#hao feng and his reincarnations
sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 65
So this is more focused on the fallout of the last chapter and how Luka is still unsure about who he is. As you can imagine, this will be haunting him for a while. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this one :D The next chapter will be Feast, which will be exploring Fu's past and it will force Luka to face that he will have to come to terms with the fact that he is the next reincarnation of Feng.
Chapter Sixty-Five: Backwarder (1/2)
~Modern Day London, England~
 Marianne frowned to herself as she watched the news. It was doing a special on the events that were happening over in Paris and the young heroes who were trying to protect it. Some argued that the government should arrest these heroes but most agreed that they were trying to help, especially since the boy had the power to fix everything that had been damaged. The world had learnt of his powers when he restored New York and Shanghai after the cities had been attacked by rampaging supervillains. She had decided to look into it after that but she wasn't sure if she would interfere just yet. After all, she had no miraculous and she was out of practice with her magic. Age had caught up with her unfortunately. She frowned to herself as she thought about the past. She had been quite the talented witch when she was younger and it lead her to meet someone who had opened her eyes to more then just her world. She glanced over at her phone as it rung. She carefully got up and hobbled over to it, picking it up.
 "Hello," She asked.
 "Hey, Auntie Marianne," A cheerful voice answered, making her smile.
 "Bridgette, my dear, it's good to hear from you," She smiled, taking the phone to the sofa so she could sit down. "How is Felix?"
 "Which one?" Bridgette laughed, making Marianne laugh. "Well, my husband Felix is doing well. Bit shaken up about been sent back to the victorian era but overall he's ok. As for my step nephew, he's currently spending his summer at his mother's but will be back a week before the kids go back,"
 "Back to the victorian era?" Marianne asked, frowning.
 "Oh yes. There was an akuma and sentimonster that was sending people back in time," She explained, making Marianne frown. "Luckily, Anatis and Lady Noir saved the day but these days it's getting tiresome,"
 "Oh that doesn't sound very good at all," She replied, making Bridgette giggle a little.
 "We can blame Hawkmoth for that," She replied before clearly her throat. "So I thought I'd phone to give you an update on you know what,"
 "My dear, I have mo-"
 "He comes to the Seine every friday at 2pm and stays for an hour," She stated, making Marianne frown. "I've talked to him. He seems nice and I think he wishes you and him could have elope... why don't you try and talk to him? He misses you..."
 "I don't know, dear..." She replied, frowning as she thought back to the last time she saw Fu. They hadn't parted on the best terms.
~Paris, WW2~
 Marianne ran fast as she and Fu ran down the stairs and headed towards the Seine. They had arranged a boat out of Paris and to the boarder in order to get the miracle box out of the country. Somehow, the german forces had found out about it and wanted to claim it as their own. Marianne suspected that it was to do with the Yǐnshēnyǐnbì were behind it. They were a cult devoted to finding a legendary figure known as the celestial guardian. They wanted to use this person to rule the world. She had heard from her contacts that they were also looking for any miraculous in the world. They had raided multiple countries in order to find them including Japan and Africa. That was why they were running. Somehow, they had found out that a miracle box was in Paris. Since she was part of a coven who helped the resistance, she had lent her magic to help them. It had led her to meet a man called Fu who was the current guardian of the famed Miracle Box. She had been charged by her coven to help and guard him from the enemy. In the time that had passed, they had developed a friendship that soon turned to love but before either could admit their feelings, they received a tip off that their location had been betrayed. Pulling every favor she had, she had secured him a place on a boat that would take them out of Paris. However, it was never in her nature to run away. As they got closer to the boat, she stopped.
 "Wait!" She stated, making him stop. "We have to fight, Fu! Let's use the miraculous! I'll take the Ladybug and you use the Black Cat!"
 "But what if we fail? They'll get the box and it will be the end of the world!" He gasped, making her frown. She could understand where he was coming from. However, she was knocked out of her thoughts when he grabbed her hand. "Come with me. We'll be safe in England,"
 He went to run with her but running away was not her nature. She pulled her hand from his, making him look at her in surprise.
 "Marianne?" He asked, looking at her with concern. "We have to go,"
 "Leave without me," She stated, surprising him. "I'd rather stay and resist... even without the miraculous..."
 Fu gasped as she looked away. He knew she was a natural witch but even with her magic, she wasn't powerful enough to face guns. The miraculous could protect her but he also knew they could fail. He frowned to himself before taking off a charm and placing it in her hand.
 "This will protect you," He whispered, making her look at him. "I hope one day to come back for it and for you,"
 "Fu..." She whispered as he closed her hand.
 "I'll be here every week waiting for you," He replied, making her look at him but before they could say anything, a spotlight highlighted them, making them gasp as the german forces shouted. Fu looked at her before letting go of her and running towards the boat. Marianne could see soldiers running after him so she used her magic to cast a spell to make it look like she had the miracle box before running off as fast as she could as they chased her...
 ~Back to Modern Day~
 "Auntie?" Bridgette's voice snapped her out of her thoughts before she sighed. "Are you ok?"
 "I'm quite ok, dear," She replied, thinking about things. She had never really been angry at Fu for running away. The german forces were dangerous and cruel. She had witnessed their cruelty firsthand but it was never in her nature to run away from a fight. It just wasn't who she was but maybe after all these years, she could find some peace. She could finally go to Fu and make up with him. Maybe even help him with this new villain. She knew it had to be him who activated the heroes and he said he would wait for her. "You know I think it might be time I came to visit,"
 "Really?" Bridgette gasped, clearly happy. "That will be wonderful! Felix will be happy to see you too, Auntie,"
 "I'll be happy to see you both as well," She smiled before they started to arrange when she come by. Within an hour, Marianne had her ticket booked for Paris. She couldn't help but smile as she was finally ready to see Fu again. Hopefully, he would still feel the same way he did all those years ago.
 ~Paris, A Couple of Days Later~
 Anatis sighed as he sat on top of the Eiffel tower. The wind was blowing through his hair and his eyes were closed as he listened to the song of the city. It was a mix of emotions ranging from fear to joy and everything inbetween. However, it was hard to focus when he wasn't sure what to do anymore. Since finding out he was the reincarnation of Hao Feng, he found life more troubling then before. True to his word, Feng hadn't contacted him yet but finding out the truth came with a new set of issues. For one thing, he no longer knew who he was. He had always believed he was just Luka but he wasn't sure. Was Luka just a mask he was wearing just like Anatis? And was that why Issac was so abusive towards him? Did he somehow know Luka was the reincarnation of an ancient mage? He sighed and moved his fingers through his hair, opening his eyes. Just who was he anymore? He frowned as he sensed someone behind him, causing him to look at him. Luckily, it was just Lady Noir. She gave him a soft smile and sat next to him.
 "You ok?" She asked, making him sigh. He didn't even answer but she knew. "Want to tell me about it?"
 "I.. I don't know who I am anymore..." He admitted, making her frown before he sighed. "I'm so confused. I thought finding out what my connection to Feng was would give me answers but all I recieved is more questions..."
 "You found out your connection?" Lady Noir asked, making him frown. He had forgotten he hadn't told her. Luckily, she was good and hadn't pushed him, despite how he was feeling. "Was that why you were upset after meeting him?"
 He nodded, making her shuffle close to him and wrap her arms around him. He instantly hugged back, hiding his face in her shoulder. She really had been his rock recently and he wanted to tell her. He just didn't know how plus she might see him differently. He gently pulled away, making her look at him as she gently moved the hair from his eyes.
 "Want to tell me about it?" She asked, making him frown a little. "You don't have to if you-"
 "You'll see me differently..." He muttered in a small voice, making her frown before she gently took his hand in hers.
 "No matter what it is, I'm not going to see you differently," She stated, making him look at her. He searched her features for any sign of lying but all he saw and feel was sincerity. "You're my best friend, Annie and that is not going to change,"
 "You're my best friend too, Kitty," He whispered, moving his forehead to hers. She smiled and closed her eyes as he linked their fingers together. For a moment, they stayed like that until Anatis carefully pulled away, making Lady Noir open her eyes. He gave her a soft smile and kept their fingers linked. "Ok... I'm going to tell you..."
 "Alright," She nodded as he took a deep breathe.
 "As you know, Feng and I have a connection. Something that I seem to share with Toutai as well," He replied, making her nod. He had told her that he had a vision of him during Miracle Queen's control. "And I also knew what the Renlings were and who Meishi was despite never meeting them before... well... the reason is... I'm... I'm the reincarnation of Feng..."
 Lady Noir went completely quiet as he said, making him worry. However, her emotions told him that she was true to her word. She still cared for him but she was shocked. He didn't blame her. He had been shocked too. Hell, even two weeks later, he still shocked. Lady Noir frowned and looked at him.
 "Are you sure?" She asked, making him nod.
 "Feng confirmed it..." He muttered, not wanting to go into detail on how he found out. "That's kind of why I knew stuff in Shanghai... I knew them before I had already met them as Feng... but since finding out... I'm more confused then ever. The only thing I've found is I can read the journal if I use my silver eyes... but there's still blank pages and what I've read doesn't really make sense,"
 "Have you had any dreams with Feng recently?" She asked, making him shake his head.
 "I asked him to leave me alone..." He admitted, looking down as he freed his hands from hers. He began to play with his hands before he looked over at her. "I'm not sure what to think anymore and I don't know who I am. I believed I was this person all my life only know I find that I'm the vessel of someone else..."
 "Anatis, I don't know who you are under the mask but I know that you are definitely your own person," She reassured, making him feel a little better. "Are you going to talk to Feng at some point?"
 "Yeah..." He muttered, looking over to the skyline. "I just don't know what to say to him. I'm kind of mad as to why he didn't tell me straight away but I kind of understand why he didn't. For one thing, I might not have believed him and he said I wasn't ready. I think he was right. I'm not ready,"
 "Maybe not but you'll take it in your stride regardless," She stated, making him look at her. "You're amazing after all and when you feel like you're not ready or that you'll fail then remember that it was you who saved the city from princess justice and broke out of miracle queen's control without Koro's power so whatever Feng is going to teach you, you're gonna master it like the pro you are,"
 "Thanks, Kitty," He smiled as she held up her hand. He took it and smiled at her. 
 "Whatever the future holds, I'm always going to be by your side," Lady Noir stated, making him smile a little more. "Me and you against the world, Annie,"
 "As always, Kitten," He replied as they pulled away. "I feel better,"
 "I'm glad," She smiled, gently nudging his arm. "Want to do a team up patrol?"
 "Sure," He smiled, jumping up as she grinned. "Or maybe we should have a race again?"
 "Ooh, you challenging me, bug boy?" She asked, grinning. "What's the stakes?"
 "Last one to Sacré-cœur has to buy ice cream for both of us," He declared, making her grin. He smirked back before letting himself fall of the Eiffel Tower. Lady Noir gasped as he fell.
 "That's cheating!" She shouted, diving after him and extending her baton as he threw out his yoyo, laughing as he did. She couldn't help but smile as he laughed. She missed it. She jumped across the roofs, keeping up with him as they ran across the rooftops. Anatis pushed himself off a ledge, diving up in the air as he did. Lady Noir jumped after him, joining him before they both landed on the building at the same time. Lady Noir grinned as she turned to him. "It was a draw... so who buys the ice cream?"
 "Hmm... well I suppose I could," He smiled, making her smile a little. "But you get it next time deal?"
 "Or I could get some nice baked food from our favorite bakery?" She grinned, making him smile a little before she looked at him. "You sure you're ok with buying? I don't mind getting them this time,"
 "Ah but I lost," He replied, making her look at him. "Don't get me wrong... it was close but you touched the building before me,"
 "How on earth did you notice that?!" She gasped, making him laugh.
 "I'm observant," He replied, grinning as he sat down.
 "My name is Andre! Andre Glacier! The Sweetheart Matchmaker!" Andre sung out, causing the two heroes to look over at him. "With one scoop or two, I'll find love for you with magical ice cream flavour!"
 "Looks like Andre's setting up shop here today," Lady Noir grinned, making Anatis smile before the two of them jumped down and landed on the street as he continued singing. A few people stared at the two heroes but Andre grinned happily as soon as he saw them.
 "Anatis! Lady Noir!" He grinned as they got to the top of the que. "So good to see you, my friends,"
 "It's nice to see you too, Andre," Anatis smiled as Lady Noir grinned. "Can I have two ice creams please?"
 "Of course you can!" Andre grinned, taking out a cone. "For you, a choice always so hard. Which side to choose?"
 He leaned in carefully so no one else could hear.
 "The hero or the bard?" He asked, winking at Anatis before he straightened up. "Both sides love a girl so true so I shall make an ice cream for you. Strawberry for the pink she loves, blackberry for her hair and blueberry for her skyblue stare,"
 He handed Anatis the ice cream before turning to Lady Noir and smiling at her.
 "Hmm..." He picked up his scoop and fresh cone. "Vanilla for his gentle nature, Cherry for his strong disguise and of course bubblegum for his kind but fun eyes,"
 "Thanks, Andre," Lady Noir grinned, taking her ice cream. "How much do we owe you?"
 "On the house, my friends!" He grinned, making them both protest but he shook his head. "You two do enough for the city so let Andre give you some free ice cream as a thank you,"
 The two of them looked at each other before smiling.
 "Thank you, Andre," Anatis stated as Lady Noir nodded as well. The two of them waved at him before jumping off and finding a place to sit on the rooftops. They sat and ate the ice cream together. Lady Noir couldn't help but notice that Anatis' ice cream basically showed Marinette. She giggled as he happily ate his.
 "Still got a thing for the baker's daughter eh?" She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows. He looked at her for a second before smiling shyly.
 "Can you blame me?" He asked, looking at his ice cream. "She's so kind and amazing. How could I not like her?"
 Lady Noir quickly hid her face as she blushed so he didn't see it but he was too busy smiling to himself with a lovestruck but adorable smile. Feeling like her face wasn't burning up to much, she looked back as he glanced at hers.
