#gods first we get hints of Nico last episode and now we see his DAD??
hawkeye221b · 5 months
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This is my new favorite Gender: Tired Guy all alone in his underworld castle
Like yes king!! be awkward with your nephew- tell him you don't like your family drama! don't worry bout it!! offer him sanctuary when he connects the dots- what king shit.
I 100% believe this man would gift his 80 yr old 13 yr old son a zombie chauffeur because he thinks it'd help them bond.
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jazy3 · 5 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 15X23
I really loved this episode! It was fast paced, the storylines were interesting, and we got to see Meredith be a badass again! More of this please! It actually makes me excited for next week’s episode and the finale! I haven’t been excited to watch Grey’s in a while so this is awesome!
We open with a scene of Zola, Bailey, and Ellis eating breakfast while Meredith packs their lunches and Amelia chats with her. The kids are so cute! I love that we’re seeing them more this season! After Amelia makes a comment about DeLuca Zola clues in and starts teasing them about having boyfriends. Zola always knows what’s up! Also, Zola has on a Pom Pom unicorn necklace! Which is super cute and adorable and I totally want one! Based on this conversation we find out that apparently Meredith and Amelia had the ‘this is who I’m dating now’ conversation and we didn’t get to see it. Which is a total and complete rip off!
Maggie comes in. She’s freaking out because Jackson asked her to move in with him and she’s deflecting that onto Amelia and Meredith. Jeez. There’s an adorable conversation where Amelia says that Meredith looks happy and they talk about how weird that is. Cut to the hospital, Amelia, Link, and a still depressed Jo are talking at the coffee stand. Owen walks up with Leo and when he figures out that Amelia and Link are a couple, he is a huge asshole to her like always. I hate him! Can they please write him off? For the love of toast?
Maggie freaks out when she sees Jackson at work because she clearly doesn’t want to move in with him. Take a hint Jackson. Also don’t spring big decisions like that on the person you’re dating. Especially a control freak like Maggie. Over at the Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic DeLuca and Alex treat a little girl named Gabby. She’s in pain and needs treatment because she’s one of the many kids who have been kept in cages by Immigration under the Trump administration. I can’t believe I just had to write that sentence. What kind of world do we live in when our neighbours are putting kids in literal cages and separating families? This whole thing is sick.  Her loving father can’t afford the treatment she needs, but clearly wants her to get better so the doctors have to get creative.
Meanwhile Teddy and Owen receive an incoming trauma. It’s Schmitt with Chief Ripley of Station 19! I like how Schmitt is improving as a doctor. He’s really growing on me this season. Maggie’s been paged because Ripley’s having heart problems. The Station 19 crew come to see him. Schmitt has some great lines in the exam room and Owen gets a pretty good zinger in on Warren about people dating their Chiefs. Tom comes in to the ER and makes Teddy laugh. I like them together! And Teddy’s due in three weeks! Finally! It feels like she’s been pregnant forever!
He asks to stay for the birth. Teddy says yes. Owen walks up and Tom pokes him and is his usual self. I love him! Schmitt comes to see Nico and tries to talk to him. Nico is still frosty and acting like a jerk. Ripley’s getting a CT scan. Owen and Amelia talk in the scan room. Owen tries to talk to Amelia about Link and calls their relationship a secret. She calls him on his crap like the badass she is! Telling him he doesn’t get to ask her about that kind of thing anymore. He tells her she’s overacting like the gaslighting a*hole he is. God I hate him. She tells him he doesn’t get to say things like that either. He keeps pushing, but Amelia stands strong and stays firm. He doesn’t get to have an opinion on this and he needs to shut up and stop talking. Yes! Amelia! You go! Owen needs to screw off and leave and never come back.
Jo is building Legos with Gus, Alex’s autistic patient with the rare blood. A nurse tells Jo there’s a phone call for her. The caller is looking for Alex. It’s about the rare blood they need. A hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada has a patient who can help. She goes to find Alex. Side note: I love that they are mentioning Canada more the last two seasons! Although it would be great if they would include the city, province/territory, and country as that’s how it’s said in real life. Meanwhile Meredith is consulting’s on Gabby’s case. We find out that Gabby is Ellis’ age as Meredith makes small talk. She also might need surgery.
