#having a conversation with your doctor about specifically your ability to bust a big one. which...
sergle · 1 year
so sorry if this is too invasive of a question but did you ever start an antidepressant that didnt affect your ability to nut or did you just discontinue your meds entirely ? asking bc i started a new antidepressant recently and have been afflicted with the same condition but im like so embarrassed to bring it up to my doctor idk if theres even anything they can do or another medication that wont do this 😭
OH Man yeah okay, I haven't been Thoroughly cataloging my medication journey but like... first of all, I Did Not Tell my doctor about the nut curse. I just didn't. so you can definitely get around that if you don't want to bring it up as vehemently as I did. but, after I went off lexy, I started on bupropion. which does not impede my ability to nut. in fact, ever since my dose on it got raised, it's doing the opposite of that.
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chaotic-jjk-fiction · 3 years
The Surrogate: Nanami Kento x Reader x Gojo Satoru
Please be warned that this piece is 4.3k words
I am willing to write a part two if you guys like it 
TW: Pregnancy, Artificial insemination, Morning sickness, Surrogacy   
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You were tight on money, you couldn’t deny that. Sometimes you had to pick between paying rent and eating, but that was just how it was living in Tokyo. You had just graduated from university last year, and finding work wasn’t easy. One night when you and your friends were hanging out and one of them jokingly brought up the idea of becoming a surrogate to make some money. You all laughed at the idea then, but a few months after that conversation took place you found yourself googling the surrogacy processes and the money that could be made. While surrogacy was not actually illegal in Japan but it was still frowned upon by many, however, this wasn’t going to stop you.   
Now you were filling out your application to become a surrogate mother. You went through all of the agency’s testing and formal legal work and they told you that they would notify you if you were chosen by a family. All you could do now was wait and see. You had almost forgotten about your application when you got an email explaining that you had been selected by a couple and that a meeting needed to be scheduled so that both parties could meet and decide if they wanted to continue. You quickly replied with all of the dates and time that worked for you and internally jumped with joy that things were actually working out, much quicker than you had expected. 
The meeting time was also set quickly and you found yourself growing nervous as the day approached and you had to remind yourself that this was no different from any job interview you had ever done. Finally the day had come and you were headed off to meet the family that you would potentially be carrying a baby for. You dressed in your best clothes and did your hair in a way that you hoped would impress them, you knew that if they were able to afford surrogacy, they were probably of high status. The meeting was at the agency and one of their doctors would be there to explain everything to both parties and help everyone feel comfortable. When you made it to the agency you were escorted into an office type room with a desk and three chairs. Two of them were closer together, and the third was more off to the side and you guessed that one was for you, and the other two were for the couple. You sat down in the chair off to side your hands folded in your lap as you looked around the room. You jumped when you heard the door open and you turned around to see two men enter the room. One man was obviously the doctor and the other one you assumed was the husband in the couple. The doctor went and sat down on the other side of the desk, and you stood up and bowed to the man in a tan suite. He was pretty tall, and you weren't going to lie, he was making you feel a bit intimidated. He bowed back to you. 
“My name is Nanami Kento” he said very formally, “Thank you for meeting with us, and I apologize that my partner is late.” You were a little taken back by how formal he was, but then again it was what you were expecting. 
“My name is y/n'' your voice wavered a bit, “and the pleasure is mine.” You two bowed again, and then he took his seat and you followed. There was an awkward silence in the air and you just tried to focus on your hands which laid in your lap and not the intimidating man sitting in the chair a little ways away from you. Five minutes passed before the door slammed open and you jumped in surprise, whipping your head around to see who had busted in. A man with white hair and sunglasses stood in the doorway. 
“Sit down” Nanami said in a stern voice, “your late Satoru.” The man in the door frame made his way over to the chair next to him and sat down before turning to you, 
“The name’s Gojo Satoru'' he stated and then turned back around to face the doctor. You were a little shocked, but you also turned back to face the doctor. You noted the wedding rings on their hands and you realize that they were the married couple that you would be potentially carrying a baby for. It made sense, obviously they couldn’t have a child together, and it made you hope that this worked out. The doctor soon began his speech on how surrogacy works, explaining  how you would be artificially inseminated with a semen sample that the men provided. You would then be monitored closely throughout your pregnancy and updates would be provided for Nanami and Gojo. They would pay any medical bills that were related to the pregnancy, and how the three of you could work out specific details on which doctor you would see and which hospital you would give birth as you pleased. You just sat there silently nodding every now and again to show that you were listening to what was being said. The thought of actually carrying a baby inside of you for nine months was intimidating, but you really needed the money. After the doctor had finished his part of the meeting he then opened the floor to questions and open discussion. You really didn’t know what to say, and you were glad when Nanami pulled out a notebook and began asking the doctor questions and taking notes. You felt so unprepared compared to them. After he was done interrogating the doctor, he turned to you and you panicked a little about what he was going to ask. 
