#he playes sad....pathetic and wet........so well......perfect match
hatchetmode · 1 year
Renfield is so......he's so...
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namjoonysl · 6 years
don’t play (m)
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jimin’s your roommate and you’re convinced he’ll never see you as anything more than a friend. jungkook’s the fuckboy you match with on tinder who decides to help you make your roommate jealous. (1/?)
reader x jimin, reader x jungkook
Some people in life had it easy. They were gorgeous, beautiful, and everyone wanted them. That wasn’t you. You’d never been the pretty one. Guys didn’t hit on you when you went out with your friends, they didn’t go out of their way to hold doors open for you, they didn’t slide into your DMs when you posted selfies, but that’s okay.
There’s more to life than being pretty. You’ve learned to love yourself for other things, more substantial reasons: you were smart, you were hardworking, and you tried to be kind, which was more than a lot of people could claim. After recognizing these qualities and loving yourself for them, the state of your looks didn’t bother you anymore. For the most part.
Most days, you were fine. But days like today, when you walked into your kitchen first thing in the morning to see Park Jimin making waffles, wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist, droplets of water traveling down the defined expanse of his back—days like today, feeling a little self conscious was unavoidable.
You didn’t anticipate moments like this when you agreed to be Jimin’s roommate. You were just trying to be nice. Sometimes you really wished you were less nice.
“Morning, Jimin,” you mumbled, sleepy crankiness making your voice thick.
Jimin whipped around, a droplet of cold water flicking off his damp black hair and hitting you on the arm. “Oh, you scared me,” he laughed, “morning! Want a waffle?”
You grunt a “sure” that sounded both masculine and inelegant. Accepting the plate of waffles covered in thick golden syrup, you busied yourself with cutting into crunchy food and nibbling on a piece. You stared into the patterns of the marble countertop in front of you, pointedly avoiding looking at Jimin’s topless upper body.
Jimin chuckled. “Oh my god, you’re so cute.”
You paused chewing. “Wha?” you ask with a mouthful of waffle. You swallowed and looked up, narrowing your eyes. “Why’d you say that?”
He grins. “You never look at me when I’m shirtless. It’s cute that you’re shy, and a bit of a prude.”
A path of embarrassed stinging traveled up your neck and red blossomed on your cheeks. “Hey, I am not a prude. And I’m not shy either. I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
“Oh, I see,” Jimin nodded, a tug of teasing at the corner of his mouth, “well that’s very considerate of you, but I’m super comfortable with my body. Look all you want.”
You roll your eyes fondly. Most mornings went like this, playful exchanges over shared breakfast, an unexpected domestic routine you’d fallen into and would miss when you inevitably parted ways. No one stays roommates forever. Jimin would fall in love with a beautiful girl because that’s what beautiful people did: they paired off together, two by two, until all that was left was you.
“So, Tae told me you went on a Tinder date,” Jimin says casually.
You almost spat out your orange juice. Thankfully you stifled your gut reaction and swallowed the tangy beverage with some grace. “He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone that.”
Jimin tilted his head thoughtfully. “Why not? And why would you tell Tae instead of me? I’m your roommate. Also, I tell you every time I go on a date.” The pout could be heard in his voice. It was true, Jimin had many colorful accounts of his romantic life and he had no problem sharing them, but there was a reason for that. Jimin’s dating life was amazing, and you could barely get matches on Tinder. Still, you felt bad for not telling Jimin.
You shrugged. “I’m sorry. It’s just really lame and not even worth mentioning. It’s not a big deal, plus the date went horribly. I just didn’t want to keep talking about it.” You tried to brush off the conversation, but Jimin was never one to let things go.
“Why did it go horribly? Was the guy a dick to you or something?”
“No. I mean, yeah actually. He showed up like twenty five minutes late, rattled off an apology about his job or something, I don’t even know, I could barely hear him. The bubble tea place he wanted to meet up at was so loud. And the conversation was stilted and awkward,” you said. You tried to sound nonchalant and not let on that it did bother you. You didn’t want Jimin to know that you were actually disappointed and hurt by the date, very much so.
“Oh no,” Jimin intoned sadly, an empathetic frown on his face, “I’m sorry.”
“Like I said, it’s not a big deal,” you chuckled and walked to the sink with your plate, washing off the sticky syrup residue. You felt his presence beside you. “It’s just a Tinder date. It’s how these things usually go, you know? Can’t expect anything good.”
Jimin sighed and took your wet plate from your hands. He lifted the dry towel by the faucet and wiped your plate, then placed it gently on the drying rack. “I know you hate being comforted, but I don’t care. The guy you went out with was an asshole and I’m sorry you had a shitty time. You deserve better.”
You smiled, tight-lipped and uncomfortable, but grateful nonetheless for his thoughtful concern. “Thanks Jimin. I only hated that a little bit.” You nudged his arm playfully with your elbow.
He laughed. “Well, now that the serious moment is over, I’m curious about something.” He leaned in conspiratorially. “You met up with a guy from Tinder.”
You blinked, expecting him to continue. “Yes?”
Jimin smiled, an angelic expression that could make anyone give up incriminating information, but he looked far from innocent right now. “Level with me.You trying to fuck?”
You sputtered and slapped him on his shoulder. He tipped his head back and laughed, the ridges of his throat protruding underneath his milky skin. “Please,” you said with mild annoyance.
“What? It’s a valid question. You go and meet a guy on Tinder out of the blue. You’re an adult. Everyone does it. Nothing wrong with it.”
You shake your head. “Random hookups aren’t my thing. That’s more of a Jimin thing.”
“Yeah?” Jimin half-smiled bashfully. At least he had the grace to look a little embarrassed about his reputation. “Are you slut shaming me?” he asked jokingly.
“Nope, we’re just completely different people.” You opted not to explain that Jimin looked like a runway model and you… did not. It was sad enough to think it. Saying it out loud would’ve been too pathetic. “Live your best life, get that shit, dick everyone in this whole town, it’s none of my business, Jiminie. I support you!”
“Did you just say dick everyone?” he sputtered through giggles.
“Gotta go shower! I’m late for work. Have fun dicking!” you called on your way to your bedroom, leaving behind a sputtering Jimin by the sink.
At work, Taehyung laid it on thick with the charm. Aside from being his friend, shifts with Taehyung generally went really well since his effortlessly pleasant and non-threatening flirting personality always raked in the tips.
Today however, every time you watched Taehyung flirt with another unsuspecting girl, you glared in his direction. You were jealous. What a life he must have with that magnetic personality and that pretty face. If you dared to try to be flirty, you would make everyone in that interaction uncomfortable, including yourself. You tried your best not to let on that you were a little annoyed with Taehyung, but every time you thought back to this morning when Jimin was interrogating you about your love life, it soured your mood.
“Jeez, are you still pissed?”
You paused in the middle of tossing a latte into a metal tumbler. Taehyung was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, leveling you with a knowing stare. “I’m not allowed to be pissed that you told Jimin about my pathetic love life?”
