#guess which games I've gotten farthest in
skyward-floored · 3 months
I'm trying to figure out how the whole "resurrecting Ganon with Hyrule's blood" thing works because I've never really seen it explained anywhere. The farthest I've gotten is that the monsters claim that mixing his blood with Ganon's ashes will cause the resurrection, but I can't find anything that says why that works in the first place.
Do you know or at least have a guess?
I did a bit of digging, but that was all I could find as well, unfortunately. I found a scan of the manual, which is where the blood over ashes thing seems to come from, but it doesn’t explain much else. It says this about it:
“The key to Ganon’s return was the blood of Link— the valiant lad who overthrew the King of Evil. Ganon would be revived by sacrificing Link and sprinkling his blood on the ashes of Ganon.”
...that’s all we really seem to know. Though I suppose we also know that it could actually happen— the game over screen literally says “game over, return of Ganon” with a very much alive Ganon in the background.
It seems to me that it might have to be Hyrule’s blood because he was the one who defeated Ganon in the first place, but I honestly don’t know. Sorry there wasn’t much more I could find!
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moth-yknowtheartist · 2 years
I am going to write about hot daga and owl house parallels and you are going to LISTEN TO ME:
In the end, the dynamic that most of the owl house villains have with emperor belos is REALLY similar to the dynamic the villains of the hot daga have with the dark master: they play the game for their own interests, for power, for the vague idea of justice they've been taught to believe, in ignorance of the fact that the only one who wins at this game is the big boss himself.
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Pam and Lilith, for example.
They go to the farthest lengths imaginable, betraying their own sisters, all in the hopes of the pipe dream they've been fed by the dark master/belos. Yet just as quickly, JUST as the man they've followed so long and done everything for has gotten what he needed, they are discarded as if they are nothing.
And all at once they get to see exactly how worthless the pain they caused was, and how deeply they regret it.
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Or Garce and Hunter.
They've been in the game since they were young, and they dance the steps they've learned without question. And what else would they do? How much did you learn as a child that you've followed without a thought?
And while the story of wild magic killing Hunter's family was a lie, Mike Soup DID, however accidentally, kill Garce's mother on that transport ship. How much does that justify for a person? I don't know the answer.
In the end, when it's the family business, how likely are you to step away?
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Or even the big bads themselves. The Dark Master, and Emperor Belos.
Or is Chili Pope the Ninth and Philip Wittebane more appropriate?
Each an older evil, cloaked in a new coat of paint. Both with far darker intentions than even any of their followers could have imagined, intentions that seek to wipe out both their enemies and their allies in a total destruction. In the end, no matter which side you're on, no one else wins if he was.
After all, the game was always of their design, and the house always wins.
so anyway yeah I've been enjoying the owl house I guess
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toournextadventure · 1 year
I haven't gotten terribly far in any of the KH games (got the farthest in 2 I think??), but it's one of my brother's favorite series. he's payed them all, not sure which his favorite is. when we were younger (back in the PS2 era, and into the PS3 one despite not owning a PS3) I would often sit and watch my brother play through games. it was partially because I wasn't good enough at most of them to get very far, and partially because for several years it was the only console we had (eventually got some Nintendo handhelds)
and gosh golly, I have some fond memories of experiencing kingdom hearts second hand lmao. especially once my brother had to catch me up on stuff for KH3... which I also spectated most of for nostalgic reasons. anyway, I still get emotional over sea salt ice cream
-signed, your friendly neighborhood crow
See, you basically have the same answer of my oldest lil bro. He always watched me play it, and I've been around since the first one was initially released. But like, it's probably my favourite nostalgia game. It was what got me seriously into gaming, and I know it's not technically the biggest known game (aside from 3) but I LOVE hearing everyone's opinions on it
Honestly? I think 3 is my favourite in terms of story and extras. But 1 is my favourite in terms of nostalgia. And 2 is my favourite because it was a nice change of pace. So I guess they're all my favourites 😅
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My Favorite Floor Titles
Every floor in Etrian Odyssey has an epithet. Mostly, they exist to set a tone beyond the Stratum’s tileset. Some of them go about this in different ways from others. Here’s some of my personal favorites.
