#god damn it vyn I simped for you
ragnvdnir · 2 years
*drops mic after seeing this gigantic reply* 👁👄👁 I think i just unleashed the tot beast
Before i jump into this, great to know you've been doing well! I'm also excited for 2.8 and Kazuha 😍 no primos tho coz i wasted it all on Xiao :)
I was looking at mihoyo's new game ZZZ when i came across a guy from tot, he was on the beach with MC? I think? Found his name; Marius and searched him up and god damn it was he so freaking hot!!! 🤤🤤 *chokes on air* I actually downloaded the game but can't play it coz i have no storage 😐
After reading your reply i might have changed my initial assumptions about the boys 🤔👀
Luke... i wasn't sure about him at first but after this he might jump up to my favs (even tho i barely know any of them 😅) he's cute but idk... didn't really feel him but i am a sucker for childhood friends to loves!!!
Marius was def on top untill you told me about his personality 😃 maybe I'm still a simp for him but idk about the teasing and love hate realationship.... i still want him tho😐
Ok Vyn was not my fav but after reading what you said??? I might change my mind 👀 1) yes! I wanna live a lavish life! Castle, ballrooms, the whole shebang 😤 And 2) honestly i wouldn't mind these red flags coz i feel like i need someone like that to keep my ditzy side under control??? 🤷🏻‍♀️ And read me too coz sometimes even idk what i want 😅
Malewife and househusband??😳 Say no more where do i sign up! Artem was second on my first impression list mainly because he was the oldest... but now i think i love him more??
HSHSNSK WHT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME 😐 how do i deside between them?? Can i have em all 🙏🏻
you asked for it😒😒 /j
i feel u anon😭 storage was my biggest problem too so i didn't play tot for months (i think i first played around september last year? before the lost gold event) i missed a lot of good events and cards🤧🤧
AS YOU SHOULD??? LUKE IS VERY VERY CUTE I WANNA NOMNOM HIM👹👹 HAVE U SEEN HIS LITTLE FANGS?? *faints* have a little break sir my heart is about to burst😩
LMAOO I CANT WISJDKKSKS but besides the teasing marius is actually caring and thoughtful. i really just cant put up with his flirty remarks so its love hate👉👈
OH LAWD ARTEM REALLY HITS DIFFERENT TO ME THESE DAYS🧎‍♀️💍 there's just something in older men that got me like😗😗 its probably the maturity his mindset is just 💘💘 im like sir are you available for a marriage??💍💍 he's awkward at first since he's single since birth and haven't experienced sooo but do i look like i care?? im not loud and funny(?) for nothing🙄🙄 /j nah bc he's my standard. dude reads romace/psychology books bc its his first time falling inlove 🙏🙏 (forgot where i saw this info but yeah)
thats my question too tbh. simple, just be rosa(mc)
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An Autistic’s Perspective on Tears of Themis’ Representation (spoiler alert: it’s bad)
Before you read, I should warn you that there will be spoilers for Chapter Five! Read at your own risk. Also, trigger warning for discussions of ableism and harmful disablility stereotypes. I get pretty heated as well, so if you’re not a fan of swearing and stuff, then it might be best to skip this.
So, I was debating whether or not I wanted to talk about this, mostly because this game doesn’t do anything new in regards to the perception of autism in media. Unfortunately, it ends up leaning into a lot of not great tropes and goes into “what the fuck that’s incredibly offensive territory” waaay to quickly. So here I am.
The most prevelant character with autism (or who we start out thinking has autism. Don’t worry, I’ll get to that) is a small, supergenius child (a boy as well *sigh*) is so overdone at this point that there aren’t many new criticisms I can say. The stereotype of autism presented in media is overwhelmingly extremely intelligent (usually with sciency or math based interests) men with no ability to socialize or be kind to others. This not only paints autism as a disability that effects men primarily (which creates intense stigma around AFAB autistic people and makes it harder for us to get diagnosed or believed), but also creates this expectation of greatness. Autistic people are often held to superhuman standards, which further others and dehumanizes us in the eyes of allistic people. The vast majority of autistic people are not savants, and that it perfectly fine.
