of the executive orders signed by Biden, and which always appear within hours of being signed—and further sees no one talking about the 21 cases contesting the results of the 2020 election still waiting to heard and ruled on by the United States Supreme Court and other US Federal Courts.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, the current state of America with socialist leader Biden having been in power for less than 72-hours is best encapsulated in the articles “Banished To A Cold Garage, Investigated For Sedition, Exposed To Covid... Biden Sure Respects His National Guard Troops”, “Geneva Conventions Forbid Forcing Soldiers to Sleep In Parking Garage” and “Bidens Gave Their Dogs Warm, Fluffy Doggie Beds to Sleep In – Made Troops Sleep on Cold, Hard Floor in Parking Garage — Are You Paying Attention, Yet?”—articles whose beyond shocking details of demand answers be given as to how such a thing can occur, but will never be given because the truth of what’s now occurring can be found in the just published statement: “If we cannot ask these questions, confident that we’ll be met with reason and proportion, we’re living in a tyranny”.
With tyranny being an oppressive government ruling over its citizens by cruel, unreasonable and arbitrary use of power, this report notes, this term exactly applies to the United States under the reign of socialist leader Biden—who on his first day in office conducted a massive purge of all government workers supporting President Trump—then killed over 70,000 high paying American jobs—that he followed by ordering a massive US military convoy into the Syrian war zone—then saw him wrecking the President Trump-brokered peace deals between Israel and the Arab world.
Moves made to insure that the endless wars being waged by America will now explode into greater intensity, this report continues, and to keep the American people from interfering, now sees socialist leader Biden having just ordered his governments intelligence services to begin a mass campaign of terror against the American people under the guise of rooting out “violent extremism”—further sees Biden openly admitting that his biggest campaign promise to “shut down the virus” was a lie, with his now stating: “There is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”—and after killing tens-of-thousands of high paying jobs, now sees Biden having just told the American people: “The economic crisis is only deepening…It’s not getting better”—all of which while being viewed by famed conservative news host Megyn Kelly, caused her to blast Biden’s call for unity and declare: “We’re not gonna unite…It’s all nonsense”, after which she warned: “The Left Has Awakened a Sleeping Giant”.
With the Communist Chinese coronavirus being the single greatest factor in upending the 2020 election because it illegally allowed tens-of-millions of mail-in ballots to steal it from President Trump, this report concludes, it bears remembering that this massive crime was fully supported by leftist American tech giants—one of the most powerful of which is Amazon, who yesterday stunningly urged socialist leader Biden to put a stop to a union mail-in vote at one of its warehouses due to “serious and systemic flaws”—leftist big tech hypocrisy so astonishing and blatant it makes it no wonder why the free speech non-censoring social media site Telegram Messenger has seen flocking to it millions of new users, and today has over 500-million active users—one of the newest being Donald Trump Jr., whose Telegram account opened in the past few hours has already gained over 670,000 followers—and to further notice also sees the Telegram account Donald J. Trump having over 750,000 followers, that’s made remarkable as its not yet active and only says “Unofficial — ownership transfer pending...45th President of the United States of America”.
CompuServe, AOL and MySpace, just to name a few, all mistakenly believed they were too big to fail…but their enraged users thought otherwise…and are about to teach Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook the same lesson.
0 notes
thenewsedge · 4 years
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Billionaire Kylie Jenner drops $5.5k on crystal cheetah clutches for Kim and Khloé ...as the Kardashian family exchange early Mother's Day giftsBy Glenn Garner For Dailymail.com Published: 19:23 EDT, 8 May 2020 | Updated: 19:25 EDT, 8 May 2020 Kylie Jenner has recently solidified herself as the youngest 'self-made billionaire' for the second consecutive year.And…
0 notes
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Now any times internet dating is much more popular. The CAM system can effectively manage along with manage a variety of programs done from the single personal computer system. Once you utilize a new spy cam inside your home, you then definitely get your self a better concept regarding what's really likely in when you may well be not really around. Beth Howard. Funny Birthday asian webcam babes T Shirts Could Be added in asian webccam direction of the actual Basket associated with 30th Birthday Giftsby: Roger Black. Any spy cam are needed inside a amount of situations. Any spy cam can end up being handy inside the selection involving situations. An Individual can connect a new USB camera for your laptop as well as desktop if your current individual computer will not come with a built-in video camera. Please become suggested that will LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. Based on user requirements, these cams could be availed throughout wired too as wireless types. I left thinking, 'Who cares if I possess stretch marks? who cares if I'm a new size 14 as well as 12 or even 10? It doesn't matter. Make Contact With the Author.
