#guy as asbel or. rokurou.
addoves · 8 months
staring directly at my incoming homework assignment as i draw luke instead
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tales-of-asteria · 2 years
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8.5 Anniversary Commemoration  ~ 10 Free Multi Pulls Duration: 9/23 (Fri) 16:00 ~ 10/10 (Mon) 4:59
Chance to get some of the Bond Awakening enabled characters from past gachas and the new exclusive 5☆ Zaveid with free multi pulls!
Every day (for a total of 10 days) is available only a free multi pull. No Asteria Stones, Summon Tears or paid options can be used.
✶ At least one 5☆ character is guaranteed with the 5th pull, while with the 10th pull you will get a Red Summon Circle in your inbox where you can choose to get a character between Jade [Formal], Presea, Dezel, Rowen, Zaveid, Colette, Cress, Asbel and Sorey.
Here’s the list of the other featured Bond Awakening characters:
Fire: Reala [Marine], Presea, Lloyd, Ruca, Farah, Luke, Guy, Velvet
Water: Alisha [Christmas], Raven [Gambler], Zelos [Magician], Ludger, Veigue, Iria, Mikleo, Rokurou
Wind: Jude [Butler], Zaveid, Dezel, Asbel, Emil, Richard
Earth: Asch [Orchestra], Leon [Theater], Jade [Formal], Cress, Caius
Light: Tear [Formal], Rowen, Kyle, Kor, Estelle
Dark: Farah [Wedding Dress], Eizen [Butler], Senel, Leon, Yuri
Also, some Evolution enabled 5☆ characters from the permanent gacha will appear:
Fire: Kanonno E.
Water: Milla, Cress
Earth: Asbel
Light: Reid, Luke, Rita
Dark: Leon
Players will also get special rewards with each free pull (the last reward is the Red Summon Circle).
Zaveid’s artes and skills details:
Wind 5☆ Zaveid
Stats at LV80 HP: 20,100 | Power: 2,020 | Defense: 1,870
Mystic Arte: ルードネスウィップ Outlaw Barrage Power: 610% (Target: Single) | Hits: 7 | OL: 38 (finish type)
Arte1 - ウィンドランス Wind Lance Power: 210% (Target: Single) | Hits: 3 | Activation: 60%
Arte2 - ジルクラッカー Geostigma Power: 260% (Target: Single) | Hits: 4 | Activation: 30%
Arte3 - アベンジャーバイト Vengeant Fangs Power: 360% (Target: Single) | Hits: 7 | Activation: 10%
Co-op skill: Wind Shot 6 + Vital Pinch (magic type) Performs a wind magic attack with 250% of power. Also, if the HP are lower than 30%, the attack power will increase.
Wind 6☆ Zaveid
Stats at LV80 HP: 23,700 | Power: 2,420 | Defense: 2,110
EX Skill: If the HP of a wind party member are below by 30%, the attack power will increase by 200%
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): ルードネスウィップ Outlaw Barrage Power: 610% (Target: Single) | Hits: 7 | OL: 38 (finish type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Own power +20% (4 turns)
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): ルードネスウィップ Outlaw Barrage Power: 1300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 7 | OL: 69 (38+31) (finish type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Arte power +100%
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - ウィンドランス Wind Lance Own power +15% (2 turns)
Arte2 - ジルクラッカー Geostigma Own power +30% (1 turns)
Arte3 - アベンジャーバイト Vengeant Fangs Critical rate +50%
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
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talesofexchanges · 2 years
💗Tales of Rarepairs💗
Nominations are open! Follow the link and nominate up to 5 fandoms - 10 relationships per fandom.
Nominating serves to establish a pool of ships to choose from when signing up. Don't hesitate to nominate all kinds of ships!
Which ships can be nominated this year? Here is an explanation of our criteria, taken from the collection's FAQ:
This is an event for less popular romantic pairs. After analyzing the feedback from our poll, we have decided on the following rules this year: eligible ships are those whose number of fanworks on AO3 do not exceed 5% of the total number of fanworks for their game. (Exceptions: games with no more than 100 works in total, or ships with no more than 10 works in total.)
To make things easier, we have compiled a list of ineligible ships below. Anything not on this list is free game as long as it's romantic ("/" relationships rather than "&"). Poly is of course allowed as well, as are crossover ships.
