#he makes eye contact with Lilith when he asks about hootys day
enigmajaython · 1 year
I'm seething at the untapped potential of the Lilith And Hunter dynamic, imagine going to see your sister and seeing that your former colleague/rival is sleeping on her couch in the ugliest shirt you've ever seen, he looks like he hasn't slept in 4 days (normal) and has also been crying (not as normal) and then your sister tells you he's wanted for treason and he is now your new nephew, you suddenly remember the time you tried to trip this kid down a flight of stairs and tore up his Limited Edition Emperors Coven Poster when he asked you to sign it, and by the look on his face he ALSO remembers and he doesn't plan to forget OR forgive your transgressions
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owlhousefansblog · 2 years
Title:The emperor future childs
Ship: idk
Notes:so this would be, after Hollow mind, an alternative in which Hunter stays in the Owl House . I have this radom ideea so...yeah enjoy!
after a suspiciously quiet week in which the emperor's guards did not make their appearance, Luz and Hunter were quite traumatized, none of them could sleep, so Luz had bags under her eyes bigger than Hunter had. Eda didn't know what to do with 2 traumatized children and Day of Unity was a week away. Knowing she couldnt call on Raine, her only hope was Lilith. All the while hooty and King were trying to get them out of their state but not with much success but all that changed into a sunny and slightly cloudy morning when Lilith burst into the house.
"Sorry for being late i tried to get here as fast as i c-" lilith stops looking at Luz and Hunter looking at her, looking completely deplorable Lilith continued
"Golden Guard"
Hunter gave her a completely disgusted look, and said
There was such a heavy tension in the air that you could cut it with the knife. Luz, seeing that they were in close contact, menacingly, Luz got up and placed herself between them in a subtle way, taking Lilith in her arms.
"What does cool Aunt Lilith bring you here?*
unfortunately not so good news * hug her back* just then Hotty burst in and said
"Hugs? I WANT IT TOO! now that you're here we can do a ton of funny stuff again"
but just then Eda's voice was heard saying
"Hotty! lilith isn't here for stupid stuff she's here to help us plan for Unity Day!"
Luz, hearing this, frees Lilith from the grip of her hugs and simply jumps for excitement and says
Me too! * lilith screme *
Eda look at them after at Lilith and say with a nervous laugh
"Neah these are for tired adults like us you can go get some snacks from night market and relax a little "
Hunter stood up and snorted nervously
It's ridiculous! you need me for a good sync!
yes we are not going anywhere!
Eda exasperated says: Luz um can we vb little? it's about .... plan! Yes this is it
"sure! I have many ideas"
* Eda pulls Luz into a corner of the room * Look, you have to go out and get some food, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY GO OUT.
"Eda but-"
"do you know what you need?"
"a plan to defeat Belos?" optimistic Luz said
"Relaxation kido Relaxation Plus If LILITH and Hunter stay in the same room for a long time, it will be bad"
"I know but -"
"NO BUTS, you'll be out and enjoy this serene, sunny day, okay?"
"ok .... can you handle this for sure?" * ask luz praying hoping not *
Eda said confidently
"of course leave that to us*
"good then" * said Luz a little disappointed *
"ok let's go on an adventure!"
"Yes, that's the spirit!" * said Eda excitedly *
"we'll just go buy more food NOTHING MORE" * Hunter said already irritated *
"PLEASANT FUN" *shouts Hotty *
"WE ARE NOT GOING IN AN ADVENTURE" * Hunter already screams nervously *
"come on it's going to be fun!"
"YES, WHAT CAN BE MORE FUN THAN WE BUY FOOD!" * Hunter said wryly *
"Doesn't your sarcasm irritate you?" * said Luz, already annoyed *
'Doesn't your optimism irritate you?"
* before Luz can answer Hunter's pocket a small red bird comes out *
Ohhh hey little * luz stretches out her hand to caress him *
Don't touch it! he's been through a lot these days
* the whole road was very quiet until they reached the night market. As fascinated as Luz was, Hunter had taken care of most of it. *
ok i think that was all, come on Luz, Luz? LUZ! * he had started running there * ughhh they will kill me if i lose her! * said to himself. just then he sees Luz at a booth *
Here you are! * said with a sigh of relief *
Oh hi Hunter!
Come on, we have to go
already? but He really wanted to show me the future! * said the excited luz*
He? Hunter asked puzzled.
* just then a strange hood with skeletal hands rises from the darkness of the curtain. His face couldn't be seen, but he clearly look like a bad guy *
we uh ... we have to go NOW I'm sorry for - * but the guy is talking *
So you want to see your future?
No, we won't, come on, Luz
Yes we want!
Okay then * that guy casts a spell on them and they disappear. "
* Luz wakes up on the beach. That beach didn't look like the Boiling Islands, but something on earth, but he had seen the hand of the Titan and woke up to reality. He had begun to remember everything that had happened, so he began to shout at Hunter. They find themselves at one point more colliding. Hunter and Luz fall on the sand where Hunter exasperates ask*
where did you bring us AGAIN ?!
Future! said the luz full of enthusiasm
and hunter looks at her angry
hey don't look at me like that! I said we were going on an adventure, if you don't believe it, it's not my fault!
Incredible! simply incredible! * Hunter gets up nervously *
Luz stood up and said,
In my defense, I wanted to see if I could marry Amity in the future.
You with your stupid LOVE problems!
I even know what love is like! * Luz had already said nervously *
AND DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW? * Hunter already asked very nervously *
I don't know if you've ever had a girlfriend? No so shut up
I don't even need it!
You know what? This is ridiculus ! we have to come back and listen to me this time
Luz nodded
Part 1 End
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
For a continuation to CH 30, a group of other basilisks that Belos brought to life are seeking revenge on Lilith for the same reason Vee hates her. Until Vee is the one who saves ability either by talking them down or pretending to kill her herself. In the end Vee hasn’t forgiven Lilith at all. It is willing to start trying the process of forgiving her.
Don't Forgive. Forget
"Want some more tea, kid?" Eda asked her guest, holding up the teapot.
"No thanks, Miss Clawthorne," Vee said with a grateful smile.
"Please, call me Eda. No need to be so formal here."
"That's more like it," Eda sat the teapot back on the coffee table, "Hey, Luz! How are those tea cakes coming along?"
"They'll be done in any minute!" Luz shouted from the kitchen.
"Don't take this the wrong way," Vee looked to Eda, "But I never considered you the type to have tea parties."
"Eh," Eda shrugged, "What can I say? Sometimes a gal likes to be sophisticated every once in a while. It's not like Lily's the only one to--"
Eda slaps a hand over her mouth, panic evident in her eyes.
"Uh, sorry! I shouldn't have--"
"It's fine," Vee said with a wave of her hand, "Honest."
"Oh," Eda calmed down a bit, "You sure?"
"Yup. I've been getting better at acknowledging...her."
"But not enough to say her name," Eda stated. Not asked. Stated. Because it was a fact. They both knew it.
And Vee only sighed in response.
