#he is the most adorableeee guy in the world!!!
tatakaeeren · 1 year
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HIMURO - KUN (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)  | Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool Na Douryou Joshi ❄ EP. 11
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literaticat · 2 years
Thank you for this blog! Oftentimes, MSWL list have "character", "voice-driven. " and "plot-driven" as a preference for a story. I know what these mean in a definitive way bu what really differentiates them from each other? For example, is one more defined by shitting genre expected story beats than the other, etc.? And if you don't mind, could you please explain what a more "literary leaning" taste means?
as far as the craft element / story beat / whatever (???) of your question, I don't know, ask a writer
I don't think people would say "voice driven" about a book - they might say "voicey" or "a strong narrative voice" or something but whatever. Usually they would say "character-driven" or "plot-driven"
VERY broadly speaking - you are talking about two slightly different things -- one is, what makes the story go, the other is the tone of the story.
A plot-driven book is about a premise and the things that happen. Like sure, yes, there are great characters (hopefully!) -- but the plot has forward momentum and is why you keep reading. (Think, like, any thriller. Da Vinci Code. etc.)
A character-driven book is really about the growth or whatever of the characters. Of course there is a plot, things happen -- but it's ABOUT the character, doing things, we keep reading because we love the character. (Think, like, any book where you try and describe it and end up babbling, like, "see, there's this guy, and he's got this family, and ok well first of all it's the birthday of one of them, but I guess that's not the important part, see his NEIGHBOR is like the love of his life and ..." -- welp, you've got yourself a character-driven book. If the person's NAME is in the title, it is almost certainly a character-driven book - like World According to Garp.)
It's a spectrum - a book can be strongly one or the other -- or lean toward one side or the other, or be right in the middle.
Now in terms of TONE:
Commercial means (in the most broad way possible) extremely "readable" -- possibly other descriptions would be "hilarious!" or "thrilling!" or "omg adorableeee!" -- if it's a kids book it might have a cartoony cover (maybe even with glitter on it!). Itty Bitty Kittycorn is a highly commercial book. Anything about a Disney property is a highly commercial book. Series like Rainbow Fairies are highly commercial books. Much of the time paranormal, thrillers, romances, things you might see in racks at the airport, any James Patterson book -- those are highly commercial books. Another way to put this is "will sell a lot of copies."
Literary means (in the most broad way possible), "beautifully written" -- other descriptions might be "lyrical", etc. It may have a more subdued or 'symbolic' cover. You are more likely to be assigned a Literary book in school. Literary books are more likely to win awards. Books like -- I don't know, any award winning book -- is probably literary. George Saunders books are literary.
Tone, too, is a spectrum - a book can be strongly one or the other -- or lean toward one side or the other, or be right in the middle.
Now it is very possible (perhaps IDEAL) that your book lives in the middle ground between all of these concepts. It has a great plot AND great characters -- it is both literary AND commercial. [When an agent or an editor talks about "a book club book" or "upmarket fiction" THAT is what they are usually talking about.]
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miyagiri · 4 years
𝒂/𝒏: this is kinda long tho,, and i have LOADS of ideas on inarizaki and the twins so ;) part two is when you finally became their manager, and their impressions on you, aka atsumu’s new girlfriend!
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➼ okay okay,, here me out. you and atsumu had been in a long distance relationship for awhile now and its still going on sTRONGG
➼ yall met at a café when you visited hyogō to have a break your home which was in tokyo
➼ and you were kinda shocked that a very handsome blonde came up to you stuttering and flustered
“hey.. uh, i’m miya atsumu. if ya don’t mind, can i get to.. know you?” he rubbed his nape as he looked down on your sitting figure.
he cleared his throat when he saw your surprised face, and looked away, faintly blushing. “y-ya seem lonely with yer coffee and i can’t let a woman unattended!”