But all of this is pretty standard. The red flags started popping up when it was revealed that the autistic kid, Hugh, doesn’t actually have autism and is faking it in order to keep people from asking hard questions about him or trying to pry into his life (which is full of secrets). I’m definitely not a fan of perpetuating the idea that people fake diabilities in order to manipulate people, so this plot twist was not my favorite. However, it wasn’t really enough to inspire me to write a whole ass essay about the representation. And then I got to the fucking text conversation with Vyn.
Here is where I’m gonna put a trigger warning for talk about eugenics, curing autism, ableism, and basically just a fuck ton of awful shit. Fuck, this makes me so mad.
So, I went in and took screenshots of both options just to see, and all of them lead to terrible bullshit. Lets start out pretty light with the MC and Vyn discussing symptoms.
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This is a pretty limited and honestly incomplete explanation of autistic behaviors. These can definitely be symptoms, but they’re heavily overcovered and really basic. A lot of autistic people don’t have these symptoms, and it would be really nice if more media branched out and covered more of the spectrum. However, considering they don’t do anything different in any other areas, I’m not surprised.
Also not a fan of Vyn’s use of “abnormal.” It has some very negative connotations and is a bit insulting, honestly. These behaviors are perfectly “normal;” they’re just not as accepted by neurotypical people. Plus, no behaviors can really be labeled as normal because humans are complex and different.
That was the easy shit. Let’s get into the truly awful garbage.
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This is treading into ABA territory here. For those of you who are unaware, ABA is pushed as the best autistic therapy, but a large majority of autistic adults consider it to be abusive and unhelpful. This is mainly because it seeks to “correct” many behaviors that are helpful for autistic people. It seeks to surpress stims (which are behaviors that improve the mental health of autistic children), force us to talk (as opposed to letting us use sign language and technology), and more. This harms our mental health and makes us ashamed of who we are. These behaviors do not need to be “corrected.” We don’t need to act “normally.” All this therapy does is make us more palitable for neurotypical people, and it’s bullshit.
It also doesn’t help that ABA was pioneered by Ivar Lovaas, a man who did not believe autistic people were human. He developed ABA as a way to “build a person” using harsh punishments such as withholding affection and ELECTRIC SHOCKS. If you think this is a think of the past, you’d be wrong. Electric shocks are still being used to harm disabled people. Look up the hashtag #StopTheShock to learn more and help push for legislation that bans this practice.
Oh, and did I mention Ivar Lovaas also inspired gay conversion therapy? Because he did! So yeah, fuck ABA and fuck Vyn for performing it (god damn it, Vyn, I liked you a lot).
And now, onto the eugenics. Fuck my life.
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I am so tired of autism being treated as this horrific disease that needs a cure. I had a perfectly fine childhood. Yes, it was hard at times, yes I got traumatized, but a large part of that was due to ableism and abuse from teachers and peers. A large reason why autistic people suffer is because the world is not built for us, and we are often denied accommodations that would make our lives better.
It is beyond offensive and disgusting to suggest that we would be better off not existing than “suffering so much” because of autism. Because that is what this game and everyone else who thinks there should be a cure is suggesting. There is no me without autism. it literally affects my brain structure. You are wishing for a completely different person when you tell me that autism should be cured.
Now, I’m not going to get into the horrible consent issues that arise from talks about a cure, including genetic editing, fear mongering to parents so they think abortion is the only option, and straight up Nazi style eugenics. I do not have the spoons to delve into that exhausting discussion. But if you want to know more, then there are so many incredible autistic people who have written blogs, Twitter threads, and more about why a cure is a terrible idea.
Oh, and if you’re going to come at me with the “severely autistic people should be cured” bullshit, don’t bother. There is no such thing as “severe” autism, first of all, and second, non verbal autistic people (which are who people think of when they talk about “severe” autism), largely don’t want a cure. There have been so many surveys of tens of thousands of autistic people, and the result is that the overwhelming majority do not want to be cured. We want support and proper accommodations. Listen to us.
So, in conclusion, fuck this text conversation and it’s ableist and offensive bullshit. I really wish ToT had stayed away from autism, or at the very least did not touch on therapy or a possible cure. For a game that is about genetic experimentation on children and how bad that is, it sure peddles a lot of eugenics.
Fuck, this text conversation actually made me ill and I hate that. I’m so done with constantly trying to prove to the world that I am a human being who deserves to exist. I’m gonna go cuddle my service dog now.