"Maybe not," she admitted, "But I'll get there one day. I'm sorry. I know she's your sister, but--"
"Don't you dare apologize," Eda sternly said, "This is your baggage, kid. You're allowed to be angry with...her. I know I was ready to murder her when I found out she fundamentally screwed up my life."
"How could you forgive her, though?"
"Oh, I haven't."
"Huh?" Vee wasn't expecting that. "But you still talk to her, don't you?"
"Oh, yeah, she's still a part of my life. But I haven't forgiven her. At least, not completely. But if I let this overwhelming rage fester too badly, I might do something I might regret. Besides', Lil--SHE'S--not worth it. No matter how mad it made me, going over the edge won't solve anything. Sometimes, it's better to let things go. Not forgive, but at least forget. Does that make sense?"
"I guess it does? Still, even if it's better, I don't think I'm ready to see, talk, or even think about her anytime soon."
And as if the Titan itself was testing that idea...
"Lulu's here!" Hooty announced as he slammed the door open, followed by Lilith running in. And the second Vee saw Lilith's face, she immediately went into panic mode, dropping her teacup in shock.
"Hooty, close the door!" Lilith shouted.
"Absotootelly-Hootelly, Bestie!" Hooty obeyed his command, slamming the door shut.
"Uh-huh, not a chance!" Eda screamed, getting off the couch and stomping over to Lilith. "We told you, Lily! You can't come when Vee's here! Now get out!"
"I can't!"
"Sure you can! Hooty--"
"No, Edalyn!" Lilith ran over and grabbed Eda by the head, forcing her to make eye contact. "I. CAN'T! I'm being hunted!"
"You're what?"
Just then, a rock flew through the window, startling everyone. Just then, Luz slid into the living room, glyphs at the ready.
"What's--" She then noticed their new house guest. "Lilith?! Why are you here!?"
"It's like I told my sister!" Lilith growled. "I'm being hunted!"
"By who?"
Vee felt as though her ears were playing tricks on her. It couldn't have been...
She got out of the couch and walked over to the shattered window. When she looked outside, Vee felt her heart sink.
"Number Four?" she gasped, eyes glued to one of three basilisks outside the front lawn of the Owl House. "Three? TWO?!"
Vee whipped her head to the right, staring at a guilty-looking Lilith.
"What did you do?"
"After that incident a few months back, I've been thinking long and hard about...my past. All the horrible things I've done to you and..." Lilith nodded to the basilisk outside, "The horrible things I've done to them. So, I reached out. I posted an ad on Greg's List at the market and a post on Pentstagram, asking for the remaining basilisks that Belos worked on. I wanted to meet up and formally apologize for what I've done, willing to do anything and everything to make up for--"
"NOTHING could make up for it!" Vee snapped. "Do you hear me?! Nothing!"
"I at least wanted to try! It's the bare minimum of what I could do! But they must have thought it was a trap or something because--"
"Oh, Lily," Eda groaned, "What did you do..."
"Maybe we can talk them out of it?" Luz suggested.
"I've tried!" Lilith protested, "They just won't listen to reason!"
"No, they just won't listen to you!" Vee said pointedly, "But...but maybe they'll listen to me."
Everyone stared at Vee with pure shock and disbelief.
"I'm going to talk to them," Vee determined, "I promise, I'll get them to leave. Just...just let me talk to them."
Without any further objections, Vee opened the front door and stepped outside.
"We have no problems with you, human!" Number Three told her as she stood in front of them all, "Get us Lilith Clawthorne, and we promise you won't get hurt!"
"I'm not human," Vee declared. Then, surprising them all, she transformed back into her normal self. "And you're not hurting anybody. Not even Lilith Clawthorne."
"N-number Five?" Three asked in awe. "Is that you?"
"It's Vee, now. And yes, it is."
"No, it has to be a trick!" Four objected, "She's protecting Lilith! Nobody who went through what we did would do something like that!"
"I'm not protecting her!" Vee told them all. "I'm...I'm stopping you from making a mistake."
"A mistake?!"
"She tortured us!" Two reminded Vee, "She made us feel like we were worth less than nothing!"
"She needs to pay," Three said coldly, "After everything, she needs to pay."
"And what's killing her going to solve?!" Vee countered, "It's not going to change the past!"
"But it could stop her from doing this again!"
"And how do you know that she will?"
"How do you know that she won't?"
"Because..." Vee sighed, looking at them with a grim expression. "I don't. I've been told that she's different and that she's sorry, but I'm...I'm still just as scared as the rest of you. Still scared that it's a long con and we'll be in those cells again."
"Then let us do this," Two begged, "Let us end her!"
"I can't."
"Why not?!"
"Because as scared as I am, she's not worth it. She's not worth feeling all of this pain and fear towards. She's not worth all of this anger. And she's definitely not worth death. Not from us."
"Number Five--"
"Just let it go," Vee now begged, "Your anger is warranted, believe me. But let it go."
"How do you expect us to forgive her?" Four asked. "After everything she's done!"
"I'm not asking you to forgive. I'm asking you to forget."
The basilisks each share a look, having a silent conversation among themselves.
"...You tell her," Three said, "That if she tries to contact us again, we will kill her."
"No second chances then." Four confirmed
"I will," Vee said with a nod. With that, the basilisks slither away back into the woods. Except for Three, who slithers up to Vee. Vee is guarded at first, only to be shocked as Three pulls her in for a hug.
"We're in 548 Bonesborough Boulevard," she told Vee, "Disguised, of course. Feel free to come there whenever you want."
"...I will."
With that, Three let go of her sister, both of them slithering away in opposite directions. When Vee entered the Owl House, she looked to see that Eda, Luz, and especially Lilith were staring at her with a mix of shock and awe.
"...Number Five--"
"It's. Vee," Vee cut Lilith off, "And let me be clear: This doesn't mean that we're cool."
"That's...understandable," Lilith said with a sigh, "But, for what it's worth, I am sorry."
"I know you are. And I don't forgive you...not yet."
"Maybe I will someday. But not today. Today," Vee looked to Luz, "I think I want to go home early."
"Uh, yeah, sure," Luz nodded, pulling out a portal key, "We'll go right away."
"Thank you."
When Luz activated the portal, Vee slithered to it. Only to stop just at its edge. She looked over to give one final glance at Lilith, noting the guilt. Noting the hope for forgiveness. And, after taking a deep breath, Vee looked away and crossed back over to the human realm.
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maverick-creator · 3 years
Scars left behind
It was another calm day in Bonesborough Park, or at least calm for everyone but herself. To say that Eda was nervous was to underestimate the situation too much, Eda was nervous the day she asked Raine for a date, Eda was nervous the day she signed the papers for King's official adoption. Today, Eda Clawthorne was much more than nervous, and if it wasn't for the dozen potions she took that morning in anticipation she probably would have already transformed.
After everything that had happened with Hooty, Eda began to seriously reflect on the direction her life had taken since that fateful night when she ran away from home never to return, especially with the people in her life. Sure, she had made things up with her mother and Lilith, she had met Raine again and she still loved them as much as the day they separated, but there was someone else she still had to talk to.
After a couple of days deliberating and gathering courage, she finally made that call and agreed to meet in that place.
