#he wishes it was lews! he spends all season trying so hard to pretend it is! but lews has been dead for 3000 years & rand isn't him
markantonys · 8 months
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– Langston Hughes
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paras-atashnak · 7 years
Its time to meet the second 8 cast members for Nicolas’ Sims Big Brother Season 1!
Click HERE to see Part 1
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Miracle Robinson
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Name: Miracle Robinson Age: 22 Hometown: Bothell, WA Current city: Seattle, WA Occupation: Youtube Star Three adjectives that describe you: Sarcastic, musical, and athletic. Favorite activities: Football (Soccer), vlogging, and playing the guitar. What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Not being able to see my girlfriend! She’s my biggest support system and best friend, and it's gonna be hard not having her there if things get rough. Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I loved Bridgette Dunning from BB18, her competitive nature and personality were just so likeable. It’s a shame she was robbed but i base my strategy on her own! I really didn’t like Jessica and Cody from BB19, they were so bland and problematic. They managed to win over America solely on their looks and “charisma” or whatever but it was total bull crap! Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I know the “majority alliance” strategy is poor, so I wanna a strong core group of about four to five people who I can utilize for my game, without presenting myself has the bigger target in my group. I wanna use my athleticism to keep myself safe, but only really win com petitions that’ll utilize my own game, such as Power of Veto competitions. I want to undermine my game, up until the point that it’ll be good to share where I stand. Honesty is also very important once people are evicted, so i'm gonna try and avoid getting into pointless fights. My life’s motto is… When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine! What would you take into the house, and why? A soccer ball, so that i could play whenever I want! My guitar, cause I love to express my creativity whenever I can! My girlfriend, cause I love her! Fun facts about yourself: I’ve released a full scale album, I have 8 million subscribers on YouTube, I started YouTube when I was 14 years old! I'm the youngest woman of my family and I used to be in an all-girl punk band in college! ’ve released a full scale album, I have 8 million subscribers on YouTube, I started YouTube when I was 14 years old! I'm the youngest woman of my family and I used to be in an all-girl punk band in college! 
Ryder Bates
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Name: Ryder Bates Age: 28 Hometown: Houston, Texas Current city: Houston, Texas Occupation: Carpenter
Three adjectives that describe you: Relaxed, Fun, Happy Favorite activities: Building stuff, going hunting, spending time with my family What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Being away from Texas Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Cody Nickson. He seems like a good guy. Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Sure. My life’s motto is… work hard, play harder What would you take into the house, and why? The Texas Flag Fun facts about yourself: I like building stuff, going hunting, and spending time with my family. 
Rafael Torres 
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Name: Rafael Torres Age: 22 Hometown: Hartford, CT Current city: Los Angeles, CA Occupation: Tattoo Artist Three adjectives that describe you: Artistic, Intelligent, Sensitive  Favorite activities: listening to music, hanging out with friends, hoeing What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Being away from friends and family and not being able to express creativity. Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Janelle Pierzina Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Stay laying low for the first few weeks and building relationships, then making one loyal ally im honest with and snaking our way to Final 2 together.  My life’s motto is… Like I mean I don't even know why you girls bother at this point. Like give up, it's me, I win, you lose. What would you take into the house, and why? I would take my phone in if I could, but just for grindr or something because im sure these men will be a bunch of straight demons. Fun facts about yourself: I am an aspiring model as well as an actor!
Elizabeth Latour
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Name: Elizabeth Latour Age: 32 Hometown: Cornwall Current city: Cornwall Occupation: Hairstylist and Aesthetician Three adjectives that describe you: Funny, Loud, and Respectful Favorite activities: Reading, sleeping, doing hair, doing make up, taking care of people and knitting  What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Not being able to do my favorite things! Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I’m a big fan of people that are able to use strategy so people like Ika Wong, Dr. Will, and Vanessa Rousso. People that are very strategic but sometimes actually win competitions. Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Wing it, I guess Fun facts about yourself: When people first meet me they think I’m very shy and quiet but actually I’m very explosive and loud and talkative.
