#had me at the pee-wee herman ref
10% into Mrs. Nash’s Ashes and I’m delighted.  A true rom com? 😌
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kroabot · 3 years
pt 140 medical science journaling
That's true you're so good at trafficking Star for the past 4 years straight. Why don't you traffic her back to her legal biological father?! Idiot!
San Diego Islamic Center, lecture. The rights of a Muslim before and after his death. This Islamic center has very scholarly lectures almost every day.
I just move from one surrogate daughter to the next but the only difference is Star is a mahram that is family members that you are forbidden to marry because they are your close relatives as defined in the Qur'an. But a surrogate daughter i may have found Quechua girls like Star's second cousin Tatiana and her next door neighbor Mylee, ever since non mahram (girls i can technically marry) play surrogate daughter with me, i feel more emotional balance. As a man should feel emotional balance when a beautiful Quechua teenage girl is having ordinary conversational spanish with me. So my having the 22 year old in Huaraz as a surrogate daughter she was a school teacher, then i learned to converse with the help of google translate better, and met a new teenage Quechua surrogate daughter, and another, "we can have a sales team" Gladis he can do that, put a NOW HIRING TEENAGE QUECHUA CHICAS sign on me head, and form a sales team
Come to Sandy Utah and kill Michael Tahan and Gladis and their Mormon kidnapper adoption club from their Sandy kidnapper adoption club church ward, kill all of you low life motherfuckers at once when you are at church!
What do you do next, you two faced satanic bruja??! Delincuentes? What is Coca familia de delincuentes doing next? When is Jose Felix in his office? Sandy Park, West Jordan used auto sales. Now i'm a hit man and my kill list is you.
...Secuestrador delincuente mentiroso...why don't you stop trafficking my daughter Star Monique Angel Gonnerman? Send her back to Kurt Gonnerman her legal biological father in Ciudad Tacna....Secuestrador delincuente mentiroso...white collar criminal meth ring. Jose Felix, Tamara and Enrique, Danny and Charro, Gladis Michael Emily and Natalie and Hayley, all Morir, Carlos and Pocha, Raquel Coca and Dave Jenson, all Morir! Nick Boyd Joseph Taylor, Elizabeth Monica Coca, Morir! Ameen!
> > We get out the social networking apps in the covid19 era. You can go ahead and traffic Star Monique Angel Gonnerman to her legal and biological father. All the extended family, including grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins on both sides of the family, are jealous predatory vultures. And experienced criminals and participants in crime ring.
> > >
> > > We get out social networking app, return to core components. Core syntax (la ilaha illallah the Word of salvation that you disbelieve in so you will fail for sure). Virtual classroom. Sales floor. Girl scout daisy brownie troop, where i teach girls mostly, ages 3 to 19, about starting your life over from scratch. After walking away from narcissistic Christian pagan child abusers Lizard Humanoid priests of V2K DEW , and children love it. It's like an interesting Japanese cartoon to them my life is an anime cartoon to them. And we learn criminal law and detective skills, product research, criminology, criminal psychology everything is masters 505 level, every one of my lectures is a contribution to many sciences maintain the fitrah turning to Allah Alone. Unlike Mormon polytheist priests of shirk, priests of sihr DEW V2K, who believe not in accountability for wrong doing, and don't believe in Allah and the Day of Resurrection.
Joseph Taylor and Mexican FES Sniper hitman fuck each orher and smoke meth together faggot...
I'm here to compete over custody of other people's little girls! Build my family image. Because i am more emotionally attached to other people's children than the biological parents so the children are mine. This isn't kidnapping it is rescuing and nurturing my hero complex. Gladis Raquel Charro and Milagros are materialistic cunts. Come fight me workaholic slave. Find a work mule to serve you.
Star Monique Angel Gonnerman is not property of the kidnapper extortionist Coca family. Her aunts and uncles, and her deported mother Elizabeth Monica Coca do not own her. Star owes them nothing!