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “No one’s love life is perfect. We’re friends, we tell each other embarrassing shit, it’s not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal,” you whined. Tossing the cinnamon latte into a plastic cup and sealing the lid, you smiled and handed it to the customer waiting by the bar. “Jimin brings home girls all the time. He’s had multiple girlfriends. I had one boyfriend two years ago and he was barely nice to be. Going on a shitty Tinder date, going on a Tinder date at all at this age—it’s just really lame.”
“What age? You’re only twenty two, not some thirty year old desperate spinster.”
You shrugged. “It feels like I am.”
“Is that the only reason you’re so bothered?” he said suggestively.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Are you sure it’s not because you have feelings for Jimin?”
You blinked. “Feelings? For Park Jimin? Do I look stupid to you? That was a rhetorical question,” you clarified when he opens his mouth to answer.
“I was going to say,” Taehyung began, “that you shouldn’t feel stupid about it. Lots of people fall in love with their roommates. It’s a really popular trope.”
You snorted. “That’s hilarious. I meant that it’s stupid because Jimin’s really attractive. Have you seen the women he dates? I don’t compare to them. And don’t try to console me about this. It’s not a big deal, I’m fine, I’m just stating facts. Why do you think he even asked to be my roommate? You think if there was any chance he’d catch feelings for me that he’d want to live with me?”
Taehyung blinked. “I don’t get it. What does being roommates have to do with negating feelings?”
“You see, when you live with someone, you can’t really put up any pretenses, right? The other person sees all the ugly, boring sides of you—not that Jimin really has any. The point is, he doesn’t care about impressing me, so he’s okay with living with me. He thinks of me as a friend, and I’m not stupid enough to believe he’d ever think otherwise.”
Taehyung nodded. “Wow, you’ve got it all figured out. Impressive,” he said flatly.
“Shut up. I’m serious.” You playfully whacked his leg with a mini towel on the way to the sink, which was piled high with coffee-stained mugs and saucers. One by one, you scrubbed the ceramic dishware and arranged them onto the drying shelves. You’d entered a peaceful rhythm of scrubbing, washing, and drying when Taehyung called you over to the front counter. You rolled your eyes. Just when you thought the rush was over another customer shows up. What did Taehyung need you for anyway? He was perfectly capable of taking orders by himself.
When you get to the front counter and plaster on a giant fake smile, the expression immediately shatters when you realize why Taehyung had called you over. It was Jungkook, your shitty Tinder date.
“Jungkook,” you stated. Underneath the counter, you felt a light tap against your foot. You didn’t need to look down to know it was Taehyung, the same person you initially confided in when you were trying to decide whether you should go out with Jungkook when he matched with you and asked you out. Taehyung looked over his profile and read your messages, and ultimately decided he seemed harmless enough.
“Hi,” Jungkook said, smiling tight-lipped. “Do you have a minute?”
Your mouth went dry. You glanced at Taehyung for help, who nodded and gave you a light pat on the back. “You can go,” he said, “I’ll hold down the fort.”
“Okay,” you said quietly. You cleared your throat and removed your apron, pulling it over your head, hoping it wouldn’t get caught on your hair like it sometimes did—it didn’t. “Wanna sit here?” You pointed to a table in the corner that was in a blind spot from the cameras so your boss wouldn’t see you sitting down, but was close enough to the counter so Taehyung could hear your conversation.
Jungkook nodded and followed you. “Sorry to show up out of the blue,” he said. “I texted you but I didn’t get a response.”
“My phone was in my bag, sorry. I wasn’t checking it. So what’s up?”
Jungkook ducked his head, tendrils of wavy black hair falling in front of his eyes, and you were reminded why you had a such a hard time deciding whether you should meet him. When you saw that Jungkook swiped on you, you figured it must’ve been a mistake. Jungkook was really hot. He was also twenty one, one year younger than you. Even so, you thought there would be no harm in matching, so you did. He sent you the first message, four words that almost made you fall off your bed: “wow, you’re really pretty.”
Now here he was, one shitty encounter later, sitting in front of you wearing a white tshirt and ripped black jeans with his hands folded on the table, looking guilty and a little sad. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I know the date went bad and it’s my fault. I showed up late and I was out of it, and I felt really bad, so I’m sorry.” He peered up through his bangs, brown eyes wide with sincerity and remorse.
“Oh,” you said, caught off guard. “Um, it’s alright Jungkook, I wasn’t expecting you to sweep me off my feet or anything. It’s no biggie. No hard feelings.” You let out a little laugh, not quite sure what to say. No one had ever apologized for being a bad date before. It was unclear whether you should feel like he was validating your experience or pitying you.
He stood up straighter. “No hard feelings, okay, good.”
“Yeah.” You scratched your brow awkwardly, peering back at Taehyung, who was leaning over the counter looking as confused as you felt. “Is-is that all? Cause I kinda have to get back to work…” You stood up and Jungkook instantly mirrored your movement, reaching out a hand.
“Wait, that’s not all. I was also sorta wondering if we could go out again?”
Your mouth fell open a little. “Um. What? You want to go out again? Why?” You stepped beside your chair hesitantly.
“I just want to do things right this time. You know, show up on time, go somewhere we can actually hear each other.” He chuckled, the corners of his eyes wrinkling up in a way that was adorable and boyish and exactly the kind of thing that made you weak. Your guard was already dropping. “I just like talking to you, and I was the one who asked you out. I was a rude date, but I’m not a bad person, I promise. So, what do you say?”
You froze. People always told you you were too nice for your own good, too understanding, giving second chances to people who rarely deserved them. This felt like one of those moments. The first date with Jungkook had gone so poorly. He didn’t even offer to pay for your tea, and considering he was the one who asked you out, it would’ve been the polite thing to do. His age was probably partially responsible for that, and the tardiness. He was still in college, and from what you saw of single guys in college, they weren’t the most collected individuals.
Still, your resolve was feeble, and Jungkook was a hot guy who apologized and wanted to take you out again. Your mind was filled with doubts and suspicions of ulterior motives, but in the moment, you couldn’t find it in yourself to reject him, at least not to his face. Thankfully, customers just walked in, an impatient looking group of older women who probably wouldn’t appreciate being kept waiting.
“I’m sorry, I have to go, people just came in.” Jungkook peered over his shoulder and his shoulders drooped in disappointment.
“Can I text you later then? Or you can text me, let me know if we’re on for round two?” He grinned, glints of hope in his eyes.
“Sure, I’ll text you.”
“Okay, cool. Sounds good! Then I’ll catch ya later hopefully.” He gave a little wave on his way out, and when you joined Taehyung at the counter again, you pointedly avoided looking at his smirking face.
