#happy 50th split enz
neilfinnaesthetics · 1 year
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Sending letters to my frenz telling them all about Split Ends.
I cannot believe that it has been a decade since I discovered this band. At first, thirteen year old me was slightly apprehensive of the bright colours and flamboyant attire; however, my Dad’s 30th Anniversary CD soon spun in constant rotation in my Hello Kitty CD player. Split Enz has been an unwavering companion for me throughout my adolescent years, guiding me through some difficult and positive times. They led me to one of my dearest friends; inspiring trips to New Zealand to spend time with her. 
I will forever be grateful for Split Enz for not shying away from expressing their individuality and authenticity; characteristics that I strive to embed into all aspects of my own life.
Thank you for being so much more than music. 
Kia Kaha and happy 50th Anniversary!
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neilfinnaesthetics · 1 year
Currently clowning because Neil is doing a Fangradio broadcast tomorrow for Split Enz’s 50th Anniversary. It’s not likely he’ll announce anything but omg I’m losing my mind, help!
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