Eda was so used to taking things slowly, to appearing tough and confident, that physically expressing her nervousness made her feel out of place. She unconsciously fixed her attention on the way her leg moved up and down impatiently and such was her disconnection with the surroundings that she had not noticed the old man who had been sitting at her right for almost a minute.
“Hello Pumpkin.” That voice brought her back to reality, that voice that even sounding tired and somewhat corroded by the passage of time was as recognizable as more than 30 years ago.
Dell Clawthorne was sitting there, his hair as white and gray as his youngest daughter's, his ponytail now reaching a little lower than his middle back, and his beard was of a similar length, but Eda's eyes ignored those details and directly settled on the patch that covered her father's left eye, that was not only a reminder of that accident but also obscured his facial features.
“D... Dad...” Those were the only words that could come out of her mouth when she saw the man she had been avoiding all this time out of sheer shame and guilt, Dell didn't answer, he just sat there as if waiting for something to continue the conversation, meanwhile Eda cursed herself both for having had this idea and for being so cowardly that she couldn't say anything now that it was time. She was no longer going to run from this, she had already run for 30 years and now she had to do things right.
Eda took a deep breath, but before she could say anything, her father finally spoke. “You know, I was surprised when your mother walked through the door not only bringing all of our savings back, but accompanied by Lily." The man let out a little laugh as he remembered the moment. "I still remember when her hair looked like your grandmother’s before she decided to dye it." From that angle Eda could only see his mouth moving, the rest of his features hidden by facial hair and the patch.
"They have told me everything." He was silent again, looking ahead as some children played in the distance. "You know, I helped build this park 20 years ago, I was hoping that if you decided to have a family of your own then you could bring them here." Eda couldn't help but laugh, her father might be in the construction coven, but many times he seemed more like an oracle.
That little moment served Eda to compose herself and finally say something, "Then I guess you'll be glad to know that you were right about that." Eda didn't miss the moment when Dell's smile seemed to grow bigger, reaching her cheeks. Taking advantage of the fact that the atmosphere between them seemed to be calmer, Eda took a breath to say what she had kept in her chest for 30 years.
“I'm sorry.”
Father and daughter spoke at the same time, but Eda was the one who fell silent upon hearing that. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you all these years, Edalyn." Dell hung his head, "I'm sorry I wasn't like your mother and visiting you every chance I could once you settled down, I'm sorry I stood by while my little pumpkin suffered alone."
"Dad, no!" Eda interrupted him, raised his hand to support it on her shoulder but before making contact with him the images of that day returned to her mind, finally Eda repented and joined her hands to continue her apology. "I am the one who is sorry, I hurt you and then I ran away, I was avoiding you all these years trying not to face what happened, and none of this would have happened if I had told you and mom about the curse instead of trying to hide it." At this point tears began to appear from the corners of Eda's eyes, she quickly brought her hands to her face to hide this. It was at that moment that she noticed that her hands were beginning to transform into claws and her feathers were beginning to appear on her arm.
No, no, she couldn't transform now, not in front of her father, she couldn't hurt him again. She tried to control the transformation as she had already done before, but she was not possible, her emotions were in total chaos. Eda was about to flee the place when she felt a hand land on her shoulder, and then she felt a pair of arms surrounding her and the warmth of her father's chest. "Everything is fine my little pumpkin, I am here, and this time I will not leave." She was finally able to fully see her father's features, his face was more wrinkled but he still looked as kind as when she was little, tears also ran down her cheeks but he was smiling. Eda remembered each and every one of the hugs her father gave her when she was a child, and her memory only made her tears flow out of control.
She felt at peace and safe again.
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Separate Tides Thoughts
This is literally just a bunch of very stream of consciousness writing, from pretty much every time i had a thought about something while rewatching the episode so it may be messy/all over the place
my immediate concern about these videos luz is sending that aren’t going through, is what if the emperor does manage to even briefly open a portal?? would all of her messages suddenly go through only to not be able to contact again?? and maybe that’s why it kinda looks like a detective/conspiracy board behind camila in the trailer because she has plenty of information from luz herself that she now needs to piece together. 
completely unimportant detail but i figured lilith’s gem was like eda’s, in how eda’s gem seems to be a part of her, but we can see in luz’s video that it seems to be attached to lilith’s old dress so just what the fuck is up with eda having a gem in her body 
also the fact that they decided to be bounty hunters was odd to me, but it’s clear they really need the money. it was also clear later on that not only did eda not want luz to go after the selkidomus to keep her safe, but also because it was an innocent creature. part of me can’t help but wonder if internally a part of eda didn’t want to go after bigger bounties because having once been the biggest bounty herself, she knows that if the emperor wants them that badly then they may actually not be bad at all
i hate that last season everyone was cheering for eda to be freed, but now without magic they’re very willing to take advantage of her and talk about her. it’s mean and i expected public gossip to happen more for lilith for being a traitor, but then again people may not know about her magic yet so maybe they do still fear her a bit. all of this kinda tells me though that people bought belos’ crap about eda being stripped of her magic because she’s a wild witch, so they’re all judging her again
i love how bitter lilith is about the golden guard. also teen? kinda curious if any of our teens would’ve known him when very young or if he was raised specifically for this role
i like the detail on belos’ statue where there’s a crack over his eye around the same spot luz broke his mask
love how much eda cares for luz and puts her needs first and buying her the only foods she can digest and likes. such a mom. it’s also very clear that she’s struggling and doesn’t want luz to worry about it at all. also side note, love that lilith was asking about apple blood, pls let these sisters get drunk together.
it does not surprise me that eda likes to bring up the curse pretty casually as a retort back at lilith. it seems very in her nature to use it like that, but i can’t help but wonder if she’s avoiding actually addressing it. and if she keeps joking, will that affect lilith into like, idk a breakdown that forces the two of them to talk about it. 
LULU?? BESTIE?? thanks hooty i hate it
Luz you’re doing amazing sweetie, show them you’re no sea squirt. 
okay so now we can clearly see lilith’s magic is on it’s last legs. almost got herself fucking killed by some fire bees. that being said i’m very concerned about her whole “who am i without magic? without a coven?” i think she kinda misses the structure, and is still used to only knowing what to do simply because she had a leader to follow. 
“I AM A WITCH, UNHINGED” i think she’ll be adapting to the chaotic nature of the owl house crew in no time though if she keeps acting like this
“some kind of weird bird worm” i mean she’s not wrong....
“you have no idea what im going through” dramatic emo ass bitch
it does not surprise me that after pardoning eda, the coven would jump at the first opportunity to arrest her again. pretty sure she’ll be a wanted criminal again in no time.
golden guard very much concerns me. villains that go from really fun to intimidating or threatening as fast he seems to do here are ones i worry about. it kinda feels like he enjoys scaring people?? idk im not sure how to describe it. anyways threatening to hold them over the boiling seas where even the steam will give them third degrees feels really fucking cruel but maybe im empathizing here because at the time of writing this im still suffering from second degree burns i got three weeks ago so third degree sounds horrifying rn
love how excited lilith is seeing hooty at work when she’s not the one getting beaten up. 