0 notes
koreaism-blog · 7 years
Webcams: Science-Fiction Becomes Reality - Free Article Courtesy Of ArticleCity.com
After you have set up the particular webcam surveillance computer, you have for you to choose on which webcams suits your own needs. Their Particular designs vary using your manufacturer. Such cameras are utilized to spy on people, places, and also actions in nature. Page 1 involving 3 :: Very first - Final :: Prev - one 2 3 - Next. While a man turns seventy, he'll asian webcam babes surely celebrate his birthday with the identical enthusiasm as his thirtieth birthday. On-line chatting is actually a smaller amount expensive when compared with telephone calls. Together With the improved power management and also extended battery life, this Gateway has a few advantages more than similar HP as well as Compaq computers. Funny Birthday T Shirts Could Be Extra for the Basket regarding 30th Birthday Giftsby: Roger Black. The Particular technique that will enables your own windows (operating system) to operate each and also every among the unit collectively is actually its drivers. The idea is actually considered in order to become both software program and special-purpose hardware. You could find drivers it actually is the particular hardware just like a keyboard driver for that keyboard, any scanner driver for your scanner, drivers for mouse, web cam and others. Please be suggested that will LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. Yet you can find countless some other video websites around the World wide web that will each as well as every get their very own following. The idea has been gradually discovered out in which World wide web users loved viewing images through web cams. This assists make the procedure a lot easier and also faster computer reprogramming can be relatively basic and permits faster implementation regarding style changes. Overall, external usb personal computer camera designs cause them to always be able to become a new fantastic add upon regarding laptops as well as computers that will absence built-in web cams. The Particular best thing of course should always be to explore the options. When you employ any spy cam inside your home, after this you find your self an improved concept regarding what's truly heading in once you might be not necessarily around. Attempt to find a woman whom features a stable occupation and do your own better to find out just as much once you can to understand in regards to the Philippines as well as Philippine culture for you to head off being the victim of the scam.
0 notes
 On Analog  January/February 2010
Analog Science Fiction Science Fact is the oldest surviving Science Fiction magazine. As Analog's  (then Astounding's) editor,   John W. Campbell ushered and nourished the  Golden Age of Science  Fiction. Campbell insisted on science in Science Fiction.  Today, Analog still  contains hard science stories and has a regular Science Fact feature. I had not read Analog in years, and am absolutely thrilled with my first issue in far too long. In a world where I feel I would be better off without a television, It's refreshing to find drama and suspense that does not reek of violence, and comedy and humor that is not redolent with obscenity/profanity. At a time when the Discovery Channel has reached new lows in pseudo science, it is encouraging to read science popularizations that are actually based in science. The underlying motif to this issue is doing the right thing. In Buddhist terms-- Right Action. Of course, reasonable beings may disagree as to what Right Action might be in a given situation. And sometimes one learns after the fact that one's action was not the best choice after all.