When you get home, Jimin wasn’t there, not surprising. He usually went out on Friday nights, the more extroverted counterpart to your homebody nature. With the luxury of the whole apartment to yourself, you took a shower, took out your contacts and put on glasses that looked like you borrowed them from your grandma, put on the fluffiest, least sexy pair of PJs you own that had little hearts and sheep on it, an oversized college tshirt, cooked a pot of ramen, and started watching a space documentary on Netflix.
It was nice, being able to exist in a common space with wet hair and no bra, being able to ugly in peace without worrying about your hot roommate witnessing you in your natural state. You didn’t have a TV in your room so you were happy to watch something on a screen that wasn’t your laptop for once.
When all the noodles were finished, you placed the fork on the coffee table and began to drink the salty soupy remnants of the ramen by slurping it out of the bowl like it was a mug, the way kids do. It was when the bowl was at your lips, angled it so it largely covered your face that you heard the front door open, along with the voice of your roommate and the laughter of a woman.
You brought the bowl down immediately and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. “Jimin, hi,” you said with a small voice, your cheeks flaming red.
“Oh hey,” Jimin smiled, “sorry, I should’ve warned you. I thought you’d be hanging out in your room. Amy, this is my roommate, _____.” The woman nodded curtly at you, a stiff smile stretching her plump, glossy lips.
“Hello,” you waved, embarrassment making your palms sweat as you became painfully aware how toned her body looked under her elegant black dress, and how much of a slob you were in comparison. “Nice to meet you. Um, do you guys want to hang out in here? I can go to my room, it’s fine.”
“No no, that’s alright,” Jimin said, “we’re just gonna be in my room.” A small suggestive grin tugged at the corner of his mouth and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes in his face. “I’ll see you in the morning okay? Goodnight!”
With that, he took his date’s hand and pulled her into his bedroom, and she followed eagerly. Her elated screeches and giggles could be heard after he closed the door.
With effort, you tried to erase the most recent moments of your life from your memory and resume your space documentary, but Carl Sagan’s voice could barely be heard over the moans and wistful sighs coming from the next room. You glared at the beige wall in front of you and turned up the volume a few notches. A few seconds later, you heard three sharp raps against the wall. Unbelievable.
With a scoff, you turned down the volume and tried to ignore the girlish yelps and the low grunts that you’d heard many times before from the previous women Jimin brought home. The deep, throaty groans shot straight to your gut, and it was all you could do to scurry into your bedroom and slam the door shut before your mind started to go to dark places.
This was how it usually went. Friday night, Jimin’s got a hot date, and you’ve got desire pooling in your belly and nothing to do about it but sulk. It was then that your phone vibrated on your bedside table.
Jungkook (11:35 pm): hey sry i know it’s late but have u decided yet ? can we go out again ?
You wanted to say no. You wanted to say that he blew it, that if he really wanted to go out again, he would’ve shown up on time and he would’ve picked a better place and he would’ve at least offered to pay since he invited you. But then you heard a high pitched whine, albeit muffled, but the sting was of it was fully felt. Jimin was in his bedroom having the time of his life, just like everyone else you knew on a Friday night, and you were in your PJs and your breath smelled like noodles.
Maybe you were getting desperate, but you liked the feeling of being pursued for once, even if it ended in disappointment again.
Me (11:38 pm): yeah i guess we could go out again
Jungkook (11:41 pm): cool! wanna get dinner tomorrow night ? i know this cool thai place, my treat ?
Well, at least he was offering to pay this time. You had the receipts if he wanted to back out. You could handle disappointment again if free food was involved.
Me (11:42 pm): sounds good, see you then
The following afternoon, you rushed home from work to get ready, but not without ducking most of Taehyung’s intrusive questions. (“Where are you going? What are you gonna wear? How did he get you to agree to go out again? Are you gonna fuck him?” “None of your business, I have no idea, I just feel like going out again, and fuck off.”)
Thirty minutes before the date you found yourself standing in front of your closet, at a total loss for what to wear. Getting dressed was generally a traumatic experience since nothing ever seemed to fit right, and a childhood of being taught to hate your body didn’t help your self-esteem.
Jungkook said he was taking you to a Thai restaurant, so you had to wear something nice without looking like you tried too hard. There was no avoiding it: you had to wear a dress, something you rarely ever wore. You never really got out of the college phase of wearing tights and tshirts, and at work there was no uniform, so you generally wore jeans and a simple tshirt.
In the end you decided on a cream colored mesh dress that had embroidered flowers on it. You tugged uncomfortably on the thin straps. Your shoulders and your upper back, and a lot of your cleavage was exposed, but that was the point. Exposure. You bought the dress thinking someday you’d be brave enough to wear it, and today was the day. You were going to push yourself out of your comfort zone because that’s what grown ups did. You weren’t an insecure little kid anymore.
Standing in front of the mirror, you inspected your appearance from every angle, and then lifted up your arm to double check you wore deodorant when suddenly you heard a sharp rap at your door. You yelped.
“What is it?” you called.
“I’m going out, just letting you know I’ll probably be late!” Jimin said from outside your door. You rolled your eyes. Of course Jimin was going out two days in a row.
“Sounds good!”
“What about you? Are you staying in?”
You froze. Internally you debated whether you should tell him you had a date, weighing the pros and cons.
Cons: He’d want to know who you were going out with and you’d either have to lie and make up someone new, or tell him you were going out with Jungkook, after which Jimin would probably judge you or chastise you or worse, pity you. He would also want to know all the details afterwards, and since tonight will probably end poorly at worst, mediocre at best, it isn’t information you want to relay to anyone, least of all Jimin.
Pros: You could ask him if you looked pretty in your dress. You could ask him what boys like when they went out with girls. You could ask him for advice, assistance, just anything that would help you feel less lost and vulnerable.
Your stomach spurned and you felt queasy. You decided to keep your plans to yourself.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna stay in, watch Netflix or something.”
Jimin’s fond sigh could be heard through the door. “Some things don’t change, huh?”
You gulped, taking in your appearance in the mirror. Forty minutes was spent straightening and styling your hair. You managed to tame the frizziness and create some loose waves. An additional thirty minutes was spent on your makeup. Hours of your life had been dedicated to watching makeup tutorial videos, so you knew how to do a golden bronze eyeshadow look with a shimmery lip, with some semblance of hope under layers of cynicism that Jungkook might want to kiss you.
Briefly you wondered what Jimin might say if he saw you like this. He’d never seen you dressed up before. You never bothered to look the least bit glamorous around him. Making an effort for him seemed pointless. He’d never see you as a viable girlfriend or hookup or anything really.
“Yeah, some things never change,” you murmured to yourself, hoping with all your heart that that wasn’t true.
You waited until Jimin left to go out. When you arrived at the restaurant, Jungkook was waiting for you outside. He was wearing a striped button up and skinny jeans, black boots, and silver hoops in his ears. It would always be a mystery whether it was his appearance or the heel of your shoe that made you stumble a little walking up the sidewalk. It was almost as mysterious as why someone as attractive as Jungkook would want to see you again. You wondered if the people outside were surprised that you were the one he was waiting for.
