#gingybread’s holidaze
gingerjolover · 5 months
i just came up with the cutest lil christmas request for julien!! ok so i’ve been watching love actually and gilmore girls all day while crying and i was thinking abt the scene where lorelei sang “i will always love you” at karaoke night to luke SO i was thinking what if soft!gf was doing karaoke at a christmas party with the boys+muna and other friends and she was singing “lover” by taylor swift☺️☺️
“ we can leave the christmas lights up til january”
“have i known you 20 seconds, or 20 years”
“with every guitar string scar on my hand, i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover”
like i can see her being so shy at first but went she focuses on julien she’s just all blushy and happy and julien is tearing up bc she loves her baby so much 😣😣
i need a gf so bad someone help me😔😔😔
(also no one hate me i havent seen gilmore girls yet 😭)
okay i feel like phoebe would be the reason for the karaoke machine at all, like phoebe definitely bought the machine and gifted it to jb and soft!gf as a housewarming present. i like to think that their house becomes "the house" for get-togethers and stuff like its a very entertainment-forward house but it's just so cozy and centralized to everyone's locations.
everyone is doing karaoke and its all fun and silly and then maybe katie does a slower song, and then phoebe, and then lucy and a mutual friend do a duet and kelli finally convinces soft!gf to sing something with her.
"do a taylor song baby!" julien is encouraging soft!gf from where she stands on the wall next to jo and some other friends.
i feel like kelli is looking for slower songs and soft!gf picks lover. (i just feel like maybe soft!gf wouldn't do a song on her own?? maybe if it was just the boys in the house)
“we can leave the christmas lights up til january” and julien can tell soft!gf is nervous but her voice is so small and sweet, juliens heart just melts.
“have i known you 20 seconds, or 20 years?” soft!gf canonically giggles at inappropriate times but especially when she's nervous or anxious so she and kelli are giggling between lines.
but somewhere before the bridge soft!gf makes eye contact with julien and it's like they're the only two in the room and soft!gf loves how soft and tender julien looks underneath Christmas decorations, wearing a cute christmas tie.
and julien's cheeks are pink, eyes slightly teary as she watches soft!gf on the makeshift stage in their living room, loving the way her hips subtly move with the beat, her arm wrapped around kelli's waist as they both sing.
“with every guitar string scar on my hand, i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover” soft!gf sings finally getting into it as she lifts her hand to show a small scar, maybe from helping julien hang the guitars in her office or something, giggling as she sings it because julien is the one with scars and calluses underneath her tattooed fingers.
and once soft!gf hands the mic to someone else, maybe jo and a mutual friend, she all but skips to julien, jb wrapping her up, kissing her firmly as they sway back and forth, juliens hands splayed on the back of her neck and sliding down to her butt.
"ya did so good gorgeous," julien's murmuring against her lips, hand running through the ends of her hair, readjusting the Christmas tree head band on her head (she wears this bc i wore this on Christmas teehee).
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gingerjolover · 5 months
HOLIDAY REQUEST SEASON EEEE HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! okay so we know that julien definitely isn’t enthralled by the holidays because of the stereogum interview buuuut i cant shake the vision of julien and soft!gf facing off in a (ginger)bread (see what i did there!!!!!) house battle like idk i could just imagine soft!gf running errands at the store, coming across a gingerbread house kit and being like…..yes!
omggggg... also i see what u did there teehee
im gonna hc this bc this is sooo cute
i feel like soft!gf and julien compromise a lot in their relationship, like they show up for each other in many different ways even when the other isn't super stoked
jb shows up for you EVERY. CHRISTMAS. like yeah she doesn't love christmas but she looooves you so she indulges your every whim during the holidays
if we are in the same universe (soft!gf and julien have moved to LA and the house needed renovations/the end of touring/lots of events taking place and so on, so their holiday party/housewarming is taking place around the holidays) then you are zooooming around running errands trying to prep
thankfully munagenius is helping a lot and you thank your lucky stars for bff!kelli bc boy does she come thru for you
but it's exactly like that, soft!gf sees these gingerbread kits at like world market or something and there's a sale on traditional ones but then there's a midcentury modern kit and a camper one (these are real)
so you get a couple of the traditional ones (maybe for a mungenius hangout or group date night) and then get some of the cool ones
and you come home so excited and julien is matching your excitement because she doesn't like christmas but she likes how excited you get around the holidays and the constant twinkle in your eyes
julien greets you in the driveway, one of your dogs at her calf as she waits for you to park, her tattoos out and about in her linen button down
"didja buy the whole store?" julien asks teasingly, her hand pulling you into her by your beltloops, kissing your cheek and jaw in quick succession
"we have like 25 people coming over jay," you say unamused but unable to fight the smile at her affections, starting to grab bags
but boyfriend!julien is lowkey jacked and can get 95% of the bags in her arms as she quickly waddles into the house
julien is rifling through the bags when you get inside, pulling out the gingerbread houses before you can even butter her up
"i saw them at the store and i thought it would be so fun...look," you say grabbing the midcentury modern house and showing her the box
julien sees how excited you are and loves a good craft so she acts like its such a chore but once dinner has been eaten and the dishes have been washed, julien is putting plastic down on the dining room table and organizing all the supplies as if it was her idea
and lets be real, julien gets into it, okay?
