#he wont let someone elses university aspirations
wolfjackle-creates · 3 months
Answer My Call Chapter 2 Part 3
The second of the posts compiling all my snippets from the ask game. I'll try and get another out later today, but it might be tomorrow for the rest.
Story Summary: Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
Chapter 1: AO3, Tumblr
Chapter 2: First, Previous
Word Count: 1.3k
“Five months ago, he disappeared. I’d already started college, so I wasn’t home. But Sam and Tucker reached out and the three of us began searching. It… It took three weeks to find him. And another week to get him out. In that time… What we found… It wasn’t pretty. The guys in white—” Jazz cut herself off. That day would forever be branded into her memory and featured in far too many nightmares.
Todd made an encouraging noise, but didn’t interrupt.
Jazz took a steadying breath and forced herself to continue. “It wasn’t easy breaking in. And even harder breaking out. Danny was hurt and the agents were chasing us. We had on masks, but they knew who we were. We managed to cause some chaos, though. Released all the ghosts they had prisoner to mess up their scanners. Send them running in every direction.
“It was almost enough. We all got out of the building. But they’d figured out our path and were waiting for us. Sam, Tucker, and I managed to hold them back. Sending Danny ahead alone with the go bag we’d prepared him. He was supposed to either get back to Amity and cross the portal into the Infinite Realms or run north to meet up with the other Dani.”
“But he didn’t make it,” said Todd. A statement rather than a question.
“We don’t know. He never made it to Dani. And due to the breakout, the guys in white placed the town on high alert. There’s checks for everyone entering or leaving the town. If you’re suspected of pro-ghost sentiment, you’ll be brought in for questioning. Ghost shields are everywhere. Sam’s parents withdrew her from school because they didn’t trust her to follow the new rules.” She gave a watery laugh. “They were probably right. Then Tucker was offered a scholarship for a tech school in California. I was escorted back to Boston. Only time I went back was for his funeral.”
Todd nodded. “And they’re in your phones and computers so you can’t talk to each other.”
Jazz smiled wryly. “Yep. Tucker could’ve, probably has, developed something. A messaging program or whatever. But without being able to meet up with us to download it to our devices—” she shrugged “—we’ve no way to get it.”
“Okay, so we’ll start there. Restoring contact should be fairly easy if you all want it—”
“We do!”
“But I’m also worried about your safety. What will happen to you after you ditched your guard today?”
Jazz shrugged. “They’ll bring me in for questioning. Probably make me miss a quiz or something important for school to make it extra inconvenient.”
“What will the questioning entail?”
Jazz bit her lip and shrugged. “Before? Sitting me in an uncomfortable metal chair in an interrogation room like you might see on TV and keeping me there for… oh, up to twenty-four hours? Whenever my parents would find out and barge in yelling at them about how ‘No Fenton would support a ghost!’ or whatever. Now? I don’t know.”
“Do you think they’ll hurt you?” asked Todd. He was frowning. “After your brother, it sounds like they are capable of it.”
Jazz held out her hands. “Depends on if they know I’m liminal or not. I’m not as bad as you are. And especially no where near Danny’s level. I don’t think they’ve been able to detect it yet. But if they have their instruments that close and me captive for that long? I… I don’t know.”
Todd nodded. “That’s what I was afraid of. Look, they don’t know where we are right now and don’t have the means to find us at the moment. I can get you out of here. To a safe house in Gotham or Metropolis or, hell, anywhere you want. And we can reach out to Red Robin, see how things are going with your friend Tucker. Maybe extract him as well.”
Jazz’s mouth fell open. They could… get away? For good? To a Justice League level safe house? She burst into tears.
She might be able to see her friends again soon.
Todd moved so he was sitting next to her. Hesitantly, he put a hand on her shoulder. “So I take it you want to do that?”
Jazz nodded, then shook her head. “I don’t—I don’t know.”
“What don’t you know?”
Jazz sniffed. “I just—It’ll make it easier to find Danny. If we’re together. If we have to go somewhere.” She shook her head. “God, I’m going to sound like such a bitch. I love Danny. If it’s what we have to do to get him back, yes. Absolutely. But… It’s just… My degree. If I disappear halfway through the year for who-knows-how-long? I’ve been working to get into Harvard since I was ten years old. Since long before Danny had his accident.” She scrubbed at her eyes. “God, I’m such a bitch. My brother needs me. And if I go back, I’ll probably be detained long enough it’ll impact my grades anyway. And that’s if the Guys in White don’t just lock me up indefinitely.”
“You’re not a bitch,” said Todd, voice filled with some emotion she couldn’t put a name to. “Like you said, this has been your dream for practically half your life. But I think we can help you with that.”
She looked up at him in surprise. “How?”
Todd grinned. “I doubt your school would be able to complain or hold it against you if I had Kori—Starfire—tell them that you were needed for an urgent Titans mission. That you helped save the lives of countless people. Way I see it, they’d have to forgive your abandoned classes and allow you to retake them.” He hummed and looked up. “In fact, I’m pretty sure we could find a Justice League fund to pay for at least one semester of classes for you. Probably more. To make up for the money lost on this one.”
Jazz’s mouth fell open. “You’d do that? For me?”
“And your brother and sister and friends. It’s kinda what we do.”
Jazz nodded. “Yes, please. If you can do that, I’ll go with zero hesitation. I’d have given it all up for Danny, of course. But we’d both… not regret it. But he’d feel guilty he forced me to give up my degree and I’d always be a little resentful I had to. Not towards him, never towards him, but the Guys in White and Vlad and my parents.”
“Great. I’m going to call Arsenal and Starfire. I need one of them to get my car anyway. Left it parked back near our meeting place and I don’t think we should be going back anywhere near there if we can avoid it.”
“Then what?”
“Then I’ll reach out to Red Robin, see what happened when he went to meet up with your friend Tucker out in San Francisco. See if they’re up for an extraction as well. If I gave you a phone, would you be able to reach out to Dani-with-an-I?” He grimaced. “Do you have any other way to differentiate them?”
Jazz chuckled wetly. “Nope. Dani-with-an-I refuses to change her name. Says it’s her name and she’s not going to change it just because someone else had it first. And Danny-with-a-y hates going by Daniel or Dan. When they’re together, they drive us crazy with it.”
Todd grumbled something under his breath. “Fine, whatever. Just, do you have a way to contact her?”