Rejiggering the Thingamajig by
Eric James Stone
is a
wonderful story
about doing what's right. Never thought I'd read a story where a Buddhist T. rex was the protagonist. Bokeerk is a wonderful character, and her companion for her mission, a sentient gun, is a delight. The gun reminded me of the talking bullets in
Who framed Roger Rabbit
or Yosemite Sam. To get home to her children's imminent hatching, she must follow the Eightfold path. Neptune�s TreasureBy Richard A. Lovett is an AI story.   Floyd has an AI living in his head name of Brittney. Reminiscent of the movie
All of Me
, only set in
space and without Steve Martin and Lilly Tomlin. Floyd and Brittney have serious personal/autonomy issues. The science of the story is wonderful-- mass drivers and recovery vessels. And space bicycles as well. Also spracht Strattman
Thus Spake the Aliens
by H. G. Stratmann is a story about saving the world, complete with large red Doomsday-cutoff-switch-button. These aliens are in the same business as Clarke's
with a more up close and personal approach. And they are quite implacable about weeding if the need arises. To say the story is rich in allusions to other works would be a vast understatement. The connection between the title of the story and of Richard Strauss's song, widely acclaimed for its use in
, could not be an accident.
The key to the story is a problem that is not often addressed, or more to the point-- it's largely ignored. There is a dead line for establishment of a real presence in space-- the point at which we exhaust cheap, abundant sources of energy. Somewhere before we reach that point is the point where a struggle ensues for control of those energy sources that remain. Whether or not civilization survives that struggle will have little impact on  what happens next. No alternative, renewable source will be able to fill the gap that will be left with the depletion of fossil fuels. Nuclear power will remain expensive, dangerous, and will only postpone the collapse. Fusion will remain as elusive as a will-o'-the-wisp for some time. We have gigatons of Hydrogen, but fusion's most
promising process
relies  not on Hydrogen but Lithium. Even if a Lithium-to-Tritium  plant started working tomorrow, we have no way of foreseeing the consequences of eliminating any particular element from the biosphere and would need to work with highly radioactive Tritium.  
Unless Stratman's aliens show up soon to terraform Mars and Venus, and  hand us the keys to the secrets of the Universe, tough times are ahead of us. We will have to use less energy per person or reduce the number of people using energy. We would eventually return to subsistence farming with limited manufacturing powered by wind and solar power-- essentially back to the 17th century. Perhaps the answer to the
Fermi-Hart paradox
 is that no civilization has been able to solve the energy crisis and overcome the energy gap. (It takes a huge amount of energy to go from planet to planet. Witness the huge fuel tanks of the Saturn V's needed to send
to the moon.) Even if one used  
the Orion nuclear pulse drive
to establish a local system space program, the unavailability of cheap, abundant energy would make it difficult to maintain the necessary level of technology. Once nuclear fuel became the mainstay of the economy, space exploration could be sacrificed as having a lower priority than meeting needs back home. Perhaps we are not the first civilization to see the stars not quite in our grasp and then to watch them slip away forever.  The Possession of Paavo Deshin
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
has a profile in this issue of Analog. I'm impressed by the thoroughness of her stories. Rusch builds her characters in a believable and sympathetic manner that leaves me yearning for more.
is one of her
Retrieval Artist
� stories. Retrieval artists are bounty hunters in a convoluted universe, and  Miles Flint is among the very best. Paavo was adopted after his birth parents fled to evade some outstanding alein warrants. But his birth parents have made sure they can keep in touch, naturally.  
Paavo's birth parents are Disappeareds-- essentially outlaws in the old sense of the word. Flint is hired by not one but two clients to locate the birth parents. His adoptive parents are well to do, powerful, and tainted by underworld connections. And they adore Paavo as if he were born to them. Maybe more so.  Rusch make quite plain her view on the subject of birth parents that re-enter a child's life wreaking havoc as they assert their rights. She equates them with terrorists, while Paavo's adoptive father is in his eyes, regardless of how others see him, the ideal and epitome of fatherhood.
(Uncle Orson review of the Retrieval Artist stories.)
Shame by  
Mike Resnick
Lezli Robyn
is a fairly straight forward example of what not to do. Given the colonists's mindset and attitude toward Satan, their actions should not have been unexpected. Perhaps that's the real shame of the story-- that as atrocious as the colonists's appear to the author and to his moral authority figure, given human nature they were unsurprising.
