#hadnissa dictionary
English-Hadnissa Dictionary: F
the farewell = schahoro
the father = methuirsi
papa = thuir, thui
means birth father
the feather = puhna
the fire = pehwir
‘pehwa’ is a popular nickname for female identifying loved ones
first = oio (m), oia (f), oi (n)
neuter is the go-to, if gender doesn’t need to be specified or the speaker wants to emphasise it for whatever reason
the flame = lehwiga
‘ehwi’ is the root of the Old Duskish word ‘ehwikk’ which means ‘to burn’
for = do
the foreigner = straahnos
can also mean a stranger who isn’t Galahkar
forged = dehlutristi
free = hadni
from = bah
the fruit = lorhai
to function = ulehne
from the Sol ‘uleygbe’ also meaning ‘to function’
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: H
the hand sign = lihmossar
umbrella term for every kind of meaningful hand gestures the Galakari have
sign language, religious gestures, hunter sign, etc
literally: hand speech or hand tongue
the hand = lihm
to happen = ohtinahne
literally: occurence that past
he, him, his = me, mehs, mehl
the heart = karona
the hearth = zehwia
the help = helio
here = kil
the hidden = gisuhf
the history = gisdraiht
also a story that really happened
the holiday, festival = harakatu
the home = rihum
the human = tehwakil
the hunt = makti
can also be translated as ‘war’ or ‘battle’ depending on context
the hunter = makar
can also be translated as ‘soldier’ depending on context
to hurry = wiasne
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: B
the back = ngolti
to be = run
beautiful = skolan
because = ponuh
behind = obiar
the believer = avikar
specifically a religious person
the belief = wihne
can be both religious and not, but is mostly used outside of religious context
the belief = avihn
specifically religious belief
to believe = wihne
the beyond = quäbehn
big = mo
the bird = galad
‘gal’ in this instance is the root of the Old Duskish word for ‘free’
the ‘gal’ in ‘Galahd’ has the same origin
the birth = masahir
the blessing = vlahna
the blood = sahnui
the breath = hahst
the brother = fatrun
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: A
to accompany s.o. = komalne
adoptive father = memocrisi
papa = mocri, moci
adoptive mother = namacrisi
mama = macri, maci
age = sinehax
and = ala
to appear = ogirne
to be awake = uristne (run)
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: T
tall = mo
the tea = tseh
the tear = drähr
the teacher = nengira
literally: they-knowing
the technology = hebuhl
from the Sol ‘hebgulef’ also meaning ‘technology’
to tell = iskaralne
implies that what is being told is a lie, or something not to be taken as truth
that (conjunction) = do
the time = satu
the tree = tahn
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: S
second = dato (m), data (f), dat (n)
neuter is the go to
gender is only specified in prose or if the speaker thinks is important
the scale = quipi
fish or dragon scale
to seem = ohnasne
the shadow = tenebraht
the shallow = linmuhru
the shame = ntari
literally: not-honour
she, her, hers = na, nahs, nahl
shit = kohna
the sibling = adohrtia
the sister = pirir
the snake, serpent = schasdi
to speak = ossarne
the spine = ngol-drihm
literally: ridge of the back
the spirit = ahtri
specifically a nature spirit of religious significance
the sprout = bugähn
buhgil = popular nickname for children
someone = dukar
the sun = zehwir
the suntree = zehwihrn
also: zehtahn
the song = caoran
the soul = imahsa
to stare = urrane
the steel = kruti
the stepfather = methunesi
papa = thune
the stepmother = namanethsi
mama = maneth
stiff, rigid = urra
the style, like = tin
something is (made) in the style of
Galakar tin ossart. = He/She speaks in the style of/like a Galahdian.
the stone = klatra
to stop = arskune
the storm = kapaitah
the storyteller = gisdrauht
someone who tells and collects Galahdian histories
the student = nengäsal
the swirl = inrist
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: R
red = ruhso
religious = avihne
to remember so. = mitamniogte
the remembrance = mitamnioh
the respect = gal
to respect = galne
the rider = zrit
there are no chocobos on Galahd, but they ride an animal that looks like a more landbased sahagin
the ridge = drihm
the root = quoh
the rose = triantahl
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: P
the person = kar
also ‘kat’ in some dialects and specific words
the people = kari
also ‘group’ or an ‘ethnic group’ depending on context
the plant = lühscha
can also be translated as ‘growth’ with the implied meaning of plants
the present, gift = bahtio
to protect = skigahtne
the protection = skiga
also ‘siga’ depending on dialect
the protector = skigahkat
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: O
oh = ih
old = sineax
older = sinäh
oldest = fenahlis
on = ar
only = cirna
or = ino
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: N
the narrator = iskaruht
in the case of a fictional story
can also mean ‘liar’ depending on context
the nature = nadar
the network = donra
new = ruh
the night = niht
also ‘nikt’ in some dialects
the non-believer = credahtri
literally means ‘ghost heart’
this term is exclusively used for Galahkari who abandoned their culture and religion
it’s an insult, a moniker and a state of being all rolled into one
not = ntih
tagged onto another word it can mean that word’s opposite
Niht ntih garu. = It’s not night.
Ntih-niht garu. = It’s day.
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: M
the magic = litah
the mark = ahtkar
also translated as ‘trace, ‘track’ or ‘trail’
specifically marks left behind by people
from ‘ahtri’ meaning ‘spirit’ and ‘kar’ meaning ‘person’
me = siro
the mercy = mahlio
merciful = mahliü
the milk = mirna
the mind = thisa
the moon = ea
the moot = cünaniu
public gathering of the 5 Elders that decides on political positions and broad policies based on Galahd’s history
the mother = namahirsi
mama = mahir, mahi
meaning birth mother specifically
the mountain = quohslamu
literally meaning ‘roots of the earth’
mute = wtohne
my = si, esi, nesi
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: L
the language = ossar
also ‘the tongue’, as in ‘speaking in tongues’
to learn = fasahalne
light = fahl
the lightning = astri
-like = ohnu
something/someone is a certain kind of way
child-like = ohnu luah
like lightning = ohnu astri
little, small = miga
to live = zuathahne
to look = skurne
to get lost = kihlstuhne
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: K
to know = irane
knowing = ngira
knowledge = ihra
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: I
I = ena
icy = pakahrta
if = wa
in = he
iron = forisahr
island = ohlin
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: G
the girl = koritah
the greed = iwad
greedy = iwadne
the green = zuata
depending on context, can also be translated as ‘alright’ or ‘okay’ pertaining your own state of being
the greenhorn = unsanguikar
an insult literally meaning ‘unbloodied person’
implying someone who cannot take care of themself
the grief = dohrtu
the group = bluwid
any group but a hunting squad
to grow = luhschane
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English-Hadnissa Dictionary: E
the earth = lamu
the Elder = sinehär
the end = ehax
this is also the root for the word ‘age’
the enemy = zehstir
to err, to wander = kihlne
everything = sin
evil = droku
the eye = ahsei
from ‘aseyef’, the Sol word for eye
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