soft!gf is a little genius so there's extra icing and candy and toppings for the houses on the table
and julien is constructing a masterpiece, murmuring to herself, "need a good foundation...good bones," or something like that
"i bet i could build us a real house baby..." "im sure you could jules."
and somewhere between letting the houses set and decorating, julien gets competitive
"i thought you wanted us to decorate it like it was our real house jay?"
"i do but im just going to do it better than you :)" and she smiles so sassily you're like fine, game on
and julien is soooo messy
she has icing all over her hands and on her cheek
and she's popping candies into her mouth left and right
"jay stop i needed those for my roof!" "you're roofing too slow babe, 's not my fault"
and there's Christmas music playing softly in the background, the dogs are sleeping underneath the table at y'alls feet and as it gets dark the Christmas lights husband!julien so diligently crafted around the house on a timer go off
and for the first time in a long time julien looks around and is so genuinely happy with the christmas-ness of her environment
and its silly like her and soft!gf are literally making replicas of their house out of inedible gingerbread and its so christmassy it should make her sick but she sees the streaks of icing on your cheekbone and how you've placed little m&ms in a repetitive pattern on the roof of your gingerbread house and she decides that the focused look on your face with your tongue peeking out, an almost ethereal glow behind your head from the Christmas lights is worth dealing with some of the lingering anger and resentment she has during the holidays if it means she can create new traditions with you and learn to love Christmas
<3 sorry its late guys
i feel like ive forgotten how to write and post and im in my imposter syndrome era ;P
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gingerjolover · 5 months
gingybread’s holidaze blurb night is tonight!!!!
i know a lot of yall are probs out partying or hanging with friends but i’m going to get thru the last of the holiday requests tonight so if there’s any that haven’t been submitted pls submit them now!!!!
i love yall! and if it’s already the new year for you, happy new year!
i’ve written peace and love and healing and abundance for all (almost 400 holy shit) of you in my manifestation journal 🥹
love u all!
gingy 🩷
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gingerjolover · 5 months
I’ll be honest, I can’t exactly pin who ( I’m leaning Lucy though) but someone from MunaGenius will make everyone at that damn Christmas party wear something matching for the whole night( Santa hat? Christmas pants? Antler headband? so many possibilities)
omg this is soooo interesting, i think it would depend on who is hosting! if phoebe was hosting i think there would be a plethora of cute christmas items like those christmas light necklaces or santa hats or cute headbands.
i think lucy would probably fuck w matching sweaters?? lucy isn't super into Christmas but if her gf was or the sweaters were genuinely cute and she could get good photos i think she would like them
if we are using the same soft!gf x julien housewarming party/holiday dinner scenario, i think soft!gf goes all out and there are disposable cameras everywhere and there's a bunch of christmas items and everyone is either dressed up or in matching sweaters/pajamas
i also love to think that naomi or someone in the friend group dresses up like santa and everyone takes pics on their lap LMAO
but i lowkey think lucy would police people to putting something on for a photo but phoebe or katie (!!!) would be genuinely encouraging people to wear matching stuff
there's def a picture with a group of people wearing antler headbands and then on person in the front with a red nose and antlers
millenial core hehe
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gingerjolover · 5 months
your new katie fic has me positively giggling and kicking my feet. thank you that was excellent i will be rereading it every single day 🥰
why thank you sweet baby😻
i need to write for her more!!!!