“Hey,” he greeted politely, briefly glancing down to do a once over, “you look um, really nice.”
Your cheeks suddenly felt hot, and you were grateful for the layers of foundation and concealer on top of your pink skin. “Thank you, you also look nice,” you said shyly, picking at the embroidery on your skirt. “Should we go in?”
“Yeah, of course! Here, watch the steps. Thank god I made reservations. I didn’t think it’d be this packed tonight,” Jungkook said, lightly touching your back and gently guiding you up the steps outside the main entrance. It was a cute gesture, something you’d seen guys do for girls in movies, and you fought to keep the smile off your face.
“I’m impressed,” you said, smiling, “most guys in college I knew wouldn’t have had the forethought to make reservations. They just winged everything.”
Jungkook let out a little laugh. “Yeah, that’s pretty much how it is, but I just wanted to make sure everything went well this time, since I fucked up last time.” Jungkook ducked his head, a characteristic gesture that seemed to indicate that he was nervous or embarrassed, or both. It was cute. He really knew how to play into the whole adorably clueless, but with the best of intentions schtick. At the front of the line, he greeted the waitress at the podium. “Hi, reservations under Jeon?”
“Yes, Mr. Jeon,” the waitress smiled, barely sparing a glance at you, “your table is right this way.”
Jungkook kept the hand on your back as you both followed the waitress. She seated you at a table by the window. “Please let me know if you need anything,” she said, addressing only Jungkook, whom she was still smiling at.
“Thank you,” he nodded at her. When she left, he picked up the menu. “This place has really great noodles. If you want any recommendations, let me know.”
Six minutes later it was decided that you would get the chicken and he would get the beef, and you were both allowed to try each other’s food because greediness was decidedly lame.
“So,” Jungkook said, “did you have a nice day today?”
You grinned at his attempt at making conversation. “Yeah, it was a pretty uneventful day. Just went to work.”
“Ah yes, at the coffee shop. It’s so cute that you’re a barista.”
You snorted. “Why is that cute?”
He shrugged and laughed, fiddling with a button on his shirt. “I don’t know, it just is. The coffee shop you work at is so lowkey and vibey, and then you’re just up there, making coffee. It’s a thing, trust me.”
His explanation made you laugh again. “If you say so. It’s less cute when there’s a line out the door and people are getting mad at you because they have to wait so long.”
Jungkook frowned empathetically. “Yeah, that doesn’t sound pleasant. They should expect to wait? And I’ve had the coffee where you work. It’s good, totally worth the wait.”
“Oh, you came by the shop?”
“Yeah, once a while back. You weren’t there.”
“I see. So where do you work, if you do at all?” you asked curiously.
“Oh, I don’t work,” he said, leaning back in his chair, “If I did, I’d probably fail all my classes.”
You nodded. “Fair enough.”
A different waiter brought you your food and arranged it on your plate. Jungkook stopped the man before he left. “Excuse me, could we also get two glasses of the house wine please? Oh sorry, _____, is that okay with you?”
You blinked, not expecting Jungkook to go ahead and order alcohol. You didn’t have anything against drinking, but you were a little hesitant to consume something that would lower your inhibitions in case you said or did something embarrassing. “Y-yeah, that’s fine, wine sounds great,” you finally decided, remembering that you were trying to go out of your comfort zone and do things you were afraid to do.  
Jungkook grinned when the waiter left. “Can I be honest with you?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” you said.
“I don’t actually like wine. I just thought you would be impressed if I ordered it.”
“What?” you sputtered, giggling. “Seriously?”
“Yes!” he laughed. “Thought it’d be classy and mature or something, I don’t know. Was it lame?”
“Oh jeez. Yes Jungkook, it was very classy and mature of you. Only thing is, I don’t much like wine either.”
“Oh my god,” Jungkook paused in the middle of swirling a fork into his noodles, “for real? We’re really gonna be sitting here drinking something we both dislike?”
You shrugged, biting into your chicken. “We don’t have to drink it.”
Jungkook’s shoulders drooped and he gave you an unamused, slightly hurt pout. “Oh… it’s just, I made a big thing about ordering it, and it’d be kinda embarrassing if the waiter came back and saw both our glasses left untouched.”
You giggled. “Fine, fine, I’ll sip it a little.”
“Thank you,” Jungkook said, doing a little bow. “We still good on trying each other’s food?”
After that, conversation came easy between you and Jungkook, which was a relief. The first date was so stiff and awkward, but so many factors were different this time. He picked a nicer place, he even showed up early, he complimented you. Maybe you were too cynical. Tonight could actually end up perfectly fine.
You heard your name being called, but it wasn’t Jungkook who said it. When you looked up at him, he gave you the same questioning look. And then it became clear. Standing about three feet behind Jungkook was the owner of the voice, your roommate Jimin.
“Jimin! Hey,” you said, smiling. Your expression faltered when he didn’t smile back.
“Hi,” he said slowly, “What are you doing here?”
Briefly, you glanced at Jungkook, then realized why Jimin looked so confused. Back at your apartment, you’d told him you were planning on staying in. You’d been caught in a lie. “Oh, um, yeah I… I decided to go out.” You hesitated, unsure whether you should introduce Jungkook, how you should even introduce him. Would it be too forward to call him your date?
“Ah,” Jimin nodded, his eyeline moving to Jungkook, “is this your date?” He walked forward until he was standing by your table.
“Um…” you started, looking at Jungkook, who’s eyes darted between you and Jimin with faint amusement.
“Yes, I’m her date,” Jungkook said, extending his hand to Jimin. “I’m Jungkook, and you are?”
Jimin’s eyes went imperceptibly wide as he took Jungkook’s hand. He glanced back at you, his gaze slightly confused and accusatory, but it was abundantly clear he was less than pleased. You shook your head apologetically, pleading him silently to be cool. “Jungkook. I see… I’m Jimin, her roommate.”
“Oh, nice to meet you,” Jungkook said.
“You too,” Jimin replied curtly. “Well, my date’s waiting back at our table so I can’t introduce her right now, but it’s wild that we ran into each other here, isn’t it?” You could feel Jimin’s eyes burning into you. You nodded, taking a sip of your wine, grimacing at the bitter, oaky taste.
Fingertips grazed the back of your hand where it was placed on the table. You looked up to find Jungkook looking at you curiously, a small smile at the corner of his mouth. His fingers brushed against yours in a gesture that signaled something like allyship, support.
“Well, we should get back to our date,” Jungkook said.
Jimin’s expression was unreadable, his stare focused now on your hand under Jungkook’s. “Right,” he said after a moment, letting a smile stretch over his face, “you two have a lovely time. I’ll see you back at home, ____.” The way he said ‘home’ made it sound like something intimate, something meaningful just for the two of you. He touched your shoulder and left his hand there, just for a moment, but the seemingly innocent touch was enough to send a shiver down your spine. And then he was gone.