 "So yours seem to resemble me a little?" He asked, trying not to be too obvious. "I mean I'm guessing that. It probably isn't,"
 "Of course, it is," She grinned before licking a bit of her spoon. "Hmm. You taste delicious... especially for a guy who's over 5000 years old!"
 "Hey!" He gasped before they both burst out laughing. "You know I'm not 5000 years old,"
 "You sure?" She grinned, making him lightly push her arm as she giggled. "I might not know your exact age but I'm pretty certain you're not 5000 years old,"
 "Well, that's good to know," He grinned, finishing his ice cream before the two of them looked over at the Seine. However, Anatis blinked as he noticed a familiar figure taking a seat next to Mr Ramier. He tapped Lady Noir's arm, making her look at him as he pointed. "That's Master Fu right?"
 "Yeah, it is," She gasped, looking over. "Should we go say hi?"
 "Probably not a good idea," Anatis replied, making her nod. "Wonder what he's doing,"
 "It looks like he's feeding pigeons and talking to Mr Ramiers," She replied before looking at him with a mischievous look. "Maybe... we should get a little closer and see what he's doing,"
 "I don't know, Kitten," He muttered, feeling a bit curious. "Spying on him feels... is he looking for someone?"
 "Hm?" She asked, looking in Fu's direction before raising an eyebrow at Anatis.
 "Look, he's glancing around like he's expecting someone," He replied, gesturing to him. Master Fu was glancing around as if looking for someone but he sighed and shook his head before getting up and walked off. Anatis looked at Lady Noir before the two of them got up and jumped over, landing on the ground near the bench Master Fu had been sat on. Mr Ramiers looked over as they walked over, smiling as he did.
 "Lady Noir, Anatis. How wonderful to see you!" He smiled, making them smile back as Anatis glanced around. "Is something wrong?"
 "We're concerned for the man who just talking to you," Lady Noir replied, making Mr Ramiers look confused. "We just happened to be going by and noticed he looked upset so we wanted to make sure there were no akumas around. The solution to them is prevention after all,"
 "Oh, I see," Mr Ramiers nodded. "Well, Mr Chang comes here every week. He talks to me, feeds the pigeons and we chat about the past. He mentioned he was waiting for his beloved whom he made a promise to,"
 "His beloved?" Anatis asked, looking over as Mr Ramier nodded.
 "A woman called Marianne," He replied before sighing. "They were together during the war but fate pulled them apart. He had no choice but to leave for London while she was forced to remain. He said he gave her a pin with the chinese symbol for love on it and that he told her that he would wait for her in the place they departed all those years ago but I don't think you need to be worried about him been akumatized. He's been waiting for years and she still hasn't turned up. I think he's use to the rejection but holds on to the hope that she'll be here,"
 "How romantic," Lady Noir gasped as Anatis glanced around before turning back to Mr Ramier. 
 "Well, thank you for your help but we need to continue patrol," He stated, causing Mr Ramier to nod. "If you do spot any akumas, please log it in the app and we'll be back here in a flash,"
 "Of course, Anatis," Mr Ramier smiled, tipping his hat. "It's good to know we have you two watching over us,"
 "it's our honor to," Anatis smiled before he threw his yoyo and pulled himself onto a building before Lady Noir jumped after him, leaving to check on Paris for the rest of the day.
 ~One Week Later~
 Luka hummed to himself as he played his guitar before a small chill filled the air, making him frown as he came to a stop. He glanced over at Tikki, who was dancing to one of Clara Nightingale's videos and didn't seem to notice. He put down his guitar and got up, heading out of his room. Juleka was sat watching a horror film, making him shiver a little. He was never a fan. He frowned as he made himself a sandwich before eating it and heading back to his room. Once again, he felt the chill.
 "Something isn't right," He muttered, sitting back down. He picked up his guitar and played for a few more minutes before noticing Wayzz at the porthole. He opened it and let him inside. "Wayzz, what's wrong?"
 "Luka, you must come with me right away!" He gasped, making Luka frown. "Master Fu needs you,"
 "Lead the way, Wayzz," He replied, putting his guitar aside and pulling on his shoes. He turned off the computer and scooped up Tikki, gently placing her in his pocket before heading outside with Wayzz hiding in his hood. Juleka gave him a strange look as he walked through the living area. "Just heading out,"
 "Um.. ok?" She asked as he climbed the stairs and out onto the deck. He grabbed his bike and moved it across the gangplank before he got his bike and rode to Master Fu's. When he got there, he headed straight up into Master Fu's apartment, knocking on the door as he did. He walked inside, frowning as he saw a doctor talking to Master Fu.
 "Um... is everything ok, Grandpa?" He asked, making her look over and smile in a reassuring manner.
 "Don't worry, young man," She smiled, turning back to Fu. He was laid on his mattress with his blanket across him. He looked paler then usual. "Your grandfather just needs rest. He's gotten a bit of a cold. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be too bad but he's not a young man anymore. I keep telling him to be careful but he is stubborn,"
 "I am quite fine, doctor," Master Fu gasped, trying to get up before coughing. The doctor shook her head and pushed him back.
 "Mr Chan, you need rest," She ordered. "Close up shoe and take a day off. Doctor's orders,"
 "Does he need anything?" Luka asked, making her shake his head.
 "I've already dropped off his meds. The best thing he can do is rest and drink plenty of fluids," She replied, making Luka nod. "Of course, if he does get any worst, phone 112,"
 "Right, thank you doctor," He smiled as she got up and left. He closed the door and grabbed Master Fu's kettle, filling it up with water and putting it onto boil. He went through Master Fu's herbs, finding dried rosemary and sage before adding it to a tea strainer. Once the water had boiled, he put it in and left it to stew as he looked for a cup and honey. Once he found one, he poured the tea and stirred the honey into it before placing it down next to Master Fu. "How are you feeling?"
 "N-not great but I need to go to the Seine today," He gasped, carefully sitting up and sipping the tea. "I've been going there every week for years. What if today is the day and I miss her because I'm ill?"
 "You need rest, Master," Luka replied, causing Fu to look at him. He knew Fu was stubborn so he sighed. "What if I went? If I see her, I could pass on a message. Maybe help you two meet again,"
 "That's actually not a bad idea," Master Fu replied, trying to get up again but ended up coughing. Luka frowned and made him rest again as he pointed. "In the draw... there is a letter... I wish for you to give it to her... hopefully it will tell her that how much I love her..."
 "Ok, Master. I'll deliver it," Luka replied, opening the drawer and taking out the letter. "Who I am looking for?"
 "A very beautiful woman with a pretty brooch shaped like a chinese ideogram," He ordered, making Luka nod. "Her name is Marianne Lenoir,"
 "Ok, Master," He nodded, putting in his pocket. "You rest and I'll take care of this,"
 "Thank you, Luka," He smiled as Wayzz floated next to him. "But please be careful... I know this might sound paranoid but if people realize you're connected to Mr Chan, Hawkmoth might put two and two together,"
 "And realize I'm Anatis and you're the guardian," Luka nodded, smiling. "Don't worry, Master. I'll be careful. Wayzz, look after him until I've returned,"
 "I will do, Luka," Wayzz replied before Luka got up and made his way downstairs. He got back to his bike and unlocked it as Tikki poked her head out. 
 "That's really sweet of you," She smiled, making him smile back. "Why don't you write a letter to Marinette so you can confess to her?"
 "Well, me and Marinette are... kind of dating?" He asked, frowning a little. Now that he thought about it, he didn't really know if they were. Sure, they had been on some 'dates' but they could also be seen as something friends do. Tikki looked at him with a look. "But I guess the only time I've mentioned actually loving her is when I was high from that magical backlash or as Anatis... maybe I should write her a letter,"
 "I'm sure whatever you do, it will be amazing," She grinned, making him smile as they came to the Seine. He got off his bike and locked it up before taking off his jacket so he was just wearing his hoodie. He put his jacket in the basket and closed it before putting his hood up and looking around. He noticed a old woman sat, watching the Seine while talking to Mr Ramier. He moved a bit closer and noticed a brooch with the chinese ideogram on it, meaning this must be the woman. He decided to put down his sleeves to hide his bracelets and zipped up his hoodie before he carefully walked over as Mr Ramier got up and moved over to the pigeons. 
 "Excuse me, are you Ms Lenoir?" He asked, making her look at him. 
 "Yes, that's me," She replied with a puzzled look. The same chill he got earlier surrounded them, making him look around as he frowned. "Are you ok?"
 "Hm... Oh, sorry, ma'am... I just... it's nothing," He smiled, taking out the letter. "This is for you. I was asked to deliver... from a mutal friend we share..."
 "Oh," She smiled, taking it from him. "Thank you so much... but why did he not deliver it himself?"
 "He's came down with a cold, Ma'am," He stated, making her look worried before he held up his hand. "But he'll be ok. I've got him resting and drinking tea,"
 "I see," She nodded, looking at the letter. "Thank you for delivering this to me, young man,"
 "No worries, Ma'am," He smiled. "It was lovely to meet you,"
 "Likewise," She replied, opening the letter as Luka walked away. He began to walk up the stairs before the feeling in the air suddenly shifted, making him stop and frown. He quickly turned around as Marianne dropped the letter and looked down. He rushed back down and over to her as she stood up.
 "Ms Lenoir?" He asked as she frowned. "What's wrong?"
 "He doesn't love me anymore..." She whispered, making Luka frown. "All these years... I left it too late... I should have told him how I felt back then and now I've wasted all this time... coming here has been for nothing..."
 "No, I'm sure he loves you," Luka gasped, picking up the letter but she had walked off, making him frown. He opened the letter and read it, frowning as he read it inside. It wasn't a bad letter but it definitely didn't scream love. If anything, it was Master Fu rambling about regrets and how things can't be changed. Luka frowned as at the end of the letter, it did say I love you but clearly Marianne had taken it the wrong way. He turned to tell her that at the end there was a confession but she was stood still on the stairs, making him frown. "Mrs Lenoir?"
 "Thank you for giving me a second chance, Hawkmoth," She suddenly stated before the purple smog engulfed her and turned her into an akuma. This one had a clock theme by the look of it. She turned around and pointed her blade at him. "You! It was brave of you to deliver that coward's words but now you'll lead me back to him,"
 She jumped at him but he dived out of the way and jumped over the wall, running up the stairs as she growled. She went to go after him but to her surprise, Mr Ramier grabbed her arm.
 "Leave the poor boy alone!" He gasped, making her growl and hit him with the tip of her cane, causing one of her cracks to disappear. "Enola yob roop eht evael,"
 He let go off her and began to walk backwards as she jumped up and hit a car, sending it back as she glanced around. She growled before jumping away, causing Luka to look out from his hiding spot. He frowned to himself and rushed back down the stairs on the other side before hiding up the bridge. He glanced over as Mr Ramiers walked up the stairs backwards, leaving the area. Tikki flew out.
 "Looks like it's time to fight," He stated, swiping his earrings. "Tikki! Spots on!!"
 He transformed into Anatis and threw his yoyo, swinging out to the city and following the carnage left in her wake. He gasped as he saw a mother walking backwards and heading straight into the path of a car that was also going backwards. He swung over and pulled out of the car's path, landing in the park as he put her down. She continued to head backwards as Lady Noir landed next to him and rose an eyebrow.
 "... She's going backwards?" She asked, making him nod.
 "We have an akuma," He stated, making her frown. "She has the power to make them go back in time,"
 "Oh yay... another time akuma," Lady Noir stated scastically. "So do we know what happened?"
 "It's Master Fu's sweetheart," Anatis explained as they jumped up and landed on a roof, causing Lady Noir to look at him. "He asked me to deliver what was suppose to be a love letter but Ms Lenoir took it the wrong way and I think she thinks that Master Fu doesn't love her anymore and that it's too late,"
 "That explains her powers," Lady Noir replied as they ran across the roofs. "Any idea where the akuma is,"
 "It's in her brooch that resembles a chinese ideogram," He explained as they reached where she was. She was able to hit a young man on the ground. Anatis dived down and threw his yoyo, wrapping it around her sword and yanking it, stopping her from getting the man. He scrambled up and ran off as the two heroes landed on the ground, making the akuma glare at them. "Not so fast!"
 "Ah, there you are, you ghastly bug!" She declared, pointing the cane at him. "Once I've touched you, all I have to do is wait for you to transform back,"
 The purple butterfly mask appeared over her eyes as Hawkmoth talked to her.
 "Not right now," She declared, making him. "First, I'll follow him back to the man who gave him those earrings. I bet he's been in contact with him and that awful boy recently,"
 "Not good," Anatis replied, making Lady Noir look at him with a questioning look. "Um... I wasn't transformed when I gave her the letter,"
 "What?!" She gasped, looking at him. Lucky, the akuma wasn't paying attention and was still talking to Hawkmoth about how she was going to make up for lost time. "Why?"
 "I figured it was safer and would draw less attention," He explained, making Lady Noir nod as she could see where he was coming from. "I was wearing fairly plain hoodie that anyone could wear with the hood up! Watch out!"
 He blocked the attack with his yoyo before Lady Noir dived at her, slamming her baton against her sword as Anatis jumped away.
 "Either way, we can't let her touch me or the guardian or the miracle box won't be safe," He declared as the akuma got back up and charged at him, causing Lady Noir to block her attack. The two of them clashed swords, causing Anatis to throw his yoyo. It wrapped around her neck, causing him to spin her around and throw her into a lamp post. Lady Noir jumped at her but she tapped the lamp post with her cane, hitting her with it. Lady Noir felt to the floor and rolled out of the way as she tried to tap her with her cane before Anatis used his yoyo to throw metal fences at her. Seeing her chance, Lady Noir jumped up and moved away as Anatis threw a car towards her. She hit it with her cane, causing it to fly back at him. He backflipped away as Lady Noir used her baton to throw her into the Obelisk. He throw his yoyo around it and yanked, causing it to crack and fall towards her. However, the akuma sent it back too.
 "Fools! You're wasting your time while I grow stronger," She explained before diving at them. Anatis blocked her attack as Lady Noir jumped away before she managed to trip him up, causing him to fall on the ground. "All I need is one hit then you can lead Backwarder to- urg!"