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gingerjolover · 5 months
sorry i’ve been MIA my period ravaged my body the last few days but posting today :)
edit: no but actually i have got to stop telling yall when im about to post because then i look like a pos who can’t keep their word and that’s not my vibe at all
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gingerjolover · 5 months
Yeah Lucy would def police for the photos cuz the moment Julien took that jacket off in that one interview she was like
like i don't think she'd be stoked that its christmas but she looooves a matching moment and wants to document it
i imagine at birthdays like everyone has one of those bday hats? shes taking a pic. or the bday person is wearing a sash and crown? lucy is ON TOP of that
also like halloween parties... bestie, lucy is taking advantage of the disposable cameras FOR SURE
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gingerjolover · 5 months
Imagine giving JB a little telecaster ornament for your first tree together 🥹
omgggg okay wait this is SO CUTE
little hc for ya
first off we all know how jb feels about christmas but I think if you liked christmas she would lit do anything to make you happy even if that means the entire house is covered in glitter and bows and christmas lights
im changing this slightly and saying this is the first tree in the new house! (canonically jules and soft!gf have moved to LA from Nash)
i feel like the house is still in slight disarra like its all ogranized chaos and munagenius has been helping as best they can get the two of yall settled yall moved right after tour so it was just one thing after another
i feel like julien was so revered this year but feels a lot of stress at home because she wants to make sure you're feeling appreciated and happy bc of the move and just how distant (geographically) shes been this year
yall have a big fake tree that you used to put in the front room of the nashville house that made its move to LA with yall
and julien has tried to decorate the house outside to the best of her abilities like her tiny ass was up on a ladder before naomi was like "okay dude get down and let me do it"
and once the outside is covered in lights and bows she moves to set up the tree
and you're a sight for sore eyes when she on a step stool wrapping the tree in pretty warm white christmas lights
"hey sugar," she says looking down at you, smiling widely as you approach
she steps down, planting kisses along your hairline as you nuzzle into her
"'got you somethin'" you mumble against her cheek, kissing her gently
"oh yeah? what's that?" she smiles, eyes twinkling as the lights reflect in her (baby cow) eyes\
and you're cheekily handing her a box as she leans against the stair railing, one ankle behind the other as she starts to unwrap the small box
she opens it and her jaw drops slightly, not because its an unusual gift, shocking, or even super extravagant
she just LOVES being known
and for context, i dont think your tree is ever super decorated, maybe there's some ornaments from your childhood or yall have pics of the dogs made into ornaments, there's definitely a queer joy one or some type of pride one, and your friends have also gotten you joke-y ones over the years
but this one is a beautiful mini telecaster ornament
and maybe you got it handmade so julien can lit feel the quality and weight as she holds it
and the back has like the two of your names or the year carved
and youre just smiling nervously because christmas is not the vibe for jb
stammering you're like, "it's just the first tree since being engaged and i thought you'd like it and its one that's just your own and its handma-" and julien is cutting you off pulling you into a deep kiss, dipping you slighty
her hand on the back of your neck, the other pressed against your lower back still holding the ornament
"it's perfect, you're perfect, i love it," she says pressing her forehead against yours
and youre still breathing heavy from the kiss being like "okay, yeah, cool..."
and jb is giggling before putting it back in the box, her hand resting on your ass to push you up onto the step stool
"okay its you're turn to do the wrapping im sick of this shit, im gonna hand the lights to you, yeah?" she says grabbing the line of lights
and you both just laugh, finishing the christmas decorations before the rest of the house is even finished
and then during your little holiday/housewarming party, people walk in and your house is so cozy and warm and beautifully festive, and julien is stoked to show her little telecaster ornament hung at the front of the tree
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gingerjolover · 5 months
Imagine taking Julien as your plus 1 to a winter wedding, imagine the (loosely) matching festive outfits and the warm lights against her lighter her up, super festive super sweet holiday jb
this could send me into orbit actually plus one!jb is such a vibe
are we talking plus one like yall have not been dating for very long but you got a plus one so you're brining your gf
or like its your friend whos getting married or maybe a family member and you and jb have been together a while so she is also invited
i think either way, im getting strong vibes like from the wedding the boys performed at
i feel like since its a winter wedding its giving dark clothes, maybe red or dark green, obvi not white but something festive but not over the top
and julien is like, "I'll get a matching tie❤️" so whatever color your dress or outfit is, julien is matching you
and julien doesn't like Christmas but loves the winter (idk if this is canon but it is to me) and so a winter wedding is so her vibe
if its outdoors there's lights all around and trees wrapped up and the dancefloor is under a huge tent and maybe there's fake snow and greenery everywhere
and julien is living for it and you take so many pics and vids or julien just looking at her surroundings because the reflections in her big brown baby cow eyes.... i could pass out actually
look i mentioned this in the one smut fit but i don't think julien is like totally sober i think she has drinks on occasions, and we'll say for consistency sake that shes very excited at the festive drinks and foods, the two of you perusing around the venue
finds every mistletoe and kisses you under it
also takes a ton of photos of you in your outfit
the pic y'all get with the couple is sooo cute, you and JB on either side of the couple, both smiling and color coordinated
probably plays a lot of Christmas or holiday music at the reception (in combination with bangers)
but i just imagine you and julien slow dancing to a slow Christmas song or like julien bopping around with your friends or family
julien gives me "children love me and want me to play with them all the time" vibes at family gatherings
so your cousins or maybe like the kids at the wedding LOVE julien and they are all dancing together
if it's a kid-free wedding then you know julien is just having the time of her life dancing to fucking pitbull or something with your friends
julien is so genuinely sweet and fun and kind and the best to be around at an event like a wedding (and all the time) so you are just so happy you brought her
and its one of the only times julien is all for the holiday-ness of the season, so she enjoys herself
i might add more to this later??