“Thank you again for meeting us here today” he started off formally “Would you mind if I asked you some questions?” You nodded, 
“Of course not.” He looked down at the page of questions decide which one to ask first, before finally deciding to start with your relationship status. You explained to them that you hadn’t been in a relationship since you were in your first year of university. He went on asking questions about family history and health, and other stuff along that line, you answered every question to best of your ability. You noticed that his husband, Gojo appeared to be antsy and trying not to start bouncing off the walls. You wondered how these two had ended up together. After Nanami had gone through everything he had to written down, he asked you had any questions for them to which you responded, 
“I only have one,” you paused a moment before continuing “What brought you two to deciding that you wanted a child” Nanami looked back at Gojo before looking back to you 
“Well” he started before getting cut off be his husband 
“Because we work with kids all day and seeing them all grow up and mature makes me want to have a kid of my own to help grow and mature” Gojo exclaimed “Plus babies are cute as hell” You couldn’t help but giggle at his last statement, Nanami however just shook his head. 
“Ok” you said “So far I’m feeling good about going through with this. You two seem like a wonderful couple.” Both of them looked at you smiling, and a grin broke out on Gojo’s face. Nanami nodded in a very business like manner, 
“Before we sign any papers” he interrupted “We have a few terms and conditions” you smiled and nodded and he went on
“We would like to be at most, if not all of your ultrasounds” he explained
“I think that’s perfectly reasonable” you chirped 
“We would also like to see your living accommodations, we need to know that our baby is being cared for properly, even before they are born” you paused for a moment before answering. 
“That can be arranged,” you said slowly. And just you were signing the legal papers that set your fate in stone, setting a date to get inseminated, shaking hands with Nanami and Gojo, and then you were on your way back home.    
Your appointment to be inseminated at the clinic was fast approaching and you were a tab bit anxious, but you were also pretty giddy. You were happy that you could give such a sweet couple the baby they wanted. Some time passed, and the next thing you knew you found yourself seated in the procedural chair, your legs in the stirrups watching a doctor pull on gloves before she took the odd syringe with a long thin tube on it and held it up.
“Ok” she said “I need you to try and relax as much as you can and just take a deep breath. '' You did as she said and tried hard not to pay attention to how uncomfortable it was. She slowly injected the liquid, which you knew was sperm through the tube, and you found yourself wondering which man's sperm it was. 
“I’m all done” she informed you as she moved to clean up “We’ll be seeing you in a week to see if an egg fertilized” you nodded as you redressed. Two weeks and few days later you found yourself back in the doctors office with Nanami and Gojo waiting to see if you were pregnant or not. The room was tense as the doctor looked over your blood work in his hands
“Your hCG level is at 21” the doctor stated. All three of you were on the edge of your seats, “Congratulations. You're pregnant” he said looking from the paper up to you. She let out a sigh of relief, you felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest. What you weren't expecting was to suddenly be lifted out of your chair and hugged, the action causing you to let out a squeak of surprise. 
“Put her down Satoru” Nanami commanded. You were then set down so that you were standing on the floor looking up at Gojo who had apparently been the one to pick you up. Nanami stood up and took your hand 
“I’m very glad that this worked out” he said a little stiffly “I look forward to what’s to come for all of us.” You nodded happily with a big smile on your face. He felt a smile tugging at his lips as he looked at your bright eyes and happy expression matching Gojo’s. 
“So, who is you obstetrician?” Nanami asked after the initial excitement had died down. You paused, looking down avoid eye contact
“I don’t have one” you said sheepishly. The two men exchanged glances before looking back at you, your head still down. 