 He kicked her cane up as Lady Noir slammed her baton into her, causing her to stumble forward and hit the rubbish bin with her cane, causing trash to fly at her, allowing Anatis to get up and jump away, causing Backwader to follow them. She landed down in the park and glanced around as she narrowed her eyes.
 "You can run but you can't hide," She stated, looking around. "Why don't I show you what an old witch can do?"
 "Did she just say she was a witch?" Lady Noir whispered from their hiding place. Anatis frowned as she began to draw something in the sand. He took out his yoyo and whispered for his lucky charm, catching the piping it gave him as Backwarder continued to make her spell before she jumped off. He glanced around, working out a plan before they stepped out. He stopped Lady Noir from walking on the spell before carefully making a cross near it, placing the pipe on it. He grabbed the string off a kite as she looked at it. It was glowing orange. "Um... that spell?"
 "It's a fire rune," He explained, making her raise an eyebrow. "Feng knowledge,"
 "Ah," She replied, making him smirk before he tied the kite string to the pipe. He handed the other side to Lady Noir.
 "Tie that to your leg," He replied, making her nod and do so. "Ok for this to work, we're gonna have to get her to hit you... are you ok with that?"
 "Well, it's not ideal but you'll be able to fix it with your lucky charm and I trust you," She grinned, making him smile. "So what you need me to do to make it work?"
 "I need you to hold your hand out like this," He showed her, causing her to cope him. "Now step back until the string is tight then raise your hand and say Cataclysm backwards... it's msylcatac,"
 "Msylcatac!" She declared, making him grin before he took out his yoyo and pressed a stop watch on it.
 "Excellent," He replied, grinning. "Now pull it the pipe back to you,"
 She did so.
 "Alright!" He grinned, making her grin back. "Follow me,"
 "All the way, Annie," She grinned, running after him but been careful to avoid the spell that Backwarder had casted. They headed to where she was, causing her to aim at them. Anatis gave Lady Noir a wink as he jumped out of the way and she stepped in the path of Backwarder, causing her to get hit by the cane. He stopped the timer before he pressing the backwards option as Lady Noir began to go back in time. He jumped up and lead Backwarder in a chase, knowing she would go after him as Lady Noir made her way back to the point they were. He jumped on the ground and ran towards her. He jumped up as he came to the spell, causing Backwarder to hit it before he landed on the ground, pretending to hurt his ankle.
 "Ouch!" He cried out as Backwarder jumped towards him over for him to backflip over her as Lady Noir kicked the pipe to her, causing Backwarder to trip and lose her balance. She stumbled towards Lady Noir as she lifted her hand.
 "Cataclysm!" She called out, placing her hand forward as Backwarder stumbled towards her and straight into her charged hand, destroying the brooch.
 "No!" She cried out as the butterfly escaped. Anatis throw his yoyo out and caught it before releasing the purified butterfly. He grabbed the pipe and threw it up in the air, declaring the magic words as it burst into the cure. It spreaded around Paris and Lady Noir before disappearing as she blinked and looked around. Backwarder turned back into her normal self as Lady Noir ran over to Anatis. "That was genius!"
 "W-what happened?" Marianna asked as she looked around. Anatis walked over to her and helped her up, leading her to a seat. However, their miraculous beeped, causing them to rush off. Marianne looked down at the letter, frowning to herself. However, Luka ran back over. "Oh, you were the young man who gave me this. I hope I didn't scare you..."
 "You didn't. I'm use to all of the akumas," He explained, making her look at him. "That's what happened to you, Ma'am. I think it was because of Master Fu's letter. I don't think he's much of a poet but he wanted you to know how much he loves you,"
 "But he said it was too late and he wasn't there," She muttered, looking down. Anatis frowned as he saw tears in her eyes. "It doesn't matter..."
 "Ma'am, it does matter," He gasped. "And he does love you,"
 "That's nice of you to say but I know the truth," She smiled sadly. "Fu stopped loving me a long time ago,"
 "He didn't," Luka replied, causing her to look up at him. "And I can show you if you want,"
 "You can show me?" She asked as he sat down next to her. He held out his hand to her, making her blink before she slowly took it. As soon as she did, she felt a wave of love and care. In her mind's eyes, she could hear Fu saying about how he loved her and his regret of leaving her behind. Tears of joy filled her eyes as Luka gently pulled back, making her sniff. "I... he really does love me..."
 "He never gave up," He replied, making her look at him. "He comes here every week, waiting for you with hope in his heart. The only reason why he didn't turn up today was because he's ill. That's why I delivered the letter for him. He wasn't sure if you would be here but he wanted you to know that he loved you and he regretted not trying to find you for years. That's what he meant by his letter,"
 "Thank you for showing me that," She stated, looking at him. "I've never meant an empathic witch before,"
 "I'm not a witch," He replied, making her raise an eyebrow. "I'm just... an empath,"
 "I hate to break it to you, young man but normal empaths can only feel other's emotions," She replied, making him look at her. "Projection and vision sharing... which that comes under... is a witch ability, meaning you're a natural born witch,"
 ".... That makes sense..." He muttered, looking down. He didn't want to admit it but he knew he was. He was Feng's reincarnation, meaning he was a witch regardless of if he wanted to be or not. However, that doesn't mean he was ready to face it. "But I'm not... I can't face that yet so can we change the subject? Why don't I bring you to Fu? Or you could give me a message for him?"
 "Very well," She smiled, making him nod. "But should you require a teacher, I would be happy to show you basic magic. After all, I'm a witch too,"
Next Chapter: Coming soon
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Love and Redemption - Similarities to literature and film
Love and Redemption is a recent addition to the plethora of xianxia fantasy romances about reincarnation and the three realms, and so its similarity to other xianxias such as Ashes of Love, Love and Destiny, and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms is expected. 
But, what I enjoyed about Love and Redemption is its parallels to other stories and folklore, whether intentional or unintentional, and so I’m going to be listing out these parallels (because I’m still trying to get over this drama and can’t stop over-analyzing it).  
Princess and the Frog
In L&R, Sifeng is the frog, and whoever can take off his Lover’s Curse mask will break the curse, thereby freeing him and making him a normal man again. Xuan Ji is the unknowing princess who releases him from the curse (although it takes her 52 episodes to truly do so).
Beauty and the Beast
In L&R, the FL is the beast who needs to learn how to love in order to “redeem” herself, and Sifeng is the “beauty” who fall is able to fall in love with a (literal) heartless person. Xuan Ji doesn’t look like a beast or act like a beast, but in principle, she is the “beast” because of her alter ego as the angry god of war and Star of Mosha. 
The Skin I Live In (2011)
The premise of this film is that a man creates a woman from another man (out of revenge), and then falls for the woman he created. While the first two parallels I mentioned are from fairy tales, this third parallel is from a Spanish psychological horror-thriller and (TW) rape revenge movie by Pedro Almodóvar. So, I don’t think the drama drew any influences from the movie, but the similarity was interesting to see nonetheless, especially when the drama showed the stitched up skin on Xuan Ji’s body. Hao Chen/Bailing basically falls in love with a woman/weapon he created (from the body of the friend he betrayed), and is possessive over her and obsessed with controlling her. It’s a really dark and horrific premise. 
The Host (2008 novel)
The drama showed a lot of instances of two souls living in one body, which is similar to the premise of Stephanie Meyer’s novel. We see half of Ling Long’s soul and the soul of the flower demon in one body, and both souls are struggling for dominance in the body. We also see Xuan Ji and Mosha share the same body and also struggle for dominance. It’s a really interesting question of identity. Who are you, what defines you, and what is a soul? Parasitic relationships, such as the two in the drama, complicate this question. Who is the parasite? Are both souls the parasite? Who owns the body? How closely can two souls merge together (i.e., Ling Long and the flower demon)? Can one soul be split apart (i.e., Mosha and Xuan Ji)?
Rahu Ketu
In Hindu mythology and astrology, Rahu Ketu are two astronomical points of intersection, and they also represent two separate beings with a common body. In L&R, Rahu Ketu is translated as ”Luohou JiDu”, otherwise known as the Star of Mosha. Xuan Ji has Mosha’s altered corporeal body, but she has no heart or soul of her own. In place of a heart, Hao Chen uses a piece of glass from the lamp used to trap Mosha’s soul (hence the title of the the story, “The Glass Maiden”). So, Xuan Ji actually has a heart of glass, and she is unable to properly feel emotions and doesn’t have 6 senses. After 10 incarnations in the mortal world, Xuan Ji finally grows a heart (and therefore a soul) of her own. 
In English class, we often talk about identity and what it means to be an individual, and I really like the moral and philosophical questions that xianxia dramas raise (who says that idol fantasy dramas are only basic and trashy?). 
Are two people the same person if they share the same body, memories, and emotions? The answer is yes and no. Xuan ji may have been created from Mosha’s body and a piece of a lamp that trapped his soul, but after years as the god of war and after 10 reincarnations in the mortal world (so after a millennium), she’s grown her own heart, and therefore her own soul as well. Mosha also has all of Xuan ji’s memories because she’s a part of him, and we also see that he cares for Si feng because Xuan ji cares for Si feng, but he and Xuan ji are each their own separate being. I like what the Jade Emperor said: Xuan ji was an artificial creation, and so her fate isn’t written into the books like normal souls are, and so she’s gets to determine her own fate.
There are lots of literary stories about split personalities, such as Jekyll and Hyde, but stories about split and merged souls in a body are less commonly focused on because of the fantastical/mythological/religious contexts. 
There could have been other influences and parallels, but these are the major similarities to other stories that I’ve noticed. 
I’m not sure of the exact date of when the novel (The Glass Maiden) was written, but I’ve seen posts from shushengbar dated from 2012, so I’m guessing at around that time or earlier. But I’m not sure whether this means that they author actually used modern western influences such as The Host and The Skin I Live In. Perhaps those were just coincidences. 
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scarletfokx · 3 years
TMOPB, the REAL REASON for the Mo Yuan x Bai Qian shipping!! (I ship it and write fanfics for it too and I ain’t never gonna stop!)
It must be said: Even without watching the "Once Upon A Time"/TMOPB movie, it is called THREE LIVES THREE WORLDS TEN MILES OF PEACH BLOSSOMS. Where was Ye Hua at the start? A useless spector? A golden Lotus? How did this impact Bai Qian at all? :l It makes more sense that they ARE THE SAME PERSON. Mo Yuan dies and Bai Qian preserves his body, enter the JOINED HEAVENLY TRAIL. You heard me. It would have made the story BETTER if they shared their trial together. In their first "lives" they cared deeply for each other but it didn't go deep enough/or it wasn't shared xD pick. In the second life Mo Yuan was reincarnated as Ye Hua(like Dong Hua was reincarnated into a human for his "trial" *COUGH* I swear Dong Hua was Wen Chang in that world xD Feng Jiu's destined love already happened? Anyway...) while Bai Qian's powers were sealed and she became human for her trial(HER  high god trial, HIS trial for resurection/doesn't it just make more sense that Ye Hua ultimately gives Mo Yuan cultivation? Just Me?)In this second life, this is where they fall in love without the burdens of their past lives holding them back, ultimately, it ends in tragedy...both because Su Su dies, and because Ye Hua ends up dying THE SAME WAY AS Mo Yuan! OMG. Honestly, the whole twin thing is soooo cliche! Mo Yuan SHOULD have woken up AFTER Ye Hua's death, WITH his memories of his trial, and THEN Bai Qian should have remembered everything, and from there they could have started the third lifetime together, the...HAPPY ENDING. A-Li ofc, wouldn't be entirely abandoned, but he wouldn't be exactly their son, the same way Ye Hua wasn't exactly Hao De's biological grandson, but HE could be names the new crown prince that HEAVEN orcastrated by making Mo Yuan and Bai Qian go through their trials, the price for their lives together from Heaven could have been to create the TRUE crown prince of Heaven, who is, also, biologically conected to Heavenly Father, Mo Yuan/Ye Hua's father.
Normally I would just let it go, but this funny video I saw made me need to justify us shippers. :3 Also...I think the video maker doesn’t understand Mo Yuan’s character at when making this video. Sad! But honestly, Mo Yuan would have fought tooth and nail for her. Mo Yuan says he isn’t afraid what people think because he is mature, not childish of privlidged :l Ye Hua cared way too much what people think. Mo Yua would have said he loved Su Su just like that and he would have fought for her against all odds(at worst case senario he would die WITH HER like how Bai Qian wanted to live or die with HIM)...Ye Hua...to me he was like the Mo Yuan before he became the god of war.
Also, I do know about Bodhe Fate(Mo Yuan and Shao Wan’s story) and because I like this pairing I’m sticking to it. xD I don’t dislike Shao Wan, and I still support the author, but I can never see him with anyone else. Perhaps this story can be of the past before Shao Wan died, then I can accept it, but not as a present/future pairing. It would be awesome if maybe Bai Qian was a reincarnation of Shao Wan too, but Dong Hua said immortals don’t reincarnate...ofc he could be wrong. He reincarnated as a human, Mo Yuan SHOULD have reincarnated as Ye Hua...*sigh* thinking about what could have been is like enjoying your favorite food dish and realizing when it's too late to change anything that you forgot a good ingredient that would have made it better.
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mcheang · 4 years
DongFeng in TMOPB AU
What if it was Feng Jiu who was having her mortal trial when she met Dijun?
Feng Jiu had been helping her aunt seal Qingcang and had taken the blow for her too. Her Phoenix feather birthmark became a red dot.
Bai Qian informed her family and they began the search for Feng Jiu.
Dong Hua travels to the mortal realm because Miao Luo is seeking the soul locking jade.
While they fight, the nameless Feng Jiu comes across them and decides to help Dong Hua. She may have lost her memory, but not her interest in swordfighting.
As Miao Luo strikes her, she realizes this mortal has her missing drop of energy.
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Dong Hua helps Feng Jiu vanquish Miao Luo. He wants to take her back to Taichen under his protection, but she enjoys her freedom and was going to part ways.