The First Hope-filled Step: The first floor of Etria’s Labyrinth, it ends up describing not just your current adventure, but the series as a whole. Everything in the Emerald Grove is bright and beautiful, and you don’t even realize yet that the game will set you up to be ambushed over a boot. You’ll recognize that mistake eventually, but for now, you’re just here for a good time.
All That Lives Shall Succumb: At first, it just seems like your usual Labyrinth doomsaying, and then you hit the first pitfall. It does not get any better from there.
Half-mad From Self-doubt: It’s a teleporter maze. It’s a teleporter maze that goes far beyond the icon limit. By the time you reach the end, you’ll be praying that your frantic scramblings are enough to allow Floor Jump. It’s as likely as not that it won’t be.
Trail of Enduring Pain: How do you say ‘this floor has damage tiles’ without saying ‘this floor has damage tiles?’ Pack Guard Soles. Pack lots of Guard Soles. Or a party member with Safe Passage, that works, too.
Here Be Dragons: Technically not a floor title, but it amuses me that High Lagaard feels the need to warn specifically about the superbosses and not the dinosaurs that new adventurers are actually likely to come across. Sure, there’s a wyvern in the first Stratum, but it hasn’t even spawned yet!
What Lurks behind the Trees: In EOV, this is the floor that introduces aggressive FOEs. At least it warns you ahead of time what you’re getting into. Not every game can bother to do that.
Dance with Fawns in the Sunbeams: They mean it literally. You aren’t meant to fight them. Why would you fight them. Or, for completionists, why fight both of them? There’s another Furyhorn in the next maze that you’re required to fight anyway.
Rocks Claw at Uncertain Wanderers: It’s always nice when they tell you the floor gimmick right away. Especially since, if you’re the kind of person who looks up maps ahead of time, you might not even notice otherwise.
A duty that must be forsaken/ Swords Reflecting Hell’s Fire: These are lumped together because they don’t actually describe the floor itself, but the people who join your party there. Wufan starts trusting other people with the Medium’s safety. Kibagami helps you fight a creature of fire. There’s a third one, but it’s a bit bigger than that...
From Whence Loyalty Drives: First of all, I’m not sure if the reference to drive blades was intentional or not, but it definitely tells you exactly what you’re getting into. And it summarizes the events of the floor perfectly. Logre fighting you out of duty. The nameless Imperial who admits that he follows Baldur because he’s scared not to. Logre choosing to join the party permanently, if you’ll have him. Literally the only flaw in the description is that it gives you no warning of the Cradle Guardian, but that’s fine. The exact identity of the boss is arguably the least-important thing here. An emotionally-charged floor gets an emotionally-charged epithet, and that’s the way it should be.
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madeofcc · 2 years
1, 14 aaaaaand 27!
1. how big is your mods folder?
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And it's a complete chaos in there ><
14. who is your current favorite sim?
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I think I'll never get tired of these 3 (from left to right : Leïla, Destiny and Renji) . They are the true main characters of DH and I still didn't show you a lot about them yet >< I love that, just like us, they're growing and changing through time and learning from their mistakes. Each of them is also a part of me : Leïla is basically my own reflection as a witch girl, Destiny is the hero I'd love to follow or the black lead female character I'd like to see more on medias and Renji represents my dark thoughts/depression side as well as my gay part. They're also all métis as we're not used to see métis characters in stories and that I'm métis myself so I wanted to have a special stories for all métis around the world I guess XD
27. what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge?
I only tried one challenge which was @bugsims Mini gaming legacy challenge ! You can find what I did here but I didn't finished it as I lost my save for it and all the sims I created for the challenge :/ I might get back to it one day though as it was fun (the GTA part was stressing me so much, @castawavy's Allette Haleman from DH was actually supposed to be this gen wife but she was so perfect I didn't want to kill her and used her on DH instead after the save disapeared ^^). I recently saw the Globetrotter challenge and this one looks awesome to do ! So far, I've seen people (you and @hula-zombie actually ♥) starting it on my dash lately and it looks fantastic ! Is it fun?
Thank you so much for these asks dear @simmancy ♥
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