The virus is a manufactured terrorism, and the vaccine is a manufactured terrorism. I'm like "i will handle your manufactuered virus without your manufactured vaccine". Really i'm making conversation, while i talk to you and charge up on coveting other people's children vibes. So i charge up on your kidnapper vibes, and then round up more students, on and offline.
Here to covet other people's seven and eight year old girls. Because Raquel Jenson said age eight is when girls (like my kidnapped daughter Star Monique Angel Gonnerman) can make their own religious decisions.
Well i can't make children when i'n surrounded by mormon snakes vipers and vermin. I'm a mammal.
Or Elizabeth Monica was pimped out by her mother, and her mother chose who she stayed with
This is happy home industries, not gaslighting gangstalker predatory cannibal Christian Freemason sadistic economic and psychological abuse dysfunctiinal family of sociopath murderers, who look perfect on Sunday morning. And their house and carpet is perfectly clean, after they clean the blood of their murder victims of course.
Pentecostals and Mormons have a fear of a Lone Ranger visiting their community with strange ideas. Are those strange ideas to you, the Truth, and Law, and Word, and Islam? They are afraid one person will bring Islam to their community of shirk and sihr, polytheist black magic sorcerer priests priestesses of lies abuse extortion and deceit?
Todd loves cyberstalker US war college veterans who kill the biological parent for not having an income or a Mormon priesthood, or doesn't keep a clean house. So that child must be sold into prostitution for Catholic Omaha Boy's Town, or meth mule and human trafficking with the Mormon church. And Todd pretends to care about suicide prevention. And then he turns around and behaves like the authoritarian white collar criminal pedosadist rings who kidnap these children with help of CPS child welfare services San Diego for example. Todd is okay with those people taking their side saying "you don't have an income" and i don't have a network of pedosadist Epstein prison mansion-cage Todd. Be sure to point out i don't have a network of Mormon Epstein child prison mansion cages.
Let the Muslims see what it is like to be the only one in a community of 1000's who learned "la ilaha illallah" and believed it, and embraced Islam. verses the Nebraskan family and friends, 100's or 1000's of people i knew, rejected the Word, la ilaha illallah. And it leaves me with no social support from the place i was born, because they reject rhe Word and they reject people who believe the Word "la ilaha illallah"
I say "la ilaha illallah" all Todd hears is Pee Wee Herman's song "connect the dots, la la la la la" like Todd has a satan devil screaming in his ear when i say "la ilaha illallah" and makes it sound like when Pee Wee Herman says "...la la la la la" so i think Todd's jinn imitates Pee Wee Herman and censors reality with Pee Wee Herman voice over screaming in his head, to drown out the Word "la ilaha illallah"
Like Michael and Gladis Tahan. Offer to babysit their child. Turn the child against their parents who are working while you are brainwashing the child to love you, and hate their own parents. With your Mormon Epstein real estate mansion, child holding cage. Real estate human trafficker mafia houses.
Michael and Gladis Tahan mafia houses for Mormon Epsteins.
This money isn't stopping Star from being abused and lied to and it serves your interests, i don't believe you love me or Star your actions and lying show that you hate Star and I and have a big jealousy problem, and your friends are the wrong crowd they are shit friends! You are friends with a gang of white collar criminal, child peddling nobodies! (Kathy and Joe Link, who abused Star Monique Angel Gonnerman, before selling her off to the Mormon religious crime ring. Like a real Boy's Town Omaha employee).
pt 141 medical science jouraling
Islamic foundation of Lincoln.
I had a trigger memory of being sent to 20 th century job so my wife can go fuck a gang and use them to help kidnap my daughter.
Mid June i had the Delta variant for 50 hours, and the antibodies from the P1 variant for 5 - 6 weeks must have softened the impact of Delta variant. But you need to have the remedies ready. Esoecially fever reducers, and the vitamin D fortified milk powder to make warm milk with, if your heart starts racing. Because vitamin D sheds the virus from attaching to heart and lung cells, which causes the racing heart. So hot water with a lot of vitamin d fortified milk, is what stops the heart from freaking out. And then Paracetamol (is that tylenol?) a fever reducer but in a high dose. Taken at regular intervals or maybe slightly more than the recommended dose. And a high amount of gatorade, because drinking coca cola can end you up in the ICU like it did me, in Arequipa, because of electrolyte disturbances.