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gingerjolover · 5 months
what about naomi and reader in a new years eve party and bumping into reader ex and them nomi get jealousy jealosy also love u gingy ♡
we're gonna hc this bitch if thats okay w you baby!
because listen ok, nomi "doesn't get jealous" (they do) they get "protective" (we let them think whatever helps them sleep at night)
there's a couple of different scenarios that i think would lend how naomi would act bumping into your ex
if you and naomi have been together for a loooong time and its some random ex that you dated in highschool or college, there might be a hint of jealousy
like they hug you a little too long or only look at you and not naomi, which naomi is like "it's just rude babe, im not jealous," their hand sticking in the back pocket of your jeans or rubbing the hem of your skirt as they pull you into them, leaning against a wall
if you haven't been dating that long, a more recent ex might trigger a diff reaction, naomi might get a little guard dog on them
like if they came up and hugged you and were just being really touchy and affectionate, naomi would be like "and I'm Naomi, THEIR PARTNER," and like shake their hand but have a killer grip
would also just be sooooo touchy all night, like nomi is already affectionate but when there's someone in the room that ALSO knows how hard you love and how deeply you can fall, nuh uh, not gonna fly for nomi
the only time i think naomi would be like not super jealous and even laugh a little at an attempt is if you're a bi/pan queenie or you've dated a man in the past and they come up to you like "wow you look so good, how have you been?" naomi is squaring UP BRO!
def pulls a "i can fuck you better than him, and you know it," and your jaw drops for a sec because "naomi quiet down!"
"babydoll im packing rn do i need to prove it to you?" they ask with a smirk, like leaning down and pressing searing kisses to your cheeks
it just so happens that said ex is watching from a corner, a drink in his hand
"I- well-..." you're stammering because naomi jealous is usually like ha ha and you guys joke about it and then it's done (bc your devotion to them and your relationship is obvious and naomi relishes in it and returns it with the same enthusiasm)
but naomi is cupping your cheek, running their fingers through your hair placing chaste kisses on your hairline being like "c'mon bunny let's go find an empty room before midnight."
i didn't do a full fic but i totally can if people are interested🫶🏻
i have to mention i think naomi's vibe at parties is similar to how i wrote them in the Halloween blurb where they take care of soft!gf
naomi is just always scanning the room and like they def have fun and party but they are always keeping an eye on you
which is why if they are w you when ex approaches its one thing
but naomi def DOES NOT like it when they are across the room and sees any of the above approach
maybe not so much the friendly ex
but the rest for sure naomi has an eye out because someone is moving in on their girl and they do not like that one bit
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gingerjolover · 5 months
omggg well since u asked for holiday requests: soft!gf and julien ice skating together?? and one of them (dealer’s choice) is super nervous / has never done it before but the other’s a natural. maybe the boys and muna are there, maybe they aren’t, up to u. love ur work mama g 🫶🏽
okay wait soft!gf gives me lowkey figure skater vibes... maybe figure skater!gf oop
like gf lived a whole life before they became soft!gf and met jb and got into a relationship
(i physically cannot create another universe rn because i am so backed up, but we can keep this in the back of our minds, yes?)
okay i would like to think that jb would actually be pretty good on skates but it would be getting her on the ice thats hard
like if soft!gf actively still skates, julien is watching her rehearse or going to competitions or maybe watching her teach classes in awe of how she moves
but julien is SO resistant to getting onto the ice, like seeing how graceful soft!gf is, julien just doesn't believe that she could be the same way??
