#grabby skelly hands ( nice things )
mercysought · 1 year
✨🧡🌙 SEND THIS TO TEN OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL. KEEP THE GAME GOING ✨ ( i myself am a total flake with passing these things on, so 0 pressure on that front. just wanted to let you know i appreciate you so much and that i'm overjoyed we've been writing all these intricate plots for the past YEARS. like the consistency game here is strong and i remain to be utterly hooked by all our plots / dynamics. thank you for being a pal and being so v (ha-ha, get it? sjfisjdf ) open to writing with my muses 💙 )
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Luccaaaa thank you so much for this it really does mean the world 🥺
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mercysought · 1 year
just a reminder that i adore you & all of your lovely characters 🥺😘
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AURORA you and your characters are such a joy to interact with this has made my morning so much nicer 🥺💓 thank you and right back at you 🥺🥺🥺
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mercysought · 2 years
i just wanted to say thank u for always being supportive of me!!!!! 🥺🥺 you're super genuine & i really appreciate that about you! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
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aurora pls I will cry but also look at this and tell me it's not the coolest shit you've ever seen
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mercysought · 2 years
There’s that cool affirmation in her statement. The kind that can only be seen as part of a constant act of defying authority. A clanging against the gates of class morale with apathetic aplomb. But then, everything that Viv does is cool, like the mismatch of neon treads on a deceivingly relaxed frame, to the colorful words she lets fly from her mouth. No need to front anything but herself. - @prvtocol in her last meme reply to viv
do you ever just cry? 
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mercysought · 2 years
@prvtocol​ . "It would be a nice blouse, Viv. 'Ganic silk." . sending me nice things outside of memes, because L is the best.
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Vivian says, standing a good distance from the other woman. This shop was just too much and she could feel the eyes of the security burrowing into the back of her skull. They could tell that some people just didn’t belong in that marble floor or lookin’ at organic silk that could probably fetch her a good apartment in just about anywhere in the city.
And for a second, a brief second, she considered comin’ back later to the store and take it because of how pissed all of this made her feel. Was she to ever make enough money to actually afford any of this shit she’d walk in, buy all of it and just dousy it all with oil and burn it on the spot. For no other reason than to let them know that she did, in fact, have enough money to burn and that had nothin’ to do with how she looked or which hood of NC she was from.
The blouse was fine. It looked like a fancy shirt that someone could wear to a fancy dinner date or, if rich enough, to lounge around. It was a classic style which matched Bri to a T, but bored Viv dearly. One day she’d get Bri to buy something canary yellow and wear it in public.
That’d be her legacy.
   “Are you gonna buy it for me, is that where the conversation is headin’?“ the merc asks, her eyes circling around the story and noting the security guards that had finally peeled their eyes off her back. She smiles openly, putting her hands in her pockets and leaning back as she finds the nearest seating in this shop that could easily be a gallery.
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   “’m all for a sugar mama, don’t get me wrong, but you’re not my type, Bribri.“ Vivian snorts, throwing her into the nearest seating. The weight of her body has her sink into it, her shape disappearing in the big puffy bright orange jacket she was wearing “Like the blouse.” she nods towards the piece of fabric that was posed on the mannequin like an art installation “Pretty, but too rich for my blood.“
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mercysought · 1 year
✨🧡🌙SEND THIS TO TEN OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL. KEEP THE GAME GOING ✨ // ps: nothing but love and appreciation for you and your amazing ocs. forever in awe of your ability to explore so many worlds and so grateful to have written with you and so many of them for as long as it’s been 💛
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mercysought · 2 years
@amgarrak . ❝ So tell me where to put my love? ❞ . random things ❤
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Were Maxima a younger woman she might roll her eyes at the question. Specifically at how easily the word love found itself in any and all dialogue when it came to matters of the bedroom.
In the state of sleepiness and the closeness with which Ves lay in her bed, Maxima allowed it to slip by with nothing but a brief thought to stay before dismissing it with a flickering of her eyes opening.
Maxima was likely not the best person to answer any questions when it came to love, even when coming to her in such a soft manner. It was a topic that even now surprised her how quickly drained warmth from her limbs and made her heart beat only a tad faster. And not from a feeling of fluttering in one's tummy. The mage had long since identified that feeling of trepidation as a response to deep discomfort.
But she too had learned how to navigate such things since the first time that such topics had been brought up. Moreover, it was Ves whose face she could see through her half-lidded eyes. Given the nature of their arrangement, she didn't think it was something that they truly had to concern themselves with.
Stretching, Maxima's hand meets their face, brushing aside their long hair and softly keeping behind their ear.
   “I think only you can truly answer that." she hums, hands slowly moving beneath the sheets and along the other's body. The chuckle is softened by the husky tone of Maxima's voice as she turns to fully turn to them. Long fingers wrap around rough ones, scarred and tired, pulling them to her body. Over the soft curves of her breasts, over the soft tissue on her chest and her stomach "But I can advise."
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mercysought · 2 years
SKELLS. HOWE DO I LOVE U. COUNT THE WAYS. lkajflkdaj anyway you are a good, kind, amazing bean and I really, really, really am glad that we are rp friends!! Your writing is BEAUTIFUL, and there is just a poetry to the flow of your words that just really enraptures me. I have learned so much in phrasing from reading everything that you post and I really, really love having you on my dash. Literally makes my day and makes me pause whatever I'm doing to read when I get a notif that you've done a Thing. And you're SO GOOD at art??? like, damn.