➼ you were sceptical at first,,
➼ but because he was a fine ass man you decided to let it slide and just give him your number ;)
➼ you two started talking after the encounter and clicked almost immediately
➼ mostly your conversations were about experiences, expectations and volleyball
➼ you loved the way his eyes glimmers when he's excited about something
➼ because you had about a week there, he was constantly bringing you out on dates and slipping in flirts here and there
➼ sweets, babygirl, baby, babes, babe, honey, love, and the list just goes ON
➼ not that you mind because you were exchanging it too KDHAKJSKA
➼ you always call him atsu
➼ he liked the nickname
➼ he told you A LOT about his teammates, which made you intrigued because duh,, they ARE the top 2 strongest in the country ;)
➼ you adored his passion for volleyball, unlike his past girlfriends,,
➼ and when he told you that, you were so proud of yourself but kinda embarrassed that he pointed it out
➼ why? because you thought it wasn’t THAT obvious and now it’s really obvious that you were staring at him DREAMILY LIKE HE’S A DISNEY PRINCE
➼ maybe because he is
➼ n e ways,, your favourite date with him was the time he took you to the park at night with a cute maroon blanket to stargaze
he groaned. “suna was a prick yesterday. the dude was dissin’ me with ‘samu the whole damn practice!”
you chuckled and shifted your body so you could face him, “just what the hell did you do again, atsu?”
he laid beside you on the blanket and stretched like a cat. “well, i may or may not ate his chuupet at lunch-”
“you know what? you deserve that.” you deadpanned and rolled away from him.
➼ after he was done talking about his team, you talked about kuroo and kenma, which was your closest friends at nekoma
➼ he was alright at first but then, until you started talking about the oh so great and handsome one, KUROO TETSUROU.
➼ you even showed him your gallery of kuroo’s meme faces that he recreated
➼ its canon LDJAKSNKAJA
you laughed hysterically. “and that was when tetsu knocked the whole lamp post down! you should have seen his face!”
“and then-” you took a breather and held your stomach, trying to regain composure, but giving in to laugh again.
atsumu squints his brown orbs, trying not to show that he was obviously jealous on how kuroo was making you laugh until you had literal tears coming out your eyes.
“tell me more then, vixen~”
you took a deep breath and stared at him, face now red, “you’re jealous, aren’t you?”
he widened his eyes and shook his head vigorously. “N-NO I’M NOT!”
“yes you are.” you narrowed your eyes.
“am not!”
“am too!”
“am not!”
➼ and that was when you liked to see him having a tiny jealous breakdown~
➼ when your week in hyogō was finally over, he was SULKING the whole damn time
“doll.. do you have to go?? just stay here with me or somethin’!”
you sighed and gently stroke his hair, a gesture you tend to do on hime because he absolutely LOVED it.
“atsu.. i have school tomorrow and you do too. now, get off me, man-child!”
➼ you had to pry him off your arm to get into the train LMAOO
➼ after that, yall facetime each other every day and became cLOOOSER
➼ his teammates was kinda suspicious because atsumu didn’t flirt with his fangirls anymore,,
➼ and even left his side chicks hanging
➼ osamu was kinda suspecting something though. TWIN INSTINCTS
➼ after two months of talking, he confessed through face time and he was legit stuttering like the first time yall met
➼ which is ADORABLEEEE
“hey um.. angel, can i ask ya somethin’? it’s kinda urgent..” he gulped and glanced down on his macbook.
you started getting worried. why was he quiet all of the sudden? it was unusual for THE miya atsumu to be this silent.
“atsumu? you okay there?”
he looked up towards the laptop with the same look of determination when he’s on court, catching you off guard. “PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!”
you widened your eyes and paused for a solid 10 seconds, before smirking slightly. an idea came across your mind.
“i thought we were already going out?”
➼ and then after a month or so, THE FATE IS ON YOUR SIDE, your parents decided to move to hyogō because tokyo was too hectic!!
➼ which was really sudden
➼ you were happy you would get to see your boyfriend more often, but you were also depressed over the fact that you’ll be far from your crazy ass best friends in nekoma high
➼ kuroo and kenma was sad as fuck
➼ but yall promise to face time each other every night to talk about your days ;(
the bedhead grinned and ruffled your hair as you all sat on the bench of the playground of your neighbourhood. “come on now kitten! don’t be like that. we can always see each other at nationals, right?”
“b-but you’re a third year, tetsu..”