but let's say that julien and soft!gf are in NYC or soft!gf's hometown, maybe at the rink they grew up skating in (whether soft!gf was a figure skater or just ice skated with friends for fun)
and soft!gf is BEGGING julien to come skate, even just for a little
def goes as far to rent out the rink or hit some people up and be like "can we just have an hour, my girlfriend is super nervous"
and soft!gf is a treasure and loved so dearly...so clearly, they get the rink to themselves
getting julien in the car to go to the rink? check
getting julien in the proper clothing and skates? check
getting julien on the ice? girl... bffr
it takes SO much bribing and bartering, i mean soft!gf owes julien like 5 massages, a warm bath, 2 hours of braiding her hair, and special cookies that she doesn't make often because they're time consuming before julien agrees
and julien is giving bambi
holding onto the wall, slipping and sliding
it takes most of the hour? two hours? that they have the rink for jules to just acclimate to the ice
eventually soft!gf convinces jb to hold on to the walker thingy (yall know what im talking about?) or the big traffic cone and skaet around the ice
and right before they need to clear out, julien lets soft!gf take her hands, skating backwards as they pull julien around the ice, teaching her how to brake and glide
julien doesn't fall once and is encouraged by the many kisses and butt grabs that soft!gf graces her with
ice skating!julien comes back into play when they return to LA
i feel like soft!gf was talking to kelli or katie about ice skating and they were like wait lets go ice skating
so munagenius all decides to go to a rink
and everyone is nervous, except katie and soft!gf, i feel like phoebe would be nervous but still just like step onto the ice
and julien has increased confidence but is still terrified
mainly because she hasn't fallen yet
but she lets soft!gf genuinely teaches all of them, Katie assisting because of their rollerskating knowledge
and all of munagenius are ice skating like grandmas, the best playlist you've ever heard bumping through the speakers
and i feel like julien would get tired quick, like would go off the ice and sit, a cup of coffee between her hands as she watches soft!gf try and help jo and lucy skate in zig zags
eventually munagenius watches katie and soft!gf's choreography you know how when you were a kid and you made dances with your cousin and performed them? thats the vibe
and it's to a song thats just so out there, maybe its like fucking hardy or something idk
or silk chiffon teehee
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gingerjolover · 5 months
Just thinking about kissing phoebe under the mistletoe
the eagles won so im in an okay enough mental state to post tonite🫶🏻
lil phoebe hc for the lord(e)'s bday wee
okay yall know the VIBES
our baby pheebs loooooves christmas
too much wine is playing rn for me btw
okay hear me out tho phoebe will go OUT OF HER WAY to catch you under the mistletoe
bro she is scheeeeeming
shes getting lucy (who also canonically makes you, as phoebe's partner, kiss her under the mistletoe) to tape mistletoe over random doorways or like stand behind yall and hold it up above your heads
(lucy def takes a "kissing tax" from you and phoebe after assisting phoebe)
here's some context:
living with phoebe during the holidays is a trip whether you are pro-holidays or anti-holidays because she is so into it
the house is decorated so well and its really good mix of like vintage and contemporary decorations but also a lot of childhood stuff
the house is always smelling like a citrus simmer pot or cinnamon or vanilla chai or like fir musk or something idk
ambient lighting ONLY
and alas, the mistletoes, which hang in every. goddamn. doorway.
pheobe is a MENACE for the mistletoe okay we know our girl is a biter but there has to be a word for someone who goes out of their way to trap you (lovingly) under the mistletoe
some scenariooooos:
phoebe's favorite mistletoe location is the one above your bed and she ignores you everytime you try and tell her it belongs above a doorway, so instead of listening she's trapping you under her, arms on either side of your head kissing you diligently like she needs to prove a point
phoebe will be laying on the couch with maxine watching tv or just resting her eyes and the second she hears you coming home from work or the store she jumps up and runs to you with maxine in her arms to kiss you, dipping you lightly under the entryway
during the munagenius holiday party/julien and soft!gf's housewarming party, you and jb's girlfriend will be in the kitchen with kelli and naomi icing a cake or cookies or something and phoebe will walk into the kitchen, holding the mistletoe over everyones heads giving them small pecks or cheek kisses before lightly grabbing the back of your neck, pulling you in for a sweet kiss (phoebe def sends the shaky photos of her kissing everyone under the mistletoe in the munagenius gc)
youll be coming home from a christmas party, both dressed to the nines and tired from the over socialization and instantly after entering the house, you're both showering slowly, wrapped in fluffy towels while phoebe is lazily rubbing lotion on your back before slipping on some pajamas, you quickly run to put some clothes to wash to get a head start on laundry day, and phoebe is following you slightly, wrapping her arms around you as you stand at the washer. she turns you around and it is so boyfriend-coded to look up and be like "eh" and wiggle her eyebrows as you look up at the mistletoe, and then shes curling you into her, mouths moving lazily, her tongue exploring your mouth sweetly
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gingerjolover · 5 months
You're not Bob the Builder - naomi mcpherson (MUNA) x reader (soft!gf coded)
this comes as a lil side story from mornings :)
synopsis: nomi and joey build soft!gf a vanity and chaos ensues before an early muna!christmas dinner
g's notes: i want so celebrate muna christmas w nomi baby and my bff kelli siiiiiiigh
Warnings: RPF, christmas!, noami and jo being chaotic, no fundamental physical descriptors, reader is soft!gf coded so she/her pronouns/afab?