Dong Hua tricks her by having her care for his wound. He thinks of how to persuade Feng Jiu to leave with him. In the meantime; he orders his staff to clean up his stone palace.
While the staff clean the place up, Dong Hua enjoys being pampered and mothered by Feng Jiu and eats her homemade food.
Dong Hua offers to hire her as his chef.
This catches Feng Jiu’s interest and she accepts.
Dong Hua takes Feng Jiu to Bihai and visits her there regularly. It helps that her food is the best he ever tasted.
The nameless mortal had been used to living alone. Men kept trying to court her, and women were too jealous of her. She couldn’t make friends easily. Hence she adjusts easily to Bihai and befriends the animals there. Although she is confused by how the palace cleans itself.
Feng Jiu offers to teach Dong Hua how to cook. She wasn’t interested in him as a romantic interest but she did enjoy his company.
Dong Hua named her Xiao Hong (little red).
Zhihe was upset Dong Hua no longer hangs around to eat meals with her.
Dong Hua decides to become Feng Jiu’s teacher because she does show interest in swordfighting.
Eventually they play jokes on each other, usually with Dong Hua winning.
Enough time passes that Dong Hua and Feng Jiu unknowingly fall in love with each other.
Feng Jiu is the one who acknowledges her feelings first but does not make the first move. Rather she asks that she be allowed to leave because she needs to be exposed to the world and make more friends.
Dong Hua refuses, claiming it is for her own protection.
Feng Jiu: what am I to you? Your prisoner?
Dong Hua: no. You are my student.
Feng Jiu was saddened by this answer and insisted on leaving.
Dong Hua refuses to take her out, but realizes Feng Jiu needs more friends in her life. But who? Zhihe hates competition so that was a bad idea. He needs someone loyal to him and who can keep a secret. Chonglin? Hmm, why does the thought of a male with Feng Jiu bother him? He needs some time to think.
In the meantime, he sets Feng Jiu a challenge. If she wins, he will take her out.
While watching Xiao Hong practise, Dong Hua realizes his feelings for her because he was contemplating her potential as his queen.
Feng Jiu fails the challenge the first time. Dong Hua said that because she lost, he suggested she marry him. To his delight, Feng Jiu was receptive to the idea.
Dong Hua confesses he is an ancient immortal king and he needs to build Feng Jiu an immortal body. So he sets out a search for the Saha fruit, literally ordering anybody who has one to give it to him or face punishment at his hands. Considering his bloody and legendary feats, people complied. The biyiniao queen said they had one and offered it to the king.
Dong Hua enlists Xie Guchou’s help and secrecy to create the immortal body for Xiao Hong. He will wait for Xiao Hong to die of natural causes before placing her soul into the immortal body.
Dong Hua claims to go to seclusion but really just spends all his time with Xiao Hong.
Xiao Hong asks about his family. Dong Hua claims to have none. She asks if he is embarrassed for her mortal status. He denies it, having no sense of shame. He just doesn’t want to share her. And he also wants to protect her from Miao Luo. Xiao Hong tells him it is not fair that he can wander about but she can’t. Not to mention, wouldn’t she be safer when surrounded by more Guards.
To make her happy, Dong Hua relents and brings her back to Taichen. News spread of Dong Hua’s mortal lover. The Sky lord does nothing. He’s too busy trying to get Ye Hua and Bai Qian to meet, but the queen is busy looking for her missing niece.
Zhihe is instantly livid and jealous but seeing how Dong Hua had placed a constant guard around Xiao Hong, she is forced to hold back her insults.
Zhihe tells off her foster brother for ignoring her, claiming to be worried he will ignore her completely now that Xiao Hong is here. Dong Hua tells her she is ridiculous but relents to include his sister when he spends time with his fiancée.
Dong Hua would rather Feng Jiu spend more time with girls than boys. As a result, Feng Jiu doesn’t get the chance to meet her old friend Si Ming, though she did meet Lian Song briefly.
Zhihe plays on Xiao Hong’s doubts, telling her Dong Hua is only marrying her so Miao Luo can’t get to her. After all, what is a human lifespan to an immortal?
Xiao Hong protests that Dong Hua was planning to give her an immortal body.
Zhihe: if you say so.
Xiao Hong is revealed to be pregnant. Zhihe poisons her tea and causes Xiao Hong to have a miscarriage, breaking her heart. The poison also nearly kills a Xiao Hong but Dong Hua manages to save her.
Dong Hua suspects foul play. Zhihe’s maid takes all the blame. Zhihe pleads on her behalf but Dong Hua punishes her to be tortured to death, reborn as an animal and never return, facing hardships for every lifetime.
Zhihe is also sent away to her teacher’s.
Things take a turn for the worse when Dong Hua announces his marriage to Jiheng for the sake of the realms. While Dong Hua assures her the wedding is false, Feng Jiu can not help but feel jealous he is spending time with Jiheng at night for the charade.
Was he also playing a charade with her?
The wedding falls through because of the runaway bride. Zhihe has also been exiled for her role.
Dong Hua returns to cherishing Xiao Hong, but she can’t help doubting his affections.
It doesn’t help that Dong Hua insists on keeping her hidden away (he gets jealous of the curious male immortals) when she wants to go out. Was this always to be her future? Being a guarded treasure?
Dong Hua notices Xiao Hong’s depression but cannot think of a solution right away. But what to do? The immortals can’t accept her until she becomes immortal herself. So she has few friends. And there was no way he was introducing men to her.
In her exile, Zhihe plots to remove Xiao Hong permanently so she cannot reincarnate. She begs to be allowed to visit and make amends with her future sister in law.
While Dong Hua was busy, Zhihe invites Xiao Hong to the punishment platform. Zhihe took care to drug the guards’ tea so they have to use the restroom or fall asleep.
Once there, Zhihe pushes Xiao Hong over.
The Guards arrive in time to see the action. Zhihe claims Xiao Hong accidentally fell over.
Except why the heck would Zhihe even bring Xiao Hong there in the first place?
Dong Hua holds a trial and furiously removes Zhihe’s immortality, never to be accepted as an immortal again nor will heaven ever give her mortal incarnations any aid. She would have faced a painful death had it not been for his debt to her parents. He also punished the Guards by exiling them.
Dong Hua contemplates suicide but Lian Song reminds him of his oath to keep Miao Luo imprisoned, and his debt of honor to Meng Hao.
Dong Hua becomes a miserable recluse. Going out only for these 2 things. He spends most of his time at Bihai, to the point that even Chonglin moves over there. To everybody else, he seems the same. But to those closest to him, they see how sad he behaves.
Meanwhile Xiao Hong returns to her immortal self. She reunited with her family as a high goddess. However, having had a taste of celestial life, she decides she wants no part of it and decides to forget the love she feels for Dong Hua.
Bai Qian and Ye Hua’s wedding is eventually arranged. Lian Song persuadés Dong Hua to go out for some fresh air and just escort the bride to heaven.
In Qingqiu, Dong Hua meets Feng Jiu. Curious by her appearance and the fact that she does not recognise him; Dong Hua investigates and confirms that she is his missing fiancée. He asks Bai Yi for her hand but Bai Yi informed Dong Hua that ever since her love trial, Feng Jiu has been determined she will not marry into the celestial tribe.
Dong Hua: I don’t have to stay at Taichen Palace. My residence is now at Bihai Cangling.
Bai Yi: she also wants someone who can give her freedom...
Dong Hua: I won’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to.
Now that Feng Jiu was a high goddess, she could definitely protect herself.
Bai Yi gives Dong Hua permission to court his daughter. Dong Hua easily handles Feng Jiu’s pranks. He even has the star factor to aid him as Feng Jiu had been an admirer of the war hero.
Things happen as before. He teaches her to fight. She teaches him to cook. They prank each other.
The wedding is set.
But an old loyal servant of Zhihe decides to tell Feng Jiu the story of Xiao Hong.
Feng Jiu wonders if she is a substitute. Is that why he calls her Xiao Bai? She confronts Dong Hua, who admits they are the same person. Feng Jiu asks why he treats her differently now. (See explanation above)
Dong Hua asks how he can prove his love for her.
Cue heart ring condition.
Dong Hua presents Feng Jiu with the ring for their wedding.
Jiheng was devastated by the news, but it’s not like Dong Hua actually talked to her. He visited her for one day then left every decade, eager to be alone again in his depression.
Bonus: I briefly thought about Zhihe returning using the immortal body Dong Hua had prepared for Xiao Hong, but her servants wouldn’t be able to find her in the mortal realm without sufficient knowledge.
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valdsforest · 3 years
“The Wife is First” Novel Chapters Outline Book 1
Incomplete / Work in Progress
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Book 1 (Chapter 1- 39)
Jing Shao's Reincarnation
1: Despair and Rebirth 
Jing Shao escaped prison with an injured Mu Han Zhang/Jun Qing on horseback and fleeing from the pursuers.
On a edge of a cliff JS asks JQ, if JQ has ever resent JS for everything that happen to him.
JQ answers back with, how could he have not, everything that. However JQ never could blame JS for it.
JQ dies in JS arms and JS vows that if there is an afterlife, he will spend his entire life to make it up for JQ.
JS jumps down the cliff with JQ in his arms before JS waking up in bed with a bruised JQ laying next to him with half-covered torn red robes.
Note: Some lore about the Social Structure of the Royal family.
2: Reparations
JS look at his journey to confirm if he reborned/time has turned back to his 19yo self.
JS helps JQ to bath and JS treated JQ’s wounds/bruises.
JS decides to take the outside of the bed and both went to sleep.
3: Well Matched (in Marriage)
Empress Wu ploted the marriage of JS because no Crown Prince was yet selected and to exclude JS from that possible selection.
JQ followed the traditions of the wife to gift the servants of JS.
JS ordered to his servant Dou Fu to select JQ a personal servant and imperial guard (meaning JQ can leave the estate at will).
JS puts on JQ’s hair ornament (tradition wife -> husband).
On the sedan, while JS messaging JQ’s lower back, JS advise JQ how to act in front of the empress.
4: Entering the Imperial Palace 
JS and JQ greets the emperor and empress with all the traditions of offering tea as well as gifts.
Emperor and empress noticed JQ being pale and dismissed them both.
JQ fainted for a brief moment as stepping out of the imperial palace before being carried by JS into the sedan.
JS called the imperial physician Jiang to examine JQ’s fever.
JS comfort and explain his action in the imperial palaces to JQ.
5: Fever
JQ meant a divorce if JS gets the position of Crown Prince, both end up arguing with each other.
JS feeds JQ the medicine as well as candies.
JQ suggests JS some ideas to gain/win some followers.
The second prince and his consort visits JS’s palace and JS greets his elder brother Jing Chen.
6: The Concubines Residing in the Inner Court
JC visits JQ in his bed chambers meanwhile JC’s consort drinking tea/conversing with JS’s consort (2nd wife). 
JQ’s got inform by the consort action by Lan Ting(JQ’s servant).
Song Ling Xin the second wife/consort of JS as well as 2 concubines (Yan and Li) paying JQ a visit.
7: Visting Parents
JQ gifts consort and concubines with hairpins (dowry). JS comes into the room with consort SLX next to him.
JS hugs JQ so that both could read the both together. JS explains to JQ what his relationships with his consorts is. JS kisses JQ’s hand and JQ flees into the bedroom.
JS and JQ on the way to visit JQ’s parents. JQ warns JS about not agreeing with any of his parents demands.
8: The Marquis’ Residence
JS tells JQ always to remind him of things or tell him important decisions. JS cuddles JQ before resting his head on JQ’s lap.
JQ’s parents and cousins greets them with kowtows and JS comforts/reinsures JQ with a firm hand grip.
JQ visits his father’s wifes and gifts them a box of teas. (JQ’s birth mother was missing which he goes to visit in her room.
JS talking with North Marquis about martial arts/swords.
9: Gifts of Thanks
JQ comforts his mother that he is being treated very well in the Princes manor.
On the way back to the Prince Manor, JQ was still thinking about his mother and JS pouts because of it. 
While JQ was trying to cheer him up before losing balance and JS catches him to cushion the fall.
JS tells JQ to not call him by his title but rather call him by his name. JQ calls him ‘Shao’ and JS feeling happy feels asleep clinging to JQ.
Yun Zhu introduces himself to JQ (his personal servant). JQ questions YZ about reading and YZ tells JQ about the study room.
JS wakes up late and JQ thanks him for the study room before JQ rans away.
10: Peach Blossom Wine
JS took JQ to the highest place of the pavilion and both drunk peach blossom wine.
JS asks JQ why he never learned martial arts and JQ answered that he fell into the pond during winter.
JS hugs and questions who pushed him before kissing JQ and vows to revenge him.
JS orders Jing Hao to investigate JQ’s pond incident.
Steward Yun reports to JS that Official Li Yanqing came looking for him.
11: Villa
JS already hears about the rumors which led to his death in his previous life.
YZ advices JQ to not give in on SLX demands as well as keeping the households account books and JQ calls for SLX to discuss about it.
SLX gives the arrangements of JS’s bedtime dates to JQ.
JS arrives at the Villa (summer residence) and asks for the commander Ren Feng to spar with him.
JQ noticed that JS left some military strategy book written by JS in the study room.
12: Serving at the Bedside
YZ reports to JQ about the SLX’s distribution of JS’s bedtime days, with new dates 15 days for JQ, 9 days for SLX and 3 days for each concubines.
Back home, JS get the reports from Steward Yun about the visitor Li Daren.
After dinner, JQ massages JS and notices that his shoulder was bruised from practice martial arts and ended up treating the bruises.
JQ discuss about letting SLX doing the households for a few more months. JS started to pout and flee to bed before explaining his opinion on the household matter.
JQ agrees to JS’s opinion then getting kissed by him before both falling asleep.
13: Salt Trade Certification
JS and JQ are waking up and JQ is telling JS (who didn’t wanted to get up) that he has an appointment with Li Daren today.
Concubines came to greet both and Concubine Rose felt unwell and felt almost into JQ’s laps (she was caught by JS).
JS doubted her and was thinking of past life’s occurrences. 
JQ asked Concubine SLX for the account books.
