#he’d probably be just as enthusiastic about explaining what the media means/how it was made/etc as he would be watching it :)
ectoplasmer · 1 year
voicing how I get insecure over the fact that I can’t handle horror as well as the bakurae can because i’m a wimp and having a 50/50 chance of being met with a response like “oh no that’s fine!! that just means you’re more sane than me” or “you haven’t seen nor experienced nearly the amount things I have but yes you are a wimp”
#</3#i just…. get worried that i’m letting them down if i’m not enjoying weird creepy things like they do#i can handle horror movies because that’s more of a ‘controlled’ environment and i know it’s fake#it’s more like… those youtube videos that talk about analog horror or unsolved mysteries etc#sometimes even those videos that are meant to be art projects#the ones that seem more grounded in reality if that makes sense??#heck i say that but i still get spooked by videos about lost media o_o#listen. as a child who had unlimited access to the internet at a young age#that dumb candle cove creepypasta literally ruined me#anyway i know it really doesn’t matter because i love them and i’m pretty sure they’d still love me even if i can’t handle some scary things#but my brain is mean and never allows me to live down anything so#i personally think bakura would like having an excuse to act all tough and protective for me#(even if the body he inhabits probably has a vitamin d deficiency lol)/lh#he’s kind of been stripped of everything that made him powerful and threatening#so if he gets to still behave as such towards nonexistent threats over his fraidy-cat of a girlfriend i think he’d be satisfied <3#and i know ryou would be happy to cuddle me until i calmed down#he’d probably be just as enthusiastic about explaining what the media means/how it was made/etc as he would be watching it :)#it’d… also probably make him feel good getting to ‘protect’ me from those kinds of fears lol#anyway (x2). why did typing this out actually calm me down a little#woahhh distraction methods actually work what a surprise#anyway hi tumblr i’m alive happy new year hope you’re all doing well <333#spooky ghosts#four of spades
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adcrias-blog · 5 years
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kim jiyeon/kei + cisfemale + she/her + computer virus physiology.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear q&a by cherry bullet  playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just jane kwon, a twenty-three year old student intern. according to my sources, i heard she can be chaotic good and is earnest, but also nosy. that’s probably why they remind everyone of colourful video games, burnt photographs, the wind rushing through your hair so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re in favor of the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them !
hello !! i’m sarah and i’m super excited to be here it’s been like 2 seconds and everything on the dash has me like :O !! but if you wanna plot hmu <33
so jane comes from an upper class family, her father is a successful ceo of a media company and her mother was one of his employees until and after they were married and had jane.
her father was always a workaholic with constant hours in the office while her mother was far more reasonable, balancing her time between being with jane and being at work. when neither parent was at home, she had a nanny to look after her.
everything was fine for a while until jane’s parents began fighting. sometimes it was about little things, like who forgot to tell the maid that the study was off-limits or who was supposed to change jane’s nappy when the nanny wasn’t on the clock. sometimes it was bigger things, like when her father’s workaholic tendencies were brought up and he’d constantly defend himself against accusations that he didn’t care about his family, or when he thought her mother was cheating on him and demanded to know where she was at all times at all hours of the day.
jane’s mother eventually became sick of the controlling behaviour and lashed out. to this day, jane isn’t sure what happened despite being a witness to it. one second, her father was standing upright in the kitchen, and then he was suddenly on the other side of the penthouse, sprawled on the ground, but still conscious.
jane’s father ordered her to go to her room, so she isn’t entirely sure what happened next. all she knew was that the next day, her mother and all her stuff was gone and her father offered no explanation. it wasn’t until she was a little older that she realised her mother was a super.
her father’s had a hatred for supers since that day, or maybe he already wasn’t fond of them and the ordeal with her mother just cemented the whole thing. either way, he would either rant about them when they were mentioned on tv or just flat-out ignored their existence. jane didn’t share his opinions, especially after she realised that her mother -- the parent who genuinely cared for her -- was forced out of her life because of that mentality
since her father wasn’t around, jane was allowed free reign of the penthouse from a young age. she had nannies when she was younger, but they had no issues with her doing what she wanted since she was polite.
that being said, she didn’t let any super friends she had in her home, for their own sakes.