“So, that was your roommate. Seems nice,” Jungkook said nonchalantly, taking a sip of his wine. “Fuck, that really is gross.”
You snorted. Suddenly you became aware that his hand was still covering yours. You moved your fingertips against the cloth in an attempt to stir Jungkook’s senses in case he forgot he was still touching you, but he didn’t budge. Instead he grazed his thumb against your knuckles. He was aware and full of intent, and maybe it was the wine going to your head, but the gesture made you sigh softly in contentment.
“Sorry about that,” you said quietly. “He was just surprised to see me. I didn’t tell him I was going out tonight.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I kinda mentioned how shitty our first date was, so that didn’t leave a good impression on him,” you said bluntly, surprised by your own honesty.
Jungkook blinked and sat up straighter. “Oh. Yeah, I get why he was glaring daggers at me now.” He grinned.
“He was not,” you muttered. “Wait, you’re joking right? I didn’t notice him doing that.”
“Oh no, he looked like he was ready to punch me.”
You frowned, chewing nervously on your lip. “He did look a little angry… don’t worry, he was just judging me.” You let out a fond laugh.
“Judging you for what? Going out with me again? That seems a little unnecessary. He’s not your brother or your dad or anything. He’s just your roommate. Why does he care who you’re out with?”
“He’s just a caring person. We’re really good friends, and also, I don’t do this much, this whole dating thing. He’s just watching out for me, you know?”
Jungkook nodded slowly. “I guess I understand…” He laughed. “I swear, I really thought he was your ex or something. Are you sure he doesn’t like you?”
You were about to take another sip of wine, but Jungkook’s question made you freeze. “Like me? Please, don’t be absurd.”
“Why is that absurd? You live together, you seem close. People can catch feelings being around each other for so long.”
You shook your head, another scoff of laughter escaping you. “He doesn’t like me.”
“Excuse me?”
Jungkook leaned forward and wove your fingers together on the table, a bolder gesture than before, one that made you sit up straighter and cross one leg over the other. “I bet you he likes you, and I know how to prove it.”
“Prove it?” you asked. Your voice sounded far away. All you could focus on was Jungkook, the collarbones peeking out from under his shift, the way his dark hair cascaded over his eyes, the slight smirk hooked at his parted pink lips.
“Mhm,” he nodded, “don’t look now, but your roommate, who you’re convinced has no feelings for you, is sitting about seven tables behind you, and he’s completely ignoring his date because all he’s looking at is us.”
The haze clouding over your brain parted momentarily. “Jimin’s looking this way?”
“Yeah.” With his other hand, Jungkook reached across the table and tucked a loose lock of hair behind your ear. The intimate gesture made you look away, but Jungkook wasn’t gonna put up with your shyness. He gave a sharp tug at your hand. “You’re cute when you’re shy,” he said, grinning.
His words paralleled Jimin’s own observation about you, and the memory of him, combined with the way Jungkook was looking at you like you were the unofficial off the menu dessert was a bit too much.
“Jungkook,” you murmured, “what are you doing?”
“Trying to prove you wrong,” he said, a teasing lilt to his voice. “Wanna play with me, _____? Here’s what I’m thinking. If I lean over and kiss you right now, I bet Jimin will react. If I’m right, I get another kiss. If I’m wrong, well, then at least I got to kiss you once.”
“Um, I…” You had no idea what to say. A large part of you didn’t believe that Jimin was actually looking at you, but some small part of you didn’t see why Jungkook would lie about something like that. Unless he was just teasing you to get you to kiss him.
And then there was the voice inside you screaming with joy that Jungkook was flirting with you.
Maybe if you hadn’t been drinking, you could think more rationally about this, but the part of you that never got to indulge in fun and spontaneity had been denied for too long. In lieu of answering Jungkook, you leaned across the table and placed your lips on his. You felt his sharp intake of breath through his nose, and then he relaxed and kissed you back, placing a hand on your cheek and angling his mouth, deepening the kiss.
You could taste wine on his lips, and he didn’t seem to mind when you lightly ran your tongue along his parted mouth. With a low growl, he cupped your jaw and gave you one last kiss. When you pulled away, his eyes were dark with lust and half-lidded.
“I was right,” he mumbled, tracing his finger along your jaw.
“Hm?” you hummed.
“Jimin looks like he wants to kill me.” Jungkook grinned, a look of victory and vindication. “See for yourself, baby.” He nodded in Jimin’s direction. Nervously, you turned around, and sure enough, Jimin was leaning back in his booth, staring directly past his date and straight at Jungkook with a look of murder in his eyes.
His eyes found your’s, and his gaze softened at the edges. Still, he didnt look happy. Quickly, he averted his gaze and took a sip of something amber from his glass, and then pushed back his hair.
You turned back to Jungkook. “See? He totally likes you. He looks so pissed that I kissed you.”
The waiter came back and Jungkook asked for the check. He pulled out his wallet and deposited his credit card inside the leather holder before you could look at the amount, but from the small glance you managed to sneak, it looked like a substantial price.
A warmth settled into your skin, and it wasn’t unwelcome. You found yourself smiling as Jungkook traced patterns against your knuckles. “Hmm, maybe he’s just pissed that I kissed the asshole who showed up half an hour late to our first date,” you teased.
Jungkook chuckled. “Fair enough, but wouldn’t you say I’ve made up for it with this one?”
“You think you can just buy me a fancy dinner and some wine and we can call it even?” you accused with no real malice in your voice.
“I mean, there’s more I’d like to do to you,” he murmured, glancing down briefly at your body. “The terms of my bet were that if I won, I would get another kiss. You seemed fine with those terms before. And since you still don’t seem to believe that your roommate’s into you, I have no problem taking you home and finding other ways to make him mad. You know, purely for research purposes. Gathering evidence. Gotta prove a point to this girl I know.”
You giggled. “That’s a bold proposition. You basically just said you wanted to fuck me to prove a point. Is that supposed to tempt me?”
Jungkook smirked. “Not gonna lie, I wasn’t expecting you to be so forthcoming. It’s really hot that you just called me out, but it’s true. You’re attracted to me, otherwise you wouldn’t have taken the initiative to kiss me. And that was a hot kiss. I bet if we fucked, it would be good too.”
Instinctively, you glanced around to see if anyone was listening to your conversation. Everyone seemed too invested in their own dates to care that Jungkook was trying to get you to fuck him. A lurch of insecurity brought you back to reality.
“Jungkook,” you said quietly, “you’re right. I’m not usually this forthcoming. I didn’t plan on giving you a second chance. I didn’t plan on drinking. I didn’t plan on kissing you. Cards on the table, this isn’t really who I am. I’m just trying to convince myself that I can be someone who can go with the flow, stop worrying about every little thing, but that’s not me. The real me still doesn’t understand why you wanted to go out with me again. A part of me still thinks it’s because you feel bad for me,” you rambled. “And now you’re playing this, this game? Are you being like this because you’re actually attracted to me, or because of some other reason? I’m sorry to ask and shatter this illusion, or whatever. This is just what’s on my mind.”