I’m glad luz and eda are talking about luz’s guilt and that eda knows what she’s been carrying around now. i didn’t want to see luz carry around all that guilt for so long she’s too good for that AND its misplaced guilt. 
i do love though how at the beginning of the episodes we see the lengths eda will go to by prioritizing food for luz first and doing everything she can to keep the girl safe, and then we come back full circle to seeing the lengths luz is willing to go to for eda as well 
“my life is pretty great because i’m friends with luz the human” brb im CRYING.
Luz is SO clever. This girl is so smart and creative and her solution for helping the selkidomus is just wonderful. And also look at that fake selkidomus she made!! That is amazing!!
pls the raspberry Luz gave the golden guard was adorable
i LOVE the parallel between eda doing her first light glyphs and when luz did her first ones. i’m also glad eda didn’t struggle with the glyph like i’ve seen some people worry could have happened
just occurred to me that eda mentioned the gris will sell at the night market. its probably nothing but does make me concerned about them becoming night market vendors instead.
HOOTCIFER? thanks lilith i hate it. also combine it with lulu and you get lucifer. 
it’s hard to hear but as we go further into the scrying potion and see the emperor, and the very end of the “what are we eating” conversation that’s fading out from the owl house we hear lilith say “i’m fine with whatever, things are starting to feel right again” and idk if she means since she left the coven or for the first time since she was a kid but either way im so glad to hear it
also my brother pointed out belos is probably saying “knock knock human” because he knows he’s being spied on by the owl house with the potion and i hate that because if the emperor takes any action because of it, it’ll probably be another lilith fucked up moment because she didn’t think it through.
also, one other thing i couldn’t help but do in this episode was notice some parallels between luz and lilith! they’re both going out of their way to try and do something for eda, and are both insistent that they have to do this alone. but also lilith’s line about “you have no idea what im going through” really did make me think perhaps underneath everything she has a dramatic personality, and luz does too at times for fun and wouldn’t it be cute if they got along over something like that.
also this episode? great for pictures of lilith with messy hair, of her screaming, or general annoyance, so, enjoy:
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pls i love this face and the noise she makes at this moment as well as her little ear twitch ^
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this is my favorite messy hair screenshot  simply because it looks SO fluffy here and i want that for her ^
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this particular screenshot ain’t about lilith, it’s about the face eda is making here and how cute it is!! ^
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pizzaboat · 3 years
Luz asks Amity to help her bake a cake for Willow's birthday. Chaos ensues.
Luz smiled angelically at her, leaning closer which made Amity's heart skip a beat.
"I said, do you wanna help me bake a birthday day cake for Willow's party?" 
"Yes!–I mean, sure y-yeah," Amity stammered out, "but didn't she already have her birthday?"
"I mean yeah, but she was sick that day," Luz said, "I don't really get alot of the illnesses that you guys have, but I do know being sick in general sucks Hooty egg's.. this way she'll get to celebrate her birthday properly with her friends!"
Oh titan her heart, this girl would be the death of her;
"Wow, that's really kind of you Luz, does Willow know what kind of cake she wants?" 
"Well you see that's the thing," The human said lowering her voice, "it's a surprise, We have to keep it on the down low."
"Got it," Amity said, nodding, "alright I'll help."
Luz beamed grabbing her hand's, "Thanks Amity, you're the best!"
Before she knew what was happening she was being pulled into one of the girl's signature, crushing hugs. All logic and reason left her for a moment until Luz pulled back and started saying something else. Amity mentally shook herself and tried to focus on anything but the fact Luz was now holding her hand's again.
"–I'll share the juicy details with you later, ok?" The other teen was saying now, "this is gonna be great!"
Before she could respond Luz was already sprinting off down the school corridors to her next class. Amity stood there dumbfounded for a moment trying to process what just happened. 
"Amity, why arn't you in class right now?" Principal Bump said, walking by and breaking her from her trance.
"Oh, sorry!"
Luz knew her friend had arrived the moment she heard shrill screams from the front of the house. She thundered down the stairs and rushed to Hooty's door, but before she got there, it slammed open and Amity was revealed on the other side, a murderous glint in her eye's and a pink fame in her hand.
Hooty noticed her then;
"LUZ SAVE ME, YOURE FRIEND IS CRAZY!!" He screeched. Some of his feathers were singed.
Amity winced and went to finish the job. Uh-oh.
Luz darted to her, grabbing her wrist. The physical contact seem to rile the girl up further.
"I warned that thing never to talk to me again." She growled, trying to break free.
Hooty squaked in fear.
Luz wrapped an arm around her, half comforting and half restraining, guiding the other kid inside, "It's OK, it's over now."
"I just said hi!" Hooty cried and they both ignored him.
The door shut on his voice, and the two girls were alone then. Amity calmed down after a moment or two.
"Sorry about that..," The witch said, "he's just so.." She shuddered then.
"Don't worry about it," Luz said sympathetically, "I still sometimes freak out when I see him. Not everything on the Isles is charmingly weird."
She eventually led her friend into the kitchen.
They took stock of what they need from an old cook book, Luz had found rooting around the house. This particular book was previously being used as a table leg for a random desk.. She'd put it back later.
"OK," Amity said,"what do we do?"
"Um.. I thought you'd know," Luz said sheepishly.
"Wait, why would I know how to bake a cake?" Her friend frowned.
"I don't know, you're smart!" Luz exclaimed, "..I thought you'd y'know, know how.. that's why I asked you."
She didn't miss the blush amity gave at that. Well she does like people recognising her ability..  it must be that.
"Alright," Amity said then, "where's the Owl Lady, maybe she knows what to do?"
Luz shook her head, "Eda's at the market. She won't be back for hours.."
" ..Well I guess we'll just have to make do with what we know," she continued, "and really, how hard can it be for the two of us to bake a cake?"
Her cooking partner frowned at that, "I'd imagine it's difficult when you don't know what you're doing Luz."
"Pshh, we've eaten cake before! We know what good food tastes like, it's all we need!" The teen said trying to hype her friend up;
"we've got a cook book, we've got our wit's and we've got the power of friendship–"
–Nothing can go wrong!" Luz declared.
Everything was going wrong.
"Is it supposed to look like that?" Amity asked her partner.
Luz tried to whipe flour from her face, only smudging it further, she then turned to consult the cook book;
"well it says the mixture should be be kind of a liquid.."
Amity watched the mixture wave at them.
"Does the book mention the batter growing sentience?" Amity said frowning.
"No.." luz sighed.
"We should start over," Amity told her.
"You're probably right." The Luz agreed.
The batter agreed too.
1 hour later.
"I don't really know what's edible in here," Luz admitted, after Amity thoroughly burnt the previous mixture when it tried to eat them.
The smell of smoke still hung in the kitchen, and the fourteen year old opened a window.
"You'd think most foods in a kitchen would be." Amity grunted.
"Well my cooking buddy, I guess we're just gonna have to continue with the process of elimination!" Luz told her.
Amity groaned and luz took out another carton of spider eggs.
3 hours later.