“no, kuroo’s right. we’re second years. he’s just a year older than us, doesn’t mean you and him would be gone forever, (f/n).”
kenma shook his head and patted your shoulder with a small smile. he had always had a soft spot for you, to the point that he’ll only let YOU touch his games.
you sighed and smiled at them with your brightest smile, them giving you the same gesture. “alright. you guys better update me on every stupid shit lev does.”
➼ ANYWAYS, atsumu was ECSTATIC when he heard you were transferring to his school rather than your former one, nekoma high.
“babe guess what?!”
he raised an eyebrow and smiled at his phone. “did yah choked on onigiris again because kuroo was competin’ with ya, babydoll?”
➼ thats so cute wtf
➼ osamu had a very obvious shocked expression on his stoic face for once
➼ it became suspicious to the team, because atsumu had always been moody in the mornings, ESPECIALLY on weekdays
“what the fuck is that crackhead doing in the middle of the morning?” suna grumbled after yawning beside kita.
kita eyed him for his profanities. “he’s awfully jolly on today’s morning. i wonder what’s in his mind..?” the white-haired captain trailed off, slightly tilting his head.
atsumu was now skipping and gliding around the gym, with a broom in his hands, spouting random disney songs.
the middle blocker made a face as kita tried registering atsumu’s actions. he stared at him before saying, “wow, you really do act like a robot, kita-san,”
“let’s just let him be.” aran shook his head with a small smile.
osamu suddenly came up to him and yanked the broom out of his twin’s hands, making atsumu whine out. “HEY! THE HELL WAS THAT FOR SAMU?!”
the grey-haired twin squinted his eyes and pointed at him with the broom.
“you sang the lyrics wrong, yOU UNCULTURED SWINE-”
➼ the inarizaki team didn’t really give a fuck at first, and assumed he probably ate his favourite fatty tuna early in the morning
➼ and finally not getting a stomach ache as an aftermath
➼ that would be a dream for atsumu
➼ buT tHEN, osamu smh damn you beautiful snitch said something about his blonde twin going out a week straight and was literally NEVER at home.
➼ they started to question what in the world was their setter doing
➼ the team even purposely invited the most prettiest girl in their school to their practice on thursday evening, just to see
➼ the girl was interested but atsumu wasn’t
➼ the girl literally CANNOT stop pestering him and its getting quite annoying jdhajsja
“come on, tsumu baby~” she teased, while atsumu furrowed his eyebrows, serving the ball right next to her face.
it landed on the floor, the girl had a shocked expression on her face. the team stared at them, blinking twice.
atsumu stood up straight and glared at her, pointing at her with his index finger. “don’t call me that anymore, i don’t like it.”
“what?! but i called you that before-”
he clicked his tongue and walked past her, grabbing the volleyball. “i said what i said. now shut yer filthy mouth.”
➼ they cleared their throats and resumed their practice as usual, leaving the girl surprised and embarrassed in the bleachers LOOL
➼ every break, he would go on his phone and start smiling and chuckling to himself
➼ whenever the team bring up about girls, he would shake it off with a “nah,”
➼ then the team started placing the puzzles together on their own finally and took their time to ask him the next week
➼ because HE was anticipating your arrival
➼ he talked to his coach personally about you getting the manager spot
➼ which coach kurosu and coach tarou didn’t mind at all
➼ usually they do because most of the people who wanted that spot was always a fan of the twins or the volleyball team
➼ and not someone who actually KNOWS volleyball by heart, apparently it’s you
➼ i learned a lot more in haikyuu than in pe THATS JUST STRAIGHT UP FACTS
➼ but because of atsumu wasn’t the one to choose somebody that isn’t worth the place, they let it slide without a second thought
➼ you were abit nervous, i mean who wouldn’t? you had been with kuroo and kenma for 10 years, you had never even thought on changing schools. YET HERE WE ARE
➼ the whole day, your new classmates were hogging you to the point that you literally cannot even SEE where atsumu was
➼ you didn't even know why
➼ but you, being the friendly girl you are, decided to let them do whatever they want
➼ until lunch came by
➼ he was about to glare at the person but once he realised its you, his look immediately softened and grinned widely
“watch where you’re goin- SWEETS! i’ve been lookin’ everywhere for ya!”
you sighed in embarrassment as his team and the whole cafeteria glanced at the both of you. you dusted your skirt off.
you took his hovering hand for you to get up from your butt on the floor.
he was still grinning at you like a lost puppy, which made your heart melt. “yes?” you sighed, he definitely knew it.
