#haha projection go brrrrrrrr
velolceraptor · 2 months
Me thinking about Ben: teehee he looks like such a silly goofy guy °v° He's kinda dumb but that's okay :) and hee hoo hee hoo silly silly little redheaded fellow tee hee!
Also me: Ben looks like he gets verbally beaten by his family for his low intellect and probably has a lot of pent up rage while dealing with it in unhealthy ways. He also seems like the type to fear falling behind and whenever he's showed up (embarrassed; put to shame) he takes it in the worst way possible since he's dealt with it so many times, quickly growing tired of it. But he's also probably insecure about himself and was probably shamed for it so for most of the time like school, family, and after school clubs, he probably puts on a face and lies about everything, trying to suppress his emotions and not make a scene. He probably and maybe constantly tries to prove his worth but ends up mucking things up and making things even worse than before. And another thing is-
Me, now a ghost: hee hoo silly sad ginger boy
(sorry I listened to 'I bet on losing dogs by mistake while thinking about him')
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bluemoon1331 · 1 year
Haha, desire to write go brrrrrrrr.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Convince me to join your server I’m on the fence about it because I want friends but also I suck at socializing
Uhhhhhh let’s see let’s see...
We have frogs
There’s a Yiga bot that reacts to any message that mentions a banana
Everyone is amazing
Everyone sucks at socializing together so it cancels out don’t worry
We have memes
I’m actually motivated to write because I have great writer friends
We have gone eight (8) hours since the last food related incident which is a new record
I have gathered Revali simps in one place so now our power is unbeatable
One part getting ideas for writing and one part complaining about writing one part someone writing yet another crack fic about eating raw sugar
Sometimes my talented artist friends will post drafts of their art projects and I’m like Oo? Ooo?? Sneak peak? I’m VIP? I get behind the scenes?? Oo? So that’s nice
Haha hyperfixation go brrrrrrrr flashback to the hour long conversation about Mipha with a gun
None of my real life friends care about Botw so now I can just say “birbs” and “King Rhoam is gay and homophobic” and everyone will just nod in agreement, it’s great
You can hear me have early random hyperfixations about architecture before I make my thoughts coherent enough for a tumblr post
Everyone is so nice
Everyone is so talented
I love everyone
This server was just a scheme to trap my favourite writers and artists and creators in one place and motivate them to make more content and it’s working mwahahaha
So join! If ya want :P
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it is currently 1:52am and i am very sleep deprived. and when i’m sleeping deprived i do stupid shit. so i’ve decided to update you on the fanfic im writing.
1:52am - 28 out of 56 lines, a total of 1014 words, and i have not mentioned the main love interest’s name once.
1:57am - i just remembered i have like 17 math assignments due today at midnight(not the one that just happened but the new one) will i do them? that’s a great question
2:03am - better than revenge just played on the album and i’m seriously considering writing another fic based on this song(i really love fleur but this fic sure won’t)
2:07am - just realized i should probably be working on edelweiss instead of something new
2:32am - writer’s block is very fun
3:07am - finally got out of the writers block. same number of lines, 1087 words total. still haven’t mentioned his name but you can almost tell who he is now.
3:09am - i feel like these two lines really sum up the fic: “my wet socks feel weird against the stage floor.” and “she dances and everything melts away.” very weird i know
3:15am - why the fuck does bill’s “bill as a prefect” photo on the wiki look like he just got done with a line
3:17am - currently debating whether or not i should make this an x reader or keep it as an oregon fic
3:41am - listening to taylor swift’s fearless album while i try to write this and mine and dear john just came on and fuuuuuuuck i wanna write an mc x ben fic
3:56am - 1161 words, same number of lines. he hates me, she hates me trope go brrrrrrrr
4:02am - 1205 words in total, 32 lines
4:09am - 1243 words, same number of lines, “if only i could talk to him. maybe things would get better.” “if only i could talk to her. maybe things would get better.” haha mutual pining go brrrrrr
4:24am - i have just realized that i may be projecting onto chiara
4:37am - word count has reached 1354, 35 out of 56 lines so far, ““““““““unrequited””””””””(mutual) pining has reached its peak
5:23am - 1581 words so far, 43 lines, the happy ending is getting closer lol
5:27am - word count is now at 1672 and the lines are now at 50! only 6 more to go but there’s still so much story left
5:32am - legit almost done with the story and you def know who the love interest is but his name has still not been mentioned once
5:36am - 1779 words in total, 56 out of 56 lines. story isn’t done yet though :/ one more scene to go
5:41am - the main love interest’s name has been mentioned
5:46am - kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss
5:52am - done! the grand total coming to 56 lines, and 1952 words! should be published in the next ten hours.
I’m going through these one by one, and let me just say, you’re really teasing this mysterious love interest. Who are they, who are theyyy I must know! 
You should do your assignments! Trust me, I know well the pain of trying to drag oneself though math, but it will only pile up more if you ignore it. That is also a type of pain I know well. 
“I really love [Character] but this fic sure won’t.” Boy if that isn’t a whole ass writing mood right there. 
Writer’s Block is the worst kind of block. I always envision it as a gigantic alphabet block standing in my way. Don’t ask why. 
Those lines aren’t weird at all, they’re quite beautiful! You have a writer’s voice and those two lines alone prove it, so there. 
The question of this being Oregon vs “x Reader” comes down to how much of Oregon originates from you. Example, Gail Fawley is about 25% me. Luca is more like 90%. 
Ahh, but MC doesn’t look up to Bill though! To be specific, they’ve “never heard of him.” I see you Jam City, I see you going for that comedic irony. Doesn’t make sense, since Charlie is in their year, but oh well. It’s Rowan who idolizes Bill.
The more lines you pump out the more I am reminded that I need to work on my own fic. There is no excuse for Ch 12 taking this long. Well, I guess, holidays. But that’s about it. 
You are making me very much want to know who the love interest is. Is it Bill? Charlie? Oh, I crave the knowledge! 
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