Jazz nodded. “We’ve been too scared to, but if you can get me something with an internet connection, I can contact her and have her meet us somewhere.”
“Easy. I’ll have Arsenal bring us something that you can have to yourself rather than relying on borrowing our phones or computers.”
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do this, but thanks.”
Todd shrugged and stood. “I wasn’t going to just ignore you after seeing those messages. Now, try and get some sleep. It’ll be a few hours before my friends can get here.”
And that brings us to the end of Chapter 2!
Hope you enjoy. We've got the beginnings of a plan set up.
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essaysoneverything · 4 years
to the ones I’ve loved, could have loved, and will one day love
The first boy I loved was disguised as a man. Big and tall and almost strong. He drove a car. He had a credit card. He had a name and face that people recognized. He was 18. I was 15. I was lucky. That’s what everyone told me anyways. First their eyes told me how surprised they were that I had managed to get him, and then they loudly told me not to do anything to make him leave. 
My first taste of love was tangled in a bitterness so strong it changed my tastebuds forever. I didn’t look right. I didn’t speak right. I didn’t please him well enough. “Don’t do anything to make him leave” played on a loop in my mind. He had to hurt me because I wasn’t doing it right. He had to say those disgusting words to me because I needed to hear them so I’d be better next time. He had to find other girls because I wasn’t right. There were endless other girls for him, but no one else would have me. I believed him. When I finally left, I pretended to be a woman just as he pretended to be a man. Watch me look ugly. Watch me speak loudly. Watch me sit with my feet up. Watch me please another. I spent so long pretending I was grown that when I finally woke up, I really was.
The next ones were fine. Mostly. Some whose hearts I broke, some who broke mine, and some where our hearts were never involved at all. One passed me little slips of paper with drawings of creatures that we took turns adding features to until they were a mystical mix of his imagination and mine. One drove so slowly and safely I had to stop myself from grabbing the wheel and pushing his knee down to press the gas. Another drove so recklessly I had to close my eyes and pray to a god I don’t even know exists. One I danced with so wildly and made me laugh harder than anyone else ever has. One asked for a mixed CD he made me as a birthday gift back when we broke up. One insisted I was the only one in the world who could heal him so he flew to me, slept on my couch for a week, cried on my shoulder over his new girlfriend and left me $17.50 with a note saying “you’re the realest. See you when I see you” beside a wet towel and a pile of dirty sheets on my couch. One I thought for sure I could sip hibiscus tea on the edge of that creek putting flowers in his hair and listening to him read Irish poetry for the rest of my life.
One man I once imagined myself falling in love with feels more like a dream than a memory now. It’s hard to decipher what was real and what my brain has created trying to protect me. He had the soul of a 1940s French novelist in a fresh young body. His skin was always warm to the touch. He was a gentleman. Or at least he had the genuine intention of one day being one. The name of his cologne matched perfectly to who he was. I forget what it was called now, but it was something mysterious and sexy and sneaky. I think he saw me as exactly who I want to be. At first anyway. An artist. An empath. Someone passionate. Someone who works hard. I felt magical and beautiful around him. Comfortable. At first anyway. He was as close to the human embodiment of Icarus as anyone I have ever met. I had to stand on my tiptoes to reach him. Sometimes my arms weren’t long enough to pull him back down to me. My hands burnt from the hot wax dripping from his wings. Every word he spoke had just a hint of the lingering melody from the language spoken where he was born. It was like pure, warm honey in my ears. Romance that I had only read about. He really was one of the most beautiful things I have ever felt. 
I pretended not to notice when I saw his phone light up with tiny red hearts as he half-drunkenly snuck away from me. The air left my lungs when I felt him silently decide that he wanted to go home to her that night. It was a deafening shift. My body stung in the way that only happens when your blood doesn't know where to go to heal you first, so it floods everywhere all at once and sets you on fire from the inside. In that moment, I was standing completely alone in that crowded room, a thousand miles from him or anyone else. I was so embarrassed. I barely knew him, I should’t have cared so much, but I did. He never promised me I’d be his only one. He never promised me anything in fact, I knew that but I ignored that truth and let my hunger for him take over. We played pretend with each other for one more day after that. We are both terrible liars. By the time I turned around to pick a fig to feed him, he was gone and the heaviness of the truth finally soaked all the way through my bones.
He wasn’t gentle with my heart in the way his soft voice suggested he would be or how I imagine he wants to be someday. Maybe he is with other women. The end was cold and quick and then completely silent. Just as he had entered my life, quickly and surprisingly, he left in the exact same way. Knowing that while I was thinking about him, he was thinking about her stung for a long time. We were living in completely different cosmic realms in the same moments. When my six year old student asked me why my smile looked different, I told him I was sick of the rain. I am a terrible liar. 
I suspect I was only a soft place to land. An open ear and a body that was “different” as he called it. A temporary escape from reality. Something to tide him over. I am often the gentleness that people want a taste of. They drink me in until they are drunk on my tenderness and are freshly untangled, ready to leave again. I know this is innate in me and I like knowing that I exude the feeling of a safe shelter, but I am working on not letting that be my only identity anymore. I can’t be a home for tangled pain belonging to people who only intend on being strangers. For the ones I adore, I will untangle forever. 
It took time to forgive myself (and silently ask for forgiveness from him) for building him up to be someone made of pure gold. Someone beyond impossible for anyone to ever live up to. To acknowledge that I saw his eyes as mirrors showing me exactly what I wished to see instead of what was real. To hear words and believe them to be true. To relearn how to trust myself to trust again. To understand that is it okay not to be chosen. To understand that the solidity of roots sometimes outweighs the enchantment of the fleeting petals. 
I sometimes wonder if he ever thinks about me. If he does, I wonder what he remembers? I wonder what impression I left on him, or if I really did at all. Enough to float back down to me in the summertime and cover me in kisses and ‘I miss yous’ for a brief and blissful moment. Enough that feeling his warm, sun kissed skin and tasting his lips, salty from the ocean, instantly put a tiny crack in my freshly healed heart. He gave me an out but I didn’t take it. I wanted to see if it could be different this time. I could tell by the way he touched my eyelashes that he missed me. He asked me what I was thinking about before he kissed me. His lips were on mine before I could answer. A life jacket made of ice.