Simple Giftsby
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
is a story about the stereotypically greedy corporation out to profit on the simplicity's and naivety of the primitive, non tech natives. What could be more innocuous than a race that closely resembles (in appearance) the
Who's of Whoville
. The ethnologist and linguist sent to learn about the alien's language and culture implore the company to slow down on making a deal with the aliens and are disregarded as obstructionists. The outcome is inevitable, but the suspense building makes it all worthwhile. On Rickety Thistlewaite by  
Michael F. Flynn
is about the prison that is public service. Making oneself indispensable can be very rewarding and satisfying. Then it becomes an obligation not taken lightly by those who depend on you. As Harry Mudd exclaims to the
command team in
I, Mudd
. . . . A War of StarsDavid L. Clements writes a crisp and interesting story about questioning values and making choices. The concept of intelligence housed in celestial bodies-- the cores of planets and stars-- is reminiscent of
Rogue Star
in the
Star Child Trilogy
by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson. I would have hoped though that anyone advanced enough to use stars as weapons would also be advanced enough to not do so. Perhaps I'm just excessively naive.  
Copyleft of my material
Essentially, my work is Creative Commons Attribution-Required, Share Alike.
Adapted from their  Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license summary--
You may Share-- copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format  Adapt--  remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. I cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Attribution--  You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that I endorse  you or your use. No additional restrictions-- You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
Providing a link to my source document should suffice in attributing me. Where any condition(s) I place conflicts with the
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, my condition(s) shall prevail.
Copyright  of material that is not mineImages used in reviews are from
ISFDB unless otherwise indicated and are copyrighted unless otherwise indicated.
Copyrighted images are presented here under fair use. You would need to contact the copyright holder to use them. They are not covered by my creative commons licensing.
Coverart from ISFDB for Analog 2010 Jan-Feb
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rauthschild · 3 years
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Most Admired Man In America Receives City Block Nukes And Silent Gun Christmas Gifts
By: Sorcha Faal, 
An thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing events relating to Day 57 of the election war currently raging in America, notes that as America continues its massive expansion of Pacific Ocean Region military bases to confront Communist China, a grim prediction has just been issued top Australian Senator Jim Molan, who as a former Major General is now telling his nation to prepare for war—with his stating that Communist China is “picking fights with their neighbors around the world and they have extraordinary military capability, not just in rockets and aircraft but in overall capability to do things”, and warns: “We are likely in the next three to five years or in the next five to ten years to be involved in a war between China and the United States”.
A warning issued by former Major General Molan needing to be heeded in light of his being branded as the “Butcher of Fallujah” for the role he played in one of the most consequential battles in modern America history—that’s named the “Second Battle of Fallujah”, and occurred between 7 November-23 December 2004—is considered the highest point of conflict in Fallujah during the Iraq War—was led by the US Marines against the Iraqi insurgents in the city of Fallujah and was authorized by the US appointed Iraqi Interim Government—and that US military called “some of the heaviest urban combat U.S. Marines have been involved in since the Battle of Huế City in Vietnam in 1968”—but with nearly 5,000 casualties and prisoners of war, along with civilian deaths being caused in this battle, its total destruction of the city of Fallujah and the homes of its over 275,000 citizens can only be called an abysmal defeat—specifically because the bulk of it citizens enraged over the destruction of their homes formed themselves thereafter into one of the most feared and destructive forces ever known called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant—otherwise known as ISIS, who then laid waste to nearly the entire Middle East, and were then destroyed by President Donald Trump.
Though most critical to note about this battle was its exposing the US military, especially the US Marines, as being unable to effectively wage 21st Century urban conflict—specifically because US Marine forces were unable to maintain effective combat operations because their firing tactics kept exposing them to enemy forces, nor did the US military have in their arsenal a weapon effective enough to take out a whole city block in order to destroy enemy troop concentrations—so how this battle ended was with the US military and its allied forces surrounding Fallujah and then pounding it into rubble.