“i’m hungry. i’m going to get some food.” you flicked his forehead, making him whine loudly before walking away.
➼ and that was when the team knew about you, and your first impression for them was GOLD.
- ̗̀➛ ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ miyagiri ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
my first hc fic kinda skek 😳😳
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atopearth · 5 years
Samurai Love Ballad Party Part 15 - Kirigakure Hotaru Route
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Wow, Kyoichiro is Kaede’s friend and they’re getting his help with the heroine pretending to be her sister and dang is he rude for comparing her appearance to Kaede and saying she’s basically lacking! Excuse you, no one cares about your disgusting opinion! Anyway, Hotaru is kinda cute, don’t know why he doesn’t talk but niceee that he’s got a cat as his pet😆 It’s so cute that he got lost looking for the cat hahahaha. Hotaru is so cuteee though, he doesn’t talk much but he’s really earnest and nice. Hmmm Kyoichiro is possibly a runaway ninja and Hotaru is the hidden jewel of Iga that can freeze people with his voice, and also Saizo’s brother huh? Well, I really like Saizo, so I’ll be expecting a lot from his brother!
So heroine is basically trying to get closer to Hotaru so she can use him as a shield against Iga lol. It might be interesting if she has to keep up pretending to not be a ninja in front of him lol. Considering how cute Hotaru has been most of the time, when he told her to cry when she was on the verge of tears and emotional pain from the fact that her clan was in concrete imminent danger, he was really cool and reliable. Lmao, I love how chill Kenshin and everyone is with Hotaru’s soul of language skill where if he talks, their bodies are forced to adhere to his commands, so funny when Kageie kept telling Hotaru to do this and that to keep experimenting the limits and how it works etc, it’s so nice that none of them find it scary at all, but I guess given how quirky Kenshin and them all are, it’s expected haha. Hotaru is so innocent and sweet though, especially when he listened to Kenshin and gave the heroine flowers because he wanted her to smile again🥰 Although I guess it’s pretty scary how innocent he can be and yet how ruthless he also can be when killing others.
It’s so crazy how Hotaru gave the heroine a sleeping dart kinda needle for her to stab him with since he could tell that the soul of language skill he has bothers her. He really wants her to feel at ease with him😭🥺 Omg he has a sister too?! She seems super dodgy though. Oh wow, Hotaru came here under orders to kill Kenshin? And now that he said he won’t, his sister is just going to kill Hotaru like that??😥 Thankfully the guys came and saved them since Hotaru covered for her when his sister kept going for the heroine (who is obviously weaker and can’t dodge as well as him), but I see, his Soul of Language can kill with mere words, that’s why he’s so quiet yet dangerous. It was so sweet when the heroine guided Hotaru to give the sleeping darts to everyone else to have their trust, and omgggg when he said he wanted to stay here forever with the heroine and Kenshin and them, he’s so cute🥰😭 I love how when the heroine asked for a contract with Kenshin trying to win him over with her usefulness etc, he immediately rejected her, but when she decided to finally be open about being chased and wanting his protection for her and her village, he immediately said yes. Kenshin is such a soft and sweet guy that so naturally wins people’s trust over and believes in others and cherishing honesty😊
Oh man, Hotaru is such a sweet kid, I love how well they’re all bonding with him, and omggg when he was so happy that Kageie said he’ll get stronger, whyyyy be so cute for?!😍😍 Lmao when he said he loves her and she was shocked for a second and then calmed herself by thinking since it’s Hotaru, he probably loves her like he loves candy hahaha, it’s so true though, it probably is like that!🤣 Omggg when Kenshin tried to spell out how Hotaru feels by asking him questions. So cute when he said if the heroine gave him a flower, he’d show everybody, if she gave him food, he’d tell everybody and if she cried, he’d hug her tight, so sweet and cuteeee, I’m dying🥰🥰🥰 Omgg when he kissed her thinking she was pretty lol! He was so innocent about it! I’m so devastated that Yoshichi is gravely injured, I feel so sorry for Hotaru since it seems like Saizo attacked Yoshichi because of him… It’s so heartbreaking to see Hotaru so torn over how badly wounded Yoshichi is😢😢 I’m glad the heroine came clean to Hotaru about everything, like how she’s a fugitive from the Iga because they got sick of just listening to orders, she got close to Hotaru to get info and ended up learning that she can rely on Kenshin to protect her clan and how her antidote can cure all poisons. I’m so glad Yoshichi is all better now and everything is back to them being the heartwarming bunch they are😊