When I turned around to watch him wave to me as I walked down that forest path, barefoot, paint still wet, I knew that as much as I wished it wasn’t true, he was gone again. I could just feel it. I didn’t make the cut again. The drive was too long. The city was too much. He said everything felt dreamy. I meant him and he meant everything but me. The same flooding fire burned inside me when I had to force my frozen fingers to send him a note asking him not to drift back to me unless he felt sure of what he was able to bring to a connection with me. I finally know my worth and the level of respect and effort I deserve from the people in my life. I need connection rooted in friendship and trust where I am never afraid that every time will be the last. That every kiss will be the last. Every word will be the final one. 
I will never convince or plead for anyone to come back to me (no matter the depth of my want to) because I can only fight for what fights for me now. Whether in friendship or lust or love or anything else, I can only yearn for what yearns for me. I have spent countless hours pining for apathetic souls in my lifetime. I wont do that to myself again. 
I still think about him once in a while. I hope he will always keep his beautiful, dreamy, spontaneous, sparkling eyed passion. Maybe I’ll see him again one day and we’ll meet as the gentleman and gentlewoman we both aspired to be when we first met. Or maybe the universe only brought him to me as the embodiment of important lesson I needed to learn.
The next person I love will bring me apricots or plums or cherries from their trees and tell me truths and make me laugh and walk on uneven sand for me. They will be steadfast and present. I will be the same for them. We will untangle each other, equally. No need to convince. No need to plead. No need to tether. Just sun soaked sweetness. Rooted.
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eunjjjis · 5 years
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          𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 : #KANG SEULGI | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER | BISEXUAL - EUNJI MIN is a TWENTY-TWO year old AUDIO ENGINEER STUDENT & DANCER AT DD’S that moved into apartment B2 a good TWO YEARS ago. the CAPRICORN has been in town for THREE YEARS overall and is well known around seattle ridge for being +CONFIDENT and +PERSISTENT, but has a reputation of being -STOIC and -MOODY. guess that’s why they call them the PARIAH around these parts! 
          i know i know, i’ve done this many times already but a new face means a new personality, so here’s an updated eunji !! ( everyone who liked my plotting post i left on her, i will soon hit up your dms to plot !! ) 
eunji min was born on january 3rd, 1997 in palm springs, california 
a boring, hot, and pretentious city she’ll never go back to, mark her words
she comes from a family of two, her and her mom and that’s it
her mom can’t tell her who her dad is because well, she can’t remember which of her bfs knocked her tf up with eunji !!
her upbringing was something else, her mom not being the best in regards to raising her properly but eunji will be damned before she lets anyone talk badly about her 
her mom owns a hair/nail salon which is good business but deffo not always how the bills were paid, her mom having uh other means of getting by through her bfs/men she talks to 
so there were definitely times when eunji would come crawling out of her room for breakfast to see some guy sitting on her couch to which she would have a stare off with before crawling back to bed, deciding she wasn’t hungry anymore 
school was a whole other thing, eunji didn’t really have many friends for a variety of reasons that people were quick to judge her ( which, she doesn’t blame them, eunji judges everyone else ) making her out to be a bitch due to her resting bitch face or that she thought she was better than everyone else 
when really, eunji just stayed in her lane and if thats what they thought of her then it just be like that, she has no reason to stress about opinions from people she doesn’t talk to 
at one point during her highschool career she moved out from her moms, it was her sophomore year and her and her mom got into the biggest fight regarding one of her many bfs and well, her mom took the boyfriend’s side instead of her daughter’s.....so eunji packed up and moved in with her cousin up in l.a halfway through her sophomore year and she finished hs there whilst working retail jobs here and there to help her cousin with rent/bills
in hs she took dance classes, both in and out of school and the only reason she could afford out of school was because her cousin was given free classes due to her job that she passed on to eunji instead because she had no time what with bar tending and then working shifts at denny’s trying to make ends meet, she thought her little cousin should live a little, like a TEENAGER and enjoy things 
those dance classes became everything to eunji, and within them she met someone who also took pole dancing and told eunji all about it ( this is necessary for later on ) all she needed was a parent or guardian signature to let her in, and those were classes she paid for herself with the money she saved up that didnt go to necessities or bills  
anyways, l.a was a whole new world to her. it was dirty, it was packed, the traffic was shit and the streets smelled gross and yet she loves it, she loves it more than she could ever love palm springs because no one cares there, and theres more culture and she can easily get lost and find her way back again 
so shes been grinding from a young age, trying to make it on her own and become independent 
when eunji graduated she had applied to berkley, ucla and one out of state university ( ahem, here in seattle ridge ) and whereas she was accepted to all three, the moment she saw the acceptance for seattle she was quick to pack up and LEAVE 
her first year was spent in a dorm before she finally moved out -- but during that year she was working 2 jobs, one at the dinner and then one at a gas station and it was TERRIBLE for her health
so, the second semester after having saved enough for an apartment, she auditioned for DD’s dancers and got a callback and finally got a job there which, due to her talent she manages to make MORE than she did working both jobs which is great because she has school and bills to pay for and all her things and her SAVINGS 
up at 6am for a 7am class which she gets out at 2pm and then homework and then a shift at work and then its just rinse and repeat from there 
she has aspirations of becoming a producer, maybe throw in some vocals but the vocals part is just a fantasy so she’d rather stick to making beats that reflect her personal style 
it had started out as a hobby, something a guy once taught her in hs and HE SUCKED but she ( being the fast learner she is ) got the hang of it QUICK and fell in love with it
think donna from the 70s show lowkey, lowkey 
she’s reserved, sometimes even shy when she meets new people despite her confidence when shes on stage or in private room dancing for someone 
but, shes definitely not afraid to be upfront and if she doesn’t like you she lets you know
her sarcasm could be taken literally sometimes which isn’t good because it’s just how she is, her humor is a little dark and sometimes mean and some ppl dont take well to that 
and her tolerance for people runs slim anyway
but that’s only if she finds you irritating and unbearable, shes known to clash with people
once you get past that though, shes actually very caring to the point where she takes care of others more than she takes care of herself 
shes the friend that when everyone is drunk shes drunk too but taking care of you and making sure you have a bag to throw up in, or holding your hair back, or rubbing your back while intoxicated herself 
you kinda just, have to keep peeling at her layers 
2000s vibes !!!!! but a little edgy and modernized !!!
think suki from fast and furious ( hehe thanks rox ) !!!!
baby phat fan !!!
sunglasses, redbull with a straw, lip gloss and hoops are all she needs !!!! 