A battle defeat lesson most certainly learned by President Trump, under whose direct orders the US military responded to make sure this type of urban battle never happens again—which is why during this Christmas Season, the US Marines have begun fielding 30,000 rifle suppressors to its combat forces, and all of the “city block” low-yield nuclear weapons ordered by President Trump have now been delivered—though with 2020 being called “The Year The Tree Of Liberty Was Torched” and President Trump’s loyal supporters now declaring such things like: “He gave the Deep State the chance to come clean and try to fix things...They chose Treason!...They will all hang, as the result...Patriots in control!...Nothing can stop what's coming”, the most likely place for urban conflict to begin is in America itself.
All of which is occurring during a fortnight in which the American leftist mainstream media has been spewing out articles like “Trump Was Never Very Popular, But How Will Americans View Him And Biden Now?” and “Biden's Already More Popular Than Trump's Ever Been”—but yesterday saw these leftists recoiling in terror after the just released Gallop poll survey discovered and revealed that President Trump is the most admired person in America for 2020—and in this survey saw President Trump ending Obama's 12-year run as the most admired man.
A shock finding that saw Communist Chinese puppet socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden receiving only 6% of this survey’s vote for the most admired American—which further explains why Biden needed the massive fraud found and documented in this election to win—but to his ever being allowed to take power remains debatable, especially after this week’s press conference given by members of the Ukraine Parliament about how the Biden Crime Family looted their nation, that’s now gone viral around the entire world, and about which is being noted: “Ukraine’s government is gunning for Joe Biden…The Ukrainians know Biden helped prop up a corrupt government in their country and that he profited mightily from doing so…No wonder this video has gone viral”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
With the United States and Communist China moving closer to war, world wonders if American people will allow socialist leader Joe Biden and his crime family to take over their country.
According to this report, with President Trump continuing his crusade against global communism by his now considering placing Cuba on the list of terrorist nations, the socialist Democrat Party and leftist media forces are at the same time continuing their “Save Us, Big Brother!” propaganda campaign designed to make the American people beg for dictatorship—a dictatorship planned to be ruled over by Communist Chinese puppet leader Biden, who yesterday claimed that his running mate Kamala Harris was “president elect”, not himself, and has said he is the only one that can save America from the coronavirus—a coronavirus, however, the American people might want to keep around as long as possible as its cured the flu virus and made it disappear—though for those Americans still having brains left, they’re able to understand the truth that flu illnesses and hospitalizations are being called coronavirus in order to keep this scamdemic going.
As an example of brainless Americans, this report notes, two of them now being noticed are Joyce Krajian and John Allen, the parents of murdered journalist Christopher Allen—who yesterday published their opinion article in the leftist Washington Post entitled “Our Son Was Killed In South Sudan. We Urge Biden To Protect Journalists Like Him”—but in doing so, failed to notice the fact that neither the leftist media nor socialist Democrats have uttered a word of condemnation against Communist China for them jailing an innocent journalist for 4-years because she dared report the truth about the coronavirus—nor have these vile leftist-socialists condemned Communist China for putting 10 Hong Kong citizens in jail for 3-years because they tried to flee to Taiwan for freedom.
A bowing down to Communist China by these leftist media and socialist Democrat forces, this report continues, intended to keep the American people as ill informed as possible, as instead of them being allowed to know true things, they’ve been subjected over the past few days to an avalanche of “culture vulture” stories about a leftist Hollywood actor’s wife pretending to be Spanish—mindless dribble, of course, intended to keep these Americans distracted from knowing about and asking questions regarding the missile strike that took out the NSA-AT&T spy hub in Nashville-Tennessee on Christmas Day, specifically questions about the new aerial video proving that this NSA-ATT spy hub building was also attacked by a massive bomb placed within the building—and further keeps these Americans distracted from knowing about the disabled US Army veteran viciously assaulted by police forces because he wasn’t wearing a mask—and while watching in horror, saw a crowd of stunned onlookers suddenly breaking out to sing their National Anthem in remembrance of what their free nation once was.