“We can set an appointment up for you with one of our choosing if that’s alright with you” Nanami offered. Gojo quick budded in with
“And we’ll pay for it of course.” You looked back up at them, before you nodded
“That sounds great. Thank you so much”  
“It’s the least we could do” Nanami said with a soft smile on his face “You are carrying our child after all.” Gojo made his way to his husband's side and took his arm and pressed a soft kiss to kiss cheek. It made you happy to see the two of them so happy, you were feeling pretty good about your decision to become their surrogate. Two weeks later they called you to set up your six week ultrasound with a doctor they had picked in Tokyo, that when you looked her up seemed pretty high scale and you were glad you didn’t have to pay. All three of you set a date that would work, with the agreement that after the appointment they would come over to your house and check it out and you agreed. They also asked about how you were feeling so far, you explained to them that so far your breast had been pretty tender, you were definitely bloated, however, you hadn’t had any morning sickness yet. They seemed relieved to hear that you were doing good. You hung up after setting the date for your first ultrasound and the waiting process began again. Two more weeks passed until it was finally the day of your appointment. You had developed morning sickness around the middle of week five and you found it was mostly triggered by certain smells. Your breast, you were pretty sure had also gotten a bit bigger.
 You took the bus to the station closest to where the doctor was before walking the rest of the way to the building. You took a seat in the waiting room after filling out the patient intake form. It was a fancy office, that was for sure. Nanami and Gojo soon walked in and took a seat on either side of you so that you were in the middle of them, you felt so small. A nurse called your name and you stood up and followed her, the two of them close behind you. The room she took you to was pretty big, it had two chairs against one wall, an examination table in the middle of the room, and an ultrasound next to the examination table along with a rolling stool for the doctor. You laid down on the table as a technician put a little blue pee pad type thing on your thighs before pulling down your pants a bit and instructed you to pull up your shirt, which you did. 
“The gel will be cold” she warned you before squirting it onto your belly, it was indeed cold. She took the ultrasound wand and pressed it to your belly before starting to move it round, spreading out the gel. All three of you stared at the monitor with baited breath, and there it was, a fuzzy, little bean looking thing that was your baby. You looked over at Nanami and Gojo who were sitting in the chairs to see Gojo holding his husbands had tightly eyes wide looking at the screen. 
“I’m going to see if we can find the heartbeat now” she informed you. You looked back over to the monitor, watching the little bean. You watched as she moved the wand, and tapped some buttons, trying to capture the little beating heart she pointed out to you. You felt like you wanted to cry. You were actually carrying a tiny precursor to a human being, with its own, functioning, heart. There were a few more less enjoyable parts to your appointment, but you guessed you were going to have to get used to people looking at your “lady parts.” You walked out of the office with Gojo and Nanami at your side, Gojo was holding a file of your ultrasound, along with some pamphlets from the doctor about what to expect in the first trimester.
“Are you ready for us to go to your house?” Nanami turned to you and asked. You froze, you had completely forgotten that you’d agreed to that, you gulped, then nodded 
“I’m ready” you informed them. They led you to a car and Nanami helped you into it, although that really wasn’t necessary in your mind. You were surprised to find that the car had a driver, who was introduced to you as Ijichi Kiyotaka. He asked for your address and you gave it to him, although you felt embarrassed saying it out loud, and the silence in the car wasn’t helping. On the ride to your apartment you were seated in the middle seat, between Gojo and Nanami. About halfway to your house, Gojo opened up the folder and pulled out the sonogram pictures that had been taken, before going on a little rant about how cute they were going to be while looking at the image.   
Before you knew it, the car had pulled up in front of your hole in the wall apartment building and all three of you were getting out and making your way up stairs to your floor. The first thing the two men noticed was that the building didn’t have an elevator, that didn’t seem good as you would most likely have trouble with stairs later in your pregnancy, especially since you lived on the fourth floor. One they made it up to your unit you unlocked the door, but before opening you turned around to face them
“I apologize for any mess in advance” you said and then pushed the door open. All three of you took off your shoes before entering the actual living space. The thing that stood out most to them was how little furniture there was. You had a sofa and a coffee table in the small room, along with a bookshelf and a little rug but nothing else in your living room. The kitchen was practically non-existent. You had a fridge, a microwave, a rice maker, and a small gas stove next to an equally small sink. Nanami looked around skeptically and Gojo headed straight for the fridge, opening to find nothing but a few kinds of convenience store pickles. 
“What do you eat?” he exclaimed, obviously shocked at the lack of food, he then proceeded to go through the few cabinets finding a bag or rice and some instant miso soup mix. He looked at you in shock and you could feel your cheeks turning red with guilt. 
“Is this all you have?” Nanami asked, looking at you. You looked from one to the other, before letting your eyes rest on the floor. 
“Money has been tight recently,” you explained. Both of them looked from you to the other one, they seemed to reach a silent, mutual agreement before Nanami spoke. 