her music taste is early/modern r&b and grunge, some pop here n there
her current hairstyle is bad boy era seulgi !!! bangs are a look !!!
the jackie to her donna ( 0/1 ) : basically complete opposites that somehow stuck together and are what people would consider best friends because they’re always there for each other despite eunji sometimes finding the other slightly annoying but with FONDNESS, 10/10 eunji will stab someone for them that hurt them 
hook-ups ( 0/2 ) : nothing more nothing less, they dont even need to get a long but someone or some people to blow off steam with before they’re each back to minding their own business until that one late night call, definitely no feelings because eunji wont allow it !!
enemies/frenemies ( as many lol ) : eunji isn’t bound to get along with everybody, be it whether they find her to be too sarcastic, or she comes off bitchy or eunji doesn’t like them be it for the most dumbest reason or because she doesn’t like their personality, etc i just want shade, and shit-talking, some drama here and there 
regulars at her job ( uhh idk ) : people who request her daces at work, it doesn’t have to mean anything they could just be friends who support her or hey maybe they’re trying to get something out of it, the possibilities are endless i fink
i could write more but it’s literally 6 minutes before 4am so i gotta publish this ahksjdhfk but feel free to hmu or like this ig and i’ll slide into those dms !!!
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YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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· 5w
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
"I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment."
"But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."
Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
 omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
"I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment."
"But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."
Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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But fr, cats are so amazing and I hate how they’re stereotyped as mean demons full of hatred that want to watch the world burn.
My baby kitty sleeps on my pillow every night to be close to me, and rests his head on mine. He gets excited when I get home and runs to greet me and say meow meow meow (roughly translates to “hi mom, I missed you”), and comes to me when I make the special kissy noises at him. He’s happy and loves head pets, he gives me kisses, he comforts me when I’m depressed or upset, he enjoys spending time with me, and he loves to play mouse-on-string-on-stick (now mouse-on-string-on-stick-with-duck-tape-on-ruler) together. He doesn’t randomly attack me or tear up everything he see’s. He’s calm, sweet, and yes, even caring (see “comforts me when I’m depressed/upset”).
Stop assuming all cats are the devil just because they don’t like you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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vidaandthecity · 7 years
From Breakups to Wake Ups.
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“I kinda always knew I’d end up your ex-girlfriend”…
That was my jam. It’s the year 2000 and I’m laying in my room, old school stereo that lit up in neon blue lights this No Doubt hit was the sound track of my life. It was on repeat as I sang along with Gwen Stefani, rolos in my hair, smudged nail polish, trying to figure out what went wrong with this last guy, or the one before him. Was I cursed? Maybe. Or was it payback for the brujeria that I attempted on them.
What did I do wrong? Was I too demanding? Too soft? Did I say something out of pocket? Was I not pretty enough? Was I too sexy? Not sexual enough? Too smart? Too outspoken?
It’s a foolish and very dangerous line of questioning that all women expose themselves to at the end of a failed love affair. As of lately, my two younger sisters recently going through their own breakups; have gotten me thinking about my own past relationships and all the breakups that I experienced in my life especially in my 20’s.
If I told you that the post breakup me was always on some bad ass, fuck the world, dust myself off, whose next vibe; well that would just make me a bold faced liar. Some of these breakups, the ones involving men that had managed to love me or somehow had me convinced that I loved them, had broken me. Parts of me had eroded and dissolved with each break up. Parts of me that I thought could not be shattered were now drifting away in the Coney Island waters. This was my place of solace. These breakups made it impossible to trust, to fall in love with anyone other than the concept of love.  Ask me today if I’ve ever been in love. The answer might surprise you.
Now much wiser and slightly older, I feel for my sisters. I sympathize for both the one who feels nothing and the ones who feels it all deeply. I especially worry for the one who feels nothing, for being numb stunts growth.  Today I put myself in their shoes because I know what can come from these emotional waterfalls when you are young and inexperienced.
We never see how beautiful breakups are while we are knee deep in that shit crying into our pillows, deleting all his photos off our social media, or washing his scent out of our bed sheets. We see the beauty years later when we bump into that same miserable ex, still chasing the same miserable nothingness, looking like shit, and dating a younger bootleg version of us, because that’s all he feels worthy of.
The beauty of the breakup lies in the mending of self. Its attaining that aha moment; the quintessential “wake up” of the breakup.  The wake up that becomes that internal realization when that little voice is finally heard screaming at the top of its lungs, “Fuck him! I deserve better than this!!” We as women evolve with each break up. We get closer and closer to Mr. or Mrs. Right as we peel these ex-lovers off our skin. We begin to finally put a face, a voice, a style, a placement of ethics, family values, artistic vision and a moral code onto the ideal lover that would best suit who we are and what kind of love we long for. We begin to lay down our expectations of how we should be treated and how we deserved to be loved.  We slowly prioritize our self-esteem and guard our hearts with a dignified glory. And we finally demand that these needs be met as we deliver ourselves once again.
In my early 20’s I dated an aspiring rapper. Ahhh … the always desirable and never attainable musician, a weakness in the long list of men that quickly show us the harsh realities of dating and even harsher realities of uncoupling. Lets call him Josh.  Josh was a very materialistic, egotistical, broken man, who struggled with his sense of self.  Of course when you think you’re in love you do not see these things till way after the damage is done. In my eyes, he was a talented aspiring musician, with a romantic side and a nice smile.
I fell for Josh at a time when my personal life was chaotic. My father had been arrested, all the family truths had finally been exposed, we were in financial ruins, and my family was about to move to Florida. So of course I clung to Josh in all his cold, dry, and disconnected splendor. And his dream of being a famous rapper became my dream. I left Florida and came to NY to be with him, and the rest was dating disaster history.
As I plunged into helping him with his dream, burning cds, selling cds, going to his late night shows that always took place in seedy bars with bad music I began resenting him more and more. But as you know ladies, we try to glue things back together. So I held on in hopes that it could be fixed, in hopes that this was not broken.
One day Josh was getting all dapper for what had now become his weekly hometown trips to Connecticut (trips that I was never invited to.) Straight out of the shower I saw him do something I had never peeped before. He had taken his bottle of cologne and doused himself with the good smells. But one move in particular caught my eye. As I’m watching him spray himself, standing naked in front of the mirror, I see him take a final spray to his privates. And as if I was in a movie with a slow motion special effect, it finally hit me, “Oh my god this asshole is cheating on me.”