The three concubines discussed about JQ and JS’s divorce talking. 
JQ and JS talked about the JQ’s father salt certifications and went on a date at Immortal Assembly restaurant, plus both heard about the JS-rumours.
14: Green Plums
JQ spoke his worries about the rumors. JS impressed by JQ and hugged him.
Both visited the wine store of Maiden Mei.
Both took a walk at JS’s brother private peach blossom garden and continue the talk about JS’s rumors.
JQ injured his hand on the bamboo cup, JS put JQ’s finger in his mouth and JS kissed JQ with tongue.
JQ startled pushed JS away and JS felt on his butt.
15: Crazy
JS were prepared to take a bath and JS gave JQ the choice to bath with him or apply medicine on his wound.
JQ applied medicine after JS’s bath while both blushing.
Dou Fu brought the account books to JQ and JQ explained his servant YZ, why he want to check them.
After JS came back with talking to his brother with his eyes red, went to see JS and took him to the training camp.
At the arrival, JS fought with RF before leaving the platform from JQ’s instructions.
JS collapsed in JQ’s arms while whispering that JS’s brother told him the truth about his mother’s death.
16: Shortage of Money
JS worried about JQ’s health, and JQ tried to downplay it but ended up making JS only mad.
JS told his youths situation and JQ conformed JS by hugging.
JS dreamed about his mother and her miscarried.
JS kissed JQ after waking up.plus as punishment for JQ calling JS at his title, JQ decided then calling him ‘little spoon/xiao shao’.
Steward Yun reported to JS about JQ’s falling into the pond matter.
JQ’s brother Mu Lingbao pushed JQ into the pond and JQ ended up sick for half a year.
JS ordered Steward Yun to investigate MLB and to spread rumors about 4th Prince Jing Yu eating raw meat.
JQ got reported that Grandma Zhou’s son broke a leg and she wanting to borrow money from JQ for a doctor. JQ asked JS for the money.
17: Rumors
JS gave the money to JQ.
JQ reminded JS of the arrangements of the flower book(the days JS spends with the other concubines), but JS stayed with JQ.
When JS was out (at court), JQ visited the city with YZ and eat at ‘Hui Wei’ restaurant.
Owner of Hui Wei restaurant, the male wife of the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, Xiao Yuan.
18: The small Assistant Minister
JS returned back to working at court, and thinking how to cooperate with the assistant minister of the ministry of revenue, while discussing about the 4th prince rumors.
The 4th prince is at charge of regarding the tribute from foreign lands.
After Court, JS went to Hui Wei restaurant and made acquaintance with the boss Zhou Jin.
JS asked discretely XY, how to avoid making his male wife afraid in bed and XY gave him some advise. JS thanked XY and asked that ZJ to take care of JQ.
JS returned home and heared JQ and SLX arguing about the flower book dates.
19: A contemptible Self-Actor
JS silenced SLX and asked JQ what is the matter, JQ asked if he could let his wet nurse recuperate at the main residence for a time.
SLX get slapped by JS for being lout and disrespecting JQ and JS retracted her control of the household as well as confined for a month.
JQ thanking JS by laying his head against his shoulder, while JS asked for a kiss, which he didn’t get.
JS working at the Ministry of War, declining the petition for the rebels (from his knowledge of the past life) which was recommended by Song An(father of SLX).
20: Misunderstanding
JS refused again to sleep at the concubines court side.
At court, the south barbarian issue is talked about with the emperor and the Ministry of War.
Before the court discussion, JS’s brother took initiative to warn JS about Minister Song An’s intent.
JS went to Hui Wei restaurant to eat breakfast and exchanged more infos about ‘husband-and-wife-life’.
JQ woke up alone and not able to concentrate on work due to last night event until his wet nurse family arrived at the palace.
RF urgently called for JS and JS just arrived home for dinner.
21: Opportunity
JS and JQ eat dinner and JS informed JQ about the hiring of a hero in the Jianghu ‘the ghost of nine blades’.
After dinner, JQ felt ill and recognized it as an aphrodisiac, JS ordered DF to investigated how it happened.
JS helped JQ release the tension before JQ offered to return the favor.
After both calmed down, DFreported that it was Concubine Li.
22: Farce
Concubine Li claimed that it was SLX’s idea but was punished by sending her to the nunnery.
JS angrily stated that he will asked for a royal degree to demote SLX to a 3rd rank concubine.
More discussing about who to send to the barbarian border, JS being punished/banned from court for a some days and eldest prince JR is send to the southern border.
23: Temple Fair
While dealing with the Concubine Li issue, JQ thinks of sending her as a gift to the 4th prince.
JQ motivated JS to finish his punishment fast so that they can spent some time in the alternate residence during the Temple Fair.
JQ wrote some of the punishment by copying JS’s writing style. JS recognizing it to be amazing and useful in the battlefield.
JS and JQ eat breakfast at Hui Wei restaurant, where JS felt jealous due to JQ and ZJ getting along like old scholar friends.
JS and JQ enjoying the Temple Fair until JS chased after a pink-clothed girl, leaving JQ alone, who encountered his cousins MuLB, MYW and MHFfeng.
JS punched and kicked JQ’s cousins
24: Ruo Yi
JQ wanting to ask JS about the girl but ended up asking for a piece of forest land which JS gladly exchanged a bit of his land to grant JQ’s wish.
JS thinking about the past life, Ge RouYi killing the southeast King and ending the barbarian war.
Birthday of the North Marquis, JQ’s painting and JS send more gifts. JQ tried to calm JS’s anger about the 4th prince.
GRY stopped the 4th prince carriage and asked for a petition. JS seeing that caught up and knocked her unconscious while explaining to 4th prince, he will send him a better woman next time.
JQ thinking about the girl and JS.
25: Eating Vinegar
GRY thanking JS for presenting the petition to the royal court.
JS went to the study room looking for JQ and found some paper balls on the ground and misunderstood that even JQ get annoyed at some point. 
JS became worried hearing that JQ didn’t had an appetite and went to the bedroom.
JS found JQ bathing in the spring pool and jumped in too. In the end JQ asked JS’s plans concerning Rouyi and JS explained her situation.
JS exclaimed to JQ that he will not take any more wife's or concubines and JQ concerned about JS’s heirs.
JS and JQ being intimiate.
26: The Gathering
JQ and ZJ went to the monthly male wives’ gathering in Mo Garden of Duke Mao’s household.
At the gathering JQ encountered an old classmate, Du Yinghao resp. nephew of North Marquess and male wife of the 3rd son of Duke Mao.
Right went JQ was about to leave the gathering JS came to pick him up .
JS was called to court by royal decree to get his advise on the southeast border war matter.
27: A Headache
An the way back home from the court, JS was deep in thoughts and his horse Xiao Hei just went on his own to JC’s house to eat the grass
JS gave excuses of wanting a drinking partner and invited JC to Hui Wei restaurant and used that to inform JC what happened in court.
MLB being beaten up and the heir of Duke Mao causing trouble in the restaurant.
JS and JC discussed about the potential problems could cause of JY and the daughter of North Marquis getting married, Mu Suzhi.
JS explained the current situation to GRY and JS offered her to teach her the art of assassination.
28: Foreshadowing
JS went back to court after and rewarded about his contribution of the vassal state war advices, which was given to JQ to re-gifted to his family.
The North Marchioness was questioning JQ about the JS’s concubines troubles and venting at JQ about not marrying his sister any more to JY
More court discussion about the southwest Tibet king sending tributes, plus asking the princes what they think.
JS and North Marquis went together back home while JQ visiting his mother and grandma and met his brothers.
29: Perfumed Ointment
JQ slapped MYW for not being respectful to him and JS, while JQ’s brothers wanting to fight back but were stopped since JS and North Marquis arriving at the scene.
JS was called by JC to talked about the emperor ordering JC to investigate the tribute robbering and ZJ visited JQ to talk about opening a shop to sell “perfumed ointment”.
Back home, JS found JQ with the ointments box and JS telling JQ that he will help him opening the shop and even bargain with old friends for the supplies.
30: Urgent Report from the Southwest
JQ opened the shop “Mo Lian Establishment”.
JS went everyday to court; eldest prince was could into/started a war and his states was unclear; JS advised the emperor to send tropes from the southwest king.
JS retold the situation on court to JQ and that he might need to leave for war.
JQ giving himself the fault for JS’s bad position in court made JS angry at him and JS hugged JQ quite forcefully while forbidding him to speak like that again.
JS noticing that he used to much force, started massaging JQ until JS asked JQ if they could consummate their marriage which JQ agreed to.
31: Frightening News
JS carried JQ into the bed and ... papapa.
JS thanked XY before entering court.
The empress looking for a wife for 4th Prince.
JS called by emperor to talked about the potential war and be informed that something might have happened to his brother.
32: Experimenting
JC was ambushed and JS asked to the emperor to go and help him.
JS greeted Eunuch An Xian, servant of the emperor.
At palace, Duchess Mao and North Marquess arguing about their sons fights.
At home, JS was informed that JQ still was not awake, JS climbed to bed while massaging JQ, both discussed who and why ambushed JC.
North Marquis happy that Mu Suzhi is chosen to be married to the 4th prince.
33: Position
The North Marchioness was angry about everyone knowing about the marriage of Mu Suzhi and JY, plus more discussion between the wife of other households.
JS and JQ talked about JC’s return and North Marquis requesting a visited to him.
JS visited the secret work on the barren forest side meanwhile JQ visited his father.
North Marquis realized that the empress abandoned his household from supporting the crown prince and rather help Duke Mao household. To improve his statutes he raises JQ’s concubine statutes to 2nd rank.
JS met up with JC at the entrance to the city, where he found JC injured inside the carriage.
34: Persian Silk Tree
JS gave a life-saving medicine to JC before returning home.
After dinner JS and JQ took a walk in the garden where JS owed to JQ his love and life.
JC reported the robbery and situation about the southwest king and North Marquis tried to persuade the emperor to send JS to rescue the eldest prince.
North Marchioness and MLB talked about the situation about rising JQ’s mother’s (Qiu Yiniang) concubine ranks and their statutes on court.
35: A Speculation
QYI send a letter to his son so that they can talked.
JC resting at home from the injuries but also trying to dissolve the rumors of JS sending assassins to kill him.
JQ gave JS some advise for the court and even motivated JS with JQ picking him up for lunch/dinner after work.
JQ made some small business at his shop before heading to pick JS up, who kind of ran away in the middle of a problem solving discussion.
36: Withdrawal of the Vassal States
JS and JQ had a nice lunch at ZJ’s restaurant before visiting JC and talked about the next steps about vassal states.
JC suggested to the emperor to withdraw the titles of the vassal states.
QYI got promoted to 2nd rank concubine and talked her concern about the princes fight to the throne, which JQ ensured her that JS doesn’t want to take part of.
37: Summons
The emperor send troups to withdrew the vassal states and the empress planning her plans for the 4th prince.
JS was practicing his sword then passed some time with JQ and reporting what happened at court.
JS reported that the emperor/empress wants to get him a second wife, daughter of the Count of Yongchang (JS feels sick about it).
The eunuch Dou Lu gave message to JS that the empress wants JQ to go to Feng Yi palace immediately (the empress’ imperial palace).
JS followed JQ to the southern part of the palace and ordered the guard Xiao Qian to let the maids report to him.
38: Punishment by Kneeling
JQ greeted the empress and followed her instructions, meanwhile JS went to the princes study room where he meet his younger siblings and talked with his father.
The empress got angry at JQ since JQ exclaimed that it is JS decision to have more wifes’ and JQ did not agree with the statement of the empress about inheriting titles or the throne; the empress punished JQ by kneeling at the Jade terrace.
The maid Miao Xi reported back to JS about the situation but was not expecting to see the emperor next to JS, both went to the empress palace.
When JQ heard that the emperor came with JS and the moment he saw JS, he fake fainted.  
39: Forgot to Say
The emperor ordered call for the royal physician.
JS filled with rage wanted to vent but was stopped by JQ.
The doctor reported to the emperor that JQ’s body is unusually weak for a man and ordered him some medicin to help him recuperate fully.
The emperor dismissed JS from court to take care of JQ, plus after both left the emperor punished the empress for 3 days.
JS treated JQ injuries and also told JQ that he will go a month earlier to the military camp.
JS felt that JQ was sad about it and comforted him with all kind of things like more papapa.