Jungkook tilted his head and released your hand. He inhaled. “Alright, let’s just slow down, okay? You haven’t shattered anything. I’m glad you told me what’s on your mind, because now I can set the record straight. I wanted to see you again because I ruined things the first time and I wanted to give this thing a fair chance. With that being said, I’m here because I think you’re hot. Everything I did tonight was so we could both have fun, and so that you’d be more inclined to sleep with me. I feel like I should tell you that because you appreciate honesty. Was I wrong? Are you repulsed by me now?”
Your lips parted. You weren’t expecting him to be this forthcoming, but he was right. His honesty was appreciated. You nodded in affirmation. “Do you really think I’m hot?” you asked quietly.
Jungkook let out a breath of disbelief. He grinned. “Yeah. I don’t know if I’ll get slapped for this, but I’ve had to stop myself from looking at your tits like ten times tonight. I wasn’t expecting you to show up here looking like this. You look beautiful. But even before tonight and our last date, when I saw your pictures and swiped on your Tinder profile, I did that with every intention of sleeping with you.”  
“Oh,” you said dumbly. “That’s… good to know.” You cleared your throat awkwardly and nodded.
Jungkook’s sharp features lit up with amusement. “Is it? That’s interesting. So you really like it when I’m upfront with you. I feel like I could use this information to my advantage.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed. “Apparently honesty is my new kink. Unfiltered, shameless honesty.”
“What’s there to be ashamed about? To quote you, cards on the table: I wanna sleep with a hot girl, dinner and wine is the extent of my romantic capabilities, and I’m not promising you anything more or less than amazing sex.”
“You’re promising that?” you scoffed playfully. “That’s a heavy promise, kid. I haven’t slept with anyone since my last boyfriend, and that was two years ago. My expectations have been building up. It’d be a shame if you had performance issues and I waited all this time for nothing, right?”
Jungkook’s jaw dropped open slightly and he looked absolutely indignant. “First of all, I’m not a kid. According to Tinder, I’m only one year younger than you. Second of all, that sounds like a challenge, and I can’t wait to win. Again.” Jungkook leaned in close until he was inches away from your ear. “Let me take you home and fuck you until you scream,” he murmured softly, “Two years is a long time to wait. I’ll fuck you so good you’ll forget your ex’s name.” His words sent jolts of pleasure and anticipation to the apex of your thighs. You squeezed your legs together and squirmed in your seat. “Plus,” he said, “wouldn’t it be fun to give Jimin a show? Let him hear how good I can make you moan?”
You reeled back. “Why are you bringing up Jimin again? That whole thing was just a ruse to get me to kiss you, right? This has nothing to do with Jimin.”
Jungkook’s eyes glittered with knowing and mischief. He was up to absolutely no good. “You’re lying. I saw how you reacted when he touched you. Anyone could see how much he affects you. It’s fine if you don’t want to admit it. I’m basically a stranger, but I have eyes. And from my perspective, you want him. I’m just hoping you want me too.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. He sounded so arrogant and self-assured. “Who are you to tell me what I want? You think from one interaction you understand my feelings?” With that, you stood up.
“Woah woah,” Jungkook stood up too, “I’m sorry okay? You’re right, that went a little too far, but you don’t have to leave,” Jungkook said.
“We both have to leave. Didn’t you say you were gonna take me home?”
Jungkook blinked. “You still want me to…?”
“You think after all this, I’m gonna stop now? I haven’t gotten laid in two years, Jungkook.” You chuckled, a little humiliated and regretful that you let that bit of information slip out, but if after all your ranting and your insecurities, Jungkook wasn’t turned off, then things are still good. “Did you drive here?”
“I did too. Follow me back to my apartment. Oh, and one more thing.” You pulled him in by his collar and kissed him again. His hands immediately found your waist, gently but firmly holding you against him, and he moved his mouth against your’s. You pulled away. “Is Jimin watching?” you mumbled against his mouth.
“Yeah,” he breathed.
“Hmm, maybe you’re onto something. Or maybe Jimin just has a thing for watching people kiss,” you snickered.
Jungkook grinned. “I’m fine with either as long as you keep kissing me.” Jungkook peppered a row of light kisses against your jawline. “Your lips are so soft,” he mumbled. “I want them wrapped around my cock when we get back to your apartment.”
You playfully shoved his chest. “You college kids and your filthy mouths. We’re in public,” you whispered. He was unbothered, his grin only spreading wider over his eager face. He let you lead the way to the doors, and on your way out, your eyes inadvertently met Jimin’s wide orbs. His soft questioning gaze hardened once he saw Jungkook following you. You swiftly averted your eyes and walked out the door, Jungkook a couple steps behind you.
Fifteen minutes and a missed exit later, you were finally home, but you weren’t alone. Jungkook stood in your living room, watching as you kicked off your heels.
“Nice place,” Jungkook commented, the first exchange of words between you since you left the restaurant. “Did you just move here?”
Your brows scrunched in confusion. “No?”
“Oh okay. I was just wondering why you got lost and had to do a u-turn on the way to your own apartment.”
Your eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Sorry, I got nervous, sue me.”
“Nervous? About what?”
“Never had a random hookup before, haven’t gotten laid in two years, you know, all that embarrassing shit I let slip back at the restaurant.”
Jungkook shrugged. “I’m not judging you. I really just care about one thing, and I stopped feeling bad about it the moment you said you came out with me to prove something to yourself. Technically, you’re using me too. Let’s not pretend either one of us is better or worse than the other.”
You nodded, letting his insights sink in. “Wow, you just keep dropping these pearls of wisdom all over the place today,” you deadpanned. “Got anymore truth bombs you wanna blow me away with?”
Jungkook plastered on a fake smile. “No, I think that’s it.”
“Great. My bedroom’s this way. Let’s do this before I change my mind.”
Jungkook snorted, but followed you anyway. “You sure know how to make a guy feel special.”
“Oh, you mean like how special you made me feel when you told me you were just using me? I really loved hearing that,” you said sarcastically. Jungkook suddenly took hold of your elbow and spun you around, walking you backwards until you were trapped between him and the wall.
“I think you did,” he mumbled. His hand slid up your arm, coming up to firmly clasp your throat, his grip loose enough so you could breathe, but tight enough that it promised despicable intentions. “I think you actually loved hearing that I want to use you. I mean, I found you on Tinder of all places. No one looks for love or romance on Tinder. You knew what was up. You act like this is all so unexpected, and maybe it is, but that doesn’t mean this wasn’t exactly what you were looking for. Just a night of meaningless sex with a stranger, someone to stretch you out and fill you up like you’ve wanted for two years.” Jungkook’s other hand pulled down one strap of your dress. He left a trail of soft kisses against your newly exposed skin.
