diemauer · 2 days
send a 💖and the mun will talk about a random mutual they love and appreciate!!- [ accepting ! ]
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@razorfst / @m1dfielder : idk where to begin because Liv is amazing and the person on this hellsite i'm closest to. I appreciate her so much and love how much she puts into every single one of her characters. she's got such a sweet heart and i'm so thankful to call her my best friend. I love that we both can yell and scream about football, plots and Germany in general. especially when we get on the subject of what places in Munich we plan to go next year when we take our girl's trip!! once again , idk what I'd do without her. she has helped me through so much and has constantly been super supportive of me.
@goldshadows : I adore munchie sm! they've became one of my best friends rather quickly and I never fail to smile when I check discord first thing in the mornings to see the TikTok videos and pictures she posts. they really lighten the mood. especially when i'm having a hell of a time. I appreciate how open and helpful they are and I think they deserve the world!
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startold · 3 months
@goldshadows ( jess )
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❝ it was just a bar fight, it's fine. ❞
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tobeblamed · 2 months
jami vc: am i your favourite yet?
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" — y'know what? yes you are. "
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freezegirl · 5 months
👫 for kie and zoe!!
headcanon time // @goldshadows' zoe nunez
1: kie's parents actually wanted to send her to xavier's but she made a case for sky high and sky u instead. the price to pay for that was increased appearances in the fabulous lives of superhero wives (which can be found on all the streaming services). kie is glad for it even though she's got to deal with the fact that there are snippets all over youtube, tiktok, insta and twitter. if she hadn't made a case for sky high and sky u, she never would have met zoe. and that would have been a tragedy.
2: zoe, much like layla, should be in the hero track. but because of her abilities, she's labeled a 'sidekick' or 'hero support'. down the line, geo-gal and freeze girl (who changes her name to frostbite) make quite the duo (even if the media labels them 'girl squad' as a joke - kie would have preferred geo-freeze but that's neither here nor there). she never sees zoe as her sidekick or her hero support; she just sees zoe as she is. a beloved friend. a good partner and a great hero in her own right.
3: zoe and kie go out sometimes. there's a supers-only club nestled within maxville but the definition of 'super' can be stretched as people see fit. often kie spots a pretty blonde girl whose name starts with a d - she seems to know the bouncer. and harley does mad science and if doing mad science makes mr medulla a super, then it makes harley a super, too.
4: zoe and kie both survive m-day. they're at sky u when it happens, getting ready for a guest lecture from luke jacobson. karol topolski is screaming her head off about how she can't shift into inanimate objects anymore. someone else is yelling about how they can't access their shadow form anymore. other people are crying. yet some people are relieved too. the cacophony is too loud and the stress is too much so kie goes subzero and spends most of that day in her ice form in order to protect herself. after principal powers - who has since taken on the job as sky u's principal after the old one literally melted down due to a melting ray mishap - confirms that a) this is happening all around the globe and b) it seems to be over for now, zoe has to drag kie to warren - after checking up on the rest of the group - because kie straight up refuses to thaw.
5: when warren can't get kie to thaw either, jill harris - the faith healer from creede, colorado - gets brought in. it is jill who finally gets kie to thaw and return back to herself.
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aintashes · 2 months
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@goldshadows' jami put a flower in daryl's hair.
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she's quick as she approaches him, insistently pushing daryl's head to face forward so that she can stick a flower in his hair. it's a little golden ragwort that she's picked from a nearby bushel of them, and the stem tickles his skin as it tucks with purpose behind his ear.
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daryl can't help the small smile that pulls the corners of his mouth out to the sides. it's a sweet gesture, to be sure. he'll be keeping the pretty yellow flower right where it sits between dark strands of hair.
‘ you get one for yerself, too? ’
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n1nth · 3 months
a starter for @goldshadows!
if the doctor ruins one more item of savannah's clothes by flying them straight into a danger zone, he thinks she might kill him. that's why he's decided to take her on a bit of a holiday. not a typical human holiday, but close enough. there - she can't say he never does anything nice for her.