With the American people being so brainwashed by their leftist mainstream propaganda media and socialist Democrats, this report concludes, they’ve been deluded into believing that “2020 Is The Worst Year Ever”, about which even their own experts point out: “Reveals much about the psychology of our delusional state of affairs…It reflects an absolutely abysmal grasp of human history and a self-absorbed desire to exaggerate the calamity so the rebound will be gloriously triumphant”—though if seen by these Americans in its truest light, would cause them to understand the reality of what 2020 is really all about, as best explained in the just published article “The American Revolution Was A Culture War”, wherein it explains: “The revolution quickly became a culture war in which self-styled “Americans” were taking up arms against a foreign, immoral, and corrupt oppressor…Mere offers of “representation” were hardly sufficient at this point, and it's unlikely any such offers were going to be enough after the events of 1775, when the British finally marched into Massachusetts and opened fire on American militiamen…After that, the war had become, to use Rothbard's term, a ‘war of national liberation’”—and further sees this article explaining the most obvious truth: “When it comes to culture, there is little room for compromise…It is increasingly apparent that the only peaceful solution lies in some form of radical decentralization, amounting to either secession or self-rule at the local level with only foreign policy as “national” policy…Had the British offered these terms in 1770, bloodshed would have likely been avoided…Americans must pursue similar solutions now before it is too late”—though to be noted diverging from this assessment is the powerful top former President George W. Bush administration official Catherine Austin Fitts, who in looking at the economics underlying this present conflict, has just told the American people: “Those Manipulating The Takeover Of Humanity Will Fail”.
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 On Analog  January/February 2010
Home (190417@1656)
Analog Science Fiction Science Fact is the oldest surviving Science Fiction magazine. As Analog's  (then Astounding's) editor,   John W. Campbell ushered and nourished the  Golden Age of Science  Fiction. Campbell insisted on science in Science Fiction.  Today, Analog still  contains hard science stories and has a regular Science Fact feature. I had not read Analog in years, and am absolutely thrilled with my first issue in far too long. In a world where I feel I would be better off without a television, It's refreshing to find drama and suspense that does not reek of violence, and comedy and humor that is not redolent with obscenity/profanity. At a time when the Discovery Channel has reached new lows in pseudo science, it is encouraging to read science popularizations that are actually based in science. The underlying motif to this issue is doing the right thing. In Buddhist terms-- Right Action. Of course, reasonable beings may disagree as to what Right Action might be in a given situation. And sometimes one learns after the fact that one's action was not the best choice after all.
Rejiggering the Thingamajig by
Eric James Stone
is a
wonderful story
about doing what's right. Never thought I'd read a story where a Buddhist T. rex was the protagonist. Bokeerk is a wonderful character, and her companion for her mission, a sentient gun, is a delight. The gun reminded me of the talking bullets in
Who framed Roger Rabbit
or Yosemite Sam. To get home to her children's imminent hatching, she must follow the Eightfold path. Neptune�s TreasureBy Richard A. Lovett is an AI story.   Floyd has an AI living in his head name of Brittney. Reminiscent of the movie
All of Me
, only set in
space and without Steve Martin and Lilly Tomlin. Floyd and Brittney have serious personal/autonomy issues. The science of the story is wonderful-- mass drivers and recovery vessels. And space bicycles as well. Also spracht Strattman
Thus Spake the Aliens
by H. G. Stratmann is a story about saving the world, complete with large red Doomsday-cutoff-switch-button. These aliens are in the same business as Clarke's
with a more up close and personal approach. And they are quite implacable about weeding if the need arises. To say the story is rich in allusions to other works would be a vast understatement. The connection between the title of the story and of Richard Strauss's song, widely acclaimed for its use in
, could not be an accident.
