#glft token
btcveri · 1 year
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guncelhaber1 · 1 year
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Cancellation Token Support & Better Memory Consumption while Opening Huge FBX Files using .NET/Java
What’s new in this release?
Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.3D for .NET & Java 18.9. This new release of Aspose.3D for #Java & #dotnet 18.9 has incorporated support for CancellationToken which enables better control over users applications. In specific scenarios, the program keeps on executing for long time. Now users can preempt the process once specified amount of time is consumed. Moreover, Aspose team has also optimized memory consumption while opening huge FBX files and ImportException does not occur while working with huge files. , as well as the occurrence of ExportException has been taken care of. AssetInfo class has been enhanced to load all properties from FBX’s global settings. Few properties and methods have been added and removed in aforementioned version of the API.    This release includes plenty of new features as listed below
Siemens JT Version 9 import support
FBX to GLTF - the output GLTF loader fails in three.js
Input FBX - an import error occurred
Rendering - the wrong operand type error
RVM to GLFT - an empty document is created
RVM to WavefrontOBJ - an empty document is created
Input FBX - Unsupported VertexElement attribute BinormalsIndex error occurred
Siemens JT Version 8 import support
Newly added documentation pages and articlesx
Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.3D for .NET documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.3D for performing different tasks like the followings.
Save a 3D Document
Reading a 3D Scene
Overview: Aspose.3D for .NET
Aspose.3D for .NET is a feature-rich component and class library for .NET that empowers Mono and .NET application including ASP.NET, Windows Forms and Web Services to connect with prevalent 3D document formats automatically without the 3D modeling and rendering software being installed on the server. It supports FBX (ASCII, Binary) and STL (ASCII, Binary) file formats and developers can easily create, read, convert, modify and control the substance of these 3D document formats using Aspose.3D API.
More about Aspose.OCR for .NET
Homepage of Aspose.3D for .NET
Download Aspose.3D for .NET
Online documentation of Aspose.3D for .NET
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