Ineligible ships:
- Arise: Alphen/Shionne, Law/Rinwell, Kisara/Dohalim - Berseria: Velvet/Eleanor, Velvet/Magilou, Eizen/Zaveid, Eizen/Rokurou, Eleanor/Rokurou - Crestoria: Aegis/Vicious, Yuna/Penelope - Graces: Asbel/Richard, Hubert/Pascal, Cheria/Asbel - Symphonia: Colette/Lloyd, Anna/Kratos, Lloyd/Zelos, Yuan/Martel, Sheena/Zelos - Symphonia-Dawn: Richter/Emil, Richter/Aster, Emil/Marta - Abyss: Asch/Natalia, Luke/Tear, Guy/Luke, Asch/Luke, Jade/Peony - Vesperia: Yuri/Flynn, Estelle/Rita, Estelle/Yuri - Xillia: Alvin/Jude, Julius/Ludger, Jude/Milla, Jude/Ludger, Gaius/Wingul - Zestiria: Mikleo/Sorey, Alisha/Rose
Happy nominating~
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honest-khmyh · 3 years
Tales of Festival 2015 - 2020
The tales of series’ festival events are the most chaotic experience I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying.  The voice acting cast are ridiculously talented and entertaining to watch, especially the recurring festival guest have REALLY GOOD chemistry with each other, and are just fucking trolls with all of their ad libs.  
Personally I think the skit ad libs peaked in 2019 especially having this recurring cast together: Onosaka Masaya (ToS Zelos), Konishi Katsuyuki (ToS Lloyd), Suzuki Chihiro (ToA Luke), Toriumi Kousuke (ToV Yuri), Takemoto Eiji (ToV Raven), Sakurai Takehiro (ToG Asbel) and Kimura Ryouhei (ToZ Sorey). 
I’ve only watched 2015 - 2020 so far (mostly because I’m focused on looking for the cast of TOB and TOZ), and I’m really looking forward to the 2021 festival coming in November 20-21, 2021. 
The events are so good I had to write down my personal favourite and highlights to share, hoping more people can be exposed to the chaotic energy the voice cast brings to a brilliant series.  If I have time, I may actually do a highlight post of each year later. 
Favourite ToF running gags:
All new guest that appears at a festival event talks about how they’ve heard rumors that the festival skit never goes as planned/rehearsed, and now they’ve experienced themselves they know it’s true.  (Because of all the fucking ad libs. LMAO)
Oosaka Ryouta (ToZ Mikleo) being commented on his sense of fashion and state of attire because of his dress code mistake in 2015. LMAO
Fukuen Misato (ToZ Edna) conning other cast members into doing their interpretation of the Normin Dance (including Eizen in 2020), to the point the gag becomes an actual song she sings for the Tales of HR shorts. lol
Kimura Ryouhei (ToZ Sorey) the cameraman! He keeps his cellphone during the show and consistently takes selfie with other cast member in the middle of a skit, and photos or videos of other cast. (seriously the guy’s phone/cloud account is a treasure trove.)
Tsuda Kenjirou (ToZ & ToB Zaveid) and  “ ナマステ!押忍!” (Namasute Osu!”) - the result of the telephone game in 2018. It got passed on and even became a banner piece in the 2020 stage background. LMAO
Satou Rina (ToB Velvet) and Onosaka Masaya (ToS Zelos)’s recurring gag on the absence of Kishio Daisuke (ToB Rokurou) at the 2017 - present Tales of Festival as a result of his chaotic ad libs in the 2016 skit.
Skit specific: Raven and Zelos’ thirst for the ladies. It really peaked in the 2019 skit when they both ad-libed flirting with Shitaya Noriko (ToZ Lailah) and both pushed Sorey away when Sorey tried to protect Lailah.
Overall Favorite Moment - Earth Sibling References:
References of Eizen and Edna’s relationship, which first appears in the skit when Velvet first meets Edna in 2017. Edna’s VA kept saying in cast free talks wanting to co-cast with Morikawa Toshiyuki (ToB Eizen) at a ToF event to do a Earth Sibling reunion, which did finally happen in the 2020 skit!!!! Sadly due to COVID, it was a live broadcast and everyone understandably had to stand with panels between so their acting options are limited, otherwise it would have been so much more epic and we definitely would have head the arena audience scream their lungs out at the scene, but it was still so FUCKING GOOD. I really hope they can keep having the Earth Siblings at events together.  Here’s me hoping really hard for November since I don’t think they’ve announces the guest list yet. 
Side note I also really appreciated Velvet and Sorey’s meeting in the skit in 2017, where Velvet first held reservation with Sorey’s status as a Shepherd.   I really hope we will eventually get Laphicet and Lailah’s VA at the same ToF event and maybe the skit could have Lailah show recognition of Laphicet as Maotelus.
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mewnia · 5 years
any headcanons you have for the tales series?