Luz ran a batter covered hand through her dark hair, slicking it back with a white clump of goo. Amity honestly had to say; this is the only time her crush has looked ridiculous to her.
"I think we've got it this time, this is the perfect batter that won't try and talk philosophical nonsense with us, unlike the last three batches." The brown eyed teen sighed in relief.
"I think you're right," Amity agreed, "let's just pour it into a cake tin and be done with this."
Luz nodded, and went to pour the batter into their chosen tin;
"For willow," She said weakly.
"For willow, Amity returned with as much enthusiasm.
15 minutes later.
Her mentor's sister, had rushed Into the house at the smell of smoke. apparently she'd thought the house was on fire.
Luz and Amity now stood with their head's down covered in soot, abomination sludge and cake mix, completely mortified as the adult infront of them continued to berate them;
"I have never seen anything like this in all my life!"  Lilith said, "and I've seen some serious incompetence in my time, but never something like this!"
Neither girl dared to say a word.
"I expected this from my sister's apprentice, but Amity Blight, I expected more from you." She continued crossing her arms.
Luz watched her friend's cheek's flush in shame.
"I mean what we're you thinking?" Lilith said, "an all out brawl with a cake demon in the kitchen? You almost burnt the house down, how am I supposed to explain this to Edalyn?"
She had an idea then;
" Explain this to Edalyn.. what do you mean by that?"
"Well, she left me encharge, while she went to the mar–oh no, I know that look. It's the same one Edalyn makes."
Luz grinned at her.
"I won't be blackmailed human." Lilith warned.
"So this is technically your fault," Luz said smugly, "your not gonna tell Eda about this, because you need this place."
"This is extortion!" Lilith growled.
"Nah, it's revenge." The teen quipped.
"Luz what you doing?" Amity hissed, voice hushed while pulling her aside and giving her a disproving look.
"Its for Willow," Luz pleaded," plus you don't wanna see Eda when she's mad, she made Me, Willow and Gus clean the entire house top to bottom after we animated it. plus this is Lilith. trust me on this."
Her friend looked conflicted for a moment, Luz could see her weighing up the morality of it behind her golden eyes;
"Fine, do what you need to do," She eventually conceded.
Luz gave a nod and turned back to the disgruntled woman.
"Eda doesn't need to know about this, we can all win here," They said.
Lilith scoffed, "How so?"
"We just have to clean up this mess, and you have to bake us a birthday cake."
The witch's eyebrows shot up at that, "That's a strange demand, why a birthday cake?"
"It's  for a friend," Luz said.
"Fabulous, well I don't cook, and I certainly don't bake cakes for your snot nosed little friend's." Lilith sneered.
"You don't have a choice here," Amity pressed joining in now.
Lilith looked to her with mild shock; She seemed to realise there was no real way out of this.
"Fine." She growled, "five minutes with my Sister and you've both turned into criminals."
Willow's surprise party had gone off without a hitch. Gus had provided the intertainment and Luz and Amity had carted out Lilith's cake.
"Aw guys," Willow had said, "you didn't have to do this!"
"You're our friend," Luz had said, "no amount of monster fighting and black mail is too much for you."
Amity had silently agreed.
Willow and Gus had looked confused then, but Luz and Amity knew the truth, and as they'd both dozed off, head's on each others shoulder's in the middle of the party, they knew they'd be haunted by their actions forever.
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A Very Hoovander Christmas (AKA Just Kill Me Now)
This is my Christmas gift to my wife @phobidawg​ and I hope you appreciate how I corrupted my soul beyond repair writing this. Like,
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Anyways, don’t read this unless you’re part of the RCSFU, trust me. If you do read it, finish up your will first cuz ur not surviving this.
Hooty stared down a rat that scampered in front of the door of the owl house, its small toes making a tempting pitter-patter against the ground. He slowly moved closer and closer to it, his mouth watering at the sight of its plump body. It gave its ear a little scratch and Hooty could wait no longer. 
With one swift motion, Hooty scooped the rat into his mouth, swallowing it whole. However, the rat didn’t go down easy and for a moment Hooty began to choke. 
“Hoot, hoot,” he coughed shrilly, trying to get the rat down his throat. His eyes watered and his throat was sore but he managed to swallow the creature.
“Ahem,” a voice came from next to him. He whipped his elongated body toward the noise and found the source to be a red-haired man in a dark green suit.
A very handsome man.
“Hi,” Hooty attempted to say seductively but his throat was still scratchy from choking on the rat and he ended up just sounding strangled. He felt his cheeks warm in a blush but the man only raised a bushy, red eyebrow towards him. 
“Is this,” he pulled out a paper from his green briefcase and read something off of it, “the owl house residence?”
“It is, hoot,” he replied, leaning towards the beautiful man, “Are you looking for someone?”
The man leaned away from him and Hooty felt a small sting in his heart, “Yes, I booked a room here and it says here I need to see Edalyn Clawthorne?”
“I can get her,” Hooty looked into his light green eyes, trying not to swoon. He didn’t break this eye contact as he bellowed out in an unearthly shriek, “EDAAAAA!”
The man didn’t give a start or even break eye contact at the scream and only calmly moved his eyes to Eda when she walked out of the house.
“Are you Edalyn Clawthorne?” Hooty watched his red moustache move as he spoke.
“Are you a cop?” Eda answered, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
“No,” The man said but then cocked his head, “Well, kind of. But I’m not here for that. I’m Evander Wade and I booked a room here.”
At this he looked the owl house up and down, pursing his soft, pink lips, “It looks different from the brochure.”
“That’s the magic of editing, kid,” Eda smirked and pushed open the door, “Come on in.”
“Does this place do refunds?”
“Of course not,” Eda scoffed and Hooty watched as she produced the key to the spare room, “What kind of amateur conwoman do you think I am?”
The man, Evander, took the key from her hand, stretched away from him like it was something dirty. He let Eda lead him to the spare room and Hooty watched as he walked away, up the stairs. 
“Who’s that?” King’s squeaky voice came from next to him.
“Evander Wade,” Hooty sighed the name, savouring the way it sounded, “He’s staying here, hoot.” 
“What? Why?” King whined, “I don’t want some leprechaun man staying here.”
Hooty took in King’s comment and realized, yes, Evander did kind of look like a leprechaun, didn’t he? A sexy one, for sure.
“You know Eda, hoot,” Hooty replied to King, “Always looking for ways to make money, hoot hoot.”
“Well, how long is he staying?” King prodded and Hooty opened his beak to tell him he didn’t know but instead Eda’s voice came from the stairs.
“A week,” Eda told them, “He’ll be working the whole time. You won’t even know the guy’s here.”
“He’s staying here on Christmas?”
As King whined and Eda argued, Hooty let their voices fade and looked upwards, to where he could imagine Evander was unpacking his things. A week with this strange, gorgeous man. Hooty couldn’t help but smile at the thought.
It had been three days. Three days of Evander staying there, in the owl house. And Hooty had yet to have another conversation with him.
Evander never left his room, not even to eat. Why did he come here if he wasn’t going to leave his room? Hooty eventually decided enough was enough and resolved to bring Evander some food. So he set a plate of fresh rats that he had hunted himself and headed up the stairs.