I said nothing. I let him go to Connecticut. I knew without knowing that there was someone else. At his return, tired from his trip he passed out in the middle of the day, as I was cleaning. An hour into his nap his cell phone began to buzz and buzz and buzz. In my naiveté I looked at his phone, (which I never did) because I really thought maybe there was an emergency, his mom was sick, or something terrible had happened.
And there were the text messages sprawled out before me.  “I can’t wait to see you again.” “I had a great time with you last night.” “I’m starting to fall in love with you.”
Now what follows is exactly why I chose this break up to write about over any other one. And trust me there were many to choose from. But out of the men I dated, out of all the separations I had, this man Josh, was the meanest, the coldest, the most emotionally ruthless, careless, and callous man I had ever encountered. This might not sound surprising, but you just take into account that I dated all kinds of men. Criminals, drug dealers, ivy league scholars, business owners, wealthy, poor, artists, musicians, all nationalities, older men, younger men, even religious men. And out of all of these men, his approach to ending our shindig was the cruelest. And in that cruelty I reaped the greatest rewards.
When confronted, despite the hurt in my eyes and the tears that rolled down my face, Josh flew into me with a rage I had never seen. A rage because I had the audacity to go through his phone, rage for getting caught, rage for being confronted with who he really was, and a rage because whether or not he loved me, a part him knew that he would never find another woman as loyal as me. Word.
He quickly and boastfully owned it.  Exclaiming with his arms in the air, “Yeah I’m cheatingI Yeah I fucked her! What are you gonna do about it? Oh and by the way, I don’t love you anymore!” I smile now remembering it because he wanted so bad to break me, yet all he managed to do was release me.
Unfortunately, because we were living together he needed about a week to find a place and leave. I had packed all his shit in boxes that laid piled up in the hall way. During that time he did everything in his power to sprinkle salt in my wound, like openly talking to this new girl in front of me making sure I heard everything that was said. Reminding me how he had been wanting to leave me and break things off, how he was never in love with me and so on.
On our last day together, after he had moved the last of his belongings, he wanted to have a final conversation with me. He sat me on the bed as he held a present wrapped in green foil. He starts, “Look, no hard feelings.  Things just didn’t work out. Don’t hate me. I even got you a present.” I take the box with no intentions of opening it. He insists I open it in front of him.  I open the box to find a dildo. I was shocked that he would stoop that low to get a rise out of me. He smiles and says, “ I got it similar to my shape and size, so you wont miss me as much, “ and marched out the door smiling ear to ear.
For a long time I was afraid to tell anyone that story. I thought it was a reflection of me somehow. Like for a dude to diss and disrespect me to that major galore level maybe there was something wrong with me. I know better now.  I now tell that story proudly with my head held high. I wrote a poem about it and this article which I hope will remind all the ladies who are now going through a tough breakup just how lovely and amazing they are and how they deserve to be with someone who sees that beauty as well.
I know now that this was all about him and what an insecure and damaged man he was. I now know that I dodged a major bullet and from that moment on I instantly knew how to spot, identify and totally avoid people like him.
Years later he attempted multiple times to add me on social media, to befriend me and reconnect. A request I never entertained. Not because I haven’t forgiven him, I forgave him many years ago; but because toxic people do not deserve any space in my universe. A lesson he taught me well. Thanks, Josh. As you can imagine he never became a famous rapper. In his thirst for fame and money, he got as close to it as he could by managing video girls. How fitting.
Breakups are not easy. They can be downright ugly, vicious, and painful.  If you’re fortunate enough to break up with your best friend consider yourself one of the lucky ones.  If you break up with the devil, well it’s a much bumpier road. But both roads lead to self-discovery and the ultimate wake up! Both roads lead to a newfound freedom and womanhood.  And sure enough, both roads lead to being that awesome, bad ass, fuck the world, dust myself off, whose next type of chick… And everybody wants to date her!!!
*** image courtesy of google
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YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19 ��.  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
"I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment."
"But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."
Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
 omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
"I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment."
"But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."
Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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But fr, cats are so amazing and I hate how they’re stereotyped as mean demons full of hatred that want to watch the world burn.
My baby kitty sleeps on my pillow every night to be close to me, and rests his head on mine. He gets excited when I get home and runs to greet me and say meow meow meow (roughly translates to “hi mom, I missed you”), and comes to me when I make the special kissy noises at him. He’s happy and loves head pets, he gives me kisses, he comforts me when I’m depressed or upset, he enjoys spending time with me, and he loves to play mouse-on-string-on-stick (now mouse-on-string-on-stick-with-duck-tape-on-ruler) together. He doesn’t randomly attack me or tear up everything he see’s. He’s calm, sweet, and yes, even caring (see “comforts me when I’m depressed/upset”).
Stop assuming all cats are the devil just because they don’t like you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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44 Writing Hacks From Some of the Greatest Writers Who Ever Lived
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44 Writing Hacks From Some of the Greatest Writers Who Ever Lived
Writing looks fun, but doing it professionally is hard. Like really hard. Why on earth am I doing this?-hard.
Which is probably why so many people want to write, yet so few actually do. But there are ways to make it easier, as many writers can tell you. Tricks that have been discovered over the centuries to help with this difficult craft.
In another industry, these tricks would be considered trade secrets. But writers are generous and they love to share (often in books about writing). They explain their own strategies for how to deal with writers block to how to make sure your computer never eats your manuscript. They give away this hard-won knowledge so that other aspiring writers wont have to struggle in the same way. Over my career, Ive tried to collect these little bits of wisdom in my commonplace book (also a writers trick which I picked up from Montaigne) and am grateful for the guidance theyve provided.
Below, Ive shared a collection of writing hacks from some amazing writers like Kurt Vonnegut, George Orwell, Stephen King, Elizabeth Gilbert, Anne Lamott, and Raymond Chandler. I hope its not too presumptuous but I snuck in a few of my own too (not that I think Im anywhere near as good as them).
Anyway, heres to making this tough job a tiny bit easier!
[*] When you have an idea for an article or a bookwrite it down. Dont let it float around in your head. Thats a recipe for losing it. As Beethoven is reported to have said, If I don’t write it down immediately I forget it right away. If I put it into a sketchbook I never forget it, and I never have to look it up again.