Oh definitely! I have gained a lot of head-canons after learning what it means. Let’s see how many I have for the localized games – 
-Both Colette and Zelos have depression, but Colette doesn’t know she has it and brushes it off as “not important enough.”
-Presea’s body starts growing again but from the age it was at. Meaning she goes through puberty like a normal teen even though she’s actually in her 30′s. But this also means she lives longer than she would have and would be one of the last members of the group still alive when the human members start to die off.
-By the previous logic Emil has a body that’s two years older than his mentality which actually takes a couple years off his life. So post true ending Emil would die before Marta. 
-Lloyd and Colette both get awkward around each other when marriage is mentioned only because they’re worried about moving too fast for the other. But both of them want to take that step! The whole gang eventually starts making plans for getting Lloyd to propose but every time it’s interrupted by something completely unexpected in the most silly way possible (like Colette’s clumsiness) until Lloyd and Colette make the decision themselves without the help of the others. Just… It’s all silly, the entire situation is that cute, awkward, “you want to do it but the universe says not until you’re in the perfect setting” kind of thing.
-Flynn is bi and Estelle is pan, and I think Yuri and Rita being gay is a largely accepted head-canon in the fandom.
-Ioder has a brilliant mind and is actually rather devious in the empire. He trusts Flynn as one of the few knights he can vent to and mocks the people on the council in very subtle ways in conversations/meetings with them.
-Flynn learned First Aid when he became lieutenant to lift some work off the shoulders of the female knights in his squad. Also because he wanted to heal any wounds Yuri would have the next time he saw him.
-Judith has abs.
-Patty is totally a freckled gal.
-Brave Vesperia becomes one of the most reliable guilds and takes on a similar reputation that Fairy Tail does.
-I’m open to the idea of Yuri being trans
-Post game Luke either loses all of his memories or gains all of Asch’s and I don’t know which one to pick.
-Guy becomes a famous engineer. Let the dude live his dream with fontech.
-Asbel has depression and is a suppressed gay where he’s convinced himself he’s straight.
-Richard is gay for Asbel but values Asbel’s happiness more than his own and never verbally tells him. I read a really good story about the relationship between Asbel and Richard and how Richard becomes totally depressed and unintentionally reclusive after Asbel’s wedding and the whole thing is beautiful but I don’t remember where I read it.
-Pascal invents dry shampoo
-I like to think of Jude and Leia being 17 rather than 15. (and then 18 rather than 16 in X2)
-Every now and then I play with the idea of Jude being trans. 
-Milla is pan, and the relationship between her and Jude is a lot like Rose and Greg from Steven Universe. 
-Ludger’s personality is a lot like how the Undertale fandom sees Frisk.
-At first Julius hated Ludger but grew to love him, much like Wirt and Greg from Over the Garden Wall.
-There is a comic strip series in the newspapers similar to Garfield and Julius is a huge fan of it. One time he snuck lasagna to Rollo.
-Alvin is a huge sucker for Jazz
-Sorey is Ace
-Alisha is bi and started to develop feelings for Sorey until she saw him interact with Mikleo and chose to respect that relationship.
-Edna begrudgingly starts to talk in puns to cheer up Lailah when she’s down.
-They were cowards to not make Heldalf Sorey’s father.
-Mikleo was actually really torn after learning about Camlann and his mother but held it together to act strong. Like, come on. They didn’t do too much with showing Camlann’s destruction, at least give me this.
-Rose catches herself nerding out about some fact about a ruin after Sorey’s gone and has a moment of “Oh no” and a small identity crisis
-Velvet is Aro
-Magilou would be totally open to memes, along with Rokurou.
-Rokurou saw Laphicet as a little brother and would be reminded of him and Shigure every now and then. When that happened he would distance himself from Phi.
-Velvet has abs. The writers and artists were cowards.
-Eleanor tried to stop Magilou from her self-depreciating jokes one day but gave up around lunch the next.
-Eleanor also successfully fixed Velvet’s clothes but then gave up after they were ruined again in a fight after the fifth try.
-Artorius gave Laphicet to Teresa because she reminded him of Velvet. It shocked a lot of exorcists because he was very strict on who could have him.
And that’s the amount I’ve had! I might add on if I remember any more. You can tell which games I’m not too personal with :P But also all of this is just my opinion! 
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dimensionslip · 6 years
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Tales of Ichiban Cafe Autumn 2018 Sales Post
Other Tales of Sales Posts: [here]
Prices are under the cut. Priority will be given to bulk purchases before I go chronologically. I accept payments through Paypal only. All prices are in USD and, unless otherwise stated, do not include shipping and other fees (i.e. PayPal fees, handling fees). For reference, all items will be shipping out from Japan.