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he puts his hands over her eyes as he walks her to the TARDIS doors, the doors opening before them. ❝ ta-da! ❞ he steps away from her as they exit the ship, revealing a beautiful turquoise sky & lavender coloured sand. ❝ the whole planet's a beach! i thought we could have a relaxation day. ❞
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diemauer · 1 month
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@goldshadows : you’re alexander , aren’t you ? first meeting let's go. from jess
             when  they  all  god  word  of  a  new  doctor  ,  he  hadn't  expected  them  to  be  so  beautiful.  and  here  he  was  ,  having  a  hard  time  taking  his  eyes  off  of  her.  despite  the  fact  that  he  had  a  fiancee.   not  that  their  whole  relationship  was  exactly  happy.  he  felt  more  pressured  by  it  from  his  family  as  well  as  her.   he  heard  her  speak  yet  ,  couldn't  muster  up  a  single  word  for  a  moment  before  nodding  .  "  ja  –  that's  me   .  "  he  replied  .   "  most  everyone  calls  me  alex  though.  " 
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startold · 3 months
@goldshadows ( savannah )
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❝ what's that supposed to mean ? ❞
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pr0digal · 3 months
a starter for @goldshadows ‹ savannah. › !
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he's been awake for a few hours. he's already taken all his meds, done his morning exercise routine with his music blasting through his headphones & had a shower while savannah sleeps, but he's bored. that one thought leads him back to the bed, crawling over to her sleeping form & dropping his full weight on her. still damp hair drips onto her skin before he presses a kiss to her cheek. ❝ are you awake? ❞
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sarishim · 1 month
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soapfcrce · 2 months
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@goldshadows 🌼and 🧼 || sc!
“Just puttin’ it out there, Daisy, y’ don’t gotta say yes to this.” 
Hell, he didn’t like involving civvies if it could be helped, but the opening for their target was about as small as it could be. And it was at a government party no less... 
Sure, stepping outside for an undercover thing wasn’t a bad idea, but he could seriously shoot Gaz for this idea. 
“Not gonna let you catch any danger—though also nae gonna stop ye if there’s some parliament guy you wanna stick a finger or five to. Done that one m’self once.” He tried to laugh it off like it was the most casual conversation ever and not, well, the topic of potential bodily harm. Shit, alright, maybe he was overthinking this, but... 
“I just need a believable cover. In and out, 20 minutes. We can even steal the shrimp bowl on the way out if it helps.” 
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malka-lisitsa · 2 months
🕯️ oh for jams?
Something something candle for my character's inner thoughts.
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You know I see this kid so often and I don't even know who she is. Like. We play tag across the street and yet I have no clue who her parents are. Does she have any? I mean she seems..... off.... like not a normal kid. Maybe shes like... a super natural something. I literally know jack shit about this kid and Im out here treating her like a bestie. Oh.. yea we even have bracelets... hmm.
Need to stop being lazy and start being ridiculously paranoid again before I let my guard down too far and get eaten by a lizard person pretending to be a child...
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hellgiven · 5 months
dynamic tags i needed to add ages ago
𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐲 ╲ ( crowliar )
𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐲 ╲ ( grcveycrd )
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧 ╲ ( grcveycrd )
𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐝 ╲ ( goldshadows )
𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐫ä𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 ╲ ( mcmorare )
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aintashes · 3 months
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with parted lips and a faint grunt of discomfort, daryl watches as @goldshadows analyzes the wound on his leg. it's not exactly pretty, but it's not life threatening in its own right, either. ‘ c'mon, it ain't that bad, ’ he says lowly, but he can't help but to grimace as she touches near it. okay, maybe it's a little tender.
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diemauer · 3 months
@goldshadows sent : “#b” from jess for whomstever it fits <3 ( lyric meme that i'm still accepting )
" all I know, it's 10:35 and i'm thanking, thanking god you found me."
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startold · 3 months
@goldshadows ( jami )
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❝ what ? how did you even find this place ? ❞
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