#he’s replaced in adrien’s life because i feel his emotions so viscerally they’re entangled with mine
bittersweetresilience · 5 months
for the ship ask game...
feligami 🦚🐉
HI SELKIE 💘💓💗 let’s go into my room and sit on my bed. i have snacks 🥰
What made you ship it?
i didn’t ship feligami until very recently, since i have strong feelings about arocoded félix, but while i was making amvs i saw how many times they held hands and my heart was swayed.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
i don’t ship it enough to have an answer for this question 🤣 get nina in here. nina has essays on essays about queerness and abuse recovery. i suppose my answer is the hand holding.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i have strong feelings about this one too. they would not have kids ‼️ they would not get married ‼️ down with the nuclear family ‼️
(ship ask game)
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