Your brow is sweating, weight rested on one foot as you stand at the stove, whisking gravy in a medium-sized pot.
"Where do you want this babe?" Kelli asks, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, holding a charcuterie board, an assortment of cheeses and meats, both vegan and not, decorated with fruits and dips paired with edible flowers, an impressive spread made by Kelli herself.
"The fridge I gues-" you start to say cut off by a yell coming from your bedroom.
"Put the hammer down!" "Naomi I swear to god..."
Kelli rolls her eyes, albeit lovingly as she opens the fridge.
"Do I even want to know?" you snort, returning to the stove. Kelli giggles, coming and sitting on the island a few feet away from you, feet swinging to kick your legs softly.
"They're putting together your vanity, I think," Kelli shrugs, popping a grape from a bowl on the counter into her mouth.
"I thought it was pre-built... the box was huge," you shrug gently.
"Nope, I think Jo was going to help set it up in the room and attach the mirror, but it came disassembled," Kelli winces.
"Should've asked Julien," you mumble, getting a belly chuckle out of Kelli, you both know Julien is far better with furniture and building things then either of your partners.
"Who knows, maybe they'll get it done faster because there's two of them?" she shrugs, popping another grape into her mouth and hopping down, getting ready to cut a baguette.
"Yeah, or I'll end up with no vanity and holes in my ceiling or walls," you grumble.
"Oh, don't be like that-" her words were cut off by two deep squeals and the sound of the electric drill, something flinging against the wall with a thump; Kelli's eyes widened.
Kelli moves quick but you move quicker, you shut off the stove and move the pot to an unused burner.
You both climb the stairs, moving to stand in the doorway, Naomi standing shirtless with their back facing you, and hands intertwined on the top of their head. Jo lays on the floor, staring at the ceiling, both letting out small huffs.
"What the hell was that?" you ask, looking down at the floor; you and Kelli's eyes are comically wide as you stare at the scattered vanity pieces all over your bedroom floor.
"Hi, babydoll," Naomi says casually, walking over to you, brushing your hair back, and placing small kisses on the crown of your hairline. Naomi's hair is tucked into a baseball cap, small curls peeking out the sides, sweat running down the middle of their torso, and the windows cracked open, letting a welcomed breeze into the room.
Jo groans from her place on the floor, tank top riding up slightly, visible sweat on their forehead.
"Why are you sweaty?" Kelli asks, eyebrows scrunched.
"Because Naomi ordered a fucking whack ass piece of furniture and-"
"I didn't, Jo! It's not my fault it didn't come with instructions--" Noami refutes, both of them starting to bicker again, Noami rubbing their hands over their face.
"Wait, it didn't come with instructions?" you ask, jaw dropped slightly as you stare at the half built base of the vanity.
"Maybe we should call JB," Kelli mumbles; Jo and Naomi whip their heads towards her.
"Bite your tongue!" "Take that back!"
Kelli puts her hands up, eyes widening as she fights a smile, "Okay, okay, sorry... didn't mean to touch a nerve..." she says, her tone filling with humor.
"We can do this, we- we can do this, Naomi, we don't need Julien... we can build this thing ourselves," Jo says, standing up and gesturing between themselves and Naomi. Jo's tone is almost as if she's trying to convince herself and Noami simultaneously.
"Yeah, fuck yeah... we can..." Naomi starts, turning to look back at you with a lopsided smile. "I can build... a vanity, baby, I can," Naomi says, trying to convince you.
"Right, yeah, I totally believe in you..." you say, tight smile as you look at the dent in your wall, eyes widening again.
Jo looks at you sheepishly, hands coming out in front of them, "I'll fix it," they say quickly as Naomi speaks over top of her, "It was an accident!"
All you can do is shake your head, rubbing the skin between your eyebrows and the bridge of your nose as you look at the bedside table across the room where the alarm clock sits. "People will be here in 6 hours..." you say, biting your lip nervously.
"Jo, we still need to go home and get ready..." Kelli warns softly.
"It's fine...we got this," Jo says cockily, eyes filled with terror as they look towards Naomi, both sharing a look.
"Okay, well... we'll leave you two to it," Kelli says suspiciously, pulling her phone out as you both back out of the room, returning downstairs.
"Please text JB," you murmur once you're out of earshot.
"Already did," Kelli huffs.
"Yo!" Julien says as she walks into the house, Lucy and Phoebe behind her, their partners carrying dishes or flowers into the house. Julien's girlfriend kisses your cheek softly, kissing Kelli and Katie's cheeks before heading into your kitchen; everyone starts chatting as more of your friends arrive.