If you are interested in buying any of the above and/or have further inquiries, please send an email to kaylee.ishtar (at) gmail (dot) com. Please do not PM me in any of my other social media (including Tumblr), as I tend to be inconsistent about responses in them and prefer to keep track of everything through email.
For more information on how I conduct sales, please check this post! Thank you!
Note: Feel free to inquire about sold out items, as I might reacquire some of these due to my batch purchases in auction sites.
1st Photo: Can Badges
Reid x4x6, Meredy x1 x3, Senel x2x3, Jay x1 x2 - $5/ea
Rideaux x3, Jude x1 x2, Alvin x3 x5, Julius x1 x3 - $8/ea※
Luke x3, Dist x2 x4, Ludger x4 x5, Edna x1 x2 - $10/ea※
Mikleo x2, Eizen x5 - $15/ea ※
※ If you want anything from the 2nd, 3rd (except Jude and Julius), 4th rows, please buy one of the can badges from the first row.
2nd Photo: Acrylic Stands
Velvet x2 x3 - $12
Leon, Richard x1x3, Asbel, Luke, Guy x1x2, Mikleo, Rokurou - $15/ea※
※ If you want any acrylic stand(s) (except Velvet), please buy one of the can badges from the first row.
Both purchase rules are in effect until the can badges from the first row run out.
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timefactor · 7 years
NOTE: Anything for Arc 2 and beyond is Japanese only.
Last Update: 08/18/2020
Names in parentheses indicate which playable character(s) join the party upon completion. As of this writing, this playlist contains: 
Arc 1
Prologue (Ix Nieves & Mileena Weiss)
Chapter 1 (Yuri Lowell & Repede)
Chapter 2 (Sophie)
Chapter 3 (Luke fon Fabre)
Chapter 4 (Sorey)
Chapter 5 (Jude Mathis)
Chapter 6 (Rutee Katrea)
Chapter 7 (Meredy & Keele Zeibel)
Chapter 8 (Stahn Aileron & Leon Magnus)
Chapter 9 (Lloyd Irving)
Chapter 10 (Velvet Crowe)
Chapter 11 (Cress Albane & Chester Burklight)
Chapter 12 (None)
Chapter 13 (Kanonno Earhart & Raine Sage)
Chapter 14 (Senel Coolidge & Veigue Lungberg) 
Event 1 (Tear Grants & Jade Curtiss)
Event 2 (Mikleo & Edna)
Event 3 (Milla Maxwell & Elize Lutus) 
Event 4 (Reid Hershel & Farah Oersted)
Event 5 (Rita Mordio & Raven)
Event 6 (Kyle Dunamis & Reala)
Event 7 (Colette Brunel & Guy Cecil)
Event 8 (Alisha Diphda)
Event 9 (Asbel Lhant & Cheria Barnes)
Event 10 (Emil Castagnier & Marta Lualdi)
Event 11 (Laphicet & Eizen)
Event 12 (Mint Adenade & Arche Klein)
Event 13 (Judas & Kongwai Tao)
Event 14 (Sara)
Event 15 (Ludger Will Kresnik & Julius Will Kresnik)
Event 16 (Leia Rolando & Haruka Amami)
[JP Only] Event 17 (Estellise “Estelle” Sidos Heurassein & Karol Capel)
[JP Only] Event 18 (Eleanor Hume)
Arc 2 - Mirrage Prison
Chapter 1 (Kocis)
Chapter 2 (Ruca Milda & Illia Animi)
Chapter 3 (Ludger Will Kresnik) 
Chapter 4 (Sync the Tempest)
Chapter 5 (None)
Chapter 6 (Kratos Aurion & Zelos Wilder)
Chapter 7 (Mithos Yggdrasill)
Chapter 8 (Kor Meteor & Caius Qualls)
Chapter 9 (None)
Chapter 10 (Spada Belforma)
Chapter 11 (Asbel Lhant)
Chapter 12 (Flynn Scifo)
Event 1 (Rose & Dezel)
Event 2 (Anise Tatlin)
Event 3 (Mithos Yggdrasill)
Event 4 (Alvin)
Event 5 (Pasca Kanonno & Kana)
Event 6 (Celcius)
Event 7 (Hubert Oswell & Pascal)
Event 8 (Lenneth Valkyrie & Rondoline E. Effenberg)
Event 9 (Magilou)
Event 10 (Asch the Bloody & Natalia Luzu-Kimlasca Lanvaldear)
Event 11 (Barbatos Goetia)
Event 12 (Shirley Fennes & Chloe Valens)