“You do know that this is not an ok environment to be pregnant in, right?” He looked genuinely concerned and it just made you feel so much worse. 
“I know it’s not ideal” you said, “but I can’t afford anything else.” There was a gap of silence until Gojo spoke up, 
“You could stay in our guest room” he exclaimed “we never use it, and it would allow us to keep an even closer eye on you” He was basically jumping up and down about his new idea. 
“I couldn’t” you stammered “I don’t want to impose on your life” Nanami thought for a moment before expressing his opinion. 
“Satoru is right'' he paused, “I would be better for you to stay with us, and it would be better for our peace of mind as well.” You were at a loss for words, could you really take their offer? Was that even an ethical thing to do? 
“Please” Gojo whined putting his face in front of yours. You took a moment before sighing 
“Ok” you said “it still doesn't feel quite right to me” you added. You looked from Gojo to Nanami, waiting to see their reaction. Nanami nodded, 
“I understand. But please do not feel as though you are intruding, we are welcoming you” he reassured. Gojo put his hands on your shoulder and pushed you forward from behind. 
“Go hurry and pack” he beamed, you staggered forward a bit before whipping around to face him. 
“Right now?” you gawked. Gojo just nodded and smiled before ushering you forward again. You looked to Nanami to see what he had to say. 
“I mean there’s no reason to delay your move” he remarked. And so it was decided, you were going to move in with them tonight. You went to your room and pulled out a duffle bag and began to pack the clothes you thought you would want most. Before you went back out to them, you also packed your favorite pillow and blanket, along with your toiletries. You made your way out back to the living room where they were still just standing in the middle of the room. Nanami took the bag, and Gojo took your arm, and you all walked back down to the car. Nanami placed your bag in the trunk and got into the car. The ride to their house was fairly long, and you found yourself drifting off, your head starting to fall on to Gojo’s shoulder. He just watched as you fell asleep, making no move to push your head off. 
“We’re here” Gojo announced, waking you up from your nap. You got out of the car and came face to face with an upscale apartment building the likes of which you’d never seen. You were in shock as they led you to the elevator and up to their floor, which you could only access with a key.
“We’ll make sure to get you a key tomorrow,” Nanami commented, before pressing the button for the fifth floor. You just nodded in awe. Once the elevator reached the fifth floor the two of them stepped out and into a little hallway type room with  the door to their actual apartment a few feet away. Nanami took out another key and unlocked the door, pushing it open to reveal a beautiful entrance room. You walked inside and took off your shoes before allowing yourself to step inside and marvel at the magnificent furniture and design of the living room. 
“Let me show you to your room” Gojo proclaimed as he took your arm and led you through the living room, which you could now see was connected to their kitchen, down a hallway and past a few doors before he stopped in front of one. He flung open the door to reveal a room as big as your old living room with a twin bed, a bookshelf, a dresser with a mirror, and a little sofa in one corner. The thing you found most amazing, was the huge window that allowed you to look out onto Tokyo. Nanami placed your duffle bag down on the sofa before turning to see you in a state of shock. 
“I hope you like the room” he said “your bathroom is right across the hallway, feel free to put your toiletries in there. Satoru and I’s bedroom is upstairs” You nodded at his words, internally screaming at the fact that the apartment had an upstairs. 
“We’ll leave you to get settled” he added “Please come out when you're ready and have some food with us.”
“Ok” you agreed and watched as the two men left the room, closing the door behind them. You flopped down against the bed and relished in how soft the mattress and sheets were. After just allowing yourself to process the events of today, you got up and started to put your clothes into the drawers before you laid your blanket and pillow on the bed. You took your toiletries out of the duffle bag and set them back down on the sofa, you then placed the now empty bag on the bottom of the bookshelf. You picked up the items off of the sofa and left your room and opened the door to a wonderful bathroom with a separate shower and bath so that one could wash off before getting into the tub. The toilet was also fancy. You put your bathing products on the shelves cut into the shower wall and set your toothbrush along other oral hygiene products and your hair brush into their respective places on the sink counter. After taking one last look around the room you made your way to the kitchen where Gojo was sitting on a high bar stool at the counter and Nanami was standing behind the counter cooking something. You took a seat one bar stool away from Gojo and looked at what Nanami was making. It looked like he was putting together rice with a fried egg, topped with, what you were guessing was salmon leftover from their dinner last night, and nori. It looked amazing and you were excited to be able to eat it, because, in all honesty, you were incredibly hungry. Nanami set a bowl in front of you along with a pair of chopsticks. 