(last update 21th April 2021)
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis Special 4
Happy Belated Halloween. I hope everyone had a good one and I'm so sorry that this is late. Halloween Week has been very busy at my place of work. Anyway, here's the Halloween special. I hope you enjoy and a special thanks to Naruwitch who came up with the plan to defeat the akuma :D Also there are a few very minor spoilers for Lady Blanche. I have tried to keep it not to spoilery but this is set after lady blanche, which is when Anatis will develop the anii-akuma charms 
Chapter Four: The Haunting of Pumpkin King (Halloween Special)
Anatis sighed to himself as he looked up at the night sky. Fall had came faster then he expected and he found himself thinking about the past year and how things had changed. His life had changed dramatic. Not only had he became a hero but he had found out that he held a special heritage within himself. He was the latest reincarnation of Hao Feng, the mage who had created the miraculous and boy had it been scary to find out. He was terrified at first, feeling like he didn't know who he was or what he was anymore but then he started to learn magic and the whole thing changed. Feng was teaching him how to use his empathy in ways he didn't even know he could do. He had explained to him that all of his incarnations were natural empaths but the level of their empathy differ. For example, Alpheus was what Feng called a base level empath. He could just do the basics when it came to it such as feeling other people's emotions and have an intuitive nature whereas Khnurn was a high level empath, learning techniques where he could nullify emotions or see psychic echoes but despite Khnurn and Alpheus been different levels, their empath helped path the way to their personal magic. Alpheus had developed a connection with nature through his empathy, allowing him to go onto develop his elemental magic and Khnurn had developed his empathy as a way to communicate with others with their emotions, which in turn allowed him to developed Omnilingualism. Feng explained that their personal magic was always linked into their empathy, even his visions were as they came from the emotions he picked up from the world be it the past or future. Though the past was harder to see. That's also why they could share their abilities but the reason why the others couldn't use Luka's personal magic was because he hadn't developed it yet. However, Feng had expressed that he believed Luka's personal magic would be powerful and that there was a high chance he would suppress himself and Khnurn with his empathy as he was already mastering techniques that had taken both of them years to master. Luka had mastered emotional projection by with his music and without, lie detecting to the point where he could be on the other side of Paris and would know that a lie had been told and where it had been told and emotional communication, where he could communicate with his emotions. He had especially developed that with Marinette, Juleka, Lady Noir and Tikki. He could literally just feel their emotions and it would be like having a conversation. Feng was teaching him Psychometry at the moment. Luka had experienced it during Pixalator's attack but had no idea that's what it was nor how to activate it so Feng was teaching him to how to trigger and control what he sees. He was hoping he could use it for tracking the akumas. If he could see their paths, he could work out where Hawkmoth was located but that was a while off before he would master that. Feng was a good teacher though. He didn't get annoyed when Luka didn't quite understand something or if he didn't succeed straight away. Instead, he would explain in a way Luka could understand and be patient with him. If a method didn't work, they would find a different way to learn. An interest thing that Feng had taught Luka was at certain times of the year a thing he called the Veil was weakened, allowing more spirits and magic to be felt and seen. Luka hadn't known what the Veil was but according to Feng, it was the wall that separated the spirit world from the physical world and there was three points throughout the year where the Veil was weak. The first one was around 4th to 5th of April, the next one was during July usually around the 15th and finally between October 30th to November 2nd. According to Feng, the third point is where the veil is at it's weakest which is why a lot of cultures celebrate a death/spirit festival around the same time but it also meant that their magic is a lot stronger then usual including their empathy. Luka wasn't surprise to learn that as his empathy always spiked during this time of year but now he knew why. Of course, another reason why he was happy to learn about these things were because it meant his mind was preoccupied and that he didn't have to think about Her. It was better that way. She had been terrifying to face and despite having defeated her and erased her existence, she still haunted his dreams more then any other akuma he had ever faced. He let out a small sigh again as he heard Lady Noir land on the building and walk over. She seemed to have a sixth sense to him spending time on buildings during the middle of the night but he was more then happy for the company. After all, Lady Noir was not the same as Lady Blanche.
 "I see you're out late again," She stated as she walked before taking a seat next to him. She hung her leg on the side of the building as he looked up at the stars. "Trouble sleeping again?"
 "I'm fine, just thinking about things," He replied, making her frown but she nodded never the less. She knew he wasn't fine and that he was definitely not just thinking about things. "Are you ok?"
 "I'm doing good," She grinned, making him smile. "I thought I'd take a break from what I was doing,"
 "And what is the cat doing at 3am?" He asked, sitting up. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"
 "I could say the same to you," She shot back, making him grin a little. "I've been trying to come up with a Halloween costume. My boyfriend's family is hosting a party,"
 She giggled to herself, making him look at her.
 "Sorry, I'm just still getting use to that," She grinned, making him smile. 
 "No need to apology, Kitten," He replied. "I'm glad to see you happy,"
 "Thanks, Annie,"
 "So what are you going as?"
 "Well, I haven't fully decided what to go yet," She admitted, grinning sheepishly as she played with her braid. "I was thinking maybe Frankenstein's bride or a pirate. Oh but I'd love to dress up as a fairy!!"
 Anatis laughed, making Lady Noir look at him before a smile came on her face. She hadn't seen him laugh properly for a while. It wasn't that he hadn't been happy but he had been worried and certain events had taken effect on him. There had been the whole finding out that he was the recent life of Feng then there was the Sentibug incident. He had told that he physically felt it when Mayura killed Sentibug as they had taken to calling him but while those were enough in themselves to scar someone, it was whatever had happened with Bunnyx that seemed to haunt him. She knew it had something to do with her but when she had asked him about it, he had kind of shut down. She had never seen him look so haunted or broken. Whatever he had faced had left some scars. She had a theory about what had happened but she didn't want to jump that rabbit hole so to speak... so she did what she did best and just tried to support him. Slowly, the light was coming back into his eyes but she could tell that he hadn't been sleeping well. Nights like this were more of an occurrence then they should be. However, she couldn't bring herself to scold him. She knew nightmares could be scary.
 "What are you doing for Halloween?" She asked, making him pull a thoughtful face before sighing.
 "Probably going to a party but it's gonna be hard been around people," He admitted, making her frown before he saw her expression. "It's not that I don't want to be with others. It's just... my empathy always spikes around this time, meaning I'm more sensitive to people's emotions. Though I finally know why,"
“That's good right?" She asked, making him look over and nod before she made a thoughtful face. He rose an eyebrow at her. "What's it like? Feeling what other people feel?"
 "Hmm... well... it's kind of hard to describe," He admitted, making her frown a little before he let out a sigh. "Have you ever watched a movie and feel like you connect with the characters? Where you feel their embarrassments and their sorrows? Their joys and their rage?"
 "Yeah," She replied, nodding. 
 "It's a bit like that," He replied, making her nod. "Only more intense because you're not just feeling it from a second-hand source like a film. You're feeling it as if it's your own. It becomes part of you in that moment. Sometimes, it's just feeling an emotion but other times, it's like you're living a second life and experiences. And it's not just restricted to one emotion or one person. Most of the time, I can feel a number of people but other days, I feel the entire city,"
 "That sounds hard," Lady Noir admitted, looking down.
 "It can be," He admitted. "Especially when people are sad, hurt or angry but it's not all bad,"
 He yawned before he could continue, making her giggle.
 "You should go to sleep," She stated as he stretched and nodded. "You must tired if you're agreeing with me. Normally, you argue that it's too early to sleep or 'I'm fine, Kitty'..."
 "Hmm, that was a terrible impression of me," He smiled sleepily. "But you're right. I do need some sort of sleep but only if you do the same,"
 "Urg fine," She stated, rolling her eyes before she smiled and stood up. She walked over to him and gently kissed his cheek, making him blush a little. "Sleep well, Annie,"
 "I'll try," He stated as she turned and ran over to the edge of the building before jumping off and bouncing off into the night. He yawned and stretched again before heading to the other side and swinging off towards the Seine.
 ~A Couple of Days Later~
 "This is a disaster!!" Marinette wailed as she lightly banged her head on her desk. She was trying to come up with a Halloween Costume for the annual Couffaine party. She hadn't gone to it before but she had heard from Rose that it was the best Halloween party in all of Paris and having seen how Anarka is with a normal party, she could believe it. She really wanted to go all out for this one as well. She was attending it not as Juleka's friend but as Luka's girlfriend and she intended to dress to impress. However, she was struggling with what to wear. She had made several costumes so far but none of them were perfect and she needed it to be perfect. "An absolute disaster!!"
 "Girl, don't you think you're overthinking this?" Alya stated, making Marinette look up from her desk. "I mean this is the Couffaines. Just throw something together and they'll love it,"
 "Alya!! That is not how this works!" She gasped, jumping up. "I'm attending this as Luka's girlfriend! My outfit has to be on point and perfect! Oh god! What if he realizes how lame I really am when I can't come up with a decent costume?! He's gonna regret ever asking me to be his girlfriend and dump me! I'll never be able to go back to the Liber-"
 "Girl, take a deep breathe and calm down," Alya stated, holding her arms as Marinette stared at her before she began to take breathes, trying to calm down. "Firstly, this is Luka we're talking about. He loves you for you, quirks, flaws and lameness included and secondly, if you're that bothered about a costume, why don't you do a couple one with him? You could go as Gomez and Morticia Addams.. or you could go as Lady Noir and Anatis!!"
 "What?! No!" Marinette gasped, making Alya give her a look. "E-Everyone will go as them and while they're cool and that, it would be a way too obvious!"
 "Well, you do have a point there," Alya grinned, making Marinette let out a little sigh that she didn't notice. "Anyway, I'm sure if you and Luka put your brains together, you could come up with awesome outfits,"
 "Thanks, Alya," Marinette smiled, sitting back down. "So what are you and Nino going as well?"
 "um... Lady Noir and Anatis..." She replied, sheepishly. Marinette looked at her with an amused expression. "I know, I know but they're just so cool,"
 "I mean you're not wrong," Marinette replied as her phone vibrated. She picked it up and smiled as Luka had texted her, saying that he had finished his shift at work and asking if she would like to meet up for a little bit. Marinette couldn't help but smile as she texted back, saying that she would come meet him in a bit as she was with Alya right now. She put her phone as she smiled dreamily. They had been dating for a couple of weeks but every time Marinette remembered that Luka was her boyfriend, she felt giddy and happy. Alya and the girls had playfully teased her a little about it but overall, they were happy for her. Adrien and Kagami were ecstatic for her and Luka, insisting they go on a double date together when the two of them were about to escape from their parents. Her parents were happy as well. Sabine had commented that Luka was more then welcome in the house and that he would make a great son in law. That had made Marinette blushed insanely. And Tom was insisting that Luka come around for Brunch. Though Marinette had managed to convince him to wait until they were dating for a good few months and were really serious. She knew full well that she was committed to Luka and he was committed to her but she also knew that her father could be too much so convincing him to wait would be beneficial for everyone. She didn't want a repeat of Weredad. Her phone vibrated again, pulling her out of her thoughts. She unlocked it and read the messages, smiling.
 L: Sounds like a plan to me. Want me to come to Bakery when you're ready or would you like to meet me at the Liberty? Or somewhere between? xx
 M: Oh can we go to the flea market? I need some inspiration for Halloween xx
 L: Sounds good to me :) have you decided what you want to do?
 M: Ah not yet. Alya has a suggestion but I'm not sure if you'd want to do it. She thinks we should do a couple outfit but it's up to you. I wouldn't want to ruin your Halloween if you already have an outfit planned. xx
 L: You'd never ruin anything, melody and I like the idea. Honestly, I was just gonna dress up as either a pirate or a skeleton again. xx
 M: Really? You want to do a couple outfit with me?! :D 
 L: Yeah. Want to meet me at Sacré-Cœur?
 M: Sure. At 3pm?
 L: Awesome. I'll see you then. xxx
 M: I can't wait. xxx
 Marinette giggled to herself as she put her phone down before smiling like a fool as Alya grinned at her, making her gasp.
 "So you seeing lover boy then?" She grinned, making Marinette blush and muttering in a flustered way. Alya cackled before moving her arm around her best friend's shoulders. "Girl, I have never seen you this happy before. I'm glad you are,"
 "Thanks, Alya,"
 ~At the Sacré-Cœur~
 Marinette played with her hands nervously as she waited for Luka. Though she knew he would be happy to see her, part of her was still nervous. She knew without a doubt that she loved him full heartedly but part of her was terrified that it would end up similar to her obsession with Adrien and she didn't want that. She loved that she could be herself with Luka. She never felt like she had to be someone else and that he loved her for her. A small part of her wanted to tell him she was Lady Noir but she decided that it was better to leave that a secret for now. Though she hoped that one day she could tell him. She took a deep breathe to herself as she tried not to focus on that. Today was for her to have fun trying to work out what to wear for Halloween with her boyfriend. She giggled to herself happily before jumping a little as someone gently placed their hands around her eyes but instantly by the smell of sandalwood and salt water, she could tell it was Luka.
 "Guess who, Melody?" He asked with a playful tone, making her giggle.
 "Umm... is it... my handsome boyfriend?" She asked, gently pulling his hands down and turning around. Luka's cheeks were red from her question, making her grin with delight. "Hey there, Lu,"
 "I'm not late, am I?" He asked, sheepishly rubbing his neck. She smiled and shook her head, making him smile in relief before he offered her his arm. "Shall we, Melody?"
 "We shall," She giggled, taking his arm. The two of them headed through the stores and stands, checking out things but inspiration was hard to find. Marinette frowned as they walked around, causing Luka to hum gently. She gave him a soft smile as he did. "What do you think we should go as?"
 "Hmm... well... I've always liked the idea as going as a vampire," He stated, making her look at him. "I've been a pirate, a zombie, a devil, a warlock, an alien... the list goes on but I've yet to do a vampire,"
 "Oh then we should go as a vampire and his bride!!" She gasped as her eyes sparkled with inspiration before she excitedly shook his arm. "Oh what if we did the outfits similar to masquerade costumes?!"
 "That would be awesome," Luka smiled, making her grin happily. "Ok so what would we need for the outfits?"
 "Hmm, well it's a bit too late to build a full ball gown from scratch but if I can find a nice dress, I can work with that," She replied, making him nod before she looked him over. "As for you... hmm, I'm thinking a blood red shirt, a black or wine red waistcoat and some black pants... maybe some nice boots..."
 "And for you?"
 "Hmm, well... I'd need a dress as part of it and since we're going to match, it would have to be red," She replied, linking her fingers with his. He gave her a soft smile as they walked around, looking for the outfits. With an idea of what they wanted to go as they soon found items they could use. Marinette got Luka to try on a couple of things to ensure they suited him, regardless of their size as she could easily alter them to fit him. They continued to search before finding a beautiful red dress for Marinette. With most of the outfits found, they decided to head back to the bakery for lunch and improvised fitting session for Luka. As soon as they got inside the bakery, Tom looked up and smiled as Sabine glanced over.
 "Hello, you two. Did you have fun?" She asked as Luka nodded but they didn't stay to talk. Marinette grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs, making him stand in the living room while she grabbed her measuring tape. She began to measure him, writing them down before they made lunch together. With that done, they headed upstairs and Marinette began working on their outfit with Luka helping her out as he felt bad that she was doing everything. Even though she insisted it was ok doing it on her own, he helped her cut and pin the waistcoat they found so it would fit him better. The two of them chatted and laughed over the work they were doing before Luka's phone vibrated, causing him to frown. He picked it up and looked at who was calling. Seeing it was Rose, he answered it.