Event 13 (Gaius & Muzet)
Event 14 (Kirito & Asuna)
Event 15 (Lailah)
Event 16 (Kohaku Hearts & Hisui Hearts)
Event 17 (Kanonno Grassvalley)
Event 18 (Genis Sage & Presea Combatir)
Event 19 (Hilda Rhambling)
Event 20 (Claus F Lester)
Event 21 (Judith)
Event 22 (Uzuki Shimamura & Ranko Kanzaki)
Event 23 (Rokurou Rangetsu)
Event 24 (Suzu Fujibayashi & Sheena Fujibayashi)
Arc 3 - Fairy’s Requiem
Chapter 1 (Victor)
Chapter 2 (Emil Castagnier)
Chapter 3 (None)
Chapter 4 (Milla Maxwell)
Chapter 5 (Kocis)
Chapter 6 (Loni Dunamis & Nanaly Fletcher)
Chapter 7 (Asch)
Chapter 8 (Malik Caesar & Richard)
Chapter 9 (Kunzite & Lithia Spodumene)
Chapter 10 (Fractured Milla)
Chapter 11 ( Karia Nevan & Atwight Eks)
Chapter 12 (Harold Berselius)
Chapter 13 (Ion)
Chapter 14 (Richter Abend)
Chapter 15 (Karyl Sheedan)
Chapter 16, Part 1 (Nazar)
Chapter 16, Part 2 (Mecuria)
Event 1 (Rubia Natwick)
Event 2 (Alisa Illinichina Amiella, Claire Victorious, & Philine Strigidae Volare)
Event 3 (Dhaos)
Event 4 (Allen & Zephyr)
Event 5 (Rowen J Ilbert)
Event 6 (Elrane)
Event 7 (Zaveid)
Event 8 (Marcus Grimm)
Event 9 (Dymlos Timber & Pierre de Chaltier)
Event 10 (Claude C. Kenny & Rena Lanford)
Event 11 (Annie Barrs)
Event 12 (Duke Pantarei)
Event 13 (None)
Event 14 (Patty & Chat)
Event 15 (Philia Felice & Garr Kelvin)
Event 16 (Grune)
Event 17 (Ange Serena & Beryl Benito)
Event 18 (None)
Event 19 (Lazaris)
Event 20 (Mao & Eugene Gallardo)
Event 21 (Norma Beatty)
Event 22 (None)
Event 23 (None)
Event 24 (None)
Event 25 (Shizel)
Event 26 (Tilkis Barone & Arria Ekberg)
Event 27 (Creed Graphite)
Event 28 (Gintoka Sakata, Kagura, Toushirou Hijikata, & Sougo Okita)
Event 29 (None)
Event 30 (Lilith Aileron & Rimul Aileron)
Event 31 (Alice & Decus)
Event 32 (Little Queen)
Event 33 (None)
Event 34 (Yuan Ka-Fai & Martel Yggdrasill)
Event 35 (Mary Argent & Bruiser Khang)
Event 36 (Shigure Rangetsu)
Event 37 (Ricardo Soldato & QQ Selezneva))
Event 38 (None)
Event 39 (Anzu Futaba & Kirari Morobishi)
Event 40 (Dist the Reaper)
Event 41 (Dio & Mel)
Event 42 (Agria the Shadowless & Symonne)
Event 43 (Ines Lorenzen)
Event 44 (Will Reynard)
Event 45 (None)
Arc 4 (Last Cradle)
Chapter 1 (???)
Turtlez Shop Exclusive - Spend 100,000 prisms each
Dark Turtlez
Ami Burklight
Marian Fustel
Claire Bennett
Aster Laker
Rays-Original Ion Replica - Libera
Future / Unknown
Morrison (Which one not specified)
Ilene Rembrandt
Chelsea Torn
Regal Bryant
Tytree Crowe
Agarte Lindblum
Milhaust Selkirk
Walter Delques
Maurits Welnes
Peony Upala Malkuth IX
Van Grants
Arietta the Wild
Original Ion
Gelda Nebilim Replica
Forest Ledoyen
Lukius Bridges
Hermana Larmo
Hasta Ekstermi
Thitose Cxarma
Alexei Dinoia
Kurt Bessel
Chalcedony Akerman
Gall Gruner
Sergei Strelka
Artorius Colbrande
Unnamed Characters (Present in the story but identities not revealed yet. May be characters in previous list)
2 Eternia characters
1 Symphonia character
2 Tempest characters
1 Vesperia character
2 Hearts characters
2 Xillia characters (Representing both games)
1 Zestiria character
2 Berseria characters
Speculated (Namco has teased the possibility of including characters from these obscure Tales games)
Julio & Caro from Narikiri Dungeon 2 & 3
Ruru & Mika from Tales of Breaker
By extension, this could also include characters from Tales of Commons & Tales of Wahrheit?