[*] The important thing is to start. At the end of John Fantes book Dreams from Bunker Hill, the character, a writer, reminds himself that if he can write one great line, he can write two and if he can write two he can write three, and if he can write three, he can write forever. He pauses. Even that seemed insurmountable. So he types out four lines from one of his favorite poems. What the hell, he says, a man has to start someplace.
[*] In fact, a lot of writers use that last technique. In Tobias Wolffs autobiographical novel Old School, the character types the passages from his favorite books just to know what it feels like to have those words flow through his fingertips. Hunter S. Thompson often did the same thing. This is another reason why technologies like ebooks and Evernote are inferior to physical interaction. Just highlighting something and saving it to a computer? Theres no tactile memory there.
[*] The greatest part of a writers time is spent in reading; a man will turn over half a library to make one book. Samuel Johnson
[*] Tim Ferriss has said that the goal for a productive writing life is two crappy pages a day. Just enough to make progress, not too ambitious to be intimidating.
[*] They say breakfast (protein) in the morning helps brain function. But in my experience, thats a trade-off with waking up and getting started right away. Apparently Kurt Vonnegut only ate after he worked for 2 hours. Maybe he felt like after that hed earned food.
[*] Michael Malice has advised dont edit while you write. I think this is good advice.
[*] In addition to making a distinction between editing and writing, Robert Greene advises to make an equally important distinction between research and writing. Trying to find where youre going while youre doing it is begging to get horribly lost. Writing is easier when the research is done and the framework has been laid out.
[*] Nassim Taleb wrote in Antifragile that every sentence in the book was a derivation, an application or an interpretation of the short maxim he opened with. THAT is why you want to get your thesis down and perfect. It makes the whole book/essay easier.
[*] Break big projects down into small, discrete chunks. As I am writing a book, I create a separate document for each chapter, as I am writing them. Its only later when I have gotten to the end that these chapters are combined into a single file. Why? The same reason it feels easier to swim seven sets of ten laps, than to swim a mile. Breaking it up into pieces makes it seem more achievable. The other benefit in writing? It creates a sense that each piece must stand on its own.
[*] Embrace what the strategist and theorist John Boyd called the draw-down period. Take a break right before you start. To think, to reflect, to doubt.
[*] On being a writer: All the days of his life he should be reading as faithfully as his partaking of food; reading, watching, listening. John Fante
[*] Dont get caught up with pesky details. When I am writing a draft, I try not to be concerned with exact dates, facts or figures. If I remember that a study conducted by INSERT UNIVERSITY found that XX% of businesses fail in the first FIVE/SIX? months, thats what I write (exactly like that). If I am writing that on June XX, 19XX Ronald Reagan gave his famous Tear Down This Wall speech in Berlin in front of XX,XXX people, thats how its going to look. Momentum is the most important thing in writing, so Ill fill the details in later. I just need to get the sentences down first. “Get through a draft as quickly as possible.” is how Joshua Wolf Shenk put it.
[*] Raymond Chandler had a trick of using small pieces of paper so he would never be afraid to start over. Also with only 12-15 lines per page, it forced economy of thought and actionwhich is why his stuff is so readable.
[*] In The Artists Way, Julia Cameron reminds us that our morning pages and our journaling dont count as writing. Just as walking doesnt count as exercise, this is just priming the pumpits a meditative experience. Make sure you treat it as such.
[*] Steven Pressfield said that he used to save each one of his manuscripts on a disk that hed keep in the glovebox of his car. Robert Greene told me he sometimes puts a copy of his manuscript in the trunk of his car just in case. I bought a fireproof gun safe and keep my stuff in therejust in case.
[*] My editor Niki Papadopoulos at Penguin: Its not what a book is. Its what a book does.
[*] While you are writing, read things totally unrelated to what youre writing. Youll be amazed at the totally unexpected connections youll make or strange things youll discover. As Shelby Foote put it in an interview with The Paris Review: I cant begin to tell you the things I discovered while I was looking for something else.
[*] Writing requires what Cal Newport calls deep workperiods of long, uninterrupted focus and creativity. If you dont give yourself enough of this time, your work suffers. He recommends recording your deep work time each dayso you actually know if youre budgeting properly.
[*] Software does not make you a better writer. Fuck Evernote. Fuck Scrivner. You dont need to get fancy. If classics were created with quill and ink, youll probably be fine with a Word Document. Or a blank piece of paper. Dont let technology distract you. As Joyce Carol Oates put it in an interview, Every writer has written by hand until relatively recent times. Writing is a consequence of thinking, planning, dreaming this is the process that results in writing, rather than the way in which the writing is recorded.
[*] Talk about the ideas in the work everywhere. Talk about the work itself nowhere. Dont be the person who tweets Im working on my novel. Be too busy writing for that. Helen Simpson has Faire et se taire from Flaubert on a Post-it near her desk, which she translates as Shut up and get on with it.
[*] Why cant you talk about the work? Its not because someone might steal it. Its because the validation you get on social media has a perverse effect. Youll less likely to put in the hard work to complete something that youve already been patted (or patted yourself) on the back for.
[*] When you find yourself stuck with writers block, pick up the phone and call someone smart and talk to them about whatever the specific area youre stuck with is. Not that youre stuck, but about the topic. By the time you put your phone down, youll have plenty to write. (As Seth Godin put it, nobody gets talkers block.)
[*] Keep a commonplace book with anecdotes, stories and quotes you can always usefrom inspiration to directly using in your writing. And these can be anything. H.L. Mencken for example, would methodically fill a notebook with incidents, recording scraps of dialogue and slang, columns from the New York Sun.
[*] As you write down quotes and observations in your commonplace book, make sure to do it by hand. As Raymond Chandler wrote, when you have to use your energy to put words down, you are more apt to make them count.
[*] Elizabeth Gilbert has a good trick for cutting: As you go along, Ask yourself if this sentence, paragraph, or chapter truly furthers the narrative. If not, chuck it. And as Stephen King famously put it, kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribblers heart, kill your darlings.
[*] Strenuous exercise everyday. For me, and for a lot of other writers, its running. Novelist Don DeLillo told The Paris Review how after writing for four hours, he goes running to shake off one world and enter another. Joyce Carol Oates, in her ode to running, said that the twin activities of running and writing keep the writer reasonably sane and with the hope, however illusory and temporary, of control.