I haven't been worried about getting a vaccine yet, because i haven't heard of anything worse than the Delta variant which i already had. And i am experienced enough with self treatment, and my immune system has learned to fight covid19 also, after 3 or 4 times. In July i may have even had the Epsilon variant.
Video on Kurt Gonnerman profile talking about kidnappers Jose Felix CPS and FBI.
Baby peddlers Boy's Town Omaha archdiocese sold my daughter to ICE when the mother Elizabeth Monica Coca was paired up quickly with a war vet husband Joseph Taylor to groom Star Monique Angel Gonnerman when she was taken out of school at age 12 and has been kidnapped since 2017
don't mind if i make a complete farce out of Boy's Town and your white collar child peddling gang of middle aged to nearly elderly to elderly delincuentes. Under the guise of foster care, and church and state child protection agencies. Because i want to "turn it around into what i want it to be" where my daughter isn't being forced to be a drug mule for a war vet, and she is telling a CPS worker Joe Link sexually abused her. Then what am i going to turn this around into? You have all the power idiot, do your worst before you go be fuel for Hell with your gaslighting gangstalking mother! He doesn't keep a good house, sell the child to prostitution. You're a baby peddler! And yo mama is a baby peddler for Boy's Town, Omaha Archdiocese!
#Lithuania covid19 pass regime #fascism #terrorism #mkultra #bioterrorism
I got pretty angry with my mama just then. Because it's like Boy's Town Catholic archdiocese is one child peddling crime ring. And Mormons are a child trafficking ring. And family values are like a Catholic orphanage. Abuse the child sexually before sending them off to another orphanage or white collar criminal crime ring.
This is Happy Home Industries, verses Dysfunctional Mormon Epstein real estate, mansion network of child holding cages. Happy Home industries takes them to Madinah, and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I don't know or care where, besides pedophile Island and Cancun, that Mormon Epstein takes the children
Offer to babysit their children often. Turn the child against the boring biological parent who trusted you with the infant or child. Take newborn infant to church like Gladis and Michael Tahan and discuss with other kidnapper adoptees, this infant you were trusted with to babysit. Then you take the infant to kidnapper adoptee religious club.
The FBI is helping crime franchises take over your family. FBI is not prosecuting the organised criminals. They are helping them, and the organised criminals are military trained murderers in suits and ties. So at least Todd doesn't fit that description. Or does he? Todd are you hiding a 3 piece suit amd a DEW V2K (voice to skull) gun around here?
Telemarketing, interest base. These emotional flare ups are due to DEW, energy directed weapons. This is not only a biological war of manufactured viruses, but a neurological mind control war, with psychotronic directed energy DEW guns V2K voice to skull, and that helps you?
I used to say rich terrorists enter a masjid, and bribe everyone to be agents and informants for them. Terrorists since 2014 or so, have paid to turn biology labs and neurology and psychology labs, into stockpiles of exotic neurological weapons and manufactured viruses, HIV and covid19. At prestigious East Coast colleges, including U of North Carolina, Yale, and U of Connecticut. Hundreds of humans are forced into experimentation, just because they were on the faculty, or lived near the campus laboratory.
You talk into people's skulls too much to get your way. V2K voice to skull,
Singapore is highly vaccinated, and they still got a surge in ICU. So, wake up. The vaccines have hardly any effect on the delta variant. Even after just having P1 Brasil variant in February and March 2021, i got hit with this powerful India Delta variant in Mid June, and why did it still hit so hard if i just had covid19 two months earlier? After Delta variant, i felt i had sufficiemt amtibodies to fight off illness. Like i had to catch covid19 twice this year, to feel better.