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maginpui · 7 years
Vesperia, Graces, Berseria?
best girl? Patty ;)
best boy? KAROL
any ship/s? nope!
favorite part of the game? DEBATABLE THE KAROL SCENE. or patty finding the truth of her past. 
opinion on the mascot character (if applicable)?  If thats repede- hes a good dog.
opinion on villain/s? (in the least spoilery way) Uh.. tbh i wasnt too interested in most villains and i was just like “when can they die”
main team of 4, and who did you play as mostly?  Hmm i really liked patty she was always in the team, yuri was common but the other two were changed here and there so i didnt have a main teme. BUT I LIKED PLAYING AS PATTY HER BATTLE STYLE WAS SO FUN. 
favorite town/city/area? hm do i have a fav place- i think dahngrest appealed to me.
favorite or most used arte?  mmm dont have one
favorite music track? okay i love: Full Moon and Morning Star ~ from ‘Ring a Bell (tbh ill list u all but turns out all the ring a bell arrangements are my fav) 
favorite monster? IS BAUL A MONSTER CUZ BAUL
best girl? PASCAL 
best boy? Hmmmmmmmmmmm HMMMMM hubert.
any ship/s? still nope!
favorite part of the game? any scene with Sophie + friendship
opinion on the mascot character (if applicable)?
opinion on villain/s? (in the least spoilery way) Its LITERALLY one guy for the whole game almost.
main team of 4, and who did you play as mostly? Usually play as asbel but my group is all the girls with him.
favorite town/city/area? amarcian area
favorite or most used arte? still dont have one
favorite music track? okay pascals theme its just so cute!
favorite monster? is lambda a monster.
best girl? magilou BUT VELVET IS SO CLOSE
best boy? Eizen
any ship/s? again nope!
favorite part of the game? UGH PHI AND VELVETS SCENES KILL ME. and any mention of edna
opinion on the mascot character (if applicable)? BIENFU IS A BIT ANNOYING.HES CUTE AND I LOVE HIM BUT HIS VOICE KILLS MEopinion on villain/s? (in the least spoilery way) Good villains- not enough info i need more pain.
main team of 4, and who did you play as mostly? Usually play as velvet but magilou and eizen are often in the group and sometimes i switch between eleanor and rokurou 
favorite or most used arte? I really liked magilous mystic arte tbh (sorry its in japanese i did play the game in japanese and so i cant remember the english name to look up.) but the first time i played it i was laughing so hard and i think i ended muttering her mystic arte a couple of times for the next month idek why.
favorite music track? Magilous theme, velvets theme & eizens theme aND LET US NOT FORGET BURN. BURN WAS GOOD
favorite monster? B) NOW CAN I ASK IF VELVET IS A MONSTER but no i like kamoana and the other therions
Thanks for asking!
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chisaki · 7 years
My List of Tales of BroTPs
Will do another video game one. I just have too many in this series alone. Here’s my anime list.
Cless and Chester (Phantasia)
Lloyd and Genis (Symphonia)
Lloyd and Zelos (Symphonia)
Luke and Guy (Abyss)
Yuri and Flynn/Repede (Vesperia)
Jay and Moses (Legendia-also a ship)
Asbel and Hubert (Graces f)
Velvet and Laphicet (Berseria)
Ludger and Elle (Xillia 2)
Rokurou and Eizen (Berseria)
Edna and Zaveid (Zestiria)
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tales-of-asteria · 1 year
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“Thank You For Everything”  ~ 10 Free Multi Pulls, vol.2 Duration: 3/31 (Fri) 16:00 ~ 5/18 (Thu) 11:59
Chance to get some of the Bond Awakening enabled characters from past gachas with free multi pulls!
Every day (for a total of 10 days) is available only a free multi pull. No Asteria Stones, Summon Tears or paid options can be used.
✶ At least one 5☆ character is guaranteed with the 5th pull, while with the 10th pull you will get a Red Summon Circle in your inbox where you can choose to get a featured. character.