Omgggg Kaede is a guy?!?! I’m so shocked!!! Does that mean we’ll get a Kaede route in the future?😆 It was actually pretty devastating to see Hotaru try and use his Soul of Language skill to kill Kenshin but be unable to because he doesn’t really mean the words… It really shows how much Hotaru has been told that he is only worth as much as his skill, so really, I’m sure that if the skill doesn’t work, he’ll feel even more useless and meaningless. I never realised that the Dragon’s Tears could be used as poison that no antidote can cure as well😯 No wonder why everyone would want to get rid of their clan. How very like Kenshin to reject the use of the poison and instead just ask the heroine for the medicine to help all his injured people. And I always love that Kenshin tells them that regardless of whether they had such strong skills or not, he would still treat them as one of his people. It’s always nice to know how much Kenshin appreciates them for who they are rather than what they can contribute. I’m so happy that the heroine has made Hotaru realise that all his feelings and everything he has and has experienced is his alone and no one can dictate that for him. So cute when he hugged her in front of everyone, I’m so glad that he’s realised that he’s not alone anymore🤣
It’s nice to see how Kenshin’s kindness and acceptance has made both the heroine and Hotaru grow as a person and change. Hotaru can face Saizo without thinking that he’s worthless and the heroine has found a place she wants to protect enough that she’s willing to kill others to protect the ones she cares for, especially since she’s never killed anyone before. And seeing her face Yuki (Hotaru’s sister) determined to protect the life that Hotaru has finally earned for himself was very heartwarming. Not sure why Yuki let the heroine go…but okay loll. It was so sudden when Hotaru kissed the heroine thanking her for being alive, it was so random that I’m not sure if I felt it was more sweet or more random lol. It was really sweet when he finally properly understood what his feelings were and confessed lol, but I was so surprised when it just ended after that lol! Guess we can enjoy the epilogue now… I love how determined Hotaru is towards protecting the heroine, he won’t even let her protect him, he’s just like no to her hahaha. He’s so cute. How kind of Kenshin to assign the heroine to the same room as Hotaru!🤣 Lmao at Kanetsugu being soft towards having Tora (Hotaru’s pet cat) in the room as well since he breaks stuff lol. But awww, Hotaru was so cute when he thought the heroine didn’t like it that they were sharing a room, why is he so adorableeee~ It’s so cute how much Hotaru loves to kiss her and he does it so brazenly in public too hahaha. So adorable when Kanetsugu is surprisingly the one that gets the most embarrassed seeing them like that though, he’s the one with a daughter hahaha! But yeah, it’s wonderful to see everything being the same as usual and everyone having fun😆
Overall, I love Hotaru’s route. I also love Hotaru too! But I can’t view him romantically so it’s a bit weird to me, I guess it’s because we kinda see Hotaru grow so much as a person that I feel so proud of the heroine and everyone else for bringing him out of his hole that I don’t feel like the romance was what was needed in his story. However, it is an otome game so it couldn’t be helped haha, so I don’t think it was too weird since he fell in love and realised it in his own awkward but sweet way. The relationship Hotaru cultivated with Kenshin and all the retainers was also my favourite out of all the routes, I feel like the way Hotaru and the heroine interacted with them all in this route just made me feel like it was the most natural thing in the world and it really seemed like they all became family and I honestly loved that. I guess the only problem I had was with Yuki and Saizo being the “villains” of this route, but I didn’t really see why they, well mostly Yuki, why exactly she backed off and why the Iga clan would allow someone so useful like Hotaru to just kinda run off like that without doing anything much, but I guess they’re under Kenshin’s protection now. Otherwise, Hotaru was super cute, sweet and such a good boy! And the heroine was actually likeable! Lol, I felt like she really tried her best for Hotaru and her clan and she wasn’t as silly as she was in the other routes (maybe because she has to be the mature one or something) so yay, definitely my favourite shadow route!