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koevnkult · 2 years
Crazy!Vyn Headcannons ♡
Hi there! Welcome back to my page, I have blessed with such a beautiful idea thanks to a certain reply~ and because I'm atrociously down bad for Vyn I will entertain my desires. This is my first time making some genuine headcannons, so bear with me♡ 
Disclaimer!!!!! The Limb thing is a joke, very poorly executed, yes, but a joke! I swear guys LMAO
He's obsessive
I mean, we already knew that. but like you need to understand that he's obsessed with you.
Its disgusting and gross, and he knows it.
There are times he feels bad about his behavior because he knows its wrong
but, his love for you overpowers any guilt he might have.
Hes not the type of crazy where he's delusional though, he's aware of every action he makes and every word he says.
Everything is calculated, from the way he looks at you to the tone of his voice. We knew he was manipulative, but crazy!vyn just takes it to a new level entirely.
Love at first sight is a lot like a trophy to him
He believes it was fate to have met you
That the gods themselves sent you to him
In his little monkey brain he KNOWS that’s not true, but he loves to fantasize 
Talking about fantasizing????
You occupy his every thought. There isn’t a moment where he DOESN’T think about you
Man is so in love
Theres tons of things he thinks about, but his favorite thought is just;;;;; hand-holding
He wants to hold your hand so bad
He just wants to feel your warmth, know that you are there for him.
Not that he hasn’t held your hand before, but he wants it with intention.
Not because he made some dumb excuse to touch you
He want you to hold his hand because you want to
*cue swinging watch you want to hold his hand so bad
^ not like that, he just FUCK, he really likes you bro, give him a chance, yeah?
As much as he hates to admit it. Theres still a lot he doesn’t know about you.
Sure, he stalks the ever-loving fuck out of you
But that just shows him what you’re like when you’re alone.
He wants to know everything there is no know
You’re the world to him and he’d be damned if he only knew common knowledge about you Vyn honey thats not common knowledge
Yes, if I’m thinking it, you’re also thinking it.
This man is a simp, but don’t think that because he is, he’s gonna be your little puppy boyfriend.
He loves control
If he wanted to tie you to the bed he will do so
In fact, he already has everything set up
He’s got all of the ropes and chains your little bdsm heart desires
I feel like I got really off topic for a second
time for actually crazy!vyn, we done fleshing out his more wholesome side, so whats he really hiding? 
Like I said, he’s so close to snapping at any given moment
Don’t make him mad, you will only regret it.
He has no problem breaking your limbs I can see him like threating, but not seriously breaking your arm or cutting tendons I can see this happening in my monkey brain that is to make sure you cant leave.
He’s a sick, sick man
He’s not the strongest, so he’s not gonna win every fist fight he picks with some man who decided to look at you.
However, he never promised to fight fair.
He will use anything he sees to his disposal 
The fight isn’t about proving a point.
He doesn’t care if he proves a point.
All he wants is to make this man suffer for even glancing at you
If Vyn could have thing his way, you’ve be chained to the wall 
Or perhaps, without limps please I’m joking
After the fight (he wins of course, though, the man had to go to the hospital)
You’ll sit in his living room, questioning, borderline yelling at him, after all, he just beat up some innocent man.
Sent him to the hospital for gods sake
And he would cry
He’d cry?
You’d stop your tangent, rush to his side and ask him what was wrong
“Im so sorry, but you didn’t see how he looked at you, what he was going to do to you. His intentions, Y/n? They weren’t good.”
And through his tears, you’d realize that Vyn isn’t a bad guy, he’s just protecting you. God, and you yelled at him? Now you’re the bad guy
Fuck y/n nO! He’s faking it PLEASE
This would work especially well if you have been a victim to... men’s unwanted advances
He’s so good at making you feel bad, you completely forget why you were yelling at him in the first place.
And there. The moment he’s been waiting for. The day you fall for his trap. and it only gets worse.
Gaslights you, manipulates you into thinking you’re unable to do anything without him. 
He’s the only person that can help you.
You trust him so you know you can talk to him, 
and he uses that to his advantage
He will misdiagnose you and fill you up with drugs This however, he totally would do. no i don’t take constructive criticism LMAO 
Force you into thinking he’ll be the only person who understands your pain.
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