Here’s the list of the other featured Bond Awakening characters:
Fire: Reala [Snow Festa], Yuri [White Day], Kyle [4th Anni], Lazaris, Leia [Maid], Asbel [Wedding Suit], Reid [Swimsuit], Repede [ToV Anni], Anise [Yukata], Milla [Moon Viewing], Mikleo [Halloween], Lailah [Casino],Presea, Lloyd, Ruca, Farah, Stahn, Rita
Water: Cheria [Kimono], Arche [Snow Festa], Lilith [School Uniform], Mikleo [4th Anni], Guy [Café Assistant], Veigue [Wedding Suit], Mint [Swimsuit], Cheria [Orchestra], Raven  [Gambler], Alisha [Christmas], Rondoline, Ludger, Veigue, Iria, Jade, Rokurou
Wind: Dezel [Kagura-style], Sophie [Valentine], Raven [4th Anni], Claw, Kohaku [Wedding Dress], Rondoline [Swimsuit], Karol [ToV Anni], Eizen [Boss], Tear [Halloween], Pascal [School Uniform], Zaveid, Dezel, Asbel
Earth: Edna [Valentine], Eizen [White Day], Jade [Formal], Sorey [School Uniform], Jude [4th Anni], Roar, Luke [Magician], Stahn [Wedding Suit], Kanono E. [Swimsuit], Rose [Yukata], Asch [Orchestra], Luke [Shool Uniform], Laphicet [Christmas], Cress, Caius, Edna
Light: Ludger [Kagura-style], Shirley [Valentine], Farah [School Uniform], Colette [4th Anni], Fang, Rita [Magician], Alisha [Wedding Dress], Velvet [Swimsuit], Estelle [ToV Anni], Kohaku [Halloween], Sorey [Gambler], Mint [Christmas], Rowen, Kyle, Kor, Reid, Zelos, Jude, Estelle
Dark: Velvet [Kimono], Jade [Snow Festa], Guy [White Day], Velvet [4th Anni], Kongwai [Magician], Cheria [Maid], Reala [Wedding Dress], Magilou [Swimsuit], Yuri [ToV Anni], Leon [Yukata], Kratos [Moon Viewing], Colette [Orchestra], Zelos [School Uniform], Van, Senel, Judas
Also, some Evolution enabled 5☆ characters from the permanent gacha will appear:
Fire: Kyle
Water: Mikleo
Wind: Raven
Earth: Jude, Sorey
Light: Colette
Dark: Velvet, Elize
Players will also get special rewards with each free pull (the last reward is the Red Summon Circle).
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tales-of-asteria · 1 year
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Tales of Crestoria Commemoration  ~ 10 Free Multi Pulls Duration: 12/10 (Sat) 16:00 ~ 12/30 (Fri) 4:59
Chance to get some of the Bond Awakening enabled characters from past gachas with free multi pulls!
Every day (for a total of 10 days) is available only a free multi pull. No Asteria Stones, Summon Tears or paid options can be used.
✶ At least one 5☆ character is guaranteed with the 5th pull, while with the 10th pull you will get a Red Summon Circle in your inbox where you can choose to get a character between Jade [Formal], Presea, Dezel, Rowen, Zaveid, Colette, Cress, Asbel and Sorey.
Here’s the list of the other featured Bond Awakening characters:
Fire: Reid [Swimsuit], Anise [Yukata], Elize [Orchestra], Presea, Lloyd, Ruca, Farah, Sorey
Water: Guy [Café Assistant], Mikleo [Swimsuit], Ludger, Veigue, Iria, Jade, Rokurou
Wind: Yuri [Kagura-style], Pascal [School Uniform], Magilou [Magician], Zaveid, Dezel, Asbel, Emil
Earth: Asch [Orchestra], Veigue [Yukata], Jade [Formal], Cress, Caius, Reala
Light: Alisha [Wedding Dress], Rowen, Kyle, Kor, Flynn, Jude
Dark: Sophie [Flower Viewing], Senel, Leon, Sophie
Also, some Evolution enabled 5☆ characters from the permanent gacha will appear:
Fire: Kyle
Water: Mikleo
Wind: Raven
Earth: Jude, Sorey
Light: Colette
Dark: Velvet, Elize
Players will also get special rewards with each free pull (the last reward is the Red Summon Circle).
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dimensionslip · 6 years
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Tales of (Mostly Rubber Straps) Sale
Previous Sales Post: [Sanrio Puroland] [2018/07/24] [Massive Tales of Sales Masterpost]
If buying in sets:
Phantasia, Destiny, Eternia, Rebirth, Innocence Set (Image 2) - $30
Symphonia Set (Image 3) - $30 [SOLD: Ratatosk, Zelos, Kratos straps]
Xillia Set (Image 4) - $10 [SOLD: Rowen, Alvin, Leia, Elize]
Vesperia Set (Image 5) - $30 [SOLD: Estelle, Raven, Schwann]
Graces Set (Image 6) - $30
Abyss Set (Image 7) - $30
If buying individually:
Ratatosk Purchase Bonus Strap - $35
Yuri, Luke, Guy, Flynn, Asbel - $10/ea
Alvin, Jude, Raven, Schwann - $8/ea
The rest - $6/ea
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! As for the other items in this sale, please check their prices under the cut.