 "Hello?" He asked before incoherent screeching caused him to move the phone from his ear. Marinette looked over and raised an eyebrow at him, causing him to shake his head and put the phone back to his ear. "Rose, calm down and stop screeching,"
 "I can't!!" She gasped, sounding very excited. "Prince Ali sent me a message, saying he's coming back to Paris on October 30th to November 6th! He'll be here during Halloween!!"
 "Oh, wow that's cool," He answered. "But why are you phoning me?"
 "Oh, I want to ask if I could invite him to the Halloween party! The captain said all of you have to agree," She replied, making him nod. "Juleka and the captain are ok with it but are you? Can we invite him pretty please?!"
 "Um... yeah, that's fine by me,"
 "Oh thank you!!" Rose squealed again, making Luka move the phone from his ear once more. "You're the best!! Bye Luka!"
 With that, she hung up, making him blink as Marinette looked over to him. 
 "So Rose is inviting Prince Ali to our Halloween Party," He stated, causing Marinette to look at him with surprise.
 "Well then... we better make sure we look good," She replied, making him smile as he put his phone back down and walked over to her. She handed him the waistcoat. "Try that on,"
 He nodded and put it on, causing her to move around him and make sure it was the right fit. Luka couldn't help but smile as he watched her, making little notes and moving things. She looked up and caught his smile, making her blush.
 "W-what?" She asked, making him smile even more.
 "Nothing," He replied, grinning. "I just like watching you in your element,"
 Marinette blushed even more, making him chuckle.
 "Well... then you can help me with my dress!" She declared, making him smile and nod but she couldn't hide the small smile on her lips.
 ~30th October at the Grand Paris Hotel~
 "Thank you for accommodating us on late notice," Prince Ali's chaperone stated as the young prince looked around. He noticed Chloe sat by the desk talking to the girl who he was sure was called Sabrina. However, last time he saw them, Chloe was not exactly the nicest person. She clinged to him and insulted almost everyone who came in her path, including that girl who was meant to be her friend. However, the Chloe sat at the desk now seemed different. She was painting Sabrina's nails and talk to her like a normal human being. He wondered what had changed and found himself wondering over.
 "Hello, Miss Chloe," He stated, making her look up and a bright smile came onto her face.
 "Prince Ali, it's good to see you again," She answered in a genuine way. "How was your flight here?"
 "Ah, uneventful," He replied as Sabrina smiled shyly at him. However before he could say anything else, his chaperone walked over.
 "Prince, we need to head to our suite. You have a busy day tomorrow and need rest," She stated, looking at Chloe with distrust before turning to the prince again. "I've also increased security in case of an attack. We will be escorted to a number of places by a couple of security guards hired by your father,"
 "And the Halloween Party Miss Rose has invited me to?" He asked, making her look at him. "I would like to attend,"
 "We don't have time for that," She replied, making him frown. "Now get some rest and I'll see you in the morning,"
 "Of course," Prince Ali replied, frowning to himself as he walked into his room and changed into more comfortable clothing. He sighed and flopped onto the bed, looking up at the Ceiling. Sometimes, he really hated been the crown prince. He got that he had commitments but he was also a child and sometimes he just wanted to be that instead of trying to reach impossible expectations that his father held him to. For once in his life, he just wanted to go to a party with his friends. Rose was very excited that he would be there, wanting to introduce him to her girlfriend. He was excited to meet the girl who had swept Rose off her feet and to hang out with people his own age but it looked like that wasn't going to happen. Picking up his phone, he opened their chat and sent her a message, saying that he wouldn't be able to make it to the party.
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Ah, the troubled heart of a teenage prince longing to have fun and act like a normal child," Hawkmoth stated as his window opened, covering him and his butterflies in the moonlight. He held out his hand as a butterfly fluttered into his hand. "A perfect target for my akuma,"
 He placed his cane underneath his arm and covered the white butterfly with his now free hand, charging it up with a dark energy before releasing it.
 "Go my akuma and turn this prince's heart black!" He ordered, spinning his cane and slamming it into the ground as the evil butterfly flew off into the night. It headed to the Grand Paris hotel and slipped inside the room of the Prince as he dropped a text to Rose, sighing to himself. It fluttered over to him but before it could possess any of his items, a knock on the door was heard. The Prince got up and answered it. His frustration turned to confusion as Chloe and Sabrina smiled at him.
 "Hello again, Miss Chloe and Miss Sabrina," He stated, causing both girls to smile before they looked at each other with mischief grins. "Is something wrong?"
 "We were wondering you'd like to join us on the roof tonight?" Sabrina asked, surprising him as Chloe grinned.
 "Your chaperone has got to her room and Daddy has retired for the night so we won't get caught," She replied, making him bite his lip before a grin appeared on his face. "You in?"
 "Yes, let's go," He replied, his frustration completely disappeared as he followed them out of the room. Hawkmoth huffed in his lair before calling the akuma back since no one else was feeling anything negative for the night. Meanwhile, Prince Ali followed Chloe and Sabrina to the roof, happily chatting with the girls as they did. He did ask Chloe what happened with her as he remembered her been a little rude. He hoped that she didn't take it the wrong way but to his surprise, she just chuckled and explained that the local hero Anatis has a chat with her and helped her realize she didn't have to be mean or bitchy to people. She told him how she was in therapy and was working on her issues but she had her friends to remind her and help her. Plus Anatis checked in with her. Prince Ali nodded as he had listened. He briefly remembered Anatis after the whole Princess Fragrance thing. In fact, it was because of that hero that he met Rose properly. He felt like the young hero was kind but the surprise of the evening was Chloe apologizing for her past actions. Ali didn't expect that but was touched and forgave her never the less. The three of them laughed and chatted before Chloe pointed towards the ground. Ali looked over and smiled as he saw Anatis and Lady Noir on the street, wishing people a happy Halloween and giving out candy.
 "They decided to do something for Paris tonight since everyone is probably busy tomorrow," Chloe explained as a few people took some photos with them. Anatis looked up and smiled, waving at them. The three of them waved back as Lady Noir waved as well. "The Dupain-Cheng Bakery provided some of the snacks and the Ladyblog let Paris know,"
 "That is very kind of them," He stated, smiling as he watched them. Sure, Paris had Hawkmoth threatening them but they also had Anatis and Lady Noir. Ali had a feeling that as long as they were here, Paris would always have a guiding light to protect him. He yawned, making Chloe look to them. "Sorry, I'm a little jet lagged. I think I'll go back to my room if you don't mind?"
 "Of course not," Chloe smiled, making him smile back. "Good night, Prince Ali,"
 He nodded and headed back down to his room.
 ~31st October, Halloween~
 "Ok, next is the children's hospital," Prince Ali's chaperone stated as they drove towards it. Prince Ali frowned as he looked out the window. He frowned as he saw families and other kids dressed up in Halloween. The sun was beginning to set as well and the decorations were coming to life. He sighed to himself as he watched them laugh and play, wishing that he could be part of it too. "Are you listening, your highness?"
 "Yes... the children's hospital is next," He sighed, still looking at the window. The car continued to drive, even as he frowned. He gasped to himself as he saw a boat on the Seine decorated for Halloween. It was docked by the bridge they were driving over. From what he could see, several people were already there. He frowned to himself even more. He really wish he could join them. He wanted to hang out with Rose and other kids. He frowned to himself even more and looked away from the window as his chaperone continued to talk about the places they needed to go for the week. "Can't I just go to Rose's party tonight?"
 "No, you can't unfortunately," She replied, making him frown. "You're the crown prince of Achu. This is your duty,"
 "There is plenty of time for this when I become an adult," He replied, making her frown. "I just want to be normal for one evening and act like an actual kid,"
 "Ali, you know that isn't possible," His chaperone stated, making him frown. "There's too much to do,"
 Ali frowned but dropped the subject as they headed towards the hospital. The car pulled up and the driver got out to open the door as Ali let out a quiet sigh again. He really didn't want to be here. He didn't mind doing this stuff normally but it was rare he got to see his friend and then there was the fact that it was Halloween, a holiday that wasn't celebrated in his country. He had looked it up online and looked so fun.
 "Ali, I know you're disappointed," His chaperone stated as they got out of the car. "But at least this way you can learn what this world expects from you,"
 He nodded and followed her as they headed inside of the hospital.
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Ah yes, the young prince is once again disappointed that his duties overtake his life," Hawkmoth smirked as he looked out the window. He tapped the top of his cane, allowing it to open and reveal the akuma within before he lifted it up to the window. "Fly back to the young prince and evilize his pitiful heart!"
 The akuma fluttered up and out of the window, flying towards the hospital. It passed through a window and searched for Ali, finding him on the second walk. He was walking slowly behind his chaperone with his head down. She was chatting away about duties and how he needed to look happy when he greeted the sick children. Ali just nodded as the akuma fluttered over and entered the handkerchief in his pocket. Instantly, a butterfly mask appeared around his eyes, connecting him to Hawkmoth as he stopped in his path and lifted his head up.
 "Trick or treat is the question on all of the lips of the children of Paris and why should you miss out on all the fun, just before of your duties as crown prince?" Hawkmoth asked as Ali listened. "Pumpkin King, I'm giving you the power to bring Halloween to life so you can have all the fun you want. I only ask in return that you haunt Anatis and Lady Noir and bring me their miraculous in return. Do we have a deal?"
 "When witches go riding and black cats are seen, the full moon whispers it's Halloween," Prince Ali answered, making his chaperone look behind her. She gasped as purple smog covered Ali's body. She stepped back in fear as it disappeared, revealing his akuma form. He wore a simple outfit that seemed to be a mash up of classic halloween costumes. His shirt reminded her of a pirate. His pants and boots looked like they belonged to a highway man. Upon his head was a witches hat with a small spider hanging off it and he wore a vampire's cape around his neck and shoulders. However, that wasn't the only thing that had changed. His face resembled a pale demon with a streched out mouth and she could literally see his rib cage and spine. His hands had turned into bones as well and his eyes were glowing a yellowy orange. He had a belt around his waist and a pumpkin brooch on his shirt. Across his face was a mask that resembled a pumpkin and he was holding a wizard staff that looked like a creepy tree and had a glowing orb in the middle. His handkerchief was stained black and sat in a pocket on his shirt. He smirked at her, making his already stretched mouth wider. She stumbled back in horror and turned to run away. He pointed his staff at her and hit her with a beam of light, turning her into stone before walking past her and into the room of the sick children. "Trick or Treat!"
 Some of the kids screamed but a few of them looked at him in awe.
 "Wow, that's such a cool Halloween costume," One of the nurses smiled, making Pumpkin King look at her. "Very creative. Did you make it yourself?"
 "A friend helped me," He stated before pointing his staff at the bat decorations, firing a beam at it. As soon as it hit them, they turned into real bats that fluttered around, causing the staff to realize he was an akuma. The nurse who complimented the outfit stepped back in fear as he continued to bring their decorations to life and turn those not in costume into stone before he turned to her. She was one of the few dressed up. She was dressed as a devil. Well as much as a nurse could be. Basically she was wearing devil horns and a pointed tail. He pointed his staff at her, firing a beam at her but instead of her been turned to stone, she turned into an actual devil. Her skin became red, her horns and tail became real and her eyes turned completely black. Her nurse uniform turned bloodstained and she grew fangs, making her gasp and scream. Pumpkin King laughed and turned to the children, who were terrified. He pointed his staff at them and fired at them, turning those who were not in costume into stone and those who were into their actual costumes. He let out a wicked laugh before smashing the window as he jumped through it, landing on the ground and running off into the night to bring Halloween to life.
 ~At the Liberty~
 "I thought you and Nino were gonna go as Anatis and Lady Noir?" Marinette asked as she looked at Alya's outfit. In the end, Nino and her had turned up as a werewolf and a black cat. Not Lady Noir though. Alya grinned and rubbed the back of her neck as Marinette rose an eyebrow. "I mean it doesn't look bad but you had your heart set on been our heroes,"
 "Well, we were going to but it turns out that getting hold of Lady Noir and Anatis costumes weren't as easy as I thought it would be," Alya replied, making Marinette shake her head as Luka came over and handed her a paper cup. She smiled and thanked him before taking it off him. "I have to say though. You two look amazing,"
 "You can thank Marinette for that," Luka smiled, showing off his fangs before gesturing to his waistcoat. "She up-cycled this for me,"
 "Luka helped," Marinette giggled as Alya took in their outfits. Marinette was wearing a red ball gown with lace and rips carefully put into it. She had a 'bite mark' on her neck with fake blood dripping from it. Her hair was loose and she had a black veil over it. She wore a slight torn black choke near the bite. Luka was dressed as the vampire who bit her. He wore a black shirt, the red wine waistcoat and black pants with black boots. They were going to go with a red shirt originally but decided the black shirt looked better. His make up was done to make him look deadly pale and he wore fake fangs with a bit of fake blood by his mouth. "You should see Juleka and Rose though,"
 "Oh?" Alya asked, looking around. She spotted them and grinned. Rose was dressed as a full on fairy, wings and all. She looked amazing and Juleka was dressed as a ghost bride. Despite the two of them having very different costumes, it worked because it just screamed Rose and Juleka. Luka smiled as Alya rushed over to talk to them, dragging Nino with her. Marinette put her drink down and gently poked his cheek, making him look at her.
 "Care to dance, my handsome vampire?" She asked, making him smile. He put down his drink and took her hand, heading to the dance area on the Liberty but before they reached it, a flock of bats fluttered by, followed by a murder of Ravens. Both Marinette and Luka looked at each other confused before they heard an unearthly shriek. They jumped back as a person jumped and landed on the boat.
 "Trick or treat?!" They crowed as everyone look at him, taking in his outfit. It was definitely one of the best Halloween outfits they had seen. He smirked as he looked around before his eyes landed on Rose. "Rose! My friend!"
 Rose gasped as he strolled over to her.
 "W-who are you?" She gasped, stepping back in fear as everyone stood frozen as they stared at him.
 "It's me, Pumpkin King!" He declared, laughing with that unearthly screech. "Lord of Halloween! and tonight I'm bringing it all to life! Starting with you!"
 He pointed his staff at Rose and fired a beam at her but Juleka shoved her out of the way, taking the hit instead. Pumpkin King growled and ignored her, trying to fire at Rose as she ran off. Luka rushed over to Juleka, who was lying on the floor.