“Itadakimasu” you and Gojo say in unison. You take your chopsticks, and pick up a clump of rice with salmon on it. Before you can place the bite in your mouth, you feel bile rising in your throat. You carefully set down your chopsticks and cover your mouth before hopping off the stool and speed walking to the bathroom where you promptly threw up the contents of your stomach. You looked up to see Nanami and Gojo standing in the doorway, a look of concern on their faces.
“I’m sorry” you apologized, your voice rough from the acid. You gagged again feeling more bile coming up your throat and you turned back to the toilet bowl and threw up once more. You were breathing heavy, your eyes were watering, and your face felt hot. It wasn’t until you calmed down a bit before you realized that Gojo was kneeling behind you with hand on the small of your back. He quickly supported you as you stood noticing how shaky you were. 
“I’m sorry” you apologized again, flushing the toilet. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it” Gojo chirped, “You're pregnant.” He helped you two the sink where you washed your mouth with mouthwash. You looked over to Nanami who was still standing in the doorway,
“Thank you for cooking dinner, I’m sure that it’s delicious, but right now I think I really just need sleep” you explained. He nodded in understanding
“Of course,” he said “I understand. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask, Satoru and I will be staying up a bit later.” You bowed your head and thanked them again before going into your room, changing into your pajamas and laying down. You found it fairly easy to fall asleep thanks to how tired you were, and how comfortable the bed was.
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warmau · 7 years
Monsta X as androids in a post-apocalyptic world. What kind of androids would they be like?
this is a super fun ask!!
definitely an android built to be a super-solider,,,but the kicker is even though he’s an android who is supposed to be ruthless and cold
if he’s asked to as much as hurt a fly,,,,,like he can’t do it
the scientists who built him are always debating on scraping his prototype and making another one,,,,one that is incapable of learning human emotion and basically just being a killing machine
since shownu’s exposure to humans made him incapable of using his insane strength to hurt anyone
but other scientists argue that he can still be a weapon - for instance he can literally pick up an entire truck and just throw it,,,,,
use those arms to uproot homes and flip over trains
but,,,,,shownu has absolutely no desire to do that. like he can lift thousands of pounds of steel or whatever in training simulations 
but actually chuck it at some? nope
you’re one the scientists who believes shownu’s prototype would be good as an engineering kind of android - he can help build things by carrying heavy materials
(but also you think he’s really cute and don’t want his prototype to be destroyed,,,,,,,,,)
imagine stoic android shownu, muscles about to tear through his god damn shirt - smiling when a butterfly lands on his finger bye
an intelligence android, who got all of the human knowledge from pre the apocalypse installed into his memory chip 
mostly for archiving,,,,but also to see just how much a robot could remember
basically, a walking experiment on artificial intelligence
can map out the entire history of south korea from formation to present - including dates, important figures, and wars 
give him a specific time period and he’ll tell you every event that occurred that was crucial to that era, as well as small little known facts largely forgotten by modern population
does all the intelligence ability get to him? YEAH
he often teases some of the strength based androids about not being as ‘smart’ as him
no one knows where he learned to show off like that,,,,,but people joke that when he was created it was something like ‘sugar, spice, and every ounce of confidence in the lab’
you’ve performed system updates on kihyun to keep his memory up to date with current events
and he’s tried to quiz you, multiple times - asking you questions about the past
but you always one up him by asking him about something current,,,something niche,,,something not in his data
it makes him all flustered, as best as an android can get, and it makes you giggle because oh he isn’t the mr. smarty pants he thought he was jokes jokes he looks cute pouting 
Wonho & Hyungwon
beauty androids built as experiments in a project that tries to create the perfect ‘boyfriend’ in order to provide comfort to people post the huge apocalypse
wonho is type 6, strong but also soft and less physically driven than he is emotionally. he was programmed to feel the most for other humans and offer sympathy and a feeling of safety
hyungwon is type 14, attractive beyond belief, but not big-headed about it and more the introvert type. the boy who you can keep all to yourself but still brag about. a face really,,,,
all of these androids are not allowed to be seen by the public yet, there’s a debate about the ethical idea of androids specifically made for relationships for a number of reasons
wonho has never expressed interest in a job as a ‘boyfriend/love android’ while hyungwon once said it sounded like too much work
,,,,,,,their types still in testing phase but already it’s obvious that you can’t force androids to love certain people
even though wonho is programmed to be able to say the right things,,,,and hyungwon is gorgeous to look at ,,,, there’s still something inevitably wrong about marketing them as boyfriends