[*] Ask yourself these four questions from George Orwell: What am I trying to say? What words will express it? What image or idiom will make it clearer? Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? Then finish with these final two questions: Could I put it more shortly? Have I said anything that is avoidably ugly?
[*] As a writer you need to make use of everything that happens around you and use it as material. Make use of Seinfelds question: Im never not working on material. Every second of my existence, I am thinking, Can I do something with that?
[*] Airplanes with no wifi are a great place to write and even better for editing. Because there is nowhere to go and nothing else to do.
[*] Print and put a couple of important quotes up on the wall to help guide you (either generally, or for a specific project). Heres a quote from a scholar describing why Ciceros speeches were so effective which I put on my wall while I was writing my first book. At his best [Cicero] offered a sustained interest, a constant variety, a consummate blend of humour and pathos, of narrative and argument, of description and declamation; while every part is subordinated to the purpose of the whole, and combines, despite its intricacy of detail, to form a dramatic and coherent unit. (emphasis mine)
[*] Focus on what youre saying, worry less about how. As William March wrote in The Bad Seed, A great novelist with something to say has no concern with style or oddity of presentation.
[*] A little trick I came up with. After every day of work, I save my manuscript as a new file (for example: EgoIsTheEnemy2-26.docx) which is saved on my computer and in Dropbox (before Dropbox, I just emailed it to myself). This way I keep a running record of the evolution of book. It comforts me that I can always go back if I mess something up or if I have to turn back around.
[*] Famous ad-man David Ogilvy put it bluntly: Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.
[*] Envision who you are writing this for. Like really picture them. Dont go off in a cave and do this solely for yourself. As Kurt Vonnegut put it in his interview with The Paris Review: …every successful creative person creates with an audience of one in mind. Thats the secret of artistic unity. Anybody can achieve it, if he or she will make something with only one person in mind.
[*] Do not chase exotic locations to do some writing. Budd Schulbergs novel The Disenchanted about his time with F. Scott Fitzgerald expresses the dangers well: It was a time everyone was pressing wonderful houses on us. I have a perfectly marvelous house for you to write in, theyd say. Of course no one needs marvelous houses to write in. I still knew that much. All you needed was one room. But somehow the next house always beckoned.”
[*] True enough, though John Fante said that when you get stuck writing, hit the road.
[*] Commitments (at the micro-level) are important too. An article a week? An article a month? A book a year? A script every six weeks? Pick something, but commit to itpublicly or contractually. Quantity produces quality, as Ray Bradbury put it.
[*] Dont ever write anything you dont like yourself and if you do like it, dont take anyones advice about changing it. They just dont know. Raymond Chandler
[*] Neil Strauss and Tucker Max gave me another helpful iteration of that idea (which I later learned is from Neil Gaiman): When someone tells you something is wrong with your writing, theyre usually right. When they tell you how to fix it, theyre almost always wrong.
[*] Ogilvy had another good rule: Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.
[*] Print out the work and edit it by hand as often as possible. It gives you the readers point of view.
[*] Hemingway advised fellow writer Thomas Wolfe to break off work when you ‘are going good.’Then you can rest easily and on the next day easily resume. Brian Koppelman (Rounders, Billions) has referred to this as stopping on wet edge. It staves off the despair the next day.
[*] Keep the momentum: Never stop when you are stuck. You may not be able to solve the problem, but turn aside and write something else. Do not stop altogether. Jeanette Winterson
That taps me out for now. But every time I read I compile a few more notecards. Ill update you when Ive got another round to share.
In the meantime, stop reading stuff on the internet and get back to writing!
But if you have a second…share your own tips below.
Read more: http://thoughtcatalog.com/
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Guest Speaker
Nadav Kander
4th October 2016
The first guest lecture of the series was Nadav Kander, a prominent portrait photographer the talk was set out as a question and answer format allowing Daniel our lecture to guide the talk and to think of interesting questions to ask which will benefit us. It was a real being able to listen to such a successful photographer and to pick up points and tips throughout the talk, allowing me to delve into the world of photography and learn about his career path. It was interesting to learn that in 1977 while Daniel was at university he saw one of Kander’s portraits which was a portrait which was the beginning of the photographer’s recognisable style. This was about the time that Kander was moving from landscapes to portraits but it was motivating to learn that this was not conscious of the time and the move to portraiture happened instinctively, making me think about how important it is to follow your instincts. I found it inspiring to hear that he built his way up in the industry by starting as an assistant and began to fall in love with the machines of a camera and wanted to use the instrument further.  This talk was emphasising how the industry is changing and that at the time when Kander was starting out photography was merely seen as a craft and not to be exhibited as art, which helps me think about how the photography industry is continually evolving and its unpredictable of where it will lead to.
Throughout the talk Kander provided us with some tips and advice on how to succeed with in the photography world, he talked about how persistence is key to prove your worth and to succeed. This tip is definitely something I need to remember and to be persistent with my ambitions to start a company. Something which was touched upon a lot during the talk was his recognisable style, in particular his lighting which made him different, he aspired to use lighting in creative ways when photographing people and create recognisable atmosphere with his portraits. As a practitioner he was interested in capturing an instant, hunting for the picture and capturing something people could get a feeling from. Although, he was talking about his photographic style which makes him unique and his photographers be adopt his own consistent style, it made me think about how important it is for the company I create with Alex to have a recognisable style, standing out from the other creative companies and being recognisable to us. But also for a photographer this recognisable style is something which as an agent I can look for, to find photographers who have their distinctive niche.
Another aspect of the conversation between Daniel and Kander which caught my attention was how as a photographer he has to adapt to the different characters he photographs, wanting to find a connection to them and to really search to find a truth in the sitter and to use this to communicate a feeling and an emotion in the photograph. It was interesting to learn that he looks for specific details like hands of the sitter to create authentic and intuitive portraits. What he spoke about was that a lot of actor’s wont let him photographer them as they are not the ones calling the shots, which really highlights the search for truth in the sitter and to present a true representation of the sitter to the viewer. The conversations around his portraiture and wanting to create an authentic representation of the sitter, it was clear that with his practice he was thinking about the audience and how they read the photographs. In other words, being motivated in his practice to communicate an emotion or message to the viewer. I think this is really inspiring and allows his work to be unique, he has an ambition to communicate realities and truths again highlighting how important it is for a photographer to find their motivation and create their dynamic style. Again something myself and Alex need to think about with our company but also this idea of thinking about the audience and their experience of an image helps me think about being a curator and inspires me to really think about the experience an exhibition is communicating.
