#haru though..... i quake in my boots
sandrockbandit · 2 years
What's your opinions about Haru?
i can't wait to see more of him! haru is a super interesting character to me because you get to know a relative ton about him compared to the, what. three? moments? of actual screentime he gets (the poster, the menu, and the actual train scene iirc)?
of course, spoilers ahead, but just from his belongings and other characters' descriptions alone, you can paint a pretty good picture of him. like, just based on his belongings and others' descriptions of him, you can get that:
He is incredibly clever and dexterous, with a notable background in chemistry - the flavor text on his worktable makes it clear that not just anyone can craft the bombs he does; he is also the technical mind behind the beauty products Arvio sells (which have an excellent formula if Mi-an is anything to go by, so good for him!).
He is a decent, if morally ambiguous, person with few personal enemies - when Arvio talks about him, it's with a genuine sense of fondness and hope that he'll come back one day; he was a good enough business partner that Arvio is still holding on to his cut. his lower bounty shows that he isn't nearly as aggressive or troublesome as Logan is - it doesn't even have the "dead or alive" caveat. a lot of the characters will talk about how dastardly those bandits are, but Haru mostly just tends to get lumped in with Logan when it comes to character. of course, as the driving force behind Logan's firepower, he's got a destructive touch when he wants to and he Shows it (and you Have to have some measure of moral ambiguity to do half the nonsense he pulls!) but overall, my guy seems to be very polite and unassuming on the whole.
He is loyal (to a fault?) - like i say, it seems like no one has personal beef with Haru. all the specific ire lands on Logan, and Logan's impulsiveness, and Logan's aggression and treason and unreasonable behavior; it doesn't seem like Haru had to cut and run with him after the temple bombing at all. certainly he'd be more welcome than his buddy if he were to come back; it doesn't even seem like there was much in it for him to begin with. he has a good thing going for him and everything - unique skillset, successful product line. and yet, he's down to throw everything away just to help Logan chase his white whale? up to and including attacking his town and fleeing into the desert? Haru's ride-or-die on another level, man.
he's just incredibly fascinating to me. i look at him and i have so many questions. why was he rooming with logan in the first place. was he a childhood friend or what. he must have been pretty fond of howlett too. where did he learn such a complex branch of science. is he from or did he study at vega 5. everyone always goes Hhhh Why Isn't [X Character] Romanceable and while mostly i find it just charming and a little funny. you know what. maybe it's time i start asking this abt haru, Contractually. he seems like a stand-up guy. do i think he would be a great LI? yeah actually. do i think anyone deserves him? no
this is a Haru Appreciation Zone
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