9/30/2021 - 2,890+ #USA #Covid19 deaths reported totaling 716,847 #CoronaVirus deaths or an avg of 14,332 deaths/state. The top 22 states (10,000+ deaths) total 577,576. #COVIDー19
The news blame the death increase on the unvaccinated, but that is a lie. The Delta variant is sending large amounts of people to ICU, with or without a vaccine.
Are we still acting like retired 47 year olds, because we have a guaranteed monthly check from the US Government? Don't let that marriage fall apart Monica, you'll be a choro looking for a military vet to live off his check, and be your personal personnel hitman to nurture the black widow man hate from your schizo-effective disorder. So extended family members can bribe the mentally ill woman for parenting rights and send a hitman to the biological father, since Huanuco women murder the father of their child often anyway. The grandmothers are thug murderers, some grandmothers are pimp mafia cocane traffickers. Huanuco is the center of coca
Bribe a mentally ill woman for parenting rights. 5 years of deportation court appeals "wait there Kurt, i'm coming next month" for 60 months Elizabeth Monica Coca kept saying she was coming the next month until June 2018. Extended family members played this bribe the mentally ill woman, played that "he chose to leave" game.
UFOs kidnap our children by enticing them with iphones.
I don't know i just began to be a blossoming virologist, biologist, just before the pandemic in 2019, the months before September when i think i chased Monica and Joseph out of Lima, because an isis group, and a Mormon group was harassing and gangstalking and cyberstalking me especially on the whatsapp since January 2018, that i decided i was going to go find some of these people who had kept me hiding in Ancash around the Parque Huascaran, cities of Huaraz, Chavin, San Marcos, Hauri, and Huacaybamba.
In Huari i began to become a blossoming scientist from reading two books, Function Of the Orgasm, by Wilhelm Reich, where he explains how every single psychologist / psychoanalyst follower of Freud, failed to talk about the bioligical psychiatric effects of the orgasm as a process of life and purifying of toxins. To the sequel Cancer, a Shrinking Bioapthy...i'll come back with the name soon. But it's a book on how cancer and psychiatric problems originate in early pre and post natal care.
So my dream as a scientist, following the tradition of Wilhelm Reich infant care trust. Based on his findings that major psychiatric problems are the result of cultural errors, in how a society blindly follows traditions in pre and post natal care and childbirth, and also in their views of religion and attitudes towards sex, it creates a generational abuse because they follow the same blind tradition of harmful errors in pre and post natal care and child birth. So by 2020 i was already applying what i learned and mom and i helped a Venezuelan baby before and after childbirth. We made donations and helped with hospital bills. Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless Ana Camila, Venezuelan born in Arequipa in the pandemic, Ameen.
You stupid gang delinquent don't know more than me just because you have more, Gladis. Your family is large, but your heart black and rotton with parasite worms from Churacan water well...you have heartworm?
You think you know more than me because you have more. I already passed Delta variant, and i think Epsilon, and now USA is finally getting the Delta variant.
I had a large can of powder milk fortified with Vitamin D, and when i felt like i was having a heart attack and my heart was racing, i drank really warm milk with that powder in really warm water.
A spoon full of half turmeric (palillo) and half spicy red pepper, and then start to chew on it, and sip it down with olive oil That is how you stop from choking to death on covid19. And raw slices of ginger root, that's how the Quechua in Cerro Colorado and i survived, Kión (ginger).
Racing heart and a feeling of pinching or poking on the heart and lungs is the virus attaching to cells. And vitamin D from the very warm water with Vitamin D fortified milk powder, stops the heart attack.
Paracetemol (tylenol) 500mg at its regular intervals, and staying very still, and dabbing cold water on your head to keep the fever down. People probably panic because you may not be able to sleep for 48 hours, because you constantly have to stop breathing fits, heart attacks, and overheating by fever. And you can't drink coca cola because covid19 creates electrolyte disturbances in the blood, you have to drink gatoraid and ginger lemon orange grapefruit chamomile and echinacea
The vaccine dowsn't work on Delta variant, so also focus on immune system. Soup made with beef of chicken bone boiled in the soup.
pt 142 medical science journaling
Star is done watching you narcissistic cunts worship yourselves. You are dismissed. Come on Star, chop chop. Vamos, Najma Estrella.