Jo runs into Gus’ Mom on the way to tell Alex. In her excitement she tells her they’ve found a donor. This will come back to bite her in the ass later. Meanwhile we find out that Ripley needs open heart surgery. He wants to go see Vic first. That’s not possible given his condition. He’s not happy about it. He orders the firefighters out. Maggie doesn’t buy his tough guy act for a second. They have some great banter.
Tom and Teddy talk some more about houses in the scan room. I love Tom’s line, “Okay so something more Germanic.” He loves her so much! Gabby is getting a CT scan. Alex and Meredith talk in the scan room about her situation and missing one’s kids. DeLuca comes in and tells them her Dad doesn’t qualify for the state insurance because he makes too much money. Cleaning offices. This is getting out of control.
They find out that Gabby does in fact need surgery. Meanwhile Jo’s on the phone with the hospital in Winnipeg. She finds out the hospital made a mistake. They think Gus is the donor and not the other way around. Maggie treats Ripley some more and they banter about their relationship problems. For some reason when talking about her housing situation Maggie acts like living in Meredith’s heritage home with her, Amelia, and her nieces and nephew who she adores is horrible compared to Jackson’s penthouse apartment. That sounds awesome to me!
Meanwhile Gabby’s father is trying to figure out what to do because he can’t afford her treatment and doesn’t qualify for insurance. Meredith tells him that they’ll take care of it. I love her! Alex tells DeLuca to go prep the patient. As Alex and Meredith walk away Alex turns to her and goes, “You don’t have a plan do you?” I love Alex! I love him and Meredith’s friendship! Jo comes to tell Gus’ Mom the news and overhears her telling her husband on the phone about how great everything is. Jo leaves heartbroken. She’s standing in a hallway when Warren walks by and sees that she’s upset. He tries to talk to her. She refuses and instead runs down the hallway crying. She bumps into Webber who somehow fails to notice this and tells at her to slow down. What a jerk!
Meredith, Alex, and DeLuca prepare to operate on Gabby. Webber walks in concerned about Ellis. We find out Meredith put her name on the insurance forms instead of Gabby’s when DeLuca rats her out. What a jerk! I hate him. Webber’s pissed, but Meredith’s not backing down. There’s no way in hell she’s shipping Gabby off to a county hospital. The system has failed Gabby and her Dad, but Meredith’s not about to. She tells Webber that she’s going to operate and that, “If you’d like to have me arrested when I’m done that’s your call.” Spoken like a true badass! Also, Meredith is wearing her pinky purple scrub cap with the dotted flowers on it today!
Jo goes to Teddy about her mistake. She hopes Teddy can use her military connections to get the blood they need. Teddy tells her everyone in this hospital has called in a favour. The blood is so rare it can’t be found and that’s the problem. Jo starts hyperventilating and Teddy tries to help her and figure out what’s really going on. She refuses and leaves. I like that they are building something here.
Meanwhile Amelia is sitting at a nurses station waiting to hear news about her quadriplegic patient. Owen comes over to talk to her. He wants to talk about the way he acted before about Link. He tells her, “I told you a while back that you were incapable of love, but I’ve been doing some therapy and I’m realizing that I think that it was me that I was talking about not you. And I’m sorry I said that. It’s not true. It’s the opposite of true.” To which Amelia replies, “Thank you.” I’m glad Owen is finally apologizing but that still doesn’t change his years of abuse and violence against women. He tells her Leo misses her and he’d love it if she busted him out of daycare and spent some more time with him. She says she’d love to.
Meanwhile Maggie and Ripley are still bantering. This time about the proposal milk story! They give each other advice. We cut to Gabby’s surgery. They find out they got to her just in time. Whew! They also find out that she has cancer and will need years of treatment. Poor Gabby! DeLuca continues to be an ass and gets on Alex and Meredith’s nerves. Webber walks up to the intercom tells them that he wants to see them after they’re done. DeLuca scrambles to say he had nothing to do with it like an asshole. Webber clarifies that he only wants to talk to Meredith. Seriously why would you spend your whole day intentionally pissing off your girlfriend and her best friend in favour of your boss? He’s such an idiot. Boy bye!