The key to the story is a problem that is not often addressed, or more to the point-- it's largely ignored. There is a dead line for establishment of a real presence in space-- the point at which we exhaust cheap, abundant sources of energy. Somewhere before we reach that point is the point where a struggle ensues for control of those energy sources that remain. Whether or not civilization survives that struggle will have little impact on  what happens next. No alternative, renewable source will be able to fill the gap that will be left with the depletion of fossil fuels. Nuclear power will remain expensive, dangerous, and will only postpone the collapse. Fusion will remain as elusive as a will-o'-the-wisp for some time. We have gigatons of Hydrogen, but fusion's most
promising process
relies  not on Hydrogen but Lithium. Even if a Lithium-to-Tritium  plant started working tomorrow, we have no way of foreseeing the consequences of eliminating any particular element from the biosphere and would need to work with highly radioactive Tritium.  
Unless Stratman's aliens show up soon to terraform Mars and Venus, and  hand us the keys to the secrets of the Universe, tough times are ahead of us. We will have to use less energy per person or reduce the number of people using energy. We would eventually return to subsistence farming with limited manufacturing powered by wind and solar power-- essentially back to the 17th century. Perhaps the answer to the
Fermi-Hart paradox
 is that no civilization has been able to solve the energy crisis and overcome the energy gap. (It takes a huge amount of energy to go from planet to planet. Witness the huge fuel tanks of the Saturn V's needed to send
to the moon.) Even if one used  
the Orion nuclear pulse drive
to establish a local system space program, the unavailability of cheap, abundant energy would make it difficult to maintain the necessary level of technology. Once nuclear fuel became the mainstay of the economy, space exploration could be sacrificed as having a lower priority than meeting needs back home. Perhaps we are not the first civilization to see the stars not quite in our grasp and then to watch them slip away forever.  The Possession of Paavo Deshin
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
has a profile in this issue of Analog. I'm impressed by the thoroughness of her stories. Rusch builds her characters in a believable and sympathetic manner that leaves me yearning for more.
is one of her
Retrieval Artist
� stories. Retrieval artists are bounty hunters in a convoluted universe, and  Miles Flint is among the very best. Paavo was adopted after his birth parents fled to evade some outstanding alein warrants. But his birth parents have made sure they can keep in touch, naturally.  
Paavo's birth parents are Disappeareds-- essentially outlaws in the old sense of the word. Flint is hired by not one but two clients to locate the birth parents. His adoptive parents are well to do, powerful, and tainted by underworld connections. And they adore Paavo as if he were born to them. Maybe more so.  Rusch make quite plain her view on the subject of birth parents that re-enter a child's life wreaking havoc as they assert their rights. She equates them with terrorists, while Paavo's adoptive father is in his eyes, regardless of how others see him, the ideal and epitome of fatherhood.
(Uncle Orson review of the Retrieval Artist stories.)
Shame by  
Mike Resnick
Lezli Robyn
is a fairly straight forward example of what not to do. Given the colonists's mindset and attitude toward Satan, their actions should not have been unexpected. Perhaps that's the real shame of the story-- that as atrocious as the colonists's appear to the author and to his moral authority figure, given human nature they were unsurprising.
Simple Giftsby
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
is a story about the stereotypically greedy corporation out to profit on the simplicity's and naivety of the primitive, non tech natives. What could be more innocuous than a race that closely resembles (in appearance) the
Who's of Whoville
. The ethnologist and linguist sent to learn about the alien's language and culture implore the company to slow down on making a deal with the aliens and are disregarded as obstructionists. The outcome is inevitable, but the suspense building makes it all worthwhile. On Rickety Thistlewaite by  
Michael F. Flynn
is about the prison that is public service. Making oneself indispensable can be very rewarding and satisfying. Then it becomes an obligation not taken lightly by those who depend on you. As Harry Mudd exclaims to the
command team in
I, Mudd
. . . . A War of StarsDavid L. Clements writes a crisp and interesting story about questioning values and making choices. The concept of intelligence housed in celestial bodies-- the cores of planets and stars-- is reminiscent of
Rogue Star
in the
Star Child Trilogy
by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson. I would have hoped though that anyone advanced enough to use stars as weapons would also be advanced enough to not do so. Perhaps I'm just excessively naive.  
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