O Allah, so Najma (Star) and i can start that family business, halal Tijuana taco stand. Ameen.
San Diego Islamic Center, live stories of the Prophets
Islam is not organised religion like Christian denominations. It is a pile of ancient books in Arabic, and then thousands and thousands of groups start Islamic centers and muslim communities form. And sometimes they are infiltrated with terrorism, or like now in Tacna, sometimes they are not invaded by foreign terrorist groups, in the name of the same religion. But there is no central office or authority,
which means, i don't have to answer to anyone at all, while making decisions There is no heirarchy of power, no spiritual foundation of authoritarian priests who don't understand even basic laws and morals, nor practice them. Especially in family and business,
So you have communities where the church heirarchy also destroys the family. And you accept it like brainwashed animals. You stay in that terrible church and let it destroy you. Or stay in Omaha with the predatory Bar & Lawyer's Association of sadistic child predators.
Star and i are going to start a family business together, right in the United States of America. Ameen.
Why do you pretend you have any business in Kurt and Star Gonnerman's life? Tu es morir!
Grandmothers fighting over who gets to enslave and exploit their grand daughter, Star Monique Gonnerman. Which senile bruja witch will get total control with no legal restrictions?
Julia Coca Cabra, or Kathy Link. Or you two should be cell mates in prison till you are dead! You can die and rot and go to Hell together!!
Which is why Michael Tahan, Joseph Taylor, Nick Boyd, Jose Felix, and Dave Jenson will be the first to die. Ameen. May Allah quickly destroy you and give Star and I our life back. Ameen.
pedo-sadist Mormon Catholic Freemason epstein's sisters of Hell, the great American dream, traffic other people's children with help of CPS CIA FBI baby robbers and baby peddler lizard humanoids of V2K (voice to skull) DEW priests and missionaries who happened to get military intelligence training as prison parolees and are now narcotraffickers for DEA ICE helping narco terrorist Mexican militar FES scumbag chicken coop cheap hitmen.
Mom says i will "turn it around to what i want it to be" is that a plot scenario, where i don't turn myself over to the hitmen thugs y'all hired, and you don't get life insurance money and full unrestricted rights to sell my daughter to be abused and trafficked and raped anf taken out of school by all you low life goddamn motherfuckers??!
pt 143 medical science journaling
I can't get over that junk sometimes "you will turn it around to what you want it to be" don't make me puke you wimps. We need to investigate your entire crime rings. CPS San Diego is a crime ring, Mormon church Utard is a crime ring, Sandy Utard mental ward for kidnapper adoptees Gladis and Michael Tahan's ward, Tamara Bangerter Coca and Enrique Coca kidnapper adoptee murderer lynch squad Mormon church ward in Chula Vista,
But drink warm milk with vitamin D if you feel Delta Variant heart pinching feeling. I want you to be alive for your criminal prosecution,
Vitamin D reduces mortality rate
The covid19 has never been proven scientifically to be a virus? I'm always willing to see what a pretty face has to say.
“The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss!” (39:15)
Correct beliefs #aqeedah
The Qur'an is evidence that Islam is the only religion, where families can end up together in Paradise forever. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said "you will be with those you love".
You will be with other Muslims who you loved for the sake of Allah in the dunya, life of the world, you will be with them forever in Paradise. "You will be with those you love" is what this means. Forever.
Remember when i survived covid19 from my remedies, and Jason got mad and said "you never found a cure?" when i actually had? What kind of self blinding is this, that he would reject information that may benefit others?