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nxsuper · 6 years
protect the child
-month later and some date-
 nx was nervous for the promise he make with cami
-day ago-
 if you show me how you travel , i let you  call me lili 
 -now- nx was nervous, very nervous 
-i hope she don't think that is strange!!!! ....ok sunglass ok, hat  ok, calm...not ok!!
nx hear a door open 
 -hey cam.....he stop,  he don't care how much time he see her but all time is a suprise 
-you still the most cute lili   he blush 
cami laugh  for that  - no no don't try today is that day a portal open under cami and she fall - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....and she keepahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - ahhh...oh but i'm not moving  nx was on her left -yes is the tunnel i use for travel cami touch a portal -cool!!! she dragged into grabbing nx nx hug and protect cami before  smash on a wall and falling with her -........ouch  cami fall on him  -ouch again cami  jumping off nx  -sorry sorry !!!!!! are you hurt?  nx standing up with the glass broke  -yes, you can't know how much this happen for that i check the portal all time before use them on you cami start laugh -sorry, sorry but your glass she keep nx laugh a little and change the glass fast  -wait you have another pair? nx sighing -like i say, this happen a lot nx rub his head  and check around - i don't know where we are ...mmm what a strange place. we  cami is missing. -oh  no. -nx start search cami and hear scream- -fk fkkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkkf cami like a thunder pass  nx left holding something and keeping run -...what .  a big shadow  with long claw is chasing them. O.O -OH!!!!!  FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF nx run! and reach cami! -WHAT HAVE YOU DONE !!!!!?!?!?  -OH COME ON ! You don't have to yell at me !  I can explain ! -GEEZ, GONNA HELP SO MUCH THAT YOU EXPLAIN !  -YOU JUST ASK ME ! Okay, let's find a place to hide, so I can explain.  They run a to a small hole in the wall and hide in it.  Nx suddenly notice that Cami was holding something. It was a small afraid Temmie. He lowered his voice and ask :  -Can you explain me now what the heck have you done ? And who is this little guy ?  -Well, okay. So... -----
--- Nx was putting his glasses on and Cami decide to start exploring the cavern they pop in, while he wasn't looking. She got deeper and deeper in the cavern, until she realised she was lost. -Aw man, I'm so dumb...  She start to call Nx, hoping that she wasn't that far from him. Suddenly, she hear a noise at her left, in the shadows.  -Hum... Hi ? Is anyone there ? Cami's eyes started to be use to the dark and she saw a shadow creature, with eyes so white and cold that they could've eat all the joy on this world. The thing was violenty projecting a small Temmie against the walls of the cavern.