I accept payments through Paypal only. Unless otherwise stated, all prices are in USD and do not include shipping and other fees (i.e. PayPal fees, handling fees). For reference, all items will be shipping out from Japan.
If you are interested in buying any of the above and/or have further inquiries, please send an email to kaylee.ishtar (at) gmail (dot) com. Please do not PM me in any of my other social media (including Tumblr), as I tend to be inconsistent about responses in them and prefer to keep track of everything through email.
I will prioritize bulk buyers, then go through purchase requests in chronological order. For more information on how I conduct sales, please check this post! Thank you!
1st Image
Yuri and Flynn display plate (with stand at the back) - $25
Tales of Berseria Puchichara Can Badges (Velvet, Eizen, Rokurou, Magilou, Laphicet, Eleanor) - Top row: $9/ea, Bottom row: $6/ea
Sanrio Puroland Can Badges (Asch Kitty, Luke Kitty, Natalia Kitty, Sorey Kitty, Repede Cinnamoroll, Yuri Badz Maru) - $8/ea
TOZ Can Badge (Alisha with Normin) - $4
Dress Up Charm (Emil) - $7
8th Image
Train Pass Case (Ludger) - $10
Rubber Strap (Ludger) - $8/ea
TOF Coaster (Ludger) - $8
Tales of Xillia Colorful Collection Purchase Bonus Gaius - $20
Tales of Xillia Rubber Strap Set Purchase Bonus Gaius - $35
Tales of the Rays Clear File (Ludger) - $8
Kutsurogi Acrylic Charm (Luke) - $10
Train Pass Case (Luke) - $10
9th Image
Tales of Xillia 2 Ebten Purchase Bonus Rollo - $25
Cleaner Plush (Rollo) - $25
Clear Poster (Natalia with Asch and Luke Kitty x2) - $10/ea (can grant $2 discount if buying with Yuri or Laphicet clear poster from this sales post
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dimensionslip · 6 years
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Tales of Festival 2018 (Part 2) Sale
Previous Sales Posts: TOF2018 (Part 1) | TOF2018 Preorder Goods + Tomonui | 2018/05/27 | 2018/05/22 | 2018/05/06 | 2018/04/22 | 2018/04/08 | Destiny 1 & 2 | Eternia | Symphonia | Rebirth | Legendia | Abyss | Innocence | Hearts | Graces |  Xillia 1 & 2 | Zestiria | Berseria | Rays (Mileena Can Badge)  
Prices are under the cut.
I accept payments through Paypal only. All prices are in USD and do not include shipping and other fees (i.e. PayPal fees, handling fees). For reference, all items will be shipping out from Japan.
If you are interested in buying any of the above and/or have further inquiries, please send an email to kaylee.ishtar (at) gmail (dot) com.
For more information on how I conduct sales, please check this post! Thank you!
1st & 2nd Image
Acrylic Keychains (Luke, Guy, Natalia, Anise, Rita, Raven, Velvet, Edna) - $9/ea
TOF2018 x HMM Acrylic Stands (Yuri, Ludger, Kratos, Velvet, Laphicet) - $15/ea
TOA Acrylic Stands (Jade, Anise) - $15/ea
Large Soft Strap (Velvet) - $10
Name Badges (Yuri, Velvet) - $15/ea
HMM Rubber Straps (Judas, Mikleo, Jude) - $10/ea
3rd Image
Viva Tales of Magazine Bromides (Sorey & Mikleo, Cooking Flynn, Asbel + Curry, Judas, Richard + Asbel + Sophie, Julius vs Ludger) - $6/ea
Kutsurogi Chara Feuille Acrylic Straps (Julius, Colette) - $7/ea
Metal Charm (Zestiria) - $10
4th Image
Tales of Cafe Card and Clear File Set (Jade & Guy, Sorey & Velvet) - $30/ea
Tales of Cafe Coasters (Luke, Laphicet, Ludger) - $12/ea
5th Image
Tales of Shop Greeting Card (Luke & Asch), HMM Postcards - $3/ea
Animate Purchase Bonus Can Badges (Yuri, Mikleo) - $5/ea
Orchestra Can Badge (Rokurou) - $7
Tales of Museum Can Badge (Sorey) - $6
Viva Tales of Magazine Acrylic Keychain (Yuri & Flynn) - $15
6th Image
Oyasumi Straps (Leon x2, Lloyd, Emil) - $8/ea
Tales of VR Cafe Can Badge (Leon) - $6
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