"So where's the vanity?" Julien asks, adjusting the collar of her dress shirt.
"Upstairs... I don't really know what you're about to walk into... It wasn't finished or stable when Jo and Kelli left to get ready, and I haven't been upstairs since I got ready so..." you smile sheepishly.
Julien winks and pinches your cheek gently before bounding up the stairs.
"Babe? You told Julien?" Naomi yells down, offended. "Kelli, really?" Jo yells immediately after.
"Just let her check your work!" Kelli yells up, making the room laugh at the antics of your partners.
"I'm sure they did a great job," Julien's girlfriend says sweetly, arm around your waist as she leans her head onto your shoulder.
"Tell that to the hammer sized dent in my bedroom wall..." you huff, her hands adjusting the bow in your hair.
"The what?!"
fyi: they did build it correctly, julien just tightened some screws and helped them secure it to the wall, AND jo DID fix the dent in the wall hehe <3
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gingerjolover · 5 months
maybe lazy day around the holidays cuddling with lucy? like they’re in bed (lucy and soft!gf) watching a christmas movie and soft!gf is trying to get lucy to appreciate the small things that come with the holidays ? if that makes any sense lol
of course babyyyy
we can make our own christmas - lucy dacus x soft!gf
Lucy's breathing is even, her head resting on your abdomen, body rising and releasing with your own. One arm is across your lower belly, the other under your back. You cringe at the thought that her arm might be actively falling asleep, but her eyelids flutter with sleep, staying closed. Your fingers carding through her hair, running down the slope of her nose, and rubbing her ear as you stare ahead at the screen, some random Christmas movie playing for the nth time this season already.
"Another Christmas movie?" Lucy mumbles, rubbing her face in your shirt, her lips catching the hem, gently grazing your skin.
"Oh, don't be such a grinch," you tease softly, smiling softly at her obvious distaste. Truthfully, Lucy was probably Christmas'd out. Over the last few days you'd gone to a Christmas tree farm/village, went to see Christmas lights, had a Christmas-themed brunch at Phoebe's, followed by a Santa Claus movie marathon, went gift shopping, and then decorated the entire apartment and tree.
And she's been a good sport... sort of...kind of... as much as Lucy could be about Christmas. You gave her a break today, though, the two of you lazily moving around the apartment, slowly invading each other's space, allowing one another to just exist in each other's presence.
"Sorry," Lucy mumbles, looking up at you, there's almost a submissive glint in her eyes.
"For what, honey?" you whisper back, thumbing the hair of her eyebrows down as they moved out of place while her face was resting in your stomach.
"Bein' a grinch," Lucy says, rubbing her face back into your abdomen, the feeling of her lips moving through the fabric of her your t-shirt tickles.
"I was just joking Lu," you say softly, hand rubbing the back of her head.
"No, but- you love Christmas, and I... I hate it, the only reason I did any of that stuff today was for you.. and for Phoebe, but mainly for you..." Lucy admits, her tone annoyed and defeated, but it's clearly an internal battle.
"Babe... I love you," you say, pulling her hair softly to lift her head to make eye contact. "And I appreciate you doing all this stuff for me... I know you have a lot attached to the Christmastime, but... I want to start creating our Christmas traditions... ones that make you feel good, and they don't even have to be super Christmassy..." you say softly. "I know I've been going hard with the Christmas stuff, but I want to figure out what you like... you didn't mind the scrapbooking and collage making, right?" you ask.
"No, I didn't mind it... it was fun," she whispers.
"And you liked sitting on the counter while I made Christmas cookies?"
"Yeah... your apron was cute," she says, lips pouting.
"And you got to pick really cool and unique and some ugly ornaments for the tree... that was fun, right?" you ask, fingers threading through her hair again, trying to convince her to like the small bits of Christmas without infantilizing her.
"Yeah... and I don't hate the music... or the gift giving, I guess... I just...it's a lot," she says, a heaviness in her voice, the weight of childhood Christmases, religious trauma, and the conflated depression all swirled in her words.
"It doesn't have to be anything you don't want it to be, Luce... we literally can do whatever we want for Christmas, I'm sorry if I've been pushing it," you say sincerely.
"No, you haven't; you've given me plenty of outs... I would do Christmas every weekend if it made you happy," she says sincerely, crawling up the bed, sticking her face in your neck.
"I love you," you say softly, her lips attaching to your neck gently.
"I love you more," she breathes. And she means it. Lucy is not a Christmas person, but there's something about how you breathe new life into every corner of her mind, showing her little things to love and appreciate, your smile worth every cheesy Christmas movie, familial argument, or pseudo-religious unwarranted messaging.