Salem Westcroft
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Name: Salem Westcroft Age: 22 Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland Current city: New Orleans, Louisiana Occupation: Psychic/Tarot Card Reader Three adjectives that describe you: Spiritual, Friendly, Intelligent Favorite activities: Reading tarot cards by far What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Being away from my cats. Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Jun Song. Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I'm gonna meditate a lot. Keep a level head. Hopefully if I keep to my rituals, the path to the end will reveal itself to me. My life’s motto is… What goes around, comes around. What would you take into the house, and why? My cards. I've given myself a reading every day since I was twelve. It's helped me prepare myself for things coming my way, and that would be very helpful in this game. Also my cats. I'm not used to falling asleep alone. Fun facts about yourself: I've lived in 20 states, I have seven cats, and I can stick both feet behind my head.
Alexander Thompson
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Name: Alexander Thompson Age: 23 Hometown: Seaside, Oregon Current City: Seattle, Washington Occupation: Scientist Three adjectives that describe you: Kind, Quiet, and Emotional Favorite Activites: Working in a lab, painting, and anything where he can work with animals. What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Not being able to be around a ton of animals, and having to socialize constantly with strangers. Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Rachel Reilly, she was smart and outrageous and not afraid to shake the game up. Do you have a strategy to win the game? Lay low initially and observe everyone to see how they tick. Try to adjust to the dynamic of this house because every big brother house is different. Play big brother like I play chess. My life motto is... don’t show all your cards at once. If you have an advantage, hold it. What would you take into the house and why? My pet fish Paul because he is my favorite friend, my microscope so I could take samples from the backyard and houseguest and do some beneficial research, and a good book, because sometimes I’ll probably need good entertainment. Fun facts about yourself: I have 47 animals that I live with and they are my family and I love them and I hope that they are safe while I’m gone.
Shae Patel
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Name: Shae Patel Age: 24 Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah Current City: Sacramento, California Occupation: Pro FPS Gamer Three Adjectives that describe you: Committed, lazy, open-minded Favorite Activities: Gaming, napping, doing make-up, watching tv What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I don’t really like being bossed around. I love working as a team. I need to do that on the daily. But don’t tell me how I should do things. That gets me worked up. Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Can I have two? I’m gonna say two people. I loved Bridgette from season 18. She didn’t take shit from anyone and was really vocal about being a feminist, which I admire. I also loved Ian in season 14! I thought he was so adorable and likeable. I still think Dan should have beaten him, but I loooved Ian that season. Do you have a strategy for winning the game? My favorite person game-wise was Jun from season 4. She had almost no loyalty to anyone and people still kept her. I want to play like that, except be more discreet about it. I don’t want people to know that I don’t have 100% loyalty to anyone. What would you take into the house, and why? I’d take my cat! His name is Lucio and he always knows just how to cheer me up if I’m feeling bad about myself. I’m gonna miss him so much! Fun facts about yourself: I know Hindi and ASL fluently, I’m allergic to seafood, and my favorite color is blue! But like navy blue.
Thaddeus Purdue
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Name: Thaddeus Purdue Age: 27 Hometown: Palm Springs Current City: New York City Occupation: Computer Programmer Three adjectives that describe you: Friendly, happy, and quiet What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Not being able to have alone time or decompress Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Danielle Reyes! She’s the robbed queen. I wish I had the heart to manipulate people like she did! Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I’d like to lay low and become friends with everyone. I want to feel people out before I decide who to pretend to trust and who not to. I’m not afraid to backstab, and I’ll definitely be the one to strike first. Hopefully I’ll get the alpha males out first and only work with women. My life’s motto is... Shit Happens. What would you take into the house and why? My nail clippers. I got some gnarly toenails. Three interesting things about me: I shower with the lights off. Demi Lovato once called me ugly. I have a murse (man purse)
The Premiere will be posted later tonight!
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