Meanwhile Ben is talking to Bailey about how he’s worried about Jo. Teddy comes in and she also wants to talk to Bailey about her concerns about Jo. We cut to Jo telling Gus’ Mom about the mistake. His Mom is understandably upset then angry. They both begin to cry. His Mom then apologizes and says she was unfair and unkind. Every child deserves parents as wonderful as Gus’! They are kind and they truly love him for who he is. Jo begins crying harder. Gus’ Mom hugs her but slowly realizes something else is wrong. Alex and Bailey arrive to try and help. Alex leads Jo away and Bailey goes to help Gus’ Mom.
Schmitt tries to help Nico some more but Link steps in and tells him to give him space. Webber is yelling at Meredith in his office about the insurance fraud. He’s mad because as part of his AA program he is committed to rigorous honesty. Having to deal with this puts his sobriety in danger and that’s why he’s so pissed. She asks him what he plans to do. He doesn’t know. He says the only thing to do is make Gabby sicker on paper. If she’s in the hospital for 30 days a new state policy automatically kicks in. Why didn’t he just tell her that before they performed the surgery? Meredith is confused because Richard wants her to lie more. Richard says he’s doing it for Gabby and her dad not for Meredith.
Jo is crying on Ben’s shoulder. Alex is yelling in Bailey’s office that he doesn’t know what to do to help Jo. Side note: I love Bailey’s necklace! The necklace game in this episode was on point! Meredith talks to Gabby’s dad about her treatment while DeLuca looks on disapprovingly like a jerk. This causes her to stop smiling. Maggie comes to talk to Jackson and says yes to moving in with him and explains why she didn’t say yes before. Maggie has a great one liner about rom coms! He asks her to come camping with him and says he’ll pro and con with her if she’ll come camping with him. Then Ripley’s labs are back. They are not good.
Amelia’s hanging out with Leo in the Attending’s Lounge. It’s very cute. Link walks in to see if she wants to grab food, but sees she’s already got plans. He talks to Leo and it’s so adorable! He’s really great with kids! I love them together! It’s nice seeing Amelia happy with someone more her speed that’s fun like here! Tom pages Teddy to the scan room. He shows her images of her dream home. He went and found it for her! My heart! He’s rented her an apartment. She loves it! Owen goes to see his therapist. He tells him the treatments are working. He feels clearer and he knows what he wants. He wants to continue the treatments because he wants to feel perfectly clear when he tells her that he loves her.
It’s unclear who he’s talking about. My money’s on Teddy. But it could be Amelia. Or even Cristina or some woman we’ve never seen before. My friend Amy whose not on Tumblr, theorized that they could pull a 180 on us and he could be referring to a family member and he could want to tell them he loves them before he makes a big life change like re-enlisting or something like that. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past them. Some people Twitter users pointed out that this scenario seems unlikely because of Leo and Teddy’s baby, but having him declare his love to one of the women he’s already been with and said that too seems too simplistic for Grey’s. There’s also not a lot of drama there. I hope if it’s Teddy, Amelia, Cristina, or some other woman they tell him to go duck himself! Because that is what he deserves!
DeLuca’s alone in a patient room at the clinic. Meredith comes to talk to him. She tells him she made a call today and she knows he has a problem with it, but she would do it again. What a Badass! Meredith tells him she cannot and will not apologize for it and she’s not going to change. DeLuca tells her that’s not the problem. DeLuca says he spent the whole day thinking about how Gabby’s situation could have been his if he was born in Honduras instead of Italy. That doesn’t fit his behaviour at all but okay. He tells her he’s in awe of what she did today. He says he was afraid if he opened his mouth the only thing that would come out is ‘I love you’. At which point he actually says it and tells her he loves her. Oh boy.
They’ve only been dating for a few months and already he’s decided she’s the love of his life and he loves her. Meredith is having none of that! She stares at him blankly. Then says, ‘Oh.’ Stutters then says, ‘Well okay. Glad we cleared that up.’ Nods then leaves! Haha! Her reaction cracked me up. What an idiot! Welcome back Meredith! I was wondering if this was going to come up at some point.
