#goose has a little crush on francesca bridgerton and Edwina is not threatened at allllllllll
newtonsheffield · 3 years
Running with the Goose and Edwina theme here...
Ben and Edwina obvs spend a lot of time with each other as photographer and model and then friends...
And from Edwina totally putting the biatch that is Rosanund down... she’s clearly a huge Sophie fan (and the fact Ben’s stopping moping about his mystery Sophie though probably annoys her just as much with stories of Sophie...)
How does Goose react meeting Ben and then Sophie as well...
And how to Goose and Sophie get on seen as they’re both in total awe of how someone like Edwina/Ben loves them and wants to spend their lives with them... as I can totally see them being super cute and being all “that’s my wife/that’s my husband” together 🥰
Any Ben/Soph and Eddie/Goose friendship stuff would be amazing 🥰🥰
Edwina and Ben knew one another professionally before Kate was dating Anthony, and then of course, Edwin and Eloise have been friends for years, so Eddie had met most of the Bridgertons before Kate had actually. 
And yes Ben drove Edwina almost as insane as his siblings mooning over Sophie. Ben and Eddie work together quite a lot and he became very fussy with his shots while he was looking for Sophie because he was focussing on what he could control: work. This of course all culminated in Edwina storming off a shoot one day with a snappish Don’t tell me how to do my job, Ben. And Yes! Edwina loves Sophie! I mean... How could someone not ??? I mean, there also both very lovely, kind hearted people and I think they would get along very well.
Sophie Beckett had been ridiculously nervous when she’d walked into Kate Bridgerton’s living room and saw Edwina Sheffield slumped on the sofa. Sophie had been nervous enough to have been invited for morning tea with Kate, her stomach churning the entire way over, and then she’d seen Kate’s sister, sitting there, fresh off her second election as England’s most beautiful woman, and Sophie had had to fight the urge to run out the door. Kate had tutted, nudging her sister’s legs to make room for herself on the sofa, Sorry Sophie, my sister is like a parasite when Cake is on offer, I couldn’t get rid of her. Kate said dryly, as Sophie took a seat, perched on the edge of the armchair smiling nervously as Edwina tossed her sister a sarcastic look before turning towards her, a startlingly beautiful smile on her face. Sophie! I hope you don’t mind but when I heard you were coming I had to stay to meet you! Ben has told me just so much about you! And Sophie could barely force herself to keep smiling. She knew Benedict and Edwina were close, they worked together often, and given their siblings were married they’d become friends. Benedict had even said just the other week You’d like Eddie, You’re a lot alike. And Sophie had balked at the idea of having anything in common with this woman. It’s nice to meet you,Edwina  Benedict has the loveliest things to say about you. Sophie had forced herself to say, a little unnerved by the way Edwina raised her eyebrow sceptically a laugh in her voice. He had better. Honestly Sophie, the shit I put up with when that man was looking for you. Sophie felt her mouth drop open in surprise as Edwina continued unperturbed Now I was at your work the other day and let me tell you: The salmon was beautiful! And as Sophie settled in the the Sheffield girls she couldn’t help but feel as though perhaps she’d just made a friend as well.
Matthew Bagwell had been very nervous when his girlfriend had mentioned that he’d been invited to Violet Bridgerton’s house for dinner one Sunday night. His brow had furrowed and he’d found himself saying But I’m... not related to her? Edwina had tilted her head curiously and said That doesn’t really matter to Violet Mum and I are always invited, we’re kind of family I suppose. I just want to show you off. leaving a little kiss against his cheek that seemed to burn afterwards and he’d found himself agreeing. Edwina had chattered the entire way there. Gregory is getting married to Lucy Abernathy in September, and There’s Colin and Penelope who are very sweet, and Hyacinth is 17 but honestly terrifying, oh! Francesca is here at the moment! And Matthew had choked trying to remain casual Francesca will be there?! Edwina had chuckled teasing him with a kiss on his cheek as they stood at the door I forgot about your little crush on Frankie, I’ll be sure to introduce you don’t worry. And swung open the door leaving Matthew spluttering on the doorstop. He’d been immediately drawn into a warm hug by Edwina’s sister, greeted with a terse Goose by Anthony and fixed with the kind of glare that made Matthew squirm. He was just about to open his mouth to try and have a conversation with Anthony when a taller man appeared next to him, slapping Matthew on the shoulder. Don’t worry about Anthony! He likes disapproving of people! Eddie! I’ve been waiting for someone fun to get here!  He said Smiling Charmingly as he wrapped his arms tightly around Edwina leaving a kiss on her cheek. And Matthew felt a ridiculous surge of jealousy shoot through him for a split second until the man stepped back, plucking a small blonde woman seemingly from thin air This is my beautiful fiancée Sophie! and Sophie sighed, shaking Matthew’s hand lightly And he’s Benedict, though he probably forgot to mention that between teasing his brother and Eddie. And Matthew felt instantly more relieved. Until Edwina gave him a wicked smirk when they sat down at dinner, and forced him into a seat next to Francesca Bridgerton.
Matthew was still a little uncomfortable attending functions with Edwina, even now as her fiancé, even when she kept her arms wrapped tightly around his waist smiling happily as she met people. introducing him with a little hint of pride in her voice Have you met my fiancé Matthew? He could see her now, giving a quick interview with Benedict over their recent Burberry campaign, her smile bright, her hands moving like a little whirlwind as she explained something and Matthew felt a soft smile coming to his face, a surge of pride that this incredible woman wanted to marry him. A soft hum came from beside him They’re pretty incredible aren’t they? Sophie said, drinking from her champagne glass. Matthew nodded I was just thinking that. I think all the time how glad I am that she bumped into me in the museum. Sophie smiled. You’re telling me. I left Benedict’s dinner in front of him and he got it into his head that he wanted to marry me. She said still in disbelief, her engagement ring glinting on her finger. And when Edwina stand up to accept her award with Benedict later, No one is cheering louder than Matthew who lets out a wolf whistle, Edwina shooting him a slightly embarrassed look, Benedict Grinning proudly at his own fiancée hooting happily beside him.    
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