A whimper left your parted mouth when a row of sharp teeth grazed your collarbone. Your hands sought purchase, clinging to his shirt. You tried to pull him down and pull yourself up at the same time. There was more distance to bridge now that you didn’t have heels to support you anymore. The fist wrapped around your throat loosened, the free hand reaching down to hike up the skirt of your dress. His fingers climb up the back of your thigh until his palm met the fabric of your underwear. He squeezed the flesh of your ass, pulling your hips against his.
Your hands gripped his shoulders, your head bowed against his chest to hide your face. Sex with your ex boyfriend had never been like this. It was boring, customary. It felt like a formality, something you did because that was what people in relationships did. He never made you cum either—he never lasted long enough.
“Jungkook,” you moaned.
“Hm? What is it baby?”
“I want that, what you said, but I’m nervous. I’m sorry,” you whimpered. “Can we go to my bed?”
“Yeah, if we can find it. Where’s your lightswitch? Can’t see shit in here—”
“No. Lights off,” you said firmly. “Bed’s this way.” You took Jungkook’s hand and led him to your bed. “Um, sit.”
Jungkook chuckled. “Yes ma’am.”
In the darkness, being naked felt less intimidating, especially next to someone as physically imposing as Jungkook. It was a scary thought that Jungkook would feel your body, all the places you were soft instead of toned. Your confidence with your body had been a tumultuous journey. It took a long time, but you were finally at a place where you didn’t hate your body anymore, but that didn’t mean you loved it either. One of the biggest reasons you hadn’t been with anyone in so long was exactly this, the fear that someone would be repulsed by your body.
It was one thing for Jungkook to think you looked hot in pictures, or glammed up with a pretty dress at a restaurant with your hair and makeup done. It was another thing to be naked with him. You couldn’t turn back now, you thought, reaching behind you to pull down the zipper of your dress.
“Need help?” Jungkook asked. You nodded and he reached out for your hand, guiding you into his lap. His arms wrapped around you, one hand brushing your hair away from your clasp of your zipper and the other hand tugging it down. “You look so pretty in this dress. Lift your hps, baby.” You complied. He bunched up the skirt and lifting the garment over your head, leaving you in your bra and panties. “Got all dressed up to see me,” he said softly, “made your lips all shiny, made me want to kiss you the whole night. You had your tits pressed up in this fucking bra all night. God, I’m so glad you agreed to fuck me.”
Jungkook’s hands landed on your thighs, squeezing a little. His own felt so solid and strong and you resisted the urge to grind down on them. He must’ve sensed your squirming because he started trailing his fingers up your sensitive inner thigh.
“Can I touch you?” he asked, fingertips inches away from your pussy. You were soaked, you could feel it, smell it. The thought that he could smell your arousal too made you glad he couldn’t see how embarrassed you looked.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, “touch me.”
Jungkook’s fingertips brushed against your pussy over the lace of your panties. The small caress alone had you hunching over, pulling him closer and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Does that feel good? You want more?” he said, stroking your pussy.
You nodded vigorously. “Please,” you whimpered.
“Then ride my hand.” Jungkook laid his hand flat against your pussy. “Show me how much you want it.”
When you hesitated, he stroked you again, wedging the ends of his fingers between your pussy lips, still covered by your drenched underwear. Slowly, you started to move your hips, arching your back to angle your clit downwards. Everytime you brought your hips forward, your clit brushed against Jungkook’s palm. Soft moans fell from your lips, your head hung downward.
“That’s it, you’re doing good. Take what you need,” Jungkook told you, encircling his arm around your waist and urging you to go faster. “You’ve never done this before, have you?”
You shook your head.
“That boyfriend you had didn’t deserve to be with you.”
You scoffed, still riding his hand. “You know nothing of it,” you muttered. “You don’t need to say that to me. I don’t need sympathy.”
Jungkook’s thumb then started stroking your clit, his fingers rubbing against your folds, breaking you out of your rhythm and making you gasp his name. “You know what? You’re right. I don’t feel bad for you, because you chose to be with him. I just think it was a waste that you dated this guy and you never got to experience this. Bet he didn’t even make you cum.”
You growled then, anger infusing with your arousal, and you covered his hand on your pussy and pressed down, rubbing harder to get more friction. “Shut up.”
“Oh, we’re sensitive about it,” he mocked, removing his hand. You whined at the loss of contact. “My hand’s soaked, you were dripping out of your panties. Gonna fuck you now, alright?”
Your breath caught in your throat, but you nodded anyway. “Yeah, fine.”
“Go lay back by the pillows,” he told you, “since you probably want it missionary right? I was gonna ask you to ride me, but I think that might be too much for you. Want me in control?” Jungkook’s tone was a little teasing, but you could tell he was looking out for you, trying to assess what would make you feel good.
“You can be in control,” you mumbled, climbing up your bed and laying down like he instructed. “Just… start slow, okay?”
He hummed. “I’ll try, but I’ve been thinking about how tight you are all night. I mean two years… fuck.” In the dark, you could make out the outline of him. He unbuttoned his shirt. Then you heard him unbuckling his belt. His clothes fell in a pile on the floor. It was when the bed shifted that you knew he was climbing up over your body, kneeling between your legs.
Two fingers hooked into your panties. “Okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you breathed, doing the work for him and peeling your panties down your legs in a rush, exposing yourself fully to him. “Um, I’m assuming you have condoms, because you sure as fuck know I don’t.”
He chuckled. “Yes, I already put it on.”
“Oh, okay good. Sorry, I’m a little out of sorts.”
“You still wanna do this? It’s okay to say no. We can stop everything right now,” Jungkook told you, placing his hand gently on your knee. For a fuckboy in college, he was remarkably considerate.
“Hell no,” you muttered. “No way we’re stopping. You promised me you’d fuck me and you promised it’d be good.” Your tone bordered on pouting but you couldn’t be bothered to care. “I just wanna feel good, okay?” You spread your knees, reaching out your hand. “Please make me feel good, Jungkook, please?” you said quietly, whining for his touch in an attempt to trigger a dominant kink he probably had buried somewhere.
“Shit,” he muttered, spreading your knee further open. You jolted when suddenly his fingers touched your wet pussy, wedging between your lips and spreading your wetness around your entrance. “Really? Just gonna beg me to fuck you like that, huh? God, why are the inexperienced ones always so fucking needy, it’s so hot.” He definitely liked being a dominant. “I gotta get you a little more ready, okay? If you’re gonna take my cock, you gotta take my fingers first.”
You nodded frantically, clenching your stomach as you felt the initial intrusion. Slowly, inch by inch, he sheathed two fingers fully inside you. The stretch was uncomfortable, but not as painful as you expected—but then again, you hadn’t been touched in two years and you were so wet your underwear had to be peeled off you.
“Feel okay?” Jungkook asked. “You’re so tight, god. I need to stretch you out a little more. Can you take three fingers?”
“That’s fine, I can take it,” you said, grimacing when you felt another digit enter your tight hole. “Wait, slower please,” you winced.