DeLuca’s been head over heels since the beginning and everyone’s always talking about how he loves her, but never the other way around. DeLuca’s infatuated and convinced himself he’s in love with her. Meredith just sees him as a hot date that’s fun to fool around with. She’s not in love with him. He’s not going to live with her. She’s not marrying this guy. He’s not going to be a step dad to her kids. The only one that thinks that is him. He just got a rude awakening! I hope this is the end and he leaves to do his Fellowship somewhere else next season.
This kind of thing is all relative too. Teddy and Tom have been dating for a similar period of time, but they’re much more serious. It’s all about context. Tom started dating her knowing she was pregnant. They’ve both been married before. They’ve both lost people. Teddy’s lost her husband and Tom’s lost his son and had his marriage collapse as a result. The difference is that Tom shows his love for Teddy instead of saying it. He makes her laugh, buys her things that make her happy or make her life easier, she needs a nice place for her and her baby to live so he goes out of his way to find one for her. He loves and supports her unconditionally and that’s what true love really is. He tells Owen he loves Teddy to get him to back off and stop making Teddy miserable and causing her even more pain. He doesn’t have to tell Teddy, she already knows and vice versa.
You can see a similar situation with Amelia and Link. They are newly dating and so they aren’t there yet, but they are compatible and happy and having a good time. They don’t need to have the ‘this is what you mean to me’ conversation because they show their love, they don’t say it. If you have to say it this early it’s probably doomed or one sided. That’s the problem with big sweeping declarations. They look cool, but they only work if the other person is mutually into it. If not then it falls flat. Like with Meredith and DeLuca. He’s declared his love for her and she does not feel the same way. Which if he was paying attention and wasn’t so selfish and self absorbed he would have picked up on. But he doesn’t and he didn’t because everything is all about him. He assumes Meredith feels the same way or will automatically reciprocate or be wooed by his declaration.
He doesn’t know Meredith at all. It took her a long time to even admit to herself that she loved Derek and wanted to be with him because of everything that had happened. For her declaring that she loves someone and meaning it is a huge deal. It’s not something she takes lightly and it’s not a quick process for her. Some Twitter users also pointed out how alone DeLuca is. At this point he doesn’t have any real friends, he’s given up on Neuro as a specialty for no discernable reason, and is flopping around. He’s only real personal relationship outside of Meredith at this point is his sister Carina. That’s really pathetic. All of Meredith’s friends dislike or are ambivalent towards him. He’s put all of his eggs in one basket without checking if the basket felt the same way.
Meanwhile Maggie and Andy go to tell Ripley about his test results. They find out he’s gone! I watched the Station 19 follow up episode and it was a total letdown. I got super into Vic and Ripley in preparation for the crossover. I watched clips on YouTube and got all caught up and was super pumped. The episode was awful. They created stupid pointless drama with Ripley’s sister and Vic and then they made it seem like they were going to pull a hell Mary at the last second only to kill Ripley off in a super dumb way and have all of the build-up be for nothing.
A character’s death is only poignant if you build the character up over several seasons. Baiting viewers with Vic and Ripley’s romance and then killing him off in the show’s second season before the finale makes no sense. It’s a really cheap ploy that doesn’t come off well and is really bad writing. One of the issues with this too is that now Vic can’t date anyone for a least a season without it being super weird and forced. Grey’s has been battling with this, unsuccessfully, since Derek died. Why the writers looked at that and thought, “Yes, let’s dig ourselves into the same ridiculous hole no reason!” I have no idea.
Grey’s didn’t have a choice. Patrick Dempsey decided to the leave the show unexpectedly and killing him off was the only option that made sense since the alternative was having him leave his wife and children for some research assistant in Washington. That wasn’t the case with Ripley as the actor was still available which makes the whole thing pointless. It also means I have no reason to watch Station 19 now. Unfortunately, the promo for next week’s Grey’s Anatomy episode doesn’t show anything so there’s nothing for me to comment on sadly. Hopefully it’s good! We’ll just have to wait and see!
Until next time.
Au revoir!
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