Evander’s door was right at the end of the hallway and suddenly Hooty began to become nervous. What if Evander laughed at him? Told him to go away?
Hooty pushed these feelings down and knocked on the door, “Evander? Mr. Wade? I thought you could use something to eat since you haven’t left your room in a while? Hoot?”
For a moment there was no answer and Hooty scolded himself for disturbing him. He turned to leave when he heard a creak.
“What’s that?” his voice was rough and Hooty’s breath caught in his lungs.
“Rats,” he managed to hoot, “I hunted them just for you.”
“Thanks,” he took the plate, picking up one of the rats. Hooty watched as Evander brought the rat to his mouth and opened it to reveal sharp, white fangs. The fangs pierced into the skin of the rats and slowly sucked the blood out of their lifeless bodies.
He must have noticed the look of intrigue on Hooty’s face because he clarified, “I’m half vampire. From my father’s side.”
“Your father is a vampire, hoot?” Hooty’s eyes widened, “And your mother?”
Evander shifted uncomfortably, “I’d rather not talk about my mother.”
“Hoot, is that why you aren’t spending Christmas with them?” Hooty asked, then cursed himself for being too forward. But Evander didn’t seem to mind.
“Partly, yes,” Evander replied, “But also because I have work.”
“You’re working?” Hooty hooted, “On, hoot, Christmas? You can’t work on Christmas!”
“I haven’t had a real Christmas in a long time,” Evander said and Hooty’s heart ached for him.
“Well, you can have Christmas with us!” Hooty brightened at the thought, “It will be fun, hoot!”
“I don’t know,” Evander looked hesitant but Hooty had made up his mind.
“You’re having Christmas with us,” Hooty announced, “And that’s final, hoot!”
Evander gave him a small amused smile and Hooty was sure his heart would burst.
“I can’t hooting believe this!” 
“Hooty, it’s not that big of a deal,” Evander attempted to calm him down. But even someone as fucking hot as Evander couldn't calm him down right now.
Eda and King had decided, without telling Hooty, that they would be spending Christmas with Lilith. If it wasn't for Evander, he would have been left all alone.
"Your first Christmas," Hooty now turned to the vampire leprechaun, "And it's just you and me, hoot."
Evander took a step closer to him, "Maybe- Maybe that's how I want it."
Hooty's anger fell away at those words. He and Evander had grown closer over these past few days, with Evander opening up to Hooty about his family and Hooty in turn told him about what it was like to be an elongated owl house thing.
There had been instances, in their conversations, where Hooty was sure Evander would make a move. But the subject would change or they would be interrupted. Hooty was beginning to wonder if the universe was against them for some reason.
But now, with Evander's hesitant words, the way his green eyes held his own brown ones, how he leaned towards him, Hooty was sure that this was finally happening. 
The light streaming through the windows caught in Evander’s red hair and Hooty felt his owl heart speed up.
He opened his beak to speak, “Evander, hoo-”
He couldn’t even finish his hoot because suddenly Evander was kissing him. The lips of the vampire leprechaun felt soft against his beak. For a moment, Hooty couldn't breathe but then instinct took over.
When they finally pulled apart, Evander placed his hand on Hooty's face.
"Thank you," he said softly, "for teaching me the true meaning of Christmas."
"Hoot," Hooty hooted, "anytime. I just wished that you didn't have to leave tomorrow."
"Actually about that," Evander looked hopeful, "I have a surprise for you."
"What is it, hoot?"
"I left my job!" Evander revealed, "I'm no longer a fascist supercop. I have no job now!"
"Wow, Evander," Hooty swooned, "I can't believe you left your job for me, a person/elongated owl thing you've only known for a week. That's so romantic!"
"I know right," Evander grinned, "And to think my mother used to say I wasn't a romantic."
Hooty leaned onto Evander, burying his feathery head into his chest, breathing in the smell of four leaf clovers. He sighed happily as he thought to the days ahead, filled with hope.
This was the best Christmas ever.
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zootopiathingz · 4 years
We’re Okay
(A/N I can’t believe I didn’t post this here. Ugh anyway, here’s the aftermath of YBOS)
The past two days almost didn't seem real. Not to Luz, not to Eda, not to anyone. So much happened that when they were all finally able to sit down and think about it, they were at a loss for words. The important thing was they were safe and sound again, this time accompanied by Lilith, who was now sharing the curse with Eda.
Since Lilith betrayed the emperor, it was needless to say she wasn't in his coven anymore, and now had nowhere else to go. In return for everything she did this night, Eda allowed her to stay at the Owl House for now until she could sort things out on her own. Especially now they both lost their magic, it wasn't safe to be anywhere else.
She, Eda, Luz, and King sat in their own spots in the living room, speaking no words yet all mentally sharing the same thoughts. The only sound filling the air was the ticking clock and Hooty's small snores. Lilith continuously twisted a strand of her hair, the streak that was now greyed due to the curse. She noticed her sister now having a whiter stripe in hers, but it seemed Eda wasn't focused on her appearance at all. The owl lady didn't bother looking at herself in the mirror, or even glancing down at her blackened gem. Her eyes were focused elsewhere, occasionally averting over to her teen apprentice sitting on the floor.
Luz shifted every few seconds, finding herself uncomfortable in any position she was in for too long. She and King were exhausted, bags noticeable beneath their eyes. But they felt as if Eda and Lilith would disappear if they fell asleep, so they forced themselves not to close their eyes.
After what felt like an eternity of silence and comprehension, Eda decided she was sick of the tension in the atmosphere. She hated being in a room full of people when no one was talking, and she was fine with everyone processing the events of tonight. But now she was too uncomfortable with it, and if someone needed to speak now, it would be her.
She slapped her knees before standing up, now catching everyone's attention. "Well, I'll go get some blankets for ya, Lilith." She said. "You don't mind crashing on the couch, do you?"
Lilith shrugged quietly, still not being able to give verbal responses yet. Eda didn't care, though, and walked over to the closet to grab a heavy blanket and pillow she had spared. Luz stood up and lazily treaded to the kitchen, since she hadn't eaten in over a day and her stomach was practically begging for food.
King and Lilith made brief eye contact, but their eyes quickly retreated. "Well, this has been fun." The king of demons said as he stood up on his hind legs. "But I'm gonna go hit the hay."
As he trotted up the stairs, Eda returned to the living room and set the linens on the sofa. "Do you need some pajamas?" She asked her sister, who seemed to flinch when hearing someone talk to her.
"Oh, um, I'm fine." Lilith declined awkwardly.
"Really? You're just gonna sleep in that?" The younger witch asked, putting her hand to her hip. "You can say 'yes' when I offer you something, you know. My pajamas aren't that horrendous."
While Lilith appreciated her trying to use humor to lighten the mood, she couldn't shake away the weighing guilt in her chest. "Edalyn, I should probably tell you something."
