#girl met her cousin for only 5 minutes and shes already flabbergasted!!!
kokokulto · 2 years
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New member of the Squidbeak Splatoon! 
[TEXT] DJ Octavio: Marie, this is Callie. She’s your new cousin and friend. Isn’t it exciting? Marie: ... Marie: NO!!! Pwut hew bwack! (Put her back!) Captain Cuttlefish: Sorry squiddo, we can’t do that. DJ Octavio: Where did you get this attitude...
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mcyt-peach · 2 years
I know I am annoying with these but I can’t write requests in short messages so sorry 💐-here are flowers as an apology 🥺
So can I request something like “fake date” with the reader (the reader has to get the parents of their back, the real date cancel last minute before important event…something like this) where the reader ask the favour of Dream, Sap, Karl or Wilbur to pretend to be their date
Something funny and fluffy 🙏🏻 (in the end trashing the event, bragging “they chose me not you”, making nice memories etc.)
Thank you sooo much and also take care of yourself eat,hydrate and take breaks if you need to☀️☁️
With a virtual hugs and best wishes,
Yours, 🎧anon
fake dating dream, sapnap, karl and wilbur
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⋆。˚ summary: sometimes the situation calls for a boyfriend and who better to fake date than your best friend
⋆。˚ including: cc!dream, cc!sapnap, cc!karl and cc!wilbur
⋆。˚ warnings: reader uses they/them pronouns, swearing, mentions of infidelity
⋆。˚ note: 🎧anon you are so smart for this!!!! fake dating is my favorite trope so this was such a blast to write and it ended up being pretty long lol :)
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“Why would I risk my top secret identity so you can save face?” Dream was sprawled out on his couch, oblivious to your inner turmoil
“C’moooooon! You don’t get it! My cousin is so annoying. She keeps bragging about her partner and gives me dirty looks for being single.” you flop down beside him and push your face into a pillow to fake scream
when the two of you arrived at the small family party, you mingled with aunts and uncles you hadn’t seen in a while as Dream played games with the younger kids
the real fun began when your dreaded cousin slithered, ahem, walked over
“Y/n! How nice to see you and your... friend.”
Dream took her sneer as a challenge, “That’s funny! You’re missing the ‘boy’ in front of ‘friend’.”
feeling the tension in the air, you figure you might as well fan the flames “Where’s your ‘friend’?”
glaring at your question, she continues, “They’re working overtime tonight. Between you and me, they’re saving up for an engagement ring.”
her smirk is like a slap in the face, if she marries you’ll never hear the end of it, but your lamenting is interrupted
“Oh really?! Guess we better beat them to it then, huh baby?” Dream’s arm was suddenly very present against your shoulder, as he broke eye contact with your cousin only to look into your eyes
you were shell shocked, flabbergasted even, only managing a small “Um, yeah.” in the midst of Dream’s eyes locked with yours, questioning if his boyfriend status was still fake
“Oh my God! Don’t tell me that’s her!” Sap yells over the blasting music, pointing at the girl across the room
slapping his hand down so she won’t stare, you follow where he looked, seeing the girl who had stolen every boyfriend you’d ever brought to a party
maybe it was the atmosphere or the way Sapnap was already giving her the death stare, but you got the most wonderful idea, leaning over to whisper your plan to him
“Hey cutie!” leave it to her to flirt with someone who currently had his arms wrapped around your waist, something you were trying to ignore how natural it felt
feeling Sapnap squeeze you a bit tighter, you spit back, “Where’s your boy toy? Though you said he was the hottest guy you ever met, remember, last party I was at?”
she gives you a pinched smile “Oh, he wasn’t very faithful, though I’m sure you know that.”
Sapnap laughs from over your shoulder “Well, maybe you should look for a different type. I’d say ‘men who aren’t taken’ is always a good place.”
her frown and the stomp of her tacky shoes as she retreats is the best thing you could’ve asked for
though, the way Sapnap holds you close for the rest of the night might be better
“Y/n there’s no way I’m sitting in a suit for hours on end outside with a bunch of strangers. That’s literally a nightmare I’ve had before.” you were getting nowhere trying to convince Karl to come to your friend’s wedding with you
every wedding you’d been to in the past 5 years had been spent hiding from your parents and the new suitor they’d picked for you
why they needed you to be married asap, you had no clue, something told you it was a generational thing but you weren’t willing to hear it out
you’d much rather spend the 5 hour reception with your friend than a stranger who your parents tried to convince you to date
“Karllllllll. They’re literally having a baby pig as the ring bearer! Pleaseeeeee.”
well that did the trick, seeing as he’s tucked into the makeshift pews beside you
despite his role as your plus one, it was your parents who were absolutely enamored with him, smiling and chatting about how you met, what he did for work and the dreaded question, when he was planning on proposing
the new bride was more than happy to slide up to you after the ceremony “I was wondering when one of you would confess. It was so obvious the two of you were fawning over each other for so long.”
her laugh teeters off as she moves on to other guests, but when Karl comes to drag you onto the dance floor, you’re still thinking about her little comment
could you really call yourself a friend of Wilbur’s if you didn’t go to every new cafe he recommended
apparently not, because he’d drag you there no matter what you said
stepping into the quaint shop and seeing all the couples, you got a bit embarrassed at the way you jumped to conclusions, wondering if it was a date
ordering your drinks and settling into one of the booths, your attention is drawn by the bell on the door, quickly ducking down after seeing your ex walk in
Wilbur scrunches his eyebrows at your behavior, but soon notices and ducks down with you, smiling at your antics and whispering, “Pretty cozy down here.”
you don’t even need to look to know your ex is approaching, seeing the way Wilbur brings himself to his full height and puffs his chest out unconsciously
“Y/n, fancy seeing you here. You never liked going out to places like these when we were together.” the emphasis he places on “we” as if you’re still dating almost makes you hurl
“Hmm, maybe it had more to do with the company than the drinks.” Wilbur gave his classic shit-eating grin, sipping his coffee
the silent flapping of your ex’s mouth is only allowed for a moment before Wilbur stands up from the booth
“Well, we’ve got to go. Love waits for no man, you know how it is.” the hand he claps on your ex’s back is hardly gentle
but the way he holds your hand as you exit the cafe makes his boyfriend status feel more real than the facade he put on for your ex
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