Something which was really useful in this talk was he spoke about how he thinks about his exhibitions and that when selecting portraits for exhibitions the primary areas he thinks about is a book and an exhibition and how the portraiture is retrospective.  In particular, he spoke about an exhibition he curated, which had no glass and was blown up on a huge wall playing with scale and perspective. Allowing me to think about how important it is to be creative when curating exhibitions by Kander not using glass allows his exhibition to automatically be organic and refreshing from the tradition of frames work in an exhibition, allowing him to stand out.  I have learnt the importance to curate in a way which allows the exhibition the be interesting and eye-catching something which will influence me with future curations. Another bit of advice he gave was to keep things real and to let things respond to the process, if you are always wondering what someone else thinks that’s when work doesn’t hold together. You have to have a starting and finishing point. This provides me with knowledge about how important it is to plan and go with your instincts but to also plan and to have objectives which is something I need to do with both curation and with the company I want to start, I need to plan and follow my instincts.
Towards the end of the talk he touched upon the reason for his long and successful career, which he considered to be his versatility, in his gut he wont take jobs if he doesn’t have an idea. Which allows me to think about how important it is to stand out in the photography community and to be able to develop and grow with the constantly evolving photography industry. This is something I really need to consider with the company and to create a platform which is unique and versatile, which can adapt and evolve as the industry changes. As I am interested in going into the agency industry it has been beneficial to understand what is behind the success of Nadav Kander, and has helped me learn about the importance for a photography to be versatile and to have a recognisable style both aspects I need to consider when looking for photographers to represent. Finally, the question and answer format of this talk allowed me to keep engaged with the conversation something which has given me the ideas to put on artists talks in our future gallery space but this has shown me the success of the Question and Answer format to keep the audience engaged and feel apart of the conversation.  
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YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
"I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment."
"But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."
Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
 omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
"I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment."
"But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."
Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea
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But fr, cats are so amazing and I hate how they’re stereotyped as mean demons full of hatred that want to watch the world burn.
My baby kitty sleeps on my pillow every night to be close to me, and rests his head on mine. He gets excited when I get home and runs to greet me and say meow meow meow (roughly translates to “hi mom, I missed you”), and comes to me when I make the special kissy noises at him. He’s happy and loves head pets, he gives me kisses, he comforts me when I’m depressed or upset, he enjoys spending time with me, and he loves to play mouse-on-string-on-stick (now mouse-on-string-on-stick-with-duck-tape-on-ruler) together. He doesn’t randomly attack me or tear up everything he see’s. He’s calm, sweet, and yes, even caring (see “comforts me when I’m depressed/upset”).
Stop assuming all cats are the devil just because they don’t like you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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yourooofdrpandthesandstones yourooofdrpandthesandstones YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.comYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.com e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch <[email protected]> 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com Virus-free. www.avast.com  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch <[email protected]> 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon Stockbroker: I need a vacation. Tourist: I'm already on one. Stockbroker: Get out of my office. #tags Axl: Welcome to the jungle. Customer: We'd like a table for two, please. Axl: Your table is right this way.
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yourooofdrpandthesandstones ​ yourooofdrpandthesandstones ​YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.comYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.com e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch <[email protected]> 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com Virus-free. www.avast.com  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch <[email protected]> 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon ​ Stockbroker: I need a vacation. Tourist: I'm already on one. Stockbroker: Get out of my office. ​ #tags​Axl: Welcome to the jungle. Customer: We'd like a table for two, please. Axl: Your table is right this way.
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yourooofdrpandthesandstones YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.comYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.com e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com Virus-free. www.avast.com  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon Stockbroker: I need a vacation. Tourist: I'm already on one. Stockbroker: Get out of my office. #tags
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yourooofdrpandthesandstones ​YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.comYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.com e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch <[email protected]> 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com Virus-free. www.avast.com  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch <[email protected]> 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon​Stockbroker: I need a vacation. Tourist: I'm already on one. Stockbroker: Get out of my office.​#tags
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[email protected]   Fb facebook.com 12018509221 address number pakiU2Ni   BlueHai5  oOof old [email protected] chrIs coal best skate boarder IN$th$world -  YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIchDan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amenEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLikeShow more reactions· Reply · Remove Preview · 12mEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLike· Reply · Remove Preview · 9mEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLike · Reply · Remove Preview · 5wVirus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.comYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIchDan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amenEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLikeShow more reactions· Reply · Remove Preview · 12mEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLike· Reply · Remove Preview · 9mEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLike · Reply · Remove Preview · 5wVirus-free. www.avast.com e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez14 hrs · About this websiteNYMAG.COMJust This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable ActsLikeCommentShareCommentsWrite a comment...Lindsey Graham6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings."I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment.""But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."YOUTUBE.COMGraham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteriaGrowing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…808808744 Comments67 SharesLikeCommentVirus-free. www.avast.complease send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawerdan papIch <[email protected]>12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)to nackerfoodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/worstcooks.com_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.comVirus-free. www.avast.com  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]>1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)to nackerI dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez14 hrs · About this websiteNYMAG.COMJust This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable ActsLikeCommentShareCommentsWrite a comment...Lindsey Graham6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings."I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment.""But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."YOUTUBE.COMGraham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteriaGrowing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…808808744 Comments67 SharesLikeCommentVirus-free. www.avast.complease send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawerdan papIch <[email protected]>12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)to nackerfoodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/worstcooks.com_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIchDan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amenEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLikeShow more reactions· Reply · Remove Preview · 12mEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLike· Reply · Remove Preview · 9mEdit or delete thisFacebook - Log In or Sign UpFacebook - Log In or Sign UpLike · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring seafall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon
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YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert
e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
"I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment."
"But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."
Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
 omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones
dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge  
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <
1:38 PM (4 minutes ago)
to nacker
I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge
Mary Jimenez
14 hrs
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Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts
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Lindsey Graham
6 hrs
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings.
"I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment."
"But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election."
Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria
Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina…
please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer
dan papIch <
12:05 PM (0 minutes ago)
to nacker
foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________foodnetwork/
_____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/
oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and
And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont
Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch
8 mins ·
Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch
Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and
address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen
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mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea
fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon
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YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.comYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.com e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com Virus-free. www.avast.com  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon
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