Eda sighed, "Look, Lilith, I really don't want to talk about what happened right now. It's late and I just wanna—"
"No, please. I need to say this or I'll never be able to sleep." The eldest witch said, standing up to properly face her sister. "I-I know there is nothing I can say that will make up for the hell I've put you through. I was selfish, naive, and dare I say..evil. I was so blinded by my dream, our dream, that I hurt you and I'll never be able to live with myself." She carefully took Eda's hand, staring down at the floor. "I will spend the rest of my life with this mistake, and even if I can't forgive myself, I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday."
Eda stared at their hands, taking in her sister's words. While it was going to be a tough path to forgiveness, she was willing to go through it. Lilith was her family, she could never truly hate her, especially after what happened tonight. "I will, someday." She nodded, patting Lilith's hand. "It'll take some time. But hey, you sharing the curse with me is a good start." She smiled assuringly, "And you can stay here as long as you'd like. As long as you promise to never hurt my kid again."
Even though Eda was being dead serious, Lilith chuckled, awkwardly. "I promise I won't. I can see why she admires you, and seeing as how she escaped the emperor, you must've taught her pretty well."
"She's the best student I could've asked for." Eda smiled, then turned her head around toward the kitchen, "Speaking of, I should check on her."
"May I borrow your nightwear then?" Lilith asked.
"Knock yourself out. There's an extra pair upstairs in my closet." The younger witch said before she walked away. Lilith smiled, already feeling at home. It was nice to be under the same roof as her sister again, it almost felt like old times.
Eda peered into the kitchen, spotting the teen girl standing by the table with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies. "Ah, I see King told you about my secret stash." She said, stepping into the room.
Luz side-glanced the witch, not saying anything in response. She mindlessly dunked a cookie into her beverage before eating it, staring off out the window. Eda sighed as she approached the human, putting her hand to her shoulder. "Hey, don't give me the silent treatment. Let me hear your voice when you're not screaming at guards to let me go." She said playfully, once again using comedy to soften the tension.
But once again, it didn't work. In fact, it might've caused more damage. Luz sniffled, feeling herself on the verge of tears. It didn't help when she glanced up at Eda again, this time getting a better look at her mentor's appearance. Her greyed left eye, her white hair streak, her dark gem—it was like she was a different person now. Sure, Luz preferred this over the owl beast form, but it still hurt to see the witch in such a weak condition. Eda lost her magic, she would never truly be the same anymore.
Noticing the moisture in the girl's eyes, Eda frowned and opened her arms. Luz immediately made way into her embrace and clung onto her tightly, sobbing against her chest. "I'm sorry, Eda." She murmured, "I-I just..keep thinking about what would've happened if I— if you..."
"Shh, hey, hey. Don't talk like that." Eda said softly, brushing her fingers through her apprentice's short hair. "Don't think about it, okay? I'm fine, you're fine. We're all fine." She gently pressed Luz's head closer to her chest so that she could listen to her heartbeat. "You hear that? I'm still alive, and it's all because of you."
Luz nodded, gripping the back of her dress. "I was so scared, Eda." She sniffed, her lip trembling as she spoke. "I acted tough, but I was so scared..."
"I know, kid. I know. I was scared, too." The owl lady confessed, hiding her face against Luz's head.
Luz briefly opened her eyes in shock. The idea of Eda, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, being scared was just baffling to her. "Y-you were?"
"Of course I was." She shrugged, "I was scared something was gonna happen to you, that Belos was gonna hurt you." She unconsciously tightened her grasp on her apprentice at just the thought of anyone hurting her. "I-I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
The girl didn't blame Eda for being afraid, as the feeling was mutual. I'm never letting anything happen to you again. She thought, quickly wiping away a couple tears. "Eda? Can you promise me something?"
It took a second for Eda to response, since now she was beginning to cry as well. She hated crying, especially in front of others. But she knew Luz wouldn't hold it against her. That was one of the best things about having this sweet, funny, creative little human as her apprentice; she could be herself around her. "Sure, what is it?" She asked, holding back her tears.
Luz lifted her head to look up at the witch, their watery eyes finally meeting. "Promise we'll never be separated like that again."
Eda frowned, those words striking her like lightning. She didn't know if she could keep this promise, seeing as how Belos was probably going to plan something against them now that they escaped. But even without her magic, even as a cursed, wild witch, Eda was never going to step down from a fight. She nodded, letting her tears fall onto her face. I'm never letting anything happen to you again.
She kissed Luz's head and pulled her in for another hug, keeping her as close as possible. "I promise."
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flipomatic · 3 years
Internship Chapter 23: Day 20 - Amity
First Chapter Previous Chapter
After the eventful day at the construction coven, Amity made plans to come visit Luz at the Owl House on Saturday. Luz had somehow convinced Eda to show them some magic, since she had been on the potions track at Hexside. According to Luz, she loved to show off and had been eager to accept.
This led to Amity walking on a cloudy Saturday morning to the Owl House. She was very interested in learning about potions, but not so excited about seeing the house demon that possessed the building. Almost everything about it was obnoxious.
But even as it called out a cheery “Hooty hoot!” greeting, Amity didn’t regret coming.
The demon let her inside when she said she was there to see Luz, which was lucky because she already felt like punching it. The inside of the house looked the same as she remembered it, with candles lining the room and familiar furniture.
One big difference though was the presence of Lilith. She was sitting on the couch, looking over some kind of magazine. She had a new grey streak in her hair; Luz told Amity it was an effect of the spell she cast to save Eda. Amity hadn’t spoken to her in some time, perhaps since the Covention? Lilith used to train her, but they weren’t particularly close.
That didn’t stop this from being awkward.
Lilith glanced up at the sound of the door opening, a flicker of surprise appearing briefly on her face. “Hello, Amity.” She greeted her politely.
“Hi.” Amity wasn’t sure what to say to her. She knew she was living here now, but even before when they had the Emperor’s Coven in common they hadn’t had much to say to each other. “It’s good to see you.” Was what she settled on, wincing internally at how stiff that sounded.
Luckily, Luz always had great timing.
“Hey Amity!” She poked her head in from the other room, which Amity thought was the kitchen. “We’re in here.” Luz waved her over, blissfully saving her from having to talk more with Lilith.
“Thanks for inviting me.” Amity said as she walked to join Luz.
Luz flopped her hand in an exaggerated dismissive motion. “Anytime.”
When Amity entered the kitchen, she glanced around. It looked like a pretty normal kitchen, nothing too outrageous. Eda was already there, leaning on one of the counters. King sat on the countertop next to her, chewing on a small object.
“Oh good, the whole party’s here now.” Eda said in a dry tone. She was so different from her sister; it was always confusing to Amity that they could be related.
Luz gave an enthusiastic thumb up. “That’s right! Are you ready to show us how to make a potion?”
“You were serious about that?” Eda grimaced, crossing her arms. “Wouldn’t you rather learn about bad girl coven magic?” She raised her eyebrows suggestively.
“What’s that?” Amity asked; she had never heard of the bad girl coven. It sounded fake.
Eda pointed one thumb at her own chest. “Only the best coven on the Boiling Isles, founded by yours truly.” Oh, so just covenless witches then.
“No thanks.” Luz cut her off flatly. “But we really want to learn about the Potions Coven!”