Jungkook complied, taking his time to move his long fingers in and out, his thumb slowly circling your clit. Jungkook hooked his fingers and brushed against your upper wall. In response, you cried out.
“Ah… wait, keep going, that feels good,” you whimpered. And then a door slammed. You yelped.
For a moment, you froze. “Sounds like your roommate’s home,” Jungkook whispered, followed by a devious chuckle. “Wanna make you moan again, want him to hear you,” he urged, circling his thumb quicker around your clit and pressing his fingers deeper inside.
“Jungkook,” you moaned, barely over a whisper.
“Come on, you were just making so much noise, why’d you quiet down? Don’t you want Jimin to hear how good I’m making you feel?”
Indecision clouded your brain. You were two warring halves. One part of you was embarrassed. You weren’t the girl who went out and brought someone home. You were never that adventurous, never that sexy. This didn’t feel like you.
But a needier part of you wanted to prove that it could be. And as twisted as it was, you wanted Jimin to hear you. You wanted him to know that he wasn’t the only one who could fuck around.
You let out a kittenish mewl as Jungkook rubbed your clit furiously. You brought him down for a messy, wet kiss. Entangling your fingers in his hair, you slipped your tongue into his parted lips and licked into his mouth. The pressure below your stomach was building and you arched your back.
“That’s more like it,” Jungkook praised as he pulled away. His fingers slipped out of you. “Need my cock in you now,” he said, lining up his cock with your entrance. In the dark, all you had to go by was feeling, and the head of his cock felt massive against you. He rubbed it against your folds, swirling your juices with his precum, brushing his cock against your clit a couple times.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, spreading your knees wider to accommodate him, but the action felt futile. He was big, he was going to stretch you out, and it was going to hurt. Inevitable. “Okay, I’m ready,” you told him, trying to unclench and relax as much as possible, but the anticipation was still making you tense.
Jungkook pushed in, holding his shaft and slowly getting deeper. You cried out, digging your nails into your mattress. The pain was worse than you thought. If you’d gotten a look at Jungkook’s cock, you would’ve had a better idea of what you were getting into.  
“You okay?” Jungkook grunted. He propped up one of your knees and you were happy to accept the help. Your energy was slowly being drained, all of it being used to breathe through the intrusion that was splitting you in half.
“Ye-yeah, I’m good,” you panted, “are you, are you almost in?”
“Um, like halfway,” he said. “Can you take anymore?”
“Yes,” you said with resolve, “yes. Keep going, just go slow, please.” You held onto the pillow above your head, turning to your side and squeezing your eyes shut. You didn’t recall losing even your virginity being this intense.
After what felt like hours, Jungkook filled you to the hilt. He was panting above you. “Shit, I didn’t think you’d be this fucking tight. It still hurts a lot, doesn’t it? Tell me to stop, and I will. Or just tell me when you want me to move.”
You gasped, trying to even out your breathing. The pain was starting to subside, giving way to an aching between your legs, uncomfortable, but not intolerable. “Move, now,” you gritted out.
Jungkook started pulling out and you inhaled sharply through your nose. This wasn’t the hot, fast hookup you envisioned. This wouldn’t be easy, but you were going to stick it out until it felt good. You owed yourself that.
“Better?” Jungkook asked when he was halfway in.
“A little,” you winced when he was almost out, just his tip at your entrance, “just, start moving. I just need to get used to it.”
You heard his exhale of relief. His sweat was starting to meld with yours. He must’ve really been holding himself back. Slowly, he pushed back in. He held himself up with one hand braced on either side of your head, his hips pushing into you with precision.
After a few minutes, the pain became a dull ache. Your pained groans turned into a staccatoed gasp. “That’s good, that feels good,” you whispered.
“Really? Want it faster?” Jungkook muttered.
You nodded, a wistful sigh. “Yeah. Thanks,” you panted, “for going slow. I’m good now, I promise. Just, fuck me, fuck me please.”
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice. He readjusted, hiking up your knee and leaning forward. The new angle let him go deeper and faster. He snapped his hips into you, shaking free gasps and moans from your throat. “Good. I knew you could do it, I knew you could take my cock well.  Love hearing how good I make you feel. Don’t hold back, yeah? Be a good little needy slut and moan loud for me,” he growled. He pushed down the cups of your bra until your breasts were freed. He cupped one of them, squeezing. “Feels so fucking good inside you, so soft inside this dripping cunt,” he groaned.
Jungkook rutted his hips faster, almost aggressively. “Oh my god, Jungkook, I’ve never been fucked like this,” you gasped. Your toes curled and you wrapped your legs around Jungkook’s waist, bringing him closer to you. The pressure at the junction of your bodies was mounting, on the verge of snapping. You were going to fall apart soon. “Fuckfuckfuck I’m so close, please, please make me cum Jungkook, keep going just like that,” you whimpered, certain that if he stopped now you would lose your mind, what little of it was still intact.
His thumb started circling your clit again, his face tucked into the crook of your neck, his lips whispering obscenities into the bruised skin there. “Gonna come for me, huh?” he mumbled, his words punctuated by the slap of his pelvis against yours. “Gonna come all over my cock like the filthy little slut we both know you are?” Jungkook sped up, his hips slamming into you now. High pitched moans spilled out of your throat as you moaned his name. “There you go baby girl, say my name. Don’t let Jimin doubt for one second what’s going on there, what I’m doing to you, what he’s missing out on.”
“Oh my god,” you mumbled, completely beside yourself now that Jimin was once again in your thoughts, the cut of his hip bones when he walked around shirtless, the veins that resided there and along his toned arms, the lingering touch he left on your shoulder, the cut of his jawline, that angry look on his face after he saw you kissing Jungkook, his pretty pretty face, those pillowy lips, how good he sounded all those nights you overheard him fucking someone else, his low grunts, how it would feel if it was Jimin between your thighs right now sliding in and out of you.
And then you were coming. “Fuck,” you hissed, “oh my god, oh my god, please, please Jungkook,” you almost sobbed. Nothing you’d ever accomplished with your hand, your dildo, or your ex had ever made you feel like this. The burst of pleasure was palpable in every corner of your body. Your body was quivering and your hands sought purchase in Jungkook’s hair, his shoulders, your pillow, anywhere to cling to and anchor yourself to something.
Jungkook came after a few more sloppy thrusts with a drawn out groan, filling you completely. When it was over, he pulled out and peeled off the condom, and fell on the bed beside you. Neither of you said anything. You couldn’t even if you wanted to. All you remembered when you dozed off was feeling jolts and tingles on your sex for minutes after you came, hearing your heartbeat pounding in your ears, and Jungkook’s exhausted pants to your side.
In the morning when you woke up, Jungkook was gone, leaving you alone to deal with the consequences of your spontaneous night of debauchery with a stranger, aka, a sleep-deprived, confused, and very angry Park Jimin.
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