#going through the motions of accepting that i am trans while watching gerard way unapologetically be themself has been really healing for me
manforjail · 2 years
I’m not seeing anyone talk about this, which is baffling. But. Do you guys understand what it means for MCR to come back to Mexico for the first time in 14 years? 14 years after several emo teens were injured in a series of homophobic hate crimes? And what it means for Gerard to perform in a floor-length chainmail gown, in a Joan of Arc costume to miles and miles of people, “an ocean” as he put it, who might have experienced that fear firsthand as queer teens? What it means to see a queer person be themself on stage after all that happened and still STILL say “fuck you I am here and I survived.” It means everything. There’s something about resilience here. Living on despite being burned. ‘For when you are burned for what you believe, you are not ash--you are embers. And I shall remain. Everlasting.’ Joan, Gerard, the teens in 2008, those of us who have been burned so many times but continue living despite it are all embers. They will never fucking put us out, no matter how hard they try.
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