Rissia and USA are the same thing, Mkultra bio terror bases who are ruined from their own sick games! Putin is just as much of a satanic sellout, he has a WHO level 4 biosafety lab too. He's part of MKultra i learned that term "satanic sellout" from
Emily Tahan is a mother now? I will adopt her child, insha'allah (Allah willing) Emily looks like her life is falling apart. Michael Tahan style offer to babysit often can i baby sit sleepover, Emily's child want to sleepover. They wont ever be safe their whole life, i always want to adopt your grandchildren Gladis. Will never be safe as long as you live, row lined up Sandy jogger
jogger shoes, don't be afraid to DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE BESIDES VISIT BRIBE AND KISS ASS Monica Coca and Joseph Taylor so worthless. Kathy Link, Raquel Jenson Coca Gladis Tahan, your fat ass husbands in the slammer who will have sex with you post menopause? Joseph Taylor in prison i adopt your children sell all their belongings on ebay sell Joseph Taylor's children on ebay,
Raquel Jenson said here is the divorce papers only a week earlier. Then in Perú she was saying it's time for Star to be baptised. I'm not giving into this extortion, i have a stable life with mentally sane social networking and living large as a virtual professor,
How did i abandon Star? The Gavidia family is proof you made everyone into betrayers. Everyone who pretends to love you, when it's time to screw you over and rob your child, they pretend they never met you. I'll kill the fucken Gavidias. Fuck those inbred morons!
I'll just talk to you about the Mormon meth army of kidnapper adoptees on the Mormon kidnapper adoptee ICE meth route from Tijuana, to Chula Vista, to Salt Lake City monthly work cycle.
VIDEO EVIDENCE my kidnapped daughter in an abusive relationship, and is 16 and has no stable home to go to, and is cutting herself.
VIDEO EVIDENCE my kidnapped daughter in an abusive relationship, and is 16 and has no stable home to go to, and is cutting herself.
VIDEO EVIDENCE my kidnapped daughter in an abusive relationship, and is 16 and has no stable home to go to, and is cutting herself.
VIDEO EVIDENCE my kidnapped daughter in an abusive relationship, and is 16 and has no stable home to go to, and is cutting herself.
That's why your boyfriend resembles Emiliano and Danny. Because their mother chased off the father with an organised Mormon crime ring, and kidnapped the child, and told them the father abandoned them. You are in a church ward of kidnapper adoptees and black widows. The meth route for white collar criminal Mormon white trash, is Tijuana, Chula Vista, Sandy Utah. For white collar kidnapper adoptees, and black widows who murder the father of their children. That's your suppprt group Star, is kidnapped agnostic suicidal Mormon children who cut themselves.
Why is Star's boyfriend still grooming Star for a custody hearing with abuse? "your parents don't care about you" ? This boyfriend and the mother is part of the kidnapping crime ring. When the parent who pays to have Star abused, is the one who helped arrange for Star to have an abusive boyfriend from their crime ring Mormon church!
Star's boyfriend was also trained to gaslight his estranged or murdered father in honor of his black widow mom? Like Danny, son of Charro (Rosaria Rodriguez) and his black widow gaslighting man hater mother and Emiliano how he taught Star how to gaslight her own father. And say "you abandoned me" and the Mormons keep abusive boyfriends or cousins near Star Monique Angel Gonnerman, to always tell her that her parents don't care about her. When this is only true about the deported mother Elizabeth Momica Coca and not myself the estranged father, Kurt Gonnerman.
That kid is a motherfucker he babysits all the teen girls in the church and abuses them and fucks all their mothers he us the youth group leader of a church, a real bipolar inbred motherfucker
I think that kid who your mother (Elizabeth Monica Coca) hired to be your boyfriend and keep you depressed, has something evil going on with Tamara (Bangerter Coca wife of kidnapper Enrique Coca) behind your back, Star (Monique Angel Gonnerman).
Here in Ciudad Tacna it is spring time. Ilo, Perú is the beach city 2 - 3 hours away with the ,linen floral oattern beach dresses in the $25 - $30 price range.
Why is Star's boyfriend an bipolar inbred victim of incest who has sex with his own mother? That's why she is so mad, Star. You are cutting his mother off the sex from her own son!
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