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mercysought · 2 years
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I totally didn’t cry when @orphidian / @cybled surprised me with this wonderful, beautiful, perfect, just!!! portrait of the priestess. I am absolutely floored and I want to scream into the abyss at how beautiful and how much it means to be 😭 their drawings, all of them are so stunning, just look at IT!! LOOK!
(@ninerivens / twitter)
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mercysought · 3 years
SKELLS. This is just a periodical reminder of how in awe I am of your creative soul. You put so much heart into your characters: they’re all unique, from their quirks to their extensive backgrounds, and I admire it so much how you’ve been crafting them over the last years and continue to flesh them out in interactions and headcanons. And if that’s not enough, you happen to be one of the kindest and most generous people (see when I come to you with all my html questions asfdhlasfd). I love having you around, tumblr wouldn’t be the same without you. <3
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I can’t believe you’ve done this
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mercysought · 3 years
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stop right there! this is the good writer gecko! I've come today to alert you that you're a skilled writer, and you may not know it. Keep an eye out for those nice sentences, citizen. We don't want you missing out. That's all, carry on.
I was today years old when I found out that we can put images in asks.
Thank you Ree, this is the sweetest 🥺🥺
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mercysought · 3 years
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mercysought · 3 years
friendly reminder that you're a blessing on the dash, both for your writing and simply for being uniquely you. please carry on with your day (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
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thank you and you too (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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mercysought · 3 years
you didn't reblog the meme, but that doesn't mean you're safe from appreciation! ugh, I just love your writing so much. I find myself ridiculously invested in every character you write, even those in unfamiliar canons. you have such a distinct style to your work that I could pick it out even if your name wasn't attached. I can genuinely say it's an inspiration. your edits, your drawings, your everything — you make my dash complete.
so holly literally just walked into my house this morning and murdered me in cold blood. In the best way possible. I cannot say how wonderful it was to wake up to this 🥺💖✨
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mercysought · 3 years
* bursts down your door * AND ANOTHER THING. I was reflecting on it and I forgot to mention that I STILL think about some of our old threads? like on farsights and especially on levanathiir? and how much I loved writing and developing with you there, how much I loved the writing of our threads and thought it really pushed me to do my best! and gosh just the symbolism of them? the concepts?? I adored what we developed and I still miss it to this day honestly <3
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mercysought · 3 years
@womanlives​ . "I'd say you wouldn't believe what I went through to get this — but you would." That's what Red loves about him. Of all people in all the worlds she's ever met, the Gentleman is the only one she feels she can tell anything to and it would be accepted without question. She places the gift in front of him: a small jar filled with paint. Only this paint changes colors from one second to the next: constantly shifting, shimmering. "I don't do Valentine's. But I want to for you." /ITS LATE BUT IDC ILU
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The gentleman’s back stretches slowly. Where one expects the soft crackling of bones and tissue, only the silence arrives as a light and fresh sheet. The only light that pours is dimmed by the dust that clings to the glass of this old home, this old home that had been hers first (or his? was anything truly his, especially old bones of houses) and now he had been allowed to remain in. His books filling shelves that were slowly fixed, shelves that creaked under the weight of heavy leather tomes (and sometimes even light phamplets).
It is by that soft light that he paints; a single beam with flecks in the air not unlike the scene that he is restoring. Darkened corners, old shelves over old counters with chipped edges and rusted hinges. Out of all the rooms in the house, the gentleman found himself drawn more to work there, in the larger kitchen with the door to the wildly overgrown gardens. The dark green of the windowsills that turned yellow at the corners, the fogged glass, the chipped furniture and worn cups and dishes.
This kitchen too was one of the rooms that they met more frequently, the one that they had found conversation to flow more naturally before they had settled to this comfortable and warm connection. It is love that puts down the jar atop the nearest counter to the large and looming shape that the gentleman cut. It thrums across the air and shakes the dust around them akin to a gust of spring air. The room grows lighter when she enters and it could be her presence. 
Her gifts; it could be his and how the world shifts and twists at the whim of those that sorrund him. It is love that sorrounds him now, bringing his dark eyes to land on the jar.
Long fingers wrap around it, bringing it closer. In the light his ring-less fingers are smooth and taught against his flesh, no spots or heavy veins pulling at his skin “Is this for me?...”
He glances up with a warm smile, confusion heavying on his brow, bringing the jar ever closer to the light. It shifted, turned as if alive itself. Perhaps it was indeed a live. The gentleman had never seen anything quite like it. It wasn’t meant to be used on his work, but perhaps an invitation to create something of his own. Many assumed that he had started the work of restoring by first being introduced to painting, to creating such living works of art and then channeling such a talent to the work of others. Maintaining their lives going beyond the years of their painters. 
It had not been the gentleman’s case; restoring came easily and his hands didn’t feel like ones of creation.
   “It is wonderful.” he hums, his eyes returning to the woman that smiles so openly to him. I don’t do Valentine’s. But I want to for you. His hand reaches out to hers, the jar placed once again atop the wooden counter. His fingers lace around hers, cold against the sharp warmth. He clings to it as he brings them to his lips into a light kiss on her knuckles. His body brought closer, dragging the small stool with wheels as to allow him to look up to Red “I feel I have fallen short by not gifting you something for Valentine’s. However, I am so thankful for this gift.“
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