-HEY !  The creature fixed his attention on her, both of his cold eyes looking deep into her soul. She wasn't afraid to much, she has seen worst. -I see that you like hurting weaker than you. Why don't you try to hurt me, instead. Dunno, for a change.  The dark thing, that was standing there, start moving really fast and rushed on her, what was his mouth open, ready to eat her. She dodged and passed by, catching the Temmie while running in the opposite direction as fast as possible. ~~ -...And then I saw you, we ran... You know what's next.  Nx was looking at her with concern. nx keeping watch that thing -that thing haven't a body this mean, she can follow us outside this dimension he growl  ok   cami!  cami keeping run with the  small temmie -what?! i can't run more fast!! .....and i won't trow this child to that !!!!  - I WON'T YOU THROW ...WHY YOU THINK THAT ?! - I DON'T KNOW!!!! -.......care when you fall -what? nx push cami on the wall making her fall in a portal cami and the temmie fall in front of her house -ouch my *** ....oh why you haven't ...nx?  nx??.  the little temmie shake and talk -you save bob 128!!!! thanks  cami blush for a second in front a so much cuteness -ohhh you are adorableeee...NX!! the little temmie hug cami  -you save bob !  -AHHHHHHHHH  ok let's go inside  -- hour pass and nx appear from a mirror in cami room all drech and the dress full of cut -YOU ARE THERE! what happen to your clothes?!?!?  nx trying to don't wet the floor -let's say that was a deep moment for my  sea  of problem -   nx smile cami make a poker face -you are lucky you save me  - i know -so what happen?  -nothing just run from that thing and my special attack -we aren't in a anime, nx...  the small temmie enter in the room and jump on nx -thanks for save bob. nx pick him up and watch him for some second -see you push him with me  and is to cute and don't have a home so i  -  nx talk before she finish -i keep her -....ok but in my house !!!- cami grab bob - is more safety here  -ok   ok .... you seem fine about be a little mum -of course dad- fatal hit on nx -you should change your clother are destroyed and WET! - ok ok  nx put down  bob and the hat break: revealing 2 pink fluffy hair ears bob and cami watch him and nx was on panic -DADA !  nx blush and try to  vanish
. But Cami jump on him and catch him on a tight hug.  He's face turn red. -W-What ?! -You won't escape like you always do ! Each time I make you blush or something happen between us you run away. I'm tired of this ! So this time, if you wan't to go, I'll come with you ! Cami quickly looked at Bob and blush really hard. She burry her face on his back so he can not see it.  -Plus, as I understand, we... we are now... parents ? I-I guess... And so hum... you can just go to your home like if nothing happened. I understand if you don't wan't to see me anymore or things like that... She burry her face even deeper and her voice start shaking. -Be-Because things happened really quickly, and i-if you don't want that charge it's okay... BUT... BUT IF YOU DO... then hum... Tears run down her face. -Why do I even bother... You're gonna leave forever now... nx turn back - ARGHH WHY I HAVE TO LEAVE?!?!  IF YOU REALLY THINK I'LL LEAVE FOREVER, WHY I KEEP CAME BACK FOR DATE YOU -  he say totally blushed -ohh someone is confessing?!?- she laugh -ok i'm leaving -no no i'm joking- she laugh- and why you haven't talk about this ? -  she touch nx hair ears laughing  bob jump on both  tem ear!!! dada ears ! nx trying to cover the ears -they are ...idk what they are ok? when fresh try to ....well nothing....this appear !-he blush- yes i can feel them but i can't hear sound from them and pls im embarassed !!!!! Nx try to cover his ears. Cami wiped her tears away and smile at him. She removed his hands from his head and slowly touch the "ears". -I think you look adorable like this. You shouldn't be embarassed 'bout this.  He blush and had an uncomfortable look to her. Cami stop touching his ears and put her hands on her back. -So...hum... I was about to say, before I started crying... If... She take a deep breath and let it all out in one shot.  -If you want to, I'll be really happy if you came leave with me here ! Both of their blush was as deep as possible. Bob was blinking, watching Nx and Cami, again and again, un-sure of what is happening. Cami pass an hand behind her head.  -I-I mean with me and Trash, Luna and Scritch... You'll have to supported them too. Hehe... You're not obliged ! I mean, we didn't even have "leh kiss" yet... You know, the one on... on the lips...  Nx was looking at her, completely frozen. And red. Completely frozen and red. Bob looked at him with a concern look. -Dada ? U okay ?  -Hum, Nx ? Are you okay ? He suddenly shake his head, still like a tomato.  -Y-You mean like... living here ? And seeing you everyday ? -Yeah, well, me and the others... -B-But you're okay with that ? I-It's not bothering you... ?  -Nx, I litteraly asked you. A big, giant joy suddenly filled Nx's body. He jump on Cami and twirl her on the airs before hugging her with a huge smile. -YES ! YES YES YES ! A BILLION TIMES YES ! Cami smile at her turn and they both started to laugh while hugging eachothers. And without exactly knowing why, Bob laugh and hug them too. (another collab with @camilieroart...i need ice for my face now !!!)
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