due to her father’s work, she took an interest in media and technology from a young age, and while she was interested in all aspects, computer science was her main focus, and she decided that she wanted her future career to revolve around that
unfortunately for her, her father was adamant on her selecting the high school classes he wanted for her, then the university he wanted for her as well as her major and classes etc etc, claiming that it was because he had an interest in her future and education, but she called bullshit on that
he gave her an ultimatum: do as he says and be fine or choose her own path and have to start from scratch, earning her own money and living in a place she has to pay for. he believed she wouldn’t want to be rid of the lavish lifestyle and told her to think about it
jokes on him tho she was gone by the time he got home from work the next day
jane’s intention was to grab her money from her bank account before her father froze it, moving it into another account that was under her name and her name only. when doing so, she asked for a rundown of her account activity and was surprised to learn that money wasn’t just coming in from her father, but another unknown source
she sorta put this discovery on the back burner while she got herself sorted out, enrolled at university and rented herself an apartment, etc etc
after all that’s done, though, she decided to track down this unknown source, believing and hoping that it was her mother and so the Hunt™ began
computer science student by day, nancy drew by night tbh
this investigation probably led her into seedy parts of town, probably got her into a few scuffles, ruffled a few feathers, but she didn’t really care about that, she was determined to find out who this person was
her search led her back to her father’s place, which was easy to get into since he was hardly ever home, and after going through his draws decided to search his computer
she found some files that were confidential, but they were protected by a bunch of code, and by this point she was frustrated so she just let out a sigh and leaned her hand on one of the computer wires
and boom she was sucked into the computer
there’s obviously more to it than that but long story short, she was inside the computer, staring at this wall made of code, and when she waved her hands a certain way, she could make it move
it still took a while, but she unlocked the code faster than she would have on the outside, and when she went in she found files and exchange receipts that pointed to her mother being in a research facility
when she went home and researched on her own, however, she found that the facility was abandoned a long time ago, leaving her at a dead end
she’s still thinking about finding her mother of course, but with no new leads and her internship to deal with, it’s been put on the back burner
ever since she found out she was a super, however, she’s wanted to help the heroes in any way she can, she just doesn’t know how to approach them
that’s why she chose to do her internship at haggis tech, as she heard the rumours that heroes tended to frequent the place
she hasn’t revealed her powers to anyone yet, only because her father’s attitude towards supers made her somewhat paranoid, even though she probably has friends who are supers etc etc, she just doesn’t want her father to find out and maybe even get rid of her like he did with her mother
jane is very bright and enthusiastic person, always ready to take on a new challenge, even if she’s in over her head
she insists on helping and can be pretty stubborn about it, which sometimes rubs people the wrong way, but it all comes from a good place
she’s also kind of a dumbass who will put herself in danger if it means saving someone else, she’s very self-sacrificing and i’m surprised she isn’t dead yet tbh
despite being an outgoing person, she doesn’t confide in others much. i doubt anyone really knows about her investigation, nor what situations she’s gotten into during it. she’s the type of person who wants to hear how you’re doing and what you’ve been doing
she can be super whiny, though, a small remnant of when she was given everything on a silver platter. it usually happens when someone’s denying her information or access to something
so jane has computer virus physiology but imma try and explain how it works for her specifically let’s see if i’m coherent
VARIANT: CONTROL/ORDER: the type of virus jane is. rather than destroying everything in her path, she can take control of the system and everything within it, providing she isn’t interrupted, of course. she can move things, delete things, and she’s currently working on being able to add things, but it’s a work in progress
CABLE TRAVEL: the way jane can enter a computer system is via the wires attached to it, so she sort of rides the current, so to speak. if that computer is connected to wires that connect to another computer, she can travel to the second computer without returning to the real world
POWER-UP: she can grant herself power-ups for a limited time by reconstructing her data while she’s in the computer. this power-up will follow her into the real world, but will drain faster than if she was still inside the system
WEAKNESSES: if she’s in the computer and someone shuts it down, she shuts down with it until the power is restored. system crashes are the most dangerous as the data becomes harder to control and it’s possible that the system will shut down and never reboot, leaving her trapped inside for eternity. strong anti-viruses are also a major threat and can potentially kill her for good
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