“I could show them instead.” A familiar voice came from behind the group, echoing from the doorway. Amity turned to see Lilith there, a smirk on her face. “I was in the potions track too, you know.”
“No no, I’ve got this.” Eda scoffed, moving to grab a pot for the potion.
Lilith chuckled, still looking smug. “If you say so. I’ll be in the other room if you need me.” She waved over her shoulder, then vanished back to the main room of the house.
Eda sneered after her, before continuing to prepare. “What kind of potion do you want?” She asked, looking between Luz and Amity. “A love potion?” Her eyes twinkled mischievously, with a smirk appearing not dissimilar from her sister’s.
Amity thought her heart could stop at that suggestion. Her face immediately warmed, even more so when Eda raised an eyebrow at her.
“Hmm, that would be hard to test.” Luz seemed unbothered by the suggestion, and didn’t seem to have noticed Amity’s flustered state.
Eda rolled her eyes. “Fine, fine, how about item duplication then?”
“Perfect!” Luz’s eyes lit up as she nodded. Amity tried to calm herself back down and to keep Luz from noticing.
With the potion choice settled, Eda picked a pot to make it in. “Always choose the right pot for the potion.” She said as she settled on a medium size one. She finally seemed to be taking this whole giving instruction thing seriously. “Too small and it’ll overflow, too big and the ingredients won’t blend properly.”
“Oh yeah, I learned about that in class.” Luz commented, moving to look into the empty pot.
“The pot material can be important too, but not for every potion.” Eda went to the pantry and started to take out ingredients. “The one we’re making today is tame, but some will eat straight through unprotected metal.” That was kind of a scary prospect.
Eda walked away from the pantry with an arm full of vials, stopping in front of the counter. “King, you gotta move.” She gestured at him with her free hand.
“But I’m sitting here.” He took the small object out of his mouth to protest. Now Amity could see that it was a small yellow duck.
Eda glared down at him. “I need the space, so get lost.”
King stood up on his tiny back paws slowly, putting the duck back in his mouth. He squeaked grumpily as he jumped off the counter, headed to the main room of the house.
Eda was now able to put down the vials, which she did with gusto. “Always measure the ingredients carefully.” She said, as if she hadn’t paused in the instructions, while picking up a vial to add it to the pot. “Don’t add heat until you’re supposed to, that’s how things explode.” She winked at the end, drawing a laugh from Luz.
“Are you not using a recipe?” Amity asked as Eda added another ingredient to the pot.
“Got this one memorized.” Eda replied, not looking away from her potion. “When you make it enough times, it becomes habit.” If it were Amity, she would probably still have the recipe out for reference.
“Do you know what they do at the Potions Coven?” Luz asked, causing Eda to pause mid pour.
“Not a thing.” She admitted, before continuing to dump an ingredient in. She grimaced, as if the next words were hard to say. “Lily might be able to tell you more about that.”
“Oh?” Again, from the door, Lilith’s voice rang out. “What was that Edalyn, I didn’t hear you.”
“Just ask her.” Eda addressed the kids. She turned on the burner on the stove and put her pot onto it. “I’ll just keep making this potion, abandoned, alone.”
Lilith entered the room fully, coming to stand near them. “You asked about the Potion Coven?” She asked Luz, likely wanting to make sure she heard right.
“That’s right!” Luz responded.
“We’ve been learning about different covens.” Amity explained, drawing Lilith’s gaze to her sharply. She could feel the question, what happened to the Emperor’s Coven, in those eyes. But Lilith didn’t ask it.
“The potions coven provides facilities and licenses to coven members.” Lilith said, shifting her gaze over to Luz. “They also get discounts on materials.”
“Does the coven itself sell potions?” Luz looked thoughtful as she asked.
Lilith shook her head, “No, individual members are responsible for that.”
Luz hit the bottom of one fist into her hand. “So Eda has a similar job then, she sells her own potions too!” Amity hadn’t thought about it like that; she always associated Eda with being as far from coven life as she could. Even Eda looked surprised at the assertion.
“I suppose so.” Lilith seemed to be rolling the idea around in her mind. “She does sell potions, though not as high quality as the coven requires.”
“Well excuse me for not meeting your nonsense standards.” Eda scowled down at her potion, motioning to again shoo Lilith away with one hand. Her sister didn’t move.
Eda had been adding more ingredients through the conversation, occasionally stirring the pot. “The potion is almost done.” She declared, lifting one hand over it. “Here’s the most important step.” She drew a small spell circle over it, slowly. It looked painful for her to do. Luz had also told Amity that most of Eda’s magic was gone, but it still felt strange to see it herself. “Without the spell it’s just slime.”
She picked up an empty bottle, dipping it into the potion. When it made contact, it duplicated. Eda brought both the original and copy out to show Luz and Amity.
“You need to make sure to use a duplication proof bottle for this type of spell.” Eda put aside the original and set the new bottle where she could fill it. “Like something that’s already a duplication. It only works on inanimate objects.” She then lifted the pot and tilted the potion into it, filling the bottle to the top. She then put a cork in the top and smacked a label on it, marking it with her brand. She held it out to Luz, who accepted it.
“The second part of the job, the harder part in my opinion, is actually selling the things.” Eda continued speaking, picking up where Lilith had left off in talking about the job of potion making. “Not gonna lie, Luz has gotten pretty good at it.” Amity was impressed by that.
“Oh, yeah!” Luz grinned, setting the potion down on the table. “I sell potions for Eda all the time.”
“In the market?” Amity asked.
“Yeah, and I go door to door.” Luz looked up like she was remembering something. “It’s fun, trying to figure out what’s the best potion for a customer.”
It made sense that Luz would be good at that; if she could hold a conversation with Amity then she could talk with just about anybody. Amity, on the other hand would be better at making potions than selling them. The idea struck her that if she and Luz went into business together, they’d probably be very good at the job if they split up the work.
Amity couldn’t imagine dedicating her whole life to it, but it was an interesting path.
“You don’t need the coven though.” Eda put one hand on her hip. “It’s all cons and no pros.”
“I disagree.” Lilith cut back in to the conversation. “The coven provides stability and resources. Also being covenless is illegal, which I’m sure you know well, Edalyn.”
“Aren’t you covenless now too, Lily?”
“Touché.” Lilith muttered and looked down towards the ground. Amity felt out of place, like she was watching something she shouldn’t see. She was reminded of when her siblings fought.
Eda was smirking as she turned back to Luz. “You can keep that.” She gestured at the potion on the table, turning the topic back to potion making.
“Thanks Eda!” Luz picked it back up, scrutinizing it once again. “What should we duplicate first?” She turned to Amity with the question.
The answer came easily. “Azura books.”
“Yes.” Luz replied simply, eyes bright with excitement. “I have mine upstairs, let’s do it.”
Amity followed after her, but not before thanking Eda for showing them how the make the potion. She replied that it was no problem, and she should follow Luz before the girl duplicated everything upstairs.
Both Lillith and Eda watched her go.
Upstairs, Amity and Luz chose the first Azura book as their target. The potion did indeed duplicate it, just as expected.
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