you’ve argued this before, trying to get the experiment to become more focused on improving the androids as care-givers not romance dolls unable to distinguish consent
wonho always asks how your work is coming along because he’s been worried about the future of his prototype,,,,and having to deal with someone possibly owning him and you comfort him - which tbh you never thought you’d have to do to an android,,,,but wonho seems to greatly appreciate your concern
hyungwon,,,,who also supports your work once said that if they did make him some ‘boyfriend android’ the only human he’d be ok with so far is you - you weren’t sure if that was sweet or,,,,,not ksdjfklrge
a maintenance android, built to assist in the repair of other androids
his body is installed with various different tools, the inside of his forearms can be opened to reveal a numerous amount of basic repair stuff such as screw drivers, wrenches, pliers, small saws, etc
his chest has a power source inside that can connect to other androids to start them up and he can record data that is later transferred to a main computer
the other andorids call him go-go-gadget minhyuk,,,which he doesn’t very much like 
some of the scientists use his power source to charge phones,,,on many occasions he’s fixed the busted up coffee maker in the break room
but for a maintenance android,,,he can be super clumsy
the amount of times they’ve had to repair him is endless,,,,like you’d think androids are perfect images of humans
but does minhyuk slip on wet floors and go falling forward - damaging a part of his skin?? electrocuting those who accidentally touch him? yes,,, but he doesn’t mean it
you work with him a lot, since your main focus is the internal drives of androids and you’ve found that minhyuk has a humor unlike any android - or human
you asked some people if maintenance androids are supposed to be programmed with such a good,,,personality,,,but no one seems to know
it’s hard for you to remember he’s an android sometimes when you two work together, but then you see the wires coming out of his chest and you’re like right,,,,
but it’s cute because minhyuk always gets excited when he’s assigned to you because,,,,you’re sweet and you don’t call him go-go-gadget 
is actually more a cyborg, not an android because he survived the apocalypse but was burnt badly on his hands
before the apocalypse, he had been a renowned classical composer and when he was found among the survivors,,,,doctors were quickly tasked with saving his hands
because the burns were too severe, engineers created prosthetic hands for jooheon which were embedded with the memory of how to play every instrument in the orchestra, including the piano
when he had first tested out the prosthetic,,,,he had felt like he was cheating,,,,and had asked doctors to take them off
but the reality was that the prosthetic had no creative ability to compose,,,,they could just play the instrument but jooheon had to still write the music
so jooheon went back to writing music,,,creating pieces that were heard in small time theaters since the apocalypse had rattled the city to crumbles
people would whisper that he was the next mozart,,,,,except part robot
which made people critical of his music,,,and got to jooheon
but you had met him after he got his prosthetic, you played violin and he had composed for you before and you would always tell him that music doesn’t come from his hands but from his heart
and jooheon would look at the fingers,,,,that looked so normal aside from the rings of metal at the joints,,,but you’d just put your hand over his and smile comfortingly
which jooheon appreciated,,,,and would also get all flustered about but keep to himself
(although whenever you were around people noticed his smile much more often than before)
a multilingual android 
built for the sole purpose of allowing survivors with language barriers to speak with authorities and for refugees from other apocalypse stricken places to assimilate easily 
aside from knowing up to twenty plus languages, changkyun can also communicate in sign language and differentiate between dialects
people had argued about the fact that no one could just program an entire language into an android - languages always change
but changkyun, after having conversations with native speakers, has a feature that allows him to add new vocabulary to his memory system
he’s like a walking google translate - but much more accurate
his creator has been working on getting changkyun to be able to write these languages as well, but changkyun,,,,kinda has a mind of his own
like kihyun, he’s learned from somewhere, to be just a tad bit cheeky about his abilities
regularly speaks to others in languages he knows they don’t understand or teachers people incorrect vocab as joke
told minhyuk that the word for pretty in polish was actually the word for crab so has mihyuk called someone a crab in polish ,,,, yes 
you’re brought in every now and then to speak with changkyun in your native language so he can update his database on it
and changkyun actually never plays silly tricks on you which is why the other androids tease him about picking favorites
and he’s always like theyre!!! not my favorite shut it go-go-gadget minhyuk but,,,,you are his favorite maybe because you actually have good conversations with him or maybe because he think’s you are one of the cuter humans hehe 
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