"I love you so much, I do... but can we please change the movie for the love of.." Lucy starts to say, tone exhausted as her nose rests on yours.
"How about the Grinch?" you tease softly, Lucy pulling away softly, eyes boring into yours, her face in faux offense.
"Do you hate me?" she asks.
"No Grinch!"
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gingerjolover · 5 months
domestic katiegavs holiday content 😇🙏
only for you baby girl<3
a cheeky christmas morning walk - katie gavin (muna) x fem!reader (soft!gf coded)
sypnosis: christmas morning domestic pre-craziness vibes with gf!katie
A warm hand pulling your knees inwards rouses you from sleep, cold calves suddenly enveloped by the warm duvet.
"Fuck," Katie mutters softly, her lips near your cheek as you're cuddled together, their free hand picking up the duvet and tossing it further onto your body.
"Hm?" you mumble, eyes crusted shut, face hidden in the crevice of Katie's neck and shoulder.
"Your legs are cold, peach," Katie mumbles back, pulling your body closer.
"Sorry," you mumble before she's hushing you, her lips finding your own, leaving a series of little pecks on the corner of your mouth, moving to your cheeks.
"Go back to sleep," she whispers, warm hands caressing your back, both intertwined under the duvet and a Christmas blanket. The sun isn't even up yet; the faint sound of the heater and your dog's light snoring at the foot of the bed are the only sounds you hear besides Katie's soft breaths. The twinkling of the christmas lights from across the room on a mini Christmas tree provide little light in the dark room.
"W'time is it?" you mutter softly, Katie's nails scratching your back gently.
Katie turned over briefly, squinting as they tried to make out the time on the alarm clock resting on the nightstand. "4:48..."
"Oh," you say softly, already drifting back to sleep. "Mhm, sleep," Katie mumbled again, drifting back to bed, her hands caressing your restless legs as they intertwined with hers again.
A few hours later, the sun barely peeked through the sheer curtains when Katie's hands roused you from sleep again. You open one eye. Katie is kneeling next to the bed, dressed in brown corduroy pants, a grey sweater, and a beige scarf; your dog is near the door, and a leash is attached to her collar.
"Sweetheart... it's 8... do you wanna come on a walk with me?" Katie asks sweetly, kissing your nose and rubbing her knuckle down your face, finger tapping your pouty lips squished against the pillow.
"Is it cold?" you mumble, pushing yourself up a little.
"Mhm, but I have your jacket and some gloves for you... we can be quick," Katie breathes out, watching as you sit up on the bed, heart racing when they see the goosebumps rise when the cold air hits your exposed skin.
You shiver slightly, both from the temperature and Katie's hungry eyes. And you're quick, moving through your morning routine speedier than normal.
Katie is pulling on her puffer, like the sage green one you've pulled on, just dark brown, black gloves adorning her hands. You gently push her glasses up her nose before slipping your gloves on.
"Come on," Katie says, getting you out of the house. The midwestern air is cold, and your breath billows out before you. Your dog trots happily in front of the two of you, your arms wrapped around the crook of Katie's elbow, walking leisurely together, hands stuffed into her pocket.
"You too cold?" Katie murmurs, kissing your head.
You shake your head, smiling softly as you reach the creek, our dog exploring the new but familiar area. You can't help but glance at Katie, pulling your phone from your pocket, slipping your thumb out of your glove, and moving away from them.
"Smile, honey," you say softly, snapping a pic of Katie in her outfit, the barren trees and cold water in the background. You send it to her before moving back towards her, arms outstretched, ready for you to cuddle into them.
You walk for another 40 minutes, knowing it's the only quiet time you'll get until you both go to bed tonight, the air refreshing as you eventually make your way toward the house. Talking over the presents you still need to wrap, some arriving at Katie's family's home yesterday, and other last-minute Christmas details.
As you approach the house, Katie's sister stands on the porch, waving maniacally.
"Quiet's over," Katie jokes, bumping her hip with yours. You let your dog off leash to run back into the house, taking Katie's hand and intertwining it with yours as you walk back slowly.
"Merry Christmas, by the way," you joke softly; neither has said it yet.
"Merry Christmas, sweet girl," Katie smiles as you step onto the porch. "We can pretend there's mistletoe here, huh?" Katie teases, hands around your shoulders as they pull you into them, lips pressing against yours passionately but softly.
soft!gf’s pic:
Tumblr media
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gingerjolover · 5 months
so many awesome holiday requests! i’ll be posting tonight after our midnight dinner (idk if this is a latino thing) and then tomorrow!
love u all!
happy christmas eve to all that celebrate🫶🏻
happy gingybread’s holidaze (thank u to everyone who suggested there were SO MANY good ones)
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