 "Jewel!" He cried, touching her but he pulled his hand back as her skin was as cold as ice. Fearing the worst, he pressed his fingers to her throat, trying to find a pulse but to his horror, he couldn't find one. Pumpkin King laughed as he fired at more people, turning them into their costumes. It was clear he was an akuma. Seeing his chance, Luka carefully got up but before he could get downstairs, the akuma turned to him and fired at his staff at him, hitting him with the beam of magic. Luka gasped and fell to his knees in pain as he felt his fake fangs fall out as real ones replaced them. He hissed in pain and shock as his sense of smell changed, causing him to gag and cover his mouth and nose. His nails grew and he felt a shiver as his skin turned pale and cold. Pumpkin King laughed again but before he could continue to change people into their costumes, a baton flew at him, knocking him back as Lady Noir jumped down and began to engage him in battle. Seeing his chance, Luka got up and rushed over to Juleka, picking her up with ease. His new strength felt similar to when he transformed into Anatis. He rushed downstairs and gently laid Juleka on the sofa before looking up and almost jumping as she stood right in front of him but she was transparent, making him sigh. "You had to go with a ghost didn't you?"
 "Wait... you can see me?" She asked, confused. Everyone else had ran through her after the akuma had hit her. Even Rose hadn't see her. "I knew you were a weirdo,"
 "Now is not the time, Juleka," He stated before going to look in the mirror. Only to discover he didn't have one. "Great, I'm a real vampire,"
 "Ooh maybe you can turn into a bat?" Juleka stated, making him sigh before he turned to her.
 "Stay here with your body," He ordered, making her blink. "I'm gonna try to find Anatis. Hopefully, he's nearby,"
 "We have the app," Juleka stated, going to grab her phone but her hand phased through it. "Damn it!"
 He ignored her and ran back upstairs with extreme speed, making him blink as when he stopped, he was near the Ponts de Arts bridge. He shook his head and moved underneath it before opening his waistcoat. Tikki flew out and look at him with a strange expression.
 "Akuma," He stated, making her nod. "Turning into Anatis will turn me back right?"
 "I don't know," She answered, making him frown. "This isn't just on the surface like Reflekta or Heureux Fin,"
 "Well then I better fix this," He declared, swiping his earrings. "Tikki! Spots on!"
 Tikki got sucked into his earrings, transforming him into Anatis. Only it wasn't his normal costume. To his surprise, his outfit had been affected by his sudden case of vampirism. Instead of wearing his usual look, he wore a similar outfit to his Halloween costume but with his mask and a ladybug themed cape. He sighed, hoping no one recognized him before taking out his yoyo. At least, that was still normal. He jumped up and threw his yoyo, swinging back to the Liberty where Lady Noire and the akuma were battling it out. Anatis threw his yoyo, causing the akuma to jump back before trying to fire at him. He blocked it and threw his yoyo towards him. The akuma knocked it back and fired at Anatis, causing him to dodge and the beam to hit a pumpkin that came to life and began to attack him. Seeing his chance, the akuma cackled and jumped up onto the top of the Liberty. 
 "I see you have my curse, Bug of the Night," He laughed, making Anatis hiss. "I wonder how long you'll last before you have to take a bite,"
 "Longer then you, you cheap Jack Skellington rip off!" Anatis declared, hissing again as Lady Noir landed next to him.
 "I'm Pumpkin King, Lord of Halloween!" He growled, pointing his staff at them before firing at the pumpkins, bringing them to life before he cackled and jumped as the pumpkins surrounded Anatis and Lady Noir. The two of them took out as quickly as they could before Lady Noir turned to him and frowned.
 "Well, I'm getting you dressed as a vampire tonight," She stated, making him sigh and nod. "At least, you look good,"
 "I'm an undead ladybug," He stated, making her giggle. "It is not funny,"
 "Ok but you could have really cool vampire powers," She stated, making him pull a face. "Like turning into a bat! or Mist!"
 "Well, I am faster and stronger then normal," He muttered, wondering if she was onto something. "Maybe I might be able to turn into a bat,"
 He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes. In a puff of red smoke, he disappeared and reappeared as a large bat but unlike a normal one, he was mostly black but had red spots on his back, resembling a ladybug. Lady Noir cooed and caught him in her hands as he sighed.
 "Aww, you look adorable," She grinned, making him glare at her a little. "Sorry but it's true,"
 "Alright, alright," He sighed, fluttering out of her hands and turning back into his human form in a puff of smoke. "Do we know what Pumpkin King wants?"
 "Well, he's bringing Halloween to life so maybe he just really wants to go trick or treating," Lady Noir as Juleka phased through the ship's door. Anatis rose an eyebrow as he noticed her before tapping Lady Noir. "Yeah?"
 "Let's question Miss Couffaine," He stated, walking over. Lady Noir followed him but frowned as she tried to look around for Juleka. "What's wrong?"
 "Where is she?" She asked, making him frown and gesture to her. "Annie, there's no one there,"
 "I'm a ghost," Juleka stated, making him frown. "I got hit by the akuma earlier and since I choose to be a ghost bride... I became an actual ghost... but only Luka can see me. How comes you can?"
 "Must be an empath thing," Anatis replied, making Lady Noir give him a look. "Long story short, she was dressed as a ghost and got hit, meaning she is now a real ghost and only me and Luka can see her,"
 "Oh," Lady Noir nodded before grinning. "Well, no wonder you can see her, Annie. She's a spirit and you're... you know..."
 "Oh, yeah. That makes sense," He nodded, making her grin. "Ok, Juleka... do you remember what happened?"
 "Hmm, well the akuma turned up and turned us into our costumes," Juleka stated before her eyes widen. "But he addressed Rose. Even called her his friend,"
 "Rose must known the akuma then," Lady Noir gasped, making Anatis frown. "Come on, Spookybug. We need to find her,"
 "Spookybug?" He questioned as she leaped up into the streets. He turned to Juleka and went to place his hand on her shoulder but it went straight through. "Sorry. I'll fix this so don't worry,"
 "I know, Anatis," She smiled, making him smile back. "Good luck,"
 "Thank you," He replied before jumping up into the night. To Lady Noir's surprise, he landed right next to her and picked her up, making her blush a little. "Sorry but it's a lot faster this way,"
 "I trust you," She smiled, holding onto him as he broke into a run, searching for Rose. Thanks to his new found speed, it didn't take them long to find her. She was hiding in the entrance to the Paris catacombs, making them both frown but it was probably a good place to hide since it wasn't decorated for Halloween nor was the kind of place anyone would think to look. Anatis gently placed Lady Noir down and slowly walked over to Rose, who looked up.
 "A-Anatis?" She asked, making him nod and sit down next to her. "Y-You got hit by the akuma,"
 "Yes but it's still me," He stated as she wiped her eyes. "Are you ok?"
 "Juleka took a hit for me," She sniffed. "That means she's dead because she was dressed up as a ghost. I killed my girlfriend!"
 "Rose, this isn't your fault,"
 "But if I hadn't been stupid and invited Prince Ali to the party, it wouldn't have happened," She sniffed, making him frown. "I knew he was busy and wouldn't' be able to fit it in but I didn't want him to feel left out so I invited him but he couldn't go and now he's akumatized-"
 "Wait the akuma is Prince Ali?" Lady Noir asked, making Rose nod. "Are you sure?"
 "He called me his friend," She sniffed. "I'm Prince Ali's only friend his age and he wasn't allowed to go. It has to be him,"
 "Well then we better save him," Anatis smiled, showing off his fangs but Rose gave him a smile back and nodded as he got up. He offered her his hand, causing her to take as he pulled her to her feet. With Rose on her feet, Anatis took out his yoyo and checked where the akuma was. "Hmm he's terrorizing people near the Arc de Triomphe,"
 "We better head there," Lady Noir declared, causing Anatis to nod. They went to run off but Rose grabbed his arm, making him stop.
 "Anatis, please let me help you," She gasped as he zoned out a little, glancing at her neck. He could see her veins on her neck and for a second, he thought about biting her before shaking his head, snapping out of it.
 "I'm sorry, Rose but it's too dangerous," He stated, making her frown. "Stay here while we deal this,"
 Rose frowned but nodded as the two heroes ran off. Lady Noir came to a stop, making Anatis stop as well.
 "Are you ok?" She asked, making him frown. "Is been a vampire affecting you?"
 "I'm very thirsty..." He admitted before shaking his head. "But we can fix that by defeating Pumpkin King,"
 Lady Noir nodded before the two of them ran off to the Arc de Triomphe. Pumpkin King was firing at people, either turning them to stone or into their Halloween costume. Lady Noir took out her baton and hit him with it, causing him to begin to fight her as Anatis took out his yoyo and threw it up, causing his suit to glow and change into his upgraded form or at least a version of it. He still had the cape. However, he didn't have time to dwell on that as a sheet manifested from his charm. He caught it and glanced around as Pumpkin King fired at Lady Noir. A car's mirror lit up, along with Pumpkin King, the sheet with two holes in it and finally Lady Noir. Anatis called Lady Noir over to the car and pointed to the mirror. She summoned her cataclysm and slammed her hand onto it, just as Pumpkin King fired at them. Seeing his chance, Anatis threw the sheet over him, making him look like a classic ghost before tearing the side mirror of the rust vehicle. He held up it up in front of them, which caused the beam to bounce back and hit Pumpkin King, turning him into a ghost. He slumped to the ground as his spirit appeared next to him, allowing Anatis to walk over to him. He picked up the staff and snapped it half as Lady Noir walked over before frowning as nothing came out. He removed the sheet and saw the blackened handkerchief.
 "That must be it," Lady Noir stated as he pulled it out and torn it in half, allowing the akuma to escape. He took out his yoyo and captured it before releasing the purified butterfly. He picked up the sheet and threw it into the air, causing his power up form to disappear with it. "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
 It burst into the magical swarm and flew around Paris, restoring everyone to normal. Finally, it flew back to them and fluttered around Anatis then Pumpkin King, bringing them back to life before disappearing. Pumpkin King turned back into Prince Ali, who looked around confused as Anatis held his yoyo out in front of him.
 "Prosperity!" He called out, causing his yoyo to glow before he tapped it open. He reached inside and took out a small round charm. It was cream in color with four red spots and in the center is a pumpkin. He walked over to Prince Ali and kneel down next to him. "Your highness, this is a charm that will protect you from Hawkmoth and his akumas as long as you keep it on yourself at all times. Please take it,"
 The young prince blinked before taking it and giving Anatis a smile.
 "Thank you," He stated, taking the charm before bowing slightly. "I'm sorry for been akumatized and causing trouble,"
 "It's fine," Anatis stated before gently placing his hand on his shoulder. "But are you ok?"
 "I... I'm alright. It's just..." He sighed, frowning. Anatis gave him an encouraging look. "I just want to go to my friend's party and be a normal kid for once,"
 "Prince Ali!" The voice of his chaperone shouted, causing them to look over as she ran over. To Ali's surprise, she hugged him. "You're safe!"
 She turned to Anatis and Lady Noir.
 "Thank you!!" She gasped before leading Ali away. Anatis nodded as his earrings beeped, along with Lady Noir's ring. The two of them waved to each other and headed off in different directions. Anatis landed in an alleyway and turned back into Luka before heading back to the Liberty. When he got there, Marinette rushed over to him and hugged before pulling him back onto the deck. The party went back into full swing but about ten minutes into the party, a car pulled up, causing everyone to look over. To their surprise, Prince Ali stepped out with his chaperone, causing Rose to squeal and run over to him, hugging him. He laughed and hugged back before allowing her to drag her over to Juleka to officially introduce them as everyone when back to partying. They played a number of games and danced with each other until the party slowly died out and people began to go home. A few people stayed over though. Prince Ali had to go back to the hotel but he manage to stay for a few hours and now that everything had calmed down, most had gone home. Marinette and a few others were staying over but they had all fallen sleep half an hour ago, part from Luka. He smiled to himself as he looked over at Marinette, who was curled up in a blanket sleeping before he carefully took his cup of spiced tea outside with him. He sat down on the deck and closed his eyes as the Liberty melted around him, turning into Feng's hut.
 "Happy Halloween!!" His five past lives declared, making him smile as he sat with them. 
 "Happy Halloween,"
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Spoilers for ROA underneath the cut
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This is the Fifth Incarnation of Hao Feng. His name is Huā Tóutāi (Huā means flower and Tóutāi means Reincarnation). He was born in China to a poor family in 1500 a month after Sir Rene’s death. 
Like his previous lives, he had the same basic powers but when on to specialize in healing magic. He also went onto become a guardian and trained a small number of heroes including La Coccinelle and Huā Mulan (great great granddaughter of Fa Mulan). He also befriended Su Han (aka Mr Eyebrows) as the two of them were taken in the guardians at the same time. The two of them joined the imperial army later in life where they befriended a fellow solider called Ping. During one mission, Tóutāi discovered that Ping was actually a woman (Mulan) but instead of exposing her, he covered for her. Eventually, she was found out and was banished from the chinese army. Because he knew and didn’t report it, he was also banished from the chinese army. Later on, he and Mulan married and lived at the temple, training new guardians and heroes. Like his past lives, he wore a miraculous but favored the Phoenix miraculous while Mulan wore the dragon.
Unlike his past lives though, Tóutāi didn’t live for a thousand years. His life was cut short when he was murdered by someone he thought as a friend. (points to another who can guess who). Like the others, Luka will learn about him and his murder through dreams.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Spoiler Alert for ROA Lore
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So this is the third reincarnation of Hao Feng. His name is Alpheus and he was born in Greece. He has the same base abilities as his previous lives but he specialized in elemental magic. He also gave Herc and Hippolyte their miraculous and assisted in the battle against Hera, who became his sworn enemy after he cursed her with the ability to speak only the truth. Like his past life, he wore a miraculous during his lifetime.
So I picked the name Alpheus because it means Successor and is also the name of a river god. Like the other lives of Feng, Luka will be seeing him in his dreams.
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